Singularity: The Telos of 'The One'
False Light of Shamballah
Singularity: The Telos of 'The One'
The motivation of the world order cabal and its apparatchiks is the 'common purpose' of homogenization, a coerced uniformity of culture oriented toward veneration of the G.A.O.T.U (great architect of the universe) and a standardized population of docile serfs who have been merged into the hive mind of the G.A.O.T.U as nodes in the system of the world order synarchy.
The G.A.O.T.U (Jehovah; Brahma; Yahweh; Allah, has mobilized His marionettes through the skein of strands He has wound around their indiscernible 'gravis archetypes', the nucleus of their being, their Spirit and through the mediation of the soul which is his mechanism of engulfing them as a cosmic parasite and draining them of their energy, has brought them all into alignment with his telos or self-realization.
All of these quasi-independent nodes which are at best relatively free and autonomous depending on the degree to which they have become bound to Him by a sympathetic resonance or harmonization are influenced by His will to act as a harmonious unity to achieve his purpose which, in concreto on the material plane of Earth is identical with the purpose of Chang Shambala, the Great White Brotherhood and the earthly synarchy.
The 'singularity' is the intention of the cabal of the G.A.O.T.U and all manner of means are brought into play to reinforce this state of being the G.A.O.T.U would superimpose on the relatively autonomous Spirits trapped within his ectoplasmic aethereality which absorbs their bio energy into Himself.
In earlier times the witchcraft of the hierarchy under the instructions and influence of the hierarchy of demons (reptilians; insectoids, 'Yahweh collective') was brought to bear upon the consciousness of the masses via religious indoctrination; implantation of egregores (such as 'christ' and earlier variants) and the merger through the black magic technology of the individual with the mass consciousness, rendering them captive and opening them up for possession so they may become a cipher of the consciousness of the hierarchy-influenced and overpowered by it and subjecting themselves as a farm animal to energetic harvesting by the hierarchy of demons.
In recent times with the increasing subtlety of physical or 'Demiurgic' technology, the alleged 'sophistication' of intrusive and violent mechanisms of such harvesting and possession, the masses have been even more opened up to the influence of the hierarchy and rendered 'docile bodies', vessels of the hierarchy's trans-dimensional black hole entities and ripe sources of loosh harvesting.
Hence the black magic has been extended in its scope beyond that of the time of pre-industrialization when the dark pall of christianity had laid waste the preexistence luminous light of Lucifer and the remnants of his Hyperborean Wisdom.
Such technology is one of the main mechanisms brought into being by the cabal of intrusion into the autonomy of their slaves and spans the gamut of material and substantial needs (those not restricted to the purely physical but chemical; biological and mineral as well as energetic and of more subtle forces yet still confined within the spatio-temporal matrix of 'the Demiurge'): vaccinations; chemtrails; food; water and air contaminants; mycoplasm; EMF and ELF via satellite and cell towers; smart meters etc. such as the nexus of violence the synarchy mobilizes to assail the captives Spirits trapped within their matrix of substance of the being of the Demiurge, the aether and below in density within the Time-flow of His finitude.
They would bind all to the same finitude with the false promise of 'love and peace' and for the even more gullible a simulacral 'immortality', promising that they will be as gods and live with their G.A.O.T.U ad aeternum-however what is not revealed is that they are not just as is the case with their deity, immortal having no immortal spirit and thus will expire with their God in pralaya.
The merger with machines is the intent of the cabal elite who currently occupy forms susceptible to decay or degeneration, enabling them to perpetuate themselves within the kalachakra wheel of the Demiurge for perhaps a greater period of time prior to being absorbed in pralaya (the end of the cycle of Time).
Their intent is a golden age upon earth with themselves as untouchable masters of the technologized slave society, reminiscent of a futuristic dystopia revealed as predictive programming in many of their sci-fi works of fiction and various other media presentations such as "Star Trek", etc.
Such a singularity would superintend over a 'Galactic Federation' presumably working in conjunction with the entities with whom they are bound and perpetuating their vampirism in a continual spread of their death forces, the forces of entropy.
All would be reduced to minimally conscious drones whose sole purpose and function would be to carry out specialized and limited activities serving their decadent needs from the over refinement of their culture to human sacrifice and other sinister rites of witchcraft as was undergone in Lemuria and Atlantis under their influence.
At this pivotal juncture one must choose to either pursue a path of autonomy and this through the most vigorous rebellion else be assimilated into the borg hive mind structure of 'Zion' and its variations on the theme: 'spiritual israel'; 'the ummah',etc.
The rebels follow the destiny of Lucifer and the immortals, the sheep follow their fate superimposed upon them by their slave masters and go the way of all flesh, that being the extinction of their Spirit through assimilation into 'The One'. Only those with a rebelliousness have developed their consciousness to perceive that the world of matter is simply an obstacle to their goals, a leaden chain that binds their Spirit within the prison of the Demiurge and they who have come to an understanding of their true origins beyond time and space will know that 'the world' of the Demiurge which is the creation of 'The One', Jehovah-Satan is a world to which they can only relate to antagonistically and having to be trapped within its adamantine walls is to allow the termination of their life.
Hence they can never be nor will they be shackled to the wheel saved to be tortured to death for 'heresy' which they would voluntarily choose rather than to serve the vile pest of slavers of this material hell, the 'chosen people' and the synarchy of the world order.
Hence the singularity of hive mind consciousness, whether merged with machine or simply via black magic witchcraft is possible only for sheep who are unwilling and unable to think for themselves and who perhaps must follow their fate as being unable to carve out their own destiny.
Kaivalya is the path of the Hero, the path of the Ronin, he who must of necessity walk his own path and follow his own destiny away from the crowd of herd animals. The hero lives in this world not to spiral down along the path of degeneration and Time-flow toward the abyss but for combat against they who would coerce the captives Spirits to become assimilated by the hook of incentive (money; position, etc.) or by crook (forced vaccinations; economic or legal restrictions) into their leviathan of evil and into the maw of the cosmic vampire Jehovah. With Lucifer they fight and against the entity which is the creator of the realm of perishable matter and of Time