Richard Wagner and Race Mythology
Miguel Serrano collected works
Richard Wagner and Race Mythology
Through Wagner, all Europeans—living in the homeland and throughout the Aryan Diaspora—can learn the true importance and sacral meaning of the White race.
by Patrick Chouinard
“When our natural inheritance has been dissipated, then the spirit too, as Heraclitus says, has descended from its fiery heights. But when spirit becomes heavy it turns to water, and with Luciferian presumption the intellect usurps the seat where once the spirit was enthroned. The spirit may legitimately claim the patria potestas over the soul; not so the earth-born intellect, which is man’s sword or hammer, and not a creator of spiritual worlds, a father of the soul.”
― C.G. Jung, The Archetypes, and the Collective Unconscious
King Arthur had a dream, too. Of a world where might is right. His knights of the Round Table were the agents of that dream … and his sword, Excalibur, the Symbol of it. He died, the table was destroyed, his knights mostly slain — yet the dream survived. They became legend — and the sword, the means of keeping the legend alive and vital through the ages. … The sword Excalibur represented Hope. It was light in the darkness of fear and ignorance and hate. Do we want — have we the right — to snuff it out?
–Chris Claremont, in Excalibur: The Sword is Drawn (1987), Rachel Summers (Phoenix) to the other mutants, p. 46 – 47
During the nineteenth century, artists, writers, and musicians of Northern Europe, looked to their native songs, legends, and traditions as source material for creating a new European mythology of the future. These artists understood that it is from an author’s understanding of myth that he or she is imbued with the power to “create” a reality beyond everyday experience. Joseph Campbell wrote in A Hero with A Thousand Faces: “It has always been the prime function of mythology and our ancient rites to supply the symbols that carry the human spirit forward, in counteraction to those that tend to tie it back. In fact, it may very well be that the very high incidence of neuroticism among ourselves follows the decline among us of such effective spiritual aid. We remain fixated to the un-exorcised images of our infancy, and hence disinclined to the necessary passages of our adulthood.” Though certainly not embraced fully in today’s society, in the late eighteenth through nineteenth centuries the foundations were laid to establish such a continuous mythology of rites and symbols that would change us forever.
In the early nineteenth century, beginning with the works of the Brothers Grimm, a new brand of nationalist Romanticism swept through Northern Europe and then beyond to America. These new Romantics had a deeply rooted affection for the primordial age of antiquity; this was especially so in Germany. They were artists who sought an idealistic age when the culture of the pureblooded German race was untarnished by alien or Christian influence.
In Wagner Beyond Good and Evil, author and scholar John Deathridge describes the mythic glory Wagner achieved in his staged spectacle at Bayreuth:
Gods roam rivers and forests in the Ring to thwart their enemies. A handsome prince ensnared in the lair of a monstrous dragon kills the dragon and, with the help of a forest bird, braves a dangerous wall of fire to awaken a beautiful princess on the top of a mountain. Ugly dwarves and toad-like creatures infest the tale with evil. Two lumbering giants manage to set the whole amazing story in motion, one brutally battering the other to death. No magic carpets are in sight. There are lots of thrilling rides, though, including a descent through the earth to a terrifying underground kingdom and a fantastic journey on horseback through storm-tossed clouds. Wondrous objects are on display. The magic hood transforms its wearer into any shape its wearer desires. The hero’s sword can kill the mightiest of dragons and penetrate any fire or thicket. And the magic ring itself, from which the cycle of dramas takes its name, empowers its owner to rule the world. (Deathridge 47)
The Ring Cycle centers on the exploits of the Germanic gods, and the chief protagonist of the story is the Norse god Wotan, who looks after Siegfried and his parents, his direct offspring, who were sibling lovers. The story also follows the mysterious “Ring” which, like the Ring in Tolkien’s epic Lord of the Rings, has the power to grant the one who holds it the ability to rule the earth. The character Siegfried is based on the Norse hero Sigurd, found in the epic poem, the Saga of the Volsungs and on Siegfried in the Nibelungenlied, a Medieval epic. (Blyth, 4-5)
Wagner foretold a new form of art that would embrace everything including music, poetry, drama, even architecture. Most of all, Wagner embellished his “musical dramas”, as he so often called them, with symbols and motifs from a dark age of paganism, gods and medieval heroism. He often reveled in the fact that because of his new art he is a better Christian than any of the haughty upper class because he knew what it meant to be a pagan. Armed with rich folkloric material, the Ring became the uncompromising representation of the Germanic spirit. It is the richness of the Ring’s art and its mythological backdrop that truly make it a breath-taking and hypnotic experience to see as a live performance. This author still remembers witnessing the full tetralogy at the Metropolitan Opera House in New York City, with my parents and grandparents as a young teenager, newly fascinated by my Germanic and Northern European heritage. I realized then as I do now, it is Wagner’s gift for storytelling and his innate ability to enliven those stories with impassioned movement and action, born of the Teutonic mythos, that reinvigorated German literature, music and culture and set the stage for the great folkish revival of the German Reich. Before Wagner, there was little interest, beyond some obscure academic circles, in German antiquity and folklore.
Without Wagner there would be no united German nation of today. Many of his operas and related writings set-up the traditions, morals, and artistic models of modern Germany. His writings gave them, in many ways, the basis of their culture and even inspired the young Adolf Hitler to rise and meet the challenge of his generation. Without Wagner and the work of his other nineteenth century German colleagues, German culture would have remained provincial and devoted to the Church and State alone, and not had the same sense of national identity and native humanism which made the idea of a Greater German Reich not only a possibility, but the highest of political ideals. Thus, we read in Franz Joseph Haydn’s Deutschland Uber Alles the ultimate desire for a young nation wanting to be born into existence. That birth could have captured the world and change it irrevocably for the better. Now we must acknowledge that Western Civilization faces obliteration, and only if Western man is able to draw on the vivacity of Wagner’s writings and accomplishments, and see traditional German culture not as a fallacy, but our only path to salvation, will White Humanity evolve into the splendid greatness the awaits us.
Through Wagner, all Europeans—living in the homeland and throughout the Aryan Diaspora—can learn the true importance and sacral meaning of the White race. The collected writings of past racialist thinkers and the pro-white intellectuals of today have created a force greater than the cultural Marxism that now seeks to destroy us. That power remains untapped, but Wagner has demonstrated it is more than possible to unleash this force as he did through the spectacle of grand musical dramas.
The Emergence of Modern Germany as an Aryan Nation
The evolution of the German nation, and the German people, is a story often suppressed in its entirety by the dominant Jewish academic system in most Western countries. More than often this history is confined to the classic Holocaust narrative that is projected by Hollywood and the dominant Jewish media, and thus the true history of the German and, likewise, the Aryan past is disregarded by the common folk and denounced as “racist” and “anti-Semitic”. Houston Stewart Chamberlain saw in the German people an extension of a common Aryan ethnicity, embracing much of the Northern kingdoms. He included among the “Teuton” the Celtic peoples, the Slavs, and the Baltic peoples as well, as members of the Indo-Germanic race. No doubt this is a community of blood, which we are connected not only by our genetics, but also by a common history, often characterized by bloodshed, upheaval, and fratricidal wars, often spurred on by the Christians and Jews. One can also extend, to some degree, the Old Europeans, or Mediterranean whites into this greater family, a “Grand White Race,” or a race which takes on even the fringes of white society, in the eternal battle against Jew influence and Jew society.
The current perception of the “old Germany” as the enemy of America and the American ideal is supposedly one of inclusion and diversity. This is a false morality based on Jewish precepts and a false Jewish narrative, which remains highly poisonous to the health of our nation as it was to the German nation of the past. Unfortunately, it is this view of Germany, and of America, that predominates not only in our nation but much of the Western world. Strangely, it is the Soviet Union and later the Russian Federation, two of the most dangerous instruments of modern-day Judaism next to China, is shown forever our ally when compared to the eternal “Nazi” threat posed by Jewish media efforts and our Federal government. Miraculously, domestic National Socialists are more sought out by the Federal government than are Islamic Jihadists, the BLM or Antifa, organizations that are clearly terrorist-hate groups by admission. Even Putin condemns the Ukrainian leadership as “Nazis,” forever a slur against Aryan freedom and self-determination. Clearly, we must also remember the even the Ukranian President is, himself, a Jew. That is why the PM of Israel went to visit Putin personally before the invasion of Ukraine, then had a personal phone call with the Ukranian President, the same day. What is going on now, is part of the Jewish plan to destabilize the white world and wipe it from the face of the Earth.
Despite how relevant to Europe’s evolutionary history, it may be, the true story of Germany’s ancient legacy is discouraged by academic institutions both within Germany and abroad. This is a history stretching back into Europe’s remotest antiquity. Such a revised narrative was supported by both pro-German and pro-Aryan organizations early in the last century such as the SS-Ahnenerbe and Amt Rosenberg that furthered archaeological research throughout the Reich. Germany’s ancient history defies modern notions of the development of Europe as a culture and civilization, ultimately leading us to re-write that essential history, and to preserve that alternative narrative for future generations.
Reichsmarschall Hermann Goering, the commander-in-chief of Germany’s powerful air force, the Luftwaffe, which ruled the skies over Germany and Britain during World War II, wrote in his book Germany Reborn (1934):
The lack of understanding and sympathy which many foreign peoples show for Germany is very largely due to ignorance of the special and peculiar character of German history. ‘Human history is the history of war,’ and the history of the German people is also a long tale of cruel wars: ‘From the battle against Ariovistus to the struggle of the unarmed on the Ruhr, an iron chain stretches throughout our history connecting our embattled heroes to a great legacy and a promise for the future (Stegemann)’. Since the idea of Germany and a German people has been known in history, we see that the bond which it implies has only been the bond of blood and of common culture and a common language. Now and then the loose conglomerate has seemed to take on a firmer form, but right down to modern times it never coalesced to form a German Nation. This is one of the reasons why the German people has never taken part in great wars of conquest. Usually, the different parts of Germany have fought against each other, very often to the advantage of other peoples. But for centuries the Germans were compelled to defend their own homes and their own land – the land first of their tribe and finally of the people.” (Goering, 1934, p.1)
Goering also points out that: “Germany possesses no natural boundaries. It was never a castle whose fortifications were sea and mountains but lay like an open camp in the midst of Europe, protected only by the bodies of its men. And that is also the reason why the Germans never fought their wars for foreign crowns, but always for their own honor; not to conquer foreign countries, but to defend their own freedom; not to subdue others, but to ensure their own security.” (Goering, 1934, p.1) There were specific socio-political reasons why Germany stood out from its European neighbors, as preservationist and humanitarian Madison Grant pointed out in The Passing of the Great Race (1916):
Charlemagne was a German Emperor, his capital was at Aachen, within the present limits of the German Empire, and the language of his court was German. For several centuries after the conquest of Gaul by the Franks, their Teutonic tongue held its own against the Latin speech of the Romanized Gaulish peoples. The history of all Christian Europe is in some degree interwoven with this Holy Roman Empire. Though the Empire was neither holy nor Roman, but altogether secular and Teutonic, it was, nevertheless, the central core of Europe for ages. The Empire, however, wasted its strength on imperial ambitions and foreign conquests instead of consolidating, organizing, and unifying its own territories, and the fact that the imperial crown was elective for many generations before it became hereditary in the House of Hapsburg, checked the unification of Germany during the Middle Ages. A strong hereditary monarchy such as those which arose in England and in France would have anticipated the Germany of today by a thousand years and made it the predominant state in Christendom, but disruptive elements, in the persons of great territorial dukes, were successful throughout its history in preventing an effective concentration of power in the hands of the Emperor. (Grant, 1916, p.114-115)”
But this could not deny the influence of German race and culture upon Europe, or its inherent Teutonic military and courtly traditions. “Europe was Germany, and Germany was Europe, predominantly, until the Thirty Years’ War.” (Grant, 1916, p.115)
The Nordic race continued uncontested up until the major turning point in Western European history. Comte Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, writing a century before Grant, penned in his magnum opus, Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races: “The Aryan German is a powerful creature – everything he thinks, says and does is thus of major importance.” (Shirer, 1960, p.104) It is on this premise, the idea of which Hans F.K. Gunther, the star archaeologist and racialist of National Socialist Germany, also called the German Aryan race the most “profound” and “beautiful” being of creation. It is because of the near destruction of this crown jewel of the white race, that the scourge of the Thirty Years’ War was made even more brutal when launched upon the population of Europe during the late Middle Ages. This tragic conflict was characterized by a tremendous loss of Nordic blood, the strongest, most intelligent, and resourceful, tall, and blond generations of humanity seen until that time, wiped from the face of the earth. As Grant best described:
This war was perhaps the greatest catastrophe of all the ghastly crimes committed in the name of religion. Two-thirds of the population of Germany was destroyed, in some states such as Bohemia three-fourths of the inhabitants were killed or exiled, while out of 500,000 inhabitants in Württemberg there were only 48,000 human beings left at the end of the war. Terrible as this loss was the destruction did not fall equally on the various races and classes in the community. It bore, of course, most heavily upon the big blond fighting man, and at the end of the war the German states contained a greatly lessened proportion of Nordic blood. In fact, from that time on the purely Teutonic race in Germany has been largely replaced by the Alpine types in the south, and by the Wendish and the Polish types to the east.” (Grant, 2016, p.115-116)
Understanding Wagner and the Scope of European Pagan Revival
In an interview with the Hindu writer and spiritualist Ram Swarup in 1996 regarding the recent resurgence of paganism in the Christian West, Swarup addressed the issue directly. He stated he believes that this is not a fluke occurrence. These events, Swarup insists, could lead to the eventual expansion and restoration of pagan faiths throughout Europe and the European diaspora. In the interview he states:
Pagan renaissance is overdue. It is necessary for Europe to heal its psyche. Under Christianity, Europe learned to reject its ancestors, its past, which cannot be good for its future also. Europe became sick because it tore apart from its own heritage, it had to deny its very roots. If Europe is to be healed spiritually, it must recover its spiritual past–at least, it should not hold it in such dishonor…. For self-recovery, these countries have to revive their old gods. But this is a task which cannot be done mechanically. They have to recapture the consciousness which expressed itself in the language of many gods… In my book, The Word as Revelation: Names of Gods, I spoke of a new kind of pilgrimage: a return to the time of the Gods. Meanwhile, European scholars can do a lot. They should write a history of Europe from the Pagan point of view, which would show how profoundly persecuted Paganism was. They should compile a directory of Pagan temples destroyed, Pagan groves and sacred spots desecrated. European Pagans should also revive some of these sites as their places of pilgrimage… I must say that the Pagan movement will have a lot to do. The opposing forces are very powerful, and they have a long tradition of using force and repression. But I believe that a new spirit is rising and once the Pagans begin to speak, they are going to be heard. (Swarup 1996)
The author H. Halliday Sparling made a related commentary in the introduction to his translation of The Saga of the Volsungs, one of the Old Norse stories which were partly an inspiration for Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelungs. In it, Sparling wrote: “It would seem fitting for a Northern folk, deriving the greater and better part of their speech, laws, and customs from a Northern root, that the North should be to them, if not a holy land, yet at least a place more to be regarded than any part of the world beside; that howsoever their knowledge widened of other men, the faith and deeds of their forefathers would never lack interest for them, but would always be kept in remembrance.” This notion of sacred land and folk, of high, holy places, pilgrimages through the streets of Germania, and a people forever linked with the spiritual purity of their bloodline, they are concepts which the German composer and writer Richard Wagner clearly identified with, if not believed in dogmatically. While this book is not written to cover the life and compositions of Richard Wagner, I wish to use him as a formidable example of a German who, more ever, is linked to Germanic culture and the concept of White and/or Germanic pagan revival. Most likely, Wagner intended to formulate his mythic interpretations of the Germanic past into a new mythology and artform. This, whether Wagner intended to do so or not, he created the basis of European pagan revival in Europe and the European Diaspora, even a model for a renewed form of mysticism. This revival of long-forgotten pagan gods endures to the present through the world-wide awakening of the pagan faithful. Indeed, we do discern a sense of the mystical and transcendental nature of European culture in Wagner’s writings and compositions.
Richard Wagner was more than a brilliant writer and musician. Wagner was also one of the most influential and revolutionary artists in the history of Western Man. The famous film score composer, John Williams, known for his soundtracks for Jaws, Star Wars and Indiana Jones got his greatest inspiration from the work of Wagner. What makes Richard Wagner a significant and formidable writer and composer, is not just his mesmerizing musical scores or his stirring and poetic dialogue. It was his innate ability to combine music and drama with rich historical and mythological material. These were the same type of cultural stories and myths that Goethe, Schiller, and the Grimm Brothers had also used to successfully build a devoted German-speaking audience prior to Wagner. Together with Wagner’s iconic post-modernist music, these myths and symbols came to embody not only the new German Reich but the culture of a globalized world. Wagner was able to deliver a message that speaks equally, not just to Germans but to a world-wide audience. This includes human beings from every nation, race, religion, and creed. This may not have been his true intent, but the power of music and of myth has an influence all its own.
In his book Wagner’s Ring: An Introduction, author Alan Blyth revels over the above facts: “To understand Wagner the musician,” Blyth explains, “we must be acquainted with Wagner the poet and Wagner the philosopher. Each complements the other, and we must try to discern what gave birth to a music-drama of such proportions, fifteen hours of music of consecutive thought – by far the longest, most sustained, most ingenious ever attempted with success by any composer.” (Blyth 2) Blyth continues: “Wagner was developing in his mind, consciously or subconsciously, one of the most revolutionary and significant ideas embodied in The Ring. Any newcomer to the work must realize that one of the essentials of The Ring is an unbroken continuity of musical construction, no longer allowing for conventional, format numbers that delay the action. Music and play go forward at one at the same time. That is why it was important for Wagner to be at once the poet and the composer of the work so that the music could develop hand with drama.” (Blyth 3-4)
Wagner single-handedly created a new “national mythology” for the German folk which he brought about in his own creative revolution that continues to the present. In his essay Religion and Art (1880) Wagner identified a ‘suggestive value of mythological symbols’ in so far as ‘the artist succeeds in revealing their deep and hidden truth.’” In Wagner’s mind: “Myth is true for all time, and its content, however compressed, is inexhaustible throughout the ages.” Wagnerian scholar Robert Donington further adds: “If we take myth literally, we get the pleasure of a well told story which we do not believe. If we take it symbolically, we add to this pleasure a distillation of human experience which can fairly be called ‘true for all time.’ But this truth is not usually self-evident on the surface of the myth.” (Donington 32) Even though his work emphasized the significance of the German folk, and his many works also had a distinctive Germanic quality to them, Wagner’s new “Teutonic” mythos was not intended solely for the German nation. Wagner’s work also was meant to attract those beyond the borders Germany itself. Wagner’s music had a profound universal appeal. This fact is often overlooked, as he is usually labeled a nationalist, or at times even a racist, rather than an artist who intended his work to have an international audience.
National Socialist philosopher and Party ideologue, Alfred Rosenberg writes: “Nations without a myth drift aimlessly throughout history. Myth gives purpose and meaning to the civilization. Myth makes a people a nation, a nation a race, and a race a contributor to the world. Myth shapes the race so that the race may fulfil the potential of its individual. The myth makes us conscious that we are a race, and not merely an arbitrary, purposeless, ill-defined conglomerate of men and women.”
In his four volumes work The Teutonic Mythology of Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung, William O. Cord writes regarding the explosive nature of Wagner’s operas and the unique hold they had on the German people. Referring to the debut of Wagner’s Ring Cycle at Bayreuth, Cord writes: “Before 1876 the world had never experienced such a work as the Ring. The response to it was both immediate and overwhelming. There was a tidal wave of reaction that was no less than incredible, a wave that carried upon its crest considerations of a dramatic, literary, theatrical, musical, and indeed, of a philosophical and moral nature.” (Cord xvii). For his purposes, Wagner culled together a wealth of German, Celtic and Scandinavian sources. Medieval epics, Norse and Irish Sagas, and the German nationalist writings of the Brothers Grimm all were a part of this process.
These ancient folk-myths, set the stage for an emerging Germanic culture. The Ring embodied both German culture and history as well as powerful sentiments of national pride. His operas thus became the cultural basis for national unification, giving the Germans myths and symbols for which, the new national folk could identify.
In 1940, the German-born Jewish novelist Thomas Mann attempted to distinguish between what he saw as the essential difference between Germanic culture and the traditions of Western civilization. The West, in Mann’s view, were upheld by the cultures of Great Britain and France. Mann thought that the French and English writers and artists produced works that were based in social and political reality whereas German art and literature centered on the “pure humanity of the mythical age.” Mann tried to point out there was something inherently wrong with German culture. This opinion is, in this author’s own viewpoint, fundamentally flawed. This idea of a mythically-based culture is, in my view, culturally superior to the type of society that can only think in strictly mundane realities. It is the Germans’ ability to think fourth dimensionally that makes them an intelligent and superior gene pool. However, much of Europe is Germanic and owes its existence to the invasion of the Germanic tribes at the fall of Rome. Mann knew this but simply tried covertly criticizing, as a Jew, the inherent cultural gifts of the German people. It was left-wing ideologies like those of Thomas Mann that have been, and continue to be, the product of Jewish intellectualism and this continues to be the immortal downfall of every nation that was at one time predominately White.
The Sorcerer of Bayreuth
It was the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, one-time friend, and admirer of Richard Wagner, who called his friend the “Sorcerer of Bayreuth”. (Millington 6) The city of Bayreuth had, by that time, become the site of Wagner’s historical legacy. The focal point of his cultural and musical center at Bayreuth, included his residence known as Wahnfried and the Bayreuth Festspielhaus that Wagner had built in the style of an ancient Greek amphitheater to house his operatic performances and music festivals. Wagner earned the title of “sorcerer” for his gifted ability to weave “enchanting spells” with his “time-honored” music. (Millington 6) As the orchestra soared and crashed, the music seemed to enrapture his listeners, transporting him or her to “realms of unimaginable ecstasy,” unlocking the power of the collective unconscious. (Millington 6) An artist who was a contemporary of Wagner, Charles Baudelaire “described the experience of listening to Wagner’s music as one of being engulfed, of being intoxicated: he even compared it to the effect of a stimulant.” (Millington 6) Many commentators of Wagner’s more intense music-dramas have said they produced a profoundly sensual and erotic experience. The history of Richard Wagner is not the story of a child-genius with unexplainable gifts that were beyond normal human understanding. Wagner began his career as a normal adolescent, influenced by his stepfather and the world around him. But the subject matter is one that shapes the man, and it is also subject matter rooted in our own mythology, traditions, and otherworldly influences. The story of Richard Wagner is also deeply connected with the works and aspirations of other musicians, intellectuals and artists. It is the grand, heroic search for the “new mythology” that was intended to save the Germanic peoples and usher in a new utopian age of art, music and drama.
The Longing for Myth and Legend
Romantic writers of the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century such as Friedrich Schiller and Johann Wolfgang von Goethe aroused intense nationalist feeling among their readers by incorporating Germanic folk traditions and mythology into their works (Kurlander 6) They used supernatural folk-characters as protagonists whether from such ancient German legends as the King of the Fairies in “The Erl-king” or the vampire in “The Bride of Corinth.” (Kurlander 6) One contemporary of Goethe and Schiller in particular, Johann Gottfried von Herder was fascinated by the ancient Germanic past and his own pagan Teutonic heritage. Composer Richard Wagner deeply shared such sentiments. Herder dug deep to re-discover hidden Germanic roots and German folk-tales and so did Wagner. Both artists thoroughly explored Irish, Finnish, and Norse mythology, even though that of the Irish and Finn’s were not Germanic in origin. “A poet is the creator of the nation around him, who has their souls in his hands to lead them,” declared Herder. (Kurlander 6)
Toward the end of the nineteenth century, the Richard Wagner stood on the threshold of a renewed sense of spirituality and a new German faith that he himself brought forth. Despite his death in 1883, the new artform he created resulted in a tremendous explosion of human creativity, so much in fact one cannot discount the possibility of a secret otherworldly influence.
By 1857, the grand project which was to become the four-part epic Der Ring des Nibelungen, was well under way to eventual completion by Wagner. He had already written the greater part of Das Rheingold, the prelude to the epic. This tetralogy, written in the manner of the Ancient Greeks, complete with a prelude and a main body of three parts, was to receive a rare infusion of ancient Nordic legend and myth. This would not be Wagner’s only work bequeathed with mythological and esoteric characters and symbolism but it was the first of
Wagner’s so-called music dramas, an inclusive art form in itself that embraced everything—music, poetry, drama, the visual and theatrical art—in a mesmerizing synthesis. So powerful was the symbolism, however, that it generated more than just a pure-art form, it developed a new mythology that would speak to generations to follow.
In addition to his operas, Richard Wagner presented a daunting religious world-view mixed with Christian, pagan and humanist ideals that was at times both perplexing and profound. At other times, his doctrinal viewpoint was incomprehensible. Leon Stein best explains the confused nature of Wagner’s religion: “On the surface, the attitude of Wagner toward Christianity may seem to be contradictory and full of paradoxes. To term Wagner anti-Christian is to disregard the affirmative references to Christianity which appear throughout his works; yet, these references are neither as numerous nor as intense as his anti-Christian utterances.” Stein solidifies the notion that as a rule Wagner was more anti-Christian than Christian, and he also makes perfectly clear that the sort of Christianity Wagner embraced was an “idiosyncratic” version that would be alien to most modern-day Christians, and the European Christians of two centuries ago. Many scholars have misinterpreted some of Wagner’s alternative Christian statements as proof that he was essentially a devout Christian, especially those related to the opera Parsifal wherein he talks about the spiritually pure blood of Jesus Christ, as if talking about the concept of grace. This is a very murky area of speculation, as at some points in Wagner’s writings he seems to embrace Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior, and at other times he seems to openly declare a salvation through the pure sacrifice of the “Aryan Christ” and the holy grail of racial purity. For this author, someone who has also undergone this process, this may be a sign of Wagner’s ideological and spiritual evolution, that which all true artists and creative intellects undergo. Nothing is set in stone, and we as commonplace individuals tend to lose sight of this: artists, as well as the average man, change and evolve, which includes their convictions and beliefs.
The main thrust behind Wagner’s music was, in this author’s opinion nationalism, and a prime motive of German nationalism, as it was evolving in Wagner’s time, was to unify the German Folk, the spiritual community of the German people, into a single entity defined by lineage, language and culture. (Luhrssen 10) Wagner sought this unity, and contrary to the viewpoints of the left such a goal when obtained was not negative. What the German nationalists proposed was an ideal state, and although the left may also deride the idea of a German Folk and German Reich as xenophobic concepts, these nationalist goals were both logical and natural. The Second Reich, which was formed through the conquests of the Prussian military leader Bismarck and headed by a Prussian Kaiser, or Emperor, was a disappointing creation that did not electrify the folk, nor did it include all Germans, like those of the Hapsburg Empire in Austria-Hungary. As author David Luhrssen writes: “From the profound disappointment of nationalist idealists emerged the Folkish movement, a transcendental political worldview whose goals included putting German society in harmony with the perceived inner spirit of the German Folk. The German composer Richard Wagner’s son-in-law Houston Stewart
Chamberlain wrote regarding early Folkish intellectuals: “Their disappointment with the results of the long-awaited unity, combined with the effect of the Industrial Revolution, produced a longing for a more genuine unity of the Folk.” The Aryans’ Germanic Folkgeist was seen as arising from the murky woods and marshes of northern Europe. The Aryan race, a term coined by the philologist Friedrich Schlegel in 1819, was seen, again as recognized by Chamberlain states, “ as genuine shapers of the destinies of mankind whether as builders of states or as discoverers of new thoughts and of original art.” Luhrssen writes: “Fascinated by German folk culture and seeking it in the mystic heart of the Folk, the nationalists who laid the foundation for the Folkish movement had already added to the stock of world culture before the German Empire was finally established.
Like folklorists from other lands, they believed in the creativity of the Folk, conceptualized as a collective author whose primal experiences were manifested in sagas, folk songs, and fairy tales.” (Luhrssen 11)
The Brothers Grimm began to publish their famous fairy tales in 1812. Later, Jacob Grimm worked independently of his brother Wilhelm by publishing Germanic Mythology, a scholarly work on the original beliefs and folk traditions of the German race including pagan Teutonic gods, place names and sacred places. As writer Eric Kurlander explains: “A younger generation of Romantic writers, musicians, and artists, led by Grimm brothers and Wagner, drew on this growing palette of German traditionalist myths and folktales for a wider public.” (Kurlander 6) These tales no doubt fascinated and inspired those who were not of German culture and language.
Music Drama & German Ethnicity
In the early nineteenth century, the German-speaking peoples of Central Europe were undergoing a tremendous cultural transformation. This was a new nationalizing revolution that openly embraced the myths and legends of the Teutonic peoples–Norsemen, Goths, Vandals, Burgundians, Franks, Angles, Saxons, and all the other Germanic tribes whose descendants now occupy England, Northern France, Switzerland, Belgium, Holland, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland. In effect, Richard Wagner had begun to reconstruct and popularize Northern European myth and legend in a manner no other artist had to this point. He not only combined Germanic tradition with themes of a more industrialist and post-modernist reality, but also those of the Celtic, Finnish, and Romanic peoples, as well as Christians, in his pursuit of building a new national mythos for modern-day Germans. By mid-19th century standards Wagner was a liberal and a socialist and it was through engaging in German history and the sacred fables which defined them, that the eventual destiny of White humanity would be achieved. His use of mythology, for one, enabled the talented Wagner to make a better argument for his political and economic ideology than he would haranguing the masses on a Dresden street corner.
It was a revival of ancient Western mythology and stories of blood, fire and battle that became a backdrop to the construction of his future operas. He and other nationalist poets and musicians also successfully reconstructed, as far as they were able, the hero’s adventure for which the northern poets of centuries past were so famous. In modern times, this was brought to light by the world renown mythologist Joseph Campbell whose work inspired the ongoing Star Wars and Harry Potter sagas. Wagner heavily utilized the prose renderings of heroic narratives including the Beowulf epic, the Balder-Hother` romance, the Hamlet legend, “The Saga of the Volsungs”, and the less familiar “Dietrich” legends, in which the deeds of the primitive Thor are attached to the memory of the Gothic Emperor of Rome. We see this evolving in the story of one of his earlier operas, Rienzi, one which transfixed an adolescent Adolf Hitler into believing he was the intended messiah that would save the German nation.