Priestly Caste Despotism and the Cultural Pact
The form of synarchic overlordship is that of the rule of the priest caste which forms the cultural pact, a bloodless amalgam of organization and hierarchy that subserves the overarching hierarchy of negative aliens and 'The One', the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan. All priest craft tactics of mind manipulation are developed to a great degree of refinement and span the gamut of deception and violence through subtle influence.
The priests work in secret as a de facto cabal and by definition a conspiracy of hidden rulers who over arche the population and impose upon it their witchcraft. The despotism operates on the principle of mind control and this through not only black magical means but through the means of more crude and mundane psycho-emotional tactics of implicit coercion; pressure and influence.
The invocation of the entities, these creeping servants of satan avail themselves of is one such tactic. Their Hebrew qabbalah serves as a means to bring these entities into manifestation and these they work with on a quid pro quo basis, a blood pact of sacrifice in which innocent third parties are served up as sacrifices to these entities in exchange for personal power and knowledge (at least the knowledge of phenomena within the 'mauve zone' of the Demiurge's spatio-temporal time-determined matrix).
They sell what Spirit they may have had for the empowerment of their soul, binding it to the Demiurge and his evolution of self-manifestation, chaining themselves to his will as puppets on strings of gold whose gleam of false promise delude their minds in their quest for Promethean fire.
Rather than transforming the base lead of their cadaverous selves' into gold they are molded into rigidified statues of fools gold that reflect the lunar false light of the evil horde as their agents on the earth, regents of the priest caste who rule from the shadows behind the smiling masks of 'righteousness' and whose arrogant megalomania is simply a reflection of their overlords, a stepped down manifestation of the mind of their god serving the Prince of Lies (the Verbum Mendacia).
The intention of the priest caste is to beguile the minds of the population with their emotional rhetoric, seduce them and bind them to themselves through not only emotional ties but your ties of witchcraft creating a magical bond between themselves; their institution and entities who truly control it, the sum total of a cultural pact and cultural superstructure-a simulacral carnival mirror of illusion-which they reinforce (and indeed are coerced to reinforce the obligations of the cultural pact, i.e. the obligations of religion) through reliquary; prayer and usage of language, etc. which welds them to these entities who thereby harvest their soul energy.
The emerging of the devotee into the mass mind of 'Spiritual Israel' or other religious hive mind equivalents (in reality the mind of Satan, a.k.a. Jehovah the Demiurge) is one of the fundamental modes of subjugation of the Spirit to matter by way of the soul. This soul or animic principle of the being, is triggered thereby and via sympathetic magic bound to that entity, to the cultural superstructure of emotion and egregores conjuring up emotional; 'soulish' states of consciousness segregating the Eternal Spirit from its proper locus, submerging it in the 'blood of the Lamb' and the lacrimosity of Mother Mary-the Dove smothering the cold stone of Agartha with its pestilential wings of soporific subtlety.
This is the desire of the priest ‘caste’ their intent is to rivet the Spirit into the iron maiden of densest lead to their witchcraft of enervation, the manipulation and influence of 'killing with kindness'; 'love bombing' and other female technologies of passive-aggression; guilt-tripping and gas-lighting, etc. creating simulacra of 'love' and pleasant feelings to effectively bind the soul to the hell of Malkuth.