New World Disorder
Abstracto Concreto. The blind masses have difficulty coming to an understanding of what is occurring, given that they are bound to physical reality and can't see beyond what they confront on a daily basis. Accordingly, they can neither foresee the future on the basis of what is, nor can they understand its causes, the why of the what.
Those who control society from above, understanding this, exploit their ignorance in both getting away with their mongrelization protocols on the one hand, and confusing the masses into thinking that what is can be remedied through simple means at some future point, or that it is caused by that which isn't the cause, non-causa pro-causa, as a means of misdirection from the ultimate cause, namely Jewish supremacism. Denial of reality through the usage of a cloud of abstract rhetoric and ideology is yet another way of transferring from the Jews' attention, diverting the anger of the masses toward unrelated matters, those which are within the interests of Jews to destroy, namely affluent whites, labeling them capitalists, self-regarding whites, naming them racists and various other subgroups who pose a threat to the supremacy of Jews, thereby dividing and conquering them, pitting whites against one another especially, feminism versus MGTOW, Catholic versus Protestant, left-wing versus right-wing, rich versus poor, etc. These abstract labels are instrumental in ensuring that the masses modify and conform or construct their identity on the basis thereof, these conceptual constructs serving to warp the natural proclivity of the being in question and distort their natural mode of behavior.
Thus the masses are led to believe behave in untoward ways, ways which do violence to their being and which are ultimately harmful to themselves as deviant from their being, their essence. Hence we have women behaving as men and vice versa. This may be positive and help to develop the person if it is their true will, however, but that would necessitate adequate understanding on the part of the person in order to adopt that path appropriate to themselves.
In attempting to understand what path conceived in abstracto as a blueprint for action is appropriate for them necessitates the hard reality of suffering, of inevitable error, and the pain of adjustment or attunement of oneself to their true will in the making. Thus it is a path of hardship that is life and living entails the growing pains of hardship. Through the development of a heightened intuition one can come to the understanding of what abstract praxeological blueprints are prudent to follow through a knowledge gained by experience of what works, i.e. of causality and how the ideas, words, diagrams, and other abstract conceptual models map onto reality.
Those which fail to have any purchase are to be disregarded or adapted with an understanding of the fact and an awareness of the probable consequences, probabilistic reasoning. Of course not all action is prudential and not all prudent action is prudential as it is necessitated by the intuitive understanding of the good, that which conduces not to survival necessarily but to evolution. Thus abstract ideas may serve as a springboard to the stars when they are practically applied.
Sometimes the most prudent gesture is to discard prudence and simply throw caution to the wind. Is this not the most prudent thing of all, to risk everything on a roll of the dice and let the fates play a Russian roulette with one's fortune, but under the control of will, a riding the tiger, an immersion of the being in becoming, and to surf the waves of the Heraclidian flux of being. Accordingly one makes progress.
Such is the path of the enlightened, not the shopkeep who merely sits idly by counting loss and benefit or debits and credits. Reason and the rational are merely crystallizations of the ocean of being in thought form, directions and directives that give one a foothold in the world of beings. That world cannot be constructed ex nihilo but rather can be modified and influenced through one's conscious awareness and action.
Abstract ideals can and have been used to lead people to kill their brother and to war, as well as to the achievement of sublime poetry and artistic endeavor. They are both sustenance for the mind and noxious poison, directives of fellow to see and a formula for theological development. They are neither good nor bad, mere tools, instruments of self and other transformation, and thus have value in a purely pragmatic sense depending on their use.
The purpose determines the value for the individual and all of those affected value his acts according to their own purposes. Thus each affects all and is affected in turn as well as valuing the act as a fact of existence that can be of harm or help to himself. Each seeks their own advantage and interest and that of others is of value to the extent it serves their own.
The saving grace from ethical egotism and solipsism here is that the self is not merely individual, thus solipsism is an illusion, for when the self is properly understood it is as part of that collective from which it derives its being, and to which it is bound, and without which its being would be as not. Thus possessive individualism, an abstract idea, and that alone has no concrete realizability as it is an abstraction and can only serve as a tool to use for whatever purpose, e.g. establishing legal liability in a society which operates on the basis of abstract individualism, liberalism, or as a means of discharging or attempting to futilely discharge obligations to another member of this collective group which he did not sure of has to all members who uphold and advance his own kind. Thus abstract ideas can serve as a flight from reality and are often had recourse to by those who are incapable of handling reality or themselves relative thereto, owing to their own inherent weakness, a defective or sickly constitution which predisposes them to a behavior centered around self-protection and conflict avoidance.
The ethical prescription here for such a person would simply be to fight the greater jihad rather than the lesser, or rather than a flight from the fray to strengthen oneself the better to suffer the slings and arrows of existence, such as a path of evolution and upward and forward direction. Such abstract ideas as egalitarianism and Christianity, Buddhism, etc. tend downward and backward and are thus the enemy of true progress, progress in concreto, in real life, not in the warped minds of those whose minds have become captivated by the illusions of abstract ideas, equality, humanity, love, peace, etc.
The peace sign is the inversion of the life rune and life entails strife, peace, death. Feast buddies! Though the white man, through projecting his altruistic amicability onto non-whites, would eo ipso, magically, as if by mysterious acausal force, would make of the latter an equal, he ends his futile efforts in simply displaying to the non-white his own lack of power through a lack of self-respect. In stooping in nobly, he fails to conquer and increases the probability of his being conquered by the non-white, who senses his weakness, a chink in his armor, namely his sympathy toward the other, which the non-white of course neither can, nor by nature's law should, reciprocate.
Thus, as the white man seeks to buddy up with the beasts, he finds himself going away of all flesh, rendering himself a victim of the villainy of his would-be friend and of his own lack of sound understanding of proper relations, which, as Albert Schweitzer said with respect to the Negro, would be one of superior to inferior, else it would lead to the jungle and ultimately the grave, as is borne witness to, for example, in Haiti. Thus, one must choose his friends wisely and not naively project upon obvious enemies his own intentions or ascribe to them motives which do not inherit in them. The causes, of course, of this behavior are the mind-pollution of Judeo-Christ insanity and libtardism, its postmodern variants and descendants, which have befuddled the mind of the white man, especially the upper-class white whose mind has been overly intellectualized with abstract ideas derived in large part from the pseudo-sophisticated mumbo-jumbo rhetoric of the academic system and its lower-level form, the masses media.
It merely takes a confrontation with the facts, both empirically and theoretically, in order to come to a proper understanding of the nature of proper relations between different kinds. Though given a stubborn and dogmatic nature of so many whites, this alone is inadequate, some even willingly allowing themselves to be tortured and murdered by non-whites through their weakness of will, weakened through the universalist brainwashing which fixes itself upon their mind as a program, to such an extent that it becomes their mind itself, and no possibilities exist outside of the finitude of their dogmatic minds, for e.g. self-defense, and a just bellum, a just war against the non-white invasion and their terrorism against the white population, instigated, of course, by the Jew. It is the Jew who would have whites subordinate themselves from their heights of obvious superiority and descend to the depths with their hordes, inevitably to be blended in their melting pot, submerged in the multiracial gumbo.
Thus, one way and one way alone exists through which the white man may extricate himself from his otherwise certain doom, and that is to separate himself from the hordes of non-whites, to cordon off his own specific and exclusive territory, and banish from his midst their vile presence. The only way this can be achieved is through a decontamination of the mind of the Judeo-Christian universalist mind pollution, which infects it to his detriment, anesthetizing him to action and weakening the will. Through sound argumentation and object lessons alone he may be reached.
All the theoretical mumbo-jumbo proffered in the academic system and media can only be overturned and shown in its falsehood through the truth embodied in the form of sound argumentation and statistics. This, however, is capable of reaching only an infinitesimal amount of educated people, and even in the rare case of its appealing to any, it would soon be delirious through yet more mental masturbation, mental pornography masquerading as intellectual sophistication. Thus separation can only occur through the conditions in society necessitating that awareness, conditions of an extreme and difficult kind for the overly comfortable masses whose comfortable security blanket needs to be snatched from them so that they feel the bite of the frost of the cold and ruthless laws of nature.
Once they are forced to confront the harsh realities of this world and the scales of delusion fall from their purblind eyes, they will be confronting the laws of this world in all of their unforgiving ruthlessness. At such time the non-white hordes previously perceived through a glass darkly, or rather through a kaleidoscope of illusion by the white majority, will then be understood, perceived, in their true life as the vile hordes of apes they are, and subjugated, if not through mere threat, then through the execution of that threat in the form of a barrel of a gun and the vile of biological material. Black Metal, New Aeon, Sounds of the Kali Yuga.
This music, admittedly a harsh penetrating sound jarring on the nerds, serves its purpose in awakening a consciousness of the desperate times in which we live, issuing a declaration of war against the Magian hypocrisy of the regime of Zod. This is the music of the Iron Age, the music of violence, or a radical assault against the superstructure of Zion, by the satanic forces of the Vamomar, against the emptiness of Logos by the subterranean forces of Chaos, of the fullness of Becoming, its entelechia against the crystallization of static artificial being, a being which inevitably is fragmented and subverted through its own entropy, and the flow of Becoming which washes it away as a sandcastle is washed away by the tide. This New Jerusalem and its blaring trumpets are drowned in the sonic tide of oppositional force, embodied in that musical form.
All the talk about peace, love, unity, etc., which echoes from Mount Zion, will be silenced by the crashing thunder and white lightning of the reaction, once its empty pontifications are unconcealed in their falsehood and hypocrisy. This sonic assault against the enemy and its saturated melodies and chthonic feral rhythms of primitivism is a necessary means of clearing aside the stumbling block on the path of progress which must be paved by the white race to attain a higher civilization, beyond that of a materialistic consumer society based upon abstract quantity. Money, humanity, resources, wealth, redistribution, etc., in place of this putatively harmonious society of an impossible state of entropy, would be substituted a dynamic social order which enables and does not disable, through forced conformism, the development and manifestation of the individual will and will of the collective, the folk.
Thus one would serve as a check and balance with the other, the collective will and the individual will, while simultaneously driving it toward higher states of evolutionary attainment, greater heights, in order to control this destiny and bring it into proper alignment with the higher states of being, the negrito phase of the alchemical process must be controlled by the collective will of the Aryan and directed toward the target as a strike force. Black metal, national socialist music of a new aeon, is that will concentrated into sonic form and brought to bear against the enemy. This violent energy radiating forth from a militant drumbeat and assaulted riffs of electric swords are targeted at the enemy, who is thereby brought low with this crude and feral disharmony.
The cacophony of the enemy is subjugated by the symphony of destruction, which leaves his synagogues, mosques, and churches laid waste, raised to the ground in a scorched earth of electronic flame. Carnival of Kali, in the hyper-reality of this postmodern world, all of that which is intended out of humor is taken seriously and thus dirempted from its substantial nature, its essence being distorted by those who control and overarch the real through their artificially generated matrix system, having no correspondence with the natural organic order from which it emanated, through the defective as hybridized and mixed genetic stock and organs of those beings who created it in their own image, ostensibly in the image of their god, Yahweh, the demiurge, or their egregoric collective consciousness. The real becomes, through this postmodern hall of mirrors, mayic reality generator, idealized and even nullified, and the ideal realized or believed and perceived to be realized through the distortion of the mass mind by the Jewish oligarchs and their media manipulation.
Thus the matrix prison is a merry-go-round of nine-to-five drudgery. The Goyim are forced to circulate around in it, oblivious to the circus ringmaster, the Jew, who orchestrates the illusions which are endowed with such, oh, grand serial acclaim, namely the nobility of wage slavery and the heresy of leisure outside of vulgar hedonism. Anything life-affirming, anything that leads toward godhood, towards knowing the nature of the matrix and its kosher controllers, towards spreading this knowledge and ultimately acting upon it, is vilified as the sin of the postmodern Jewish dystopia.
Thus all are mere players on the stage in the carnival of Cali, playing their part and confining themselves to the roles allotted to them based upon their socio-economic place in the system of Jah, Jewish occupation government. Those who understand their true nature, having no willingness to be confined to their narrow category, and thus having no willingness or ability to function within the confines of their prescribed roles, must necessarily rebel. It is they, these actors, who understand that they are acting out, acting on the stage, and or those who refuse to act, who are the monkey wrenches and loose screws in the system, and who will ultimately misdirect the theater and belies illusion through going off script and becoming directors in their own right, a right taken by force and which would lead to the denouement of the Jews' plans, a climactic conclusion ad-libbed and acted out impromptu, much for the Jewish theater companies' displeasure.
The curtains are burning as the wire-purl-pullers attempt to close down the theater, the arsonist having escaped through the complicated network of air-conditioning ducts. The audience screams, fire, fire, as both confused spectators and actors scramble free from the holocaust of flames, many including the Jewish theater company executives, to be engulfed therein. Thus the carnival of Cali comes to a close, and from the ashes the Phoenix soars, the actors having lost their inauthentic role and fallen, through the survival instincts remaining endowed by nature, into their proper authentic role, that of a healthy subject of a new aeon.
The ashes of the theater of the real have now been swept away, and the players take up their positions for the next act. Christ Insanity as Existential Threat. The suicide spirituality of Judeo-Christ Insanity is, by virtue of its nature slash essence, inherently threatening to one's own existence, and by extension to that of one's own race, with whom he has, of course, blood ties, and in whom his identity is realized.
Those whose minds are polluted with this creed of self-delusion become enslaved to the mind program, which leads them to a willful ignorance slash cognitive dissonance, when confronted with the harsh realities of life and the inherent contradictions between those realities, and the dogma of their creed. The realities of survival, which is a kill-or-be-killed objective fact, and the reality that what's good for the lion isn't good for the lamb, and that no lion will ever, or could ever, insofar as it is a lion, i.e. insofar as it acts consistent with its essence or nature, lie down with a lamb. That good and evil don't exist in any objective sense, save within the broader context of the laws of nature.
What adheres to these laws and enables, through itself, as a conscious organism, the realization of its destiny, is good, and any conscious deviation therefrom, act or omission, failure to act, is evil. To strike fear and terror into the conscious mind of the enemy, or cunningly feigning weakness, so that he becomes emboldened and makes mistakes, thereby exposing himself to greater assaults, revealing chinks in his armor, such is bad for the enemy, and what the enemy would evaluate as evil, but for the assailant or combatant, his enemy, that would be good. Thus, there is no reconciliation of oppositional forces, or accommodation, or concessions made, save those which were down to the greater accumulation of power for he who makes the concession.
Such is victory, and all else constitutes a retrograde motion, failure and loss. One's loss is the other's gain, and there is no equitable distribution of a communal pie of power and resources when the dust settles, nor is there any possibility of avoiding a clash, as to do so would be a suicidal venture. If one laid down his weapons as a bond jest, he would be summarily slaughtered, and even if his opponent were, per impossibile, converted into a friend and laid down his own weapons, or alchemically transmuted his weapons into plowshares, the both would starve or fail to fulfill their potential through the making of such concessions.
Such is the inevitable outcome, and such has been throughout its history the outcome of Christ's insanity and his modern variants, liberalism, communism, etc., all of which are universalism in its variants, all having the same suicidal outcome. Those who have taken the mental abuse of Christ's insanity seriously, with its threat of hellfire and damnation, on the one hand, and the empty promise of an everlasting feel-good state of being called, ambiguously and nebulously, nebulously, peace and love, which terms simply signify the absence of vital striving, of the cessation of dynamic action, which is simply the cessation of life itself, as all life is dynamic action, from the lowest to the highest level or planes of being. Thus, as Mussolini said, inactivity is death, echoing the words of Hitler, all life is struggle.
From these premises the conclusion is drawn. Christ's insanity universalism, in general, by virtue of its anti-natural static nature and adoration of an empty being and denunciation of becoming vital essence, vital existence, is death. A suicide creed which serves as a palliative for the meek and weak to hold them in bondage and render them more useful animate tools or slaves for the plutocratic priestly caste.
The glad tithings of Christ's insanity being gladness only to the priestly caste, in proportion to their coffers being flooded with tithings, ostensibly to the glory of God, whoever that may be, but in reality to themselves, as man-gods, exploiters of chattel labor, who ostensibly and behind the facade of a hypocritical humanitarianism, proven through their importation of endless non-white invaders, who swell the ranks of their churches. The only positive outcome of this inevitable process of theirs is the mass emigration from their churches of white parishioners, in proportion to the non-white bloodtide. The glad tithings inherent in this process, as meat in the hard shell of a nut, is that Christ's insanity itself will destroy itself, through its own inner contradictions to reality, which it must need, as per its doctrine slash dogma, ignore the laws of nature and must inevitably cease to exist through these inner contradictions.
As a result, at conclusion, Mother Nature will subvert this worn-out Nazarene creed. The danger, of course, lies in a representation or carryover, a representation, of universalism, into a secular humanist, race-mixed, mongrelized society, with Gaia simply being a substitute for Jehovah and Jesus, and the Jewish plutocracy still maintaining arbitrary sway over the animalized masses. The willful ignorance of biological fact, embodied and evidenced in the distinction between kinds, species, or races, falsely called human, is a flagrant neglect of the laws of nature, and an invitation to a state of bulk chaos, brought upon an otherwise functional society, functional within a mono-ethnic context, and only therein, ignoring the reality of the strife engendered through a multi-ethnic society and mouthing the platitudes of peace and love.
The white simply avoids the reality of life, and in doing so, compounds the strife through failure to act and subjugate the existential threat. Thus, Christ's insanity in all universalism is a mental anesthetization, and poses upon the adherent or zealot a suicide mental conditioning, disabling them from action in the face of existential threats, castrating them so that they can be sheared, peacefully, and fattened up for the slaughter. The baby-boomer generation was a prime example of the fattening process, the subsequent generations of the slaughter.
Ultimately, the solution to this gradually weakening poison, which kills by slow degrees, is the antidote of Satanism, of natural law, of might is right, and a subversion explicitly and implicitly of Christ's insanity, not through negative means alone of critique, but through the positive means of propounding culturally and philosophically, in the form of music and image, symbol and concept, as well and most significantly, in the form of practice, the creed of Satanism, might is right, natural law. Straighten out the white man's thinking, as Ben Classen said. Eliminate by any and all means the perverse mind-pollution of Judeo-Christ insanity and its modern variants.
Lower L liberalism, right-wing and left-wing, and New Age slash Jew Age religiosity and general spiritual syphilis. Cobra. The movie Cobra with Sylvester Stallone attempted, in typical Jewish and typically moralizing fashion, to portray the putative evils and undesirability of the covert group of predominantly, or exclusively, the movie does not reveal, white occultists who wish to usher in the new aeon through acts of violence and terror.
Of course, the Jewish actor Sylvester Stallone, a crypto Jew, apparent Italian, plays the role of the vengeful instrument of quote-unquote justice, who operates in a clandestine manner on the periphery of the thin blue line, only hamstrung in his Judeo-Christian slash Magian praxis, by the letter of the law, much to his inquisitorial chagrin, as he would, as the movie reveals, much rather deal out his own bigoted Magian sense of justice to all those not compliant with the Magian ethos, namely those who exalt a more heroic and naturalistic understanding of life and justice, in the sense of might is right, or at least a racialist ethics of in-group altruism and out-group hostility, as apparently espoused by the cult. This cult, brandishing axes over their heads and presencing a new order, through word and deed, but more specifically the latter, since their Nordic or barbarian roots, their hyperborean nature, in the manner of Nietzsche, Redbeard, and Thor, combined necessitate action over mere contemplation. They are portrayed in the typically moralizing, bigoted fashion of Jewish Hollywood and its Magian ethos as the evil in relation to the good of the archangel figure of Stallone, who, though a dark figure in the eyes of the sheep, is nonetheless a good-hearted shepherd, in the corny Christian sense, seeking to undermine the cult, which represents a threat to the Zog order of society, apparently a society of freedom, but in reality slavery, the real freedom coming through the Negredo transmutation of the cult's praxis, and which will liberate the zombie slaves of Zog.
It is the freedom of self-determination, of authenticity, which is what is intended to be subverted and annihilated by the Zog and its loosely affiliated quasi-rogue puppet, Cobra, who represents the Ouroboros serpent of international Jewry in miniature, and who is their archangel Avenger figure. The non-white mestizo, me-shit-su, latrino, Mexican, comic relief, Sancho Panza sidekick of Cobra, is of course portrayed as an altruistic, good-intentioned humanitarian, the exact inverse and antithesis of the reality of that vile breed of surreptitious, low-minded thieves and violent criminals, who biologically mixed, whose biologically mixed constitution manifests itself in chaotic behavior and all manner of vice. This figure, of course, is portrayed as having benevolent and paternalistic intentions toward the naive and weak white woman, who Cobra has been assigned to protect from the Cabal, who has absurdly targeted her, a pure and innocent representative of her race, another inversion of reality.
The blonde-haired and blue-eyed woman is portrayed as having a sexual or romantic interest in the greasy wop Stallone, and naively follows all of his commands and he and his partners kindergartenish advice in her simplicity and naivety. The Cabal stages an all-out attack through their insider in the police force, and they are mercilessly destroyed by the quote-unquote heroic Jew Stallone. Of course, the reality would be, and undoubtedly will be, the exact reverse, as this satirized Jewish version of Hollywood fake reality is substituted with that of the Rahoa in a Turner Diaries style terminus and the End Times Iron Age Kali Yuga.
Cobra and his ilk, if they exist at all, Mossad, IDF, will be mercilessly ground in the meat grinder to come and will be the end of the old age and the beginning of the new. The insiders in the system will not be so easily apprehended, and the Magian ethos of Jewish moralizing of Abrahamism will finally be but a mere broken relic of the past, a statue smashed to dust by the hammer of Thor, as the statues of the pagan past have been by the Jewish slaves, Zogbots, the Christians, Muslims, and others. Once the Zardoz statue, the Jehovah, Jews-us statue, is broken through the chaos to come, there will be no mental shackles on the zombie slaves of the system.
The systems to self-destruction and at the hands of the cult will leave them without compass and drive them into the hands of the elite for basic material comforts and security. Undoubtedly, the cult referred to in the movie is based upon the order of nine angles, which is a reality, and in the movie is based upon the, and undoubtedly will do what must be done, or is in the process of bringing in the new world order, the new Aeon, through presencing dark acausal nexions through their anti-gnomian satanic praxis, annihilation of the false light of the Magian ethos and its representatives, rabbis, Jews-us, the fictional anthropomorphic god-man, and his flock of sheeple. The sheeple, lacking any genuine Archangel Michaels to protect them from the wolves, will be forced to throw off the shackles of their minds out of self-defense.
Then they too will become wolves and further the presencing of the dark acausal nexions. The hunters of the new world order earn their credentials through rites of passage, not through moralizing and defending the weak. The blue-eyed and blonde-haired woman of the movie is only weak in Jewish Hollywood.
In reality, she is a wolf and will join with her fellow wolves in presencing the new Aeon, turning upon her bigoted paternalistic would-be Jewish protector and his Sancho Panza latrino sidekick and rend them. Such is the way of the wolf, and in the wolf age, the wolf wins even if by losing. The only real meaning of winning by losing is that of the kamikaze of the berserker.
Once the target is acquired, the will brings into action the nexion. The triumph of the will is the triumph of the wolf in the age of the wolf. Cobra, the movie Cobra with Sylvester Stallone, attempted in typical Jewish and typically moralizing fashion to portray the putative evils and undesirability of the covert group of predominantly or exclusively, the movie does not reveal, white occultists who wish to usher in the new Aeon through acts of violence and terror.
Of course, the Jewish actor Sylvester Stallone, a crypto Jew, apparent Italian, plays the role of a vengeful instrument of quote-unquote justice who operates in a clandestine manner on the periphery of the thin blue line, only hamstrung in his Judeo-Christian slash Magian praxis by the letter of the law, much to his inquisitorial chagrin, as he would, as the movie reveals, much rather deal out his own bigoted Magian sense of justice to all those not compliant with the Magian ethos, namely those who exalt a more heroic and naturalistic understanding of life and justice, in the sense of might is right, or at least a racialist ethics of in-group altruism and out-group hostility, as apparently espoused by the cult. This cult brandishing axes over their heads and presencing a new order through word and deed, but more specifically the latter, since their Nordic or barbarian roots, their hyperborean nature, in the manner of Nietzsche, Redbeard, and Thor, combined necessitate action over mere contemplation. They are portrayed in the typically moralizing bigoted fashion of Jewish Hollywood and its Magian ethos as the evil in relation to the good of the archangel figure of Stallone, who through though a dark figure in the eyes of the sheep, is nonetheless a good-hearted shepherd in the corny Christian sense, seeking to undermine the cult which represents a threat to the Zog order of society, apparently a society of freedom, but in reality slavery, the real freedom coming through the negredo transmutation of the cult's praxis, and which will liberate the zombie slaves of Zog.
It is the freedom of self-determination, of authenticity, which is what is intended to be subverted and annihilated by the Zog and its loosely affiliated quasi-rogue puppet, Cobra, who represents the Ouroboros serpent of international Jewry in miniature, and who is their archangel Avenger figure. The non-white mestizo, me-shit-su, latrino, Mexican, comic relief, Sancho Panza sidekick of Cobra, is of course portrayed as an altruistic, good-intentioned humanitarian, the exact inverse and antithesis of the reality of that vile breed of surreptitious, low-minded thieves and violent criminals, who biologically mixed, whose biologically mixed constitution manifests itself in chaotic behavior and all manner of vice. This figure, of course, is portrayed as having benevolent and paternalistic intentions toward the naive and weak white woman, who Cobra has been assigned to protect from the Cabal, who has absurdly targeted her, a pure and innocent representative of her race, another inversion of reality.
The blonde-haired and blue-eyed woman is portrayed as having a sexual or romantic interest in the greasy wop Stallone, and naively follows all of his commands and he and his partner's kindergartenish advice in her simplicity and naivety. The Cabal stages an all-out attack through their insider in the police force, and they are mercilessly destroyed by the quote-unquote heroic Jew Stallone. Of course, the reality would be, and undoubtedly will be, the exact reverse, as this satirized Jewish version of Hollywood fake reality is substituted with that of the Rahoah in a Turner Diaries-style terminus, and the End Times Iron Age Kali Yuga.
Cobra and his ilk, if they exist at all, Mossad, IDF, will be mercilessly ground in the meat grinder to come, and will be the end of the old age and the beginning of the new. The insiders in the system will be, not be so easily apprehended, and the Magian ethos of Jewish moralizing of Abrahamism will finally be but a mere broken relic of the past, a statue smashed to dust by the hammer of Thor, as the statues of the pagan past have been by the Jewish slaves, Zogbots, the Christians, Muslims, and others. Once the Zardoz statue, the Jehovah, Jews-us statue, is broken through the chaos to come, there will be no mental shackles on the zombie slaves of the system.
The systems to self-destruction, and at the hands of the cult, will leave them without compass, and drive them into the hands of the elite for basic material comforts and security. Undoubtedly, the cult referred to in the movie is based upon the order of nine angles, which is a reality, and in the movie is based upon the, and undoubtedly will do what must be done, or is an process of bringing in the new world order, the new Aeon, through presencing dark acausal nexions, through their anti-gnomian satanic praxis, annihilation of the false light of the Magian ethos, and its representatives, rabbis, Jews-us, the fictional anthropomorphic god-man, and his flock of sheeple. The sheeple, lacking any genuine archangel Michaels to protect them from the wolves, will be forced to throw off the shackles of their minds out of self-defense.
Then they too will become wolves, and further the presencing of the dark acausal nexions. The hunters of the new world order earn their credentials through rites of passage, not through moralizing and defending the weak. The blue-eyed and blonde-haired woman of the movie is only weak in Jewish Hollywood.
In reality, she is a wolf, and will join with her fellow wolves in presencing the new Aeon, turning upon her bigoted paternalistic would-be Jewish protector and his Sancho Panza latrino sidekick, and rend them. Such is the way of the wolf, and in the wolf age, the wolf wins, even if by losing. The only real meaning of winning by losing is that of the kamikaze of the berserker.
Once the target is acquired, the will brings into action the nexion. The triumph of the will is the triumph of the wolf in the age of the wolf. Democracy and its discontents.
Kosher-approved political praxis falls within the spectrum of the left-right paradigm, a system of illusion wherein the per-blind masses are permitted to expend their time, money, and effort on that which simply serves the white genocide agenda, if any, if only by failing to criticize or calling to question the validity or even recognize the Jewish hegemony which exists. Accordingly, they are worse than useless, through subscribing to distractions which have been fabricated by the Jews for that very purpose, have allowed themselves to be yoked to ideologies and abstract ideas which, in practical consequence, lead only to their being useful goyim mules led to the slaughter after they cease to serve the Jews as chattel labor. Whether an irrational, emotionally unstable lunatic leftist or a hyper-rational bumbling fool and coward on the right, both sides share the label goy and prop up their oriental despot master on the silken cushions and serve as his footstool while he lounges about in his guilt throne.
Those who naively assume democracy is their salvation and that this reliance upon a representational system is the solution to their life's problems are extremely naive and gullible, lacking an understanding of the fact that when you deliberately relinquish power through quote-unquote vesting it in a system wherein you have no actual power or say but only under the illusory guise of a representative, you in effect become a slave of a master whose representation of yourself is not based upon concrete biological blood ties but on abstract ideas which have no concrete basis and are thus merely illusions, rendering your systemic crush of support a figment of the imagination alone. Scapegoating the populace through playing them off against one another in the left-wing versus right-wing octagon, the democratic MMA matrix is a method of creating division and thus through this disunity neutralizing a potential concentration of power that would be used against a Jewish cabal which has parasitically attained a stranglehold on power through this method of distraction. Thus the solution to this problem is to recognize and propagandize those who can be led to recognize the fallacy and fraudulent nature of democracy which takes real power from people and grants an illusory power as a simulacral substitute which is the same Jewish scheme of substituting gold and silver money with base metal and then paper and plastic and electronic currency.
From material tangible concrete reality to fictional illusory simulated reality, so too with the food supply in the educational system and health care system, all illusions of health and wisdom of the good which conceal and cover up the obviously bad reality, sickness and ignorance. Thus virally spreading the message of unconcealing the demon in demonocracy is a method to encourage and incentivize reachable people to withdraw their energies, money, thought and action from the system and allocate them to the pro-white cause, funding legitimate organizations, propagandizing against the jog, Jewish occupation government, and financing revolutionary activists clandestinely who would have the capacity to strike effectively against the jog system in whatever way enables the 14 words realization. Democracy is death, death to democracy.
That numbers matter within the system of quote-unquote representation by population implies that a reign of quantity supersedes quality and that quality is subverted at its expense. Accordingly one's ability to find any quote-unquote representation within the system based upon quantity where he as a distinct qualitative being of a distinct qualitative group is deluged and qualitatively divergent and discordant kinds is minimized to the extent possible given that he becomes a member of an ever shrinking minority, shrinking to the point of oblivion. Thus the white race when trapped within this slave system observe themselves helplessly being spiraled down the demographic drain to oblivion, deluged in the sewage of the third world.
Thus being voted out of power means to be voted out of existence and granting the right of numerically superior groups to vote one out of existence is little different than placing a sacrifice knife into the hand of a dark occultist and allowing oneself to be strapped down onto a stone slab, the democratic system and sacrificed. To uphold and even exalt these quote-unquote values, these valueless values of democracy is to play the role of a suicide, loudly proclaiming peace amongst the enemies of one's kind and voluntarily laying down one's weapon as a bond jest, a signal to the enemy that he has no willingness to fight, in short a willingness to extend trust to a known enemy. But perhaps this is a problem, that the white race has been softened up to the extent that it doesn't know that it is unaware of the fact that there exists an enemy and that that enemy is one in whom trust must definitely not be placed, no olive branch extended toward or handshake proffered.
It is the apparent or actual unwillingness of the white race, taken as a collective, to actively oppose that which threatens what they have failed to adequately love, namely their own identity, which emboldens the enemy and encourages his ever-increasing, in proportion to his representation of the population and proportional power increase, willingness to assume risk and make gambits for power. Thus this lackadaisicality, this unwillingness to travel a harder path, a path of greater hardship, or perhaps a cowardly avoidance of the festering problems of this world, is the ultimate cause of the power-lustful ambition of the non-white majority, which, as its strategy for power, perpetually whelps out more of its parasitical kind and attaches them to the white race through socio-economic tendrils, draining away their life's blood and attempting to live at their expense, live out their twisted fantasy of putting the white man in chains while they lollygag in the offices and easy jobs. What they fail to realize is that their illusion of democracy, which serves as a springboard in their fallible understanding, to their own despotism, in reality is already failing and the white race can already understand, though through a glass darkly, that that false idol they exalt of necessity must be replaced by something better, that they can polarize around and which will serve as the guarantor of their interest.
This something will only come through the abolition, through systemic change coming from within, unlikely in and of itself, or more strenuous change both within and without the system. Those greedy would-be despots amongst the enemies of the white race, both white and non-white, will find that usurpation can be a painful process indeed. Disruption, the general protocol of revolutionary activism in today's society, comes in the form of what might be called disruption, an attempt to subvert the functions of society socially, economically, politically, psychologically, which topple the regime and which clear the way for a new one to arise on the rubble of the old's destruction.
One must withdraw from the system to as great an extent as possible, even living a life of a criminal and disrupting the system in a legal sense, inducing crime response on the part of the iron heel, the police, eliciting systemic overreaction, especially if the crime is sensationalistic or threatening to the regime's substantial nature, e.g. knocking down tombstones or monuments of non-white invaders, burning down non-white religious temples, including Jewish Christian churches, and leaving a sign or symbol in the vicinity or a letter to the newspaper claiming responsibility, that it was the X gang or whatever, and that more would be coming. Such strikes against the system would of course be instrumental in not only inducing states of fear and terror in the minds of masses, but which would be disruptive of their operation and sending a sign that the regime doesn't have absolute support on the part of the broad masses. Such Pancho Villa-style terrorist tactics, or freedom fighter tactics maybe, a matter of perspective, are the modus operandi of disruption.
So long as only enemy targets are struck, the damage is a positive consequence of action. Prudence, as in all things, should lead the day as a guide to an aggressive willpower. Spreading black propaganda, that which appears as if to originate from enemy sources, is another disruptive tactic.
Rabbis are expert at spray-painting swastikas on their synagogues. So a cue can be taken from the master's sphere. Gang signs and anti-white hate propaganda, crudely smeared on white suburban billboards or other prominent locations, would be an index of gang activity in the minds of the sheeple and create an awareness regarding the credible threat of non-white invaders and the impossibility of white flight to a fantasy land of suburban luxury and gleefulness.
Striking at key economic targets, such as the infrastructural arteries of the supply chain, railroad tracks, power lines and power plants, gas pipelines, etc., are also a necessary act of systemic disruption. Of course, this is all said by way of generating awareness and in no way is a prescription thereof. Cut the phone lines, cut the power lines, create electronic interference of satellites and transmitters of telecommunications, block roads with hot-wired construction equipment prior to rush-hour traffic, eliminate key people from their position through the most peaceable means possible, such that business and governmental operations are interrupted.
Rile up savage hordes through striking at key targets and eliciting rioting and a rage response and concomitant ill-will on the part of non-white and white alike. All of this, however, simultaneously and at once, the chaos really starts kicking off. Once the system shows signs of spinning sparks, it is time to pull the plug, or rather, to throw water on the electrical flames and watch them spread like wildfire.
Escapism in the Kali Yuga. Many labor under the naive belief that the aeon to come and the chaos that will lead to it, especially, is possible to escape, to ride out by riding the tiger. Of course, such a delusional belief provides them with a comforting feeling, an anesthetization of the mind, the quelling of unpleasant fear over the uncertainties of the future, and the doubt over their ability to preserve the comfort and security of the moment which they cling to as a means through which they have of attempting to preserve that which must necessarily perish through the transmutation process to come.
Those who are willing to undergo this willful ignorance or deliberate misunderstanding of that which is to come typically fall into the following two categories. Number one, those who deliberately distrust, distract themselves from the realities which confront them. Typically, those of a more feminine-minded nature, a passive and non-confrontational type.
And number two, those who recognize the problem but attempt to escape from the coming chaos through disappearing into the woods to live on pennies a day, etc., and leaving the others, their own flesh and blood, to die in the conflagration amongst the non-white hordes. Of course, that is an impossibility as the entire system is based upon interdependency, and one can only prepare so much for all eventualities and still maintain life as they are reliant in nearly all cases to sustain life. In the event that they can sustain life temporarily through this escapist prepping ideology, they would still fail as a non-white hordes or Chinese communists led by the Jew would hunt them down and exterminate them all through overt paramilitary action or bioweapons distribution.
Thus, one has no choice over the long term but to stand and fight as no man is an island entire unto himself, and what I am I am through you, and what you are you are through me, as Adolf Hitler said. Thus, there is no escape from Kali, but one must simply submit himself to her in order to undergo the transmutation to the next phase of development of soul evolution or perfection to godhood. Standing and fighting is a strategy, but of course prudence is the mode of action, minimizing risk while maximizing systemic damage, presencing the dark energies of the new aeon and ushering it into being through violence and terror.
Even the mere simulation of violence and terror generates real response on the part of Zala, Zionist occupation government, thereby creating a reality out of a fantasy, realizing the ideal, immanentizing the eschaton. For those who would look the other way out of fear of the dark, they are merely being imprudent, acting out of an unwillingness and inability to face threats to survival. For by failing to confront the enemy, he, the enemy, may the more adroitly carry out his hostile acts, and thus the more likely attain the victory.
To sabotage the plans of the enemy, the tactics of escape and evade alone, must necessarily fail by the mere themselves, as the power of the enemy is not diminished through failure to give combat. Escape and evade, yes, but only after a sufficient blow is cast, one striking the vulnerable points of the target, such as key power players in the system, or strategic economic targets, striking them in such a way as to subjugate their tyrannical influence, and this only within the context of prudence. False promise.
The old Aeon, with its patriarchal structure, placed woman on a pedestal, qua woman. The new has inverted this position and established woman on the throne, unveiling her mystery from what it is, a ruse, a cold and calculating creature, reckoning up advantage, loss and gain for personal aggrandizement. The promise of an idyllic scene of familial Rockwellian auspice evaporates in a cold darkness of vagrancy and reclusion, such is the fate of those who must live as the Chandala of the Kali Yuga, an outcast of the social, branded as an antisocial misfit, a leper of the social.
Given that the topic relates to woman, all too woman, the woman of the Kali Yuga, the postmodern feminine, it follows from the premises that this would be so. Why? Because of the nature of the postmodern Y-man, no longer a womb-man, in order to partake of such a slice, one must possess the purchase price. This of course exceeds the jingle of a few coppers and the dull sheen of base metal slugs, all of which the Chandala can muster to partake of that which would never be available or attainable for himself and which necessitates an exorbitant purchase price of the luster of gold, vulgar gold, and the gleam of the crown jewels which he must need to drape around the neck of his desired paramour as a means of demonstrating his ownership thereof.
Of course in the Kali Yuga, even this is inadequate as the Y-man forces the man to undergo this sacrifice and summarily proceeds to castrate him as her coup de grace of his masculinity, what little he might have possessed in the first place. Hence it is only the most privileged and fortunate alpha males who are permitted by the unwritten laws of the Kali Yuga to partake of the flesh of women and carry forth their family line to posterity. The females, under the influence of their privileged status in the Kali Yuga, have adopted the spoiled demeanor of a poor little rich girl and have gone out of their way to reject the myriad options he had placed before them on plates of filigreed silver.
However, given the darkening of this age of the Jewish devil's plans for white genocide, they are fast replacing the women with more of their flying monkeys, and more and more white women of childbearing age are showing up on the streets of Skid Row, destroyed through a life of misery which leads them to turn to drugs as a palliative, while the decadent bourgeois white men pass by with at best a condescending glance or a sniff of contempt, so much for the Rockwellian dreamscape of a suburban nick mansion or even a humble cottage in the woods. In the one case, the cost is as exorbitant as the other, and only the privileged have the connections to secure the employment they need to pay such costs to the Jewish racketeers. Thus they are confined to a life of the chandol, of the social leper, of the outcast, the outlaw, the criminal.
Accordingly, in order to survive, they must, in their desperate fury, become war, a war everlasting, extinguishable only in the extinction of their vital flame in death. They are the damned and will go down fighting for all of their dreams of Rockwellian Americana are over before they began, and exist outside of their means. There are those who exist beyond the pale of bourgeois domesticity and find their place in this world only in living on the edge of the razor.
Hero of the New World In the movie Cobra, one of the alleged villains pronounces himself a hero of the new world through killing random so-called innocent civilians. And the instrument of Zog, Cobra, played by the Jewish Hollywood celebrity Stallone, attempts to deny this assertion and substitute his magian moralizing as an intended usurpation of the position of the satanic figure who had caused that disruption in the system but which disruption simply proves that the satanic figure is indeed a hero of the new world because he has caused, through his action, the opening of a connection between the causal mundane realm of the matrix of Zog and the acausal supramundane realms, thereby ushering in the dark energies which subvert the old world and bring in the new. Through becoming an Opfer, through sacrificing himself to himself, his higher self, he has marched one step closer to godhood and facilitated the breakdown and inevitable destruction of the old Aeon, this Piscean Aeon.
Thus he confirms the truth of his statement and simultaneously denies the claim of the Cobra of Zog, the magian dogma that purports to advocate an order of harmony and justice but is in reality an order of despotic tyranny and serfdom. Thus the act of the lone man, the Satanist, destroying random individuals who are part of the system creates a state of chaos, disruption, that precipitates the new Aeon. Whether one likes it or no, that is merely his preference.
His own bias and particular brand of ethics, which aren't universalizable, could never be Kantian, as Satanist practice is inherently non-moral. Anything that considers or operates on the basis of this magian morality or whatever dogma is non-Satanic. Anything which operates on the basis of truth, the true will, that which conduces to one's own evolution, necessarily entailing the evolution of the group of which he is a part and its manifest destiny, its evolution, is good.
Thus the hero of the new world is a hero by virtue of being an Opfer, a sacrifice, through risking his own death in acts which undermine and subvert that which seeks to curtail and impede his own evolutionary path. Heroes have ever been born in blood. Implacable Enemies The Jews and their mud hordes are, and have always been, in fact always will be, the implacable enemy of the white man.
This because they are largely incapable of sustaining life without the bearer of the divine spark, the holy grail, the god-particle, the white Aryan man, propping them up through his excessive willingness to tolerate their parasitical influence, the latter largely a result of Judeo-Christ insanity and its descendant, Libtardism, both of which Universalist creeds have brain-polluted the Aryan to labor under to tolerate this white man's burden. Time for the white man to recognize that it is not his fate to be a burden-bearer and that rather than this, it is essential and imperative that he is to survive to throw aside their burden if need be through force. Only then can his survival be ensured.
Given that the enemy is implacable, i.e. no amount of concessions of power or material resources can ever satisfy his greed, it becomes a disjunctive choice, either survive and sever ties to the non-white beasts to whom he has allowed himself to be chained, this severance is a necessary condition of survival, or cease to exist allowing himself to be mauled to death by the non-white brutes whose blood-lustful nature knows no limit and who will have no great difficulty or lack of desire to refrain from complete cannibalism and genocide of the white man. Thus things, relations between the two shackled opponents who the Jew has cunningly shackled together ultimately come down to this disjunctive choice, kill or be killed, that is how the enemy is dealt with, either one allows the enemy to fester or he cuts his throat, if the former the enemy may heal and return at some future time to consummate his attempted subjugation of his foe, if the latter, no such possibility exists, hence it behooves the shrewd and prudent to focus on the nature of the opponent, what his designs are, the resources he has available and how he can bring into being those resources against one and to cut him off at that point anticipating his probable movements. Implacable though they may be, the effectiveness of the opposition of the enemy is limited by their power which ultimately depends upon physical force, the apparent power of the so-called downtrodden lies emphasis on lying purely on their exploitation of Judeo-Universalist ideology which has infected the minds of the white race and rendered them complicit in their own exploitation and intended by the non-whites genocide, once this is understood to be a reality and the enemy understood to be little more than a vicious brute bent upon the enslavement of the white population, the whites will be forced to make the choice spoken of, i.e. to either kill through passive avoidance and justified reasonable use of force or be killed through a cowardly acquiescence to a tyranny being imposed upon them by the despotic non-white political opposition, placating the enemy being impossible, the only alternative is to prepare a defense against it and that requiring whatever forceful means reasonably ensures a preservation of one's own kind.
On Jewish psychopathology and its insidious influence, creating conditions that induce stress and unpleasantness in the minds of the populace is a technique the Jew employs to bring their goyim to states of despair and to embrace and adopt whatever harmful solution the Jew imposes upon them, be it the pretense of mental quote-unquote help or various forms of therapy even to the point of assisted suicide which of course is correspondent with their genocide agenda, thus psychological pressure is brought to bear on the goyim to entice them into their candy-coated traps and further their passage along into the grave, which is the intention of the Jew in the first place, to psychopathologize normal behavior such as aggressive reactions to threats to oneself such as non-white immigration or Jewish supremacy etc. as a mechanism whereby the Jew in his controlled police state slash jog system harms under the guise of help, this is the general protocol to surreptitiously attack their enemy, mainly the white race and as a cover to get away with their actions, thus we have the claim that the broad masses require healthy food, so what is done is to portray nourishing food as quote-unquote unhealthy, cholesterol etc. and to prescribe through so-called medical experts a predominantly or exclusively vegetable or vegan diet, eventually portraying this as the good of future society to quote-unquote save the planet, thus we see another instance of salvationism as a mental illness inculcated in the minds of whites for the purpose of self-destruction, the Jews having discovered the Achilles heel of white people, that being a gullibility, an altruistic inclination that is the thumbscrew into which they insert their fingernail and twist the white population's mind and behavior to serve their agenda, that of white genocide and the genocide of others who the Jew wants eliminated, such as Muslims, Arabs etc., thus in the name of quote-unquote saving the Jew, the Second World War is created for the Jews to subvert and destroy the Germans, to pose a threat to their hegemony and to demoralize the whites of all nations into submission to themselves for fear of being called a racist etc., anti-Semite, which attitude has become through classical conditioning falsely associated with the alleged holy hoax and the six million, another instance of harming under the guise of helping is that of the claim of enriching a white Western world, Western being a euphemism for white, through the endless inversion or invasion of non-white hordes, which of course is observed to the extreme given the deleterious influence of their infestation, chlorinating and chlorinating the water supply, genetically modifying the food etc., all under the pretense of helping in reality hindering the survival of whites, the sign-ups of feminism and MGTOW are yet other ways the Jew has of dividing and conquering and creating strife amongst whites to destabilize and subvert their ancestral culture and traditions, as well as appropriate natural relations between sexes, classes and other kinds, the national order is subverted by Jews as a means of attempting to destroy non-Jews, those who exist outside of the pale and who are thus relegated to the class of other, goya, life or death, racial loyalty or racial treason, that the life of the individual is bound up with the collective implies that the life of the collective is a determinant and necessary condition of the life of the individual, accordingly those who refuse to support the collective are precipitating their own destruction, are a suicidal lemming or dodo bird who stubbornly or stupidly refuses to acknowledge this necessary condition of survival and goes out of its slash his slash her way to display outgroup altruism or other regard without it being instrumental means to the greater profit of their own collective, in the case of the stubborn, the evangelical fanatic of universalism, be it libtardism or christian sanity, left-wing or right-wing universalism, their own short-sighted greed for an ego boost and or social capital status is what motivates them to sell out their own naively or irrationally believing that the universalist creed they have adopted will somehow work out and that everyone, every bipedal being falsely called human, will get along and revel in material comfort and ease, working toward a united world of peace love and unity, in the case of the stupid they subscribe wholeheartedly to the perverted creed and that of the stubborn, they're more cynical and at the same time through their stubbornness stupid and that they fail to recognize how their interests and prosperity has bound up with that of their collective, accordingly they bring about their own destruction even in spite of their cleverness and mighty intellect, perhaps they are too calculating, too ruthless for their own good and too mercenary in their loyalties which extend beyond the borders of natural intention, inclination toward a treasonous disloyalty to one's own group, on that basis they are worse than the less intelligent naive and gullible lemmings and are positively harmful to the survival of one's racial group, they seal their death warrant through a conscious violation of nature's laws and precipitating and facilitating harm to their race, this qualifies them as a race traitor, those who passively or actively permit harm to befall their own people and go so far as to augment that harm, whatever degree of racial treason they are committing is determined by the case, by the extent of the harm, its degree and should be punished on a sliding scale accordingly through whatever means is appropriate, those who demonstrate racial loyalty through putting forth effort and contributing to the survival expansion and advancement of the white race should be rewarded proportionately depending on the loss of their time and effort and amount of good generated, assuming this could ever be subject to a quantitatively based system of rewards and punishments, ultimately it is up to the person to dish out rewards and mete out punishments according to their own understanding of natural justice and not leave the guilty unpunished or the meritorious underwarded, all is subject to the laws of karma which is to say the laws of nature based upon the effect on the motion in the ocean on how much of a ripple effect one causes and how those ripples corrode or reverberate against oneself, gothic ripples can generate enough turbulence to create a storm, loyalty to one's own kind provides one with a secure of bark in which to weather that storm and disloyalty is to shoot the bottom out of one's yacht and perish in the maelstrom he generates, thus the illusion that money is a deciding factor and safeguard of one's security is dispelled when the clouds gather and the false sense of security one has labored under evaporates, having taken a side against the collected he will have to weather the storm alone, for those race traitors perpetually ignoring reality and virtue signaling about their humanitarian ethos and devotion to all, they will swiftly come to realize that it is their effort or a mask of altruism concealing their self-interest, all for naught, as the savage hordes rend them limb from limb and their own people shun and reject them as the traitors they are, given the hypocrisy most if not all of the self-serving self-interest maximizers partake of, it is unfortunate that so many, given the resources and influence they command, will make it through the flames of the Rahoah, however once the dust settles they will be singled out and reduced, sorted out and reduced to chapel labor just as they reduced the whites they deemed inadequately intellectual or unsophisticated and cast into the streets or to the lowest tiers of the labor force ruining their future and ability to conceive any children of their own or have any meaningful fulfilling life's vocation, accordingly the mighty will be brought low in the satanic inversion of the universalist egalitarian regime as ideological pillars of support, then rendered shattered and broken the entire superstructure having fallen as a house of cards, that racial loyalty is conducive to life, behooves all who have a vested interest in living to extend a like regard to their own kind, else they will have nothing to regard once their eyes are put out by the too altruist mob of vengeful poor who will mete out justice to them and all those racial loyalists who have higher aims and objectives than the maximization of crude self-interest and plain manning to the savage hordes of the earth, racial loyalty is inherent in the doctrine of natural law, racial treason and that of universalism, raceless mongrelization, egalitarianism, to uphold either creed is to ideologically, genuinely or no, uphold natural law or violate natural law, to practice either is to bring that mental perversion into reality and bring about a backlash against oneself, christ insanity and its modern variant libertarianism are testaments to the perversity of the anti-natural creeds and the history they have brought about with its historical lessons underscores their perversity, it is not in the end the lord, wish lord, who will sort out the problems of this world but nature and nature through all of its organic forms, thus it is the individual who must act, who must will and will that his people survive even if he only cared for his own survival over the long term through the generations that stem from himself or either within his own life, at the present time the current generation should they wish to live a life of complete self-interest other complete disregard for posterity as so many of the baby boomers did cannot afford to do so given that their failure to invest in posterity is to fail to invest in themselves and thus to terminate their own lives in the tide of blood from the third world which presses in upon them from all sides, only a team effort is adequate to curtail and push back the teeming orders of brutes and their insatiable claim, insatiable desire for loot, for the life's of the white man, blood loyalty is a transfusion of vitality which revitalizes the terminal patient of the white race, like a swarm of bees, like a swarm of bees the aggression of the masses bombards the exception, the other, the marginal, he who stands outside of their hyper conformist limits and dares to exist as an independent figure, one whose identity is defined by the sheepish herd as criminal or aberrative, such is the impression which pervades the social atmosphere in the case of the confrontation between the mass identity slash entity, the collective hive mind and the outsider, he is to them simultaneously threat, object of derision, contempt, a figure to crucify on their cross of regularity, right angularity, nailed to the cross, pariah of the social serves as a means on the part of the mass to unify and strengthen themselves over and against the other, they are the good, he the evil one, such is the law code they construct and reflexively refer to this other, such was the beginning of the Talmud born of the tribalistic antipathy toward the other on the part of the desert dwellers who overran Babylon and formulated this fanatical creed of self-worship, positing the other as devil, as Satan and hurling stones at him with their engines of war, the justification for self-aggrandizing plunder and loot was and has always been the otherness of the other, that which is not self, being stigmatized as evil, as that which carries with it the imperative to be destroyed, this dualistic modality of consciousness born of the fanatical mind of the tribe created this dynamic out of its own egotism and perpetuated the lesser they'll perpetuate through perpetuating the former, through continuing to pose at this dialectic of good versus evil, the mass mind of the tribe was strengthened as a way to maintain its identity as an egregore or thought form, a demiurgic high-bind collective consciousness supported by and supporting that from which it derives and to which it inclines, namely the tribe, thus the war-like dualism of self versus others structured along lines of good versus evil was a capitalistic formula of survival the rabbinate created and implemented as means of expanding and advancing their tribe and extrapolation of their own ego, thus both ethical egotism and hypocrisy were simultaneously born from the same womb as the artificial system of prohibitions, taboos and commandments which served as a justification and catalyst, like a swarm of bees the tribe descending upon the other and struck out at him, in the case of the jews it was the gentiles, those not of their tribe, in the case of contemporary multi-racialized western society it is he who opposes a multi-cult, he who affirms the preservation of his existence as a member of an ethnic group and this through the preservation of this ethnic group but only if this ethnic group is white, the jews want multi-cultism for the non-jew as this strengthens their ego complex, their mass mind and the physical represents a loss of power of command over resources by whites for whites even if only by default, thus we see the origin of the white genocide program which has been installed by jews through demoralization propaganda and weakening their host's resolve to maintain and build power of their own and thus having a willingness to make concessions given that this propaganda swarm of bees has been stinging him over a lengthy period of time, time for the white man to simply plunge himself into an icy river and drive the bees from his body, with such a wake up there can be an invigoration of this stung body and a backlash against the survival of his kind can be embarked upon, might is right intellectual sophisticates and meek sheep who have no stomach for the harsh realities of life abhor the creed that might makes right and yet their willful ignorance, their directing their thoughts and energies away from that reality is merely a confirmation of the truth of the creed by virtue of the fact that it is an exercise of their will, a willful self-assertion or upsurge in the face of being of that which constrains and yet simultaneously enables that willful striving thus to will to oppose will is an absurdity to will not to will is the suicidal and impossible creed of schopenhauer who even posited being as will and yet somehow representation one the individual who wills and is a dynamic system within the sum total striving against it and growing through its counterforce is a necessity part of the struggle that is life and would otherwise be a cadaver itself a play of forces warring against one another yet animated by no lingering metaphysical tissue or soul given that the latter as through the causality and a causality of metaphysical reality detached itself or separated itself from the more dense material form which had been its vehicle to operate on the mundane plane once leaving it continues injures only if it has the strength to overcome the countervailing forces which beset it in their own natural trajectory and operation even thus in the metaphysical planes might remains right the right to life is inextricably bound up with the development and maintenance of adequate force of adequate energy or vital force for the continuance of the entelechy which is the human organism both physical and metaphysical the perpetual chirping of the empty phrases peace love etc are merely platitudes that serve to improve mood states induce dopamine spikes and generally enable the meek sheep or rank hypocrite to continue on in their self-indulgent lives maximizing pleasure and minimizing pain without having to endure the strife of the counterforce of painful realities thoughts and imaginings or actual hardships and experiences hence the christians who are abducted by negroes to be killed after robbery and rape pray to feel good and to avoid the harsh realities of life rather than to put up a fight for their survival which would have given them a greater chance to perpetuate their physical existence just as it would increase the probability of maintaining their integrity of their soul beyond the physical going out in a blaze of glory rather than dying with a whimper and a prayer to a fictional deity who never existed nor ever will exist in all cases of one's existence the creed remains all life is struggle peace is death the nazarene suicide creed is the mind poison that drives one to give up the ghost literally through a weakening of its intensity of its vital life force which brings about its extinction through gradual weakening of the drives the bundle of drives that is oneself a conscious intellect a self-propelling wheel will to power is will to life but life beyond life and bigger than life such as a process of willful striving that throughout the strife that is life the soul grows vertutas volia verseet virtue grows through a wound no one is immune number one from the laws of nature number two on this basis from a just punishment they deserve for violating others space territory and the sanctity of their person in cases of rape in cases of demanding unjustly outside of the limits of the nature of the other and beyond its capacity for tolerance treatment of demanding that the other bow subordinate them to themselves as slaves such as the cowardly agreeability the white male population today is subject to as a necessary condition of participating in society created by their ancestors and from which they have been dispossessed laws of nature apply universally and the nature of the being in question operates within its own restrictive limitations existing its essence and and anything which violates that essence is immediately endured or rejected in the former case if it accords with the genetic programming of the being in question to the breaking point and in the latter in the form of anything from avoidance to overt physical repulsion however the nature of the being in question and the laws which this being must obey are susceptible of modification through the perverse indoctrination and anti-natural environmental influence of the academic system and society generally in spite of the deviant programming the being's nature whether jew black or white manifests itself through this medium and the message is clear i am i in spite of what environmental changes exist i could never be other than what i am and therefore must express myself behaviorally must exist my essence and am incapable of transmuting myself into anything but what i am indeed under the circumstances of whatever form of society i might reveal aspects of my personality i am nonetheless who i am merely a different hypothesis if i am given through special preferential treatment a position as e.g. a teacher i express my inherent biological qualities through this medium this vehicle of action which enables me to color this capacity with my you a black will blacken the education system a white whiten it and a jew jew it the epithet jew has become an epithet in this context where outside of it it may be a generic term designative of a bio-spiritual group of beings with similar anatomical and genetic characteristics visually identifiable and identifiable through the higher senses for those who possess them it is an epithet by virtue of the nature of the jew revealed in a broad range of instances and circumstances the character remains relatively consistent and identifiable and thus can be pointed to as having a real existential nature thus being able to be understood by those sufficiently perspicuous to do so failure to understand the other is akin to a violation of the laws of nature itself when one must come into contact with them as it is to fail to do what one needs to perpetrate the evolution or development of his own kind over and against that of the competitor a threat a rival or a sucker whatever the case may be one must know himself and others in order to adapt and function the artificial matrix which brings him round and imposes anti-natural laws upon the natural being which is thereby rendered artificial programmed to act in a manner deviant from his nature psychopathologically and thus at times an unusual case against his survival and that of his kind such as the program the white race have been subjected to by the jewish mind manipulators such that their immunity to racial contamination as well as to external threats from the other which has been and continues to be the program of the jews for white genocide given the egalitarian brainwashing that the jewish biocontrol information system academia and masses media subverts whites subjects whites to the latter are of course deconditioned to act according to their natural biological proclivities and eschew what they have been programmed to call violence i.e. self-defense and rejection of the other as a natural defense mechanism in accordance with natural law thus their healthy instincts through repetition of demoralizing dogma through the anti-white propaganda system have been torn away at clawed at and summarily weakened such that the former strength of their fighting spirit has diminished and they now live their lives as craving cowards groveling in the dust before foreign invaders who are being brought into their countries as an army to be used against them the mind pollution of the jewish information system needs to be cleared from the brains of whites as a means of creating a vacuum in which healthy instincts can reform them so reform themselves in their minds their entire mental body and enable the necessary reactive unnecessary reaction to the chaos to come and which exists currently no positive philosophy is requisite although perhaps as a means of accelerating the transition toward a whiter brighter world it may be of value such philosophy could embody itself in the text might is right by ragnar redbeard the antichrist by friedrich nietzsche and various other works of this nature that propound natural law as the basis and bastion of the survival of the white race peace is death peace is the absence of strife all strife is dynamic force all dynamic force is life therefore all peace is death the negation of life from this syllogism one must draw his only conclusions and develop his own ideas of what is right and what is wrong and what is right moral codes either it will be suicide peace or it will be life war or love the two poles of struggle of the life force attraction and repulsion there are no other options to passively allow oneself to reduce his natural functions and behavior so as to accommodate all others who constitute a countervailing force to his natural function this takes the extreme forms of such as fanatical buddhists etc who simply set or sit about and allow themselves to expire not ever having not even having the willingness the willpower to pluck from off their degenerating bodies the flies which burrow themselves in their skin and overrun their bodies with disease or the birds which descend upon them and pluck their eyes out with their beaks such a living death has no place in the world which supports only those being sufficiently vital to preserve their lives and who understand the antipode to the creed of spiritual suicide which is what all spirituality ultimately is namely dynamism of action will to power thus we come to the conclusion that there is in life the necessity to face a disjunctive choice between life and non-life death suicide and that this choice can be embodied in the simple phrase of adolf hitler all life is struggle and those who refuse to fight or struggle in this world do not deserve to live not because hitler would dispatch them but because nature would thus we can draw the further conclusion that christ and sanity and all of its related ideologies though apparently separate and even antithetical are all suicide creeds which precipitate one's own death to the extent they are adopted and adhered to thus we can see that as the logical conclusion of peace death follows hence the phrase written on the gravestones of those who have found peace rest in peace truly such as the only locus on this veil of tears wherein peace is to be sought and discovered for those who would tread a more strenuous path a more progressive path and not regress through an entropic state of willless living death toward a more vital and elevated position they must prepare themselves through struggle to struggle such proof is in the pudding and is attained only through doing that all life is struggle entails the ethical imperative of struggle and the development of sufficient control of the will and willpower to ensure that one is suited to carrying the victory in battle to the enemy if need be those who would rather crawl into a cave and await those the second coming subsisting on nuts and berries nonetheless subsist rend the nuts and berries with hard teeth and break them from their vital life line the plant they are struggling still as they still live though laboring under delusion that they have attained an everlasting peace which they will only attain upon the expiration of their physical form through being insufficiently powerful to maintain their vital processes and thus sustain life endure through the struggle that is life robin hood those who control the morgue system magian occupied regime and government board purport to be the benevolent charitable virtuous and altruistic humanitarians whose only concern is with the welfare of the meek and weak the perennial victims women and minorities and every and anything which is not heterosexual white and male the only opposition to their power even their shabbos goy naive or simply corrupt heterosexual white males freemasons and judeo-christians who serve them as well as their lower level minions whose loyalty is bought by glamour and fame on the false promise thereof this apparent humanitarianism is merely a blind behind which they operate their self-serving system of destruction and exploitation of others in the middle ages it was the sigh of hellfire for transgression and heaven for obedience that kept in check the teeming multitude employing fear under the guise of god's grace to enslave the masses through enslaving their minds to the quote-unquote deity and his priestly caste hierarchy subsequently once the new aeon dawned upon the horizon the consciousness of the broad masses the priestly caste had to make subtle changes in their theological mental chains to continue to enslave the broad masses minds hence a barbarism was introduced to reduce all to the level of apes equalizing whites with muds of course division existed within the priestly caste but the tyranny continued with man white man the only man produced to the level of a jungle ape the priestly caste making a further step toward their equalization program through darwinism thus the broad masses are still enslaved producing and creating the products at the lowest level while the priestly caste lords it over them with contemptuous arrogance they control the wealth they never produced hoarding the lion's share while redistributing it indiscriminately amongst the teeming multitude of savage hordes they release upon a relatively less affluent whites thereby destroying their standard of living and bringing them low reducing them to the level of the brutes from the jungle such as the intention of the priestly caste of course their mental blueprint conceived in paroxysms of delirium and power mad egocentrism will of course fail in their attempt and the way in which to minimize the damage before the inevitable collapse is through accelerating their losses and increasing to the greatest extent that of the white race taking in short from the halves through legal and even perhaps and even especially non-legal means to forestall and avoid to subvert and destroy the equalization protocol this can be carried out through destroying or undermining in whatever way strategic economic targets whatever takes from them and gives to the white race most targets being controlled by jews and their race trader affiliates who have been corrupted by them into a devotion to the post-modern ideology of hypocritical egalitarianism as a cover for self-serving mammonism are fair game if it can be known or inferred that this is where their allegiance lies those who are demonstrably pro-white or local are to be exempt from any action that diminishes their bottom line or harms the greater good of the white racist collective as in all operations it is the greater good the overall end result which decides the good of the action robin hoodism an end times cali yuga protocol to rob from the rich and give to the poor by any and all means necessary keeping consistent with the praxis of bringing about the end of the old age and bringing into being the new aeon the more chaos the better as the resources of the police state are stretched as thin as possible to the breaking point the operator of the cali yuga by whatever name plays the role of a subversive to undermine the at vulnerable weak points taking nibbles and bites from the system and weakening its defenses as a war of the flea protocol the death of the system by a thousand cuts in this instance those cuts entail the cut of the of the profit margin from business and this in the form of all manner and degree of theft for the purpose of redistribution or rollover for one's own purposes as a means of continuing his praxis of subversion the wealth that has been robbed from the source victimless crime not hardly but the victims are the villains who perpetuate their tyranny under the guise of safety and security the police state a healthy economy the rapine of gaia the subsistence wage etc and equality equalization of the all to the level of serfs thus the crime of such it may be called is in actuality the negation of the crime of the system which itself is a crime by virtue of its nature namely that of parasitism and usurious despotism given this fact of the negation of the autonomy of its charges were condescendingly reviled by the administrative caste as civilians it behooves the latter to strike against the system by taking back that which was produced by themselves taken through parasitical usury under the guise of humanity and other such empty phrases purporting to be inclusive of the slave caste by a administrative caste representatives whose socioeconomic position and general mentality could never represent in any accurate way the will or consciousness of those below themselves save as being of their own kid their own blood within the confines of a multi-ethnic society no such representation can be had and accordingly must of necessity fall into ruins through the recognition on the part of the downtrodden that their interests are not and could never be met in such a twisted perversion of nature as a multi-ethnic society whose very nature is against the manifestation of the destiny of its multitude of divergent ethnicities thus with every razor's cut of the flesh of the corpulent leviathan the life's blood derived through parasitical vampirism from its slaves is released in trickles and then in waves theft in all forms must be employed from the petty theft of shoplifting to the grand larceny of high-level bank employees and the graft of corporate executives and government employees from the street level hoodlumism of the stick-up man to the trickery of the cat burglar in home invasions the new world must begin its birth pangs through the pain of loss of those who have caused the pain of loss to others namely those they thrust into the shackles of wage slavery the means of freezing the bondsman freeing the bondsman from his manacles is a sledgehammer of thor directed at the jewelry cabinet the explosive dynamite of zeus discharged at the safe the wisdom of odin and enki falsifying accounts and picking the locks discovering the main springs of actions of leviathan's gears and tearing them out through the talons of horus thus and only thus will the zog machine meet its death loot rob steal oh masses for your time to shine has dawned as the dawning of the new aeon unleash fury unleash chaos and strike from a thousand thousand angles the target which is zog rend the gears and tear limb from limb its imponderable bulk and the intricate complexity of its inner workings a screw loose here a slight warp of a gear there will precipitate its downfall take the keys to your freedom and score the candy paint of a jew's expensive maserati today make your mark and confirm in the blood of the enemy your freedom through slipping a dagger betwixt his ribs the modern slash post-modern day robin hood must condition his mind to be beyond good and evil the good of this figure is that of the survival and expansion of his own kind and his own self of those who are of sound mind to the extent of their facilitating similar objectives and even if of unsound mind are nonetheless capable of performing a beneficial role in affecting that purpose salvationism the evangelism of post-modernity is a carryover from its modernist or dark age equivalent namely that of negating vital being and transmuting it into dead being i.e. killing softly conferring and establishing a state of quote-unquote peace aka the cessation of vital force aka life upon a once vital being who is portrayed as a quote-unquote sinner by virtue of his essence making of his existence a sin in post-modern condition however this sin is that of living at a higher level of a higher genetic state of being which by virtue of its superiority enables a higher state of existence than that of the brute this is considered a transgression of the touted principle of equality itself an abomination in the eyes of nature and thus like its dark age predecessor judeo-christ insanity a creed which seeks to level the higher to the state of the lower equalization of the unequal which negates the vitality of the higher being subverts destroys it in its being in an impossible attempt to drag it down to the level of the beast ostensibly under the guise of elevating the ladder of course always and invariably at the expense of the former the salvationist creed serves as the ethical imperative of the salvationist who makes their last mission a wealth redistribution and perpetual serving of the servants as a means of accruing a sense of self-worth their identity becomes their function serviceable exclusively to any and all who are not white accordingly their identity is anti-white by default and they are according to the pro-white stance not only not to be saved but rather to save white people from their influence if this necessitates more extreme measures so be it to save the white race one must ultimately go on a crusade of negating anti-white influence if need be through the modern equivalent of the sword one must strike against the enemy in all ways which hinder and negate their white genocide agenda the virtue signaling salvationist derives profit through a soft genocide of their own kind thus they seek to profit at the expense of their own kind and derive a perverse anti-natural self-satisfaction through harming them through castigating and heaping criticism upon them as a means of inflating their sense of self-worth thus they seek to profit either financially and or through social capital accumulation thus these hypocritical altruists are in reality extreme egotists whose purpose in life is to oversee and facilitate a suicide of their own people who they pose it as the evil one vis-a-vis the chosen one the jews and their myriad hordes of beast folk to seek the salvation in the sense of equalization of those who are obviously genetically inferior is to negate the higher type at the expense of the lower who then merely revert back to nature and drag all civilization into the void with them satanic forms magic and morality and magic ethos a facade of benignity of pacifism of altruistic care for the other of love and peace overlaid upon mechanistic gears and wheels of iron necessity and natural law a silicon mask stretched over the wires and circuitry of the reality of human all too human and dehumanized human devoid of soullessness this mechanical construct operates according to its programming and jumps through the hoops of social obligations graciously as a means to an end the modus operandi is a devotion to a static life or the dream and possible realization of a static life of universal harmony brotherhood etc and a life of submissive obeisance before authority constituting the means at least such as the carrot dangled before the mule the goy the slave by the priestly caste holding out false promises of this hereafter or earthly kingdom of heaven which purports to be eternally nigh and yet never exists in concrete reality such forms of behavior as an extraversion of false jolility of agreeability of feigning contrition and pity over the endless line of victims who are perpetually exploiting their victim status for personal profit under the guise of redressing grievances and equalizing the unequal etc defending the weak and developing strength only as a means to this pitiable if pity were at all possible for hyperboreans purpose such inglorious motives have had their day they are valleys which belong to the old aeon that of pisces and those of the new aeon are fast supplanting them those old worn out clothes of which garb the actors of the theater of the real they are now those who wish to maintain their role upon a stage discarding old clothes and taking up new ones those of the new aeon that of porous that of aquarius and learning their lines for the next act this new twist in the plot of history comes in the form of the adoption of satanic forms of behavior of action no longer the plaintive cry for the victim but rather the roar of the lion after its prey no more self-sacrifice of martyrs for abstract principles of justice and truth just relativistic moral codes morality being in natural drives the kill or be killed of loyalty only to oneself and one's kin as an extension of oneself of hostility to enemies no longer turning the other cheek or tolerating in christian piety the other in its otherness simply understanding and acknowledging its nature as friend or foe and acting accordingly the development not of a weakness as virtue but a strength the expansion of the self through the self toward higher states of being not a contraction of itself into oneself and false humility and ostensive altruistic compassion in reality born of one's own inherent weakness and the cultivation of weakness through an attachment to imagine morality and practice and the new aeon the law of the strong supersedes that of the weak and the idols of yesterday are cast down as they in false humility and pious contempt cast down the pagan idols of your burn the synagogues mosques churches hang the priests rabbis bishops and imams abraham is dead jesus allah and yahweh are dead the lord of the world the king of the world of the worldly plane reigns triumphant sanat kumara behold his splendor smash the law tables the magian law tables of the old aeon are to be broken on the rocks of the new aquarium age the altruistic hypocrisy slavish devotion to anthropomorphic primitive man gods and mystic magic female ghosts the holy ghost is nearing its apogee the battle must rage to the death against the false idols of the magian mythos the worship of external authority and prostration of oneself before the other either in hypocritical genuflection before the servants serving the servants or through a voluntary submission before a fictional master who is somehow omniscient and can see through one's motives and into the inner recesses of his thoughts and thus holds him in subjection to his allegedly all-powerful will such psychological abuse is to be reduced to rubble with the smashing of the law tables of the mind which exert their despotic influence and force the victim to bow low under the weight of his mental shackles the commandments of a fictional god deity are themselves fictional and came into being only through the mediation of priestly cast parasites who under the facade of false humility established this commandment these commandments on golden tablets and on the top of the crystal mountain of zion nonetheless against nature's law tooth and claw these tablets of gold are transmuted into their monatomic elements and to others dissolved into faded memories at best else non-existence their once godlike power evaporates with the dawn of a new aeon and the accelerated consciousness of the masses and of those especially who are able to break free of their own chains and rise above the masses those who would rather stagnate than resonate with the energies of the new aeon are those who must be left in the dirt this is readily apparent in the case of those who cling to old aeonic cultural modalities and forms such as the baby boomers who though beset with the satanic culture nevertheless labored and labor still under the chains and leaden weights of the nazarene law code which metamorphosed into libtardism and marxism during their peak through this relaxation of christ insanity the wedge was driven into the dusty volume of commandments splitting apart the allegedly sacrosanct tone but which was nevertheless inadequate to cleave asunder its ponderous bulk and guilt-edged pages the hammer of thor is poised high above the desks the dirty desks of scholasticism preparing threatening to strike and drive the wedge of the letter opener the baby boomer had stuck into the even-skinned grimoire called abrahamism the nazarene creed avoided sepulchers with the thunder of the law tables of thor the law tables poised in ostentatious false humility upon their pedestals of gold will be struck down and so to their lofty perch cracked and broken will fall to the ground sundered their power over the minds of men broken as they themselves are the creed of submission with all of its strut stinking breath and hypocrisy will itself be forced to submit to greater force that from whence it came back to its creator nature ashes to ashes and dust to dust upon new heights will be established new codes of law the rendering of plain and plastic ever-changing language upon pleomorphic substance the near yet old creed of natural law that which can only be known by degrees depending upon the development of the individual mind and its receptivity to being slash nature strategies for female white nationalists a means of striking against the jog jewish occupation government system for women is to exploit their economic and societal benefits their putative victim status and turn it against the interests of the jog in particular they could avail themselves of whatever economic handouts women are given as single mothers through conceiving children out of wedlock and representing themselves as not knowing who their baby's father is thus demonstrating need this assumes of course that they don't have a job as that would obstruct their receipt of benefits having the baby's father around though officially living in not officially living in the same household or dwelling such that he is not known and therefore not legally liable but could provide additional income as in the case of a normal habitation this would facilitate the increase of the profits of white people and diminish the resources of the state simultaneously also taking maternity leave as much as possible while conceiving of many of as many children as possible is another way of being of uh to be employed another tactic is to conceive a child with a white race traitor of means then divorce and extract benefits from them for the rest of their lives claiming that e.g. they abused the woman and getting a restraining order against them this would be a more extreme example however and may perpetuate the genetic pollution of self-serving treason and so would be problematic at best the standard sign off of shaming white males into an increase of equality and or quantity of their activism is another tool of a trade of facilitating the 14 world words for those who would risk or have the willingness to risk exposure in the cause they might become spokeswomen attracting new members to the cause and explicating or presenting the basic issues and principles that would accrue monetary resources or additional activists and virally replicate means to swell the movement's ranks as women attract the desperate and or healthy white males who could be of use in the struggle and whose energies are directed toward the meaning of the symbols words and means the woman replicates even the fabrication of the character of a woman the portrayal of oneself as such using fake images etc would serve to attract more people rather than less or an equal amount to representing oneself as a male or neutral organization party etc the usage of females as faces or spokeswomen in propaganda spread helps to mollify and neutralize opposition to the message especially in the case of stereotypical white knight judeo christards and kosher conservative types who but for their programming would be useful assets in the struggle and who because of their programming are a useful tool of the jews and a significant threat to white survival given that the white knight bases his identity on quote-unquote defending the weak and eo ipso wouldn't be capable of criticizing or opposing women without exposing his hypocrisy he must of necessity listen to what the apparent woman presents out of the desire to be consistent with his own values these are just some strategies for white female nationalists economics if the jog the jewish occupation government is based on the power of money derives his life blood and sustenance therefrom doesn't it behoove those who despise and wish to see it collapse to pull the rug out from under it to so to speak eliminate the cause of its perpetuation its metabolism and energetic currency i.e money how this could or should be done of course is an easily answered question to destroy strategic economic targets that serve as the organs of the jog these targets being what enables the system to operate and without which its operations will grind to a halt a spanner in the works sugar in the gas tank only on a larger scale the book the turner diaries lays out a cunning plan for the practice detailing the intricacies of system sabotage the obsession of the mananist of the masses for the universal value form money will rile them into a panic once they have their red carpet pulled out from under them only to crash down on the cold hard concrete once they are set into a panic they will no longer have faith in the system and having no faith in the system they will cease to give it their obedience will acquiesce to whatever power comes in to usurp or supplant the current jog thus to strike at key economic targets is as if to draw a straight razor across the jugular and major arteries of the jog leviathan once it starts to spray blood through these cuts it will go into panic mode and all of its component parts citizens who spent their lives draining their energies away to enable it to function will retain their energy within themselves and unplug themselves out of a desperate desire for life from the machine or be willing to plug themselves into a stronger and better machine which comes along the fickle allegiance of the broad masses based as it is purely on self-interest will deteriorate as the conditions of society deteriorate and the masses lose faith in the system to protect and provide their basic needs and material comforts this world or the next those who like the universalists the pacifists the anti-naturists christians hindus buddhists etc believe that this world is merely a way station to their rest their weary head a veil of tears upon which to prostrate themselves in their being unto death they're living a living death and dying a life refusing to give battle in the arena of the bellum amia contra omnes must inevitably fail in their incarnation to develop a sufficiently powerful soul to ascend beyond this same veil of tears and at best reincarnate in a perhaps less peaceful soul a less powerful soul to return as it were to square one perhaps more powerful more nearer their mundane perfection but in all likelihood in the their case of the pacifist who necessarily cultivates weakness through failure to cultivate himself at all as a soul would reincarnate in a weaker form thus his cowardly flight from this world from the secular through religiosity and devotional emotional attachment to abstract god forms krishna christ etc rather than focusing on the cultivation of the soul through dynamic action becoming a christ a lucifer a superman leads him to his immersion within the mundane world and a sense of fragmentation of not being able to ascend but rather through lack of vitality dying by degrees and ultimately terminating his own existence through this process of the for those who follow the path of peace indeed follow that of death and cultivating nothing to make their lives peace simply being peace being simply the absence of struggle which is simply the negation of one's life over time mussolini quote inactivity is death hitler all life is struggle thus those who devote all their energies to pacifistic contemplation and preparation for the afterlife with a fictional anthropomorphic deity called god prepare only their grades there are two paths to tread the sinister path the left hand path through struggle and dynamic force or the right hand path which in reality is no path at all but that of inertia of a being unto death the former leads at least in potentia to expect to eternity through dynamic force through the empowerment of the self and resistance to countervailing forces of degeneration which by virtue of their nature would subvert the integrity of the soul thus one must become an angel in the whirlwind centrifugally absorbing vampirically energy from without and absorbing it into himself thereby empowering the self contrary to the right hand path magian who transmits his own flagging energies to his mystery man deity the jewish demiurge jehovah and jesus sacrificing himself not to himself but to the jews as energetic food empowering them at his own expense rendering himself a blood-sacrificed martyr one must if he wishes to continue in this world render himself a quote-unquote secularist if such it may be called a worldly sinner following the sinister path but upward and forward using the secular experiences and materials his relations with others as consciousness shifting and empowering undertakings as means of amplifying his own soul it may be at the expense of others the alternative consists of a failing in one's duty to evolve himself out of himself and attain higher states of being thus he is both is the secularist worldly and otherworldly worldly to the extent conducive to the development of the self into a god in this life and after it is not merely an afterlife born of the illusion of a deluded mind the christard the universalist which exists or has a numinous spiritual dimension it is this life which reveals to the enlightened its magic and conceals from the spiritually dead zombies its true nature leaving them pining for a world hereafter anti-christ the christian mind pollution that has been injected into the consciousness of white people has led to their anesthetization the weakening of their healthy instincts and a genuine general flight from reality as class and has said it has shifted the cut their conscious awareness away from the instinctive mind toward the modalities of emotion and purely abstract reasoning what might be called an apparently contradictory emphasis on emotion within the context of a fictional and nebulous dogma contrived in the chaotic minds of a cabal of mongrels who style themselves the master race such a mentality could be called logo centric a mentality bound up in and restricted to a purely abstract fantasy world that deviates from and is wholly ignorant of that which is based on practical dimensions of life which entails and acknowledges the harsh reality of the laws of nature namely survival of oneself and of one's own kind is paramount of the larger collective foremost even at the expense of the sacrifice of the individual such as in the case of bees or ants drones and soldier ants being an offer or sacrifice of the collective group having a correspondence with the soldier of a human society sacrificing themselves for the sake of the whole lacking an understanding of the necessity of sacrifice those of healthier mind instinctively reject the sacrifice of oneself and through the loss of the member the weakening of the group for any purpose save that it's of its strengthening and advancement and that to the extent necessary the loss or sacrifice being a necessary condition of a higher end itself being higher within the framework of natural law the infection spiritual syphilis of the judeo christard influence and its pleomorphism in the form of libtardism both anti-natural egalitarian creeds have led the less instinctively oriented the more logo centrically oriented those whose thought process is bound up with abstract ideas the intelligentsia to willingly sacrifice themselves or through political and financial influence others soldiers their children posterity etc for the sake of others any non-white being conventionally referred to as human serving as a cause to fight for or to be the object of altruism such altruism is of course inherently pathological based as it is on the foreign software of universalism installed on the hardware of the white biocomputer mind which to its own detriment and ultimate destruction if not uninstalled leads to the greater harm of the white collected thus sacrificing for others in contravention to natural law one ends in a sacrifice of one's own self at best at worst is collective such an act is directly derived from purely abstract thinking tainted with dogma that is anti-natural and that has become inculcated into the mind through classical conditioning binding one to a comforting set of ideas through emotional attachment and false association between abstract ideas such as humanity equality rights compassion love peace etc and happy feelings ultimately the propaganda program of judeo-universalism whether it be particularly buddhism christianity communism liberalism or hinduism is a software virus of the biocomputer mind which induces the unfortunate hardware human upon whom it is installed to operate according to its program of global mongrelization of race mixing humanitarianism a euphemistic word for global slavery by and for jews over all kinds thus in order to affect the preservation of his own kind and potentially that of others one must have recourse to becoming and embodying within himself the spirit of the antichrist he who opposes the global homo agenda and who affirms as a hammer blow of thor to the aesthetic slave jesus the universal offer the creed of blood and soil of race and place universal offer of course meanings universal sacrifice the ludicrous nature of the mythos of christianity replicates itself in the creed the de facto religion of liberalism marxism leftism call it what you will both share the archetype if such it may be called of a universal offer or sacrifice embodying the concept of martyr the liberal or christian operating according to their universalist psychopathology bases their life on a living death a self-sacrifice for anti-natural purposes namely abstract ideas which purport to be realizable in practice but which are inherently unrealizable in fact as they are a fictional abstract conceptual construct e.g humanity as a whole equality peace love etc and thus are as a carrot and stick coaxing and coercing the mule the jesus figure to pull the jewish cart while the jewish overlord sits back and partakes of the excess of his labor taking all the credit and absorbing all of the thought energy from the broad masses and cart pulling donkeys he has infected with his psychopathological pollution those who have been so unfortunate in their weakness of intellect and instincts to understand that their judeo-universalist path is faulty as a deviation from reality fall victim to its soporific siren song of equality sorority humanity and go the way of all flesh to the grave else live a hypocrite's life as all living liberals and christians do expiating their sin in fear and trembling before their lord the jew who pontificates and bestows credits or debits upon them based upon their adherence to or transgressions of the abstract ideas universalist creed of the psychopathology insofar the universalist oper archetype is installed in the consciousness of the overly intellectualized beguiled by abstract ideas and the overly emotional beguiled by the honeyed words and mellifluous siren call of a tragic hero jesus or buddha he who forsook the worldly and embarked eo ipso on his journey to the supernatural planes and this archetype leads like a leaden chain downward to the grave though it purports to raise one to the stars the opfer adopting these nebulous ideas and attempting to reify them praxeologically inevitably feels that he that his uh head is a helium balloon bestowing upon him angels wings when the reality is that his bubble head will necessarily burst through the higher atmosphere toward which he sets his course violating the laws of nature as as though one would repel himself off the edge of a cliff and soar heavenwards to a fairyland he has constructed in his imagination built up as a house of cards from the abstract ideas which have been inculcated in his mind downward he will inevitably fall as he has contravened the laws of nature and thought and must suffer for his anti-natural actions indeed through plummeting to his doom to altruistically sacrifice oneself and therefore simultaneously one's own kind an attempt to benefit that which is foreign to oneself and his kind as a flight from reality off a cliff to inevitable destruction thus the universal offer is a living death universalist moral codes there are no absolutes no tablets of stone which will remain standing eternally upon high they are subject to the erosion of the winds of time absolute good is a non-sequitur a meaningless assertion having neither reference nor particular content but merely an empty utterance good for whom good how what does good mean the christards and other universalists will respond good for all all whom what's good for the lion isn't good for the lamb for both of their good to be met is an impossibility given that the good of one is bad the negation of good for the other the good of a being is its preservation and advancement which entails the advancement and preservation of its own kind anything which deviates therefrom in proportion to its deviation is relatively bad anything which corresponds thereto and proportionally is relatively good for that being as they are in accordance with their nature and evolutionary path or destiny thus there are no universal moral codes dury in reality save in relation to that broad evolutionary schema of development of the increase and expansion of the beings in their being if one wishes to call this the divine plan that is merely a matter of terminology and phraseology an anthropomorphization of nature an attempt crude and primitive to describe that which is and its being in terms of that that can be understood by a crude mind of a child or an undeveloped person one whose thinking consists of mere picture thinking of shadows on the wall of plato's cave and who prostrates themselves before them as deities whereas there are mere fictions in the minds of men that is not to say of course that metaphysical non-visually perceivable entities are not real as they are merely entities that exist according to the laws of nature in metaphysical planes of being not necessarily subject to causal determination and influence of spatio-temporal conditions given the dynamic nature of life and the beings which constitute the sea of life which is being abstractly considered it follows that their being is bound up with ethical codes of conduct that emanate from their being for a lion that is to manifest its destiny to evolve itself through itself through acting in accordance with its nature namely to eat lambs to hunt and rend them limb from limb for the lion that is good for the lamb escape and survival through avoidance of lions is its goal its devouring of the clover which latter seeks yet its goal etc and ad infinitum from greatest to smallest and back up again and down the food chain kill or be killed life eats life all beings are vampiric and that they acquire life force through the assimilation of a part or whole of the being of others accordingly the moral imperative of all beings is to kill to hunt for survival in the preservation of one's self and one's kind over and against that which seeks to kill him in turn competition for resources becomes fierce the more competitors and or the fewer resources there are thus one must adapt to the battle to the extent that he can and failing to give battle he will meet with defeat failing to win he will also meet with defeat only victory enables the continuance of life and victory comes in possessing adequate skill and ability to function in whatever set of environmental conditions he exists as a necessary condition of continuing to exist thus for his survival for him survival is the only morality and might makes right the right to life van dwelling living the premier life for a discount in today's kali yuga what must be done must be done whatever is necessary is good survival is the only morality given the exorbitant financial obligations that are deliberately imposed upon all of the pobble folk the only alternative available is to live in as financially frugal a manner as possible given that the primary cost of one's living consists of paying jewish rental property managers and bankers rent and mortgages respectively one must have recourse to cutting these costs to the extent possible and thus weather conditions permitting he may avail himself of most cost effective and yet comfortable portable domicile mainly a van specifically it must be a van it can't be a camper or other vehicle or trailer the reason being that this implies that one must receive permission and or pay to live on or in a park or park in a finite physical space which is either owned by a private individual or enterprise or by the government both of whom would either charge an exorbitant fee to live or usually are subject to that fee or to a fixed term of residence if at all such as e.g. during daylight hours or seasonally thus the van is the only recourse as the car is usually too small and too conspicuous whereas the van is covered and conceals the occupant in most cases not having excessive windows to enable prying eyes such as those of the police and or uptight citizens and their persecutive behavior toward those not possessed by their money or property thus such a dwelling enables one to transport himself away from the prying eyes of the multitude and their slings and arrows and to escape persecution for his beliefs so that wherever he may be he can never garner a bad reputation with anyone or he volunteer as he voluntarily selects within whatever finite set of options he has at his disposal whether he shall rest his weary head at one day a walmart parking lot and another a park outside of an urban or suburban area given that the van if a proper make and model and or properly reconfigured to conceal the occupant is adequately camouflaged there would be no difficulty in living under these sort of conditions without interruptions save for weather conditions that the maintenance and overall cost of operating a vehicle is on average cheaper than that of renting or mortgaging and paying property taxes and renovations it is only financially prudent to follow this path of minimalist living if one is a targeted individual and has been put on a list by the jog system he may readily slip away from the eye of sorahan through this clandestine means perhaps paying someone a small stipend to claim he lives at their address and to receive mail from them or even using the local homeless shelter as an address being a virtual disappeared unperson the van dweller can go about taking care of whatever business he needs to without fear of being monitored or traced as he can simply get back in or stay in if he hasn't exited his van and drive away to the next mission advantages of a life on the road those who have harmed you or those you love can be more easily tracked and traced in the van and one can more easily escape the dragnet of the iron heel post-facto if one is reduced to a life of crime he can more effectively carry out his deeds in a more clandestine form siphoning gas out of other vehicles with a rather than having to pay to play he can more effectively load up loot and transport it toward whatever cash site that can't be traced to himself he can more effectively go from town to town without packing and unpacking and hire himself up for odd jobs or play apply whatever trade it may be without having to bind himself to any contractual commitments in a long-term way where it forces you to remain in a given place for extended period of time and involve yourself in the purchase of a property etc thus with the loss of the apparent dream life of americana he has thereby purchased for himself the liberty to make whatever place he chooses his home when reason fails force prevails when the enemy refuses to involve themselves in reasonable dialogue all the sound argumentation in the world is inadequate to convey the truth indeed truth being by this irrational refusal to involve oneself in dialogue dismisses dismissed and rendered in the mind of the opponent of nullity a non-existent reality hence there is no possibility of persuading rationally the irrational as you have no capacity to understand act upon that understanding thus the purpose of dialogue is futile and defeated in its aims the political negotiation being made impossible recourse must as with von as von clauswitz said be had to politics by other means no longer can the mere conveyance of intent of a desired objective be had but rather it must be conveyed in the form of communication that even a willfully blind must understand if they value their skins namely force its implementation by whatever means are effective and the realization of the goal mark crease of queensbury rules being cast aside it becomes purely a war game of zero sum it is he who most effectively uses force who uses the appropriate kind of force in the most effective manner to subjugate the opponent who gains the victory even in if in defeat in self-destruction given that he has no other option in a zero-sum game which is the race war of the present time and the inevitable conclusion hence he must develop himself along these lines in order to combat the opponent where he needs to be strong he cultivates strength where weak he seeks to remedy deficiencies and where greater strength is required he develops in an economy of means and ends prudently structuring his plans to realize the victory he assesses his opponent in terms of his relative strength and weaknesses and for his greatest weak point and strongest powers which can be brought to bear against himself he plays out scenarios in his mind in terms of logistics of probabilities of likely courses of action and reaction on the and his opponent and embarks upon that course of action he being rational being reasonable exercises his reason and employs it in overcoming the guile or unreason of the opponent understanding the irrational propensities of the latter and its inherent instability and unpredictability and understanding the value of such irrational berserker gang blitzkrieg tactics and employs them when prudent to confuse and surprise and obfuscate the enemy's ability to recognize this pattern of action thus confusion planned chaos is a solution to the logocentrism of zog which attempts to use a similar planned chaos and yet reveals its operations in their formulaic nature deriving themselves as they do from their reptilian hive minds being predictable even in their unpredictability what they assume is their unpredictability those who employ tactics of the irrational overcome the wooden thought process of logocentric left brain consciousness and introduced next shoes between causal and acausal realms creating completely unpredictable states of affairs that create chaos and terror in the mind of the enemy white universalism universalism and its contemporary post-modern form comes to us with a crocodile smile the mask of good intentions with a cringing false humility cap in hand representing itself as a creed of love peace and unity when in reality being little more than a saturin doctrine of feel-good feelings and emotional pipe dreams centered around wealth redistribution and the dragging down of quality the level of quantity the equalization of the unequal in the end through the barrel of a gun such as the universalism prevailing today which is that of equality democracy being its political incarnation and touchy-feely sounding term the silk stocking in which is contained the fecal matter of multi-racial slash multi-special mixture towards a new universalism there is no need purely for a negation of universalism through a fragmented and decentralized opposition that would be inadequately powerful to destroy the current universalism which can be perceived as a microcosm of the macrocosm in the rainbow flag a flag suggestive of fragmentation of the chakras which are not unified in one white color but rather separated divisively one from another and connoting the inharmonious quote-unquote love of faggotry which is an anti-natural perverted practice that is a mere apparent love or rather loss of the lower stages of consciousness such a universalism can only be negated and canceled out through a greater force one more harmonious and which is conducive to the establishment of an unshakable order which sustains itself through itself by virtue of its diamond hardness it is a synthesis of all elements conjunctiva oppositorum which purges the dross from the host body and supplants it with the amalgam of the remaining elements into an unassailable structure self-preserving and self-sustaining and entelechy this universalism will be the universal of white hegemony over the earth supremacism in the sense not of the enslavement of non-whites but rather of the complete negation of all non-whites on earth through as class and said not overt genocide but merely a withholding of the gifts and services the white man has been exploited for via these same mud races for well over a century of usury especially at the hand of the jew simply cutting off all foreign aid and gifts masquerading as fair trade etc all means of exploitation of the white man by non-whites through a refusal on the part of whites to continue to be exploited by the jewish supremacists and their hordes of savages will be the recipe for the concoction of the new universalism as the negrito phase of purging the dross from out of the system once the negrito phase is complete it behooves the remaining whites to further the alchemical process through embarking upon the albedo phase that of the expansion of the numbers of the white population this will ensure that a stable population is attained and maintained with adequate numbers for the final and ongoing phase the rubato that which leads to and encompasses the ever-increasing advancement of the white race journeying to the stars and colonizing planets for the perpetuation of their kind a true enterprise not in the multicultural mode of a star track but rather in that of a monoethnic mode of star conquest the new galactic federation will be comprised exclusively of whites and will be a pioneering quest for homo galacticus the Aryan white man who will pursue the course of his destiny in the stars