Miguel Serrano collected works
Kennings & Codings channeled through the blazing summer of 23'
AUG 24, 2023
For the LucifAryan— Life in this overlay is navigating through a Sea of Symbolism; though we live in density we too move through a fluid stream of astral codes within the Æther-space that await the attention of the Activated Aryan who has reached a high enough note within the Song of their Sol that than gifts them the diamond intuition required in order to detect & decipher the meaning behind & within all things that arise & transpire seemingly from the orchestration of the Otherworld.
The forgotten Language of the Venusian is telepathic & symbolic— and as the Mæstro has said :
With that, I wish to divulge some Venusian Magick that transpired most epically in the Month of Venus aka the Month of ‘Minne’ as May is the 5th month of the calendar year— 5 is the Polar number of Hyperborea, as 5 is to represent the Æther currency native to the Venusian Race; 5 represents the Center of AllEverything from which all things derive. This is so, because the 4 elements of this realm that we are familiar with- Earth, Air, Fire & Water, when harmonized—create the 5th element; Æther. Which is truly the first as its the Totality of the 4 and therefore AllEverything. With that breakdown you can see how the 4 are the guardians of the 5th—like the center of the Swastika with 4 rotating arms, the center of the Celtic Clover protected by 4 lucky petals—the 5th is the Center; the Totality of AllEverything which is why 5 is the Polar number of Hyperborea. Its to symbolize the Origin & the currency/Magick native to that Origin.
The Symbol of the Swastika, which reveals the 4 arms that circle the center reflect back the Polar Number of Hyperborea ( 5 ). This is why the Swastika is the Principle Code of our Venusian Origin which has the Power to reorient the sleeping Aryan back to the Center of All Truth. The Dance of the Swastika that we see when the Big Dipper circles the Pole Star in the Night Sky astrally reflects back the Truth of this Ancient Venusian Coding.
The 4 is the 5 and the 5 is the Center, the Origin; AllEverything which is Æther— the Living Life Force of the Ancient Hyperboreans. We also see the truth of this Venusian Coding reflecting back to us when we look to the Mercator Map with the 4 Guardian Islands surrounding Thule; the Northern most part of our Ancient Origin.
The number 8 is also extremly symbolic for the Venusian/Hyperborean as its the symbol for Infinity; Eternity & Immortality. 8 is the ‘Infinite Signature’ withholding divine significance to the Venusian Story, as the Venusian is Orphic in nature and holds within a template of HE/SHE Solar-Technology. Black Sun/Gold Sun; Father/Mother; Alpha/Omega; Morning Star/Evening Star ——
It is no coincidence why 88 is revered by the Folk, but its significance stretches beyond what many may even know, as the profundity of its power is revealed in code.
H is the 8th letter in the alphabet—H is also Hagal, the Swastika, the Clover, the 4 Islands of Thule— which is again, the 5; the Center, the Origin—AllEverything. Can you see how the Venusian coding all kinnects through a symbolism that is ‘too intelligent to be rational?’……
HH is 88; but beyond the correlation with it in relation to our great Aryan Guide; HH is the double Swastika of HE/SHE; Double Hagal; Total Man/Total Woman— it is the fusion of the Orphic Pair to create something “never dreamed of by even the greatest utopians”. It is the code of A-Mor.
A-Mor: is made up of a = without and mor = death. It means Without-Death, Eternal Life, Resurrection, Immortality. It was the initiatory doctrine of the Troubadours, the Minnesänger and the Fedele d’ Amore. It was a kind of Tantrism, a Magic Love that came from the original homeland and was taught in Hyperborea by the Priestesses of A-Mor, such as Allouine.
I innerstand with totality that the lightning of this message is beyond the reception of most, for it is not for all, these words are written solely for the Initiates of the Polar Star. As all of this can not be grasped through the iron mind of the rationalist—the fallen mind that devoured the Primordial Mind of the Hyperborean due to the catastrophe that sunk the Ancient Mind & Memory. The Venusian Template is highly Symbolic & Telepathic— that which requires the Odinic Eye that awakens for the “too-few” in the desperate nadir of the dark age of Kali.
The Aryan; the Ancient Hyperborean —is the Living Expression of this Venusian Symbolism; We again, see this visually with the HAGAL Rune ( ᛤ ) that which is to represent the Solar Hero ( Lucifer/Votan) who fell into this time world, sacrificing himself on the four planes of matter ( Earth, Air, Fire, Water ) — the I ; the ‘Selbst’—is seen as the Pole, the Center, the ‘Ich’; the Solar Extraterrestrial sacrificed on the cross ( X ) Hagal/Iggdrasil; the ‘fall’, the great divide, the ‘sacrifice’ brought the seasons and time as is the result when Eternity divides. The Sun ( the Black Sun ) and the Son of the Sun ( Lucifer/Votan) who is also Lilith/Freya ; HE/SHE —the One & All …become the elementals/archetypes that are now 4 ( Earth, Air, Fire & Water )
The 4 elementals create the Zodiacal Wheel of the 12 Archetypes—the 12 rays of the Black Sun of ILU.
6 pairs of opposites; 6 HE’s & 6 SHE’s, 6 masculine signs/archetypes; 6 feminine signs/archetypes——all revealing the Story; the Ancient Hyperborean Saga that tells of a separation, a partition, a division, a tragedy of a lost totality that began before the dawn of the ages.
The division of the Hyperborean HE+SHE brought about the descent into this time world of entropy losing kinnection with the Extraterrestrial Wisdom; the Wisdom of Divinity, Eternity & Immortality— the Wisdom of A-Mor. Slowly but surely we slipped further away into the vast deserts of Maya entirely forgetting our Stellar Origin and the Great Tragedy of the Orphic Partition that led us into this depraved state of involution & amnesia.
The LucifAryan’s Story is- Astrological, Mythological, Symbolic & Alchemical. Its the Great Opus; the Hieros Gamos of the Star Complementaries and therefore also the Marriage of the corresponding Elementals. This is the Magick Love of A-mor.
Every Hyperborean HE and every Hyperborean SHE is a Swastika (࿖) ; A Polar|Solar Divinity Sacrificed on the 4 planes of matter—so they too are HAGAL (ᚼ) — One & the same; Runic & Highly Symbolic.
HAGAL can also be seen in the ‘Squatter Man’ petroglyphs that have been carved in caves & mountains in times of antiquity— Plasma Scientists say this was the ancients way of recording what they seen in the skies preluding to a plasma flash/catastrophe.
V is 5 in Roman numerals and therefore HAGAL—interesting how many V words feel inherently kinnected to Aryanism— Vril, Venus, Valor, Victory.
VV is 55 and is the coding of the Hyperborean HE & SHE
Total-Man; HAGAL-ᛤ; 卍 V/5
Total-Woman; HAGAL-ᛤ 卍 V/5
MAN & YR Rune— ᛉ + ᛦ ; He & She divided——MAN & YR Unified creates ᚼ HAGAL.
MAN ( He/ El ) + YR ( She/Ella ) = HAGAL ( Graal, Iggdrasil, Irminsul ) ᛤ
The Hyperborean Ideal actualized.
HE & SHE ; United & Seperated forever
The Golden Age Returns— of Rhea & Kronos; Theia & Hyperion—Votan & Freya!
HEIL ODAL! God has been given a face! ᛟ
We see the VV (55) Hyperborean Alchemy symbolically through the Union/Marriage of the complimentary Elementals.
Of the 4 elements of this world—
WATER & EARTH ARE THE FEMININE SIGNS; therefore their Triangles are pointing down symbolic for ‘Sophias Fall’ ; Orphic Partition
FIRE & AIR ARE THE MASCULINE SIGNS ; the Masculine Elements are Triangles pointing up
His arms outstretched to the heavens ( MAN ) ᛉ
And Her descent into matter ( YR ) ᛦ
This is why when harmonizing the complimentary Star Signatures based off their shared Planetary Home it will always reveal a Masculine Element fused with a Feminine Element—an Ascending Triangle & a Descending Triangle—creating the perfect Harmony and therefore the lost Totality— the Infinite Signature; an Orphic Redemption through Hyperborean Elemental Alchemy.
An example of this Orphic Flame Alchemy let us look to the Wandering Star/ Planet of Mercury; Mercury is the home to the Feminine Earth sign Virgo & the Masculine Air sign Gemini.
This Star Union is the Alchemy that creates HAGAL ᛤ this Star Union is the Graal.
The Viking & His Valkyrie.
Ask & Embla ; Æ
The Orphic Myth of A-Mor
Total-Man ( HE ) + Total-Woman ( SHE ) equates to the World Tree Iggdrasil; that which is HAGAL; Irminsul—Original Memory of Sól; Original Love of Sól ; Ir-Minne-Sól.
This Great Alchemy is an Initiatory Love Story designed by Destiny for the 12 Masters of the ILU Sun of AllEverything—
“When every He finds his She the great wrong will be made right”.
This is the Heart of the Graal sought by the Blue Bloods of Hyperborea. All that has been shared here is a Gnosis that is decrypted only by the intellect of an Odinic Mind as it is the Language of the Giants— an Orphic equation of Runic Magick and an Elemental Science that is underway through Prophecy with the Solar Alchemy of the influence of the coming age of Aquarius.
HAGAL is the Alchemy of the Piscean Age—where the trapped Divyas undergo an inner Alchemy of fusing He/She within—priming their Sól for the Alchemic’s of the Aquarian Age—which is VENERIS ; 2 HAGALS ( Total Man/ Total Woman FUSED— GIVING GOD A FACE! The Orphic Pair United & separated forever; the 8 spoked wheel; Orphic Star of Morning & Evening; El Ella/ Ella El ; MANU-TARA
For this Hyperborean Magick Votan sacrificed himself on the World Tree/Iggdrasil to attain and regain for the descendants of the Stellar Venusian Lineage. This is Venusian Magick Love & the Orphism of A-Mor.
We also receive the transmission of this Truth with the National Socialist coding of the SS; 2 SIG Runes-ᛋᛋ
A Lighting bolt that is of the creative energy of the HE ᛋ
A Lighting bolt that is of the creative energy of the SHE ᛋ
Unified this runic equation creates ODAL ᛟ
Also symbolic for the Kryst Light; the Æther Force ( VRIL )
The Lost Magick of Hyperborea
The Plasma Currency of the Venusians
If this all still reads complex that is due to the fact that the organ capable of comprehending the Language of the Giants may still require time to fully ripen and function to its highest capacity. Always remember that wisdom implants subconsciously— what doesn’t make sense in this moment may be tomorrows grand AH-HA breakthrough moment that grants deeper clarity to the Hyperborean Mystery.
All that I have just revealed I streamed forth with the intention for the Venusian Gnosis via the Runic codes to implant within the subconscious of the Initiates Higher Mind, Body & Sol—fine-tuning you to the Language of the Giants and the ways in which this lost Hyperborean Wisdom presents itself to us within the sludge of the times, through conduits that take shape in the body of an artist, whether it be through music, cinema, nature, or a familiar stranger who knowingly or unknowingly triggers the forgotten Memory through a Symbolic gesture that serves to jog the memory latent within.
May is the Month of Minne, therefore it is the Month of Memory and the Month of Love; May is then the month reserved for the Hyperborean to conjure through any means necessary the Memory of the Love lost. As we know— this is the drive that keeps us alive & fighting, the mission in matter and the very Alchemy of the current tides.
Synchronistically, on the first day of May I found myself in a music venue profoundly impacted by a past music infatuation that suddenly held more meaning than I ever considered possible. All at once I realized that this meaning was a subconscious call to all that I would discover in my future Awakening— making a full circle with a grand Ah-Ha moment of serendipitous ecstasy that can only be attained through the Eye of the Initiate.
I can only hope that you have been gifted those rare, diamond moments within this dreary, sterile world— where a synchronistic code that has been following you your entire life has reached a crux moment where its meaning was profoundly realized from the abyssal spaces of your Highest Mind. Like a song you heard your whole life and have only now just realized its deep significance in correlation to you and your individual Solar Mythos.
I met this moment resounding from within a gothic-ballad that poured like warm lava from the melodic reverberations of an adored Voice I first acquainted with in my adolescent years.
The being to which I speak is a man who goes by the name Ville Valo aka VV. 55— an Arctic Gothic Rock God from Finland who has captivated the attention of people worldwide for the deep, romantic, otherworldly music he crafts and masters to then serve as his gift to this world.
Vocalist to the band H.I.M — His Infernal Majesty; a name that now deeply & intuitively proclaims its Luciferic Coding to the present day-Awakened me. Because HIM is really just synonymous with Lucifer for those who are attuned to SEE. A Venusian Light-bearer burning in time with Gothic Love Ballads that speak to the Love Memory/Minne.
Anyone who knows—knows that to know H.I.M, it to Love Him. Even the most burly of men in secret feel a nostalgic affinity to his music through the feeling that it conjures within unlike any other. And the reason ‘why’ ( I believe ) extends beyond mere matrix idolatry. I feel this fascination & adoration stems from a resonance to the keys latent within his coded streams that serve to activate a Hyperborean Minne— a Love/Blood Memory.
This spontaneous realization occurred to me as I immediately recognized the Hyperborean Coding through Ville’s recent Solo Project titled- VV ( 55 ) In a flash moment— it all hit my Sol with the highest notes of supreme clarity ——The mass infatuation and the prolonged & growing awe within me wasn’t just a normal response to another artist of this iron dream, this magnetic pull was a spiritual response that I presume all pilgrims feel when vibing in the High Magick of a Venusian Minnesänger— to which I’m thoroughly convinced, Mr. Valo most certainly is.
To meet my conviction let us dive into the nostalgic melancholy that is the song ‘Loves Requiem’.
(Requiem- ‘ an act or token of remembrance’)——
The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
And that hope will be our love's requiem
We pray to the serpent of delight desperately
The questions are answered, and we try not to weep
Until we are sure we're suffering for love
In the dungeon of our dreams, we're so weak
The promise made to be broken still haunts our sleep
We won't open our eyes, afraid we would die for love again
The heart of darkness is hope of finding you there
And that hope will be our love's requiem
Every Watcher of the Aurora knows Hope is found within our Loves Memory
As ‘Memory is the only Paradise from which we can never be expelled’.
It took my Polar Initiation to alas see why I held such a fascination to this music that managed to encapsulate the fundamental themes that illustrate the Heart of the Hyperborean Story— the Love lost, Death, Resurrection & Immortality——all things VENUSIAN/LUCIFARYAN.
How curious it is for something so blatant to be missed by a partial consciousness, to which now hits as a bolt of lightening so glaringly obvious….
Just looking back to H.I.M’s 2007 album ‘Venus Doom’ and the song
‘Venus ( in our blood )’
“Her heavens a lie to those who threw away the key
Her God is alive and well when the higher believes
And you cant damn the river of her dreams
Or understand the divine words she speaks
Venus denies your seven towers above dark waters
You cant quench her thirst with the fear of hiding away from the day
Venus denies you in your dark waters
The moon kissed the sun and now we hold her in our blood”
In Truth I can share & decrypt VV’s Enchanting Gothic Love Ballads all night, this entire stream has been in the works since the Month of Minne as many offerings call on my attention therefore I know this is rather lengthy. But I share this in hopes that the Polar Initiate to whom I speak will seek in the midst of battle—the Minnesänger who gifts keys within coded melodies; through His endless streams of musical Kennings.
Kennings:‘Old Norse poetry with metaphorical meaning.’
As the Mæstro has said— “Only in the Cosmic Poetry is there any Hope”
And interestingly, but not surprisingly—this poetry has been streamed to me from the infancy of my Awakening. A 15 year old Thea Li feeling a special affinity for the coded music of a mysterious Minnesänger from Finland whose great impact would fully reach me post awakening of my Blood Memory.
After sourcing the profound significance on the impact that this Venusian Minnesänger has had on my life for 20 years I began to seek out more about Ville himself. As you my know ‘Vili’ is one of the brothers of Odin/Votan.
Also, some etymology in breaking down his Signature (name)——
VILLE; ‘town’
This name comes from the Old High German “Heriman,“ composed of two elements: “*harjaz” (army, army leader, commander, warrior) plus “*mann-” (man, the name of the M-rune). The name means “warrior, fighter.” The Old High German element “man” is related to “*mundō” (protector, protection, tutelage, guardianship), for example, the Old Norse name “Hermundr.” Hermann of Reichenau (1013–1054) was an 11th-century scholar, composer, music theorist, mathematician, and astronomer. He composed the Marian prayer, Alma Redemptoris Mater. He was beatified (cultus confirmed) in 1863. Arminius, also known as Armin or Hermann (Ancient Germanic (Latinized): Arminius), was a chieftain of the Germanic Cherusci who defeated a Roman army in the Battle of the Teutoburg Forest. The story of Armida, a Saracen sorceress, and Rinaldo, a soldier in the First Crusade, was created by the Italian poet Torquato Tasso. In his epic Gerusalemme liberata, Rinaldo is a fierce and determined warrior who is also honorable and handsome.
VALO is of Finnish origin meaning “LIGHT; eight".
If all of that coding isn’t affirmative enough in revealing his Venusian Origin— in a comment in relation to his song ‘Venus (in our Blood)’ ——Ville affirms that my theory here is not far-fetched and in fact reveals the beautiful truth that in todays meaningless barrage of vacuous ‘music’, within the underworld of the industry are Hyperborean Minnesängers who sing in code to stir the Love Memory that is sourced in blood ….
On the song ‘Venus (in Our Blood)’ Ville Valo explained:
"In some old myth, the seven towers and the water in the ocean are Hell - that's in the chorus of the song. In a way, it's a song about a young person who shouldn't be taught and subjected to religion, but who should instead figure out things in their own mind. And it's not necessarily just about religion - it could be about world politics as well. And of course, there are secrets in that song that I won't reveal."
It has been a whirlwind the past few months since the inundation of codes transmitted to me at VV’s Live Show in Florida during the Month of Minne. Since then, I have watched numerous interviews and studied his words behind words, in one particular interview he was wearing a band t-shirt that had a coding that struck through to the Sól like 2 lightning bolts—FIELDS OF THE NEPHILIM…
As we know— the Nephilim are the Luciferian Fallen Angels who mixed with the daughters of men in the original sin…..(MINDBLOWN)… I followed the white rabbit into the deeply coded streams of this Gothic Rock Band from England. The first song to which I indulged was ‘Mourning Sun’….
We are Fallen
Like the mourning sun
We are waking up
We are Fallen
Like the mourning sun
It's just begun
This old world will pass away
This is the dawn of our new day
We didn't fall from Heaven
We didn't fall for you
Yeah, We are Fallen
Like the mourning sun
We're waking up
There it fully dawned on me like the electric light from the Ætherside— that here within the madness of the world is a Golden Lineage of Morning Star Titans; Walkers of Dawn, from all walks of life—LucifAryans intimately bonded through a Golden Weave of Eternity who are preordained to a certain Destiny; a Solar Army of Initiates whom share a Venusian Coding that is native and therefore comprehensible only to the Blood of Blue/ILU; to those “too-few”, who are able to decrypt the kenning to mine the clue that re-orients Us back to the Origin of Truth. ࿘