It would seem Saturn was once Santur before this new plagiarism or Sun of Corporeality shackled everything into "Space-Time", thus forming the Eternal Return as witnessed symbolically Above by the endless turning rings. Everything that happens on earth first happens in the heavens. Mankind mimicked the heavens when they built their ancient 'Centers' or Kingdoms. The Second Coming of the First is 5, the Pole, the Center of the Swastika which does not spin. The Center. The Black Sun in the Center of our Galaxy where a planetary alignment happened on December 21, 2012. Since then We have been slowly coming together in higher vibration like all those many particles and all the ice particles coming together to form the Ultimate Lighting Bolt, the Re-Turn of the Avatar, Christ, Unam (the Ultimate Man, which is the Other-Side of Manu who is the First or Ur-Man).
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