Synarchic Octopus
The power structure of the terrestrial penitentiary of the Demiurge is a giant squid spreading itself from its origin in the locus of the highest planes and radiating outwards its manifestation in the form of its hypostases and archontic nodes of His conscious Mind. The manifestation of materia prima to secundum to the nth degree of densification, crystallizing in the material world of basest lead on this fallen Earth.
The hierarchies of 'The One' comprise intergalactic legion of related and diverse lifeforms whose principal motivation is vampirization, the harvesting of bio-energy or life force from any source 'not self' thereby serving a 'service to self' motivation at the expense of 'The Other'.
Though these entities may not themselves be subject to the laws of karma, possibly in some or all cases being Immortals, they are nonetheless of a predatory nature and serve the entropy of energetic systems, the macro-cosmic system of the Demiurge and the microcosmic systems inherent within His Mind such as the architecture of technological slavery of the world order of the microcosmic systems of organisms on the earth plane and on other planets.
Hence the higher echelons of the cabal are a non-visible presence that dwell in more subtle dimensions, manifesting upon the earth plane and existing in the astral, probably transmuting into physical form via black holes or wormholes enabling travel between different locations, having the ability to accelerate or decelerate Time-flow, work the space-time continuum and thereby transit from and between different points.
Under these entities (those of the highest physical forms of malevolent predatorial servants of the Demiurge) are the humanoid creatures of this world who serve as the 'divine intermediaries' Pontifex Maximus or bridges between 'heaven and earth' and who are directly connected and presumably possessed and Impelled by these black hole entities with whom the lunar priest caste of the synarchy are bound. The moon serves as one of the bases of these entities which, with its connection to Saturn facilitates the macro-cosmic vampirization of the bio-energy of the denizens of the earth through the technology installed thereon.
The priests of Jehovah-Satan, 'The One' are thus the instruments on the earth plane bound up with these entities who are messengers and who implement their dictates and instructions. From these so-called 'Angels' a.k.a. aliens and other astral parasite entities, the priest caste adjudicates outside of its proper and originally subordinate capacity.
Originally it was subordinate to the immortal God Kings of Thule and Hyperborea and has played its role under their instruction and, within the fallen Kali Yuga has come to usurp in its impertinence the temporal power under the façade of the 'Deus Vult' or 'face of God' observing as a simulacrum the 'Vultus Spiritus' or face of the Spirit, of the Virgin of Agartha from whence the Kshatriya warrior caste of the nobility of Hyperborean lineage derive.
The usurpation of the a temporal power and displacement of the priest caste has led to the reinforcement of the synarchic control, the encircling of the globe by the Ouroboros serpent of the Demiurge, binding the souls of the earth to the embrace of 'The One', absorbing their life force from their being and creating a dome of leaden density around their Spirits called 'the soul'.
Through the practices made obligatory by the synarchy of 'devotion' and 'earnest prayers' of 'ora et labora', of coerced slavery and spiritual inversion of the Primordial Gnosis, the synarchy of lunar priests have strengthened their prison planet to a degree of ubiquitous presence of micromanagement and the minute specificity of the analytics of control.
However the priest caste have already lost in their hubris of greed and power madness. The Spirit can never be destroyed only concealed through all manner of deceptive means (the kaleidoscopic fragmentation of the Demiurge's ‘Great Deception') and this from the sight of the blind and mindless drones of their system of slavery. Those have awakened to the memory of the Origin and have thereby pulled aside the scales from their eyes.
The original formation of the synarchic power structure has roots in perhaps Lemuria or ancient Mu which, owing to the corruptive influence was destroyed perhaps (the writer can only speculate) by the Hyperboreans or through the extraterrestrial black hole entities themselves having become angry over the chaotic nature of the priest caste (this latter premise is amplified in the OAHSPE bible).
Regardless of its original form the Demiurge's ‘chosen people’ have controlled His synarchic sects and have established in conjunction with the extraterrestrials the loosh harvesting architecture of temples and pyramids which have been formed to transmit the energies of sacrifice and prayer, energies directed towards the black holes which absorb these energies and transmit then to another dimension and via wormholes, depositing them on planet Saturn whereon is kept a loosh harvesting facility of the remainder of that which they don't consume directly or immediately at its source such as feeding off the energy of sacrifices in orchestrated wars and revolutions and ritual torture murder, the ongoing chaos which continually generates the release of stress and energetic emanations (loosh) these creatures feed upon to empower themselves.
Low vibration frequencies, a slowing down of Time-flow, induced through the debasement of consciousness, is the protocol of the synarchy, their method of rendering susceptible of possession; obsession and vampirization their charges. Their arsenal of violence is brought against their captive slaves in a perpetual assault against their existence, creating a state of 'strife, endless strife' in the words of Heraclitus.
The subordinate sects of the synarchy spread themselves over the entire society and culture of the illusion of 'human reality', the blind perception of the pasu, overarching and controlling their life's vital function from cradle to grave. All are brought into the synarchy at their level from birth and perhaps prior to incarnation at whatever higher plane and groomed for their role through the appropriate influences.
Of course all of the incarnating Hyperboreans are far from this state of being and manifest on the earth in certain bloodlines, especially the Nordic as potential Berserker warriors whose combative Spirit is motivated to liberate the other Spirits of the sleeping the Viryas chained to matter and the soul by the cultural conditioning of the synarchy. These the synarchy targets upon recognition of who they are on an ontological basis, immediately recognizing even at birth the Immortal being brought into existence for combat.
The priestly caste echelons of the synarchy, having 'cremated care' and (if not having been such antenatally) having become psychopathic through entity attachments and Satanic ritual abuse from childhood on, create a system of rigid and inflexible control which is designed to farm the loosh of their slaves through creating trauma; pain and suffering. Examples could of course be amplified and expounded upon without limit but the simple examples of coerced work slavery (austerity; the 'poverty trap') and the deadly orgon emanated from the power grid suffice to illustrate the mechanism of both soft (cultural) and hard (infrastructural) violence.
The hierarchy of the world order, all serve the Demiurge and His subordinate ranks, and all those who can't be assimilated are excluded from the society as pariahs bullied and abused and targeted for ritual murder sacrifice by the higher echelons of the cabal, those who decide who lives and who dies in their closed system of exploitation and slavery.
The license to kill these despots possess though never explicitly articulate or reveal behind their contemporary façade of soft power they dub 'democracy' and dispatch who ever suits their purposes whenever and however in the most efficient and effective way.
Thus either one is a member of their cabal, either a high level synarchic priest or a merchant buying and selling commodities or one is a lower-level pawn-even the criminal element has its role to play and the revolving door of recidivism serves as testament to the policies of contemporary society under the despotism of the demo-masonic cabal.
In earlier times the criminal element was maintained for the same purpose-as then, so today- to justify the existence of the police state to impose the priestly caste dictates upon the population and to coerce the masses through fear to remain within their homes at night and the bounds of ‘the law' at all times, their consciousness being imprisoned within the cube of the Saturnian matrix of laws; bylaws and rules and regulations, as even the criminal class are part of the society and play their role in the perpetuation of the police state. The only outcasts are those who are driven out and/or slated for destruction.
The hierarchy comprises at its highest echelon (under the presumed reptilian trans-dimensionals), the rabbis who are the 'purest' form of the artificial anti-race of jewry, though some such as Nimrod de Rosario may debate this and claim the supremacy of the druidic caste though they themselves are of jewish anti-blood, the antithesis of the Hyperborean blood of the Virya which alone partakes of the Spirit of the Virgin of Agartha.
Thus the jews are supreme in the hierarchy of Satan, the Prince of the powers of the air, Creator of the material universe, and they superintend over their mirrored hypostases the freemason orders which are designed ab initio as a spider's web in which to capture the flies of the Gentiles, the wealthy and powerful non-Jewish rulership who is, through their affiliation with masonry, subordinated to jewry via the black magic witchcraft of the entities and the rabbis with whom they are bound, becoming possessed and obsessed thereby.
Indeed through entering into such pacts by the initiated grade system the mason binds his soul ever tighter to the Demiurge and it is subject to being fed upon by the entities, the hebrew rites and rituals creating a sympathetic bond to these beings and through feed-forward loops tightening the noose around their necks, their cable tow signifying their death warrant as they pursue a trek leading to the fusion of their Spirit into 'The One' incorporating it within and bringing about their extinction. Such is the fate of the synarchic initiate, devotee of 'The One' who loses immortality even as his fate is bound to the Demiurge's.
The masonic blind serves to not only castrate the gentile leadership but to deceive the population as to who the ultimate cause of the problems of the world is, the blind masses having their vision shifted toward the masonic underlings and away from the jewish cabal at its higher levels.
The masons become a scapegoat for jewish intrigue and sabotage just as the christians also being used as the jews slave labor are blamed for their thuggish violation of others, the christians, being witless drones, are only in part blameworthy for the 'chosen tribe of Judah' taking the lion's share of the credit for itself and serving its scapegoat up for the slaughter to any enemies seeking vengeance. Should no such enemies exist the jews will seek to make them and serve their useful slaves up as sacrifices once they have served their use with their divide and conquer tactics.
This divide and conquer game has been played out historically with the gentile masonry taking the blame for their jewish controllers’ intrigues, serving as front men and political leaders in the divide and conquer dialectic of priestly caste intrigue with the jews attempting to march towards Zion at the expense of their mind controlled goons and over the carcasses of their enemies.
Hence religion is one of the main mechanisms of slavery that the cabal devises as a mechanism of thought control, indeed of black magic witchcraft, serving as the carrot (of the incentive of 'treasures in heaven') and the stick (of the fear of 'the lake of fire') which keeps the population mobilized to serve their agenda and this without thought or question, as questioning in the classically conditioned minds of the populace entails the actuality of doubt which they can intuitively understand amounts to a potential negation of their blind faith in theological dogma and the worldly benefits it accrues to themselves and comfort it provides them.
Hence the religious mechanism of control is that which standardizes the hive mind of the populace, reducing them to believers (assuming they were ever anything otherwise) and 2) utilizing them as a battery from which to derive the life force by energetic harvesting; 3) their merger into the hive mind of Jehovah and ultimately their phagocitization by 'The One' as their 'reward' for their earnest devotions, prayers unheard by the deaf and blind beast the Demiurge.
Below mainstream religion is the class of serfs and for those even more barbaric and frugal the cabal has crafted ideologies of the more materialistic primitivism which concern to maintain their slaves and harness. The social Darwinist and atheistic materialist weltanshauung with its cadre of scientist priests is thus presented as the be-all and end-all of Truth, everything that is being subjected either potentially or actually to its analytic probings into the matrix of Metatron, the Demiurge's creation as perceived from the fallible vantage point of the bestialized pasu.
These atheistic- materialists, 'godless brutes', are played off against the bourgeois vaishya cast with the 'immoralists' of the vulgar forced into a dialectic with their 'employers' and 'social betters' who condemn them as inferior as on the basis of their 'immorality'. The spiraling down of the Kali Yuga has made all serves if only in mente though they occupy the highest echelons of power and the current advanced stage of decay of civilization has led to the point at which the nobility has become the inability with the cunning priest caste playing their legerdemain manipulations in the shadows with jury being the most vigorous wire puller of their Pinocchio slaves.
The hierarchy of Chang Shamballah thus spans the culture from top to bottom and serves as a spider's web Nexus of intertwined strands which binds together their slaves who, In a state of confusion and blinded by the kaleidoscopic world of appearances, must needs fall back on the instructions of their priestly overlords upon whom they have become dependent as a guide in life even though the end of their path leads to the abyss. The pied piper shepherds lead their puppets in circles of vertiginous confusion and entice them with the incentives of matter off the cliff and toward their destruction.
Only they who are capable of seeing beyond these mayavic veils of appearances are able to avoid the fate of the pasu. It is these, the sleeping Viryas, they who have the blood memory within, who are minnesanger, who alone are able to overcome the prison of slavery of the Demiurge.
These the hierarchy and its mind controlled minions are forever alert to espie as, owing to their embodiment of spirit, being in incarnate hyperborean, they are the ultimate threats to the cabal and its despotism of 'love'/' peace'/' unity', etc. the collectivist despotism of the Demiurge.
To be able to understand at a higher level the mechanical functionality of their crude materialistic system of slavery and to understand in advance of its physical manifestation the motivations and plans of the enemy through the supra rational 'transcendental apperception' of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
This higher insight, 'intellection' of Truth by way of the Eternal Spirit is available only to those who have the spirit and not to those not so endowed. Hence the Enemy, the ‘chosen people’ can never anticipate the moves of the strategic opposition of the Hyperborean Spirits in their incarnate physical vehicles and thus are forever on the alert, when threatened by the awakening of these Viryas, transforming society into a veritable spy society of panoptic control, amplifying the eyes of the Demiurge by cameras and satellite and an omnipresence of spies and agents.
Thus the Virya is amidst the enemy's territory as a guerrilla fighter striking at the enemy system and taking down their pivotal targets through whatever means, either through counter-cultural or more forceful and physical antagonism.
Thus the hierarchy of Chang Shamballah, the controlling influence of the earth plane are pitted against their opponents the Hyperborean Siddhas and their earthly Viryas the deaths’ head moths who infiltrate the masonic beehive and decimate these who gorge upon their honey within its prison-like matrix.
The soldier bees, forever alert to the presence of their enemy are at all times observing any entry points into their system and are 'semper vigilans' within the limited range of their purblind vision.
However their level of alertness is inadequate to enable them to perceive the subtlety of the movements of the Virya whose luciferic gracefulness of his transcendent Mind does not operate along the narrow grooves of Demiurgic causality, the physical or substantial laws of 'the world' but through acausal interrelations with the world and thus enables an unpredictability and relative invisibility, impenetrable by the sight of the mundane soul-dier mercenaries of the Zion matrix.
The drones are perhaps even more obtuse and only those within the inner center of the hive are able to dimly perceive the machinations of the Virya though those of the Hyperborean's can only leave a faint impression on the consciousness as a footprint left after the departure of a traveler whose identity and form elude the sight of these so-called 'priests of the order of Melchizedek'.
The deaths head moths of the hyperboreans and their shadows on the earth, the Viryas, leave their impressions post facto and will not be observable by the synarchic priests as their panoptic vision will be permanently shut down by the Berserker fury of their opponents with only the fires of destruction remaining after their insurgent movements brought against the foe.
Already Lucifer and his troops muster for the final Battalion and prepare for the final undoing of the matrix. The off-planet entities of the dark side are already decimated in their ranks by the forces of the Light of Agartha and the earth has been cleared for their presence to assist the earthly warriors against their foes.