Letter to Miguel Serrano
( In this letter Luis Felipe Moyano continues his exposition of Hyperborean Physics, referring to the strength and driving mechanism of the “ flying wings ” and “ dishes flyers ” of the Third Reich. Miguel Serrano said he did not understand much about this topic, which was later explained in detail by a member of the Tirodal Order resident in Santiago de Chile. )
April 3, 1984
Mr. Miguel Serrano,
Dear Kamerad:
I reply with this to your letter from 03/14/84, which I appreciate. I was in poor health for much of March – nothing serious, a problem of hypertension nervous that causes long headaches and despite my promise to send him the fourth book, nothing I could do yet to correct it and give it its final shape. You will soon have it.
I know that they sent him from Córdoba the “ Introduction to Strategy A2″ but, it seems to me, the same a part is missing; I am attaching it to you for doubts.
We are in the creative stage of OPUS, perhaps in “ purification ” when the “ extractio animae ” is obtained, and it is thus probable that we receive an extra dose of “ mortificatio ” psychic. But I think the “ aqua permanins ” that we will obtain in the end justifies any sacrifice. It's so so much so that it is an OPUS CUNJIUNCTIOS; I willingly accept that the stir in the crucible of my book to fix the already constellated more strongly.
Moving on to something else, I will tell you that I have read in these days “ Nietzsche and the Shiva dance ” for which I can not but congratulate you, especially for the hyperboreal value with which you have played when publishing it.
There is a photograph of a Field of SS training where, as you say, “ manufactured the Superman ”. I know that few really understand what kind of factory is being alluded to there, but the Just mentioning it is already a huge advance against disinformation. Me I aspire, as much as possible to provide that explanation that has been denied to the new generations – and much of the old ones showing that such Paths constituted according to magical principles – if the control of psychoid archetypesenters into magic- and demonstrating that such magic is actually part of ancient science and rigorous called Hyperborean Wisdom. It will be clear, after exposing its metaphysical roots, that there was an authentic “ Nazi Culture ”, which is today absolutely unknown except for some cultural objects of the Third Reich that are usually sold as souvenirs. But, through my written, you will already know our opinion on the “ culture ”: “ a strategic weapon enemy ”; the “ Nazi Culture ” could never be a culture led by evolutionary forces of the History, but the social product of a “ coniunctio ” alchemist, specially made, and who, as in opus, has produced a incestuous, forbidden son, counter-culture. Yes; a race, confused mass, worked by a Führer, Master Alkimias, she magically marries herself, with her hyperborean power; not with the Matter, not with the Church, not with Jehovah, “ neither with Heaven nor with the earth”; with itself; and that forbidden, condemned UNIO, a cursed son is born: the Nazi culture; and with she, transmuted by her, the Nietzschian anthrophus: the SS superman.
Today the inquisition of Jehovah-Satan has passed by the workshop and its bonfires have consumed some utensils used in the process, rendering the symbols unconscious, obscuring their content. So we must write another Mutus Liber, or a new Rosarium Philosophorum, save the keys to Opus. Maybe it is our task.
I was also impressed by the quotes he makes to interviews of Dr. Jung before war. I know you ask. there if he would know about the existence of a School SS Initiation or yes, probably, he did not want to talk about her: me have ensured that the Dr. Jung knew a lot on the subject and even more: that he knew how to collaborate secretly with him Ahnenerbe Institute – or with specialists from the same- just as they did, on other topics, Gurdjieff or Jean Riviere. Someday I will tell you what this collaboration consisted.
But there is something I want to tell you about now. I know how much did you admire and love Dr. Jung and possibly, nothing I say could modify your deep knowledge of your work.
However I cannot resist the temptation to tell you my opinion on the global aspect of it and then show you that in she underlies one of the greatest keys to human knowledge; so great that few see it, but so effective that it could transform a civilization: Naturally if you have found her nothing will add to her knowledge, but if you do not know it, discount from now on it will look pleasant surprised.
Of the work of Dr. Jung I want to issue only one concept: few have evaluated to what extent his science had departed from Western culture, but far fewer have been able to measure how close he was to science Siddhas secret – among the latter I include you with your certainties intuitions-; This leads us to think that Jung it is a giant whose unusual passage through the 20th century can only be conceived as an alternative that the Siddhas considered using in case it triumphed the magic axis of the Führer.
Now: you, me, the Dr. Jung, and other Kameraden that I have known “ possess ”, each a puzzle piece. But the Führer and the Siddhas play with the game complete. So the Psychosocial Strategy of the SS, that I'm trying to expose, start where the work of Dr. Jung ends, that is in Psychoid Archetypes. By being revealed to me such science had to understand, as I hope I can demonstrate, that the “ deep psychology ” was not a psychologization of esoteric symbols and their traditions, but truly an original part, a piece of the puzzle of the Siddhas.
A complementary science of the Psychosocial Strategy, the Esoteric Corology, who studies relationships geochronous between places and men, he has developed a theory and a praxis on psychoid archetypes and the way to influence your processes. A tiny sample of this science will see it You in the introduction, that they already sent him, especially in the part attached to this letter. For this science, what is the SS, I know, I have verified, that the work of Jung is a piece of a bigger game.
Indeed the Psychosocial Strategy is supported by concepts of Jung or who have been exposed by him, but of those who – is stated by the Initiated Instructors of the SSare: “ chromagnon-atlante science ”. Of course, as the Psychosocial Strategy, together with all Nazi culture it was “ thrown into gehenna ”, nor Jung nor anyone who knew of such an extension of his work has wanted, until today, to talk about it.
I myself wouldn't dream of talking to anyone about this and less would try to prove it. If I do it with you, it's because in a way our relationship goes beyond ourselves, it has occurred synchronistically, and that inspires more confidence or makes me suppose that it is convenient to write to him about these themes. I will then go to the heart of the matter.
To start you have to make two statements.
The first is that, as will be seen immediately, Jung was several decades ahead – or behind in millions of years, according to look at- Physics of the 20th century.
The second is: in 1962 has it has been shown that, apart from the Jews and Communists the Nobel Prize is also awarded to imbeciles. Well it doesn't deserve another qualification James Watson who in his book “The Double Helix”, dares make fun of the Professor Pauling by have “ advanced ” to it in the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA without understanding that said wise, like Jung, they did not want to hand over their secrets to the materialistic science of the Kali Yuga. Pauling, as well as without a doubt did Jung, tried to divert western science from an archetypal interpretation of Molecular Biology… and got it ( 1 ). The imbecility of Watson it is the proof, and so is the fact that the residence of the “ cell plan ”, that is, the program that follows mitosis cellular when structuring a new organism. Because the cell plan, as well as they knew the Dr. Mengele and other wise men, it is not in the bonds – purines and pyrimidines- of the phosphate sugar chains of the double helix, but in a Psychoid archetype. The science of Kali Yuga does not imagine how advanced IT IS STILL the SSin such a field, but not will take time to check it .... it will be very soon: when “ wake up ” thousands of men immortals who today lie together with each other in the secret bases of the SS; that will be the last battalion of the Führer.
But I wanted to give you a key, a “ big key ”, and for that I will demonstrate the first statement ( the second, on the Nobel Prize for Watson, does not deserve more comment ): You should know that Einstein failed to develop an acceptable mathematical theory to unify the phenomena “ field ” – gravitational and electromagnetic-; phenomena that, of in any way, they are already unified in reality because the ones that result incompatible are theories. Regarding the gravitational field, outside the Newton's equations, everything that has been advanced in the last two centuries has been in the pointed sense, try to “ unify it ” with the field electromagnetic, for which Maxwell's equations exist; in this way when dealing with the gravitational field in the einstenian - relativistic sense makes it necessary for us to have a fairly complex mathematical instrument called THEN, but if, for example, it is decided to interpret physical phenomena on the basis to quantum mechanics,then you have to resort to even more complex formulas statistics-probability that require the use of electronic computers.
Furthermore, it has been assumed that the “ mass ” – responsible for the gravitational field- “ deforms ” or “ distorsiona ” space also being necessary, apart from tensor calculus, to appeal to geometries noeuclideanas.
Thus complexity is added to complexity and it is possible to take an increasing distance from the phenomenon itself, from its facticity.
( 1 ) Here I mean Professor Linus Pauling American, 1954 Nobel Prize in chemistry.
As well: Hyperborean Wisdom provides an explanation of any different point, but one that includes perfectly to the gravitational phenomenon and allows it to be mastered for the benefit of Siddhas strategic objectives. And such an explanation does not require employment of formal mathematics except when you want to develop a technology, in whose case is used to an esoteric geometry that is entirely outside of the Western academic settings. The important thing about this – and this is where one starts to be surprised- is the intervention of concepts that have been clearly exposed by Jung and Pauli ( 1 ) and the statement that the deviation from the Physicstheoretical is much deeper than it usually think. Indeed, the boldest criticisms have generally been centralized about Einstein, Planck, Bohr, etc, but Newton had never been questioned. AND from him the error started.
Secret Physicsof the SS, called Psychophysics, traces the concepts of Jung up to Newton and Leibniz, to whom he attributes two capital errors, and from there, he develops such a daring and bold theory as irrefutable. Of course, I won't be able to expose ALL the theory here, but it will suffice for me to describe the initium, the principle from which the reasoning. You will judge like this, by yourself, if I have exaggerated or if in the work of Jung there is no great key, capable of transmuting all a civilization.
The explanation is as follows – and attention because an interrelation like this can be applied to almost any phenomenon apart from the gravitational- THE GRAVITATORY FIELD IS THE POWER OFAN ARCHETIPAL PSYCHOIDEO.
Sure, Physicssupposes, and supposes well, that a relationship binds the mass with the gravitational field. Where you are wrong is – from Newton- in the affirmation that such a relationship is cause and effect, that is: that the field gravitational occurs due to the effect of mass; with such a wrong concept it is not strange to see the huge hulks that must be made to take advantage airspace. And naturally they, the pot makers flyers with metal engines and at “ internal combustion ” would doubt our sanity if we ensure that the Hyperborean Siddhas BASE TO THE CONCEPT ARCHETIPIC OF THE ENGRAVITY, they have STONE vehicles to transfer to the site they want, and even more if we add that such vehicles do not have a motor. But it is not a delusion but of “ science ”; ancient, extraterrestrial science; science that the SSdeveloped again and that allowed you to build your own “ flying saucers ” which, like you always suspected, they come from the hidden bases of the antartica, in the earthof Queen Maudand in others parts, but which cannot be located even with satellites, then, the oases they have a camouflage, also psychoid. But that is another story.
( 1 ) Se it's about Walfgang Pauli, Austrian physicist, collaborator of the Dr. Jung in the work “The Interpretationof Natureand the psyche”.
( 2 ) Of course, I am referring to Psychoid archetypes, that is, external, such is the gravis.
Let's remember that for both Neoplatonists, as for Leibniz, as well as for the Hindu science of the Great Breath, etc., there are SEVERAL GRADOS in the archetypal manifestation. The Archetypes or more subtle monads are found in also more subtle planes running through a whole scale of densities down to matter, which is the substance more rude. No doubt you already know all this so it is not worth repeating so you understand me. The point is that there is an Archetype that necessarily is the last of the scale: such is the ARQUETIPMENT GRAVIS ( 2 ). The gravis is the heaviest “ heavy ”, worth the redundancy, of the Archetypes, but not “ all ” them, but of a special genre that is related to the SPACE ORDER OF THE MATTERY. Bythat's what the gravis are, -which are the last of the scale-, they are also the first that the Demiurge precipitates when it is ready “ to organize ” a physical plane. Without gravis no other Archetype could evolve in the matter.
But it is convenient to be clear in this: the Archetype of this glass that I have here, in my hand, is in Psychosphere – or in the Globe of Akasa, according to the science of the Breath-; such an Archetype is STRUCTURER OF FORMS, that is, it supports form and form is its concrete actuality. The gravis, instead, is there, in the glass, as a material substrate, and is the one who determines its weight in relation to other gravis that occupy the space; the earthfor example. The gravis IS NOT STRUCTURER FORM, or is indifferent to the form itself, but, as Archetype psychoid, has a power that leads it to unfold in a process evolutionary.
The culmination of any evolutionary process, in any psychoid archetype, is a perfection called entelechy, which, curiously, it coincides with the Archetype itself. And here comes another definition of Hyperborean Wisdom, to which we will refer again later: THE ENTELEQUIA OF A ARQUETIPMENT GRAVIS SPACILY COINCIDE IN THE SIMPLE BODIES WITH THAT IDEAL POINT THAT THE PHYSIC HASSUN “ CENTER OF GRAVITY ”.
So, whoever wants to know something about Archetypes, and their ways of being, instead of traveling into the unconscious collective or the world of Plato's ideas, should reflect on the only Archetype – the gravis- which is found, objectively, at the “ scope of the hand ” -.
Let's remember what he said Dr. Jung on the irrepressibility of Archetypes and we will understand why the “ gravitational field ” resists the physical-mathematical analysis: let's take a material body and deposit it in the space; away from the earth or from any other planet; we say that the body has a “ gravitational field ” around him and we check him observing how “ attract ” towards his center of gravity – or entelechy- other objects of less mass. If the body is in rest we cannot describe its field; we only know about it for its effects on other bodies; THE FIELD, IF INVISIBLE, property equivalent to the irrepressibility of the Jungian archetypes. But the field IS NOT the Archetype but HIS POWER, which tries to update itself in the entelechy. Matter is always a concrete act of gravis in its deployment evolutionary, regardless of the form that such matter exhibits. But that, the perception of matter is everything we can know about gravis because it it is pure power, it is a “ to become ” ( its entelechy ) and that is why we say allegorically “ is hidden ” behind matter. If we violate privacy of the process, if we invade the field and delve into the matter to look for the “ center of gravity ”, the entelechy, we will never find anything.
Without matter there is no gravis, but if we break it and multiply we will have many POTENTIAL gravis.
The concept gravis that is capable of searching for its entelechy unfolding in the smallest particle of matter gives rise to a non-orthodox atomic theory called “ Psychophysics ” which also includes the concept of a universal archetypal monad, to which I have referred several times in my book. And this is all science of the SS.( 1 ).
By now you must have grasped the idea. However I will add some reflections that I consider necessary for complete the concept. We mentioned two historical errors before. Newton's was to make the mass “ cause ” of the gravitational force ( force that on the other part exists and is effectively proportional to the masses and conversely proportional to the square of the distances that separate them as well as Coulomb demonstrated it in electric charges and Cavendich measured ): reality is that, although the “ gravitational force is mathematically related to the mass, it is not its cause, but, in turn, mass is the concrete effect, the act of a Gravis type; the gravitational force is, thus, the action of an archetypal power that proceeds from its entelechy and “ attracts ” towards its entelechy that some call “ center of gravity ”. Now well, the center of gravity sometimes and only sometimes; especially in the case of a spherical body like the earthcoincides spatially with the entelechy. ¿What do we mean by spatial coincidence? ¿Does that mean there is the place, site, locus, for example in the center of the earth, IS the entelechy?
This topic that we have touched on is a point of of paramount importance and, before answering the questions raised, we will clarify that other mistake that we mentioned at the beginning: Leibniz, obviously thinking in a hyperborean God, who has nothing to do with the Demiurge computer of the matter, attributes to it an absolute perfection, perfectio Dei, who “ le would prevent creating two equal things ”.
Thus the “ principle identitatis arises indiscernibilium ”, the principle of identity of indiscernible things, which states that if two things are the same “ they must be the same thing ” or – since it is “ manifestly impossible ”, according to Leibniz – ” there cannot be two things equals ”; the absolute creator ” would not have been repeated. All this reasoning is wrong because he considers that the world has been created by God and not by a Imitating demiurge, as it really happens. But the Demiurge's work is supported by imitation and material structure must naturally reflect this principle contradicting Leibniz's ” principium ”; it is easy to suppose if we start from an archetypal assumption of the real.However the “ principleium ” de Leibniz has been dogmatically incorporated into epistemology and predominates unconsciously in every attitude “ scientific ” or empirical observation; it is not it is accidental: it obeys a synarchic trend that is not appropriate to develop here.
( 1 ) It should be clarified that there has been no “ un Einstein's error ”, but for reasons whose complexity prevents exposing them here, an archetypal theory of the Physicsit is inconceivable to the Jewish Collective Unconscious.
The important thing is that the Psychophysical theory of the SS CONTRADICE the principium, and it does so because such a principium is completely false. ( La trend in favor of “ principle ” is so powerful that the Professor's neutrino Pauling, particle that contradicts it, could not be demonstrated “ conveniently ” until today ... in particle accelerators handled by Hebrews of course ).
All right; “ maybe there can be two things equals ”; only that we ask to suppose for the moment. Let us then return to the entelechy Gravis archetype.
Every Archetype tends towards its entelechy. But at the origin of the movement, the first impulse was produced by a power that contained within itself the perfection to be achieved; the movement is thus an evolutionary development that aims at a purpose that It has also been a beginning. As a purpose, entelechy is something that “ has not yet is ”, which must be reached, that is, something “ future ”.
We now come to the most complex part of problem: entelechy is something “ future ” that works in the present HOWTO POSSIBILITY TO BE. Since the only connection between the entelechy of a thing and the concrete thing is the PROCESS of the Archetype, this process is the true one possibility that an entelechy is. But EVERYTHING process occurs in Time.
Let's take a big step: suppose we are able to consider ALL the PROCESSES that exist in the world, from here to the last corner of the Universe; if this is possible, if it does not escape us NO process, then it turns out we COULDN'T measure another relative time – nor Einstein could- OUTSIDE the one in which our infinite processes occur cosmic; furthermore: we could not KNOW if there is another time because NOTHING LOOKS US INDICARITY – nothing that changes, it is understood-. This absurd example shows that the Time, Cosmic Time, is the sum of all the processes of the Universe, it is say, of all ARCHETIPIC processes. Time is like that, also a process, something that we already knew since ancient times when such a process was called FLUENCE. Of course, this is not new,but it is worth repeating it then we must repeat it because we must seek another approach.
Time as a flowing process points, then, also to an entelechy, a super-entelechy called FUTURE. In effect, the “ Future ” can only be conceived as an entelechy, as perfection end of a cosmic process of consciousness – Time- whose initium is The One, Brahma, or whatever you want to call the Demiurge, and whose end, the entelechy of Time, the Future, it is The One, Brahma or whatever you want to call the Demiurge.
Time is an immanent influx of Cosmic Consciousness. And that consciousness has produced the Archetypes whose processes reveal us. From there, then, from Time, everything starts and we are not in the presence of a “ dimension ” physical but of the essential support of the existing whole. Then in second term “ appears ” the “ space ”, through the processes archetypal in the different states of matter and energy. It's not from everything correct to do it, or at least would require prior clarification, but space can be considered as a “ second degree ” of Time or as a rude state of Time, a lower category or a “ Fallen time ”. The foundation and the justification for such a rating comes from the ONLY APPEAR space in relation to matter, it is produced by it; but to matter ALWAYS FOLLOW THE PROCESS OF THE GRAVIS,it cannot escape its plasma power because gravis “ caen ” – are the last Archetypes of the scale- from Cosmic Consciousness, that is, from Time.
We have taken a great step. Let's go back now to those questions about entelechy and its spatial relationship with the “ center of severity ”. If we apply the above concepts to the gravitational field problem we will have to draw entirely different conclusions from those provided Physics.
Let's consider a body of great mass, the earthfor example; for Physicsaround the earththere is a gravitational field; for Psychophysics of the SSaround of the earth the power of the Gravis archetype. For Physicsthe mass of the earth deforms the space “ by curving it ” in its vicinity; for Psychophysicsthe mass of the earth generates a curved space that reflects the distortion that the gravis represents with respect to absolute Time. For Physicsin the center of the earthis the “ center of gravity ”, where all the lines of forces – imaginary converge- that describe the gravitational field; for the Psychophysicsof the SSin the center of the earth THEREA POINT THAT SPACILY COINCES WITH THE CENTER OF GRAVITY: ES THE GRAVIS ENTELEQUIA.
We go back to the beginning. But now we can understand it: there is spatial coincidence but NOT TEMPORAL; there can be no the entelechy is THE FUTURE ASPECT OF ARQUETIPMENT GRAVIS. ¿What can be expected, then, from the “ center of gravity ”, according to Psychophysics?: A POINT INDISCERNIBLE, that is, a point that contradicts the principium identitatis Leibniz's indiscernibilium occurs like this because the entelechy, while final perfection of the Archetype, IS THE ARCHESTIPLE SAME: SINCE THE ENTELEQUIA THEGRAVIS PROMOTE A PROCESS THAT CANNOT BE INTERRUPTED AND THAT IS GOING SINCE THE POWER( field gravitational ) UNTIL THE ENTELEQUIA ( center of gravity ) THAT IS IN THE FUTURE; ANY PROCESSUAL WAY OPENS A GAP IN SPACE, LO “ DISTORSIONA ”, PRODUCING A TOPOLOGICAL CONTACT BETWEEN DIFFERENT PLANS. Strictly speaking, what happens in the “ indiscernible point ” is that the entelechy “ regenerates ” a point in space transforming it into time; “ raise ” if you like.
¿Why indiscernible? For something to be indiscernible must be able to be compared to something else exactly the same with absolute equality, that is: that it occupies the same place and occurs at the same time: there must be simultaneous coincidence for now; only then would we be in conditions to declare that something is indiscernible. Well, and here I think I am touching one of the Greatest Mysteries that exist: THE ENTELEQUIES OF ALL GRAVIS ARE INDISCERNIBLE. In other words: IN ALL BODIES, DOES NOT MATTER YOUR SIZE, THERE IS AN INDISCERNIBLE POINT.
( What a Mystery! ¿How could they not try to hide it Jung -and Pauli with her neutrino- and so many others? ).
You have to meditate a lot on this property of the gravis to encompass the Mystery that implies in all its depth. I will try to highlight now the most important thing.
Above all, it is necessary to overcome the barrier of misunderstanding that reason will oppose when apparently posing paradoxes irreducible. Let's not forget that this is a fearsome secret, of which we do not it will be easy to get hold of; at least not with impunity. The first obstacle is the next: If the indiscernible points are all one and the same thing How can they be in different bodies at the same time? If the indiscernible point or entelechy the earth it is exactly the same as that of Venus, for example, how come millions of kilometers separate both planets? The answer is: the distance that separates planets have nothing to do with indiscernible points as NO DISTANCE WILL SEPARE YOU IN EVERY INSTANT. ( Do you see dear Serrano why I should develop another math? ). And the same goes for any bodies that want to consider.
I take two coins one in my left hand another to my right; they are fifteen centimeters from each other; can be measured, weighed, etc .; there are a sum of archetypal properties that determine them AND THE DIFFERENCIAN; one is “ ten ”, the other “ five ”: more, the archetype “ money ” is cultural; the “ value ” of the coins has been represented externally by signs and “ recognized ” intuitively; but there is another Archetype, not cultural, but psychoid that supports the metal in its “ form ” of cylindrical slice, etc.. All these properties unite and differentiate coins, let me say – ” here, on the left, the ten ” - and – ” here on the right, the five ”. AND everyone will agree that they are TWO coins and that they are “ there ” and “ there ”.
But as soon as we refer to the gravis the things change because we will no longer be able to distinguish the entelechy from one to the other or, we will say, they are “ indiscernible ”. Naturally, many would laugh upon hearing this, and they would do well to do it; if they are not prepared to face the Mystery better is that they laugh and remain ignorant because MANY HAVE LOCKED BEFORE THE REALITY OFTHE POINTS INDISCERNIBLE: they are the “ Mystics ” who suddenly saw EYES IN ALL THINGS or drug addicts – don't be offended that I'm talking about Aldous Huxley and others about him style- who explored the world with visual perception expanded by medium of some drugs and they were horrified, not in front of a world “ living ”, but for the “ million eyes ” with which “ God ” observed them “ from all things ”.
Unfortunately – for the Demiurge- we do not we are “ Mystic ” and we are not impressed by His dreadful multiplicity and, although we look permanently and permanently from everywhere, it will not achieve any other effect than affirm ourselves on the reverse path of return to origin. After this Luciferic bravado, I continue.
The gravis theory, and its consequence: the points indiscernible, based on the concepts of Jung and Pauli, allows, apart from building flying dishes or lifting stones from thousand tons, explain almost all of the parapsychological phenomena and thaumaturgy or magic of any kind, excluding only all those phenomena that are not “ force fields ”, that is, what we call charismatic, for which there is another theory.
In various parts of my book, I wrote that whenever a secret path of liberation is followed, of the seven it proposes Hyperborean Wisdom, there will be some time when there will be a confrontation with the Demiurge and that contemplating his terrible face can be dangerous if he does not possess a value without limits.
Now it is clear what I meant. In the gravis entelechy, from the indiscernible points that are in everyone the bodies, that is, from the Time that is His Consciousness, there is He holding the material order.
Not in vain all the Alexandrian gnostics who they knew what kind of monster they had to do with, they locked up the eye of Abraxas in a triangle, that is, they applied the “ law of the fence ”, so as not to freak out about schizophrenia. The Hyperborean Initiates, the berserkir of the SSfor example, like those Gnostics, they also have techniques to resist the solvent gaze of the Demiurge and take advantage of the indiscernible points of the Gravis Archetypes. ¿Take advantage? …… ¿For what? ¿How?. They are common questions. Dear Kamerad Serrano, today, if you don't have a Bevatron it seems that nobody can even dream of investigating the interior of the material and, if you do not have a hydraulic crane, who would try move the stones of Sacsahuamán?.
Because the truth is that only for what wonderful must be “ take advantage ” gravis theory, which is a science of Siddhas and from which, therefore, the impure ( blood = pasu ) are excluded and the Hebrews. Let's look at some of such wonderful possibilities:
He who has understood gravis theory can search HIMSELF, in your physical body, for the indiscernible point and, THROUGH THE WILL, DISPLACING THE CENTER OF GRAVITY OUTSIDE HIS BODY, AVOIDING THE WEIGHT, IS TO SAY, THE ATTRACTION THAT THE EARTH EXERCEES ABOUT YOUR MASS: it is levitation. But, as its indiscernible point is the same that the one with that stone that is there, it will not be difficult for him to move it with the solo act of his will ( here you will have to be careful because they can happen unfortunate accidents ): it is psychokinesis. More when a material body cleverly designed it is taken to coincide in its entelechy with that of a human body, then a vehicle “ is available that travels without a motor, such as those of us who have always manned hyperboreans ”. And like at the point indiscernible there is temporary distortion, such vehicles can become invisible BY TEMPORARY ACCELERATION and not by “ high vibrations ” as maintained by certain ufologists materialists and imbeciles ( I swear I seek and seek another less offensive word, ¿How do you say “ lack of imagination until exasperation ” ?! ). ( 1 )
One last comment. In the center of the earth, given the great mass volume, there is a powerful indiscernible point, which alters in such a way space and time, which can be found there, ACCORDING THE WAY ASIS ACCOMMITTED THE ACCERCATION, from a magma core, so expensive to geologists, to a simultaneous portion of cosmic space ( with stars and everything, passing through many extremely interesting intermediate states that I cannot detail now ).
Dear kamerad: I have never been greedy for words, but I also don't want to exaggerate and tire you.. Excuse me if i have done, but, as I said at the beginning, when reading Nietzsche and the dance of shiva, with his quotes about him Dr. Jung, I felt a irrepressible urge to show him, with a simple example how close he was of the secret science of the Siddhas . I don't know if I managed to transmit that “ big key ” which is the gravis archetype; if not I've gotten the fault is only mine for lack of eloquence.
( 1 ) You can also, through the points indiscernible to carry out a bilocation, trilocation or polylocation ... always and when proceeding prior to “ closing the eyelid ”, extend a membrane that cover Abraxas' eye, that is, capture a sign that prevents His Look, lover and murderer, perching on the one who has dared to look out into the abyss.