Strategies of the Berserker
The sole hope for mankind's liberation lies with the Berserker, the warrior-hero who opposes the adversary of the Uncreated Light, bearer of the cold fire of Prometheus. His praxis is necessarily antagonistic to the system and in all its facets conduces to an oppositional stance toward the orthodoxy of the world order.
Not living in a state of passive inertia or 'cowardly supine pacifism' as Gentile phrased it in "The Doctrine of Fascism" he actively seeks out means to oppose; undermine and obstruct the matricized slave system of Zion.
In order to do so he must seek the Truth and by virtue of its attainment that of a higher state of consciousness, and intuitive orientation toward the archetypal plane of Being which entails the nature of the system in its causal and acausal nexuses and modus vivendi. Thereby, in obtaining such a state of consciousness, a recollection of the origin of his Hyperborean past he devises through a supra-rational understanding, particular means of orienting and comporting himself toward the enemy and the enemy system.
The mode of the consciousness of the Berserker is that of antagonism, of a perpetual quest for conquest in a war everlasting. Accordingly, his behavior in 'the world' is that of a warrior who seeks none of the rotten fruits of this world that the pasu orients himself towards, the earthly delights the latter partakes of as the conditio sine qua non of his worldly existence.
His fruits are rather the green fruits of the Irminsul, the Yggdrasil which furnishes him with the mode of consciousness necessary to attain the Truth and eo ipso understand how to act, which is the telos of his praxis-namely action in the world and in the form of opposition thereto and this of the most efficient and effective kind.
Hence the initial strategy of the Berserker is that of the kindling of the blood memory through attuning the focus of his conscious will inwards to an inner recognition of his essential nature. With this discovery of the Graal he then faces the dragon of the world Yahweh the serpent of material potency and, through this same intuitive attunement and comportment towards the enemy discovers through this transcendental apperception the path to take in the battle, the purpose of his incarnation on this earth.
He thus positions himself over and against the enemy both in mente and in a physical sense reflexively cognizing the otherness of the ‘Other’ and structuring the ‘Other’ as 'enemy' during dinner and immediate intellection of the enemy's 'otherness'-intuitively understood to be a foreign 'not-self' or non-ally and thus to be comported towards with antagonism and with a recognition of the insuperability of that fundamental antagonism.
On this basis, with the fact indelibly impressed in the mind of the virya, the Berserker, of fundamental opposition to the enemy, the particular modes of conduct suited to the time and place (the spatio-temporal conjuncture) of the incarnate berserker's circumstances.
He thus must adjust means to ends but not guided by the demiurgic causality of the Will of 'The One' but rather by the compass of spirit, of the hyperborean nature. The environment is for him a territory without laws either physical or cultural state as a background to his own law of will and motivation to fulfill his telos on the earth.
This latter is the foreground forever present in his consciousness through what contemporary psycho-logy would designate 'paranoid awareness' but which is in actuality the memory of the blood manifesting itself in Spirits' orientation toward true or the Uncreated Realm of Eternity.
He thus may navigate the environment without adherence to or regard for the causal consequences of action in a purely physical sense. Rather he, assuming he has developed the proper powers, can violate even the material laws of the Demiurge, walking through walls and transporting himself through black holes via different dimensions two different spatio-temporal points and indeed may play the role of the spiritual warrior imperceptible to the sight of the enemy who is comparatively stable perception, restricted as it is to the material world, is unable to transcend the material plane and thus unable to prepare a defense against him in the spiritual warfare.