Suicide Pact with Satan
False Light of Shamballah
The christian is the epitome of the pasu, the profane ignoramus who voluntarily ignores reality to perpetuate their state of 'happy feelings', of transferring their conscious attention towards the Manu archetype of 'the christ' and thereby, according to their classical conditioning and programming, receiving a dopamine rush of happy feelings as a reaction to the confrontation with this egregoric entity into which they had been assimilated over time (extension) and intensity of involvement of their consciousness (via attendance at church and 'devotional prayers').
They have made a pactus diabolus through this means though in their mind it is otherwise and they are 'dwelling with the Angels' or being one with their 'Lord', communing with Him in 'silent stillness'. Of course it is otherwise for what they venerate and transfer their thought energy towards is instead of the benevolent father God who 'blesses' and 'curses' is in actuality a vampire who binds them to itself and absorbs their being within himself leading to their weakening and ultimate extinction as the fate of their 'sickness unto death', of their attachment.
The program of christianity as with other religions of the Demiurge, is designed to merge the separate Spirit not yet bound to 'The One' with their 'father in heaven' and this through conditioning the adherent to develop a weak constitution through following the downward spiral of the 'love wisdom' aspect of the Demiurge as embodied in His son the jewish Rabbi, a plasmation of His will, the veritable spawn of Satan: Yeshua Hamashiach.
Why is what has been called 'jesus' Satan spawn? The answer: because he is de facto a plasma nation of the Demiurge Jehovah who is Satan. His followers (those of 'the christ' and his father in Christianity) are devotees of the inferior deity Satan and this deity as well as his son brought forth their message of 'peace' and 'love' by which is meant, though not disclosed or revealed to the 'profane' or even to (most all?) The initiates (perhaps even to the 'chosen people' themselves) that to worship and venerate such a figure is tantamount to a veneration of death as the only meaning in consequence of these terms ('peace' and 'love') is a shackling of the mind to a rigid dogma of narrow-minded bigotry with its endless rules and regulations enforced by the priest caste and in consequence the degeneration via entropy of one's soul through immersion within the hive mind of 'spiritual israel' and the Demiurge.
The devotional practices of 'the faithful flock' lead nowhere save to a transference of bio-energy to the egregoric hive mind structure of 'the christ' and his father 'in heaven', draining oneself of his vital essence. Hence to partake of christianity especially and mainstream religion in general is to transfer one's Spirit energy to Satan, a.k.a. Jehovah and eventually to become absorbed into it as the terminal phase of their 'down going' in Nietzsche's terms, following the path of degeneration into the abyss. Spiritual suicide is the 'glad tidings' of the christ, a 'sickness unto death' and 'being towards death' as a trajectory of the life of the living dead, he who never truly live in spite of all boastful claims to the contrary.
The mind program of jesus is a recipe for spiritual suicide, the nets which are cast out toward the fish of Pisces to trap them within and to squeeze the life force out of them.
Presumably created by the reptilians and transmitted through the jews the mind program of christianity was 'perfected' (as a mind program) at the council of Nicaea during which event much of the apocryphal literature which reveals its inner contradictions in the process of its inversion were discarded, the remainder retained to facilitate the product of ideology that would come to be attributed to 'christ', i.e. the jewish Rabbi with his 'love-wisdom'.
An investigation into history of christianity divulges the lie of this 'be-lie-f' system, that being a series of stories with no verification in the records of history. All of the figures of 'the Bible' (what has come to bear that name) are fictional save perhaps Paul who was a jew named Saul from Tarsus in the Levant.
The stories are for the most part coded allegory of semitic witchcraft which provides a template to resonate with 'The One', to commune with their 'god' and ultimately to be absorbed within his nets.
The history of christianity itself as Karlheinz Dreschner has written of in his work "The Criminal History of Christianity" is a history of violence; sadism; torture and cruel abuse that boggles the mind in its diabolism.
To check the annals of history is to confirm that the 'god' of the christians is Satan and that these mainstream morons are pathetic servitors of this entity and reflect His mind, being part of it, their behavior manifesting all manner of cowardly; passive-aggressive and violent assault against others, those who exist 'outside' of 'spiritual israel' and who the christard will be the first to say they "don't agree with", in the sense of their not resonating with the 'Other' who they view as an antagonist, indeed a Satanic being.
The black magicians of Zion are of course themselves the Satan's of this world, the 'adversaries' of the Uncreated Spirit and of the immortal spirits trapped within matter by their god Jehovah-Satan. The word 'shaitan' means 'adversary' and 'oppressor' in Hebrew and the christian meets this description with a one-to-one correspondence being both an adversary of Truth and an oppressor of those who know or seek to know the Truth.
The self-satisfied smirk of the christian, their habitual evil smile plastered to their face, will not reach Eternity and the smile quickly fade from their hypocritical face when their religion is revealed to be nothing but falsehood and their harassment and abuse ceases to be tolerated.
Christianity is undergoing its death throes even at the time of this writing and the lie will be exposed for what it is and supplanted by a doctrine of Truth else the entire world will be a dark age and even then christianity will drift away like a bad smell.
The enemy has many spiritual suicide programs of which christianity is simply the foremost and which has attained to prominence only through the instrumentality of the white race providing its more naïve and gullible (as well as corrupt) members an excuse to manifest their will-to-power, 'fighting in the name of the Lord', believing delusively that it is their will-to-power they fight for and not that of their god 'Satan' and the establishment of his kingdom of heaven (hell) upon earth.
Christianity is a simulacrum invented by reptilians and/or jews and transmitted virally through them and their captive slaves whose minds have come under their influence and that of the egregore of 'the christ'.
To partake of the apple of christianity is to partake of the poisoned apple of Satan and inebriate one's mind with his sons drug of 'love-wisdom', to stumble in intoxication into an early grave and consign His Spirit to its perdition