On Subversion Of Satanism
by HP. Hoodedcobra666
Eventually, I have stood silent for months and months, and on numerous matters, seeing the depth these abominations can go, to which I have waited and patiently waited for people to figure out a process that has been going on in this place for too long. Learning curve? Maybe.
To my amazement, I understood that basically, subversion is extremely possible towards anyone, with the same initial rule it always existed: pretend you belong in with those that you want to subvert, and change some occasional names. Keep it up for a very long time, and it simply happens. Injection by injection, you can make a structure collapse that is not firmly founded on it's ideals.
This frequently happens in many places and people who cannot maintain a pure ideology and always happens by some sort of accepted elements within the community that slowly pervert it, until the conclusive result of it is something entirely else. Communities in general are never in shortage of said individuals who do not quite filter what they are being presented.
It is of no surprise all of the Pagan civilizations went down. An example of this situation is India. It went from a warrior culture of justice, to progressively being turned into something even more severe in pacifism and dumbness than xianity itself, arguably. It is if on no question how this situation takes place. All it takes is some intellectual jewing here and there. You went from worshiping virulent and powerful deities like Shiva the Destroyer to the "Saintly" Gandhi.
You went from virility, life and justice, to the paralyzed intellectual skeleton who bends over to all passerby's. And how did this all happen? Just a few interpolations that were forced under a glove, until the population in said communities is so brainwashed, that they literally follow the own enemies and subversives into their own destruction. Little by little, pebble by pebble.
First, you get Krishna, then some selective focusing on his 'loving' aspect. The moment people wake up a bit on what is perversion of their own culture and understanding, one takes a step back, and accuses: "ARE YOU A HATER? WHAT IS WRONG WITH LOVE! DO YOU WANT TO KILL ANYONE YOU BLOODTHIRSTY CRIMINAL". Then, two steps forward: "We must increase the love guys". Then, the jew will push a bit further "Let us also love our foreigners and seek to understand them a little bit". Then, you find your daughter fucking the foreign tribe and giving them some "loving".
Then the more this progresses, you turn an once vibrant and vitalized religion of justice into a peace of "universalist" loving shit that loves everything foreign, aggressive, and destructive to it.
What was one a training ground for warriors, eventually becomes a training ground for "Krishna Lovers" who open the gates to one's enemies.
But on the surface of it, everyone still is saying "HAIL KRISHNA!" and everyone believes they are a good "Krishnaite". Indeed, no names have been changed, but only essences. On the surface, everything remains the same, while the bottom of the situation is a can of rotting worms. Eventually, the perverts also will rally their own mob against the original things, and completely destroy it to the ground.
This can of rotting worms starts ascending and ascending, until then finally the subversion reaches the point where it wholly consumes something by leaving no trace of it's existence behind. "What do you mean Hindus were a Warrior culture? No, they were always and eternally peaceful types of guys and Ramayana was all about shooting arrows of love to one's enemies. Why are you such a hater?".
How is the above process reversed or is made sure to never happen? By a place not ingesting in it and 'opening up' to all types of individuals who mentally cannot understand how the above process happens, and by being a closed community to those who basically want to 'universalize' something. When you 'universalize' something to that extent, to 'please everyone', by default an interior of a percent of fools will be created, who will become under manipulation, a 5th column while all wearing the same "Hail Whatever" shirt.
This is why Spiritual Satanism is Elitistic, whether people like it or not. It was not tailed for anybody. Any Satanist who understands themselves they will understand we don't have everything if not most things in common with the mob. This is in the soul and the type of the soul practicing this. A soul needs to overcome things to become a Satanist, or it cannot really go down this road. This place works to develop people who are naturally elite and by default alienates a lot of others who are made for mid tier 'born to goy' types of people.
It simply clashes with the weak and the stupid because it is intended to work that way. If Spiritual Satanism was to be "EQUALIZED", let's say, hypothetically, tommorow, for 4 billions of xians and muslims, the logical conclusion is this and it can be no other: These people would carry over their own un programmed Abrahamism into it, and Satanism at an instant would be carried to the level of the mob and the retards. This is destruction by assimilation of values.
Someone would at this point argue that one has "4 billion more followers", but what one has essentially lost, is basically Satanism. And this happens very quickly and almost at an instant. Therefore, the fools and abominations who preach into 'universalizing' this place and making it meeker and more foolish for the sake of popularity and not offending "Feelings", are essentially advocating for this place's destruction and self-ruining dishonesty.
Let us put this simply into context: If for every person who grows 'afraid' of the "Black Layout" of the Joy of Satan page, we made a change, one would be too afraid and it would turn pink. Then, we would also have to put butterflies, one anime character on the entrance, big giant red hearts to show we love the worll. Hell, one person is terrified of a world without barbie, so we should also put a barbie on there, too.
This would make us "popular" to quite the amounts of abominations, and what would this result in is therefore an abomination of an idea, that is able to fit into every pocket, no different than xianity. Then, all these people who put butterflies, barbies, and their own 'flair' to the page, would also fight and destroy one another, since, the page no longer represents nobody, but the brainless 'mob'. It represents no truth but a collage of useless and futile ideas based on the sentimental feelings of everyone involved, cooked into a soup.
If you haven't noticed, even if the page would be named "Joy of Satan", it would no longer, in anyway, shape or form, have anything to do with the page that once existed. This is only on example.
This is the very process that Christianity and xian missionaries of christ are progressively doing in everything they touch but they cannot take down. This is done slyly, progressively, and mercilessly. Brick by brick, a people finds itself to believe in a second christianity that goes by another name. All the "Thou shalts" and cultural norms of xianity, are transversed back into these 'disobedient goyim', producing essentially the same slaves all over again, who name themselves differently.
Now that we have cleared the above, let us do some evaluation of a couple of matters.
Quite a handful of people, even here are literally xians. Not only that, but they have a hidden agenda that they have been pushing for too long, in front of everyone. I quickly saw that any and all the foundational bases of xianity, if someone was slyly only making a few interpolations and changing the name "Jesus" from the bible into Satan, can actually convince the meek minded of interpolations and connections between the two.
The majority of the above seem to be victims of a higher form of mental weaving, while some are doing this on literal purpose.
Seeing it all happening in front my very eyes I initially (and others who were aware) decided to stay silent. The perpetrators pretending to be innocent, and those who literally weaved all this web pretending that "nothing happened". Talking from two sides, breaking and policing again the christian 'gem'.
Eventually, on the bottom line of it all, I saw in many the reasoning of Christianity always coming back, but now, with the name "Satan" in it. This is a sight that can only fill someone with great rage, and a desire to mercilessly destroy. But for this to happen, one has to understand what Satanism is in the first place, which can take a while, since, deprogramming is required.
Books were 'quoted' who speak against the Gods and Satan.
Interpolations and fake pseudo-scholarly links were drawn constantly to link Satan to whatever else abomination, to prove whatever else form of abomination, that in the end of it all, serves Satan nowhere. Making Satan into some sort of rainbow Christ savior, but under a different name.
Christian morality was constantly pushed ad-nauseum, as a form of moral xianity without the Christ, but by renaming him "Satan".
For a weed to be pulled out, it has to grow enough, because any future Satanists in the making and future herbalists, have to understand what is Satanism and what is not.
Essentially I kept waiting and waiting until the filling of the above glass so it would leak out, and this is the new standard from now on:
Anything that even remotely promotes to the xian corrosion, interpolations, pseudo-histories, and blatant lying, even if done in 'honest intentions' to 'help the cause' on the surface, but ends up in ultimate stupidity and corrosion, will be removed, purged.
The perpatrators of this situation will be punished and destroyed.
Equalizing our people with the brainless and soul-dead mob is out of the question.
No place for "Demi-Demi". If you are a Christian and you are seeking another Christ, or a "SAVIOR" as is one of the favorite memes of perverts has become, know that a "SAVIOR" is not really here. You can either save yourself or not at all.
Xians of all forms will be castrated, chased out, and ruined, flattened totally, over here. One becomes a Satanist to obliterate this cancer from inside them, not procure it, and bond it with a state of health. As it should be in the case of Satanists in the first place, we must be intolerant to this filth, and open minded insofar this cancer does not try to creep up and infect. We are Satanists for a reason.
For those coming into Satanism with second and underhanded agendas, be ready for flattening and merciless destruction and humiliation. Opinion maker or not, you will go down, and be destroyed and exposed.
We can live without xian morality pushing, false compassion towards garbage, pushing of enemy ideologies, and formalizing everything to 'fit our concepts', even-though such vitriolic interpolations are USELESS and reflect only personal agendas of the retards who promote these, and not Satan's Agenda. "A man is as good as his friends" applies here.
Let's just say that Satan can stand on his own, without the need to be related to every lowlife, filth, retard, and chandala ranking mob of this world, present or historic. Satan is not dependent on the masses to exist, and "universalizing" our teaching to fits the brains of NPC's only makes Satan into the God of the NPC's, which essentially is a worthless place in existence that only Jehovah would be pleased with.
The masses deserted the ancient religions, but they are still as valid as they always were today. Point being, truth is not dependent on followers, but honest fellowship.
Satan can stand with 100 totally and unconditionally, fully aligned people, rather than a million of worthless "Christians without the Christ" mobs.
In regards to our members who have been duped by this internal Christianity, in all normal practicing Satanists, these diseases of the mind will be purged by association with the Gods and practicing spiritually. If these are not purged and cleaned, there is one conclusive result.
Next time these things happen, keep open eyes, and do not sink this crap in simply because it's re-baptized under some Satanic name.
Satan is Truth and Truth exists independently of what the beaten, the damned, and Satan's enemies or subversives have to dictate. Indeed, one only needs to see Satan himself and relate to him by himself to understand he is being truthful, and understand a truth that no words and no statements can explain about this being. This is why also, the Truth and the power that comes with understanding it gives itself not to everyone, but only those who are devoted to it's pursuit by the proper type of heart, soul and mind.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666