Nous-Machtia: The 5th Political Theory
Sieg Grun
Theories abound as to how to create a world of perfection, an eternal realm of paradise on earth devoid of any substantial problems and one supporting the maximum (optimum?) Conditions of a happy life.
Within the following the writer will outline another system of social organization destine to prove the fulfillment of all higher forms of life on this earth or, failing this, it's inevitable destruction in this age of lead, the end of the current cycle, the Kali Yuga dystopia of (post) modernity. The various utopian pipe dreams heretofor discussed in various philosophic dreamscapes have already proven themselves failures as the ideas inherent in them have manifested their ill consequences for all to see in various forms which are critiqued in the following.
Is the intention of the writer to develop a sustainable system of social organization oriented upwards and resonating harmoniously with the Divine Will, spiritually uplifting the population and leading them toward a veritable "kingdom of heaven on earth"-not a christian theocracy, let alone a Judaized Zion but rather an Aryan theocracy that will banish the darkness of this current earthly vale of tears and usher in a new golden age.
The title adopted for this proposed system of 'eternal virtue' (in the classical sense of unmanly, viral, Olympians striving after excellence) is 'Nous-Machtia' an adaptation and transmutation as will be seen in the foregoing of Alexandr Dugin's "The Fourth Political Theory". It is a supersession of the fourth moment of the dialectic the cabal of dark forces which rules this world has orchestrated-from the Democratic mediocre centrism of 'right wing' and 'left-wing' politics (1st and 2nd position) to their extreme forms of manifestation in the 'third position' constellation of ideas (clerical 'fascism'; communism, etc.).
'Nous-Machtia', as will be explained in the foregoing is an idealized conception of world organization which purports to serve as a manifestation of the Divine Will upon earth and which purports to be a materialized reflection of the Divine Mind, hence its title 'Nous' meaning Mind in the sense of the Monad or the 'One' and 'macht' being an allusion to its power in the German language. Though the realization of the conception is possible only through iron and blood and is perhaps beyond reach it is a necessary path up the mountaintop and out of the mire of the cloaca gentium of the (post) modern
world. Let the following then serve as an amphetamine tablet to assist one in his ascent toward the stars.
Alexander Dugin's "The Fourth Political Theory" has been circulating around for over a decade gaining adherents who, tired of the false 'right' versus 'left' dichotomy seek desperately for alternatives not knowing that the available 'alternatives' offered up by the cabal of black magicians is exactly where the cabal is heading and exactly what their plans were from the beginning, namely to 'reconcile opposites' in their political spectrum and impose upon the world the same or similar alternatives that are currently available that being: 1) race mixing globalism without regard to any organic distinctions
and/or 2) a more heterogeneous organic schism with different areas being preserved as autonomous zones for each racial-religio-Culture (Dugin's conception of the 'multi-polar theory', "The Fourth Political Theory", a reconciliation of opposites between 'left' and 'right').
The former case would presumably a la theosophy apply to the Americas and the latter to the historical regions in which the different racio-Cultural groups have dwelt though with whites being genocided by the hordes of Asia and Africa by a miscegenation or outright murder. This has been critiqued extensively by the writer's article "Dugin and Eurasianism" and other works and will further be critically examined in this one before embarking upon a positivistic conception of an idealized world plan based upon an organicist philosophical perspective.
The 'third position' as critiqued in Dugin's work "The Fourth Political Theory" is a political platform, way of life, manifesting itself in the political sphere and weltanschauung which exists outside of the contemporary liberal democratic parliamentarian "Reign of Quantity" (in the sense of Guenon) with the stupid masses being manipulated into 'taking sides' against whatever 'left' or 'right' Democratic
position is available within the Democratic system (liberal, conservative or other 'positions').
Such largely meaningless 'opposites' are reconciled within the womb of the matriarchal democracy ab initio and the stillborn resultant product of electoral political pseudo-praxis is cannibalized by the teeming multitudes to sate their perpetual lust for power and self-importance (ethical egotism under the guise of 'humanity', a Universalist abstraction).
Thus many have sought alternatives to this false dichotomy of 'left' and 'right' and have wound up with the myriad 'third positions' to these polar (alleged) opposites. The third positions have manifested like so many mushrooms or toadstools after the 'reign of quantity' upon the earth and have been any number of strange and outre conceptions ranging from clerical fascism (the Christian right wing taken in extremis) to communism (Marxist Leninism) to the more agreeable but nonetheless problematic forms of Italian fascism and national Socialism, those creeds which explicitly embrace an ethno-nationalist component though nevertheless being overly particularistic and exclusivist neglecting the larger collective of organic culture forms that manifest globally, namely the organically developed forms of other cultures.
Perhaps this was a necessity for them but was also nonetheless a manifestation of the will to power of the cultural organism which failed to take sufficient stock of its own relationship to the Other and of its limited power else success would have been a greater likelihood. Given the historical process, across the aeons of time, the original Aryan race was mixed out of existence to a greater or lesser extent in various regions of the earth and given this the currently existing races, though a product and being possessed of a culture that Evola characterized as a 'crepuscular remnant' of pre-existent Aryan culture, are degraded and distorted forms, are nonetheless capable of rectification and development spiritually and materially which will be discussed in the following.
This mixture has caused the current world historical problem (properly spoken of as 'the fall of man', the involution of the Divyas into the current stocks of 'humanity'). Accordingly one can only 'pick up the pieces' of the current fallen stock (of all 'races' including whites) and attempt to develop them into a higher form in accordance with the evolution of the soul or (taking and Evolan and Guenonian view) to diminish their degradation and degeneracy thereby enhancing and spiritualizing the material world
saving it from the cycles of time and the evil tide of the Demiurge.
The third positions currently and heretofore adopted have been woefully inadequate on some bases and thus have not been able to manifest in concreto at least as of this time. The ethno-nationalistic 'far right' regimes of popular infamy has come closest and indeed have shone forth as the brightest lights of the black sun on this earth and, though they have failed materially they have succeeded to a great degree Spiritually though they were unable to fully realize themselves in concreto of owing to the historical contingencies imposed upon them by the powers of hypocrisy (the so-called Allied
powers of World War II, the empires of the shopkeepers, degraded vaishya and sudra stock).
The idea of National Socialism, of Hitlerism has perpetuated itself in the realm of Eternity and serves ordine geometrico as a basis if only in part of a new order of the ages-not that of bourgeois democratic plutocracy with all of its falsehood but that of a Kshatriya-Brahmanical hierarchical order of Truth and Justice with each receiving adequate freedom and opportunity to fulfill their proper destiny.
Hence the third position in the case of 'far right' politics, as an idea whose time has not yet come owing to historical contingencies themselves a product of the Kali Yuga, the late Piscean age and thus had to 'win by losing', losing in the physical mundane plane as a means of consolidation in the higher planes and this for the eventual reification of the Idea under more appropriate mundane conditions.
The ideas of 'far right' politics are by and large an organicist conception of the world based upon a universal order though excessively Saturnian (controlled; restrictive; limited both in terms of its application and in terms of its lack of dynamism). For this reason, this lack of dynamic will to power and creative development through challenges of the more unconventional form, so-called 'right wingism' fails, however, what is been called 'far right' is for the most part a misnomer as such as Julius Evolan and the National Socialist occultists serve as a testament to owing to their ideas and practices,
those which transcend the material plane and which are oriented toward power, strength and evolutionary development and thus are not 'right wing' in a proper sense or 'far right'.
What is 'right-wing extremism' is 'clerical fascism', Catholic or other religious form and which espouses and embodies an excessive Saturnian element and a correspondent entropic tendency to crystallization (and in life all "inactivity is death" as Mussolini said echoing the quotation of Hitler "all life is struggle"). The fascists of Italy (fascism in the proper sense as articulated in Mussolini and Gentile's "The Doctrine of Fascism") and the National Socialists were only a manifestation of the idea of hierarchy, authority and order under conditions of a volkish organicism and which was excessively particularistic and exclusivist, of an excess of Saturnian qualities and thus was inadequate and the way
it manifested.
It was perhaps 'third position' by virtue of not being confined to the Democratic matrix but was only part way of the matrix: in the case of Fascist Italy overly bourgeois and hence a compromise lacking spiritual potency as tied excessively to the material plane and to a Caesarism of sorts as embodied in Mussolini which led to a political praxis of idiosyncratic stereotypically Italian Quixotism with such as the Ethiopian campaign and a general lack of fixity in the state Idea (as exemplified in the failure of Mussolini to adopt "The Synthesis of Racial Doctrine" Evola had developed for that purpose) owing to
the fallibility of the Italian character it's blood having been poisoned through excess mixture.
In the case of Germany as Evola critiqued in his "Notes on the Third Reich" the idea was overly particularistic, naturalistic and not elevated to a higher conception (however this may have been in part misunderstood by him as the Germans had highly developed adepts such as the SS Black Order though again perhaps owing to historical contingencies, the urgency of wartime, etc. it was not known to him adequately or completely or perhaps it was not developed adequately or completely by the adepts. This is impossible for those who are not initiates to understand).
Thus both state forms had begun or initiated the process of liberation from the cube of the Saturnian matrix through not a 'right-wing' political praxis but a Venusian-Luciferian transmutation of the state idea and the idea of power and authority and hierarchy through a Saturnian martial action (overcoming the opposition in the spiritual plane, negating the negation). These quasi third position parties might be called an 'inner space' between the third and fourth position if we adopt the conception of Dugin's state idea 'Noomahkia" organicist multi-polar theory as a valid one representative of the 'fourth position'.
This is not mean however that the 'fourth position' is adequately circumscribed by Dugin's ideas as critiqued in the article "Dugin and Eurasianism" which serves as an appendix to this short work. It is perhaps merely a transitional thesis in relation to the antitheses of third positionism, the extreme 'left' and the extreme 'right' (communism versus clerical fascism) and does not provide the complete form of 'universal order' and thus fails of its project.
Hence it is a stepping stone, a challenge to the current parliamentary system and its antitheses which have now-as an idea, at higher planes-been stretched to their limits necessitating a rebound elastic effect leading to their mutual destruction and the inevitable rising out of the ashes of a Phoenix of orichalchum, of immortal vajra whose refulgent glory will bathe the earth in its luciferian light yet to come.
Hence the ideas of Duginism are, whether orchestrated or contrived by jewry or no an idealistic (in the utopian sense) manifestation of the seed Idea of a future world order which, owing to its utopianism would necessitate a negation and supersession as means of manifesting a true 'order of the ages'.
Whether this is desired on the part of jewry or no it will come to pass whether they will or no and the 'universal order of the ages' will manifest upon the earth under the energies of the sign of Aquarius and create a world that enables the realization of the proper destiny (kismet) of the incarnating souls in physical bodies.
Such an order the writer proposes to call 'The Fifth Political Theory' in reference to five density and ascension out of the Saturnian matrix and toward higher planes of being. The subtitle of this theory, this Idea, if such it may be called, is 'Nous-Machtia' being; 'mind-power' in the sense of the manifestation of the Divine Will on earth, an organicist conception for the hegemony of the Aryan race.
The 'Aryan race' made reference to here is that collective organic group who are spiritually enlightened and thus have, through the appropriate initiatic practices attained a higher state of being, have become fully integrated or complete souls and have transcended the mundane plane above the level of that of the 'mundane' or 'profane' who are still an earthbound and not fully integrated soul.
Within this conception the white race, the original race of the earth deriving from Hyperborea and possessed of the God particle or divine electron (cf. "Theozoology" by Jorg Lans von Liebenfels) would necessarily be within this conception, able to preserve their identity and elevate themselves to the heights of power. This would ensure that the Divine Mind manifests itself on the earth and controls the geopolitical structure creating a kingdom of heaven ruled by, in taoist terms, "Men of Heaven', i.e. God-men (gottenmenschen). This would include both whites and non-whites only ruling and
administering within their own bio political territories, preserving their kind and identity and the necessary racial tension of development that would conduce to an overall soul evolution of both the planetary archon and of that of its denizens within this 'paradise world'.
Of course such a conception is utopian and idealistic but is a worthy project to strive toward for each and all, for their mutual self-interest. However, realistically the conception will almost certainly be realized only through the escalation of conflict and the dialectic of the race war to come owing to the willpower of each cultural organism and inherent drive for supremacy and dominance of each.
The Jewish spirit; the Chinese; the Arab; the Indian and the white-all will vie with one another for supremacy in a war of all against all and the Phoenix which will rise from the ashes will be that of the white race, Lif and Lifthrasir ascending from the rubble of postmodernity through the catalyst of war that will be brought about by the clash of cultures especially through the impetus of the Jewish peril. Once all of the dust settles 'the remnant' by no means Christian as of that time, will take the earth by storm and will establish the 'kingdom of heaven' upon earth.
Similar to Dugin's conception of a multi-polar theory only different with respect to its form of administration (with the addition of the Aryan hierarchy and the superintending white Aryan hierarchy above, heretofor referred to as 'the Council') who will have veto and ultimate decision-making power as regards the subordinate decision-making power of the non-whites in their respective territoriesand this only as means of perpetuating a condition of sustainable development and overall harmony on earth within the parameters of karmic law).
This 'Nous-Machtia' will enable the self-assertion of peoples and their development in accordance with karmic law and will clear away any karma on the part of all for violating others' (save those who violate one another in which case they will receive an equal and opposite reaction in the form of chastisement even to the point of their extermination as a collective).
Of course it might be argued that paleo-historically civilizations and cultures of whites were destroyed through the transgressions of others (non-white hordes raping white women after mass murdering white man) and thus, karmically, in those cases where this occurred perhaps extermination is warranted, though whites themselves incurred their own karma in cases of enabling this process to be initiated such as in San Domingo, a.k.a. Haiti granting rights to non-whites and enabling them to develop themselves to enhance themselves at the expense of the white population who were then destroyed.
The question is not to be decided by human agents but by the Divine Mind, playing itself out in the theater of the real which is necessarily a theater of war and a theater of the burlesque (of love and lust) which eventually leads to war (eg.Helen of Troy, the lust of the white man for non-white females and non-white males for white women creating "strife, endless strife" in the words of Heraclitus).
Hence the utopian idea of a 'Nous-Machtia', a Platonic Republic of philosopher Kings or some form of super-fascism in the form of Evola can only be attained through iron and blood, through a Spengler in "Der Mensch und die Technik", a "Metaphysics of War" concretized in the Rahowa to come.
The particular form of this manifestation of a new golden age Aquarian utopia will be based upon the maxim: "from each unto each according to his merit", that is to say according to his essence (suum quique). The proper destiny thus of each will be realized and all will have their place in the spiritualized organic state of the future.
Preservationism, to the extent merited by karmic law, would be an essential element of this state conception, in which the diverse biological types conventionally referred to as 'races of humanity' would be able to self-determine and preserve themselves and their organic culture. Each geographical region would have a no man's land surrounding it which would be based upon agreement and constitute a nature preserve and in which either no one would be allowed to go or (based upon agreement) certain types would be permitted to pass through or over but only for the purpose of travel.
The places would be designated for 'the Earth mother Gaia' and would constitute a border of separation closing off the different organic collectives one from another. Such collectives would, if agreeable to others, be able to receive foreign aid and assistance, always however under the aegis of the white Aryans of 'the Council' who would ensure no hostile combines are developed to threaten the overall harmony of the earth. The organic languages and cultures (however derivative of the original Aryan stock) would be allowed to develop themselves into whatever forms they might attain through themselves and on the basis of their own nature either to stand or fall on their own merits.
This would adhere not to the golden rule of 'doing onto others as they would have you do unto them' but rather to the copper rule of 'do no harm', being the principle of non-maleficence, 'living and letting live'. One might object to such a conception and state that this is itself an erroneous understanding of karmic processes (cause-and-effect) and that too 'live and let live' implies an artificial and karmic self limitation exemplified in such as the 'Munroe Doctrine' of the USA and is more or less a Christian-Buddhistic conception (however improperly understood perhaps as regards Buddhism).
The 'self-determination' of peoples entails not a preservation of 'Otherness' but rather a mastery and conquest of Otherness and thus it is contradictory to impose artificial limitations of the will to power, of the Cultural Organism. This assumes it is not karmic to self limit which under certain conditions it is and to accommodate allies who have something that one desires or can use to enhance and develop their Cultural organism.
Of course the prospect of a voluntary or even involuntary mixture in different regions of the earth is a possibility which could be undergone as a colonial 'reconquista blanco', a manifest destiny of the white or other race (e.g. Chinese etc. ) over another weaker or more inharmonious demographic (e.g. China taking over the Philippines and either exterminating the Philippinos or mixing with them, upgrading the Philippino stock with their superior genetics).
Another example would be the lighter skinned arabs taking over parts of Africa or the whites in Europe and South Africa taking over the dark continent and transforming it into a 'whiter, brighter, world'. Such scenarios are distinct possibilities which will almost inevitably play out as the Kali Yuga spirals down to doomsday and as Baudrillard called it "the terminal madness of the end times" stages its final act in the acting out of biblical and Koranic prophecy.
Given the inevitable ticking time bomb of the apocalypse and this being reified through the conscious intention of the exoteric religions (their devotees manifesting it into being through 'fervent prayer') the dust will eventually settle and quotes the 'remnant' will be able to take whatever territory over its enemies (perceived or real) it may according to their ownmost will to power and the natural law in which 'the stronger force overcomes the weaker' in the 'bellum omnium contra omnis'.
Those who may be physically weaker but 'live in the truth' may ascend to higher planes or reincarnate on the earth as one of the remnant according to their own karma. One way or the other 'Nous-Machtia" is the inevitable conclusion of the current world situation.
One can only prepare from this point both spiritually and materially to 'hang onto their seat' in the current world and reserve a seat in the kingdom of heaven for tomorrow. Given that time is a mere product of the Demiurge and exists only in the world of becoming, in the phenomenal plane, those who 'live in the Truth' have already secured their place there and indeed have purchased a ticket to Paradise.
Those that is, who are willing and able to let go of attachment to the world of becoming and it's transience and to serve the wave of disintegration of the evil tide of time-flow, being 'in the world and not of the world', riding over the sharks of the hosts of hell in the corrosive waters and toward their proper destiny storming the gates of heaven like one of the Einherjar.
Nice read. But unfortunately, no sectarian or ideologically particularistic revolutionary force will accomplish anything in our age in the West, at least not in any attempt to create new mass movements with more than an online presence of trolls.
The whole thing about Dugin's 4th Political Theory and any derivative is just nominal optics to escape the burdensome history of the 3rd Position in contrast to the Status Quo of Capitalism vs Communism. This is for Dugin's personal safety in Russia, really. Because Russia doesn't like overt fraternization with fascist ideologies in public discourse, no matter how functionally similar some of them are to their own current political system.
As for actually developing new political philosophies that can take popular root, they will not be paper products in the future.
The only way to produce those is to let people experiment with different systems under a paternalistic, centralist, authoritarian government that doesn't meddle with local laws.
Such a system I delineate here:
If you like the Synarchist Manifesto, feel free to join, here:
As for a specific, sectarian view of ideology and political systems, I can doodle down any wish-list I want, and perhaps even call it the Nth Political Theory, which I do here:
But, I already know that only other hardcore CN:s would like and join this: