Nimrod de Rosario - Miguel Serrano
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Messengers of Eternal Gnosis
Here are two envoys of the Unknowable. Messengers of Eternal Gnosis in the 20th century. Eternal Gnosis that will rule the next thousand years. The messages of both Envoys complement each other. Each one produced a brilliant synthesis of the True Gnosis, and both syntheses complement each other perfectly. The mission assigned to each of them was very great, and the effort of each one was enormous. All this crowned by the most resounding of successes: transmitting to the world the True and Eternal Gnosis, capable of awakening and liberating humanity.
We, who have witnessed both trajectories, sometimes day by day, of the development of their writings and of the vast correspondence that both authors exchanged with each other, will provide some details, unknown to most, who will help to better understand this Magna Work.
Both were born in the southern cone of America. Nimrod de Rosario ( Luis Felipe Moyano ) in Argentina and Miguel Serrano in Chile. Both traveled to Antarctica with the same strategic objective, Serrano in 1947 and Nimrod de Rosario in 1973. As Serrano himself relates, shortly after arriving he started his return. Nimrod, by contrast, lived in Antarctica for over a year.
Both shared the same political ideas and ideology, exposed in their books in an impeccable way.
Both developed a body of gnostic wisdom capable of explaining absolutely everything that exists, existed, and will exist, and providing a solution to that tragedy.
Both practiced alchemical tantrism. Serrano the one with the Dry Way and Nimrod the one with the Wet Way.
Both read and used some terminology from the Swiss psychiatrist Jung. Serrano was Jung's personal friend, but years later he totally denied him. Nimrod only took Jung's psychological terminology. There is a phrase that Nimrod personally told us: "Where Jung concluded, I started".
Serrano is above all horizontal and comprehensive. Nimrod is vertical and deep. Although in part they differ, both complement each other.
Nimrod quotes and recommends Serrano in his books, although Serrano does not quote Nimrod even once. Of Serrano's relationship with Nimrod we only have the letters they exchanged and the memory of their telephone dialogues.
Nimrod de Rosario did not use or rely on any element of Serrano's books to write his work. Serrano relied extensively on Nimrod's writings, especially after 1978, when he received the first volumes of "Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom" that Nimrod sent him to Chile. Both were spiritual warriors, but Serrano was a poet and Nimrod a theologian. This last enemy of poetry. Serrano had many friends, Nimrod none. For Nimrod only the comrades in struggle counted.
Betrayals and concealments
Great men fighting for freedom are often infiltrated and misrepresented by skilled enemy agents.
Jung's example: Jung had a secretary, who was later his lover and heir. After Jung's death this woman modified and mutilated her published books, while hiding and perhaps destroying her unpublished work. We are talking about the infiltrator, the treacherous, the damn Aniela Jaffé.
Nimrod de Rosario: after his death, his mother Rosalía Taglialavore, aka María Moyano and two "disciples" hid their book "Hyperborean Physics", the most important, profound and decisive that Nimrod wrote to crown his work.
Miguel Serrano: after his death, his partner, the foreigner María Isabel Perez Quintela, aka Sabela Quintela, proceeded to hide part of Miguel Serrano's work. The most important of his occultures are the 36 issues of the magazine "The New Age". We know that Serrano attached great importance to the antimasonic and esoteric documentation present in this magazine, as well as his articles contributed by his comrades in struggle. Any infiltrator and traitor would hide this magazine, proud to protect their Freemason masters.
Another terrible betrayal against Serrano was having performed his wake no less than in a Roman Catholic church, with the antics of the corresponding ritual. Great insult against his body and spirit. And at the same wake we had to listen to "my husband's most important writings are those prior to The Golden Cord, the ideological writings he published later are not so important". This made it clear who is who. More can be read on this topic on the following website: "Miguel Serrano Fernandez".
Fight conspiracy
Both Serrano and Nimrod always wanted their works to be disseminated as widely as possible. This was stated in their writings. They wanted to give their knowledge to humanity and not to their material heirs. The only way to fight the plot of destruction and concealment of your messages is to make known as soon as possible your writings that are most in danger and that are at risk of being erased forever. Therefore we ask all those who have these texts in their possession to make them known through the web.
The Golden Cord
It is the first truly esoteric work by Miguel Serrano, published in 1978. It is Miguel Serrano's first attempt to synthesize Gnostic esotericism. Serrano had met for years with many important authors and had read many books, synarchic and from others, and perhaps that is why he thought it was time to synthesize all that knowledge. In addition, through De Mahieu he learned that a young Argentine man, whom they called Nimrod de Rosario, was engaged in the same task. Serrano also had access to two Nimrod dissertations, which had been included in the book "Secret History of the Thule".
Very influenced by The Golden Cord by the Bible and by Jung. Approximately half of the bibliography consulted by Serrano consists of books of Synarchical origin that only seek to generate confusion. The books of the writer Robert Charroux are those that provide the main themes that Serrano will develop, although he also owes this author several mistakes. The Golden Cord, although it has many successes, also suffers from many errors and confusions:
one. Agharti and Shamballah are not presented as opposing entities but as friends with each other ( pgs. 24, 29, 30, 63, 73, 155, 171 ).
2. Templars are presented as something positive, and not as demiurge agents ( pp. 26, 49, 117, 167, 169, 171, 172, 193, 215 ).
3. Druids, as well as for Templars, claim that they are hyperborean ( pp. 31, 71, 100, 125, 167, 193 ).
4. Rosicrucians, as with Templars and Druids, are presented as a positive thing ( pp. 30, 117, 197, 213 ).
5. Cathars are here erroneously equated with Templars ( p. 66 ).
6. Melchizedek, the King of the World and Brahma are positive entities for Serrano. ( P. 213, 103, 145, 151, respectively ).
7. The mandalas are erroneously described as something positive ( pp. 30, 215 ).
8. The superman is erroneously described as androgynous ( p. 115 ).
9. Kundalini and the chakras are wrongly described as positive and desirable forces for man ( pgs. 144, 186, 187, 197, 215 ).
10. In this book Serrano speaks of man as a composite of body and soul, he says nothing of the spirit ( P. 175, 226 ).
Corrections made by Nimrod de Rosario
Hardly read The Golden Cord, Nimrod is amazed at the errors and confusion prevailing in the book and in a few days he writes the corrections and sends them to Serrano. These corrections are a summary of his work "Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom", Serrano reads these corrections and thanks Nimrod. Serrano has become convinced of the depth and brilliance of Nimrod's knowledge, but The Golden Cord has already been edited and it is too late to correct what was stated there. He will then begin his second important work, "The Last Avatar", fully consubstantiated with Nimrod's gnostic system, in which he will try to correct the errors of The Golden Cord. He will never quote Nimrod or his contributions, nor will he speak to anyone about him.
The Last Avatara
The second important work by Miguel Serrano, published in 1982, with which he tries to make a synthesis again, this time clearer and more definitive.
In this work Serrano has changed a lot, he is now very influenced by the writings of Nimrod de Rosario, although he continues to quote Synarchical authors. However, the change and corrections will not be abrupt, one hundred and eighty degrees, since everything cannot be changed so clearly. But the changes and corrections are there, and they are easy to notice. There are even two explanatory summaries of Nimrod's ideas in this book, but always without quoting it ( pgs. 248, 249, 250, 478, 479 ).
Some errors remain: Melchizedek ( Pages. 229, 547 ), Brahma and the Brahmins ( Pgs. 95, 116, 125, 547 ), the Templars ( Pgs. 51, 174, 224, 339, 347, 384, druids and cataros ( p. 177 ).
There are new mistakes. The Kaula Circle presided over by seventy-two Brahmins ( p. 116 ), constitutes an error. What it says about the Golden Dawn ( p. 211 ) is also a serious mistake. Also the use of the term manu is confusing.
In the following forty points we will quote everything that Miguel Serrano took from Nimrod de Rosario to write "El Último Avatara":
one. The demiurge Jehovah ( P. 172, 174, 182, 186, 269, 339, 541, 613 ).
2. Demiurgic creation ( Pgs. 183, 192, 196, 197, 198, 480, 541 ). The creation of many worlds by the demiurge ( p. 228 ) corresponds to the Terrible Secret of Maya, by Nimrod.
3. The demiurge is The One ( pp. 231, 237, 248, 263, 268 ).
4. Pralayas and Demiurgic Fagocitation ( Pgs. 196, 228, 537, 613 ).
5. Ages or Yugas ( P. 164 ).
6. The Hyperborean Kristos ( Pages. 171, 245, 269, 613 ).
7. Kristos Lucifer ( p. 545 ).
8. White Treason ( P.S. 177, 183, 185, 199, 248 ).
9. There are references to the Siddhas, immortal Siddhas, and Hyperborean Siddhas, on page 255 and many times throughout the book.
10. Agartha ( p. 247 ). Shamballah is gone.
eleven. Body, soul and spirit ( Pages. 33, 159, 216, 229, 245, 477 ). At last the spirit appeared.
12. Fall of the Spirit ( P. 183 ).
13. Forget about Origin ( p. 246 )
14. The drama of the prisoner in the demiurge universe ( p. 235 ).
fifteen. Blood Memory ( Pages. 122, 192, 417, 578 ).
16. The Hyperborean Self ( Pages. 192, 194, 199 ).
17. Yo enlargement ( p. 215 ).
18. Great Ancestor ( p. 541 ).
19. Listen to the Song and the Voices ( P.S. 195, 417 ).
twenty. Backwards, towards the Origin ( P. 192 ).
twenty-one. Exit time ( p. 264 ).
22. Reverse the Kali Yuga ( p. 563 ).
2. 3. Wotan's Crucifixion ( Pgs. 198, 206, 207, 212, 221 ).
24. Sixteen runes ( pp. 182, 211, 229, 233, 254 ).
25. Pontiff ( P. 229, 252 ).
26. Kundalini ( p. 493 ). Now it is not beneficial.
27. Jesus Christ ( p. 613 ).
28. Samadhi ( pp. 199, 537 ). Now it is not beneficial.
29. Spirits have two different sexes, they are not androgynous ( p. 182 ).
30. Eva and Lillith ( p. 167 ).
31. Maithuna performed once ( p. 559 ).
32. Son of Death ( Pages. 133, 173, 252, 543 ).
33. Put a face on the astral body ( Pgs. 172, 182, 199 ).
3. 4. Kali ( p. 195 ).
35. Cromagnon Man ( p. 265 ).
36. Druids are Hebrews ( pp. 177, 505 ).
37. Jerusalem, land chakra ( pp. 327, 329 ).
38. John Dee ( p. 592, 593, 607 ).
39. Jewish Origin of Christopher Columbus ( pp. 336, 340, 341, 383 ).
40. Miscegenation in America ( p. 340 ).
Miguel Serrano's third important work, published in 1991. Serrano attached great importance to this book, its final synthesis. His first version was stolen ( "that something similar is not going to happen today. Read this book and memorize it, "p. 22 ). With effort he wrote it again ( "with great effort, I have remade it", p. 23 ).
From The Last Avatara until now, Serrano has carefully studied all of Nimrod's books, which he mailed to him. They are the fourteen volumes of Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom and the last definitive version of The Mystery of Belicena Villca. In Manú we find that Nimrod's ideas have almost completely influenced Serrano's mind. Almost everything gnostic exposed in Manú has been taken from Nimrod de Rosario. This is easy to check by reading it:
one. The demiurge is The One ( pp. 74, 86, 146 ).
2. Demiurgic creation ( Pages. 51, 52, 53, 63, 71, 75, 76, 168, 188 ).
3. World Infinity ( p. 52 ). This is Nimrod's Terrible Secret of Maya.
4. Everything created by the demiurge is plagiarism ( p. 168 ).
5. Demiurge Food ( Pages. 62, 63, 74, 75, 76, 78, 170, 188 ). The pain and emanations of men are their food.
6. White Traitors ( pgs. 62, 63, 117 ).
7. Chaining of the Immortals ( Pages. 52, 53, 75, 142 ).
8. Blood Memory ( p. 117 ).
9. Hear the a-mor song that wakes up the prisoner ( p. 142 ).
10. Strengthen the Self or annihilate it ( Pgs. 83, 86, 87, 88, 135, 146 ).
eleven. Strategy ( Pgs. 53, 80 ).
12. The Runes are sixteen ( P. 117, 146 ).
13. Runes are the weapons of the warrior ( P.S. 96, 125 ).
14. Hero's Mission ( p. 142 ).
fifteen. The Hero will be superior to the demiurge ( Pg. 119 ).
16. Son of Death ( Pages. 102, 122, 153 ).
17. Kundalini is malefic ( pgs. 98, 126 ).
18. Kaula Circle ( P. 145 ).
19. Eva and Lillith ( Pages. 61, 100 ).
twenty. Wet and dry routes ( Pages. 126, 146 ).
twenty-one. Squash the Face of the Beloved ( P.S. 145, 149 ).
22. Druids are synarchic ( pgs. 133, 175 ). On page 175 it says "my own research from these years, having published The Golden Cord, has led me to conclusions that I believe may be largely close to the truth". These "own investigations of these years" refer to the study of the work of Nimrod de Rosario.
2. 3. The Golen ( P.S. 176, 177 ).
Some errors still persist: soul ( p. 81 ), samadhi ( pgs. 82, 146 ), manu ( pgs. 194, 195 ), Agartha and Shamballah ( Pgs. 70, 73, 77, 97 ), etc. It is also still influenced by the Hebrew Bible, but less.
Make differences with Nimrod: change hominid by neanderthal ( Pgs. 53, 75 ), demiurge unfold and Jehovah ( Pgs. 172, 181, 182 ) ( "Jehovah is a demiurge machine", Manú, p. 182 ), etc.
Serrano's great hits
one. Having clearly exposed the two tantric routes, his and Nimrod's: the Dry or Right Hand Way ( Serrano ) and the Wet or Left Hand Way ( Nimrod ) ( The Last Avatara, pgs. 255, 578 ).
2. Break with the "mason" and "traitor" Jung ( Manú, pgs. 164 and following ) Finally!
3. Anticipation of the World Financial Crisis: it will be caused and will lead to the destruction of the dollar and the implantation of the ant society ( World Synarchical Government ) ( Manú, p. 183 ).
4. Serrano's highest gnostic theological conception, the most brilliant, the one that surpasses everything else: the Death of the Demiurge ( Manú, p. 72, 104, 174 ).
Both are the two pillars of Eternal Gnosis in the world
Serrano and Nimrod fully complement each other. In his books is everything a man needs to wake up and free himself. No one like them has gone so deep into Gnosis theology. Introductions to his works may be written, or various comments, but they will never be overcome.
They have received the Eternal Gnosis that will rule the world for a thousand years and end the Kali Yuga, and they have exposed it exhaustively with will and courage ¡Honor and Glory to these two messengers of the Unknowable!SOURCE: