The Abrahamic Question in the Spiritual World
The atom of matter, the unit of force, the mind of man, and the being of the arch-angel are all but degrees on one scale, and all fundamentally the same, the difference between solely a matter of degree, and the rate of vibration- all are creations of THE ALL, and have their existence solely within the Infinite Mind of THE ALL.”
– The Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece
The Vedic, Hermetic and Gnostic spiritual traditions and philosophies that have their origins in the distant past all point to the idea that humankind has not “evolved” upwards from lower stages of life, but rather it has “devolved” from a higher, ethereal or “spiritual” state of existence down into our present state as bodies of gross matter. Ancient myths and legends from all over the world speak of a “Golden Age”- a time when humanity lived in harmony with the natural world and in close communion with the gods. Likewise, these ancient myths and legends of all peoples tell of a time when this Golden Age came to an end, and mankind found itself “cut off” or separated from the spiritual worlds. Coinciding with this Golden Age and subsequent “fall” are myths and legends of a time when humanity was “one” only to at one point become divided and separated in some form or fashion.
Around the turn of the 20th century, an Austrian psychic and spiritual adept named Rudolf Steiner used his abilities to tap into what is known as the “Akashic Records”. Theosophist Alice A. Bailey describes the Akasha as being
like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time.
When Steiner read into the Akasha, his findings seemed to concur with the ideas of the Vedic, Hermetic and Gnostic teachings:
In an ancient period, human forms appear before us which are soft, malleable and quite different from later ones… The substances which later became solid were previously in a fluid, still earlier, in a vaporous and steam-like, and in an even more remote past, in the most refined (etheric) condition. The decreasing temperature caused the hardening of substances… One must be quite clear about the fact that only later did man assume the dense substantiality which he has today, and that he did this very gradually. If one wants to form an idea of his corporeality on the level of development which is being discussed, one can best do this by imagining it as similar to water vapor or to a cloud suspended in the air.
Human evolution, and likewise the evolution of life on Earth in this narrative is described as a gradual “densification” process in which as the Earth “cooled”, matter became more solid. During this time, human beings were immersed in a sort of “dream world”, not unlike what the Australian Aboriginals refer to as the “Dreamtime”. In this “Dreamtime”, humans interacted with beings we refer to as gods and angels. Steiner describes this interaction:
They (humans) were directed by an understanding which was outside of them. Higher, more mature beings than they, surrounded and directed them. For the important, basic quality or the fire mist was that on the level of their existence which we have characterized, human beings could embody themselves in it, but that at the same time higher beings also could take on a body in it and could enter into a fully reciprocal relationship with men.
At this time, human beings were fully immersed in the world of gods and angels. It was somewhat akin to the world that many modern-day psychics claim to inhabit, being able to see and interact with a variety of non-physical entities on a day-to-day basis. Indeed, humans of the “Dreamtime” possessed a sort of clairvoyance, but Steiner describes it as a one that “was quite dull and dreamlike. It was not a self-conscious clairvoyance.”
However, one of the primary goals for humanity according to Steiner and earlier mystics was to become sovereign, self-directed, self-aware beings, fully independent of the sway and influence of outside forces. In order for this to happen, they needed to be separated from this world of gods and angels. When this happened, humanity suffered a sort of abandonment complex, similar to what modern-day occultist and activist Mark Passio refers to in his “Cosmic Abandonment Theory”, the difference being this isn’t exactly the “Ancient Aliens” scenario he describes. The gods and angels who had guided (and sometimes misguided) them seemed to be vanishing from sight and far more difficult to consult. Steiner postulates that the construction of the pyramids and ziggurats, and even the legendary Tower of Babel was a desperate attempt of humanity to reach up to the Divine realms that seemed to be disappearing, as they grew denser in form and consciousness, and the world around them changed to accommodate this.
According to Steiner, as mankind changed according to the Divine plan, it was necessary for him to develop new faculties and abilities in place of his old ones. It is at this point in Steiner’s Akashic history, that we are introduced to Abraham, patriarch of the Twelve Tribes of Israel and their mission in the evolution of humankind:
It was necessary that from the whole of Post-Atlantean civilisation, faculties of the highest quality should be extracted, which would enable mankind to develop powers in place of the old clairvoyant gifts. It was the Hebrew people which was chosen for this task, to the end that it might provide a bodily constitution which, right into the most delicate vessels of the brain, was so organised that what we call knowledge of the world might evolve, free from the influences of the old clairvoyance. — This was to be the mission of the ancient Hebrew people. And in Abraham, the progenitor of this people, such an Individuality was chosen, that out of his bodily constitution, a suitable instrument might be fashioned for the development of reasoned thinking. All previous thinking of any significance was still subject to the influences of the old clairvoyance. But now a personality was chosen because he possessed the brain most capable of withstanding the inrush and coercion of clairvoyant Imaginations and Intuitions, and was destined to acquire knowledge of the things of the world purely by the process of reason. This required a specially constituted brain, and the personality chosen because he possessed such a brain, was Abram, or Abraham.
Steiner postulates something similar to the “hundredth monkey theory”, in that the development and achievements of specific individuals and groups will spread throughout humanity through a combination of genetics and consciousness phenomenon. In Abraham, this desired development was the ability of man to be able to understand the nature of the Divine in a conceptual and intellectual manner. Correlating with this is the writings of Jewish Roman historian Josephus, who referred to Abraham as a sort of Chaldean scientist. Chaldea was a small Semitic nation encompassing part of modern-day Iraq and Kuwait was which emerged between the late 10th and early 9th century BC, surviving until the mid 6th century BC, after which it disappeared, and the Chaldean tribes were absorbed into the native population of Babylonia. Josephus describes Abraham bringing knowledge of astronomy to Egypt:
He (Abraham) communicated to them arithmetic, and delivered to them the science of astronomy; for, before Abram came into Egypt, they were unacquainted with those parts of learning; for that science came from the Chaldeans into Egypt, and from thence to the Greeks also.
The 20th century philosopher and occultist, Julius Evola gives his perspective on this Chaldean science in his work, “The Jewish Question in the Spiritual World”:
In ancient Chaldea, the priestly sciences, especially astronomy, are precisely the expressions of a lunar-mathematical spirit, an abstract and fundamentally fatalistic contemplativism, divorced from any interest in the heroic and supernatural affirmation of personality. A remnant of this component of the Semitic spirit, secular and intellectualized, is active in Jews of recent times: from Maimonides and Spinoza to modern Jewish mathematicians (e.g., Einstein, or in Italy, Levi-Civita and Enriques), we find a characteristic ‘passion’ for abstract thought and for natural law expressed in lifeless numbers.
The Torah, the Talmud, the Bible, and the Koran all point to Abram, (who was later initiated as “Abraham”) as the patriarch of Judaism, Christianity and Islam- the three “Abrahamic” religions. In their positive aspect, the Abrahamic traditions have helped to foster the development of much of modern scientific thought, particularly in early medieval Arabia. The Koran states that Abraham also acquired further wisdom and initiation in the deep science and knowledge of the “Most High God” from Noah and his son, Shem:
And when Abram came out from the cave, he went to Noah and his son Shem, and he remained with them to learn the instruction of the Lord and his ways… And Abram was in Noah’s house thirty-nine years, and Abram knew the Lord from three years old, and he went in the ways of the Lord until the day of his death, as Noah and his son Shem had taught him.
This knowledge that Abram (who was later initiated as “Abraham”) was bringing forth into the world was the ability to understand and perceive the Divine in the external material world. This Divine impulse was reflected in the nature of the Hebrew god, YHVH (also known as “Yahweh”, “Jehovah”, “Jahve”, etc.):
Jahve… is the Divine Being who gazes down upon men from outside, who comes to men from outside, manifesting Himself in wind and weather. When man penetrates to the relationships of number, measure and weight inhering in the things of the visible world, he draws near to the God Jahve.
Now there is some debate over the true “identity” of this god. Steiner as well as H.P. Blavatsky tend to classify Jehovah as a “moon god”. This can be further evidenced by the correlation of the god of Israel to “Allah”, the God of Islam. It is noted that Allah is the name of an ancient moon god in local Arabic mythology. The lunar symbolism on the flag of Islam is also used to verify this statement. Lastly, what has been seemingly “lost” in the exoteric (external) Semitic traditions is the idea that the Semitic-Canaanite god Yahweh had a female consort- Astarte, who was a moon goddess.
However, if one looks at the name “Jehovah”, it is linguistically very similar to “Jove”, which is one of the many names of the god/planet Jupiter. Jupiter, along with Saturn and Uranus make up what are known as the “Jovian” planets. Throughout the ancient world that Abraham would have inhabited, Jupiter was seen as “lord”. In fact, in the treaty between the Egyptian ruler Ramses II and the Hittite king, Hattusili III of Hatti, refers to Jupiter as “the lord of heaven”.
That being said, there also appears to be valid evidence that Yahweh is in fact Saturn; “Old Father Time”. The original Sabbath or Shabbat is on the seventh day of the week, Saturday or “Saturn’s Day”. This is one done to honor when the initial creation of the material world was completed- that is to say when all of the basic elements and components that would comprise and direct the material world were brought into being. Saturn is known as the father of the material world- the world “outside” of ourselves. This is the world that Abrahamic consciousness was charged with understanding.
Others still will say that it is ultimately the Sun, who is the true “Grand Architect” of the world, and is the God who is speaking in Genesis, as well as the various heroes like Joshua, David, and later, Jesus. Personally, I tend to postulate that the “God” of the Torah and the Bible is in fact multiple “gods” and it depends on what part of the story you are reading as to which aspect of this “multiple personality” is speaking and acting. It should be understood that the Bible and the Torah and to an extent the Koran, are in essence a composite of the various myths, legends and spiritual traditions that existed in the area of Egypt, the Arabian peninsula, and up into Central Asia at the time.
Personally, I see a succession throughout the Bible as to who would be seen as “God”, as the influence of each of the various spheres likely grew and then diminished in strength and influence at various times. It is also possible that things like “Saturn theory” out of the Electric Universe model are possible, giving us a very different understanding as to how much these Celestial Bodies influenced us as they moved closer and further away from us. The planets themselves would have likely looked very different during times when matter was not as solid and “fixed” as it would later become. It is also possible that time itself was much different, as it is our positional relationship to these spheres, in particular the Sun, that creates time as we know it as well as the phenomenon of “aging”. Indeed, this world may have been one that would even seem “alien” to us.
With the initial “fall” of human beings into a material existence and a physical body (the Garden of Eden story), we would have seen the development of the ego arise through the sense of the “other” existing outside of ourselves. This ego was initially manifested in the development of the “reptilian” portion of the brain- the base whose functions are concerned with procreation and survival. The events in the Garden of Eden story with the serpent describe the creation of the base structure of the physical body and the nervous system in particular. We would do well to envision this as a structure that was both built “around us” and “from us” through the workings of Cosmic Forces radiating outward from the Divine Source. The ego was the awareness that arose out of this process, the initial point of which was to enable us to perceive where our physical body ended and another object began. This was crucial for us to have in a world where physical death was now a reality. Again, we should understand that the Earth and the very nature of matter were VERY different back then.
The consciousness created through this increasing sensation of separation created as man came into a physical body did not come without problems. These problems came to a head during the infamous “Time of Noah”, when a great cataclysm took place on the Earth that appeared to set things back a bit. Speculation abounds as to what this was, or what brought it about, but it is indeed spoken of in the myths and legends of pretty much all peoples across the world. The story of Abraham then, takes place a few hundred years after this (Noah is reported to have lived for centuries after the Flood).
In Abraham was perhaps seen the opportunity to “do it right this time”, in a sense. Abraham represented the ability to have the perception of the external “otherness” while perceiving this “other” as a part of the Divine. While other cultures, most notably in India, were perceiving the “external world” as strictly an illusion or “Maya”, Abraham was seeing that it was in fact part of the Divine Expression.
According to Steiner, this evolution in consciousness was unique to Abraham at this time, and was not necessarily shared by other humans. However, it was understood that through the “seed” of Abraham, this new trait could multiply through future generations of humanity. In scripture, Abraham is understood to be the patriarch of what came to be known as the Twelve Tribes of Israel in more than just an ideological sense- were are talking about a genetic patriarchy. Steiner describes the imperative for the form of consciousness that was being developed in Abraham to be preserved through purity in his lineage. This is not the first time this concept is mentioned in the Bible, as Noah too was described as “pure in his generations”, and throughout the Bible, emphasis on a sort of “purity” through breeding is echoed in subsequent stories and chapters. Steiner states this maintenance of a kind of “genetic purity” was necessary to develop the traits that would eventually be spread throughout humanity:
It was now a matter of deriving from the particular faculties possessed by the individual man Abraham, the mission of a whole people. Abraham’s spiritual constitution had to be transmitted to others. But this spiritual constitution is bound up with the physical instrument; whatever is to be brought to outward expression depends upon the physical body being organised in a definite and specific way. In the ancient religions, built up as they were on the foundation of shadowy clairvoyance, the particular formation of the various parts of the brain was not of such essential importance. Understanding of Jehovah, however, was fundamentally bound up with the constitution of the physical brain. Only by way of physical heredity, within a people linked by blood-relationship, could such faculties and qualities be transmitted.
Very special measures were necessary for the achievement of this end. Abraham must have descendants who would carry to further stages of development that unique physical organism which until then had been the work of the gods and which had come to its most perfect expression in Abraham. The elaboration of the physical, bodily constitution was now to be taken in hand by man independently and that which for long ages had been the work of the gods be led by man to further stages. That this process must extend over many generations is self-evident. A brain capable of understanding Jahve had to be preserved through physical heredity. Jahve’s covenant with Abraham had also to pass on to his descendants.
According to scriptures, it was the sons of Abraham who became the progenitors of the Jews and Arabic Muslims, as well as the line of David of whom Jesus was supposedly a descendant. Now as has been stated, there were originally Twelve Tribes of Israel according to legend (reflective of the Twelve Signs of the Zodiac) who claimed Abraham and his family as ancestors (however this number could very well be strictly symbolic as there were many different Semitic peoples with similar tribal beliefs). Steiner points to a primary role of this group of people as a whole was to keep humanity from “wholly losing its way into polytheism”. Steiner elaborates on this idea:
I have told you that the mission of the Jews in human history was to spread the belief in the One Godhead, and it will be clear to you that it was necessary for them, as a people, to be prepared for this. Therefore it came about that when the Jewish people originally came into existence, the several Folk-Spirits, each of whom worked individually in a particular people, all concerned themselves with the Jewish people… in that corner of the Earth called Syria where the Jews had their home, the influences and will of all the Folk-Spirits operated in this one people.
With this statement, I might suggest the interpretation of “Jews”, as meaning descendants of the Abrahamic/Semitic lineage and tradition, which according to Julius Evola is a broader class of people than just “the Jews”:
The term ‘Semitic,’ as everyone knows, has a broader connotation than the word ‘Jewish’… the Jewish element cannot be clearly separated from the general type of civilization that in ancient times spread throughout the eastern Mediterranean, from Asia Minor to the edges of Arabia.
What was happening here was that as humankind became separated from the Spiritual worlds through the densification process, they began resorting to a primitive form of “idol worship”. Having lost connection with the gods and angels, human beings created what amounted to little more than cheap knock-offs of the spiritual forces they used to be able to see and perceive. In the most degenerated forms, this led to the idols themselves as being seen as the gods. While there were indeed idols imbued with certain “presences”, this was a far cry from the spiritual truth that was the foundation of humanity’s essence.
The Abrahamic transmission was about creating a new relationship and understanding of the Primal Force of Creation in a changing world. The primary tenet was that there was ONE force above all others that used various methods and forms to express itself (the Kabbalah and the Tree of Life illustrates this concept quite well). This was about seeing through the multitude of gods that had worked with humanity in the Golden Age and seeing the ONE force that created them all. It was also about the notion of a “divinely inspired” moral code or Law being imparted to guide humanity through a time when things were beginning to get “sticky”, and the new temptations and desires that arose from being in a dense physical body were becoming increasingly powerful.
Dispute over the legitimacy of a king eventually led to internal division and warfare amongst these tribes, ultimately leading to the Nation of Israel being conquered by the Assyrians. It is said that ten of these tribes were expelled from ancient Palestine, leaving only the tribes of Benjamin and Judah, who eventually became one. The “Jews” of today are believed to be the descendants of these two tribes in particular.
Now much is said and speculated about what happened to tribes that were expelled as well as those that were later “taken into captivity” by Babylon. There is evidence that the “lost tribes” migrated up into Europe and into the British Isles. Interestingly the monarchy of Britain maintains that it is descended from the House of David, and as is evidenced in the coronation ceremony. According to some legends, the Tribe of Dan settled in Europe, and the names of such landmarks as the Dan-ube River and the Kingdom of the Danes (Denmark or “Dan-mark”) are seen as etymological evidence. The Mormons claim that one of the lost tribes made its way to the Americas and there is indeed some very surprising archaeological evidence to back up that claim. There were also the Phoenicians, the famed Semitic merchant sailors who lived in the area that would have been occupied by the Tribe of Asher. Evidence of Phoenician influence has been found up into the British Isles and arguably as far away as North America.
As far as those tribes remaining in the “Holy Land”, some maintain that the tribe of Judah was eventually corrupted and infiltrated by Edomites– a rival Semitic tribe. There is also evidence that the House of Judah was corrupted by the sort of “mercantile priesthood” of Babylon, and that the Judaism that arose after the captivity period was indeed a very different creature. There is also of course, the evidence that many of what are known as Ashkenazi Jews are in fact descendants of the old Khazar trade empire. Preceding all of these would be the Semitic Hyksos tribe of nomads who appear to have originated out of Central Asia and went into Egypt where they were eventually expelled (similar to the hundreds of expulsions of Jews throughout Europe over the centuries). This would have been the likely basis for the Exodus story.
In any case, the actual truth around much of this appears to be blurred between myth and history, as well as fact and disinformation propaganda, and can be incredibly difficult to sort through. It is quite possible that even the original stories surrounding the figure of Abraham were altered to fit the socio-political needs of the Babylonian/Semitic elite class. This is where the need for informed discernment comes in.
After the split between the descendants of Abraham, it appears that there was somewhat of a degeneration in consciousness, as the “dark side” of this sort of Jovian-Lunar consciousness began to overshadow its positive elements. By the time the Gnostics came on the scene, the old ways of Abraham were seen by many as corrupted and subverted. The Gnostics saw that the Abraham’s descendants had fallen into either dogmatic literalism or decadent materialism. Likewise, they saw the God of the Old Testament as the tyrannical demiurge who imprisoned humanity in the “tomb” of the body. This was different from the God of “love” of the New Testament. I might postulate this is because we are dealing on one hand with a Saturnian/Lunar deity on one hand, and a Solar deity on the other. These forces are polar opposites of one another, and create the sense of being pulled in multiple directions that we feel being incarnated in a physical body with a finite ego.
With each passing age, different expressions of the Divine Consciousness will tend to exert more influence than others. This translates into the movement of power and influence from one planetary “deity” to an another as well as from one “folkish” expression of that planetary diety to another. This is why we see ages pass from being dominated by Saturn to Jupiter to the Moon to the Sun, etc., etc. Likewise each of these Cosmic Beings has both a masculine and a feminine side, as well as a “good” and a “bad” side.
two faces of Saturn
This was the time when humanity descended into what the Vedic Tradition refers to as the “Kali Yuga”, or the “Age of Materialism”. Lasting from approximately 700 B.C. to 1700 A.D., this was the time when matter became as dense as it ever had been and the apparent separation between the physical world and the Higher Realities was as palpable as it ever had been. This was a brutal time of tyrants, slaves and empires. This was the time when the priest class and the nobility became immersed with the merchant class and completely corrupted as a result. Ironically, it was the consciousness that was originally born out of Abraham to perceive the Divinity of the material world that brought about the darkness of the Kali Yuga.
The Pharisees and other Semitic elites had become corrupted and used their power to manipulate and control others. The Greeks and Romans, who shared in this “Jovian” impulse, albeit in a slightly different manner, also found themselves morally degenerating along with the Babylonian/Jewish/Semitic elites of the Middle East. It is believed by some that the Roman elite intermarried with those elites of the Middle East as well as Khazaria. The intermarriage of elite blood, once seen as a way to preserve a divine transmission, was now an agent of degeneration and moral decay. Likewise, the monotheistic transmission of the “One God” degenerated into the most brutal and oppressive interpretations of Judaism, Christianity and Islam, and the power structures and elites they supported and maintained. Humanity was going into a dark time, and it was, for better or worse, a time when Abrahamism would rule with an iron fist. This was a time when a “dark Sun” (Christianity) and a “dark Moon” (Islam) would battle for dominance while “dark Saturn” (Judaism) played both sides and fought both sides.
The Jovian/Lunar forces that worked through Abraham, had slowly transformed into an “Ahrimanic” as well as a “Luciferic” impulse. Steiner saw Ahriman as the unrestricted force of materialism and death, while Lucifer was unbridled passion and egoism. The higher impulses of Saturn/Jupiter and the original transmission of Abraham had lost their vitality and deteriorated into a sort of dark, lifeless shell, while the egoism of Lucifer worked on the minds of the elite priest class. The moral Laws originally conceived to give guidance, were now used almost exclusively to control, oppress and exploit.
This degeneration can be linked with an imbalance of ego, with the function of perceiving an “us” and a “them” enabling and justifying a litany of unspeakable atrocities, from the persecution and witch hunts of the Catholic Church, to the empire building and widespread slavery that grew to characterize the Muslim world, to the usury and subversive tactics that are the worst characteristics of Judaism. The root of this is egoism, albeit an egoism that is out of control. Rudolf Steiner saw the descendants of Abraham as carriers of a particularly potent form of “folk egoism”:
Now because Judaism conceived only of this one God, it could make no image of the Godhead but could only grasp the Divine with the innermost forces of the soul, with the intellect. It is easy to understand that this led to an intensification of human egoism; for man becomes remote from what is around him if he sees the Spiritual only in and through his own person. This has produced a certain folk-egoism in the Jewish world — there is no denying that it is so…
With the spread of the Roman Empire, and then Roman Christianity in Europe, the Abrahamic consciousness began to spread to people who initially had a very different take on things. The Celtic/Germanic/Nordic peoples of Europe were descended at least in part from the Indo-Aryans that established the Vedic tradition in India in past millennia. The ideals of these people, especially in their relationships with the land and nature, as well as the egalitarian relationships between men and women were very different. The Roman/Semitic cultures were by that time very much based in brutal patriarchal dominance and the idea that nature was something to be subdued and utilized. It could be postulated that the Indo-Europeans or “Aryans” represented a spiritual transmission of a previous Age. Perhaps it was the knowledge of this previous Age that was held by the druids, which may in part be why they were wiped out.
Evola described that in the myths and spiritual traditions of the Indo-Aryan-Europeans,
the highest and most privileged places of immortality were open not to Saints, but to Heroes: the Nordic Walhalla, the Doric-Achaean Isle of the Blessed, the heaven of Indra among Indo-Aryans. The conquest of immortality or knowledge retained virile traits; while Adam, in the Semitic myth, is cursed for having tried to steal from the tree of god, in Aryan myth similar adventures are given a victorious and immortalizing outcome in the figures of heroes, such as Hercules, Jason, Mithras, Siegfried. If, higher still than the ‘heroic’ world, the supreme Aryan ideal is the ‘Olympic’ realm of immutable, complete essences, detached from the lower world of becoming, in themselves luminous like the sun and sidereal natures
The myths and ideals of this Indo-European culture appear to be taken from the stories and heroes of the Golden Age- the time when humans still walked in the presence of the gods. The time when the gods and angels would have been as visible to us as the computer I’m typing on. However, that wasn’t the world that humans inhabited anymore. This world was one of dominance and primal fear. Humans weren’t protected by the Divine in the manner they once were. The gods that dominated this age reflected this, and could be seen as darker and representing the sense of being on the edge of oblivion that embodied the Kali Yuga. Evola saw this ‘darkness’ embodied in the Semitic deities:
Semitico-Syrian and Assyrian civilizations are characterized by the predominance of female deities, of lunar or telluric goddesses of Life, often with the impure traits of prostitutes.
The gods, however, who accompany them as lovers, have none of the supernatural traits of the great Aryan Divinities of light and day. Usually they are subordinate beings with respect to the image of Woman or the Divine Mother. They are either “dying gods” who suffer, perish and rise again, or ferocious deities of war, hypostases of savage muscular strength or phallic virility.
Ultimately, Evola saw this Semitic/Abrahamic impulse as one that was antagonistic to that of the Aryan consciousness from the Golden Age:
What characterizes the spirituality of Semitic civilizations in general? The destruction of the Aryan synthesis of virility and spirituality. Among the Semites we have on one hand, a crudely material and sensualistic, or coarsely and ferociously warlike (Assyria) expression of the virile principle; on the other, a de-virilised spirituality, a “lunar” and predominantly priestly relationship to the divine, the pathos of guilt and atonement, an impure and disordered romanticism, and, beside it, almost as an escape, a naturalistic and mathematically based contemplativism.
Regardless of our opinion, the heavy-handedness of this Abrahamic consciousness may very well have been one of the things that was necessary to keep things from slipping out of control during the Kali Yuga. The other was the event referred to by some as the “Return of the Sun God” or the “Christ Event” as it was referred to by Steiner. I am not going to get into details about that here, as I have already gone into it at length in previous articles. Interestingly, Evola notes that the Aryans themselves were primarily a “Solar cult”:
The Aryan symbol is solar, in the sense of a purity that is power and a power that is purity, of a radiant nature that — again — is luminous in itself, in opposition to the lunar (feminine) symbol, that of a nature that only gives off light insofar as it reflects and absorbs light emanating from a center outside of it.
When the Sun/Son incarnated during the Kali Yuga, the nature of this event was obfuscated and suppressed. I dare say that very few people (including myself) know the details of this event. The forces of Abrahamism sought to co-opt this event through much of the church establishment, using Solar symbolism and ritual in its dark aspect (yes, even the Sun has a “dark side”) as a tool for control. However, things are never black and white, and there are always going to be schisms and divisions in every group and institution. There have always been those looking to bring the truth of the Light into the world in even the darkest of times and places.
solar vatican
Like Steiner, I feel that the Abrahamic/Semitic spiritual impulse indeed served a purpose in the evolution of humanity as a whole. However, I also share his sentiment that this impulse has finished serving its purpose:
Therefore to the question: ‘Have the Jewish people fulfilled their mission in the evolution of human knowledge?’ the answer is: They have fulfilled their mission, for in earlier times the existence of a people who brought a certain form of monotheism into being was a necessity. Today, however, what is required is spiritual knowledge. The mission of the Jewish people has been fulfilled. Hence this particular mission is no longer a necessity in evolution…
According to nineteenth century Yogi and mentor of Yogananda, Sri Yukteswar, we are currently in the Dwapara Yuga, or the “Energy Age”, which we have been in since approximately the eighteenth century. With things like the Industrial Revolution, the splitting of the atom, and the advent of computers and the internet, we are indeed in an age where we are beginning to understand and utilize the energetic forces of creation. Much of our modern age has been a sort of “transition” period between the Material Age of the Kali Yuga and this Energy Age of the Dwapara Yuga. Many of the wars and revolutions we have seen in the last 200 years have been a result of the forces of Abrahamism looking to hold onto its power through a combination of shadowy subversion and brutally oppressive force. The Old Age always tries to stay beyond its time.
The saga of Abrahamism shows us how god and the devil can be one in the same. Government, finance, religion- all of these things are currently under the control of this sort of Dark Saturnian-Lunar Abrahamism. Indeed, all of these institutions as we know them were created during this period of Abrahamic influence and are molded by its ideologies- both positive and negative. Even our concept of time has been molded by this influence. However, the productive aspect of this has long since deteriorated, and what we have left are systems and modes of being based in fear, control, slavery, and helplessness. These institutions and concepts will inevitably crumble and fall as we move away from the dying god of Abrahamism and move into the New Age.
However, these types of transitions are never “smooth” and we will continue to see the mechanisms of Abrahamism attempt to rebrand themselves as “progressing” (i.e. Communism, political correctness, multiculturalism, etc.) while they are in fact just the old withering face of the Old Age attempting to wear a cheap mask. We are moving into the Age of Aquarius, which is one that will see the further development of a sovereign individual who learns to master him or herself, while maintaining a compassionate heart towards his or her fellow beings.
Likewise, we will see the development and integration of energy technologies we never dreamed possible. The symbol of this Age will indeed be Solar, but it will be an invigorated Warrior Sun. No longer the dying Sun god of the Kali Yuga, this Sun is one that represents both purity, strength, vitality and new life. It descended into the Underworld in the Kali Yuga, and now is rising in the consciousness of humanity.
I feel it is important that we step back sometimes to perhaps get a “bigger picture” of what is happening in our world. It can be very easy to demonize certain peoples and events. Yes, there is right and wrong, and it is important to maintain a moral foothold in this world. However, we should not get so wrapped up in fighting the “good fight” working to expose and counteract the “evils” of this world- be it radical Islam, the Vatican, Zionism or Cultural Marxism; that we forget that if there was no adversity, there would be no spiritual growth and development, and that is ultimately the point of all this. There is no denying the impact that Abrahamic consciousness has had on the world. While many may wish to say this is somehow an “alien” or “parasitic” form of consciousness, and it may seem to be more “virulent” in certain groups than others, the fact remains that it exists in one form or other in each one of us. It is the human ego, and it is our job to master it, or it will be our master.
If the age of pisces was the age of jewish control, this would seriously have to end in the age of aquarius. Or so I hope...