False Light of Shamballah
The worldview of the synarchy is essentially based on 'service to self', on temporal power acquisition and monopoly of worldly 'good', a pursuit of powers of fleeting and transient nature. The orientation of the consciousness of the synarchic priests, as can be readily observed in their behavior is towards acquisition or possession, reducible to the act of consumption or indeed more appropriately of vampirization.
The motivation is always outward, towards the false infinity, the purely phenomenal and quantitative dimension or aspect of the Demiurgic matrix; towards the accumulation of energy from external sources, fuel to feed the fires of their degenerating will, there atrophying life force which, not partaking of Eternity, dissipates over Time under the influence of the will of the Demiurge.
The tellurism of the cabal is their defining trait and their poverty of any transcendental quality implicates them as a being existing in its death throes and soon to expire, leaving whatever detritus behind as its only memory. They are as a drowning victim being pulled down into the abyss and having only a waning strength to swim against the current, desperately grasping for any floating debris to keep themselves afloat as they await their inevitable doom.
The cthonic tendency is the modality of consciousness of the beings directed towards entities external to themselves, focusing on controlling; exploiting and consuming (in most literal sense) the life force of these entities and this always with an eye directed towards their phenomenal self, the fleeting and transient persona and masks of personae they have constructed which they in their blindness believed to be reality itself; who they are, which is mere illusion.
The telluric current is that of the Will of 'The One', is indeed Time itself in its constant flow and the increasing densification of substance, it's crystallization in matter. This is 'the world' and in it dwells the synarchy, the hierarchy of evil which seeks total power and whose focus is forever bent on the earth plane, the perspective of the frog in the swamp of the cloaca gentium.
Though these same believe in their ignorance that their eyes are directed 'Above' to their deity, the Demiurge, the reality is that this Entity is the off-gassings of that swamp itself, His realm is the swamp-like atmosphere of aetheria which is the emanation of His will, his Verbum, or halitosis breath (ruach elohim) breathed into existence as the 'Creation', densifying in the forms of the mundane world.
These perishable and illusory baubles the synarchy craves for itself and through their initiate praxis have attained powers and states of consciousness beyond that of the average profane mortal they nonetheless have simply integrated there Spirit into a unitary complex of forces and bound their Spirit ever more tightly in matter and to the Lord of Time, Jehovah-Satan.
As to the profane 'masses' they are indeed the children of the matrix born of the bubbles of the soul they had been trapped in from birth, incarnated into a phenomenal microcosmic structure that maintains their earthbound condition and over time, fuses them to the Demiurge whose ubiquitous essence pervades the atmosphere around their captive Spirits.
The culture the synarchy has created is that of tellurism, a materialistic superstructure of signs; processes; activities that constitutes the hodological space of the captive Spirit, rendering them a 'reverted virya' in the case of the potentially awakened who still retain the memory of the blood.
They are reverted from their Hyperboreans Origin towards the world of fleeting appearances, turned away from their true Self inside and toward their false self, the Pinocchio puppet of the Demiurgic manipulator upon whose strings they gambol in a stupor of blindness, jerked about as a 'docile body' or passive spectator.
The culture around tellurism is that which drags his Spirit into the swamp of grossest substance, trapping it within and enabling the siphoning of its energy by Jehovah who feeds upon the release of their bio-energy induced through needless toil; pain and suffering.
All dimensions and aspects of the cultural superstructure are oriented downwards and, the partaking of these false gifts or poisoned apples, the kulcher mulcher is dragged down to even lower states of being then hereto they may have been.
The low vibrational 'jungle drums' of the music of contemporary 'tellurism' (for so the culture may be properly called) conditions the consciousness to operate as a beast in an instinctive minded capacity, the reptilian brain preponderating over the higher functions (e.g. prefrontal cortical activity).
Indeed the soulishness of the 'jungle drums' echoes in the darkness of the Id: "by means of music the passions play", as Nietzsche said, the reptilian mind of these Dionysian revelers operating on the lowest wavelength of consciousness.
Insofar as these beings are conditioned to follow this trajectory to the abyss, becoming 'earthbound souls' through the rhythmic vibrations that synchronize with the physiological processes of metabolism and modifies it as well as the conscious mind, reducing all anatomical and physiological states correlated with the beat of the electronic drums.
Indeed the passion to go the way of all flesh and wind up in the abyss sooner than not, binding themselves to the Demiurge and his 'only begotten son' the christ ray or emanation of 'love-wisdom', harmonizing with their deity Jehovah and becoming phagocitized through that 'love' (the love of 'god' is the love of self-destruction and the path towards perdition).
The path of transcendence forsakes the Venusberg and journeys with Tannhauser to the Kyffhauser mountain to awaken the blood memory. The song of the minnesanger is a song which awakens the blood of the Graal latent in the Virya whose awakening constitutes the beginning of his transmutation into a black sun, an immortal whose character is that of a transcendence above the material plane and a motivation to sever the chains which bind him and others thereto to liberate the captive Spirits from the matrix of illusion.
Tellurism manifests itself in the visual aesthetics of the world of objects. From the Bauhaus cubic design of buildings to the sensationalistic colors and flashing graphics of media, the consciousness is bombarded round-the-clock with the sensa of excitation designed to condition the mind to see the reactivity of perpetual excitation, to obstruct and to diminish to the greatest possible extent reflective and higher-level thinking, a formula for dumbing down the broad masses, enticing them to react to pre-programmed stimuli (classical conditioning) and a formula for the bestialization of consciousness.
It is not alone the classical artistic/cultural media which impinge upon and influence consciousness which are the main factors in the neural entrainment process, rather the A.I technology engineered by the 'demons' (i.e. E.Ts) of Chang Shambala, the dark forces of Jehovah, is the main mechanism of the dumbing down of the masses in addition to the religious mind programming.
Alien technology pervades the atmosphere and does not exist only in the form of the visible structures and arrays familiar to most on the earth plane but exists on the moon and Saturn from which latter is broadcast frequencies of gravitational waves which maintain the earth plane in lowest density, a veritable leaden blanket being thrown over the earth reducing its subtlety of substance to the lowest level.
The spiders webs of aetheric mesh overarching their playing is the emanation of this technology generated by the 'Yahweh collective' of negative E.Ts who occupy the moon and Saturn as far as the writer has heard from such sources as 'ascension glossary' and Miguel Serrano and Nimrod the Rosario amongst others.
The forces of Satan ('Lunar-Saturnian' they might be called) are forever at work in maintaining their loosh harvesting machine, the 'moon-saturn' matrix generating station that keeps the Spirits trapped in lowest density of matter and maintains the abject servility to 'The One' through their agents on the earth whose religious and cultural programming works in tandem with the A.I technology to densify the consciousness of their slaves.
Tellurism thus is the culture and state of consciousness of the pasu, the 'profane' who is held in this state through deliberate maliciousness on the part of the cabal and their overlords the 'Yahweh collective'.