Joy of Satan Ministries’ perspective
Perhaps I can help, he is referring Sanat Kumara as Satan given its literal meaning TRUTH or state of eternal light, kinda the same way the Christians refer the trinity to the same thing where the Jew is god and the so called holy spirt compels one to think so.
In reality Lucifer is his name, all the others are simply titles he took or people gave him Enki= lord over earth Satan= Truth which I’m pretty sure he only took as a title once the Jews perverted the meaning to adversary so to them Truth= enemy, but I’m not sure. same way Enlil was never know as Beelzebub ( lord of files) it was BaalZebub (Lord over all that flies) but it later became a name he seldom accepted
So in closing when you dedicate to Satan you don’t dedicate as much to Lucifer (sorta) as you dedicate to the pursuit of Knowledge, and Truth.
That’s how I see it anyway, sorry I couldn’t fully answer your question
The very negative traits of ego mind personality the Christards project onto Satan Lucifer, is really that of the egoism of Christ consciousness. Every Christard is a arrogant, domineering, heatless, hateful, deceiving and resentful, shallow human being. Just like their Jewish false god.
Serrano is largely confused over what any person knowing a little Ancient Greek would understand. The "Kristos" character is a gross destruction of the term of Chrismenos/Christos which has to do with a person initiated in the mysteries. It's just a blank unimportant title and nothing else, such as saying "Great" or "King" or whatever of an epithet. It's an epithet and that is all. This is to be detested and blotted out as it has so grossly related into the jewtrix and is so useless and infested with damning energy, designed specifically to turn people insane, no different than Islam.
The Jews of Alexandria and Early Rome took this and manufactured a jewish character out of this to enslave the world with and cause massive confusion, both due to vile intentions and spiritual illiteracy. This was done on purpose to wage war into the spiritual teachings of the Roman empire, and subvert them by creating a decoy.
Anything resembling "Christ" is to be blotted out from anything spiritual as it holds no value whatsoever. Stupid attempts have been made to bridge this irrelevant thing with highly relevant Satanic information which is mostly subversionist propaganda by people who cannot leave "Christ" behind, because they are brainwashed and they cannot fathom or want to accept that the Jews subverted us in the worst possible manner and created "Christ" as a character into a major psyop to spiritually disable our race and brainwash them in Levantine schizophrenia.