False Light of Shamballah
The synarchy's method for the elimination of its opposition is technically undergone according to its qabbalistic rites. The ghoulish and cruel members of the cabal delight in causing harm to others (to the 'Other') as means of potentiating the entities with whom they are bound, the black-hole extraterrestrials of the 'Yahweh collective'. The more pain and suffering they impose upon their victims the more energy released in the form of pain reactions, and therefore the more energy they confer upon the entities who reward them in proportion to the receipt of 'loosh' or bio-energy they through this means harvest from their victims.
Therefore the synarchy's means of murder are undergone in a cruelly protracted manner and not all at once unless they deem it expedient and necessary to more quickly dispatch their victims. Another element in their torturous mode of murder lies in the fact of the synarchy's delighting in its own hubris, glorying in its sense of superiority especially as it relates to its alleged cleverness and superior intellect.
Therefore it further delights in the prolonged abuse it subjects its targets to and this in a clandestine mode as means of 'hiding in plain sight', imposing upon their victims a double-bond whereby they reveal what they are doing to their enemies as means of implying that they are superlatively clever and therefore deserving of getting away with their abuse and this also on the premise that they have 'discharged their karma' for violating others after 'revealing' their motives and intent to their victims (revelation of the method).
The sadistic glee the cabal members derive through such acts of self-assertion over and against the other demonstrates that far from being 'beyond good and evil' they are instead simply 'evil' in the sense of the conventional judeo-christian mores, unable to transcend their base states of consciousness and rooted in the most primitive drives of the cthonic-tellurian mode of consciousness of the pasu, the beast-man.
The case of the Neanderthal-hybrid, the semite is one such of this modality of consciousness which has become the personality of the modern day social Darwinist whose animalistic will-to-power manifests itself in the bestial desire to dominate and attack others without necessity or meaning other than this vulgar sensation of power.
Therefore the soft kill protocol of the synarchy is, far from being a demonstration of their cleverness simply a demonstration of their base state of consciousness and the mode of semitic witchcraft which constitutes their praxiological compartment towards others (indeed towards all including themselves).
The occult worldview of the cabal is based upon a desire to facilitate the evolutive process of the Demiurge's Will and their soft kill protocol feeds the cosmic vampire as much loosh discharged from their victims as possible.
To whip up the stupid into a frenzy to harass; abuse and murder such as in the cases (innumerable throughout His-story) of Hypatia of Alexandria; Giordano Bruno; Galileo (the torture and murder of philosophers and wise men throughout his-story) of the martyrs of the Nuremberg trials and Mussolini and his girlfriend etc.-all of this is motivated by a desire to maximize the pain energy released from the victim using the tactics of witch hunting ('gang stalking') and other ritualistic protocols of traumatic abuse and the disruption of the consciousness by the sinister sadists of Zion.
The explanation for most of the world suffering can be laid at the feet of the 'chosen people' and their 'amor intellectualis dei', the so-called 'love of god' they possess which is the devotion to a vampire and His perpetual thirst for pain.
They are violating cosmic codex law…..THEY DON’T HAVE PERMISSION!