This entails, does this allocation of roles, the role of the ultimate sacrifice, in some instances, that of being a sacrifice of the synarchy, served up as a sacrifice of a certain type playing a certain role in the 'practical idealism', of the cabal, be it in the form of a common soldier; a famous musician, or a 'lone nut', in the form of a soldier who blew his lid (in reality, simply being killed by the synarchy in one of their false flag operations or other staged event, itself typically having real consequences, at least in terms of the designated sacrifice, being given the reaper's sigh as their coup de grace and penultimate conclusion of their life's course).
Certain bloodlines, especially, are singled out for this unfortunate treatment (for them), or at least unfortunate for the members thereof who would rather avoid this predetermined fate. Typically, as far as a writer can surmise, given his own life experience and superficial investigation of the public historical record (the various events and occurrences deemed 'history', according to known and investigable sources, Nordic people, especially those blonde−haired and blue−eyed, are targeted for such sacrifices. Crowley had made a comment in his synarchic work "Magic Without Tears", that a masculine child of white race that is virginal is optimal, given its superabundant energy, and this (from the horse's mouth), lends credibility to the conception of this particular strain being most targeted for the cabal's ritual murder, especially given that jewry, as Hitler stated and that jewry are the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge, and therefore, their antipathy toward the blue−eyed, blonde−haired Aryan can be seen in palpable form in their 'ritual murder', about which much has been written throughout history (e.g. Helmut Schramm's "Jewish Ritual Murder").
The jealous hatred of the jew for the Aryan may be one, but certainly not the exclusive factor in the targeting of the Nordico−Germanic type. It is rather the factor of their Hyperborean blood, which motivates the kosher cabal to target and abuse the pure−blooded Aryans, and as they who: 1) not only possess the greatest preponderance of this blood, which is itself real or vital bioenergy, and therefore can furnish them with the greatest amount of life force for themselves, but 2) their blood enables them to pull aside the veil of appearances and to perceive (assuming their consciousness has not been overly confused or perverted by the cabal's cultural simulacra and degenerate culture of materialism and pseudo−spirituality oriented around the symbols of, e.g., the crucified Nazarene), the fabric of reality, and therefore thereby to enable their opposition to the synarchy. Hence, not only are they the Aryans of purest Nordic blood (the descendants of the Æsir), an essential resource for the synarchy and its jewish apparatchiks and oligarchs, but they are also its greatest threat in terms of their being the bearer of the symbol of the Origin encoded in their Graalic blood.
Hence, the necessity of their preservation as a racial−special type and the simultaneous hostility toward them on the part of the oligarchs, the 'elders of Zion'. These same get their spiteful and petty vengeance out against their adversary ('shaitan', they call them), though through their vile and ghoulish rites of torture and murder of those they target. Many of the corrupted bloodlines (morally as well to varying degrees, biologically, genetico−spiritually), play along and happily serve up their own offspring in exchange for the false promise of occult power and earthly treasure.