Soul Evolution Versus Spiritual Liberation
False Light of Shamballah
Soul Evolution Versus Spiritual Liberation
The agenda of the synarchy is to facilitate the evolution of the soul and the evolution more broadly of all things according to the Will of the Demiurge. The intention is to chain the Spirit into matter, into the lower density substance of the Demiurge and to merge it in fusion with 'The One' the creator of this lower state, the condition of becoming, of 'Time-flow'.
Evolution is the goal of the hierarchy and this entails the planetary depopulation agenda with its mass depopulation agenda, cruelly and callously destroying countless lives while simultaneously attempting to bind the Spirits of their sacrifices to the Demiurge through antecedent conditions of pain and suffering brought about through mass catastrophes orchestrated and planned by the cabal.
Sacrifices to Jehovah-Satan, the true 'great architect (imitator) of the universe' are undergone through shifting the consciousness of the masses to the lower state of consciousness, to the state of beast consciousness full of emotion and feelings and wholly lacking in any higher capacity of comprehension, assuming they ever had that capacity in the first place.
Indeed the process of evolution, according to the synarchy, is a historical inevitablism and they are the agents of its realization, the 'co-creators' of the new world of the new Jerusalem of Zion, are Jehovah-Malkuth the physical embodiment of the Demiurge on earth.
In their arrogant bigotry they have a license to kill and gleefully participate in the mass murder of they whom they deem 'inferior' or 'lebens unwertes leben' they who lay claim to being 'beyond good and evil' are in fact simply evil, bound to the lower states of consciousness and incapable of transcending their base drives and petty ego, are in fact 'soulish' and not 'spiritual'.
They thereby underscore their role: that of Jehovah-Malkuth, the bearers of the hot stone, of 'the doctrine of the heart', the emotional creed of resentment morality. In spite of their pompous poses of 'objectivity' and 'detachment' they are heavily invested in emotional valences, that of their agenda of 'race-less humanitarian globalism' and its genocidal destructiveness which they portray in glowing terms as 'tikkum olam' ('healing the world').
Such 'healing' is not anything but the agenda of the Cosmic Vampire and His legions of dark forces, the black hole entities and planetary archons all of which are mere hypostases of His being serving His Will to phagocitize the Spirits trapped within the envelope of the soul he has wrought for them and seeks to bind them to.
The evolution of the soul is simply the tightening of its bonds around their form like a scorpion trapped in congealing amber, the crystallization of the primordial ooze of the Demiurge (the aetheric fields which ring around the Spirit).
The 'evolution' agenda is dust simply a lie of a false good sold to the goyim to persuade them to support their own self extermination and eo ipso to transfer upon their victims' their sins for their own crimes.
As far from being a 'good' evolution is instead very negative thing and serves the purpose of mass sacrifice to safety (Jehovah) by his servants on and off the earth plane, all of whom partake of their share of the life force of those they subject to sacrifice.
That the synarchy represents 'evolution' as some wonderful purpose in its controlled media demonstrates that it serves its agenda, just as the fact of its representation of mainstream religion and 'creationism' as a good itself is simply an acknowledgment of the Demiurge and His creation which, though to all appearances is antithetical, entails evolution as its unfolding process.
What the synarchy does not want of course is the liberation of the captive Spirits from the prison of the soul-body complex. This is the deathblow to the system and is the bane of the Demiurge who Himself is only of a subordinate nature to the Uncreated Light of that from which He emanated, the realm of Hyperborea, the Green ray.
The incarnate Hyperboreans and their hybrids on the earth, the Teutonic race and other related groups endowed with Spirit (as Spirit embodied in the flesh and trapped within the soul) are the greatest threat to the system as their mission for their incarnation was to sabotage and destroy the slave system reincarnation trap and to liberate the captive Spirits from their earthen prison of lowest density.
The synarchy seeks to render the Spirit chained to matter through shifting its focal point of consciousness towards soulish emotionalism and the Hyperboreans and their earthly legions of Lucifer seek to shift the consciousness towards a self-centered focus around the ego or 'Selbst' and away from the reverted condition of the 'externalist' whose focus is towards the false infinity of the Demiurge (that is the Demiurge in all His aspects, towards the 'Deus Vult' ('the face of god') and away from the actual infinite of Hyperborea, the Eternal plane of being beyond the cycles of Time of Demiurgic becoming, beyond the transience of appearance of spatio-temporal causality and its generation and corruption.
The liberators of the Spirit are they who have an awakened blood memory of the Origins, a re-collection of the memories of Hyperborea, a self-knowledge (gnothe seuton) of the authentic being of the Selbst or Spirit.
The liberators of the Spirit seek to elevate the captive spirits that they may unchain themselves not like the synarchic priest hold themselves out as having 'the truth and the light' accessible only through devious manipulation and mumbo-jumbo witchcraft, initiates of perverse black magic witchcraft.
"The kingdom of heaven is within you" as Meister Eckhart said, not in the whited sepulchre of a religious institution, itself merely a loosh harvesting facility for "one ring to rule them all and in the darkness bind them", bind them through ritualistic rites to the Demiurge to be leeched off and ever more tightly bound to 'The One' through the soul preponderating as the source of their attentional focus.
In order for the spirits to be freed from their material prisons, the bonds of density must needs be severed and this through an ascetic detachment, not an escapist flight from reality but a detachment from emotion and thereby a detachment from the soul matrix, the bird Abraxas breaking through the shell of the cosmic egg and seeking its proper height in the realm of Hyperborea.
The alternative is a slow agonizing death of disintegration through its corrosion by counter-vailing forces which are part of the realm of the Demiurge. To attempt to remain within the material prison of 'The One' is to precipitate one's death and is the 'sickness unto death' of Kierkegaard and the 'being towards death' of Heidegger.
Liberation requires an attitude of combativeness against the foe, against the 'doctrine of the heart' of the Demiurge and His slaves, the slave morality of the weak, the 'lambs of god'.
Great post.
Could you post about Hyperborean love and relationships please, if there is something written about that.