Modern Freemasonry
Miguel Serrano collected works
Modern Freemasonry
The following contains some phraseology which may appear incomprehensible to readers who are not familiar with multiple meanings and allegorical styles by which the custodians of the "Mysteries" have always encoded their wisdom. But, since this document is written both to and about Masons, it must necessarily be constructed as is. Others have written large volumes, deciphering the messages within ancient folkish and religious myths. A hermetic parable may have up to seven separate meanings to Adepts of increasing levels. Space being limited, suffice it to say here that the virgin found in so many ancient mystery religions represented the womb of the Mysteries. The crucified Saviors, of which there were at least 16 prior to Christianity, represent the Mysteries themselves, which are continually destroyed or corrupted by tyrants, but which, by the efforts of the Secret Brotherhood, are preserved and resurrected. And the Mysteries themselves are knowledge of nature's deepest secrets, functions and laws.
I say to today's Freemasons, your lodges, which were once sacred temples for the preservation of Sophia, the Virgin of Wisdom, now partake in a new Rape of Persephone. Between the venerable pillars of Jachin and Boaz, the veils of Isis are now stained with innocent blood, concealing treachery instead of the Mysteries of Nature.
The three Grand Masters of Jerusalem are become the greed of merchants, the sophistries of lawyers and the pursuit of power. Jubela with a gauge, Jubelo with a square and Jubelum with a maul, spill the blood of Master Builders upon the seven sacred steps. The blood of De Molay and the Templars, of Bruno, of Bacon, of uncounted and unknown martyrs from ages past, mourns the defilement of their labors and the perversion of their dreams. Sir Francis Bacon's "New Atlantis" (i.e. America) has participated in maiming and murdering 200 million mortals in unending wars from one end of the earth to the other, destroying the integrity of every race, nation and culture, and exterminating the White Aryan race. His dreams became a nightmare. The Lion's Paw no longer uplifts Nature's highest creation, but instead aids false Zion in bastardizing and destroying the Aryan race. The Great Architect's first law, "like kind after like kind" is mocked.
The Temple is no longer known as allegory and symbolism for the "Great Work" of "perfected man," that work being a harmonious balance of reason and instinct in Aryan man. So today, ignorant Craftsmen teach their children the reason of computers and to deny the instinct for racial preservation. Streams of wisdom from Lucifer's throne are become rivers of destruction from Ersatz Israel. Within the Great Pyramid the Master of the House of Hidden Places weeps, for the widows' sons neither know nor seek the Lost Word.
Do not Master Masons know that Solomon and his twelve tribes of Israel, and Jesus with his twelve apostles are allegories for the Sun and the twelve signs of the zodiac? Do they not know that when Christians say "Amen," they pray to the Egyptian Sun God "Amen Ra?" Do they no longer know that Jachin and Boaz are the Obelisks that once stood at the entrance to the Temple of Amen Ra? Do they no longer know that the Great Pyramid is the greatest of all temples? Can they not decipher the hermetic coding in the 74 words of Revelation 2:9 and 3:9, which identify the racial-religious tribe that rules all once-White nations, and who have sentenced the White Aryan race to death? Today's "Craftsmen" desecrate the memory of their ancestors. True Masons, custodians of the Mysteries, wrote the U.S. Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation, which, though imperfect, reflect their desire for freedom and their fear of government. Their dreams were soon subverted as the Jewish Illuminati infiltrated the major lodges of Masonry. And now for over 200 years the Craft has served ersatz Zion, knowing not what they do.
True Masons formed the Mormon religion, which was originally racially exclusive and taught polygamy. But the race-murdering U.S. government, riddled with apostate and ignorant "Craftsmen," persecuted the Mormons until they, also, accepted apostasy, multi-racialism and monogamy. Federal, State and local judges, lawyers, prosecutors, police powers, military officers, merchants and politicians use the once sacred craft, signs, countersigns and secrets to promote greed, self-interest and injustice. The courts are filled with perjury, false evidence and injustice and Masons are accomplices. The Temple is become an unclean spirit.
The Creator gave instincts for separation, for territorial imperatives, for self-preservation to each race and species. Racial integration and the inevitable miscegenation which follows destroys what the Creator has formed. Shall the race of Edison, Ford, Bacon, Shakespeare, Bell, Galileo, and on and on, now die because the sons of the widows' sons dishonor their forebears? The predecessors of Speculative Freemasonry, Guardians of the Mysteries, made great sacrifices, even the ultimate sacrifice, in order to combat the evil religion from Judea and Rome which had turned all Europe into a gigantic slave camp for a thousand years. But today's Masons exchange the slavery of Judeo-Christianity for the genocide(the murder of the Aryan race) by Judeo-America. Neo-Masonry is a new heresy, properly called Judeo-Masonry. On the Great {sic} Seal of the United States, seen on the back of a dollar bill over the eagle, we see that thirteen pentacle stars, representing the individual states, coalesce to form a hexagram or Star of David, used by the tribe that owns and controls the once-White nations. The symbolism is clear that the United States would be used to build the world Zionist empire, and that's exactly what has happened. The Pentagon, by no accident, became the police department of that empire, and America became a red, white and blue travelling, mass murder machine, unmatched in efficiency and brutality by even the first head of the beast, Judeo-Christianity.
So, now in this age of technological nightmares and spiritual vacuum, we not only see Prometheus again crucified on Mount Caucus, but the Aryan race(some call Caucasian) is crucified on Mount Zion. New Agers pervert the ancient Mysteries with childish doctrines of Universal Love, denying that the Creator made lions to eat lambs and life to be struggle. The worshipful masters turn the lodges into cesspools of iniquity and ignorance.
Anti-nature writings are called sacred scripture. Propaganda is called history. Evil is called good. Voting is a fraud controlled by media propaganda and computer programmers. Injustice is now law. Genocide is canonized, and resistance to the murder of the Aryan race is called "HATE." For at least some of America's founding fathers their intent was to unite the Aryan tribes from Europe in peace and cooperation. International finance had other ideas. For them "E Pluribus Unum" and "Novus Ordo Seclorum" on the Great Seal of the United States meant mixing and destroying the Aryan race through integration and miscegenation.
At least some of the Adepts in the Mysteries, who wrote much of the Old Testament, meant to build a racially exclusive religion for the preservation of the Aryan tribes. They were aware that the Aryans, who once reigned supreme from Northern India to the Arctic Circle to the British Isles to North Africa, had perished by racial mixing repeatedly. The twelve tribes of Israel very likely were mythology used to represent the Aryan tribes. The evidence that today's Jews have no connection to the Old Testament representations is no secret to the logical mind. For one example, citizenship in the Old Testament Israel story was patriarchal, coming through the father, while modern Jewry traces citizenship through the mother.
However, men of intellect should recognize that the Israel tribes of the Old Testament are allegory, parable, myth and perhaps prophecy or plan, using a historical setting. It is not history, per se. Furthermore, the wise man recognizes that the writings and writers of the bible were under the control and scrutiny of the Judeo-Roman tyrants for nearly 2,000 years. So as of now, only qualified adepts who understand the secret coding system should presume to teach from the bible. And additionally, the honest scholar knows that the overt message of the New Testament forms a slave religion designed to conquer, enslave and exterminate the White race, a few transparent attempts to tie the Testaments together notwithstanding.
Jewry stole the Star of David from Aryan adepts in the Mysteries. They stole an identity from the Old Testament myths of Israel, these myths having been created by Aryan Adepts. They destroyed the dream of a free Aryan republic called America. Using the Illuminati, they corrupted the major lodges of Freemasonry and neutralized opposition to tyranny. Now the square and compass serve chaos and destruction. The seven stars are become degrees of perversion. The Virgin of the World is no longer fertilized by Hermes, and the Mysteries of Horus die in her womb. Deceived Craftsmen search futilely in the East for the Lost Word, while they lock the key in a Western prison. The widows' sons speak of the Grand Mathematician-Geometrician of the Universe, yet they know naught of the geometry in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, or of the geometry in the Seven Magic Squares, or of the Seven Spirits of God or the Seven Seals of Revelation. They read from a bible constructed by a (Wotanist) gnostic adept named Francis Bacon, and have no idea of the real meanings. Revelation 2:17 and 3:12 tell them God will take a new name written in "A WHITE STONE." The name is literally in a white stone, for it is an anagram. Rearrange the letters and they spell "THEE IS WOTAN."
They have a bible, English language King James Version, constructed as a time bomb to destroy Judeo-Christianity, but they know not the key or the codes. So, the labors of Bacon and other Adepts go unrewarded, unrecognized and unfulfilled. Truly, modern Masonry is a degenerate and undeserving child of noble parents.
From the flames at Waco, and Hamburg, and Dresden, and on and on, the voices of a million children scream in unimaginable pain, as their innocent bodies are roasted alive. The new inquisition of the FBI, BATF and a multitude of Federal devils laugh over the "real Texas barbecue," as they called it at Waco. Meanwhile, the drunks at the VFW hall swill their booze and brag of how they destroyed the defender of the White race in Germany. Hopefully neither the Great White Brotherhood nor Nature's God will much longer tolerate absolute perversion. A great cleansing is needed and no mercy can be shown to those who denied the Creator's Laws of Nature. That time of trouble known as Ragnarok, Armageddon, Day of Kalki and other names must sweep away the foul poisons of greed, compulsion, mis-placed compassion and so-called civilization. A government of the philosophical elect, guided by reason and Nature's Laws must yet someday become a reality. Choose now between Nature's God of Reason and the tyrant's artificial Gods of belief. The first is struggle and life within the reality of this world. The second is continued slavery and finally death for the Aryans, which all history proclaims are the Master Builders.
David Lane