National Socialism and Destructive jewish Doctrines on the Equality of Humanity
Miguel Serrano collected works
National Socialism and Destructive jewish Doctrines on the Equality of Humanity
Background: This is (part of) a booklet outlining National Socialist racial theories. It seems to have been intended primarily for members of the SS, though the copy I am working from carries the stamp of a school library. The book also suggests a plan for covering the content of the booklet in eleven class periods, indicating it was intended for use in the schools.
The source: Der Reichsführer SS/SS-Hauptamt, Rassenpolitik(Berlin, 1942).
The Enemies of the National Socialist Worldview and their Doctrine of the Equality of Humanity
The Churches
The christian church taught the equality of humanity from the beginning, and realized it in the areas it dominated. The jew Paul was above all responsible for the idea, despite his pride in his pure jewish ancestry. He won over the inhabitants of the Roman Empire for the new faith. The Roman Empire experienced considerable racial mixing, which encouraged the rapid spread of the doctrine of racial equality. Anyone could become a christian, whether Roman, Greek, jew, negro, etc. As christians they were all the same, for the important thing was that they belonged to the church and accepted its teachings. The only differences that counted were those between believers and unbelievers, and between priests and the laity within the church. Since all men were created in god’s image, all needed to be one for the church. The goal is a unified humanity united in an all-encompassing church led by the priests. The clearest expression of this comes in Pope Pius IX’s statement on 29 July 1938: “One forgets today that the human race is a single, large and catholic race.”
This religious doctrine did not come from the native religion of a race or of a racially pure people. It developed in the Orient during a period of racial chaos from the most varied cultures and found its final form under Byzantine influence.
Being absorbed into the christian community and receiving christian education did nothing to change or improve the nature or lifestyles of the various peoples, however. They were only rendered uncertain of their true nature, meaning that foreign influences interfered in areas where only blood should speak, for example the relations between men and women, spousal selection, the relationship between family and people, indeed in relations to foreign customs and lifestyles.
In over a thousand years, christianity has not succeeded in raising the cultural level of negroes or South American indians. But the church has built walls where none should exist, for example those between Germans of varying confessions. And it has torn down walls that nature established by blessing marriages between Aryans and jews, negroes and Mongols. It took millions of valuable people from their god-ordained roles in the people’s community and put them in monasteries or the priesthood. Its doctrines are responsible for the fall of races, peoples and cultures. The healthy instincts of the German peoples resisted its foreign teaching from the beginning, or tried to give it its own stamp. Nordic people fought against it for centuries. Meister Eckhard said over 600 years ago: “The divine is in me, I am a part of it; I can recognize god’s will without the help of priests.” Luther told christians to listen to themselves and act according to their consciences.
But the tragedy of the Reformation is that it began as a German revolution, but ended in a battle over dogmas, and Luther finally bound the conscience to the jewish teachings of the bible. Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo and many other scientists began the battle between modern science and church dogma. The Nordic scientific spirit can only accept as true that is in accord with science and experience. Today even the once immovable church is asking questions about the equality of humanity. The National Socialist worldview, based on the knowledge of the laws of inheritance and the inequality of the races, will succeed in overcoming this ancient false teaching and return the German people to its native worldview.
The French Revolution (1789) introduced Europe to a new guiding idea, summarized in the phrase “Freedom, Equality, Brotherhood.” It was an uprising of racially inferior elements who took over ideas that in part had entirely different racial origins, and could only be perverted by them. The jews had a decisive influence. Like the church, liberalism taught that all people were equal, that there were no value differences between the races, that external differences (e.g., body type, skin color) were unimportant.
Each person, regardless of race, might be a hero or a coward, an idealist or a materialist, creative or useless to society, militarily able, scientifically able, artistically gifted. The environment and education were the important elements that made men good and valuable. If one provided the proper environment and freed people from their chains, the peoples would join to develop their abilities in a unified humanity, and eternal peace would result. Therefore liberalism demanded equality for all, the same opportunities for everyone, in particular the jews, equality and freedom in the economic sphere, etc.
We Germans have seen where such doctrines lead. Liberalism tore down the structures that held races and peoples together, releasing the destructive drives. The result was economic chaos that led to millions of unemployed on the one side and the senseless luxury of economic jackals on the other. Liberalism destroyed the people’s economic foundations, allowing the triumph of subhumans. They won the leading role in the political parties, the economy, the sciences, arts and press, hollowing out the nation from inside. The equality of all citizens, regardless of race, led to the mixing of Europeans with jews, negro, Mongols, and so on, resulting in the decay and decline of the Aryan race.
All that Nordic civilization had won from the powers of darkness in the areas of culture, science, and freedom was threatened at the instant when the jews and other inferior elements gained power. European domination of the world collapsed as the result of the World War, and the best of the German peoples, the Germans, faced the danger of decline. Adolf Hitler alone rescued Germany and all of Europe from this fate.
The most dangerous opponent of our worldview at present is marxism, and its offspring bolshevism. It is a product of the destructive jewish spirit, and it is primarily jews who have transformed this destructive idea into reality. Marxism teaches that there are only two classes: the owners and the property-less. Each must be destroyed and all differences between people must be abolished; a single human soup must result. That which formerly was holy is held in contempt. Every connection to family, clan and people was dissolved. Marxism appeals to humanity’s basest drives; it is an appeal to subhumans.
We have seen firsthand where marxism leads people, in Germany from 1919 to 1932, in Spain and above all in Russia. The people corrupted by Liberalism are not able to defend themselves against this jewish-marxist poison. If Adolf Hitler had not won the battle for the soul of his people and destroyed marxism, Europe would have sunk into bolshevist chaos. The war in the East will lead to the final elimination of bolshevism; the victory of the National Socialist worldview is the victory of Aryan culture over the spirit of destruction, the victory of life over death.
The jew
The jews were behind the teachings of equality by the church, liberalism and marxism. They were the first and most fanatic proponents of the idea. The jew Paul spread the christian doctrine of equality. Freemasonry dominated the intellectual world of the French Revolution, and liberalism grew out of Freemasonry. The “Portuguese” jew Ricardo, the “father of classical national economics,” is the prophet of the liberal economic theory of free trade and economic piracy. The foundation of marxism and bolshevism is “Das Kapital,” by the jew Mardochai (Marx).
How did the jew gain this destructive power over the European peoples? The jews are a mixed race. The essential characteristic that separates them from all other races and peoples is the instinct for parasitism. The jews themselves are most clear about this. Karl Marx, the author of “Das Kapital,” says: “What is the essential trait of jewry? Practicality, self interest. What is the culture of the jew? Haggling. What is his god? Money.” The jewish philosopher Spinoza said: “What we require is simple: that we control everything necessary for our own good.”
The parasitic nature of the jews is clear in its ability to adjust to the host peoples. A characteristic example is the relationship of the jew to language: Even before our era the jewish people had changed its language several times. Wherever they went, they took on the host language, though they were generally unable to conceal their racial additions.
Yet the jews are one of the most racially conscious peoples. The laws of the old testament and the talmud strongly prohibit marriage with Gentiles. Leading jews have always stressed the importance of race and racial purity. Even the Soviet Union, otherwise opposed to race, had passed measures to protect jewish blood. The most familiar statement comes from the jew Benjamin Disraeli (originally d’Israeli, later Lord Beaconsfeld), the longtime British prime minister: “No one may be indifferent to the racial principle, the racial question. It is the key to world history. History is often confusing because it is written by people who did not understand the racial question and the aspects relevant to it… Race is everything, and every race that does not keep its blood from being mixed will perish. . . Language and religion do not determine a race — blood determines it.”
His parasitic nature led the jew to hold his own race pure, and to strike other races at the core of their being, their racial nature. Only when a people’s racial purity has been destroyed is the jew able to develop freely and without restraint. Disraeli’s political policies prove that many jews consciously work to destroy racial purity. He made Queen Elizabeth Empress of India, creating an opening in England for oriental lifestyles. He misled the English people with the notion of an Oriental Empire, thereby dulling and falsifying English racial instincts.
The jew also betrayed the peoples of Russia with images of heaven on earth, leading to race mixing to a vast degree, greatly speeding up a process of decay already in progress. The jew could realize his plans for world domination only when Russia had become weak, without instincts, without culture. That is how we understand Mommsen’s description of the jewish people as the “ferment of decomposition.” As a result, there can never be peace, but only combat, between the jew and racially aware peoples. Europe will have defeated this threat only when the last jew has left our part of the planet. The Führer’s words at the beginning of the war will be fulfilled: The German people will not be destroyed in this war, but rather the jew.