Strategic Confusion
False Light of Shamballah
Strategic Confusion
The strategy of creating confusion is the main weapon in the arsenal of the synarchy. The perceptions of the captive Spirits chained to the body-soul complex, to the prison of the Demiurge's substance, are subject to confusion by the architects of destruction and this for the purpose of holding down the Spirits within their sepulchres in the matrix of lowest density.
All of that which is- and which is from the perspective of the cabal is modified and distorted in a way that is deleterious to the perceiver, undergone so that they fail to understand reality and thus fail to understand how to act in the appropriate manner, comporting themselves towards entities in a way harmful to themselves and others, in the direction of the pursuit of lower states of being through negative forms of action.
Drugs; alcohol; sexual perversity and licentiousness; materialistic consumerism; a culture of brute physicality and violence divorced from any essential purpose but simply as a power mad pursuit of will-to-power, as in in-itself, all of this culture devised by the cabal is designed to entangle the captive Spirit yet further in matter entangling themselves in the trap of lowest density.
The alternatives the cabal provides its captive serfs are to partake of this entartete kultur ('degenerate culture') else to have 'sanctuary' in their hive mind structures of religious conditioning becoming bound to the entities in the church or mosque or temple or other religious structure which is designed with this ulterior motive, ie. to harvest the life force of the slave caste (and indeed even of the priest caste who themselves become bound with entities antenatally through generational attachment or within the course of the religious indoctrination).
In either case the consequences are the same namely the binding of the captive Spirit ever tighter to the Demiurge through entity attachment and possession of the latter case and through the dissipation of the Spirit through more overtly self-destructive behavior in the former case.
Both forms of the kosher culture entail the deliberate confusion of the mind of the serfs by the ruling powers as means of shifting their direction of focus away from the symbol of the Origin, away from Eternity, and towards the illusory promises of 'the good' as propounded by the hierarchy: the good of transient hedonism on the one hand and the false promise of Immortality on the other.
In either case a confusion between the real and apparent (and false) 'good' generated leads towards the destructive lifestyle of both classes of people who are played against one another as antitheses in the dialectical process of 'sheep' (lands of god) versus 'goats' (Satan's kids), with both parties nonetheless leading to destruction, to the extinction of the soul irregardless of their pretense of 'good'; 'glad tidings' or 'fun and entertainment'.
Strategic confusion is the strategy whereby the cabal establishes blinds to conceal their true actions and the consequences of partaking of the poison apple of their 'false gifts' of illusory appearance and this of whatever kind.
The illusion generating machines of A.I technology and propaganda (Egregoric propaganda) transmission are designed to structure the consciousness of the goyim to have them served the cabal as above outlined, presenting to them courses of action and the template of what to celebrate and what to condemn as a means of standardizing their hive mind and assimilating them therein to be fused with 'The One' through this attunement process which attunes their consciousness to Jehovah-Satan.
All processes and phenomena within the world system are deliberately engineered or modified to manipulate the consciousness to re-turn it to the hive mind beehive structure are minutely developed to suit this purpose.
The entire cultural superstructure of the 'Great Satan', 'the world' of the contemporary world order of the synarchy is based upon death culture or what may also be called 'Saturnian (Jehovistic) culture' designed to harm and is based upon the lie, the inversion of Truth and is embodied in all cultural artefacts and processes in the modern world.
The language of the world order system is that of 'inversion' as with all things, the hegemony of the Phoenician derived language of English (English the language of the 'angels'), is designed for the purpose of engaging the left brain and trapping oneself in the logical prison of rationalism and divorcing himself from the higher consciousness thereby being more adept at worldly affairs as they serve the synarchy yet not serving the purpose of his liberation.
Hence it is a trap designed to chain the worldly speaker/reader/writer of the language within the structure of 'the world' and its processes and within his immersion in the 'system of objects' of his hodological space, comported himself towards the entities in a manner conducive to his worldly enrichment or at least his perpetuation as a wage slave or other condition of austerity.
The language of Latin, an earlier formulation of a mathesis universalis serving the synarchy is yet another of these utilitarian structures that condition the left brain to operate within the world in a rational way oriented towards the fleeting phenomena of existence. The saving grace of both lies in their divorcing the speaker/writer/reader from the more crudely materialistic nature of more primitive languages which fail of any transcendent properties confined to a mere representation of a representation as they are, and devoid of any higher-level metaphysico-ontological and abstract quality.
In terms of lifestyles prescribed by the cabal outside of the synarchy itself who lives a lifestyle segregated and qualitatively different from the goyim (one based upon what they deem 'knowledge' what is their distorted and judaized culture of occultism), the goyim are presented a lifestyle conducing to their destruction either through that which is kosher approved within the synarchy's exoteric organizations (religions; or their quasi-religious equivalents) or the kosher approved 'goat organizations' and pursuits (bars; clubs; drug dens, etc.) as well as the more mundane organizations and activities such as sports,
Most of these historically have been designed on occult principles and were designed as microcosms of human chess for the elite as well as a means of bleeding off the pent-up aggression of the masses and conferring their loosh upon the entities which are invoked during these ludic events.
Now heading into Aquarius there seems to have been a shift undergone through which the particular activities have become more individuated, oriented around transcendence and liberation of the Spirit with an egocentric focus of individualism (martial arts and strength sports; yoga; meditation etc.) as opposed to the collectivized rule-bound form of previous sporting events (baseball; football; basketball; hockey, This may be a promising sign of the luciferian influence and waning of the Piscean, the Saturnian restriction of the abrahamic violation of the Uncreated Spirit.
Strategic confusion is pervasive in the realm of what is conventionally called 'culture' by which is meant the music; arts and aesthetics of the society or nation under the sway of the cabal. Music has been distorted from its more harmonious form to one of cacophony or a rhythmic primitivism reminiscent of the jungle and indeed constitutes a form of modern voodoo with its syncopated beats.
Presumably this rhythmic Dionysianism entails a conjuration of entities which are also part of the pastiche of this cultural offering that is more of a black magic ritual than a 'cultural experience'.
At concerts in public venues the performers are typically acting a role related to the entities they venerate or which represent the archetypes of their hermetic worldview of 'paganism' especially of the Near Eastern mother goddess witchcraft of the Levant, the Saturnian and Cybelian rites of lunar semitic black magic.
The performers are often sacrificed during the event or on some specific occult date and the naïve and uninitiated viewer is led to believe it is a tragic accident and that the actual cause is not the cause as it is unknown to them and they believe in the false cause with which it is exchanged. This is one example of 'symbolic substitution' where the synarchy shifts the consciousness of the perceiver away from truth and to lend credibility to their false narrative (itself a de facto occult ritual) and to which the perceiver transfers their energy, their 'one-pointed concentration of attention' endowing the sacrificial victim with their energy as it were charging the battery with their vital energies which increases its store of vitality making it (the celebrity sacrificed) a greater offering to the entities to whom the celebrity is served up under certain astrological alignments.
The music puts the perceiver (not only the hearer as the vibration itself has a conditioning effect not only on physiological modification but on the distortion and synchronization of the soul with the beat thereby pulling in the attentional focus on the rhythm which takes hold of the consciousness and unseats it from its autonomy, facilitating its merger in the hive mind of the audience and ultimately of the Demiurge). This influence is a presence in simply listening to the music which causes one to resonate therewith whether independently on some technological device or in the environment of a 'mass event'.
The aesthetics of the environment (clothing; billboards; architectural layout; murals; signs; colors of paint or die used on physical structures, the infrastructure of the lived environment) are all elements of the programming and are designed to create confusion in such a way that they superimpose a false reality onto the 'reality' of the material world.
This may have a positive influence in conditioning the consciousness towards a transcendental mode of being through disengaging the being (dasein) from the natural environment such that he is not merged in his consciousness with the Demiurge and thereby detaches himself therefrom through an immersion in the aesthetics of the environment.
A criticism of this point would be that such an immersion in these aesthetics (artificial and of human invention though purporting to be 'archetypal' in the hermetic sense of serving as a vehicle of eternal verities) of the environment leads to a diremption (if undergone to a sufficient degree) of his consciousness from the nucleus of his being, merged into the 'corrosive waters' of aesthetic gestalten which impinge upon his consciousness to varying degrees and intensities of impressions the more influential the more unseated he becomes from the nucleus of his being, the Selbst.
This may very well be the intention of the synarchy in addition to their usage of these aesthetics as vehicles of meaning for their 'revelations of the method' and predictive programming protocols.
The creation of interactive electronic devices which modify the consciousness and serve as vehicles for the transmission of 'data' (sights; sounds; vibrations) is one protocol which performs the function of a 'psychic driver' to lead the sheep to the slaughter and indeed to program the consciousness with contents of consciousness that gradually come to supplant the pre-given contents of consciousness with ensembles of data that become identical to the mind of the viewer with ever increasing time and intensity of exposure (or rather 'experiential immersion' in the artificial phenomena).
Such technologies serve the purpose of standardizing the hive mind and confusing the perceiver as to who they are and what thoughts to have assuming they were ever capable of self reflection in the first place, which would presuppose a sufficiently developed consciousness to have that capacity ab initio.
The technocracy (techno-crazy) of the world order is developed to greater and greater degrees of minutiae of micromanagement as means of confusing any potential dissident as to who they are (incarnate Hyperboreans or potential immortals, asleep Viryas) and what is going on specifically, to merge them into the hive mind of Jehovah as extensions of His consciousness on the mundane plane, part of 'spiritual israel' or Jehovah-Malkuth of the tenth sephiroth of His emanation/manifestation.
A.I is utilized in the form of ELF and EMF and other subtle (occult) forces of electromagnetic modification and manipulation which serve the purpose of modifying the self understanding of the being and their perceived reality which, under the influence of this technology becomes overlaid with the pall of informational darkness of tenebrous opacity veiling their potential contact with Eternity and dragging down their consciousness to the hells of the aetherial realms of the Demiurge.
The pervasiveness of this technology of violence, violates the conscious mind of the population and coordinates all diverse modes of consciousness (the Selbst or Spirits of diverse individuals) into a robotized and mechanized in the most literal sense A.I hive mind structure presumably synchronized with the hive mind of the Demiurge.
The egregores and archetypes of the Demiurge which have manifested themselves or crystallized under the influence of His will are perhaps more aggressively imposed upon the mind (and indeed as the hive mind) of the population to this technological 'psychic driving' and 'spiritual' (i.e. demonic) attunement with 'The One' as a casting out of an electromagnetic net which surrounds the captive Spirits and binds into himself, enveloping them and transmuting them into souls which have been attuned to His Will. This technology thus is not only the bearer of the Will of the Prince of lies Jehovah-Satan and generates confusion in the lost Virya but serves its purpose of binding the lost Virya in His nets and leading to His extinction.
The educational system (informational system) also is a clear case of strategic confusion and differs only in outer form from the religious indoctrination centers called 'churches' and other variants. The mis- and disinformation disseminated therefrom serves as an assault upon consciousness of a subterranean nature seeding into the conscious mind egregores and ideas of a divisive and damaging nature and leads down broad and winding paths into the abyss.
The strategy of the synarchy is to prey upon the naïve and weak minded especially children and youth to ensnare them in their 'cultural confusion' and lead them towards self-destruction.
Very good read.