Nuclear Family
The celebrated nuclear family of judeo-christianity and other monotheistic groups is touted by them as the basic unit of the nation and the foundation of any cultural superstructure, the soil from which springs a folk and determines its strength or weakness. This is indeed the case, and yet within the context of the nation the family serves merely as a foundation, not as the cultural superstructure itself, and thus is only of limited or relative value and by no means can be posited as the standard to which one must look.
The nuclear family is thus limited in its value to the state of a supportive role, as a foundation upon which a society is constructed and whose intrinsic value, its bio-spiritual quality, determines the quality of the cultural superstructure, the complexity and elegance, orderliness and profundity based upon the properties inherent in the stock perpetuated by the nuclear family structure without which the entire edifice crumbles to ruin. The nuclear family thus, in order for a society to be maintained, must be strengthened and emphasized in the nations which value their current state of culture and being.
This is a fact known to jewry who exploit this knowledge in harming their hosts, seeking to strike at the root of the nation as means of sabotage and co-optation of the host upon which they have fastened themselves and upon which they parasitize. To undermine the nuclear family for the jew is to initiate the process of destruction which furnishes him with the harvest of the nation's internal collapse.
To disintegrate the nuclear family is thus the means through which jewry usurps the nations of the 'gentiles' doing so clandestinely and in secret so that the nation's population will not recognize what they're doing, maintaining their clandestine modus operandi of gradualistic tearing down of the foundation like termites in a once solid wooden house.
Should one thus, in general, not wish to preserve and to destroy a nation, the targeting of the nuclear family is thus the best approach and jewry provides the exemplary case of the agent of destruction which has been the mainstay of the cabal and fanatics throughout its history over the past 5,400 years at least. Jewry has set its sights on the nations of the gentiles, seeking to either subjugate them as slaves with whose population they would seek to interbreed, perpetuating their entropic tribe, else to destroy as the only alternative to that which they can't enslave.
The means of perpetuating this disintegration of the nuclear family are myriad and it is culture, specifically, which they deploy as a weapon against their host to first corrupt it, introducing divisive and harmful ideas into it as means of destabilizing its integrity such that it can be led towards a practice of these same ideas and bring about harm to itself, wittingly or unwittingly.
Jewry thus attempts, should it get this far along the path where it confronts the facts of destruction, (partial or complete) of its host, to transfer blame for the poisoned seeds it has introduced amongst the population, the harm it has caused being blamed upon them, their host, or on some innocent third party. Amongst themselves and their specious self-serving hypocrisy, they claim their victims deserved what they did to them as they did not have a willingness to bow before their self-appointed 'master' (and self-appointed judge).
The nuclear family is targeted through myriad means for subtle and gradual decay unperceivable as to the cause on the part of the blind masses and ignored by their leadership should jewry have managed to integrate themselves with them, corrupting them with their hocus-pocus cabalistic lore and/or lifestyles of decadent self-service, well illustrated in the movie "Jud Suss", based upon the novel by Lion Fuchtwanger.
The corruption of the ruling class made decadent by the influence of jewry (encouraging the vices of the nobility or bourgeois caste in the more historically recent democracies), is a lynchpin that jewry pulls to separate the nation from itself and turn rich against poor, but it is the strong family unit which is the greatest source of power of the nation, and this is what jewry targets once the classes and castes have been corrupted and the headless masses no longer extend implicit faith to the leadership.
Once the nation has been made a mockery of as having inept or corrupt leadership, the headless body can be easily manipulated by the evil genius of Israel to destroy its former head and then be submitted to the hegemony of jewry as its usurper, and this even if only behind a titular head (e.g. the British aristocracy), who themselves are often and perhaps typically jews.
The destabilization of the nuclear family by the cabal is gone about principally through cultural means, engineering the mass mind as at least, or at least particular segments of society with harmful and negative influences of propaganda made to appear beneficial, 'fun', and a source of excitation or positive experiences. Hence, in the. after the Second World War, the masses were psychically driven to participate in all manner of hedonistic and materialistic pursuits, which was the beginning of the inserted thin end of the wedge of the generation, fragmenting the nuclear family structure.
The wife was conditioned to be dissatisfied and to seek other extramarital affairs, either extramarital affairs or demand 'equal opportunity', as a work slave careerist becoming an 'independent woman', independent from patriarchal domination (this said in sarcastic quotes not to applaud patriarchal domination, but rather to underscore the false choice or set of options of either coerced wage slavery or dependency on a patriarchal controller who ironically enough, was himself controlled by his covert master, the woman if only to varying degrees).
The thrill-seeking hedonism led the family toward conflict and inevitable, and breakup was a deliberate agenda, inverting motivations of the base, as opposed to the putatively noble through it, though it sufficed, nonetheless, to tear apart the bonds of bourgeois neuroticism and the sacralization and limitation of the sexual function confined to the, 'propagation of children', and having at most a 'dirty little secret', aspect of pleasure pursuit beyond with, without any more transcendent quality-a 'choice', which was exercised in a predominantly negative way by the masses pursuing their hedonistic delights at the expense of higher pursuits of tantric maithuna, the sex magic practices spoken of by Julius Evola in his "Metaphysics of Sex".
Thus the cabal, in characteristic guile and subterfuge, offered a set of circumstances in which 'a choice', could be made by their serfs to either avail themselves of a transcendent or of a decadent path in the realm of sexual life, knowing, of course, that the majority would pursue the path of Woodstock rather than the Temple of Wotan and precipitate chaos and confusion, thereby bringing about the destruction of the old order, perhaps simply doing so as means of eliminating the Aryans through reducing their numbers and degrading the strength of their society, such that it can be more easily co-opted and supplanted with others more easily controllable by the cabal, who can then be molded into a more rigid monotheistic mold with the 'chosen people', controlling them all at the highest level, a 'brave new world', of scientism as the ideology and/or the theology of the Demiurge: "Our method is science, our aim is religion" (Crowley the crypto-jew).
Thus, in the dialectic of the false enlightenment, only the corrupt can attain any meaningful life, and the wire pullers have established the preconditions of their totalitarian global police state the nigredo phase being exemplified (at this turn of the wheel), in the baby boomer hedonism, which was archetypically presented in Woodstock in its "sex; drugs, and rock and roll", mentality, which had only exacerbated itself in the subsequent decades.
The materialism of the baby boomer generation was notorious to such an extent that they earned their name as the 'me generation', whose peak was the 'decade of greed', as portrayed in the movie "Scarface", with Al Pacino, the jewish actor playing the role of the morally fallible 'Luciferian' figure, whose service to self-motivation derails the functionality and sustainability of his worldly projects and his service to others' motivation (altruism), was insufficiently strong to attain 'salvation', or the attainment of his ends themselves 'Luciferian', in the judeo-christian sense of hubris or 'overweening pride'. The baby boomers were thus neither 'hot nor cold' and brought about their fall from grace and the collapse of the nuclear family through inner rot.
The consequences, of course, are tangible in their hardness and near insuperability as a brick wall that posterity has been left before with no discernible means to overcome. Thus, posterity confronts the big lie precipitated by the conspiracy and must, should it wish to live and to perpetuate itself, find the means to navigate the labyrinth and to situate itself in the castle positioned in its center and to attain the crown of victory.
Should this feat be at all attainable, the old world of patriarchy on the one extreme and feminism on the other, and to transcend both of these leaden anchors which weigh one to the earth and to forge to whatever extent agreeable new bonds conducive to the attainment of a better world in opposition to the current world order, that of Jehovah-Satan.
Might I inquire about something? I'm still a bit confused about the nature of the demiurge jehovah. I did read De Rosario's stuff and even Serrano's. But I still have some questions. Could we defeat this demiurge as of now? Many talk about the age of aquarius, claiming it will be better than the piscean age, but isn't every astrological age crafted by the demiurge as well? Is this world a circus that we have to abandon or one we have to save? Is the demiurge like a phanteistic god that we cannot escape or is his power limited? Are there some things in the material plane that he cannot control?(even though it's improbable). There's the saturn moon matrix stuff that might imply that.
Asking about the demiurge's origins in general.
In the end. Winning is the only thing that must be guaranteed. There are millions of aryans trapped in this hell where most people are npcs who don't even seem to have consciousness. This joke of a circus and this suffering cannot continue forever. By any means necessary, with all my hate, I stand against the circus. I'm getting tired of this world. The only thing we need is eternal order and beauty. There's nothing else. I get a bit hypnotized from time to time by Schopenhauer's pessimism, unfortunately.
I don't know if I should affirm life as it is. This hell must be denied, shouldn't it? What can we affirm, the struggle? I guess...