'The Chosen' Archetype
False Light of Shamballah https://annas-archive.org/md5/a170d5215ef31f5db537a921fbcfdb54
'The Chosen' Archetype
The jewish species has spread the germs of the consciousness of the Demiurge over the earth in the form of its 'culture' that of 'the doctrine of the heart', the 'love-wisdom' of the christ archetype. The culture they (presumably in conjunction with their extraterrestrial creators) created or had conferred upon them and had spread over the earth for export is the poisoned wine of the 'blood of the lamb' they would intoxicate their goyim gentiles with as means of subjugating their opposition and assimilating them into the hive mind of Jehovah-Satan to be psychically phagocitized over the incarnations in the kalachakra wheel, ground in the mill of Grotti.
The judaic archetype was in its origin and is still a callous and ruthless application of rigidified Saturnian law (law of Moses) and does not partake entirely of the 'love-wisdom' of christ save as a modification of their own 'amor intellectualis dei' (' intellectual love of god'-Spinoza).
Indeed the fruitage of 'the christ' derives from this bitter and hard seed of Judaism, the seeds of death for the gentile populace which blossom into the fleur des mal of destruction and extinction of the Selbst through becoming bound up with the extension of the Demiurge called 'soul', which are crystallizations of the aetherial false light of illusory immortality.
The transmission of the parousia of the Christ over the materially densified earth is the bestowal of the 'glad tidings' of the archetype of the Demiurge's Son of Man 'the christ' incarnating on earth as a messenger of 'salvation'.
The intent and motive of this presence is to hijack the consciousness of the captive Spirits and bind it to the soul, to the animic principle of their being (in reality the being of the Demiurge, which has enwreathed their being in this structural matrix) as means of 'killing with kindness', with the love-wisdom of 'the christ' which is the mechanism of beguiling the Spirit through affinity to detach itself from its True nature (Selbst) and scattered energies as a 'reverted Spirit' whose condition of being is a 'being towards death' through this same attachment to the soul (the tentacle of the Demiurge).
The chosen archetype is thus an effective mechanism in its form of 'the christ' (entailing loss of a cold, emotionless 'love' and more of a soulish and emotional state of being) which is as a siren call sounded by the Esther figure of 'the chosen' dressed in the garb of an effeminate male seducer whose preachments serve the purpose of deceiving the gullible 'wretched masses' with His false promises of an Eternal world devoid of suffering and a locus of 'everlasting peace'.
The jews themselves perhaps believe, if not in 'the christ' at least in the fated outcome of they who hearken to 'Moses and the profits' and adhered to the laws of Jehovah, the ruthless and jealous god of violence, the rapist of Sophia, of the Virgin of Agartha (or would-be rapist as He was never able nor will be to violate that which is above Himself).
The 'chosen people' have utilized the 'christ archetype' as an exemplar of the slave and have elevated it to the highest promontory of 'virtue' in the sense of chandal morality, the transvalued values of the prior classical world with their values of arete and virility; nobility and inner calm; Olympian detachment and a transcendent state of being superseded through this creed of the gutter, of the 'meek' and 'humble' who would take their vices and attempt to hold them out as virtues, inverting norms in their veneration of 'the crucified' whose 'kingdom of heaven is not of this world'.
jewry for themselves as 'the chosen' (primus inter pares) cling to their 'ancient law' and focus on intra-tribal political praxis and power building in the most worldly sense, their natural predilection. All have been, under their hegemonic influence, subjected to this soulish 'love-wisdom' of 'the christ archetype' and, increasingly in the recent years have been 'grafted into' israel as spiritual jews via actual circumcision not just the 'circumcision of the heart'.
This heart (christ) and mind (the reptilian mind of 'the chosen people') have been blended into a 'new dispensation' of pharisiacal dogma and extended through the energies of the earth to the constant dialectic of destruction of 'war and peace'; jus bella [just war] and 'fighting against hate' its most recent incarnation this 'love' which typically manifests itself in the form of violent aggression against the 'Other', they deemed 'pagan'; 'heretics', etc. as the main target, identified by the synarchy as their greatest threat owing to the 'heretic' or 'pagan' having the greatest spiritual power and thus judged 'to be neutralized-assimilated or destroyed' by the cabal which allows nothing to exist outside of itself.
The 'love-wisdom' archetype of 'the christ' is this mechanism of neutralization and assimilation and those who do not wish to embrace this 'love' are to be destroyed in 'the name of the Lord' as 'heretics' for not having embraced the 'glad tidings' and distorted their mind into a 'belief' in these gospels (god-spells).
To defeat the hot stone of the 'christ archetype' the stone of fire (the akasha of Jehovah transmitted onto the earth as the incarnate crucified one) the cold stone of the stone child must be had recourse to, the burning cold of the Uncreated Light, of the Virgin of Agartha. This means cultivating (should it not be a habitual tendency already) a condition of imminent transcendence, an ascetic detachment and the 'Olympian calm' of the Krist of Atlantis not the maudlin sentimentalism of the Galilean, the Rabbi Yahushua HaMashiach with his plaintive weepings; wailings and gnashings of teeth.
The cold fire of the stone child annihilates the impassioned christic-one with its ultra-tellurian vril force, extinguishing the hot fire of the 'love-wisdom' of Jehovah-Satan and crowning himself consort of the Virgin of Agartha the queen of the black light of Eternity.