The Black Magic of Chang Shambala
The Great White brotherhood, occult order of demonic nature, has an arsenal of tactical weapons they utilize to bring to bear against their foes, the Hyperboreans and their descendants the Aryan race.
These tactics are never perceivable to the average mundane or 'pasu' but the latter at most sees the external manifestation or end result of these tactics, their expression whose cause eludes him.
Hence he sees the effect not the cause and is In a state of ignorance or blindness and left to wander in the labyrinth of confusion the Hierarchy has constructed for him forever seeking the key and yet never discovering it.
Unless of course he has managed to awaken the blood memory and recognize the presence of the adversary and his role vis-Ã -vis the Adversary as an antagonist of an irreconcilable nature. Then and only then may he understand himself and his proper role and cut aside the brambles of illusion placed before him by the Enemy.
The flaming sword of Khristos-Lucifer-Wotan he has unsheathed and brought to bear against the foe, illuminating the chiliastic corners of the labyrinth and exposing to view the legions of the shadow realm.
The black magic of Chang Shamballa brings to bear an infinitude of means to ensnare and castrate the Virya, to tear down into the pit the Adversary who they recognize threatens the dominion over the earth of their 'chosen people' and by proxy themselves.
Hence these irreconcilable differences of the antagonist posit them vis-a-visa one another and lead to the final conflagration or 'last battle' within the 'Valplads' of the terrestrial, materially densified earth which plays itself out simultaneously in higher planes.
Chang Shambala's black magic is that of the generation of illusion: the creation of false causes and concealment of True causes by these blinds is one such tactic which Julius Evola in his "Notes on the Occult War" has called 'symbolic substitution' and which Nimrod de Rosario has called "change of meaning"in his magnum opus "Fundamentals of the Hyperborean Wisdom".
To substitute the meaning of terms; words; symbols and sacrifices of all kinds is the principal tactic of the synarchy the associated network of organizations and groups who serve the Logos of the Demiurge, and his planetary presence Sanat Kumara or the Messiah of Israel or the myriad guises of this avatar of the Demiurge on earth 'as it is in heaven'.
Historically, within the Kali Yuga, the symbols of the Hyperborean are inverted and falsely associated with irrelevant and derogatory meaning such as the symbol of the swastika, a symbol of the Origin, of Eternity, of imminent transcendence and the transmutation of the Self into an immortal, Being falsely associated with the emotional reactivity of jewry, their hatred for the Hyperboreans.
So to the historical presence of the aryan race is falsely associated with 'fallen angels' and carries a purely negative connotation, that of a 'fall' from the 'grace' of the Demiurge, an archetypal inversion, a satanic distortion of reality.
This inversion-perversion tactic of the cabal entails the deliberate inversion of meaning, of phenomena through a cultural distortion, a creation or rather plagiary of the pre-given, antecedent fact which they then proceed to modify or distort to suit their attempted negation of their enemies, falsifying and distorting the identity of that which they hate and attempting to project upon it their own emotional bias, what the fact means to them.
The creation of culture is their method of conditioning the population to react according to their programming, to have the population imitate their own behavior which is modeled for them in the form of celebrities and other popular figures, figures made popular through grooming them from the beginning.
The revelation of the method is one of the tactics of the hierarchy which in their understanding of reality within the realm of the Demiurge, of spatio-temporal causality, is a necessary condition of transferring their karma onto others, making in their belief system their victims into the scapegoat for their own crimes.
Thus they believe, as they circle the wheel of incarnation and develop technology which enables them to maintain their bodily integrity (such as in the trans-humanist agenda) that they are exempt from any punishment from their Demiurge god as they have given their victims a 'choice’: to comply with their will to avoid the harm they wish to visit upon them or to suffer the consequences of the victims' loss with they reaping the profits.
The fact of their having to reveal to their intended victims their intended action, however concealed symbolically and covertly, implies an exploitable weakness, an opportunity to recognize their intention and thereby to plan a strategy around the actions of the hierarchy.
Generation of confusion through cultural creation being one of the major mechanisms of power of the hierarchy it stands to reason that it is a central focus of the hierarchy in its tearing down the bulwark of defense of the organic culture of the folk and supplanting it with a simulacral version of itself.
This is exemplified in the case of christianity assimilating into itself the Hyperborean culture of the aryans and distorting it into an amalgam of incompatible archetypes and inverted archetypes, a materialization or satanization of Spirit at least as viewed and experienced through the minds of fallible mortals as no such thing could ever affect the Uncreated Realm.
Thus the culture which reinforces the mass mind is subtly, as in the case of cunning and prolonged infiltration, modified to suit their ends and simultaneously to efface from the mass mind the consciousness of their ancestors, eventually supplanting it with a simulacral facsimile or counterfeit form designed to empower the hierarchy and weaken the host.
In the case of overt overthrow of nations the radical supplanting of culture occurs such as in the case of Akhenaton and the 'Aton' (aka. Demiurge) or in the Soviet regimes with the homo sovieticus and the preservation of the monotheistic cults of christianity; judaism and freemasonry- all diverse facets of the Dark Crystal of the ‘Deus Vult’ (the face of Jehovah).
The witchcraft of Chang Shambala entails a blaming of the victim as another form of transference in which the victim of their evil or an innocent third party becomes blameworthy for what they do. The case of Ted Bundy leading an expedition to discover the killer (himself) is a case in point.
The witchcraft of the cabal is designed for the harvesting of bio-energy from the targeted victims, indeed from all those 'Other' to the cabal. All are considered either members of the predatorial caste or those upon whom they predate, that is to say their prey. In their worldview of violent aggression the stronger force overcomes the weaker either by brute physicality or by superlative intellect and cunning or both.
There is a complete denial of anything beyond their Demiurge deity and his matrix of spatio-temporal ‘reality’ and thus their focus relates purely to ‘substance’ or the Demiurge and his plasmations (‘forms’) emanations of his will to power which is replicated by the cabal hierarchy.
Hence aggression and violence as an in-itself toward all and sundry is the defining trait or quality of the members of the cabal synopsized by the phrase 'service to self' and yet to the lower self of the phenomenal animic aspect, the personality ensconced within the cultural superstructure and wedded to the Demiurge as a lower hypostasis thereof.
Initiates of the synarchy perceive themselves as of superlative value toward all others and their 'special relationship they have acquired via their initiate praxis or being born into certain reptilian bloodlines predisposes them toward this mentality of self-orientation.
The hypocritical pretense they conceal themselves behind serves as their mask behind which their True face is concealed, the Dr. Jekyll socially acceptable front serving to mask the Mr. Hyde beneath. This image is a perfect representation of the synarchy which hides in plain sight as a display of its power and for the pragmatic motivation of being effective the installation of their Zion prison matrix.
The disarming effect of their smiling mask serves to neutralize prima facie the most opposition and portrays them as humble and altruistic 'mild-mannered' citizens simply following along with the social mores 'just like everyone else'.
Indeed this 'average everydayness' of the synarchic initiates enables them to function optimally within the world and to minimize detection and any antagonism on the part of his peers who, upon discovery of his egregious crimes would summarily relate to him in the mode of extreme hostility, resulting in his loss of position or life.
The black magicians conceal themselves behind myriad masks with the entire hierarchy at all levels playing their particular role in the manipulation of the minds of their peers, steering them toward their perdition, merging into 'The One'.
Hence at the lowest level members of the cabal are inserted to appeal to their related peer and to manipulate and influence them toward their goals from the instant of contact with the peer along the causal series toward the phagocitization of their soul by the Demiurge.
The local blue-collar who is either a jew or a member of the synarchy (a monotheistic religious bigot or illuminati) manipulates the naïve mind of his fellow workers just as the 'intellectual sophisticates' in their ivory towers are manipulated with the latest-greatest theoretical mumbo-jumbo formulated by the hierarchy for the purpose of leading the sheep to the slaughter.
Hence as can be observed by the wise man who has in his wisdom separated himself from the mass as an oppositional strategy, he can perceive how the mass mind is formulated in its most visceral or mundane causality which of course is only the externalization of the process initiated from its principal origin in Chang Shambala.
From the height of the hierarchy to the depth, the organizational structure acts in concert being guided by the so-called 'Masters' of witchcraft, the fallen angels or 'Immortals' who have sold their first the states to the Demiurge in exchange for temporal power and to administer the slave matrix under 'The One'.
The witchcraft of Shambala extends itself as a praxiological manifestation of the will of 'the one', the operation of Jehovah-Malkuth, the ‘chosen people’ and their 'kingdom of heaven on earth', the slave matrix of Zion. The witchcraft operates as a violent machine of bellicosity that operates pervasively on the mundane plane.
From the orchestration of chaos in the form of war and revolution to the structural design of the architecture and infrastructure of topological spaces, the world is designed as a Demiurgic matrix or ‘vampire farm’ for the harvesting of the life force of the 'goyim'.
Trapped within the magic squares of right-angled streets and right-angular houses the energies of the goyim are contained within to be harvested and vampirized by the entities and this through the ley lines of the matrix grid. The saving grace however of this layout and design is that it brackets off the entrapped souls from the evolutionary process of the Demiurge and thus saves them to a degree from 'His grace' of phagocitization. Perhaps the motivation for this is to serve a more significant purpose of enabling the phagocitization by his hypostatic forms be they the trans-dimensional reptilian's who operate the matrix on the moon and Saturn for the harvesting of loosh or for some other more sinister objective this the writer is unable to say.
Regardless, the infrastructure and layout of living spaces is designed as a machine-like mechanism for the generation of chaos. It runs on explosively generated electricity which causes the agitation of the body to a state of truly Satanic resonance, a complete sabotage of the harmonious self-adjustment of normal homeostasis.
It could be argued that this is a good thing and further assists in separating the Spirit from matter, assisting in a wrenching it from the soulish envelope which has anchored it to matter and the material world. Regardless, the agitation produced causes the release of the vital forces which are fed off by the entities and serve as an energetic tithing, or a tax on the living dead of their souls.
Hence the entire infrastructure of towns and cities and 'civilization' is created for the purpose of generating stress and harvesting the bio-energy of the goyim. This witchcraft occurs around the clock and is a ubiquitous and incessant presence, a veritable electromagnetic net of the Demiurge for catching the Piscean fish of the pasus.
The witchcraft of religious dogma is one of the pillars of the cabal in its Praxis of global dominion. “Mind control, world control" is the phrase which best encapsulates the cabal's operations of spiritual warfare, the 'mind' being the spirit encapsulated in substance, and the auric envelope or aetheric prison matrix.
To maintain the spirit trapped within the Demiurge's bukkake, His plasmation or emanation of His base consciousness is their goal and the means through which to attain this state of being, to condition their slaves as ‘pasu’ is to debase their consciousness through creating conditions of lowest vibrational frequency or rather a deceleration of Time-flow such that the vortex of energy of the Spirit is slowed down, enabling its entrapment in matter and the concomitant vampirization of its life force, it's energetic reserve.
The conditioning of the mass-mind via religious bigotry creates a crystallized consciousness which operates only within the context of the dogma and it shuts out any contents of consciousness that are incompatible therewith. The concomitant fear; paranoid expectation of the visitation of harm by an allegedly omnipresent (all-seeing) omnipotent (all-powerful) and omniscient (all knowing) Deity is a necessary entailment of this religious programming and has a reductivistic influence on the Mind, reducing it to a reptilian brain-based consciousness, that of the ‘pasu’-beastman, a creature lacking in all higher consciousness and his conscious mind has been reduced to a state of self-deception and lower functionality.
'Fear of the Lord' a.k.a. fear over the expectation of an uncertain fate meted out to one by the Demiurge and his legions of evil angels. This fear is the default setting of the religious zealot whose devotion to the religion of Abraham especially conditions their consciousness to be in a state of reactive and primitive minded modality, a reptilian 'brain state' governed by the lower states of consciousness, the lower emotions and their overwhelming influence on the person.
Thus a reactive minded fear based consciousness becomes the default setting which is observable in the case of the jews and is an encoded 'genetic memory' of their own origin as synthetic constructs under the capricious sway of their masters the 'Seraphim' or 'Elohim', whose lineage has been conditioned with this fear-based state of being. This state has an actual basis in the history of jewry on earth through being a foreign installation in the mind of the pasu goyim, the 'Gentiles', that program of 'fear and trembling' and slavish obsequiousness that is coercively forced upon them by their overlords would attain power through mass-assault Spartacus-style tactics.
Hence 'fear', an anticipation or expectation of the probable negative outcome entailing loss or cost to oneself or another or what one values, is the default tendency of monotheistic and especially Abrahamic and religious programming which derives itself from the higher echelons of the hierarchy of Chang Shambala and presumably from the reptilian's and so too the language of Hebrew and its proto-variants (Aramaic; Arabic, etc.).
In addition to the fear and trembling aspect of mainstream religious programming as a weapon of black magic ('Demiurge worship'; the worship of 'The One') the nature of the programming creates what some have called "sexual misery" programming; a coerced obligation of neurotic inhibition, a moral obligation (according to the unduly restrictive and prohibitive nature of the program) to avoid any involvement in sexual activity with others outside of the purely utilitarian and functional purpose of propagation of offspring.
Such inhibited neurosis may serve to bottle up the energies of the being of the zealot but most often manifests itself in all manner of deviant and perverse forms of behavior. As an analog of this the pedophilic rapine of the priestly caste serves its purpose in further rendering the sex act a perverted taboo encoded in the consciousness of the child who is subjected to this encoding of 'patristic influence' through this trauma-based mind control.
This dimension of the black magic of the hierarchy serves to bind the adherents through some form of Stockholm syndrome or perhaps demonic possession, the victim being possessed by entities who binds to them via the extremes of traumatic abuse. This sets the stage to reciprocate the cycle over the generations enabling generational possession by the black hole entities (reptilian trans-dimensionals; possibly insectoid or mantis entities,
The restrictive nature of monotheistic death cults (the 'Saturn death cult' as some have called it) from Buddhism and Hinduism to the Abrahamic Trinity of evil imposes upon the masses obligations to behave in ways which restrict the potentiality of recollection of the symbol of the Origin 9the swastika) and serve the purpose (-always unexpressed-) of suppressing the blood memory and thereby the recollection of the origin.
Has these mind programs are psyops of witchcraft which induce a beast consciousness in the zealot and beyond this a rationalistic mode of consciousness oriented around the cultural language of human intervention and especially the quantitative reductive as stick language of 'science' which shifts the consciousness away from ultra-archetypal understanding (the supra-rational intuitive or 'transcendental apperception' of Kant; the 'intellection' of the medievals) the consciousness of spirit in its truth.
Hence the lies of mainstream religiosity are designed to derail the consciousness of the adherent from the upward trek toward the summit of Olympus and to sabotage his quest for the Promethean fire. The invented stories and qabbalistic witchcraft which comprise the monotheistic programs serve the priests of the order of Melchizedek in shearing the sheep of the Golden fleece; feeding and fattening upon their carcasses once they have fulfilled their use as a bearer of the usufructus of the Golden fleece, drained of their bio-energy via wage slavery, ‘ora et labora’.
The organic lie, the synthetic construct of the demons of Chang Shambala, the 'chosen people' of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan have assisted in the formulation (almost certainly of extra-terrestrial origin) of the programs of bigotry which still today and perhaps more than ever given the ubiquity and its efficiency of mind programming via mass media and the cybernetic control grid enslave this earth in a state of dark-aged ignorance.
This method of witchcraft is one of the major technologies of spiritual warfare, of warfare against the Spirit, of the hierarchy and of the Demiurge in his imposition of His Will of materialization, and the ultimate absorption of the soul into his vampire maw.