The American Species
'Negrified America'. Julia Evola's article regarding America well encapsulates the cthonic-tellurian soulishness of the American character, or better said 'culture organism'. Its tenor corresponds to the lowest point of density (the slowest rate of Time-flow), as depicted in Nimrod de Rosario's 'Kali Yuga', psycho-regions map in the 13th chapter of his "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom". 'Lowest density' means the least transcendent and most debased form of consciousness, that most mired in the morass of matter of the Demiurge.
Associated with this state of utmost density is a 'negro archetype', if such it may be called, the frequency or tenor that is the manifestation of the negro in concrete form, and ideally is its soulish, over-soul, or archetypal form. This form preponderates in, 'Negrified America', but not alone.
As Hitler commented, America is also a judaized country, and though the people dwelling therein were predominantly Europoid (as of the time of his commentary), they nonetheless became subordinate to the presence of the negro and his cultural forms, and most significantly, those of the jew, with whom the negro became egregorically intertwined (e.g. jazz music-the Porgy and Bess of Gershwin-in general, the secret relationship between arabs, between blacks and jews, the jews partaking of the 'negro archetype', which transmitted itself in their culture of chthonic materialism, and especially embodied in the Calvinist religion of the, 'founding fathers', and masonry, its tumorous outgrowth-both of which having jewish origins. The American has been from its origin at the least 'negrified', indirectly and by proxy through the jewish influence, and increasingly so with the tangible presence of the negroes whose psychic atmosphere exerted its transmutative influence, 'as above, so below', upon the population. Thus was born the American species through this concentration of originally divisive diverse psychoidal archetypes (concretely manifested as biological racial collectives), the resultant product, 'manufactured' (to use the pragmatic terminology of the Americans), as a reciprocity of the causal influences of culture and biological essences jumbled together in a 'melting pot' or 'shit stew', as Matt Hale referred to it.
The America of today (of the 21st century), is this boiling pot of excrement, which with still relatively discernible qualities of diverse nature, is gradually becoming disintegrated through this process of boiling of culture and race through myriad means of stoking the flames (legislative fanaticism; mass importation of foreign stocks; supremacy of jewry in culture creation/distortion, and control of the pivotal power points of society).
The American species in its Origin and generation was initially established as a deist- masonic, Europoid type without the influence of jewry, at least some have claimed. However, that jewry was allowed to gain entry into the country and to "grow fat in the shadow of the nations", indicates that a not wholly adversarial relationship existed between the "founding fathers", and jewry, and that the principal bone of contention was an antagonism to the catholic church and to the anglican church in England. Some have claimed that Washington himself and others of the founding fathers were jewish and that their insertion into the Americas was simply to build up a power base which would serve as a meeting place of 'the nations', the lost tribes of Israel, which such as Mormonism exemplifies with its belief in being a part of Israel 'grafted in', via some nebulous proto-history in the Americas, a quasi-christian identity belief system replicated in the dominion of Canada and other outposts of the British Empire, with the deception of British Israelism being used as a psyop to deceive the 'negrified', and judaized Europeans to 'graft them in', as gullible goyim to service the jews, preparing the land and building and maintaining the infrastructure so that they, the jews can live in their "kingdom of heaven upon earth", the new Jerusalem or earthly paradise in the lowest world of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan.
The Arabs have called America, 'The Great Satan', and yet themselves, (as far as the writer can understand) 'worship' the Demiurge in the name of 'Allah', and thus fall victim to their own propaganda and distorted misunderstanding of the real, perhaps, being unable to comprehend the Eternal beyond the lower seven heavens within the Demiurgic universe of crystallized light.
'The Great Satan' would refer to the land which rejected the sacred for the Demiurge and fell into the error that America is a land of the Demiurge, the 'New Jerusalem', both judaized and negrified, and that masonry and all of the Protestant sects are venerators of 'the One', under various names (the great architect of the universe, G.A.O.T.U, Jehovah; El Shaddai; Adonai; etc.), and hence the very Satan that the Mohammedans also presumably worship. Nonetheless, America is indeed 'The Great Satan', and thus of necessity accommodative of its current populations that, 'negrified', and judaized, 'goyim' and their controllers.
Given the coarsely chthonic-tellurian nature of America, it is fair to say that its population has formed a new species within the psycho region of lowest density (which Nimrod de Rosario assigns as the sixth and most dense region of the Kali Yuga). Its population are brutal; violent; materialistic (the mammonist orientation of its vampire capitalism underscores this tendency), and sensualistic, all traits embodied in jewry and negroes and any only elevated to the extent of the fading presence of the Spirit of the Aryan, becoming, as in Haiti and other regions throughout history, immersed in the cloaca gentium of the 'melting pot'. Its ideology, based upon transient feelings and emotions, not on any transcendent verities, is thus entirely correspondent with the depths of materialism and 'worldly' orientation.
In America, the soul-body complex preponderates over the Spirit and the latter's light fades into the twilight of the down-going of the West through the gradual diminution of the Aryan.
Thus, the American species may be characterized as 'soulish' or 'psychic', in Gnostic terminology and restricts itself to an ever-decreasing Time-flow, the quicksand of density, which encapsulates the Spirit and threatens its absorption in the substance of the Demiurge, the belly of the beast.
The boisterousness of the cthonic population can only be characterized as plebeian and rather than its being a 'new republic', modelled on ancient Rome under the Caesars and symbolized by the Fasces, it is instead a reflection of the decline and fall of the empire and this under the same spiritual syphilis of the semitic mind virus of the 'Christ archetype', with its plaintive preachments of 'neither jew nor Greek', a far cry from the founding fathers dictum of 'for us in our posterity' (the posterity of the European?, or simply the negrified and judaized American?, who can say what the original intention of its true founders really was-regardless the inclusion of the international chandala has reduced the former heroic Spirit of the pioneering adventurers and 'the winning of the West'.
Now, under the densest conditions of the Kali Yuga, the West threatens its final down going in a, 'sickness unto death'. Will it redeem itself and can it extricate itself from the degraded state in which it exists and at present? Against all odds its population must struggle to rectify their fallen state and the multifarious influences of the dark forces render this a luciferian endeavor that only a madman, a Berserker, could realize through risking all on the most distant prospect of success. As Goebbels stated: "take away America's money and what is left?", and yet in doing so what is left is blood and soil and the possibility of a novum romanum.