Origin of Christmas
Greetings to all, in this post we will talk about one of the most celebrated around the world, the CHRISTMAS, which as everyone knows is celebrated on December 25 of each year, remembering the birth of Jesus Christ.
Now the initial question is: Jesus Christ was really born on December 25?
Answer: No.
The answer we gave is because first, you don't have any record of the true date of the birth of Jesus, nor in documents historical, nor in the gospels that make up the Bible, for that reason is difficult to set the exact date of the birth of Jesus Christ until the day from today. Second, that the date ofl December 25 originates from purely pagan customs that were celebrated in the Roman Empire and nothing that see with the Catholic Christianity that was developing in those times and much worse with the true date of the birth of Jesus.
So, because we celebrate the birth of Jesus on 25 December?
Well, we will answer this question without first showing and explain where these Roman pagan customs come from and what they were dealing with, and which was the context that existed in those times within which it was adopted on December 25 like Christmas.
Figure 1. Navután God.
According to various sources of information, highlighting the researcher Lic. Pablo Santa Cruz de la Vega (Author of several Hyperborean dye books), and also to Pepe Rodríguez (Author of the book “ Fundamental lies of the Catholic Church ”), In addition to different websites, we start pointing out according to the myths and legends of the peoples and civilizations more ancient as the famous Sumerian and the great civilization of Atlantis, which they had and worshiped a god named Navután (Known by towns later also with the name of Wotán or Odin), these peoples had veneration for it God, because he, through a sacrifice he discovered the secret of immortality and he made them known to men so that they remember their divine origin spiritual, (Inside the Hyperborean Wisdom, Navután, the the great AS, is who self-cultivated in the tree of terror to discover the secret of the immortality, he stayed like this for nine nights and when he was about to die, his wife Frya through a dance reveals the secret of immortality, Navután resurrects, and then teaches this great knowledge obtained to Aryan men, that is, men of spiritual purity).
Figure 2. King Nimrod.
Now, after the destruction of Atlantis, the legacy of God Navután remained and spread throughout the new peoples and civilizations that were forming after the catastrophe, lto feat that this god inspired heroes emerge, brave men, among whom the history of a very ancient king, from the Caucasus, reigned in the region of Sinar, Sumerian land, this king was nimrod, to which the construction is attributed from the famous tower of Babel, I perform one of the feats most remembered by many peoples and civilizations like the Babylonian Assyrians who called it Marduk, the Etruscans called it Maris, god of war and through the latter, lto lNimrod's legend I come to Rome where they called it Mars, who was also his god of war. If we we fixed, these towns remembered Nimrod not as a human but as a god and this was because he had fallen in a melee fight against a god who certainly killed.
All these civilizations had a celebration in honor of this god of war nimrod, including the Romans, who they celebrated it at the party that was held every December 25 in honor of the god Mithras. (Note that the Roman empire is saw influenced and inherited from the peoples of the immediate East the festivities of Saturn-Saturnalias, the religion of Mithras and the solar worship of peoples Nordic). This celebration to Mithras was adopted by the Romans in the journey that the troops of Consul Pompey made to the east, to conquer the Persians in the 1st century B.C. in that place it happened that recognized in Mithras (Persian God) their own god mars, and imported the feast that the Orientals made to the god Mithras, in honor of the Roman god of the war Mars, who was Nimrod but with that name.
But who started this party dedicated to Nimrod?
It tells the story of the ancient peoples who was established by the same wife of King Nimrod who was Semiramis, this party consisted ofplant an apple tree young man, a sacred tree, to which they adorned it with cherries, in commemoration of her husband the King Nimrod on the day of his birth on December 25. This act is performed because says that Semiramis saw that a green branch had flourished from a dead tree, that is to say a sprout, and affirmed that this represents the reincarnation of Nimrod in the person from Tammuz who was his son, this had an impact so that the worship of mother and child in addition to the sacred tree worship. (Hence the relationship between the tree and Christmas).
Figure 3. Semiramis with his son Tammuz.
How did the Romans celebrate these festivals?
Figure 4. God Mithras.
Well, very similar to the way the Christmas. It could be said that everything begins when the Romans celebrate the Saturnalia festivities from December 17 to 23, which was a time of hubbub and gift exchange, boisterous amusements and banquets; then go to 24 and 25 dedicated to Mithras, who resembled him to his war god Mars or Nimrod, which died on the 24th and the 25th was resurrected like the victorious sun or invincible called “ Natalis Solis Invicti ” and to celebrate adorned the doors of their houses with allegorical crowns to the tree, green leaves and fruits reds.
Now yes, once clarified how and why the pagan festivals, we return to the question:
Why do we celebrate the birth of Jesus on December 25?
We start by saying that once the Christian religion was legalized throughout the Roman empire thanks to Emperor Constantine in the Edict of Milan of the year 313 A.D., pagan festivals are still they kept celebrating on the part of the Romans, even the Emperor himself Constantine still celebrated these feasts and ordered sacrifices in honor of the Sun, minted coins with the phrase “ Soli Undefeated Comiti Angusti Nostri ”, and imposed that his armies recited every Sunday, which was the day of the sun.
Already in 350 A.D., when he was Emperor Constantius II, the Constantine's second son, the Pope Julius I make a request, suggests that the birth of Jesus (Dated unknown) to be held on December 25, the same day as the Romans celebrated the birth of Mithras, or undefeated sun, this in order for the Romans could convert to Christianity without abandoning its festivities pagan.
Finally four years later in 354 A.D. the Pope Decree released officially that the birth of Jesus will be celebrated on 25 December in response to the request of Pope Julius I and also for the influence of Saint Chrysostom and Saint Gregory Nazianzeno. From that moment Christmas party is born, which is celebrated to this day.
Figure 5. Papa Liberio.
Figure 6. Goddess Isis and Horus.
Another reason why the Catholic Church chose the December 25 as the day of Jesus' birth apart from wanting to convert the Romans to Christianity, was from use it as a strategy in your process of expansion, in which I systematically search absorb and merge their celebrations with pagan rites not only Rome, but the various converted peoples, such as Egyptians, who had a celebration in honor of his god Horus, which was miraculously conceived by the goddess Isis, when her husband Osiris was already dead, her delivery was announced, for millennia by the elevation on the horizon of a star, (very story similar to the current account of the birth of Jesus); they celebrated this feast on the Winter Solstice (Last days of December), for which what made was take your image in the form of a newborn child of the sanctuary to be exposed to public worship of the masses, this image of a newborn child he had a finger in his mouth, the solar disc on his head and golden hair, he was also worshiped by the Greeks.
In conclusion, we affirm that the Christmas feast is purely pagan, dedicated to King Nimrod under different names and celebrated by various ancient peoples; It has nothing to do with the birth of Jesus as hierarchs of the Catholic Church who had other kinds of goals made him believe for a long time.