Miguel Serrano collected works
from: “The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom”, Nimrod de Rosario
Hebrew Holy Scriptures - Jewish Kabbalah - the Book of Raziel - the Shekhinah
As you know, Dr. Siegnagel, the "holy book" par excellence, for the Jews, is the Torah, which is
essentially composed of the five books of the Pentateuch as presented by the Scribe Ezra in the 5th
century B.C.E. But this is the written Torah, Torah Shebikhtab, which must be considered as a profane,
exoteric Doctrine, since its true "Divine Wisdom", Hokhmah, is encrypted in the Scripture and cannot be
interpreted without knowing the cryptographic keys of the Kabbalah. There is also an oral Torah, Torah
Shebalpeh, which deals with these keys and constitutes the esoteric Doctrine known to the members of
the "Kabbalistic chain", shalsheleth haqabbalah.
The main theme of the Torah is the Sinaitic revelation, that is, the Hokhmah that Jehovah, YHVH, reveals
to Moses on Mount Sinai and which is synthesized in the Decalogue of the Tablets of the Law. Now,
Moses received the Tablets, Mocheh Qibbel Thorah Mi Sinai, on Mount Sinai, and from this fact the
kabbalistic chain must necessarily start, since Cabbala comes from the verb qabbel which means to
However, if the shalshleth haquabbalah begins with Moses, it must be remembered that he received
two Tablets of the Law: only the first contained the revelation of the "Divine Wisdom", Hokhmah, the
object of the esoteric Doctrine of the Kabbalah; the second were an exoteric synthesis of the first and
were ciphered, like all the written Torah. According to the Kabbalah, the first Tablets came from the
Tree of Life, i.e., from the Intelligence of the One, Binah, while the second were taken from the side of
the Tree of Good and Evil.
The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, whose fruit he had eaten, was the cause of Adam's
expulsion from Paradise: - "Then said the Lord God, Behold, the Man is become as one of us, because he
knew Good and Evil. Lest now he put forth his hand, and take also of the Tree of Life, and eat thereof,
and become immortal. And the LORD God cast him out of the Garden of Eden to till the ground with
which he was created. So he cast out the man, and placed at the east of the Garden of Eden cherubim
armed with swords of fire, to guard the way of the Tree of Life" (Genesis, 3).
Therefore, the second tablets are intended for those who wish to redeem themselves from the sin of
Adam but who still remain subject to it; the first, on the other hand, reveal the Hochmah to those who
have risen above the human condition, to the "Adamic state," and who deserve to gain the immortality
that proceeds from Binah, the Intelligence of the Tree of Life: these can only be, of course, the Highest
Priests of the Chosen People. That is why Moses veiled the Hokhmah from the people and communicated
it only to Joshua; Joshua transmitted it to the Elders of Israel and these to the Prophets. Solomon hid the
first Tablets in the Temple and magically sealed the hiding place, in such a way that they could only be
found in the 12th century.
A.D.J.C. by the Templars, who transported it to Clairvaux. Other prophets, however, verbally
communicated the Hokhmah to the Priests of the Great Synagogue, who continued the cabalistic chain.
After the Babylonian captivity there were no more Prophets in Israel and Ezra, the Scribe, presented to
the Jewish people the exoteric Doctrine of the written Torah, based on the second Tablets of the Law.
That doctrine was sustained by the Priests of the Great Synagogue, who were then called Scribes,
Sofrim, until reaching the Tannaites, Tannaim, from the first to the third century A.D.C. The great
Kabbalists of that period, among whom Simeon ben Yohai, called "The Holy Lamp", stands out,
managed to transcend the written Torah and obtain the Hokhmah again. Subsequently, the oral Torah
was transmitted by the Amoraites, Amoraim, and Rabbis, Rabbi, until the Middle Ages.
Apart from the written Torah, three books can be considered the most important for Jewish kabbalists:
the Sepher Ha Zohar, the Sepher Yetsirah, and the Sepher Icheh. The Sepher Ha Zohar, or Book of
Splendor, was written by Simeon ben Yohai in the second century A.D., but the only extant version since
the thirteenth century is the Aramaic translation by the Spanish kabbalist Moses de Leon. The Sepher
Yetsirah, or Book of Formation, is older, and the traditional kabbalistic chain traces its origin to
Abraham. But by far the most secret and mysterious book, as well as the most coveted by kabbalists, is
the Sepher Icheh, or Book of the Holocaust of Fire, which is supposed to be contemporary with Adam
and to have come, like the first man, from the Garden of Eden. In truth, the original book would have
been written in Paradise by the Angel Raziel for the instruction of Adam, and its contents would be the
Hokhmah itself; that mystical book should not be confused with the "Book of Raziel", written in the
twelfth century by the kabbalist Eleazar ben Judah, of Worms, and based on second-hand news about
the Sapphire Tablets.
According to rabbinic tradition, the true Book of Raziel, engraved Sapphire Tablets, would have been
stolen from Paradise by Rahab, King of the Sea, and thrown into the Ocean; then, it would be found by
the Egyptians and would remain for millennia in the possession of the Pharaohs. Moses would take it
with him in the Exodus and would bequeath it to Joshua, from whom, following the cabalistic chain, it
would reach King Solomon. He would obtain his famous Wisdom, Hokhmah, by interpreting the
Sapphire Tablets of the Book of Raziel, but, realizing its enormous power, he would hide it in the
Temple so that only the Golen Templars would find it among its ruins twenty-one centuries later. It is
clear, Dr. Siegnagel, in the light of what has already been exposed in this letter, that the Sapphire
Tablets and the Tablets of the Law are one and the same thing; that is to say, that the first Tablets, with
the Hokhmah coming from the Tree of Life, are none other than the Book of Raziel given to Moses in
Egypt by the Priests of the Cultural Pact. The explanation is the following: If we strip the Hebrew myth
of its cultural disguise, it turns out that Rahab is none other than Poseidon, "King of the Sea", and
legendary Ruler of Atlantis.
Thus we arrive at Atlantis, the "Garden of Eden", homeland of the "first man": from that "Paradise Lost"
came the dark Atlanteans, founders of the Egyptian priestly hierarchy. After the cataclysm, they would
have transported to Egypt one of the "Crystal Books" that existed in the Library of Atlantis, which
contained the record of the Construction of the Universe by the One God, YHVH Elohim. That Crystal
Book would be the Book of Raziel, in which were recorded the thirty-two operations executed by the
Creator to build the Universe: ten Sephiroth and twenty-two Letters. In other words, the Tablets taught,
by means of signs, the twenty-two sounds and measures of the sacred alphabet.
"employed by the One Creator, YHVH Elohim", from which the Hebrew alphabet derives, and the Cosmic
Form adopted by Him to create and sustain the Universe, i.e., the ten Sephiroth: this is what is known as
"the Secret of the Serpent".
In the Time of Moses, the Egyptian Priests did not know how to interpret the Tablets, but they
remembered that the dark Atlanteans had left them there to be given to the "Chosen People of the
One" as the foundation of a Divine Alliance. Moses then secretly receives the Tablets of Stone and
departs with his people for Mount Zion, where Jehovah celebrates the Covenant of Fire, Berith Esch, and
reveals the Hokhmah of the Tablets of the Law: the retribution demanded by Jehovah to the Chosen
People would consist, as it is clear from the statements of Bera and Birsa, in the Supreme Holocaust of
Fire, Icheh, from where the book that the Immortals requested to the four Priests in the Castle of
Aracena takes its name.
In short, the Templars found the first Tablets of the Law, the Book of Raziel, which enabled the Golen
Church to obtain the Hokhmah for the College of Temple Builders and to launch the Gothic or Gaulic
architectural revolution. But, although the mathematical kabalistic, i.e., gematric, decipherment of the
Book of Raziel made it possible to know the secrets of the Construction of the Cosmos, certain images
seen in it remained incomprehensible to the Cistercian Golen: it was these visions, symbolically
represented by the Golen Rabbis and Priests, that constituted the Book Sepher Icheh. The figures,
largely referring to the Supreme Holocaust of Fire, and entitled in Hebrew and Latin, were only
beginning to be understood by the Golen from the explanations of Bera and Birsa.
Today, Dr. Siegnagel, it is believed that only one copy of the Sepher Icheh exists, which is kept in a
secret Synagogue in Israel, to which only the Sages of Zion have access: They do not allow copies of it to
be made and only authorize the highest Rabbis and Initiates of the Kabbalah to have visual contact, any
later representation or reproduction of what is observed being condemned to ritual death. However,
apart from this Israeli copy, there is another copy of the Sepher Icheh: it is the one that the Inquisitor
Ricardo "The Cruel", Ricardo de Tarseval, that is, the father of Lito de Tharsis, sequestered in the Great
Synagogue of Granada, and that he brought to America in 1534. It is a fairly reliable replica of the
Templar book, dated in Granada in 1333, that is, after the dissolution of the Order, and probably copied
from the original book that the Golen and Rabbis took with them when they fled from France. From that
Granada edition, which for centuries has been in a trunk in our house in Tucumán, is the facsimile of
page 12 that I am enclosing for a better understanding of the descriptions of Bera and Birsa.
– Very well, Priests! - exclaimed Bera, while attentively examining the figure that had been exposed on
page 12 of the Sepher Icheh. Your Order has performed a Great Work in depicting in images the Wisdom
of the Book of Raziel. But the danger of such a Hokhmah falling into the power of the Gentiles is
enormous: you must therefore avoid unnecessary copies of this book and submit it to the most rigorous
control. What would become of our plans, which are the Plans of YHVH, if the Gentiles were to
remember the Secret of the Pomegranate Tree, of the Rimmon Tree, practically revealed by this
drawing? What
Would we respond if they knew again that a Pomegranate Tree was the Tree of Life, the Tree of
Paradise that Adam was not allowed to reach in order to prevent him from knowing the Secret of Life
and Death? The Gentiles already know that the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil was an Apple
Tree and have related it to the Rose, understanding that it is a family of plants among which the Almond
Tree is also counted; they know, thus, that in all of them there are different parts of a unique Message,
of an idea shaped by the One Creator. However, they will never be able to relate the Pomegranate Tree
to any other Tree to form a family, because Rimmon is the Archetype of Creation: in it they will discover
elements similar to those of all the other species, but it cannot be derived from any other; like YHVH, it
embraces them all with its Form, but it is embraced by no one. The mission that we will entrust to you
has to do with the Pomegranate Tree of Life, but it especially refers to one of its Fruits, the Sephirha
Binah, from which you will have to draw inspiration to combat the atrocious heresy of the House of
– Yes, Priests! Although the Tharsis Strain is dead, the effect of its luciferic acts still remains, not the
least of which is the Cult of the Virgin of the Grotto. Against this imposture you will begin to fight
immediately, developing the attack according to the instructions that we will now give you! At this
moment History, which the Most Holy One has designed for the Chosen People, smiles upon us: soon
the Universal Synarchy will be established in Europe; then the World Government of the Chosen People
will arise, during which the irresistible Power of the Messiah, for whom the Holocaust of Fire will be
offered, will be manifested upon Gentile humanity. But long before that marvelous act takes place, I
would tell you that in the present days, if possible, the Order of Melchizedek will raise in the Sefard of
Spain a man of the House of Israel endowed with the Word of Metatron; he will possess the necessary
Hokhmah to close the Gates opened by the Hyperborean Demons and to open the Gates of the Celestial
Palaces, Hekhaloth, of Eden; the kabalistic name of this High Priest is "Quiblon". Quiblon will be
endowed with great Power: he will rise from nothingness and will drag the whole of Spain after the Gold
that he will offer them in abundance. Blind, like Perseus, Spain will raise her Sword and cut off Three
Heads of Medusa in a lair, beyond the Tenebrous Sea, in a new Tartarus, whose path he will teach them.
– Pay attention, Priests, for we are prophesying to you! It is the Word of YHVH that flows from our lips!
We repeat: Chiblon will be an envoy from Heaven, an ambassador of YHVH. And you must know that
this region of Huelva has been designated by Melchizedek as the seat of the Embassy of Chiblon, as the
port and harbor of his magical journeys. Yes; the land where the greatest post-Atlantis sacrifice was
committed, the land where the white Atlanteans began their luciferic plan destined to predispose the
Uncreated Spirit to wage a Final Battle against the Goodness of The One Creator, this land, Priests, will
be redeemed from its sin, blessed and sanctified, by the Triple Holocaust of Quiblon.
That is why we let you know, in due time, that you should occupy La Peña de Saturno: have you done so?
– Indeed, O Divine Aralim! - confirmed the Grand Master of the Temple, who was still waiting
for the explanation of the Mystery of the Fire Stone.
As soon as we received your message, we requested papal authorization and took possession of the
Convent of La Rabida, in order to establish ourselves on the site of the Peña de Saturno.
– Well, you should also know that Rus Baal, or Rock of Saturn, is a place consecrated to Binah, the
Aspect in which YHVH manifests Himself as the Great Mother: when Chiblon reaches this sacred place,
YHVH will reflect in it the Shekhinah and will endow it with the Word of Metatron. How many times has
the Shekhinah descended to Earth?
– Ten times in front of Israel! -Rabbi Nasi hastened to reply:
1°: in the Garden of Eden: "And they heard the sound of the footsteps of YHVH Elohim walking in the
Garden of the breeze of the day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of YHVH
Elohim in the grove of the Garden" [Genesis, 3,8].
2°: to observe the Tower of Babel: "YHVH went down to see the city and the tower which the sons of
men were building" [Genesis 11:5].
3°: in Sodom: "YHVH said: I will go down and see if they have done according to all the cry that came to
me; and if not, I will know it" [Genesis, 18,21].
4°: in the Burning Bush: "And YHVH appeared to him in a flame of fire in the midst of a bush; and Moses
saw the bush burning with fire, but it was not consumed" [Exodus 3:2].
5°: in Egypt: "I have come down, in Egypt, to deliver my people out of the hands of the Egyptians and to
bring them up out of that country to a good and spacious land, to a land flowing with milk and honey, to
the place where the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Perizzites, the Hivivites, and
the Jebusites dwell" [Exodus, 3,8].
6°: on Mount Sinai: "YHVH came down on Mount Sinai, on the top of the mountain. And YHVH called
Moses to the top of the Mount" [Exodus, 19,20].
7°: on the Elders: "YHVH descended in the cloud and spoke to him; and he took of the Spirit that was in
him and put it on the seventy Elders. And as soon as the Spirit rested upon them, they began to
prophesy; but afterward they could prophesy no more" [Numbers 11:25].
8°: over the Red Sea: "He bowed the heavens and came down, thick clouds were under his feet" [II
Samuel, 22,10].
9°: in the Sanctuary of the Temple: "YHVH said to me: This door shall be shut. It shall not be opened,
that no man may enter by it, because YHVH, the God of Israel, has entered by it; therefore it shall be
shut" [Ezekiel 44:2].
10: He will come in the time of Gog and Magog: "Then YHVH will go out and fight against those nations,
as he fought in the days of the battle (of Atlantis). And his feet shall stand upon the Mount of Olives,
which is before Jerusalem, on the east; and the Mount of Olives shall cleave in the midst thereof toward
the east and toward the west, and shall form a great valley: half of the mount shall be turned aside
toward the north, and half of it toward the south. And YHVH shall be King over all the earth. In that Day
YHVH shall be one, and only one
shall be his name. The whole land shall be changed into a plain, from Gibeon to Rimmon, that is,
Grenada, in the Negeb. But Jerusalem shall prevail" [Zechariah 14:3].
– And once among the Chosen People! -added the Abbot of Clairvaux:
11°: on the Messiah: "As soon as Jesus was baptized, he came up immediately out of the water; and at
that the heavens were opened, and he saw the Spirit of YHVH descending like a dove, and coming upon
him, while a voice came out of the heavens, saying, "This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well
pleased"" [Matthew, 3.16].
– Take note, then, of two more times when the Shekhinah will descend to Earth! -Bera advised. The
11th, which the Abbot mentioned, is marked by the letter Aleph (1), which governs the essence of Air: it
was a pneumatic descent, symbolized by the bird of the Banner of Israel. This means that Christianity
constitutes a Holocaust of Air for YHVH Shaddai:
The 12th, which we now announce to you, will occur on the Rock of Saturn, in Rus Baal, in front of
Chiblon, when Chiblon seeks there the Intelligence of the Great Mother Binah: it will be a descent
marked by the letter Mem (13), which expresses the essence of Water. This means that the Discovery of
Chiblon will constitute a Holocaust of Water for YHVH Shaddai.
And the 13th, will happen during the World Government of the Chosen People, then the Shekhinah will
descend upon the Messiah, in front of Israel; and the Messiah will be One with Israel; and Israel will be
One with the Shekhinah; and Israel will be One with YHVH; and Israel will be YHVH: Blessed be the
Mystery of Israel!And Israel Shekhinah will put an end forever to all the Gentiles, and to two thirds of its
own blood, bringing about the Judgment of Din of Elohim Gibor, the rigorous Judgment of Geburah; and
Israel Shekhinah will fulfill the Sentence of YHVH Sebaoth, which has already been pronounced in the
Heavens: that will be a descent characterized by the letter Sin (21), which defines the essence of Fire.
This means that the Judgment of the Judgment of Din, of the Final Judgment, will constitute a Holocaust
of Fire for YHVH Shaddai.
The four priests listened with inordinate interest to the words of the Immortals, but the most impressed
was the Grand Master of the Temple, directly responsible for the occupation of Rus Baal from the
Convent of Our Lady of La Rabida.
In the second century A.D.C., always furtively, Bera and Birsa arrive in Huelva; but this time they do not
attack the House of Tharsis but they go to Rus Baal, "to supervise the Cult of Proserpina by order of
Melchizedek", a High Priest of the White Fraternity. After the departure of the Immortals, the Temple
of the region of Palos begins to gain fame for the miracles performed by the Goddess, the main one of
which consists in the cure of hydrophobia: from all the regions of the peninsula, and even from
overseas, those bitten or infected by the bites of dogs came to recover their lost health. Only now,
when they heard Birsa say "against dogs, the illusion of rabies", did the four priests understand that
those ancient miracles were related to the powers of Bera and Birsa.
A century later, in 159, the missionary Ciriaco converted the Rus Baal Cult into Christianity by simply
identifying Proserpina with the Virgin Mary, called "Our Lady" from then on.
of La Rabida", since the Goddess continued to cure hydrophobia. But then, as Mary "Mother of God",
Proserpina-Persephone was already a finished image of the Hebrew Great Mother Binah. The name "of
the Rábida" was, therefore, five hundred years before the denomination, Rapta or Rapita with which the
Arabs indicated the hermitage built in Rus Baal, on the foundations of the old Chapel of Our Lady of the
Rábida. After the Reconquest, the hermitage passed in principle to the hands of the solitary monks of
San Francisco, who built the Convent with its current dimensions, but it was soon granted by the Pope
to the Templars, who occupied it until the dissolution of their Order. Bishop St. Macarius, to celebrate
the liberation of the Convent, donated to the soldier Constantine Daniel a sculpture that tradition
attributed to the Apostle St. Luke and representing the Virgin Mary.
At the moment I am evoking, when the Immortals Bera and Birsa were gathered with the four Priests in
the Castle of Aracena, that sculpture was still in the Convent of La Rabida, in Rus Baal, in front of the
district of Palos While the Golen marched with the Celts towards Europe, the Kingdom of Judah, in the Middle East, was
destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and its population taken into captivity to Babylon in 597 B.C.E. They were
liberated in 536 and, twenty years later, in 516, they rebuilt the Temple of Solomon without finding the
ark with the Tablets of the Law. In the 4th century they were dominated by Alexander's Greeks and in
the 2nd century they allied with the Romans against the Greeks (140 B.C.). After the death of Julius
Caesar the Senate of Rome granted the title of King of Judea to Herod I, in the year 37 B.C.E. and in the
first year of the Christian Era (or in 4 B.C.E. if you like) the Savior, Jesus of Nazareth, the Christ, was
born. (289)
At the outbreak of the Punic Wars; in 264 B.C., the Golen believed that the opportunity to fulfill the
Prophecies had arrived. (Page 69).
Then the government of Carthage, following the instructions of the Golen Priests, commissioned in 237
B.C.E. to Hamilcar Barca the conquest of Spain. This invasion, the last that Tartessos was to endure, was
the subject of a family saga of oral legends called "The Attack of the Twenty-two Golen".
The saga tells that in the year 229, by means of a skillful and unexpected withdrawal of troops, General
Barca manages to "surprise sleeping Tartessos", like the Argosian Perseus to Medusa, and subdues it
with blood and fire. (Page 69).
To the death of Hamilcar Barca, in 228 B.J.C., his son Asdrubal Barca succeeds him, but, after being
assassinated in 220 B.J.C., his son, Hannibal Barca, assumes the command of the Carthaginian army. The
grandson of Hannibal invaded the Greek colony of Sagunto in 219 B.C.E., which was under the
protection of Rome, and with this action began the Second Punic War, which would end in 201 B.C.E.,
with the unconditional surrender of Carthage. Thirty years after the destruction of Tartessos, Spain was
free forever from the Carthaginian invader! But it was too late for Tartessos: the new Roman occupant
would not leave the peninsula until the dismemberment of his own empire, six hundred years later.
"In the year 30 of the Christian Era the Word became flesh and dwelt among men." He by whose Word
the World was created, put on the garb of his Hebrew Archetype, Malkhouth, and manifested himself
to men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth.
However, since the year 33 of the Christian Era, it can be assured that the Judaic Archetype of Jesus Christ
is now the psychological Archetype of man,
that is, the type towards which it tends by evolution (Page 288).
"The plans of the White Brotherhood are being fulfilled in all their parts. In the year 1000, after having
frightened Europe with the "proximity of the Last Judgment", the Golens take a great step forward by
exposing to the German Emperor their project of rebuilding the Western Roman Empire with
capital in Rome and to get the latter to agree to move the capital of the Empire from its German base:
although such a project would not materialize, the idea was already launched and would influence for
two hundred and fifty years the imperial objectives of the German kingdom. (Page 110).
"The Synod of Clermont of the year 1095 is employed by Pope Golen Urban II, recent prior of Cluny, to
call for war against the infidels and to liberate the Church of the East..." (Page 111).
"The Benedictine monk Robert received in 1098 the order to retire to the vicinity of Citeaux: in 1100, as
soon as the news of the capture of Jerusalem was known, Pope Paschal II put him in charge of the
Cistercian Abbey and entrusted him with the reform of the Cluniac rule. (Page 112).
"On the basis of the Regula Monachorum of St. Benedict, he and his successor Alberic introduced
substantial changes with respect to Cluny: the monks returned to manual labor, asceticism and solitude,
that is, secrecy, were insisted upon more rigorously, and the clothing was changed: From now on the
Cistercians did not wear the classic black habit of the Cluniacs and Benedictines, but a white one, similar
to the ancient tunic of the Golen of Roman Gaul, and to that of the Levitical priests who guarded the Ark
with the Tablets of the Law in Israel. In 1112 the community is ready to receive the group of Initiates
that will give it its definitive conformation: they are thirty-one, among them Saint Bernard with five of
his family, all Golen". (112)
"The most important thing to note now is that in the year 1128, the Ark is installed in Clairvaux, in the
possession of the highest dignitaries of the Synagogue and the Golen Church, in the heart of the
College of Temple Builders. This is how the second movement developed". (113)
For this secret purpose, St. Bernard convened a Council in 1128 in Troyes, in the Champagne region,
which was attended in its entirety by Benedictine and Cistercian clerics: Bishops, Abbots and Priors of
all the monasteries of the Order, who were aware of the importance of the event and wished to
observe closely the terrible Immortals Bera and Birsa, who were also present. (113)
"Thus, in the year 1128, when Bera and Birsa celebrated the Golen Council of Monzón, the Kingdom of
Huelva was subordinated to the Taifa of Seville (140).
"If his great Ancestors were Gods, his close relatives had been no less powerful: his grandfather was
Kabul Khan69, the first organizer of the Mongol tribes and military conqueror; and his father, Yesügei,
had taken the nickname of Ba' atur, i.e., "the Brave". His mother Hö'elün brought him into the world in
"the year of the pig" of 1167, i.e. he was 27 years older than Frederick II, born in 1194." (page 675).
"The name of that place was Montsegur and its Lord, as well as all his family and his subjects, was
counted among the believers of the Cathar Church. In the year 1202 the Pure Men asked Ramon de
Perella to have a strange stone building built in Montsegur in the form of a
pentagonal asymmetrical: unfit for defense, unsuitable for habitation, aesthetically shocking, the work
was nevertheless conceived according to the Highest Hyperborean Strategy". (Page 126).
"In 1202 the Golen considered that the conditions were ripe for the execution of their plans and decided
to set a deadly trap for the Count of Toulouse, Raymond VI: the mechanism of this trap aimed at
providing a justification for the imminent destruction of the civilization of Oc and the Cathar
extermination; and the artifice, devised to deceive the prey, was a propitiatory victim, a Cistercian monk
of the abbey of Fontfroide named Peter of Castelnau". (Page 127).
"At first, Innocent III sent special legates to travel through the country of Oc while he began a maneuver
aimed at subjecting the King of Aragon, Peter II, to the vassalage of St. Peter, which he achieved in 1204:
In that year Peter II was crowned in Rome by the Pope, who gave him the royal insignia, mantle,
colobium, scepter, globe, crown and mitre; then he demanded an oath of fidelity and obedience to the
Pontiff, of defense of the Catholic faith, of protection of the ecclesiastical rights in all his lands and
lordships, and of fighting heresy to the death". (Page 127).
"Thus, Innocent III, who in 1204 crowned him (Peter II) and appointed him gonfaloniere, that is, senior
ensign of the Church, now considered him also a heretic."(Page 129).
His Purity of Blood was so high that he became worthy of a representation of the Sign of Origin, the
highest Hyperborean distinction of the 13th century after the Gral, which was entrusted to the Occitan
Cathars. That is why when a Diet of Mongol Chiefs and Kings met in 1206 in Karakorum, and elected him
"Khan", Temujin proudly exhibited the sign that had given him the triumph over his enemies and allowed
him to concretize the unity of his Race: that sign, which he displayed on his ring and banner, was none
other than the levorotatory swastika, the same one that seven hundred years later would be worn in the
most glorious deeds by another Hyperborean people, but this time of the White Race. (Page 675).
I will show you now, Lupus, how Genghis Khan plays his part in the Tyr Strategy. In 1206 he unites all
the Mongol tribes and begins the conquest of China (Page 676).
In 1208, after having a dispute with Raymond VI because of the violent repression he demanded against
the Cathar heresy, Peter of Castelnau was assassinated by the Golen themselves and the responsibility
for the crime fell on the Count of Toulouse: the trap had been closed. Innocent III's response to the
assassination of his legate would be the proclamation of a holy Crusade against the Occitan heretics.
Logically, the call for this Crusade was entrusted to the Congregation of the Cistercians (Page 127).
"The year is 1208 and, while the people find themselves affirmed in these positions, Pope Innocent III
announces the Crusade in retaliation for the death of his legate Peter of Castelnaux." (Page 136)." (Page
The Cistercians called for the Crusade throughout Europe after the death of Peter of Castelnau, that is,
from 1208. In July 1209, the largest army ever seen in those lands crossed the Rhone and marched
towards the country of Oc; as its leader, Innocent III appointed a Golen who seemed to have emerged
from the very bowels of Hell: Arnaud Amalric, Abbot of Citeaux, the mother monastery of the Cistercian
It ends in 1212 when Peter II complains to Innocent III about the action of open conquest that the
Crusaders are carrying out in his country; the Pope tries to stall him to give time to the Crusaders.
Golen to complete the annihilation of Catharism and the destruction of the civilization of Oc, but, at the
insistence of the Aragonese monarch, he ends up showing his true game and excommunicates him. (Page
But things did not "look" so clear from Mongolia; indeed, it was suspicious that the Frankish King Philip
Augustus was not personally involved in the Cathar massacre and, what was even more striking, that all
of France had been called into question between 1200 and 1213 by Innocent III because of the King's
concubinage with a mistress. Which of the Kings, the German or the Frankish, was finally the ally
mentioned by the Siddhas (Page 677)? (Page 677).
"I will now show you, Lupus, how Genghis Khan fulfills his part in the Tyr Strategy. In 1206 he unites all
the Mongol tribes and begins the conquest of China, and in 1215, with the capture of Peking, he
reaches the eastern boundary of Asia. From then on, it only remains to make contact with the "King of
the West" (Page 676).
Also the coming of Quiblon would be delayed 180 years. And in that year the Valentinians settled in
Turdes. Yes, 1315 was a great year that the Lords of Tharsis still remembered with sympathy: it was
even said to be one of the best years in the history of the House of Tharsis. And now they understood
that for their Skioldan brothers it was an ill-fated year, the worst in their history! The Enemy then took
an atrocious revenge against them: he tried to extinguish their Styria in retaliation for the destruction of
the Order of the Temple! Hence they said, after each execution, "For Molay, for Quiblon!", imitating
Charles de Tharsis, when he said to the Golen who were to die on the bonfires of Senz: "-".
By Navutan and the Blood of Tharsis"-"damned Golen; damned members of the
Chosen People; cursed Bera and Birsa: a new account to settle in the Final Battle! (Page 380).
"The terrible Inquisitor that was Ricardo de Tharsis was married to a sweet Lady who was the
granddaughter of the Count of Tarseval, that is to say, she was his second niece. From that union, Lito de
Tharsis was born in 1502, whom the father intended to reserve as his successor in the task of
exterminating the Spanish Jews and Golen".
In 1522, Richard, realizing that this predisposition for knowledge had to be directed, sent him to Turdes
so that the Men of Stone could initiate him in the Hyperborean Wisdom. The Noyos had restored the
Virgin of the Grotto in the Private Chapel of the Manor House, although the Stone Child now lacked the
right hand, strangely mutilated on the Night of the Lye.
"In the House of Tharsis the suspicion began to be founded that they were in the presence of the
Initiate announced by Captain Kiev, the one who would see the Lithic Sign of K'Taagar in the Stone of
Venus. That presumption began to be affirmed when Lito manifested his vocation for the Noyvrayado
and decided to take the Guard of the Wise Sword: in 1525, without any difficulty, he entered the Secret
Cavern and
remained there for a term of five years....
"In the year 1527 Juan Ampúes founded there the town of La Vela de Santa Ana de Coro, where he
settled in 1528 Ambrosius de Alfinger, the first Governor appointed by the Welser, who took as
lieutenant Nicolaus Federmann.
"The mystery of that immutable vision became clearer as time went by and by the end of 1529 Lito de
Tharsis had already formed a general idea of its meaning; dreams and telepathic messages provided
him with the complementary information he needed. According to his conviction, the Stone of Venus
was revealing that place located "in a distant and unknown country" mentioned by Captain Kiev; a
country that existed "beyond the Western Sea", the Messages of the Gods now added, and that could
only be in the recently discovered America.
"In 1530, after that meeting of Lito de Tharsis with the Hombres de Piedra to decide the trip to America,
they discover through news from the Vrunaldine branch the existence of that relative, and they contact
him through the slow correspondence that the Dominicans maintained with the missionary friars. (page
"The Welsers, however, gave the position to Georg de Spira, a man of prestige who had notable
influences and powerful friends, appointing Federmann Lieutenant General to the Governor in
compensation. And it was in 1533, while the German was busy equipping the Welser fleet, that they all
came together in Seville. (page 362)
"The first Nao sent by Francisco Pizarro with a sample of Atahualpa's ransom arrived in Seville on
December 5, 1533, and the second, with Hernando Pizarro on board, on January 9, 1534; they carried
100,000 castellanos of gold, about 450 kilograms, which only constituted one third of what was due to
the King: in Peru, Francisco Pizarro had by then seized nine tons (9,000 kg.) of pure gold and fifty
(50,000 kg.) of silver. Such facts put the avid Welser, who wanted to obtain a similar revenue from their
American colony, into a frenzy and accelerated the departure of Georg de Spira and Nicolaus de
Federmann. At the end of
In January 1534, the fleet that brought Lito de Tharsis and the five Men of Stone that accompanied him
to America set sail from Seville on the Guadalquivir (page 362).
"How did that Instrument come into our possession? At first I will tell you that it was brought to America
by my ancestor Lito de Tharsis, who disembarked in Colonia Coro in 1534 and, a few years later, founded
the Tucuman branch of the Estirpe".
"Vain were, in this case, the attempts made by generations of Priests to get rid of the
Wise Sword, so called by the people: as you will see, it was kept as long as possible, and then, when this
was no longer possible, it was kept hidden until the days of Lito de Tharsis, the ancestor who came to
America in 1534." (page 38).
"However, apart from this Israeli copy, there is another copy of the Sepher Icheh: it is the one seized
from the Great Synagogue of Granada by the Inquisitor Ricardo "The Cruel", Ricardo de Tarseval, that is,
the father of Lito de Tharsis, and which he brought to America in 1534. (page 165).
"Nicolaus de Federmann continued his explorations, always disobeying the orders of Georg de Spira. In
1539, together with Jiménez de Quesada and Sebastián de Belalcazar, Governors of Santa Marta and
Quito respectively, with whom he met in the middle of the jungle, he founded the city of
Santa Fe de Bogotá (Page 365)
"In 1543, in fact, the Governor of Peru, Cristobal Vaca de Castro, aware of the unsuccessful
persecution carried out by Almagro, decided to try his luck with a new expedition.
Officially, an attempt will be made to explore and occupy the territory of Tucumán, but secretly the main
objective will be the search for the "other whites" and the City of the Caesars. Vaca de Castro's man of
trust is Captain Diego de Rojas, a Spaniard from Burgos who participated in the conquest of Nicaragua
and who was then, at the time, in La Plata, or Sucre.
From 1542 to 1543 the expedition is prepared, which in the end would only have 200 men, although
well equipped, and data is collected about the towns of the Quebrada de Humahuaca and the
Tucumán country". (page 388)
Soon another attempt was made, in 1549, when Juan Núñez del Prado went to Tucumán with seventy
men, some of them Golen, enthusiastic about the stories of several members of Rojas' expedition: they
would not find the City of the Caesars or the Pucará de Tharsis either. During twenty years, from the
excursion of Diego de Rojas to the coming to Tucumán of Francisco de Aguirre, similar attempts are made
in vain, but they have the virtue of sowing the region with Spanish towns and cities. San Miguel de
Tucumán was founded on September 29, 1565 by Diego de Villarroel, nephew of Francisco Aguirre. (page
"A descendant of Klaes Martensen Rosenwelt, a full-blooded Hebrew who immigrated to New York in
1644, Franklin Delano Roosvelt recorded dual Jewish parentage: both his father, James Roosvelt, and his
mother, Sarah Delano, belonged to the Chosen People." (page 638)
"Like El Barco, today Santiago del Estero, San Miguel de Tucumán changed its original settlement in
1680, by Governor Fernando Mendoza Mate de Luna and with the authorization of King Charles II.
(page 390).
"...the first edition of the Encyclopædia Britannica dates from 1771, so it might have been expected that
by 1930 they would have gathered enough material on Druids to compose an article
more extensive and complete". (page 545)
"And justly, the presence of the Order is not unrelated to the subsequent rise of the House of
Brandenburg over the other principalities of Europe, until the investiture of King attained by Frederick
William III in 1791." (page 535).
"Well, Kurt: the ancient Einherjar Order was so strong in the 19th century that one of its Initiates was
crowned King of Prussia in 1840. (Page 535).
"Now we were heading for the "Model Colony", or bund, the island that the Westerners were able to
raise in the middle of an unhealthy swamp, which was the only place ceded by the Chinese in the Treaty
of Nanking in 1842, signed with a clean cannon shot by the British who in that year occupied Shanghai in
spite of the 250 cannons of the batteries on the Vu-Sang: The pirates disembarked the infantry, which
neutralized the cannons and marched on the city, while the ships entered through the North Gate and
the Chinese fled through the South Gate. (Page 644).
"Nothing was added after 1256, when Hiddo Over de Linda of Friesland, compiled all the existing material
on a new paper made from cotton, which the Arabs had brought to Spain and which was beginning to be
used throughout Europe."
"The final copy was passed from one generation of the family to the next, until 1848, when a woman,
Aafjie Meylhof (born Over de Linden), gave it to her nephew Cornelius Over de Linden. The latter, who
was master shipwright at the Dutch Shipyard of Helder, finally decided to have the document copied by
Dr. Eelco Verwiss, librarian of the Provincial Library of Leewarden in Friesland." "The writing - with all its
implications - passed into the public domain." (Page 420).
"In the 19th century, Dr. Siegnagel, a miracle analogous to that of the civilization of Oc was about to be
repeated: the Republic of Paraguay was rising with its own light above the nations of America. Indeed,
that country possessed a powerful and well-equipped army, its own fleet, railroad, heavy industry,
flourishing agriculture, and an enviable social organization, with very advanced legislation for the time,
in which compulsory, free and gratuitous education stood out: and this in 1850".
"Notice that your Great-Grandfather, the first Siegnagel who came to America, did so in 1860 at the
request of the Government to work in the manufacture of explosives, since he was reputed to be a
prestigious Chemist." (Page 412).
"The height of the situation occurred in 1863, when the General appears again and confirms to all that
Marshal Francisco Solano Lopez is a King of Pure Blood, a Lord of War, a Universal Emperor." (Page 132).
"The War of the Triple Alliance begins in 1865. In 1870, when the armies of Satan occupy Asunción and
Marshal Solano López dies fighting in Cerro Corá, the war ends and leaves the following balance:
population of Paraguay before the war: 1,300,000 inhabitants; population after the surrender: 300,000
inhabitants. Bezier, Carcassonne, Toulouse, are child's play against a million dead, Dr. Siegnagel!" (Page
To appreciate this statement in perspective, I must begin the story many years before my birth, at the
precise moment when my father, Baron Reinald von Sübermann, came into the world, that is, in the
year 1894, in the city of Cairo, Egypt. In the same year, in Alexandria, 130 km. from Cairo, a person was
born who would be more important in my life than any other person.
another. I refer to Rudolph Hess, whose birthday occurred on April 26, 1894 (Page 481).
"In 1245 Pope Innocent IV, who had taken refuge in Lyon, the City of the Druids, fleeing from Frederick
II, proclaimed a General Council with the aim of excommunicating him and stripping him of his imperial
investiture: it was the famous Council of Lyon, a sort of "Congress of Basel" of the time, that is, similar
to the one held by the Rabbis in 1897 and mentioned in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion", in which
they discussed the quickest way to put an end to the House of Swabia and implement the Universal
Synarchy." (Page 681)
"Despite the distances between the two cities, my father and Rudolph Hess soon got to know each other
(...). Childhood companions, they were united by a tender friendship that was consolidated over the
(...) When they were both sixteen years old, that is to say in 1910, they separated to pursue different
careers". (Page 481).
"Thirty years ago, in 1908, a secret grouping operated here whose members founded in 1912 the
Germanenorden which would later give rise to the Thulegesellschaft and the N.S.D.A.P. Do you
understand now why we must preserve this house?" (Page 533)
"The war of 1914 ruins all plans. Dad is reclaimed by my family to Cairo, where he returns when the
conflict breaks out and remains there definitively because when he takes charge of the Sugar Mill he will
no longer be able to finish his studies". (Page 481).
"Rudolph Hess, who stayed only one year in Switzerland, was in Hamburg perfecting himself in Foreign
Trade and did not hesitate to enlist in the 1st Bavarian Infantry Regiment. He was wounded twice, in
1916 and 1917, and received the Iron Cross for acts of heroism. In 1918 he joined the newly formed
Imperial Air Corps, being instituted as a qualified pilot,
but without taking part in aerial combats because in November 1918 the armistice was signed and it was
demobilized (Page 481).
"The effectiveness of that kâulica in spying on Schaeffer came from the fact that he was not a mere
Tibetan porter, although he acted as such by order of his Gurus, but a South African of Nepalese origin
who understood English, German, and Dutch perfectly. His family, of Gurka, that is, Indo-Aryan race,
deserted during the Boer War and took refuge in German territories, finally fleeing to Bhutan after
1918, when Germany was stripped of its colonies. Both he, whose name was Bangi, and his brother
Gangi, were entrusted as children to the care of Kâulika monks, who initiated them in Tantra and
eventually stationed them in Lhasa as agents of the Kâulika monks.
secrets in the service of the Dharma Raja of Bhutan (Page 577).
"Hungarian Bishop Prohaska had already discovered it after the Bolshevik domination of Hungary in
1919." (Page 662).
"But I will leave for another day the account of the Esoteric Current into which Rudolph Hess was to
enter in those days of 1919, in Egypt, which was to take him along with Adolf Hitler in 1920 and to
England in 1941.
I will continue with the chronological development of the main facts that interest history and, then, we
will analyze these things". (Page 482).
"Since the previous year, July 1937, China had been suffering from the invasion of the Japanese, who
had already dominated Korea and Formosa since the 1905 war with Russia. In those days of late 1938,
Japan had conquered Manchuria and the entire southern coast, threatening to spread inland: Canton,
Nanking, Shanghai, Peking, etc., had fallen into their power; with a formidable pincer movement they
now sought to occupy the huge strip between the Yang Tse Kiang and Hoang-Ho rivers, that is, between
the Blue and Yellow rivers." (Page 575).