Nuclear Family 'Wholesomeness'
The fallacy of the nuclear family as be-all and end-all as opposed to mere means to ends greater than itself (nonetheless essential as precondition of the generation of stock capable of achieving these same ends).
The nuclear family is posited by such as the christian conservative and related monotheistic bigots as the 'be-all and end-all', second only to their Demiurge Jehovah-Satan and of course the almighty dollar with which is the, quotes, product, quotes, of their nuptials, the economic unit. Such 'holy matrimony', is indeed considered sacred to their lord Jehovah-Satan as is the machine of perpetuation of spiritual enchantment on the earth plane, a mechanism for the progenation of yet more body-soul complexes that are the iron maidens of the Spirit in which the Immortal Spirits are contained and which through the law of attraction bind certain Spirits to the earth, the more effectively to be enchained in their hylic tombs.
Thus the christian regime has been the bearer of the cross of the iniquities of mankind perpetuating the crucifixion of the goyim to their lord Jehovah-Satan in a ritual sacrifice on the cross of matter and thus within this architecture of slavery, the nuclear family, the architecture of vampirism is maintained the more bodies created via organic processes of progenation, the more Spirits can be enchained to their soul-body prison and the more Spirit energy can be extracted by the cabal of the dark forces.
Such is the agenda of the cabal who enslaves the earth and who employ/deploy their monotheistic mind control mechanism(s), as templates or blueprints for societal planning and social conditioning, inculcating in the minds of the goyim that they are to be 'fruitful and multiply', as if it were a command from the 'most high almighty'.
And so far the population have drilled into their consciousness a sense of obligation to perpetuate their family line and this sense of obligation imposed from without by their controllers as a cultural norm is replicated within it, in the form of the instinctive drive of the pasu soul-body complex, which, being a creation of the Demiurge, answers this, 'call' of nature to self-replicate. Thus the outer external cultural superstructure of monotheism is indeed 'sacred', in the sense of being a mirror reflection ('as above so below'), of the putatively time something monadic principle, the 'manifest', violent father generative principle (logos spermaticos).
The fallacy of this 'wholesomeness', lies in its particularity, its limitation to the spatio-temporal matrix and fixation of its telos and will upon the material world and perpetuating its structure and function, maintaining the Demiurgic vampirism architecture and the synarchic system of Zion, 'praising the Lord', meaning, of course, serving up yet more sacrifices to Jehovah-Satan, chaining more Spirits to the earth plane so that the synarchy and its endless agents whose function consists exclusively of generating misery and pain so that their own selfish lives are fulfilled to the greatest extent possible, sacrificing others as means of serving themselves and passing the obligation of sacrifice from self to others within the 'dog-eat-dog', hierarchy of the cycles of time within the Demiurgic matrix. This, the reality, thus the reality of the wholesomeness of the 'nuclear family', behind the cosmetic facade of a joyous enclave or structure of 'love', and 'sociality'. This sanctified nuptials of the 'Lord', and his legions of dark forces culminating on the earth plane in the form of the judeo-christian-masonic-marxist cabal (indeed, the J.O.G-jewish occupation government), is a kosher approved form of relations the synarchy reinforces through its mind control apparatus in priestly caste benediction.
The reality of the nuclear family is thus the antithesis of the appearance, of the simulacral image of 'leave it to beaver'. It is indeed best exemplified in the sitcom, "Married with Children", yet another revelation of the method of the synarchy, mocking their serfs as they simultaneously leech off them to swell their own personal power to the greatest extent possible. Thus to be "Married with Children", is to be a kosher approved servant of Jehovah-Satan, and an accomplice in the enslavement of the earth and the perpetuation of misery and pain thereon. To avoid the chain of the nuptials is to sever the chains which bind one to the Demiurgic matrix, to facilitate one's liberation and to alleviate, to allocate to himself the time and opportunity necessary to assist in the liberation of others.
Only those who have desired to enslave themselves within the matrix prison have a willingness to bind themselves with the chain of the nuptials, and those few who have an awareness of the actuality of the world and their role in it as incarnate warriors who have chosen to incarnate to oppose the synarchy and the myriad agents it employs to maintain its slave architecture. However, only those of this category of warriors who can accommodate such a task in addition to giving effective and prudent opposition to the synarchy should follow this path, priority given to the task of opposition and the nuptials being simply a means to bring into the world more warriors who can assist in defeating the Demiurge and His system of slavery. Those who have neither the mercy, money; status or means (be they what they will-whatever is conducive to the telos of realizing both the nuptials and the task of antagonism toward the system), are not able to attain both and thus must decide their proper course.
Those who need to question whether antagonism to the system is an option that can be counterbalanced in terms of weight of values with the nuptials and the life of bourgeois domesticity thereby demonstrate they're simply yet another 'pasu', the Homer Simpson or Al Bundy for whom the animal comfort of the nuptials preponderates over any other values, not the antagonism of the Spirit against the material world and its wire pullers and enforcers. Thus it is a question in determining the course of action of the captive Spirit, whether he is an opponent of the synarchy or a willing accomplice, however much pretense of feigned opposition he puts forth (such as in the case of the christian who pretends to oppose one or more facets of the synarchy yet fails to recognize given his specious mind the omnipresence of the judeo-christian cultural superstructure that pervades the world serving as testament to its being simply one facet amongst others of the dark crystal of the Demiurge).
The nuclear family thus, as of the time of this writing, is an option only for certain groups of individuals, those with certain motives and position (socio-economic), or certain powers and motivations. Insofar as the foundation of a nuclear family bond or structure serves the Spirit over and against matter and provides greater rather than lesser means to oppose the Demiurge than to empower others to liberate themselves from His vampiric maw which closes with the darkening of the age.
Therefore should one have the means to serve the Spirit, the Uncreated Light (the Unmanifest, the Virgin of Agartha)., one may then avoid the hypocrisy of the nuclear family (that of 'leave it to beaver'), and the unfortunate fate of a Homer Simpson or an Al Bundy and may instead be a participant in a cell structure of war against the dark forces, playing their role to the end. Failing the means one's role may be played solo without the benefits and burdens of dependence.