Spiral Sign
The Demiurgic Time-flow is heliacal in its evolutive process emanating as plasmations from 'The One' (Jehovah-Satan) and crystallizing and densifying to matter, the ebb and flow of the evil tide of the cycles of Time; the manvantara; the outgoing breath of Brahma and the resorption of all into itself in pralaya, the 'night of Brahma'.
All who do not come from Above will not go Above and only the incarnated Hyperboreans and those endowed with a sufficiently high proportion of Aryan blood, the blood of the gods (litr godi), may keep their place in Eternity and make their way back to Hyperborea-this or to reincarnate in another physical vehicle chosen by themselves through the law of attraction, the higher spirits incarnating in a body appropriate to themselves.
Those who follow the left-hand path follow the counter-clockwise spiral of the leftwards turning swastika, going against the cycles of Time, against evolution and against its source, the Satanic creator of the material universe Jehovah, the name by which he has been known to his 'chosen people'.
Those who embody the Hyperborean Spirit, are branded with the mark of Cain, the stone of Lucifer's crown, live in the world but are not of the world, are here not to cohere with the Will of 'The One' but rather to play their part in the rebellion against 'The One' and his file spiral of degeneracy along which route the pasus follow their path to perdition, absorption into the man of the Cosmic Vampire.
The spiral side of the clockwise spiral symbolizes Time-flow, this manifestation of 'The One' and adhere to the pacifistic creed of 'love'; 'harmony' and other de-vitalizing and enervating non-actions (or options which lead to enervation, the burning out of the life force) is to follow one's path toward his destruction.
Some have chosen to avoid this slippery slope of ill-consequence, this downward spiral toward their destruction-those who embody the Hyperborean blood and whose blood memory has a potentiality of activation are able to slither through the noose which ever tightens around their neck, the Ouroboros serpent who wind himself around the incarnate Spirit in ever tighter circles as the life force of the being is drained away over the incarnations.
These asleep Viryas, as Nimrod de Rosario has called them may awaken to life as the sleeping hero awaiting the final battle with the Wildes Heer of Wotan against the Demiurge and his legions. These may yet escape the tendrils of the organic spiral of the Demiurge's Will and may yet find their way towards Eternity either remaining within the world as victors or exiting it through the black sun of their own creation, a self-created god, microcosm of the Uncreated Spirit.
The pasu beastmen have no hope of arrival at such a destination and follow the way of all flesh toward their inevitable doom. So too the asleep Virya who fails to awaken the blood memory and to fight in an effective or efficient manner will follow the course of acquiescence of immersion in the corrosive waters of Maya and his very soul be stripped from him, bringing with it into the abyss the Uncreated Spirit which dwells within its 'loving embrace'.
The spiral sign of clockwise manifestation, the Time-flow of generation and corruption is the path also the synarchic initiate follows attempting to it to himself to Deity and following the delusive path of self-apotheosis becoming a simulacral God mad whose consciousness becomes fused with 'The One', with Jehovah and is subject to the finitude of the temporalization of the 'breath of Brahma' and the inevitable consequence, 'the end of the cycle', of the pralaya, the indwelling breath of Brahma, the inspiration the synarchic aspirant is subject to as the terminus of his 'evolution' and unio mystica with the Divine, such union being a mere deception, part of the ‘Great Deception’ of Jehovah.
Hence the alleged powers possessed by the synarchic initiate, the initiate of Chang Shambala, of the Great White Brotherhood and its lower levels of the hierarchy, masonry and the Catholic orders and other religious and illuminized orders all point toward destruction as their end goal.
Regardless of the powers possessed by the initiates however great they may have become within the spatio-temporal reality of the Demiurge, his matrix of incarnation and its potencies of substance, he, the initiate will never grasp the golden ring of Eternity and dwell in the Green Ray but rather will dwell within the matrix and cease with its absorption into 'The One'.
Hence through his lust for temporal power he undergoes a counter-initiation and, like Rene Guenon himself, meets his maker to confront the 'face of god', though not in the manner he had expected. The liking counters is the false light in truth and his soul along with his in change spirit likewise undergoes phagocitization by the cosmic vampire.
Thus the initiate of the synarchy, the true synagogue of Satan, is exhumed in the fires of 'The One', in the lake of fire, undergoing the second death-indeed, being bound to the Demiurge he never really lived save as an automaton or marionette on aetheric strings, jerked about as a mere Pinocchio by the rough hands of his maker, to be thrown into the flames post mortem once Jehovah has had his way with him.
The Hero by contrast has no need of the endless rigmarole of ‘counter-initiation’ and its levels and degrees of secrecy and predation. He is not seeking the path of ‘the evolution of the soul’ and aspires not for his soul to develop its adamantine bonds, encasing the Spirit in matter as a captive encased in an iron maiden to be fired in the crucible of 'evolution' and made into yet another 'brick in the wall' of Jehovah's slave matrix, a 'perfected ashlar' made in the image of the jew, the 'chosen people' and following their own inexorable path to perdition.
Hence the vainglorious initiate of the synarchy, regardless of how high he might ascend toward the utmost limits of the Demiurge's prison will never penetrate its walls which for him are the limits of his being. As he reaches toward the sun with outstretched wings as Icarus of old he plummets to the rocks below, his waxen wings melting under the emanations of the Solar Logos, the hypostasis of 'The One', ruler of the solar system in its own evolutive passage towards the galactic center to be ultimately absorbed into the black hole and so to of the Demiurge with all the rest of the created material universe.
The immortals have no need of any counter-initiatic path, rather their path is that of Olympus. They stand on the loan promontory of Olympus as a Ragnarok of the Kali Yuga is unveiled in its downward spiral towards the destruction of the world. The enemy gathers as storm clouds around the summit and of the Virya prepares his arsenal of weapons for the assault from his well constructed fortress. Dressed in the battle armor of immortal vajra he takes his last stand in the final battle against the evil tide and its elementarwessen.
The doomsday spiral has wound down to the last phase of its 'evolution' and the gathered throng prepares to assail the foe, having taken up their positions in the ramparts and battlements, the noble host of berserkers bursting through the gates to engage the opponent on the plane of conflict.
The spiraling down of the evolutionary unfolding of the Demiurge culminates in this final conflagration and the consequent destiny and fate of those involved. The hounds of war Bay at the storm clouds as the host of vile orcs and other man animal hybrids beset the noble warriors in their plaza amidst the Valplads.
Those of the Demiurge, the autochthonous and their masters 'The Chosen' who are the emissaries of Jehovah on earth, Jehovah Malkuth the 10th sephiroth of manifestation; controlled as a hive of pestilential insects unleashed upon their foe the shining ones, area nobles of Lucifer, warriors and eternal champions of the Uncreated Spirit. Valhalla and victory awaits the heroes of the final battle and the perdition of their foes.