False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
'The One' is that Entity before whom all must prostrate themselves and who they must devote all of their conscious energy to as a necessary condition of drawing water from the well of the 'cloaca gentium' of postmodernity. To venerate 'The One' is therefore the conditio sine qua non the 'broad masses' are required to undergo in order to partake of the illusory goods 'the world' and have conferred on them their meager share by apparatchiks of Satan, the synarchy and its hierarchy of representatives.
'Oneness' is the religion of the world and has been for the entire duration of the Kali Yuga. It is fair to assume, given the type of architects of destruction who constitute the controllers of this leviathan of Satanic kind', the 'oneness' religion existed in earlier epochs wherein similar strains of reptilian and insectoid E.T hybrids existed and were seeded on the earth for the purpose of the Demiurge and his evolutionary plan to have 'dominion over the earth' and to serve as an intermediary between E.Ts and their master Jehovah and the captive slaves who serve as food for His consumption.
'Oneness' is the religion of this group which they, through various forms of religious programming, have coerced the masses to adopt as the foundation of their lifestyle and cultural superstructure: the veneration of 'The One' and a cowardly supine pacifism in relation to affairs with others, a standardized collective hive mind which is ruthlessly enforced through all manner of passive aggressive and subtle behavior.
They who are not venerators of 'The One' are therefore rendered pariahs of society and cast out to be subjected to the abuse and harassment of the masses whose collective consciousness is programmed by the jew from Above and whose intentionality is directed against any not merged into the hive mind as a potential or actual danger.
The religion of 'Oneness' is the formula for the creation of the hive mind structure that is designed by the cabal-it creates a uniformity of slaves merged into the hive mind that is engineered as its 'cultural superstructure', the egregores of 'christ' and 'krishna' or the 'Angels' of 'the Lord' who, through sympathetic magic bind the captive Spirits thereto and assimilate them into the structure ('spiritual israel'; 'ummah'; 'priests of the order of melchizedek', etc.).
The religious program now works in conjunction with AI technology brought out in a public form whereas heretofor throughout the Kali Yuga the technology was of a more 'sacred' nature utilizing stone and wood and cymatics to mind control the populace (such as in the case of the druids in Stonehenge and the temples of the Levant).
'Oneness' was imposed upon the population under Akhenaton with his cult of the 'Aton' and under the Enlil cult of Babylon and other reflections of this Saturnian death cult of the Demiurge in the area, that area wherein semites (or 'chosen people' of god were 'seeded' on the earth by their E.T masters, trans-dimensional reptilians and insectoid a.k.a. blackhole entities who dwell in another dimension outside of this matrix of illusion and who occupy the planet Saturn.
The cult of 'The One' thus has many forms and serves its purpose of binding the captive Spirits to the Demiurge, through drawing upon them as an energy reserve for the black-hole E.Ts and the priests of the synarchy in their ritual murder atrocities of semitic (or rather Jehovistic) witchcraft.
'The One' is the true Satan, the god of matter and the jailer of the universe trapping the Uncreated Spirits in matter and seeking their consumption through vampirism. 'Oneness', the religion of the semite, the 'chosen people' of Satan-Yahweh is the mechanism of vampirization they superimpose upon the population.