Miguel Serrano on Freemasonry
Miguel Serrano collected works https://archive.org/details/miguel-serrano_202312
Every National Socialist, every Hitlerist in truth must always keep in mind the profoundly malignant character of Masonry, as instrument in service to the ultimate plans of Judaism. The lower ranks of lodge brothers are unaware of this, but their highest international leaders do know about such plans. Mixed Masonry, which is to say of Jews and non-Jews, receive their direct orders from the exclusively Jewish Masonry, where non-Jews are not accepted as members. In this way the Jew can belong to mixed Masonry, but a non-Jew can never be member of the purely Jewish lodges.
The Jewish members are grouped together in the B'nai B'rith (or Beni Berith, ‘Sons of the Alliance’.) We can note the similarity between this name and Great Britain. A similarity that is not casual, since England is from where Jewish Masonry was spread throughout the entire world, the highest leaders of nobility and royalty of this nation being Masons. B'nai B'rith has its main center in the United States today, with four hundred thousand members and perhaps more, distributed in three hundred and thirty lodges in that country and eighty in Europe. The members of this Lodge belong, in their majority, to the Jewish Masonic branches Mizraim or Mizrahi. For some years their President has been the Jew Label A-Katz, who was received by the Pope at the Vatican in January 1960. Monsignor Lefebvre has denounced the ties between the Vatican and Masonry.
The current Pope, Karol Wojtiyla Katzbroth would be both Jew and Mason. The headquarters of the B'nai B'rith in Chile is on the elegant Avenida Lyon in Santiago. One of the many institutions that depend on this Jewish lodge is the famous ‘Anti-Defamation League’ (A.D.L.) of the United States, in various of whose bulletins I have been attacked. In 1987 their President, the Jew Reich, came to Chile to interview the government and ask for special measures to be taken against me. Throughout the world crimes, assassinations and persecutions happen due to this Jewish Masonic Brotherhood, against National Socialism and the martyrs of Hitlerism. They have as their principal mission to spread the farce of the holocaust of six million Jews in Germany and the non-existent gas chambers in order to persecute, imprison and judge those who deny them. The crimes they do not commit directly, or through their agents in the Mossad (secret police of Israel), they delegate to the mixed Masonic lodges of every country, which also possess poisons, doctors and occult means of destruction and death for the non-Masons and dissident Masons, those who having discovered the crimes and plots of Masonry have left in horror.
Something like this must have happened with Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. And something like this also happened to Jorge González von Marées, Leader of Chilean Nazism in the thirties, who, without being a Mason, suffered focused attacks from Chilean lodges. By hidden methods of pressure, by hypnotism from a distance, they made him commit a shameful treason. The crime of more than seventy young Nazis renditioned in the Worker's Compensation Building, in Santiago de Chile, September 5, 1938, must be considered a ‘Judeo-Masonic ritual crime’ [The key man, the link, for the coup d'état of 1938, between the Chilean Nazis and the Army was the Mason traitor Caupolicán Clavel. See my book Adolf Hitler: The Ultimate Avatar.] There they destroyed the best of a generation. Thus they were a test trial for the Holocaust of Nuremberg, that Jewish ‘Festival of Purim.’ Chile, tragic and mysterious country, often serves as a ‘test run’ on this earth.
What we are going to reveal ahead is very important and must be always taken into account by Hitlerists. A Mason never retires. He only goes into ‘hibernation,’ able to be awakened at any moment for Masonic activity. If he wants to break all his ties, or turn against them, he must accept the consequences that may be death or social and economic ruin. Some have done this, like Jean Marquis Riviere, in France, who carried valuable documents with him to Hitlerism. In my combat Magazine of the Second World War, ‘New Age,’ I published numerous documents about Masonry, directly provided by the discoveries of Rosenberg, in France, Turkey and the Western countries occupied by troops of the Third Reich. General Ibáñez, twice ruler of Chile, was a Mason. And General Pinochet was also one. The grade they reached does not matter, since during the fourteen years of Pinochet's government, Masonry never attacked him, as Masonry also never attacked General Ibáñez.
Nor did those rulers do anything that could essentially displease Masonry, nor affect their interests that, in depth, are the interests of Judaism. In 1957, under the Presidency of General Carlos Ibáñez, the worldwide lodges of the Scottish Rite and York Rite met in Chile, granting peaceful coexistence with communism. And from that reunion is from where the agreement went out to work for the government that, years later, imposed Salvador Allende Gossens. Therefore there is nothing out of the ordinary when, later, General Ibáñez, at the end of his command, favored the election of ‘brother’ Salvador Allende, asking his people to vote for him against Jorge Alessandri RodrÃguez, who won the vote. Because the time had not yet come. Judeo-Masonry works for the long-term. And it is then, during the Government of General Augusto Pinochet, at the beginning of his achieving power, when the highest world leader of B'nai B'rith came to Santiago… (Along with one of his highest directors who then also visited Chile: David Rockefeller.) What did they discuss? Their decisions would be the most secret. But we are not far from being able to divine them. Masonry pursued the same goal during the Government of Allende as during the one of Pinochet: the delivery of Chile to the Jews. By the end of the term given to Pinochet, the Plan would already be very advanced. Chile must be Nai Judá, New Judah, like was imagined during the Great War and as I revealed in my Review ‘New Age.’
The entire press, every media of information in Chile is beneath the direct, or indirect, control of the Jew. The Army has been equipped by Israel, communications, ministries, and the economic systems are in their hands, directly or indirectly. The Jew controls television and radio. They are considering building a pilot Jewish city in Santiago, true autonomous enclave. And our south of the world will be controlled by those parasites, who replace the vernacular population, like sparrows do to the autochthonous birds of Chile, the chincoles and diucas. Enough to bring in a couple of these ‘Jew-birds’ for them to take over the Creole habitat, stealing off with it. The Southern Road, gigantic work of the Chilean military, has in the end been built for Jews who will become owners of the South and its immense wealth and water reserves. The final goal is Antarctica. And the Andean Plan, as it is called, will be realized with the work and strength of the ‘slaves’ of Argentina and Chile. (See my The Andean Plan: Zionist Strategy to Seize Argentine and Chilean Patagonia.) For those with eyes and who want to see, finding the revelation will not require too much attention. There are no worldwide meetings of these Lodges by mere chance. The geographic location is carefully chosen, ‘geographically,’ we dare say. And Chile has a unique importance in any plan of planetary and even cosmic dimensions. Easter Island has already come to belong to Jews with a ‘N.A.S.A. aerodome.’ The Chilean Air Force Chief, descendant of Germans, has taken an Israeli Air Force Chief to Antarctica. Members of the Chilean Air Force use the Israeli helmet.
Only the Chilean Navy still keeps resisting. But for how long? Pinochet must abide by the dictates and resolutions of B'nai B'rith. I do not know what objective he had each time he received the Hitlerist hero Hans Rudel to Chile. One cannot serve both God and the Devil at the same time. The beginning of the end for our country and for Pinochet [This book was written and completed before the Plebiscite that put an end to the Government of General Augusto Pinochet.] would be when the time it occurs to them to announce they are giving the Ministry of Planning of our country (ODEPLAN) to a Jew, surely a member of B'nai B'rith. Such things would be decided in that Lodge and the Synagogue. And would be so serious for the destiny of this country of the Solitary Star (Venus-Oyeihue) that, shortly before his naming, there would be an aviation accident in which everyone on board would die, except him. The soul of this mystical land made this last appeal and failed, since the black forces of Jehovah, the Demiurge, play ceaselessly for the fulfillment of their ill-fated designs. And nothing remains for Pinochet but to obey. But he could have rebelled, if he had not been a Mason and if he had not been enlisted.
These Jews have used the same sophistries and weapons as Joseph, in Egypt: Interpret the dreams of Pharaoh, appeal to Potiphar. The Seven Plagues are not long in waiting. The ‘Seven Projects’ speaks about them, concerning their future plans for the cybernetic development of Chile. The Jew also intervenes in the colonization of the South. The work of the anti-race is fulfilled in archetypal prototypic schemes of death and decomposition. There are no international variations. They claim Chile is Nai Judá. Pinochet has undertaken the highest crime against the soul of the nation. Through him the Jews have imposed the military service of women in the Army, not as technicians in the transport, office and medical services, but as combat soldiers, marching with the ‘Prussian goose-step’ and rifles. This is the Jewish way, imposed on Russia, and among the Mongols and Slavs. A Prussian Army never includes women in combat, nor in the officer corps. In Mixed Masonry there are also women's lodges. Margaret Thatcher, that sinister agent of Judaism, certainly belongs to one of them. The ‘I.O. of True Sister,’ ‘Royal Order of Scotland’ and others. In Asia and Africa Masonry plays a very important role. In China and Japan at the end of the Second World War. This is not the place to give the names of their fraternities. The same with South Africa. All those lodges are in the service of Judaism, fighting for the destruction of the white race. In Mohammedan countries they are well represented, among them the ruler of Egypt, and Masonry, together with ‘Jewish Arabs,’ being those guilty of the stupid and criminal war between Iran and Iraq. In a separate Annex we refer to the theme of the Arab, Chinese, Indian and American Indian Jews.
Mixed Masonry, with the inclusion of non-Jews, is destined to disappear, as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion explain, once the Jews have taken all the power. They already no longer need it. Only the Jewish lodges will remain. In Russia we have seen Masonry was liquidated together with the Masons once the Jew took total control of the country with the Soviets. The Politburo replaced Masonry and was composed, in its most secret directorate, exclusively of Jews. The origin of Masonry has been the object of controversies for centuries. Julius Evola himself, who studied the theme, was seeking documentation in Austria when he was gravely wounded at the end of the Second World War, so he was never sure of Masonry's origin. The hypothesis is advanced that the Jewish symbolism and ritual elements were only copied in the XVII and XVIII Centuries. But Professor Romanescu, from whom we also took more information, claims Jew Masonry dates back through millennia, being born during the captivity in Egypt, as a secret means to organize the rebellion. I believe this is so, in part.
The Jews copied any esoteric organization of the Hierophants and they continue stealing them through their entire history, especially after the Dispersion, or Diaspora. And in the XVII Century, when Cromwell allowed their entry into England and favoured their plans, they then introduced Masonry into that country, superimposing it over ancient guild organizations of builders, as they would have existed in Scotland where Bruce gave refuge to the Templars. From them derived all the medieval and Templar knightly symbolism with several masonic grades. The Jew is an expert in robbing flags and adulterating them in their favour. The Jewish Catholic Church also uses the same technique. Nevertheless, we repeat, it is very possible that Masonry had entered England thousands of years earlier when the Jews, leaving Africa and followed the Frisians, and then the Phoenicians, infiltrating among the Druids, introducing there their bloody sacrifices, as they would later do among the Aztecs, in the ‘New World.’ The infiltration and corruption of England is very ancient.
The majority of the so-called Welsh are Jews. England, Engeland, ‘Land of Angels,’ Albion from Albedo, the White Land, remnant of Hyperborea, is transformed into Britain, B'nai B'rith, of the Jews. Thus, Cromwell did nothing more than permit the entry of reinforcements. The dream of Hitler and Rudolf Hess to Aryanize England was almost impossible to achieve in these times. From England Jewish Masonry extended through Europe, and then to North America, South America and Spain. All the so-called ‘Fathers of the Fatherland’ and the Independence of the two Americas were Masons. Those of Chile belonged to the ‘Lautarin Lodge,’ in London. We have an origin, a ‘chain,’ a loop almost impossible to break or overcome. The Jew holds the string with his two hands. Bernardo O'Higgins has a rabbi as his counselor. No one has taken note of this, or at least no one has spoken about it. Perhaps Pinochet knew, since as a great admirer of this ‘Father of the Fatherland.’ He has sought out his own rabbinic Minister and counselor, who has taken him to disaster, just like with O'Higgins. Because the ‘Fathers of the Fatherland’ tried to rebel too late, like Simon Bolivar and Miranda himself, like San Martin and even O'Higgins (who was interested in the Eight-Pointed Star, like Pinochet in the Number 555). And they all ended badly. It is not good, not healthy to make a pact with the Devil. Because, in the end, the latter always wins.
The purpose of these appendices, or annexes, is to make clear to the Hitlerists, to the fighters and comrades, to the heroes in this Combat without respite in the History of the world, the dangers that lie in wait for them. If someone is a Mason, he cannot be a Hitlerist, nor a true revolutionary; since he is in the claws of the Enemy, he will have to fulfill his obligations, or perish. For him, if some make themselves pass for ‘Nationalist,’ he will do so at his own risk, like those members of ‘Fatherland and Liberty.’ Name taken from a Masonic Lodge by the Mason who led them. If some ‘Nationalists’ with Masonic connections come to power in our country, they will produce a moral catastrophe and a disillusion even worse than that of the military with Pinochet. Since young patriots and ingenuous Nationalists will believe in them, giving them the idea that, in the end, they reach power to realize their ideals. Another tragic disillusion more that the soul of the nation will no longer resist. The Masons festering in the Armed Forces of Germany and the nobility were the ones who betrayed the Führer, Adolf Hitler, carrying him with them to material defeat in the war.
They fulfilled the dictates of Judaism. And they are today, for the same reason, those who keep the two Germanies in irons. [Now reunified under the direction of the Social Democrats and Christian Democrats, the trans-nationals, capitalist consumerism, serving the interests and goals of Jewish ‘globalism,’ having to accept the mutilation of their frontiers, together with the plans for the disappearance of their national and racial characteristics, in a soon-to-be unified Europe, within the most pure materialist electronic style, Judeo-North American.] They are destroying the white race on the Earth. Masonic affiliations, apparently innocuous, made specially to group and control animal-men, Sudras, the ‘animals with two legs,’ as the Jew calls him, such are the Lions Clubs, the Rotarians, Boy Scouts, etc. Here the gullible fall, without knowing in truth who directs them. The President of the Lions International was the Jew Clarence I. Sturm. And in Chile so were men who in their time belonged to the Nazi Party of Chile, without knowing what is meant by being led by a Jew. They had no idea of who controlled them at bottom. In Chile there is not a town or village that does not build a ‘Rotary’ or ‘Lions’ monument to welcome the visitor. This is an announcement to the Masons, or better put, the Jews, that Chile belongs to them, and they will be very well received here. Even by the priest.