Nimrod de Rosario, Miguel Serrano and Sri Raaknahaif. Excerpts from the forum censored on the Internet
Samuel Veron October 8, 2009
It seems that Miguel Serrano's "teachers" are appearing. Before Nimrod de Rosario and now Carlos Rogat Salas, Raaknahaif. Until his last moments, Miguel remembered his Master, the one who communicated with Adolf Hitler on the astral plane, the one who predicted that Germany would lose the war, the one who in 1925 studied and taught the doctrine of Hörbiger. I found Carlos Rogat Salas on the Internet and downloaded his five books to study them. I was hoping to find a great Nazi leader and I found everything backwards. Instead of swastikas I found David's stars everywhere. ¿What bad joke is this? I would hide a teacher like that too. Please someone to get me out of this confusion.
Vladimir Ernesto Ferrada October 13, 2009
Don Miguel instilled some fear among the creatures on the market, on this and on the other side of reality, that is why they remained at bay until very recently. Today he is no longer physically here and then the forces of the lower emerge like hyenas dragging their scavengers condition out of duty and without a future.
Only for the parentheses ( Rosario's Nimrod is more fiction than everything on the Internet. It came out of nowhere about five years ago, already dead, and with some books of "high hyperboric truths", in beginner's writing, with syntactic errors, and a grandiloquence of circus or psychiatric. You have never seen a published book with the smell of chocolate and aged tapas, keeping such wisdom, on the other hand, only a couple of Internet sites presented their texts in html, and recently the "luxurious" pdf formats, downloadable for Latin America, "sudaca" ( of "sud-sur", "sweat here, from the south" ). And it turns out that now this "gift No one" was the original possessor of the wisdom that Don Miguel had been exposing since before the "Che Nimrod" was born. That's too much,I cannot continue writing so as not to feel that I am answering "Argentine rosarism". ) But Don Miguel did have a teacher in these latitudes, in the years of the Great War, he had it and he spoke of it throughout his life, in each book, in every corner of their rooms, in every toast to the past. But that was an "initiative" and very personal matter, which he preferred to leave entangled in the mystery of his poetry; and boy did he do it well, captivating us with that image of the hidden, unnamed teacher.initiatory "and very personal, that he preferred to leave entangled in the mystery of his poetry; and boy did he do it, captivating us with that image of the hidden, unnamed teacher.initiatory "and very personal, that he preferred to leave entangled in the mystery of his poetry; and boy did he do it, captivating us with that image of the hidden, unnamed teacher.
This has been talked about in certain circles for a long time, but only today some overexcited beardless, he wanted to join the list of corrupters of the unscathed image left by Don Miguel ( all "deformity "of his figure can be passed through the prism of surrealism, of which he made flesh and blood, and remains" clean ", among the great" madmen "of the 20th century ).
Returning to the teacher, yes, Carlos Rogat was, and he had a figure and soul to spare to be one. Please, Samuel Veron, read carefully and you will see how much unassuming truth is in those works of national esotericism. Rogat was revered by many friends and disciples, as a being of light. And not be surprised by the absence of swastikas and the covers bearing the seal of Eliphas Levi ( Alphonse Louis Constant, the French occultist ); it says nothing about the background, it says more about his time, the symbolic environment and what was possible to publish at that time...
Carlos Rogat's printed work was intended for all the few sages capable of hearing the voice of the heart; that's a lot today. In those books we can see gathered all the gathering of influences and confluences of hidden traditions, theosophisms, remains of Christianity already condemned by Nietzsche, spiritism, ascended masters, and all that that until today continues to fill the minds of the followers of Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain and several other saints. But beyond that were the practices of that Order, an ORDER WITHOUT DOCTRINE, an active Order on both planes.
So, no confusion, because a careful open reading can help to "hear" from the heart... Vladimir Ernesto Ferrada
Samuel Veron October 14, 2009
The origin of David's star may be Aryan, I think it is. The Jews never invent anything, they copy everything, they imitate it, they deform it. I think what matters is not the origin of the Star of David, but what it represents and symbolizes in recent centuries. It is the symbol of Judaism par excellence. For that reason, a socialist national would never use it to illustrate his books. But let's see the contents of Carlos Rogat Salas' books. Su
God, or "Lord," is he not the God of the Jews? His morale Is it not the morale of the Jews of the Torah? I see that his writings are an example of Masonic and Rosicrucian Jewish esotericism. Nothing that can be compared to Miguel Serrano is there, on the contrary. I am sure that without Miguel Serrano, the teacher Rogat Salas would have been forgotten forever and nobody would remember him. He became famous thanks to Miguel Serrano.
Norberto Aguirre Menchaca October 21, 2009
I am responding to Vladimir Ferrada. Although Miguel Serrano was alive, he could do nothing about this, because what he wrote in his books could no longer be modified without us noticing. Nimrod de Rosario was not a teacher of Miguel Serrano but had a great influence on him. This is well shown in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ”. That is very convincing and clear there. Read that and you will check it. Miguel Serrano has hidden that influence as he did with Wirth, Fleischauer and even with von Schemm, whom he hardly or anything quotes, from those who have taken from his ideas to his photos and drawings, But Nimrod de Rosario's influence on him is greater, since it occurred on a metaphysical and theological plane. Also remember that a book should never matter its age, its color,if it smells like chocolate or not, neither the wording nor the syntax, or if its author is from Latin America or not, if he is sane or crazy, etc., From a book you should only take into account its message, its wisdom, the knowledge it transmits. I think that what is said in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” does not harm the image of Miguel Serrano. The truth only hurts the dishonest. Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas, he was the Master of Miguel Serrano. I don't know why Serrano kept that a secret too. All I know is that everything that smells like "theosophisms, Eliphas Levi, Christianity, spiritism, Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain", etc. plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.if he is sane or crazy, etc., You should only take into account a book, its wisdom, the knowledge it transmits. I think that what is said in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” does not harm the image of Miguel Serrano. The truth only hurts the dishonest. Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas, he was the Master of Miguel Serrano. I don't know why Serrano kept that a secret too. All I know is that everything that smells like "theosophisms, Eliphas Levi, Christianity, spiritism, Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain", etc. plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.if he is sane or crazy, etc., You should only take into account a book, its wisdom, the knowledge it transmits. I think that what is said in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” does not harm the image of Miguel Serrano. The truth only hurts the dishonest. Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas, he was the Master of Miguel Serrano. I don't know why Serrano kept that a secret too. All I know is that everything that smells like "theosophisms, Eliphas Levi, Christianity, spiritism, Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain", etc. plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” does not harm the image of Miguel Serrano. The truth only hurts the dishonest. Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas, he was the Master of Miguel Serrano. I don't know why Serrano kept that a secret too. All I know is that everything that smells like "theosophisms, Eliphas Levi, Christianity, spiritism, Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain", etc. plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” does not harm the image of Miguel Serrano. The truth only hurts the dishonest. Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas, he was the Master of Miguel Serrano. I don't know why Serrano kept that a secret too. All I know is that everything that smells like "theosophisms, Eliphas Levi, Christianity, spiritism, Jesus, Moria, Saint Germain", etc. plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.plain and simple it belongs to the enemies of Miguel Serrano and humanity.
Norberto Aguirre Menchaca October 27, 2009
Confusions must be clarified. While Miguel Serrano edited The New Age, Nimrod de Rosario was not born. I also don't think I read it later. But when El Cordón Dorado ( 1978 ) Nimrod de Rosario appears, he sends his criticism and comments to Miguel Serrano. Nimrod was 32 years old there. In his next book, "Adolf Hitler, the Last Avatar" ( 1982 ) Miguel Serrano has ostensibly changed some of his deepest concepts. He continues to receive comments from Nimrod de Rosario and in his most perfect work ( Manú, 1991 ) the resemblance to the gnosis of Nimrod de Rosario is almost total. This is not an invention or the work of a brute, Miguel Serrano's books are available to anyone who doubts this and wants to verify it. There is nothing wrong with Miguel Serrano being influenced by Nimrod de Rosario.All this can be verified in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ”. Let us clarify other details about the evolution of Miguel Serrano's thought. As it says in his Memoirs, Miguel Serrano edited the 36 issues of the magazine La Nueva Age from 7/3/1941 to 1/7/1943. From number 19 onwards, on 3/26/1942, Serrano has a change, he becomes much more esoteric. ¿What happened? He has met his teacher, Carlos Rogat Salas. This has not been invented by anyone, it is written in the Memoirs of Serrano. He is here receiving the influence of Master Rogat, there is nothing wrong with it, it is typical of the evolution of Miguel Serrano's thought. The second period of influences occurs when after the war,being ambassador to Austria, he begins to communicate with the theorists of National Socialism. One by one he visits them and learns from them what he will later call his Revealed Cosmogony. It is the synthesis that originates his book The Golden Cord. Serrano records in his books all these authors with whom he communicated in Europe. The third influence is that of Nimrod de Rosario. The latter has a fundamental difference with the authors that Miguel Serrano will interview in Europe: it is much deeper, it is the Gnosis that directly unravels the mind and purposes of Jehovah, the creator God of the Jews. One thing is the more or less esoteric books of National Socialism that were addressed to the SA and the German people and then to the world,and another good different that which should remain secret for those who did not belong to the SS elite. The latter are the documents that Nimrod manages to consult in Argentina, brought by the German exiles in 1945, we already know how. With these data and with other sources, Nimrod de Rosario elaborates his remarkable synthesis, the Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom. It is not wrong that Serrano has modified some aspects of his National Socialist Cosmogony after reading Nimrod de Rosario. If Germany won the war, Aryan Christianity would be extended to all humanity, with Aryan gnosis remaining, as Nimrod describes it, only within the reach of the SS elite. If Germany lost the war, the SS gnosis was the one that should extend to all humanity, complementing the remaining National Socialist doctrines.This is in the Nimrod books of Rosario. As Nimrod said, "on April 30, 1945, humanity's last hope of salvation was ended. After that day nothing in this world deserves to be saved". Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas' books, I don't think anyone wants to "appropriate" them, although perhaps the "Imberbe" that ( R.V.E.? ) try to try. ¿Will you try to vampirize Master Rogat as you already tried with Miguel Serrano? Maybe... Regarding the paranoid fantasies of an alleged plot, see what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.on April 30, 1945, humanity's last hope of salvation was ended. After that day nothing in this world deserves to be saved". Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas' books, I don't think anyone wants to "appropriate" them, although perhaps the "Imberbe" that ( R.V.E.? ) try to try. ¿Will you try to vampirize Master Rogat as you already tried with Miguel Serrano? Maybe... Regarding the paranoid fantasies of an alleged plot, see what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.on April 30, 1945, humanity's last hope of salvation was ended. After that day nothing in this world deserves to be saved". Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas' books, I don't think anyone wants to "appropriate" them, although perhaps the "Imberbe" that ( R.V.E.? ) try to try. ¿Will you try to vampirize Master Rogat as you already tried with Miguel Serrano? Maybe... Regarding the paranoid fantasies of an alleged plot, see what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas' books, I don't think anyone wants to "appropriate" them, although perhaps the "Imberbe" that ( R.V.E.? ) try to try. ¿Will you try to vampirize Master Rogat as you already tried with Miguel Serrano? Maybe... Regarding the paranoid fantasies of an alleged plot, see what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.Regarding Carlos Rogat Salas' books, I don't think anyone wants to "appropriate" them, although perhaps the "Imberbe" that ( R.V.E.? ) try to try. ¿Will you try to vampirize Master Rogat as you already tried with Miguel Serrano? Maybe... Regarding the paranoid fantasies of an alleged plot, see what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.See what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.See what happened in the Catholic Church, where Miguel Serrano was veiled. It's all on the Internet, and then think about whether the widow and other well-identified subjects are not involved in a plot to destroy Miguel Serrano Fernández.
Marcelo M. Saba October 28, 2009
Very good comment. I want to add other details. When he edited "The New Age" Miguel Serrano received material and documentation from Germany. He retired it weekly at the German embassy in Santiago and then translated and published it. Years later he abbreviated the Nazi ideologues he interviewed in Austria and other countries in Europe. I read this in "memories of him and me". Nimrod de Rosario's intellectual history ( Luis Felipe Moyano ) is quite different. Without leaving Argentina, he was in contact with Nazi refugees. As I was told in Córdoba ( Argentina ), Nimrod's mother knew of these meetings that occurred in cities in the interior of Argentina and a clue to that is in the novel "the mystery of Belicena Villca". Those who met with Nimrod were all ex S.S.,and they did not maintain any communication or even greetings with other ex-military Germans. They only communicated with each other and a few times with Nimrod. Nimrod was allowed to see a few, but very important, documents dealing with the false God and the true God, such as continuing the war on other planes, etc. etc. That's what they told me in a city in Córdoba. I think that this is where the apparent difference between Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano comes from, which I do not think is contradictory but complementary. It is known that the S.S. it was very different from the rest of the groups and the people. "The Party is the best of Germany, but the S.S. are the best of the party". With a few hints Nimrod built his esoteric Nazi theoretical building and that has merit. I also knew in Argentina that Nimrod was very humble and generous,without seeking fame or prominence, Miguel Serrano was perhaps the opposite, perhaps that is why he did not quote Nimrod in his books. acquaintances of Serrano told me in Santiago that Serrano was very impressed when he began receiving Nimrod's writings. About the "imberbe" that they speak I believe from their initials that refer to Rafael Videla Eissmann. That young man is desperate for prominence, he seems crazy but he is not bad. It is dedicated to searching and stirring things only. Being young is not to call him a beardless.who speak I believe by their initials that refer to Rafael Videla Eissmann. That young man is desperate for prominence, he seems crazy but he is not bad. It is dedicated to searching and stirring things only. Being young is not to call him a beardless.who speak I believe by their initials that refer to Rafael Videla Eissmann. That young man is desperate for prominence, he seems crazy but he is not bad. It is dedicated to searching and stirring things only. Being young is not to call him a beardless.
Marcelo Miret Saba November 2, 2009
Von Thrudheim, when you visit a museum, do you look at the frames of the paintings and the details of the ceiling, or do you look at the works of art? ¿Why extend on the semantic speculations between Knowledge and Wisdom? ¿Why investigate the skin color of an author's granny? ¿Don't you like to go straight to the heart of a matter? First I will ask you a simple question: Why did Miguel Serrano obtain Nazi esoteric documentation from German hands and Luis Felipe Moyano ( Nimrod de Rosario ) could not do the same? ¿What was different about Miguel and Felipe? ¿Why couldn't Philip earn the trust of the exiles? The only incontrastable truth is in the works written by both of them, the rest is always debatable. If you.once he was able to speak with Miguel or with Felipe, he will agree with me that for both his cosmogony was the only possible Truth. One thing is also certain, I say it as a witness, never a German approached Felipe and even less asked him to create an Esoteric Order. Not even in the Third Reich would that have happened. It was Felipe who always sought and rummaged to this knowledge, as Don Miguel also did successfully. It was Philip who always approached the Germans, and was well received by them. The documents on Yaweh Der Falsche Gott were from Ahnenerbe, there is evidence of that. But, I insist, what is important is not the color of a writer's granny's skin, but her work itself, her contribution, her message. If Felipe was a mestizo or not, a radish matters. That ended towards the end of World Battle II,when thousands of volunteers of all races enlisted and were accepted into the SS, and it was there that National Socialism went from being an Aryan exclusivity to being the property of all free men on earth. Turks and Tibetans died defending the Berlin bunker. I try not to give many details to prevent you from starting to speculate on them and escaping through the branches again, which would be proof that the only thing he has as a German is his pseudonym, or that he wants to hide something. After 1945 it matters little whether a Nazi is Coya, Araucanian, Galician or Aryan A1. But something is clear: currently, to be a Nazi, it is not enough to have a German surname, yellow hair or drink beer. Once certain knowledge was elaborated, Felipe decided to create an Initiatic Order,with a well defined objective and for a short and well defined time as well. Once that was accomplished, Felipe dissolved the Order and it was closed and dissolved forever. Of course, the only one indicated to serve as pontiff was Felipe, although he always said that this role could be assumed by any other comrade of the Order. He was a humble man, but he was not weak, he imposed his will with an iron hand, he was a true leader. He had the humility of samurai or chatria, never the haughtiness or pride of a Judeo-brahman. Regarding the constant repetitions of concepts in his books, I want to say that the same thing happens with Miguel. Felipe said that was necessary, that it was part of the attempt to awaken the reader's spirit and transform it. That seems to have bothered you too.- But don't worry,Felipe's books are not for anyone. Miguel also said similar things, for example, that Manú had to be read indefinitely. He also said that it is necessary to crush and crush with different concepts, because the current man can understand certain truths but then forget them. Both Miguel and Felipe are Nazis, their works do not contradict each other, it would be bad to denigrate one and exalt the other. If Michael took data from Herman Wirth or Fleischhauer, for example, why couldn't he have done the same with Philip? In addition, there are the almost textual elements that prove it, as established in the article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ”. Those who have doubts can refer there, because there are the texts and not the witnesses who speak.Although Miguel has copied fundamental concepts of Felipe without citing him, that mattered very little to Felipe and we do not care either, because the cause, mission and duty are far above all that. Do not continue inventing enmities about the books of Miguel and Felipe. The two made very important contributions to National Socialism. Try not to make the Jewish saying true "for a Nazi there is no worse enemy than another Nazi, they will end up exterminating each other by saving us work".Try not to make the Jewish saying true "for a Nazi there is no worse enemy than another Nazi, they will end up exterminating each other by saving us work".Try not to make the Jewish saying true "for a Nazi there is no worse enemy than another Nazi, they will end up exterminating each other by saving us work".
Mario Suarez November 3, 2009
You leave Chartres and enter Nicea. Now you invent that Nimrod wanted to create a new religion. Go on, keep inventing, so you're doing great. Keep trying to find mistakes in Nimrod de Rosario. ¿What do you want to achieve with that? You're also with the pontiff now. You already look like Videla Eissmann. If you don't want to read Nimrod's books don't read them, but don't make up weird things. We already know that Miguel Serrano was perfect and unique, nobody wants to take away that title. It has simply been said and shown that some elements of his Cosmogony were taken from Nimrod de Rosario without citing him. Only that. ¿Does that bother you so much? ¿Does that hurt your perfect and unique Miguel Serrano so much?
Enrique Paz Weber November 17, 2009
The article “ Nimrod de Rosario and Miguel Serrano: Messengers of Eternal Gnosis ” only seeks to investigate without prejudice and tell the truth, without falsehoods or concealments. No one should be hurt by the truth. On that website nothing bad is said about the two men, on the contrary. Read that carefully and without prejudice. The Serrano thing about druids and Templars is terrible, but who can be safe from confusion? Read in Toland and Paine about Druid and Templar Freemasonry, also about the exodus of Druid outcasts from India, which would later give rise to Jews and Gypsies. That is in Wirth's writings. There is another book on Jewish druids, it's called hebrew and druidical religions identical, or something like that. All this is in the novel The Secret of Belicena Villca, by Nimrod de Rosario.His devotion to druids and Templars is the only mistake I found in Miguel Serrano. The remaining 99 percent is magnificent. Also read Serrano's Only Solution for the Peoples of South America.
González Osuni, Pablo November 17, 2009
I found Master Rogat Salas' books at They were removed from Master Carlos Rogat Salas' books suffered, in my opinion, three attacks. First attack: the son. Shortly after Master Raaknahaif's death, Miguel Serrano went to speak to the Master's son. Possibly by means of seduction and diplomacy, Miguel Serrano managed to get the Master's son to give him half a library and all the copies of La Voz Del Señor that were in the house. ¿Where did all those books from The Voice Of The Lord go? Maybe you should look at the Mapocho or there. Second attack: the grandson. Very interested in having his books known, El Maestro donated the four volumes of La Voz Del Señor to the National Library of Santiago.Shortly after the Master's death, the 4 volumes were destroyed by resolution. ¿Who was the head of the Library who made that resolution? Alfredo Rogat, the grandson of the teacher Rogat Salas, also possibly convinced by Miguel Serrano. Third attack: the great-granddaughter. Now a great-granddaughter appears who, on behalf of the Rogat family, asked that the 4 volumes be removed from the Internet, although many are thinking that he is none other than Rafael Videla Eissmann disguised as a great-granddaughter.Now a great-granddaughter appears who, on behalf of the Rogat family, asked that the 4 volumes be removed from the Internet, although many are thinking that he is none other than Rafael Videla Eissmann disguised as a great-granddaughter.Now a great-granddaughter appears who, on behalf of the Rogat family, asked that the 4 volumes be removed from the Internet, although many are thinking that he is none other than Rafael Videla Eissmann disguised as a great-granddaughter.
Mario Suarez November 17, 2009
In that case Rafael Videla Eissmann would be renamed Rafael Visnieta Eissmann.
Ariel Montani Room November 17, 2009
If they continue like this, it will end up being called Rafael Videla Gay-sman ( gueyssmann ). I have very bad references from that Mr. Rafael Videla Eissmann. First-hand references, because I was a direct witness to several of his old ways. This man is the one who was harassing Don Miguel in his last months of life, when Don Miguel had to move in a wheelchair. Videla Eissmann harassed him for months, two or more times a day, so that Don Miguel could prolong one of Videla Eissmann's writings. Don Miguel did not want to endorse such mediocrities and asked us to remove this man. Every day at approximately nine in the morning the telephone harassment of Don Miguel began, then the persecution continued on the street, when Don Miguel went out to the bar he attended daily.He had spoken no more than fifty minutes with Don Miguel shortly after meeting him and has already published a booklet entitled "From Atlantis. Conversations with Miguel Serrano". He didn't say any of this to Don Miguel. He found out when he saw the book in bookstores. Treacherous man. This man did a lot of damage to Don Miguel. To corroborate this and other things, they can ask Don Miguel's widow or his closest comrades. I would not be surprised if now the work and family of Carlos Rogat Salas are hanging around with similar intentions. I do not know what this parasite is looking for or who works for, but it is careful. Don't get confused with him and try to dig in to corroborate this and several other things.Conversations with Miguel Serrano". He didn't say any of this to Don Miguel. He found out when he saw the book in bookstores. Treacherous man. This man did a lot of damage to Don Miguel. To corroborate this and other things, they can ask Don Miguel's widow or his closest comrades. I would not be surprised if now the work and family of Carlos Rogat Salas are hanging around with similar intentions. I do not know what this parasite is looking for or who works for, but it is careful. Don't get confused with him and try to dig in to corroborate this and several other things.Conversations with Miguel Serrano". He didn't say any of this to Don Miguel. He found out when he saw the book in bookstores. Treacherous man. This man did a lot of damage to Don Miguel. To corroborate this and other things, they can ask Don Miguel's widow or his closest comrades. I would not be surprised if now the work and family of Carlos Rogat Salas are hanging around with similar intentions. I do not know what this parasite is looking for or who works for, but it is careful. Don't get confused with him and try to dig in to corroborate this and several other things.I would not be surprised if now the work and family of Carlos Rogat Salas are hanging around with similar intentions. I do not know what this parasite is looking for or who works for, but it is careful. Don't get confused with him and try to dig in to corroborate this and several other things.I would not be surprised if now the work and family of Carlos Rogat Salas are hanging around with similar intentions. I do not know what this parasite is looking for or who works for, but it is careful. Don't get confused with him and try to dig in to corroborate this and several other things.
Quetzalcoatl81 November 18, 2009
¿What is the story that ROGAT RAAKNAHAIF expelled DON MIGUEL from the TI-U-HIN order after the bankruptcy of an Indian test in 1963?
Ferdi Sahiensteinberggold November 19, 2009
Well, you don't need to jump on Mr. Videla Eissmann like birds of prey, because I imagine that the man will have some merit, right? ... and to help him a little, because not believing that maybe it took him 50 minutes to get to know Don Miguel in greater depth than those who accompanied him for years being from his group of close people and who apparently they managed to understand nothing of the Master to prepare a Judeo-Christian rite for him and take away the glory of his farewell in the house of Jehovah where they paid him a miserable tribute.
These men and women did do Don Miguel a lot of damage !!!, not Videla Eissmann, so don't try to clean up your guilt by projecting it to others.
Norberto Aguirre M. November 22, 2009
When Sabela wanted to watch him in church, what could be done to avoid him? She appeared before the nuns as Serrano's wife and begged them to allow her to watch over him there. He told them that this church was donated by Don Miguel's grandparents. He also asked them to allow Don Miguel's remains to be buried there. He only got the wake and the ceremony.
About Nimrod de Rosario's mother, she was always insane. She spent most of her years confined in different psychiatric institutes in Argentina. He drove his son crazy too, and it was the cause of several of his failures. Nimrod based the character of Belicena on his crazy mother. The other two named von Thudheim earlier are worse than the crazy mother. Brondino, charlatan, liar and delusional. Several projects of Nimrod de Rosario failed due to the ineffectiveness of this useless. The book on Eva Perón that Nimrod de Rosario wrote was appropriated by Brondino, publishing it with his name Gustavo Brondino. The other Aragon, another psychiatric case. Aggressive mythomaniac, today he is completely deranged. With people like that Nimrod was not going to commit suicide.
Quetzalcoatl81 November 23, 2009
Wolfram von Odal November 23, 2009
I have returned to my homeland.
Here I am again, like so many years ago. I contemplate on the walls the paintings painted by the Master's hand, Mount Kailás, Lake Manasarovar. How much influence has this being had on my life. He has thrown me into the long adventure of pilgrimage between two worlds. I observe the Book of the Order. It is open and I can read my name, the real one, the one that was extracted from the mists of a remote past. There is a sword next to the Book. I also read the names of the warriors of the Masters, here and there. I look at those pages, I look at the Master and I feel incredibly alone, left out of my own free will, out of those creations and imposing archetypes. The Master is bent over a sheet and writes. He is over eighty years old at this time. He doesn't interrupt his work when I get there. Write verses. This ageless man,he has stopped living in prose, to fully immerse himself in the rhythm of cosmic poems.
Look up and see me. Her face lights up.
- Were you with the Masters, in the Kailás? - he asks me.
- I couldn't get there, Master. I'm not sure they exist either...
- Man of little faith! The passion of the world has diverted you.
- For a tree to reach heaven, it must descend with its roots into hell...
- Not! It is not like this. What you renounce is transformed into higher values in your soul. If you have the fire with you, you can transform your passions, burn them. The love you give up here is returned to you there pure and eternal. Everything that does not bear fruit on earth is transformed into true life in the hereafter. Everything you apprehend here ends up dying, it is corrupted. You cannot light a candle on both sides. There will be no light, only fire...
- Master, I will consume myself like a candle lit by the two ends, between heaven and hell... Because I don't pretend to be more than a man...
- You have fallen! But you may still have one last chance. Listen to me, I'm going to tell you something... You cannot depart from your essence, from your deepest heart. ¿And do you know who your deepest heart is? It is Christ. ¿And do you know what He is? The resignation. Only by giving up will you be happy...
After this the Master no longer listened to me, because he began to sing; he sang beautiful distant songs, from other times, from beyond time.
Then I yelled at him, but he didn't hear me:
- Yes, Christ ... but the Christ of Atlantis!...
Quetzalcoatl81 November 27, 2009
Norberto Aguirre M. November 28, 2009
No matter the crazed mongrel, neither does the yellow-haired mongrel who thinks he's a Nazi just for swallowing beer. What matters, despite their regret, is the legacy, the message, their books, the gnosis that they transmit to us. On druids and Templars they can read Ignacio Ondargain's writing "Belicena Villca and the war of the worlds", where he refers to the initiatory novel "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" from Nimrod de Rosario. But that alleged maddened mongrel possessed the folly of Wotan, who for us is true sanity. That alleged crazed mongrel had berserker rage on him. He was not a salon or tavern warrior, he was a true warrior. So the bombs, the raids, the prison. This is a detail from Ondargain's article, another brave young man:
In the revelation of the Mystery of Belicena Villca there are two points that can surprise and especially contradict the most common idea of things. We mean:
- the historical role of the Templars in the synarchic conspiracy.
- the Levitical nature of the druids and their blood sacrifices to the One Jehovah.
Sergio November 29, 2009
I think Videla's books foster pseudo-racial theories in an outlandish Nazism foreignism that he himself does not understand in context. It becomes cuckoo with a series of things that exposes without idea the social circumstance in which they were made and that do not contribute to an authentic nationalist spirit but to confuse with idiocies. It is a total plagiarism to Serrano. With identical phrases. He prohibits Raaknahaif from being spoken of on the website, but he nevertheless alludes to him in an article on Serrano's death. Of course in a sidelined and pseudo-hermetic way. It really is a waste of time. On the other hand, there is evidence in his work. He only lacks honesty with his true purposes. What does he want. ¿Being Miguel Serrano and a kind of truncated heir who could not access the circle of "power"from the author of the Golden Cord because they did not leave it? I think you can't go crying about it.
PAPAN December 1, 2009
The True Huaiyuhuen December 1, 2009
And hit the Apocalypse of the Mad Wotanist, Mestizo Pontiff and his initiatory gospels... if the Serranistas read without understanding then or speaking of the proselytes of the new hyperborean religion of the viral patient, the angry warrior Luchín Pipe Moyano.
If someone lost the truth, be it the virtue of truthfulness or the intact virgo that reveals being, surely they kidnapped her and after gilding her the pill they turned her into Belicena...
Juan Carlos Abellan December 3, 2009
I had the undeserved honor of ever writing to Don Miguel Serrano.
For those true warriors who still resist in this degenerate age, I would like to share something of what he told me, but which serves any sincere seeker:
"Don't worry about looking for external organizations, as all of them in the present, are infiltrated by the terrestrial and extraterrestrial enemy"
"We are together in this hard fight inside and outside .And we will persevere in it no matter what."
Gustavo Herrera December 11, 2009
It is true, all organizations are infiltrated, it could not be otherwise, they won the "second war". Very good and ingenious occurrences "the botanical madman" -wotanical-and "Rafael Visnieta Eissmann". I wanted to tell you that instead of reading Carlos Rogat you should read Carlos Dinen, a great Chilean if any. He had friendship with Miguel Serrano. You can download your books from http: I /
Mariono Moya December 11, 2009
To complete the Don Miguel theme, I narrate that, when he had correspondence with Felipe, I was a privileged witness of this epistolary exchange on both sides of the mountain range because I also visited Felipe in the city of Rosario, months before he moved to Córdoba and founded the Order. Don Miguel was at the same time perplexed and hopeful; puzzled by Philip's highly technical language ( I was wondering if Philip was an Engineer or something like that ) and hopeful because since he had failed two important tests on his own spiritual path, he was found to have lost the connection, in addition to being spiritually "strategic disadvantage. The first test was in India;his Master had commissioned him to penetrate the cave system of Mount Kailás to contact the Superiors and Don Miguel when he saw that he was guarded by soldiers from communist China, he was scared and gave up even trying. The Second occurred in Antarctica when it was part of a Chilean military expedition as the only civilian member; they were entering the Lands of Queen Maud and only Serrano was aware of what was sought and the commander of the expedition, courageous like few others, surely also on an intuitive level, and it happened that at one point they were all exhausted by the increasing inclement weather and the commander asks him; What do we do, Mr. Serrano, do we follow or turn? and Don Miguel, cowed, said "Let's go back to Base".he was scared and gave up even trying. The Second occurred in Antarctica when it was part of a Chilean military expedition as the only civilian member; they were entering the Lands of Queen Maud and only Serrano was aware of what was sought and the commander of the expedition, courageous like few others, surely also on an intuitive level, and it happened that at one point they were all exhausted by the increasing inclement weather and the commander asks him; What do we do, Mr. Serrano, do we follow or turn? and Don Miguel, cowed, said "Let's go back to Base".he was scared and gave up even trying. The Second occurred in Antarctica when it was part of a Chilean military expedition as the only civilian member; they were entering the Lands of Queen Maud and only Serrano was aware of what was sought and the commander of the expedition, courageous like few others, surely also on an intuitive level, and it happened that at one point they were all exhausted by the increasing inclement weather and the commander asks him; What do we do, Mr. Serrano, do we follow or turn? and Don Miguel, cowed, said "Let's go back to Base".they were entering the Lands of Queen Maud and only Serrano was aware of what was sought and the commander of the expedition, courageous like few others, surely also on an intuitive level, and it happened that at one point they were all exhausted by the increasing inclement weather and the commander asks him; What do we do, Mr. Serrano, do we follow or turn? and Don Miguel, cowed, said "Let's go back to Base".they were entering the Lands of Queen Maud and only Serrano was aware of what was sought and the commander of the expedition, courageous like few others, surely also on an intuitive level, and it happened that at one point they were all exhausted by the increasing inclement weather and the commander asks him; What do we do, Mr. Serrano, do we follow or turn? and Don Miguel, cowed, said "Let's go back to Base".
Then he dedicated himself to writing and "stealing" from other authors and sources to make up for the lack of experiences and knowledge he would have had if he had passed these tests, and that an Initiate is at a strategic disadvantage is serious since the most undesirable psychic contents of the Soul emerge stronger.
When Don Miguel reads in Felipe's shipments about the Tantric Initiation carried out in a story WITH A PROSTITUTE, he could no longer bear it because he has, as we know, a highly idealized version of this Initiation. In addition to Don Miguel, he maintained that the Führer had never spoken the words addressed to the young Kurt Von Sübermann in the novel "The Mystery of Belicena Villca". Serrano seemed not to want to notice that it was a novel. They broke relationships and became the enemy of Felipe, who at all times had considered him a Kamarada on the same level.
The last time I was with Don Miguel was about 4 years ago, On the occasion when I traveled to Santiago to accompany a Chilean diving partner who underwent an operation to remove a brain tumor. I spoke to Don Miguel to greet him and he invites me to dinner; I pick him up from his apartment and there I meet Sabela. Already in the restaurant, one of his disciples ( appears, the only one trained in karate ) without informing me. Apparently Don Miguel was afraid that he would harm him since in reality and despite everything, I love him and would protect him instead of hurting him.
During that dinner he behaved not as a spiritual Master but as the head of an intelligence service, trying all the time to extract information from me while looking at me behind the smoke of his cigar. It was on that occasion that he confessed to me that he had sabotaged, years ago, with his London publishers the possibility that Philip's Novel was published. The funny thing is that his young disciple was fascinated with the story of some spiritual experiences that I narrated to him and of very old karate techniques and we exchanged emails to keep in touch, but Don Miguel, the next day, severely warned his disciple of my danger and not to maintain any contact with me...
In short; Don Miguel is jealous of the Work of Felipe because he offers forceful answers that he does not have for his followers and the worst thing is that, Due to its increasing debasement, it has made alliances with the intelligence services, thus remaining, knowing it or not, at the service of the Sinarquía.
M. Moya