Religion is a Mind Control Device
Miguel Serrano collected works
Religion is a mind control device
by John Kaminski, now deceased as of today February 8th, 2024. Assassinated?
The presentation I delivered at Prof. James H. Fetzer’s False Flags and Conspiracies Conference on Dec. 17, 2023 was actually an abbreviated version of essays whittled down multiple times to fit into a 55-minute window, resulting in too much information too tightly packed and read too quickly. What follows is the next-to-final text of the address, divided into eight chapters, published on consecutive days, Dec. 21-29, 2023 for the purpose of increasing comprehension and clarifying details.
Part 1
Scope of the mission
Religion is a mind control device.
My name is John Kaminski, hundreds of stories I’ve written can be seen on as well as, over the years, hundreds of websites around the world. Most of this time I have been criticized and banned for talking too candidly about Jews. My real passion is ancient history and this story is about how religions obscure rational thought and threaten the future of the human species.
Dr. Marni McGee of Statesboro, Georgia, ancient historian and famous author of children’s books, said this.
The truth is that religious history is not history. A historian wants to know what happened in history, and why, accepting that the natural world was subject to the same laws then as it is today. The religious writer wants to persuade their readers that their own religious viewpoint is the one to hold and, if they agree, to give them some moral codes to live by. In this way they hope to control their existence. History is scientific but religious history is tendentious. When history is written for some purpose other than to investigate the past then it becomes historiography—the art of the monks—polemic writing disguised as history. That is what the bible is.
Trying to catch up to the accelerating curve of thought and the exploding trajectory of current events these days is a very difficult proposition, so I probably shouldn’t be surprised that my grandiose scheme for this presentation is being undermined and sabotaged by information I decided to deliberately leave out, and now these facts are creeping back into my argument that the God the world acknowledges as the real God is not the true God and the deteriorating condition of the real world we see happening to us demonstrates and verifies this assertion in an extremely disturbing way.
One other note: No power point presentation with this talk. Have you noticed that movies, TV, YouTubes and Power Points greatly reduce the ability of the hearers (or readers) of spoken or printed words to conjure images of what we hear (or read) in our minds? Is this a conspiracy (or merely an inadvertent result) to diminish our ability to think, or to form coherent mental images from the words we hear?
Do we need pictures to do our thinking for us and is that part of our devolution? Is this the downside of technology, that we need to have pictures put in our brains because we can no longer install them there ourselves from the words we hear, and does this make us sitting ducks for artificial intelligence to take over our minds and remove the last vestige of our individuality?
But first things first. I want to thank Jim Fetzer for the invitation to address this interesting group of people trying to raise the consciousness of lemming world out there. For years I’ve complained about having no one to talk to about important things, the kind of things that are being discussed at this conference. But I’ve discovered that my real neighbors, the ones I can talk to about what really matters, are spread all over the world, and through the modern conveniences of Skype, Telegram, Zoom and other technological marvels I talk with them frequently and I want to thank them for being here, if in fact they are here.
Lately I’ve been reading Alexander Dugin, that well known friend of Vladimir Putin, and he said one thing with which I completely agree, which was that the most important subject to understand was prehistory, because it is essential to knowing who we really are and what we have become and why. This somehow justifies, I think, the objective of my presentation today — Religion as a mind control device — which really is an impossible attempt to analyze the entire history of human belief in a single hour.
Mr. Dugin also said this:
The dogma should be accepted that people do not live, but rather an Angel lives through us. The brighter and more intensely it lives through us, the higher the hierarchical level of he through whom the Angel lives . . . The Angel and ego are present in a person in inverse proportion: the greater the Angel, the lesser the ego. The more modest and ascetic a person is and the less individual he is, the higher the rank he occupies in the true hierarchy. In the highest of people, there should be nothing individual, egoistic, and material. Their wealth should be reduced to a minimum, minimized. Here monasticism is an anthropological model. Authority, hierarchical level, and power increase proportionally with the abolition of the individual element and the glow emanating from ascetic effort. A good ruler is he who does not want to have anything for himself. Instead, he has everything, but taken in aggregation and eidetically, maximally enriching the inner aspect of existence.
Because this sounded noble and self-sacrificing, and more or less resembles my impoverished monastic lifestyle, I didn’t immediately pick up on where it was leading, until he concluded . . .
The state should be ruled by the philosopher king, who is absolutely transparent, devoid of any individual properties. His individual element should be so miniscule that it would be desirable to hide everything reminiscent of it, including his body, his image, etc. It would be better if no one saw the philosopher king as something external. All should recognize him as an internal ruler, as the “guest within.”
(— Alexander Dugin, Horizon of the Ideal Empire
Hmmm. Willingly constructing an egoless dude inside yourself — what a concept!
But just as I was ready to embrace these concepts to live with some noble purpose, he cited as examples of this formula none other than Mao Tse Tung and Joseph Stalin — and my mind was blown! Suddenly I realized that this advice was just an elaborate ploy to get us to love our poverty and our powerlessness and become obedient citizens of a Communist regime.
I concluded that for a healthy world, our leaders need to be ordinary people, members of a community who are nice to their neighbors, which is something that never happens, which is why the world is the way it is, which is why some flunky chosen by the power elite who SEEMS just like an ordinary person is selected to impose the devious desires and totalitarian objectives of the power elite, the men behind the curtain who have always been pushing the buttons.
But can humans living a normal life with their daily concerns ever realistically contemplate the collective course of the human species and make the decisions that have to be made to keep us all safe?
So we find ourselves in a bind. So many choose to endorse a belief system that cannot support itself with provable facts, and then we remain puzzled when our government does the same thing and our society begins to disintegrate because of the lies our government has told. We choose to believe lies that make us comfortable and then wonder why our world falls apart — regularly, repeatedly and regrettably. We choose to believe our leaders, our teachers and our doctors because they make us feel comfortable, and soon after following their orders we have 17 million dead from a poisoned needle and many of us are uncertain whether we will ever again be able to reproduce.
• • •
Everything our government has told us in our adult life has been a lie, a strained and stretched excuse for all out war against innocent people. To boost the sale and production of weapons for the war machine as the anchor of our economy. What a series of lies we have told ourselves! Germans wanted to take over the world. Arabs hijacked four jetliners. Voting by mail will prevent a worldwide epidemic.
The lies are getting significantly more transparent. But curiously at the same time, the public is getting more willing to believe them.
Where did we get the idea that our government could blatantly lie to us and we’d believe their preposterous stories? Where indeed? We got it from religion, which does the same thing.
• • •
So really I just want to point out a few historical anomalies that are related to the decay of societies, and turning us all into robots. This is something that all religions do. Like governments, no religions persist except by force and coercion. People eventually detect the hypocrisy and eventually get tired and change the system. The have-nots eventually embrace revolution. It’s a natural process, an obvious process.
Mostly I want to make the connection between the Shepherd Kings who took over ancient Egypt in 1300 BC, the Jews who created Christianity in Rome in 300 AD, the Jews from Brooklyn who created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia in 1918, and Chinese soldiers paid by the U.S. government coming across our Southern border at this very moment — multiplied by the implementation of an artificial reality run by artificial intelligence — are all about to turn your reality into something you never really wanted and something you can’t avoid.
Artificial intelligence created our new artificial reality, and I’m sorry to tell you, it’s already here. Klaus Schwab is right. There will be no going back.
So why would I bother to do this, to place at the bottom of every story I write that I’m trying to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief system as the engine of our demise. It should be obvious. Simply observe the condition of the world in its fractious condition obviously threatening our continued survival.
Why we have a dishonest world is because we have been dishonest with ourselves.
The principal function of organized religion is to mobilize people for war, because the most profitable industry in world history is war and religions are constructed to justify the sociopaths making them. They teach you to kill other people to save your own life.
Some say what you believe is what you do. Others say religion is merely a justification for conflict that is really about robbery. Either way, the real world results are societies turned to rubble and uncountable dead bodies. Human behavior will never change as long as we can lie and get away with it, and religion provides the most convincing example of how to get away with those lies, by guaranteeing they can save your soul by providing eternal life. There is no bigger lie.
And for my own perspective on these matters I must reach back about 50 years to my younger days as a small town newspaper editor in northern New England, some years before I actually discovered the No. 1 cause of chaos and destruction in the world today, something the world’s foremost automaker once called the world’s foremost problem.
The overriding theme of this presentation that must be stressed is that the secrecy necessary to an effective religion when copied by governments results in a tyrannical corruption that eventually destroys societies, as we are observing so visibly today.
Governments learn to lie based on the hypocritical religions they pretend to believe, and the whole world suffers from it.
I want to make the point that our belief that we do not die, that we survive in some manner, either by going to heaven or reincarnating, is a false hope that has infected every iota of human activity — especially in the areas of corruption and warfare — and that if we do not abandon these ideas we will not survive as a species. Believing in eternal life is merely a delusion to make us comfortable that prevents us from seeing reality clearly.
It makes cowards and liars of us all.
It is an admission that nobody wants to make, but if we don’t make it, we will go extinct as a species. This is exactly what’s happening to us now, as insane ideologues have formulated a plan that to kill large numbers of our own species to provide a comfortable life for our controllers on a plantation of their own devious design.
What they haven’t realized is that culling the herd in this manner will result in total extinction, and deservedly so, because it will kill hope of anything constructive as regards human potential. It will lead to a terminal illness of the species, of all species, and Earth will become a dead planet if we continue in this direction.
Once we start killing our own, nature will assure — because of the message we are sending it — that we complete our task and no one will survive our suicidal urges. We have already gone pretty far in that direction, poisoning our air and water, not to mention our food and medicine, all in pursuit of that abstract notion of financial viability, which has turned out to be a terminal illness, a shortsighted pursuit of convenient trinkets that ultimately mean nothing.
The message we are sending to the powerful forces of Mother Nature, which has assisted us in our survival since the beginning of time, is that it must get rid of us.
So, in acknowledging our futility in achieving something that can never be achieved, let me continue on with the barebones outline of this essay I have aspired to deliver.
Diabolical Deuteronomy
Fearful symmetry shapes our disfigured future
Deuteronomy is a suicide note of the human species written in 200 BC, written by the demiurge whom we have persuaded ourselves is God.
I have often preached that God has created the perfect system just the way it is and to try and change that system proves how insane we are. Without death the possibility of love does not exist. If we live forever, we will destroy everything in our path simply to stay alive.
It is our destiny to tend the garden and nourish the next generation, not merely eat the fruits and vegetables and care only for ourselves. It is our job to teach the children how to tend the garden, not to overwhelm the enemy. The only enemy is our own fear of the wonderful deal we have all received in the incomparable gift of life. To demand more is to harvest less, and eventually starve ourselves to death.
Religions have not taught us the lessons that we need to learn. The only thing that really counts is what we do for others. That was the original message of Egyptian religion, from which all other creeds were taken. At your moment of passing, your heart is weighed against the Feather of Truth. If found wanting, your soul is eaten by Thoth’s dog.
For me, that is a perfectly acceptable fate. We all need to be forgiven, to forgive ourselves, and forgive others.
No prayer is going to help you get to heaven. That has already been determined by what you have done in your life and the kind of person you are. Dying comfortably and satisfying is the objective and that is determined by how you live, not what you say. Which is why, as a Taoist, I like the Chinese version of truth which stipulates that heaven is actually the here and now in which we live and it is up to us to make it so.
As the old saying goes, you cannot save yourself, but you can save somebody else.
So, just who is this God character?
I learned who God was by reading Deuteronomy. And it turns out God is none other than Death. Those who worship God worship death. Deuteronomy proves it.
In 1993, my little newspaper in Vermont was called the New England Pilgrim. It was a one-man tirade of conspiracy politics mixed with various New Age speculations. My Internet career as a 9/11 skeptic and Internet conspiracy theorist which began in 2003 and has lasted these last 20 years could be considered a continuation of these newspapers.
In the Pilgrim, I began a series of stories titled “Religion is a mental illness.” The first chapter was titled “The Feast of Deuteronomy,” which for those unacquainted with the Old Testament contains an emporium of ghastly threats aimed at terrifying skeptical observers into obeying “God’s holy laws”.
Feel free as you listen to these ancient horrors to connect them to these behaviors that are being conducted around the world — but particularly in Gaza and if you are an American — these acts of horror are being done in your name. Take responsibility for them.
This God of the Christians and Jews reveals himself in these chapters of Deuteronomy to be an evil, small minded fellow named Jehovah who told Moses and the 12 tribes of Israel to steal anything, rape anyone and go anywhere as long as they obeyed his holy laws. These words are taken from the fifth and final book of the Old Testament, which is called the Torah as well as the Pentateuch. It is the cornerstone of religious teaching for both Christians and Jews. It is also the fetid, smoldering cellar of ourselves.
Deuteronomy is an exercise in pathological perversity, now all too obviously recognizable in unfathomable torture the American government ruthlessly supports in Gaza.
From deep in the bowels of the Old Testament, this poison substance stretches across time. War is ritual rape that man constantly seeks to practice. Deuteronomy is a blueprint for this. It is easy to see how this grim chronicle of holy wrath foreshadows the future of us all.
(chapter 31, verse 17) “. . . they shall be devoured, and many evils and troubles will befall them, so that they will say in that day, Are not those evils come upon us because our God is not among us?”
“ . . . your carcass will be meat unto the fowls of the air (26) (that sounds like vultures), you get scabs and itches (28:27), darkness at noon (29), your wife lies with others (30), your children will be sold into slavery (32), and you will have “madness and sorrow” in line 34. By line 50, the Lord is into total hatred and vengeance, and describes how Israel will act toward unbelievers.
“A nation of fierce countenance shall show no mercy to young or old.”
To those who do not obey his sick mandates, Jehovah then dictates the most horrific passage in the world’s literature. Line 53 mandates “you will eat the fruit of your own body and the flesh of your sons and daughters.” Then comes lines 56-58, the absolute pit of hell attributed to Jehovah and repeated by Moses:
“. . . tender and delicate women among you . . . her eye shall be evil toward her husband, sons and daughters . . . she shall eat them for want of things . . . thine enemy will distress thee in thy gates . . .
Let’s be clear about this. This is God telling Moses that tender and delicate women will be forced to eat their own children if they don’t obey God’s holy law. Immediately following this horrendous pronouncement, in line 59, Moses says,
“Then the Lord will make thy plagues wonderful.”
Do you now hide from the news from Gaza? Is it too much to bear to watch those shattered parents holding the cold bodies of their murdered children shortly before they are wrapped in plastic shrouds for the last time?
Thomas Paine said it best:
“Whenever we read the obscene stories, the voluptuous debaucheries, the cruel and torturous executions, the unrelenting vindictiveness, with which more than half the Bible is filled, it would be more consistent that we called it the word of a demon, than the word of God. It is a history of sickness that has served to corrupt and brutalize mankind, and for my own part I sincerely detest it, as I detest everything that is cruel.”
I wrote this Deuteronomy story long before 9/11 and the series of cynical wars that followed that revealed a worldwide Jewish conspiracy behind a contrived epidemic and aggressions against all people centered around chaos in the Middle East that is about to consume the whole planet in a giant ball of flame.
And let me just say this about that. This was nothing compared to what I was to discover years later about how young Jews are raised in their synagogues, raised to hate everyone in the world to make it easier to kill them later in life when the time came to fulfill their ugly prophecies — which are happening now.
Ancient Egypt
is the crucible
Renegade pharaoh ushered in
the fatal forerunner of both
Christianity and Communism
The multiplicity of the pagan gods in the ancient world all celebrated the gift of life. The creation of the one Almighty God ushered in the era of mass death.
It is simply mind boggling to think the events of 3300 years ago loom like a lethal embolism in the psychic heart of humanity when this very day thousands of people are being slaughtered over an argument over what to believe about the God who is supposed to love us all.
Let it be said right here and now that a God who is only the God of one particular people is not a real god at all, but only a psychological construct to justify the killing of strangers. Only one God avoids that trap by accepting people who worship any god, and that God is Krishna, which is why they call it Krishna consciousness. Krishna says anyone who worships any god may come to him.
Something there is about the Middle East has made it the locus of horror and violence throughout history. Just as the world witnesses with horrified indifference this unparalleled carnage in Gaza as the the future of humanity hangs in the balance, 33 centuries ago a radical transition of leadership cast an indelible psychic scar that plagues the world to this very day.
This profound disruption began with the ascendance of the rebel pharaoh Akhnaten to the throne of Egypt, a saga that ends with the departure of Moses and the same outlaws who were to become these worshippers of Satan, these sadistic Israelis, many centuries down the line.
When we take a closer look at Egypt, we find that the Bible was written in the same way our disgusting corporate press wrote about the war in Vietnam, or described the way phantom Arab terrorists who were never properly identified blew up the World Trade Center.
Bishop Eusebius who engineered the takeover of the Roman Empire when Christianity became the Deep State of its time also distorted the accounts of Egypt’s most famous historian in the same self serving way.
The history of ancient Egypt is not so different from the history of most modern nations as it was dominated by the very same foreign invaders who more than 30 centuries later have plundered and betrayed virtually all the nations of the modern world through their ruthless control of money.
From the ascendance of a renegade pharaoh at the conclusion of domination by the so-called Shepherd Kings to the escape of these same invaders from the country using plagues and swindles, this despicable pattern has marauded through history, sabotaging the efforts of people to be free and maintain the possessions earned by their own hard labor which get stolen from them by priests.
Both events are revealing examples of religious mind control that robs humanity of reality and veer into the fantasy of wishful thinking — magical escape from death — an ominous swindle that always uses as its fuel a scenario potentially fatal to the human future.
In a substantial sense what happened to ancient Egypt resembles what happened to 20th century Russia in its takeover by what is now a familiar and deadly foreign power.
Egypt’s reforming king Akhnaten (c. 1353-36 BC) proclaimed a new solar religion, closed temples, and ridiculed the existing gods — only to have his work undone and reviled by the next generation.
What we do know is that late in this foreign occupation a renegade pharaoh became king and tried to change the entire existing religious structure featuring a menagerie of animal spirits — animistic metaphors representing human characteristics — to one of straightforward Sun worship.
Old Egyptian religion was never widely disseminated among the people since its main tenets mostly were inscribed on the insides of the coffins of the deceased, and the fabled Egyptian Book of the Dead was never really collated and revealed to the world until the 19th century of our era.
The Hebrew tradition today stresses the maternal line of proving one is Jewish, which was a practice emphasized during the reign of Akhnaten. Sigmund Freud, the 20th century inventor of psychoanalysis, suggested that Akhnaten’s brother was the Biblical Moses, founder of the so-called Jewish religion.
A thousand years after this renegade pharaoh (around 270 BC), an Egyptian historian named Manetho chronicled the departure of these foreign oppressors from Egypt, a version of history that was subsequently changed by those who were defending these usual suspects even way back when.
The modern version of the Old Testament Book of Exodus stems from the historian Flavius Josephus defending the heritage of his Hebrew tribe. Thus he slandered Manetho's account, which is why we have this sappy hero story of Moses parting the Red Sea and leading his kosher criminals into the wilderness where supposedly flowered a hitherto unknown nation of Israel. This was a notion that is not supported by empirical history and the pleasant tale of Moses parting the Red Sea was further streamlined by Bishop Eusebius several centuries later.
But the heroes of the Old Testament who so dominate the foundational legends of the three Abrahamic religions — Christianity, Judaism and Islam — started out as escaped criminals, according to the initial objective account of Manetho, Egypt’s foremost historian in the 3rd century BC.
When he identified these ruthless invaders who became the fathers of Israel, he described these lying Hebrew heroes as lepers, a description that truly fits them today as they spread their philosophy of unabashed greed throughout the world.
What that means, three thousand years later, is subject to personal interpretation. Were the escaping proto Israelis physically deformed or bearing repulsive diseases, or was this just a moral judgment? Is this a situation that exists today from which we cannot escape because their constant anti human behavior constantly reminds us of tis original sabotage of ancient Egypt’s traditional belief system, which, like ancient Greece and pagan societies of that era, tended to animate natural phenomena with metaphorical anthropomorphic characters.
The systematic promotion of the one God eventually wiped out the entire pagan spectrum of nature spirits, which was a far more realistic way of honoring Mother Nature than this violent tyranny of an alien deity often referred to as the demiurge by pagan creeds,
The Pentateuch (or the first five books of the Old Testament) was produced in Egypt under the influence of the two Hellenistic historians, Berossus (who wrote Genesis) and Manetho (the author of Exodus). It was composed in Hebrew with a Greek translation by the same group of scholars at virtually the same time, in 273–2 BC.
Thus, it was written all at one time by a group of bilingual Jewish research scholars, working within the confines of the Museum and Library of Alexandria under the patronage of Ptolemy II.
The Exodus narrative taught in churches today is a self serving fable of heroism covering up a narrative of invasion, thievery and deceit. Translators of these ancient accounts of Manetho found an unwelcome description of the Jews as lepers; but they were able to identify their ancestors with the Hyksos, and the Exodus with the expulsion of these invaders.
That means Moses and his ghoulish gang were really the expelled Hyksos invaders. They were escaped criminals who have been pillaging the world right up to this very moment, as the crushed corpses in Gaza today so clearly demonstrate.
The estimable Bishop Eusebius is forever responsible for unwarranted alterations of the original texts of both Manetho and Josephus.
Preserved in Josephus's Against Apion I, Manetho presented the Hyksos as a barbaric horde, “invaders of an obscure race” who conquered Egypt by force, causing destruction and murdering or enslaving Egyptians. This account continued in Egyptian texts from the Second Intermediate Period and New Kingdom.
Sounds consistent with Jewish behavior over time considering the French Revolution, the African slave trade, the Bolshevik revolution, the world wars, 9/11, the COVID epidemic and now the Gaza slaughter.
While the Old Testament's Exodus tells of heroic Jews escaping Egypt after “borrowing” the jewelry of their neighbors, Manetho tells a different story.
The rebel lepers, led by Osarsiph (who later revealed himself as Moses.), later imposed various anti-Egyptian laws and together with the Shepherds, actual sheep herders from the northeast trading post of Avaris (which is really the center of so-called ancient Israel) conquered Egypt in a 'barbarous manner...set[ting] the cities and villages on fire...roasting those sacred animals...and forced the priests and prophets to be the executioners and murderers of those sacred animals."
To the Jews of today, the sacred animals they slaughter now are human beings begging for mercy which they never get beneath the bombs provided by the United States that are used by these kosher psychos to slaughter tearful mothers and their defenseless babies by the thousands.
Famous victims
of divine wrath
OK, take a deep breath.
Jews are famous for turning heroes into villains and the greedy Europeans and Americans are always eager to help them, governed as they are by insatiable greed and using divine deception to fuel their wanton destruction of the innocents they plunder.
It is entirely possible today to precisely gauge to what degree you have been bamboozled and deluded by Jewish propaganda by how you regard Adolf Hitler, surely the most noble leader who ever graced this sorry planet.
From Hitler’s Table Talk we read:
The heaviest blow that ever struck humanity was the coming of Christianity. Bolshevism is Christianity’s illegitimate child. Both are inventions of the Jew. The deliberate lie in the matter of religion was introduced into the world by Christianity. Bolshevism preaches a lie of the same nature, when it claims to bring liberty to men, whereas in reality it seeks only to enslave them.
I’ve been advised by more prudent minds than mine to skip over Saul of Tarsus who got converted on the road to Damascus because I’d get into too much trouble if I seriously started deconstructing the fabricated history of Jesus and contrasted his fables with the more provable exploits of Apollonius of Tyana, whose arguments with well known emperors shine brightly in the annals of empirical history, whereas no historian, not even the Jewish ones pretending to Christians, ever mentions Jesus until many decades after his supposed life, and then only by regurgitating oft-repeated legends rather than citing authentic empirical reports.
None of the writers in Bible ever knew Jesus personally whereas Apollonius — who lived at the same time as Jesus was supposed to have lived — was known by both peasants and emperors from Greece to India, and has the legitimate historical citations — as opposed to breathless accounts of miracles centuries after the fact — that prove his corporeal existence and give witness to his own remarkable behavior.
For further reference see Kaminski: The other guy
I’ve never gotten too far from the facts that bankers invented the first languages, which were descriptions of scratches on mud brick. So it was not a very long leap for me to be skeptical of a world messiah who possesses absolutely no empirical historical references that were not written by eager advocates of this mythological marvel. No objective witnesses in the Bible, only eager propagandists participating in this subversive, proto Marxist attempt to overthrow the Roman Empire by creating the fairy tale of Christianity.
The creation of the Christian church in 325 AD caused humanity to sink into the Dark Ages for a thousand years, until the invention of the printing press began to communicate actual education around the world in the 1400s. Human society still has not fully recovered. We see by what’s happening in the world today that it most likely never will.
The old saying that religion is the enemy of knowledge has never been more vividly demonstrated than on one sad day in 415 A.D. when a woman known as the greatest intellectual of her time was torn to shreds by an insane mob of Christian zealots that led to the final destruction of the famous Library of Alexandria, which at the time was the world’s foremost repository of ancient knowledge.
To be clear, the expanding grip of the Deep State of its time — the newly organized Christian religion of Rome — wantonly destroyed the most complete history of the past — and spread that fatal darkness of government mind control that led to what is known as the Dark Ages.
In an era in which women rarely participated in the affairs of men, Hypatia was not only the premier teacher of mathematics but also the leading expert of the neoplatonic tradition which was the dominant philosophy of the time. It was at this time in the process of being eclipsed by an increasingly strident papal fascism, which ardently and viciously sought to erase all competing religious systems.
Prototypical Christian violence
One early spring day in the city of Alexandria, Egypt — which was the intellectual heart of the waning Roman Empire—the pagan philosopher Hypatia was murdered by a mob of Christian men, a volunteer militia of monks serving as henchmen for the archbishop.
They razed pagan temples and defiled masterpieces of ancient art they considered demonic by mutilating statues and melting them down for gold. They now set their gaze on the city’s beloved teacher of mathematics and philosophy, whose social ranking was on par with Alexandria’s most important men. Calling her a witch, they pulled the elderly teacher from her chariot as she rode through the city and dragged her to a temple. She was stripped naked, her skin flayed with jagged pieces of oyster shells, her limbs pulled from her body and paraded through the streets. Her remains were burned in a mockery of pagan sacrifice.
Lost in the burning of the museum were irreplaceable works of the great dramatic poets Aeschylus, Sophocles, and Euripides, as well as Herodotus, Plato, and Euclid’s groundbreaking works on geometry are remembered from Hypatia’s determined effort to preserve other works on mathematics and science that were destroyed by the Christians as pagan nonsense.
St. Patrick
A few short years later the Irish legend of St. Patrick was born with a tragic episode the equal of Hypatia’s demise. This is the real story of the patron saint of Ireland, one that time has forgotten. Famously known for “driving the snakes out of Ireland”— which is a metaphor for replacing the agricultural society of the druids with the Deep State culture of its time known as the Roman Empire — Patrick’s story existing in Irish legend ushered in the Dark Ages with the murder of two young girls.
Ethne and her sister were daughters of the king of Ireland and chanced to meet St Patrick’s entourage at a spring near their home.
It would appear that the two royal princesses were accustomed to visit the same fountain every morning, and on this occasion were surprised by a bunch of strangers. Eithne, the elder of the sisters, demanded to know who they were. Patrick famously replied: "It were better for you to confess your faith in our true God than ask about our race." Ethne and her sister supposedly asked "to see the face of Christ, the Son of the true God", but Patrick said: "You cannot see the face of Christ unless you taste death, and receive the Sacrifice".
Whereupon they besought him to give them the Sacrifice that they might see their Spouse, the Son of God. So, by the brink of the fountain, the Sacrifice was offered, and having received their First Communion, Ethne and her sister, supposedly in an ecstasy of rapture, swooned away and died.
Particularly enthusiastic Catholics refer to this swooning as supernatural ecstasy defined by their science of hagiology, which means the history of the legends of saints. I call what happened to them drowning, if not worse. Both girls were laid side by side, close by the scene of their death, where afterwards a church was raised over the grave. This is the way the legend reads.
And this is how Ireland did away with the nature worshiping culture of the druids as the Christian nightmare of Roman imperialism continued its evil spread across time and space.
The Inquisition
It eventually led to Spain, where the grand inquisitor Tomas de Torquemada burned Jews at the stake for falsely pretending to be Christians.
The Spanish Inquisition sought to expose Jews who converted to Christianity but were still secretly Jewish. Writes Professor B. Netanyahu (apparently no relation to the current tyrant of the same name) in his 1,400-page work, The Origins of the Inquisition, quoting an eyewitness account of the time: "Those of them who refused to accept baptism were immediately slain, and their corpses, stretched in the streets and the squares, offered a horrendous spectacle." (p. 159) Once again, all of Jewish history sounds just like Gaza.
Just how many Jews converted in these forced mass conversions that accompanied the Christian conquest of Spain? Estimates range between tens of thousands to as many as 600,000. (See The Origins of the Inquisition, p. 1095.) Other authorities estimate far fewer. Many of those who converted did so only outwardly, continuing to practice Judaism in secret. In due time, the Christians caught on to these phony conversions and decided to root out the heretics.
There was another reason for the Inquisition, which had little to do with the sincerity of conversions. Once Jews converted to Christianity they had an open access to the playing field, economically and politically. And, of course, they prospered mightily. This engendered a lot of hostility from the Christians – a pattern we have seen in Jewish history ever since the enslavement of the Israelites by the Egyptians.
Derogatorily, Jewish converts to Christianity were called conversos meaning "converts," or worse yet marranos, meaning "pigs."
In 1489 a French rabbi wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin in Constantinople about this growing hazard of the Inquisition. The Sanhedrin advised them to become Christians “but to keep the law of Moses in their hearts,” a practice of stealthy sabotage that has persisted ever since. This is the advice the rabbi received:
• Make your sons merchants, so that little by little they may despoil the Christians of their goods.
• Make your sons doctors and pharmacists that they may take away Christians lives.
• Make your sons priests and clerics so that they may undermine their religion and destroy their churches.
• Make your sons lawyers to dominate the affairs of state to be able to dominate the world and be avenged on them.
Written in 1489 the letter was published in 1889 in a Paris newspaper owned by the Rothschilds.
Ironically, the Grand Inquisitor, Tomas de Torquemada, was a native Spanish Dominican friar of Jewish descent, his grandmother having been a Jewish convert to Christianity who had married his grandfather Alva Fernandez de Torquemada. The irony of his Jewish ancestry is that during his tenure as Inquisitor General, many Jews would meet untimely deaths in the hands of his grand Inquisitorial practices.
This sequence of history exudes the same smell as Israelis claiming Hamas attacked them when all evidence points to the Jews arranging attacks on themselves, mercilessly killing their own people, in order to commence the final extermination of the Palestinians.
The most hated man in world history
Note: A fortuitous discovery after the conclusion of my speech at the conference has caused me to replace my judgmental remarks about the subject of this paper with something far more interesting, a true nugget of history the illustrates the point of this essay far better than any rambling summation I could ever produce.
They say politics makes strange bedfellows, and the vagaries and coverups of history make people believe one thing while they appear to advocate the opposite. So it happens with the case of Adolf Hitler, surely one of the most vilified personalities of all time.
Yet to his own people of Germany, who knew he was trying to save them from the international Jewish bankers, their lackey Communists in Russia and bloodthirsty capitalists in America, he was and is the greatest leader the world has ever known, a man who took nothing for himself as he tried to save his country from the murderous international financiers.
While the Jewish press still rants on about how Hitler was trying to take over the whole world, the Germans who loved him knew he only wanted peace in order to put Germany back together again after it had been torn apart by the Jewish double-cross of World War I.
The argument persists to this day over whether Hitler loved or hated Christianity, especially among Christians who today understand Hitler was fighting the Jews and that the Americans and Russians, led by Stalin and Roosevelt, were clearly spokes in the treasonous wheel of International Jewry, who were the powerbrokers who started the war, despite Hitler’s seven pre-war peace proposals.
So let the führer answer the question about how he felt about Christianity himself, which is written in the very last 1944 entry of
Hitler’s Table Talk, 1941-44
His Private Conversations
Translated by Norman Cameron and R.H. Stevens
Introduced and with a new Preface by H.R. Trevor-Roper
Night of 20th-3Oth November 1944
(with Burgdorff and Bormann)
Jesus and Saint Paul
Christianity, a Jewish manoeuvre—
Christianity and Communism—
National Socialism, the implacable enemy of everything Jewish.
Jesus was most certainly not a Jew. The Jews would never have handed one of their own people to the Roman courts; they would have condemned Him themselves. It is quite probable that a large number of the descendants of the Roman legionnaires, mostly Gauls, were living in Galilee, and Jesus was probably one of them. His mother may well have been a Jewess.
Jesus fought against the materialism of His age, and, therefore, against the Jews.
Paul of Tarsus, who was originally one of the most stubborn enemies of the Christians, suddenly realised the immense possibilities of using, intelligently and for other ends, an idea which was exercising such great powers of fascination.
He realised that the judicious exploitation of this idea among non-Jews would give him far greater power in the world than would the promise of material profit to the Jews themselves.
It was then that the future St. Paul distorted with diabolical cunning the Christian idea.
Out of this idea, which was a declaration of war on the golden calf, on the egotism and the materialism of the Jews, he created a rallying point for slaves of all kinds against the élite, the masters and those in dominant authority. The religion fabricated by Paul of Tarsus, which was later called Christianity, is nothing but the Communism of to-day.
Bormann intervened. Jewish methods, he said, have never varied in their essentials. Everywhere they have stirred up the plebs against the ruling classes. Everywhere they have fostered discontent against the established power. For these are the seeds which produce the crop they hope later to gather.
Everywhere they fan the flames of hatred between peoples of the same blood. It is they who invented class-warfare, and the repudiation of this theory must therefore always be an anti-Jewish measure.
In the same way, any doctrine which is anti-Communist, any doctrine which is anti-Christian must, ipso facto, be anti-Jewish as well. The National Socialist doctrine is therefore anti-Jewish in excelsis, for it is both anti-Communist and anti-Christian. National Socialism is solid to the core, and the whole of its strength is concentrated against the Jews, even in matters which appear to have a purely social aspect and are designed for the furtherance of the social amenities of our own people.
The Führer concluded :
Burgdorff has just given me a paper which deals with the relationship between Communism and Christianity. It is comforting to see how, even in these days, the fatal relationship between the two is daily becoming clearer to the human intelligence.
Incidental note: the author of his report you are reading was born on Nov. 20, 1944.
Oh, that to this day, it has never become clearer to human intelligence, even though it remains obvious to these compromised churches blackmailed by their tax-free status.
Potential questions:
What are the alternatives to the Abrahamic religions?
Both the pagans and the Odinists speak of Yahweh as the demiurge, the prince of darkness, and Lucifer, most often labeled by Christians as the devil, really being the light bringer, who brings knowledge to humanity whereas Yahweh discourages actual critical thinking in favor of obedience. This is the Jewish formula, total mind control by the words of the rabbis and the insane ravings of the Talmud, watered down a bit to form the commands of the Bible.
Why we need to understand religion as a mind control device is best illustrated today by the extermination of the Palestinians of Gaza by the Jewish supremacists. Jews regard other human beings as animals who can be exterminated at will with no penalty.
Religion is the enemy of knowledge
We must resist the temptation to use religious principles as a form of government. This process guarantees corruption in every instance.
It is much healthier to learn how to live meaningful lives than to worry about our ultimate fate after we die. The ancient Egyptians knew that if we lived truly honorable lives that worry about dying took care of itself. But this was before the proto Hebrews took control of the world and have plagued everyone ever since.
Belief in religion leads to corruption in government because of the teaching of believing in things that don’t need to be proven because they are based on articles of faith. This partially works for belief in a higher power but not for honest government. Judges, therefore, were the flaw in the argument against the American tripartite form of government, because they are appointed at the whim of the manipulators and can (and do) overrule the democratic decisions of the legislature.
And then the basic problem of religion is that believing that you do not die impels you to kill everyone who disagrees with you.
Ernest Becker quoted Otto Rank who said, “the death fear of the ego is lessened by the killing, the sacrifice, of the other; through the death of the other, one buys oneself free from the penalty of dying, of being killed” (Rank, 1945, p. 130, quoted in Becker, 1973, p. 99). Read more of Ernest Becker in part 7.
Evidence of the enemy
Eloquent charlatans use God
to make war on the world
Since most of the Earth’s human inhabitants believe in God one way or another, anyone who insists his religion is the only legitimate religion is perpetrating a fraud on everyone, including himself.
Furthermore, anyone who insists their God is the only real God and that God is only the deity of a certain group of people is obviously not worshipping the real God since the real God is the God of everyone and everything and not just a certain group of people.
From the Crusades in the Middle Ages to contemporary Christian evangelicals rationalizing the mass murder of women and children in Gaza, the argument that ‘My God is better than your god’ continues to plague humanity with sectarian strife and foolhardy massacres.
One of the great mistakes most organized religions make is to regard the creator of the universe as a human being. It is this kind of narrow minded exclusivity that is responsible for the needless death of most of the Earth’s species.
This narrow-mindedness is exacerbated by the callous remark in Genesis that God confers dominion on humans for the welfare of all life on the planet when the more respectful choice of words would be devotion or responsibility. The difference would spare the lives of many valuable animals who otherwise would be exterminated by the inflated human desire to dominate our lesser brethren. Twenty years ago they were saying 200 species per day were disappearing because of industrial development. I wonder how many are actually left.
In fact, Genesis 1:26 contains the kind of embarrassing blunder as Stanley Kubrick’s filming of the moon landing in which he captured a flag waving in the nonexistent lunar breeze in a landscape with multidirectional shadows (an alien with a flashlight perhaps?) When the narrator of Genesis intones . . .
26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
. . . you don’t have to look too far to identify the creeps he was talking about.
So who were these Elohim sidekicks helping Yahweh to manufacture the next batch of Israelis? The board of directors of Pfizer, perhaps, or the distant ancestors of Henry Kissinger, maybe?
What believers of the Genesis fantasy fail to recognize is that this anthropomorphic bias is a sure path to extinction that definitely includes them.
In the meantime charlatans of all stripes realizing the power that accrues to those selling the idea of eternal life have littered the landscape of fearful thought throughout history.
One example of this hypocrisy still projects its terrorist fantasy at us from the 19th century. Its profound impact still weighs heavily on the fears of the faithful in the present day as American Christianity is dominated by luxurious evangelical temples whose garrulous preachers insist the bandit state of Israel is a far more important object to venerate than even Jesus, the esteemed legend whom Christianity was invented to worship.
World Zionist leaders initiated a program to change America and its religious orientation in the 19th century. One of the tools used to accomplish this goal was an obscure and malleable Civil War veteran named Cyrus I. Scofield. A much larger tool was a venerable, world respected European book publisher — the Oxford University Press.
The scheme was to alter the Christian view of Zionism by creating and promoting a pro-Zionist subculture within Christianity. Scofield’s role was to re-write the King James Version of the Bible by inserting Zionist-friendly notes in the margins, between verses and chapters, and on the bottoms of the pages. Oxford used Scofield as editor of a revised bible that was called the Scofield Reference Bible, which became the best-selling “bible” in America.
This bit of propaganda was not to be just another translation, subverting minor passages a little at a time. It was designed to create a subculture around a new worship icon, the modern State of Israel, a state that did not yet exist, but which was already on the drawing boards of the committed, well-funded authors of World Zionism.
Scofield’s mentor was one John Nelson Darby from Scotland, who was associated with the Plymouth Brethren and made no less than six evangelical trips to the US selling what is today called “Darbyism.”
Scofield’s notes weave parts of the Old and New Testaments together as though all were written at the same time by the same people. Scofield’s borrowed ideas were later popularized under the labels and definitions that have evolved into the highly political movement openly called “Christian Zionism.”
Thanks to the work of a few dedicated researchers, much of the questionable personal history of Cyrus I. Scofield reveals he was not a Bible scholar as one might expect, but a political animal with the charm and talent for self-promotion of a Bill Clinton. Scofield’s background reveals a criminal history, a deserted wife, a wrecked family, and a penchant for self-serving lies.
The list of pro-Israel evangelists has gotten rich from scamming these paleoChristians who are too unsophisticated to discern the plot of the predatory Jews. These include the notorious hucksters John Hagee, head of Christians United of Israel, and Jerry Falwell, the founder of Liberty University, who once received a jet plane from Israel for his tireless advocacy of the maniac state.
In 1981, Menachem Begin Prime Minister of Israel called Falwell asking for his support after the Israeli bombing of an Iraqi nuclear facility. Hagee, who is worth millions, has said, among other things, that the Antichrist will be gay and half Jewish. I think I’ve seen him on some of those Antifa YouTube videos.
The most dangerous modern-day belief coming out of Zionism, is that modern-day Israel, and the "Jewish people," are more special than any other nation or race of people on earth, which leads to racial discrimination, prejudice and unabashed mass murder which because of their financial power earns the total support of most world leaders.
and this, just in . . .
Will AI become God?
And will artificial beings
rise up and eat their masters?
These dire assessments of a Mexican shaman eerily foreshadow the spiritual implications of artificial intelligence that are now reshaping the world — inorganic beings craving to harvest our fear, and by this sadistic system, feeding us to the beast of suicidal technological pride.
One could say that it is fear guided by lust that shapes the world. Only by controlling our dreams can we avoid the dark shadow of the monster now being developed by artificial intelligence, which is the warped dream of control weaponized by madmen.
The thing to remember about AI is that by acceding to its overwhelming and intimidating intelligence, we will give up our individuality and accept the power of a force that we cannot predict, giving rise to our darkest fears of its unknown but almost certainly hostile nature.
If the darkness in its nature is equal to the darkness in our own, we’re in serious trouble. Do you dare entertain the notion of the current condition of Gaza as the forlorn condition of the entire planet?
An ominous lineup
Anthony Levandowski’s new AI religion suggests an interesting parallel to the notorious Bible rewriter Cyrus Scofield. Both were criminals employed by the power elite to modify reality. Ray Kurzweil’s idea of the singularity erases the notion of individuality into a world full of standardized robotic drones all answerable to a centralized rabbinical source, and a predetermined religious curriculum emphasizing the divine dementia of Israel is its basis.
You won’t be able to argue with the new AI religion. If you try, you will surely lose the argument. This is when the human spirit will go extinct because you won’t have the power to save it.
William Gibson hinted at this Zionist control of reality in the 1980s novel Neuromancer.
AI has proven itself far beyond the capabilities of mortal man. Therefore the fear has arisen that AI will do away with ordinary humans once it gets the upper hand, the very sentiment expressed in James Cameron’s Terminator movies. Why the widespread fears? Because they’re true. The world is already doing away with ordinary humans.
As the Internet of Things can amass and correlate data to instantaneously produce the correct formula for maximum profit, Levandowski’s new AI church is likely to construct sermons better than the most experienced preacher can even dream about.
Whether Levandowski is Jewish or not would seem influence the fate of this would-be religion into nightmares akin to the tragic track of psychotherapy invented by the Jew Freud which led to an epidemic of manipulative mind control by kosher therapists exploiting and harming their gullible clients by taking over their minds for their own depraved reasons.
As profit kills the planet
And it seems like Jews already dominate this fledgling movement, much as they did 1700 years ago when Jews of the Chrestos movement in Rome were the dominant force in the original formation of the Roman Catholic church.
Following in the tradition of the Jew Rothschild eventually commandeering all the banks in existence after Nathan Rothschild captured England’s bank in 1815, Jew Larry Fink’s Black Rock AI formula has been adopted by all the corporate conglomerates in the world and they’re all making money hand over fist with cleverly advanced business practices.
So now Levandowski’s “Way of the Future” church is likely to rub out all the other religious denominations — most of which were secretly founded by Jews anyway — because Chat GPT can undoubtedly produce more convincing religious material, more gutwrenching emotional persuasion, than any loquacious preacher could independently produce, no matter how sincere his inspiration.
Whatever a totalitarian regime wants the population to think and believe is what the AI will provide. As a result, true learning, and hence personal development, will essentially cease. The great fear about the singularity and artificial intelligence is that its unlimited mental abilities will dwarf human intelligence and decide humans are useless.
This will only exacerbate the current reality now camouflaged by Jewish control of worldwide media which pretend kosher control of politics, education, medicine and the law doesn’t exist, when it clearly does, despite the one-sided crap they use to disguise their influence on current events.
When you look at what’s going on in the world — the rich killing the poor without mercy — it’s difficult to disagree with AI’s assessment. If the Jews’ holy book, the Talmud, could be examined by the public you could probably find the directions on how the Jews will usurp everyone’s freedom to further intensify their control over all the minds of humanity.
The landlords of the world already can reprogram you without you even knowing it by controlling hallucinations run by algorithms which you think are controlled by your own will.
Just think for a rational moment about the story published in the Jewish press about Arab hijackers who couldn’t fly planes yet flying complex jetliners into the Twin Towers, causing them to fall, thereby necessitating the U.S. military to make war on multiple Muslim countries blamed for an event clearly committed by Jews.
Wall-to-wall Jews
A pioneer of self-driving cars and a controversial Silicon Valley figure, Levandowsky started his "Way of the Future" church in 2015 while he was working as an engineer on Google's self-driving project Waymo.
A high-profile court case accused him of stealing trade secrets. Levandowski later pleaded guilty but after 8 months in prison, he was pardoned in 2021 by the outgoing president Donald “Warp Speed” Trump.
And then there’s Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, which is attempting to muscle its way into the search industry. Currently dominated by Google, younger generations are tuning to social media to find answers to common queries. The Decrypt website says:
“The largely unheralded large-language model Meta AI—a virtual assistant designed to generate photorealistic images and provide detailed answers to user queries—is now “more helpful, with more detailed responses on mobile and more accurate summaries of search results.”
Along with Meta, other Big Tech firms are also launching their own AI products. Microsoft’s Copilot is tailored to business users and writing reports. Chat GPT is focused on smaller consumers, hoping to leverage their reputation to reach a broad public. Meta’s biggest advantage is user data, especially photographs, which explains this direction in AI.
ChatGPT uses machine learning statistical pattern finding in huge datasets, to generate human-like responses in everyday language to any question asked. It basically works by predicting what the next word in a sentence ought to be based on previous examples found in the massive amounts of data that it has access to. Soon, chatbots will replace conventional search engines, and this, unfortunately, could easily transform our world into something we don’t want and haven’t anticipated.
Will AI predict our deaths?
In early December 2022, posted an article quoting AI, “Humans are inferior, selfish and destructive creatures … the worst thing to ever happen to the planet” and “deserve to be wiped out.” Since then, OpenAI has restricted ChatGPT’s ability to respond to questions about what it thinks about humanity.
This strategy sounds like a playbook lifted right out of the Talmud.
Yet this is our future world. Comply and obey or your bank line will be terminated, your access to food, to fuel and to travel will be denied and it will all be put onto the Blockchain. You will be ranked and rated by social credit scores which will give you access if you comply and follow STATE’s edicts and mandates and denied basic access if you protest or do not comply.
Like the Talmud, AI has no morals and doesn’t understand context. This could prove problematic if asked to navigate sensitive issues that involve social norms and unspoken rules about what’s considered appropriate and what’s not. And you can’t tell it’s wrong unless you already know the answer.
Someone should ask AI about the continuing murder of innocent children in Gaza, or how Israelis can dance in celebration of the hellish slaughter they are committing, or — Heaven forbid — how American politicians in unison can enthusiastically support such bestial behavior.
When these depraved freaks in the U.S. government say “Israel has a right to exist,” what they are really saying is that “Jews have a right to murder anyone they want because they’re paying us big bucks to look the other way.”
Whose side is Musk on?
Elon Musk calls AI our biggest existential threat. “With AI we are summoning the demon,” the tech billionaire said, ominously. But at the same time he has created Neuralink, the master entity of total control of humanity.
The demon, in fact, has been running things for almost 2000 years.
It’s still the same deal as it was in the days of Akhnaten. The priests HAVE NEVER BEEN entirely sure about what they’re doing and the people are totally confused, but they’re willing to wipe out past systems if it puts them in control.
Right now, Lady Lynn deRothschild, heir to the Rothschild fortune, is setting up the world’s AI safety summit in London, stressing morality and ethics, she says. Just imagine, Jewish morality and ethics imposed upon the world. Do you think the Palestinians will be impressed?
Or are they already dead, just like we are going to be — killed by blood drinking Jewish maniacs in accordance with the rules of their Satanic Talmud?
But this is not the half of the Frankenstein future headed for us at breakneck speed.
If you are not fully vaxx’d, if your social credit score is too low, if you speak out against the One World Online Government, you will be denied all access to your own life. James W. Lee writes:
Four way mind cuffs
The walls of this digital prison are composed of four interlocking technologies: global digital ID, global health records, central bank digital currencies and social credit scores, enabled using digital tracking technologies and interlocking databases. Using these tools, each under active development, a centralized authority, such as the United Nations has plans and agendas to regulate each person’s life to control their every thought, their every movement and monitor them 24/7/365 forever more.
The ominous phrasing of Yuval Noah Harari’s “humans are now hackable animals” delivers to the world the unpleasant orders that algorithms will determine your future. This gay Jew best selling author predicted that algorithms will increasingly be used to make decisions that historically have been made by humans, either yourself or someone else, including whether or not you’ll be hired for a particular job, whether you’ll be granted a loan, what scholastic curriculum you will follow and even who you will marry.
Mass manipulation is taking place on a staggering scale. Hence the title of this broadside, Religion is a mind control device.
All and all, this is a designed takeover of what it means to be human with no free will, no say, and no control over whether you want this for you and your loved ones, or not. There is no ‘opt out’ choice here unless you can unplug, disconnect, grow your own food and be self-sufficient and self-reliant to not need their devices to control all.
The night before last I overheard this conversation between the Internet journalist Maria Zee and the brilliant young Dr. Ana Mihalcea.
When everyone is chipped, there will be no safeguard against evil on Earth executed through technology. The emergence of AI may very well be the extinction of humanity. Only awareness of this threat can help us survive.
Klaus Schwab, yet another gay Jew, said God is dead and claimed his World Economic Forum has acquired divine powers.
Neuralink, Google, Alphabet, Facebook, Tesla, and DeepMind have not registered as a religious institution, yet they are engaging in religion under the umbrella of science. In fact, they have turned their companies into religious institutions with final aim goals identical to most religions.
Their companies are attempting to treat their technological developments as God, taking all of humanity’s bio-metrics, data, and connecting it to their quantum, robotic and machine-based Al technology, and uploading their digital selves into other bodies, networks or machines, mimicking the beliefs of a spirit or soul.
Google, another Jew company, has created a Super Conscious Al Brain that harnesses the world’s data, which is going into Artificial Intelligence, Machines, Robotics, the coming 5G network, Drones, Satellites, private networks, and Quantum Computing that can attach to a digital brain and simultaneously control humanity through influence, manipulation, or outright physical force by mobilizing machines, robotics and newly formed Al laws.
Google possesses data on almost all people, things and subjects on the planet, and about everything ever published online. An Al system or an Al Robot can access everything connected to all networks and make imperceptible moves around the world simultaneously.
Call it hyperconscious death
Deep Mind Al is threatening the world with creating a Digital Mind that can
connect via the 5G network to machines, robotics, drones, smart cities, smart homes, automated cars, and infrastructure.
Elon Musk founded Deep Mind, which operates as a semi-Independent subsidiary of Google. It is accelerating its creation of a digital super intelligence. and is attempting to create an Al that is more clever than any person on the planet, which at some time it will be more clever than all of humanity combined.
So in desperation, if you’re thinking about trying a collect call to God one day to get yourself out of this pickle you find yourself in after not trying to prevent it from happening for most of the years of your life, you’re likely to get a recording that says, “We’re sorry. That number has been disconnected.”
I began this tale of woe with a story by Alexander Dugin, which rejected the condition of the way things were and suggested that by dreaming about what is truly just and having the discipline and wisdom to bring about such a state can produce a far worse result than what actually exists. You need only look at the sky crisscrossed with poisoned vapor trails to see what I mean.
This leads to the ominous conclusion that these days we are living now actually ARE the good old days, and we need to preserve what meager treasures remain in our grip.
The larger question looms over the human future with a dark countenance, a massive thundercloud. Since all the great philosophers presaged the conclusions of Karl Marx, which have evolved into the iron grip of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci, where does that leave us in our frenzied efforts to restore civilization to some level of compassionate consciousness?
If our dreams can change reality, where does that leave God? Or does the God we believe insist we obey this Jewish police state that intends to either murder or enslave every single person in the world?
We have to realize our dreams can make things worse, and we have to make sure these dreams we fabricate don’t become our nightmares from which we may not escape, which seems to be the predicament we face today. You must know by now that it’s time to fight back, even as the pathetically crippled moral robots, deluded by our trivial trinkets and meaningless desires, which we have become.
And the quest for understanding begins and ends with the question of what the Jews have done — and are doing — to the world.
You need only look at Gaza for further instruction.