by HP Mageson666
Satan In The Bible
This is an answer I gave on a topic in the forums that I expanded on here:
Its no mistake the first Communist revolution came from Zoroastrian Persia with Mazdak who claimed to be a prophet of Ahura Mazda, they even used the red banner and Karl Marx wrote on the event and wanted to include honoring Mazdak within the Communist International. The enemy programs always end in Communism.
Mazdak's and his Zoroastrian teachings were also influenced by the Jew, Mani who had been very influential in the Zoroastrian Imperial court and taught a Jewish doctrine that was synthesis of Judaism [Xianity], Zoroastrianism and Buddhism and Mani claimed to the Messiah of the world. Just another Jew promoting the Jews ideology of corrupting the Gentiles. Mani was finally executed by the Persian emperor for being a subversive Jew. The Jews even had their own city in Persia and a major powerful influence within Persia that went all the way to the Persian Emperors. The Jew Mani was able to spread the Jewish program of Christianity around the world due to bending one of the Persian Emperors to his will which is right out of the Jewish book of Esther.
Mani was an Iranian[13][14][15] born in 216 in or near Seleucia-Ctesiphon (now al-Mada'in) in the Parthian Empire.[16] According to the Cologne Mani-Codex,[17] Mani's parents were members of the Jewish Christian Gnostic sect known as the Elcesaites.[18]
The character of Satan in Job is well known by Jewish religious scholars to be taken from the Persian Ahriman who is stolen and corrupted from the Vedic God Rudra [Shiva] and Shiva is Satan the Yezidi's still worship Him and they are Persian Kurds all the main instances of Satan in the Torah are stolen and corrupted from the Pagan God Enki who is Shiva further east and here we will show such. The Zoroastrian cult is of the enemy and is proto Christianity they attempted to destroy the culture and teachings of our Gods and turn Satan and our Gods into evil characters this cult later forms a lot of the basis of Jewish Christianity and Jewish Islam and even many books within the Jewish Torah and Kabballah because the Jews created this program they even brag in their books they took control of the courts of the Persian kings the kings that created and forced Zoroastrianism on the population:
"What is especially interesting in Zarathustra's vision is his redefinition of the old Vedic gods the daevas [Sanskrit devas]. They are turned into devils, companions of evil Ahriman. Ancient Indo-European deities such as Indra, the wielder of thunder, the Ashivns [the heavenly twins], and Sharva, who is none other then Shiva-Rudra, are expressly mentioned as evil spirits. Daeva worshippers are threatened with ETERNAL HELLFIE."
"We can see that Zarathustra turned the sociology of the supernatural worlds topsy-turvy. To him and his followers , the worshippers of the daevas [devas became nonsober, idol devil worshippers. There was litter doubt as far as they were concerned that the devotees of Shiva-Sharva were worshippers of the Evil One [my note Ahriman]."
"The image of Satan, which spooks through all Western religions has its roots in Zarathustra's condemnation of the old gods, specifically of Shiva."
"Mahadev's [Shiva my note] adders and vipers became in Zarathustrian eyes, the very insignia of evil. In older cultures these long-lived reptiles, with their ability to shed their skins were respected as the symbol of life renewing itself, as omens of fertility, of wisdom and of healing[e.g., Aesculapian serpents of ancient Greece]...."
All quotes are from:Shiva, The Wild God Of Power And Ecstasy, Wolf-Dieter Storl, PH.D.
Its well known by scholars the character of Satan in the Garden of Edin is stolen from the Sumerian Eridu texts and is Enki and Enki was the God of the city of Eridu. And its also known that the character of Satan in the book of Enoch is also Enki:
Fallen Angels Are Corrupted From Sumerian Sages Of Enki
The ancient seven sages of Sumeria who were under the direction of Enki, the Apkallus who taught mankind the knowledge of spirituality and civilization. Were the actual "Fallen Angels" who came down to earth from heaven in later Jewish rewritings:
"Apkallus were said to have taught antediluvian sciences to humanity and so, too, were the Watchers. As one scholar concludes, however: "The Jewish authors often inverted the Mesopotamian intellectual traditions with the intention of showing the superiority of their own cultural foundations. [thus]... the antediluvian sages, the Mesopotamian Apkallus, were demonised as the "sons of God" and appear as the Watchers...illegitimate teachers of humankind before the flood."[1]
Enki was also called:
"The serpent Lord was Enki, but in parts of Chaldea he had been called Shaitan..."[2]
So that is where the concept of Satan and the fallen angels is corrupted from. Enki and the Apkallus. In Sumerian writings they are also called: "The fifty who went with Enki from heaven to earth." And "The fifty Annunaki of Eridu." Which is Enki's city in ancient Sumeria. Note the 50 is symbolic of the fifty petals of the chakra's of which the ancient Sanskrit alphabet relates to. This is also the serpent energy and the chakra's. From Heaven to earth from the crown chakra to the root chakra. The city is the Purusha or the cosmic man as well its symbol of the entire being the energy bodies and the physical body.
The early tales of Genesis are stolen and corrupted from the Sumerian's. Enki created Adamu with the red clay of the Apsu and breathes the breath of life into him. Later the Jews stated Yahweh creates Adam with the red dust of the earth and breathes the breath of life into him. They then place Enki in the role as the Devil instead. So they can butt in with their own evil agenda. The original sin they inserted in the Garden of Edin a Sumerian term for the abode of the Gods. Is that of Daath in Hebrew which means the sexual union of the male and female chakra's [Adamu and Eva] which is done by the serpent energy which Enki symbolizes. The Magnum Opus.
The Tree in the Sumerian Garden of Edin is the Mish or Gish Gana tree of life the symbol of Enki. Of which the waters of the Apsu flowed thought the serpent life force.
The Seven sages of Enki are the seven chakra's as well and the Apsu of Enki is the body and soul the energy bodies the nadis the energy pathways that flow with the cosmic waters of the life force. The seven sages wear the symbolic fish imagery to show this. The fish is another way of showing the energy of the life force. Enki taught Mankind the Magnum Opus so they could ascend and become perfected and immortal like the Gods. This is what the enemy considers the original sin. They want spiritually helpless slave Goyim to serve them as God.
The Yezidhi's were part of the ancient Sumerian civilization and they still worship Enki as his ancient name of Satan. They also state they came from ancient India there are words in their language which only appear elsewhere in the Sanskrit Veda's the original Vedic Sanskrit. And they have stated their God is known as Murrugan in India who also has the serpent and peacock we can also note:
"Enki is the Middle Eastern counterpart of Murrugan, whose symbol of the Makara, a creature that is half fish and half antelope, is an eastern version of Enki's goat-fish, the Kerabu. The Makara and Kerabu are both symbols of the first sign of the Zodiac, Capricorn, so Enki-Murrugan, the primal life force that began the universe, eternally begins the astrological year."[3]
Murrugan is the ancient title of Shiva and the Hindu's state Shiva created Adimu and Eva in the Garden of Paradise in ancient Sri Lanka before the flood. When it was still a larger continent. They state Shiva and the Gods had a physical presence on the earth at this time in Kumara Kandam this place in the first Sagha and taught mankind the knowledge of the serpent power yoga and how to ascend. The ancient Ayrans stated they came from this place originally but moved outwards after most or the original land sunk. They migrated to North India, and outwards. The Yezidhi's are called the blonde blood line.
The ancient American records have the same account as the Sumerian's of identical looking sages lead by the White God Viracocha arriving and teaching them civilization. The image of Virachocha is a White Man with a beard dressed in the same way you would see in Sumeria. These are also called the Votan's in other places of ancient America. Votan is the ancient name of Shiva in the east. In Sri Lanka, Buddha is called Wotan and this is originally a title of Shiva.[4]
Sons Of God, Acharya S