The Correspondence between Miguel Serrano & Nimrod de Rosario
Nimrod de Rosario
The Correspondence between Miguel Serrano & Nimrod de Rosario (aka. Luis Felipe Moyano Cires)
Letter from Miguel Serrano to Nimrod de Rosario
(In this letter, Miguel Serrano makes several criticisms of Luis Felipe Moyano. Perhaps blinded by jealousy, Serrano seems not to understand that Belicena Villca is a novel and not a history book. Serrano criticizes that Moyano has put it on the Führer's lips. a fictitious and unreal speech. Moyano had already explained to him that
It was a novel and not a real event, and that supreme synthesis of eternal wisdom should be expressed in the novel by the supreme leader of eternal Germany. Serrano's next important criticism in this letter concerns the
the wet route proposed by Moyano. There is an error here in Serrano, since both routes, the dry and the wet, are equally important and are at the same level, being freely
chosen by both types of initiates.) Chile, October 30, 1985
I received your letter and your book some time ago; But it has been impossible for me to worry about them before, to give them the appropriate response, due to sad family matters, which even prevented me from reaching Córdoba, where I was traveling, having to return urgently.
I must tell you that any joy I felt upon receiving your work was inhibited and even destroyed with the surprise letter you sent me with your book.
I don't know what you're talking about there, because the only valid thing between us must have been our personal correspondence. What I have written to you was always in the best of spirit.
and aimed at collaborating or helping in what I believed could become a joint Opus, on both sides of the great mountain or dorsal column of the Andes.
I remember that the first thing I declared to him was that in these territories lying is not allowed, even if it were in a novel; because the Aryans do not lie, contrary to
l Jewish, marking the essential difference here. And for this reason, even in a work of fiction, it was not allowed to put long conversations into the mouth of the Führer, Adolf Hitler.
ments with so much Gnostic flavor and that he never uttered; because everything that today smacks of Gnosticism, of dualism - as well as monism - is within the great Jewish business. Alfred Rosenberg stated: "The truth of the Jew is the organic lie." With this, he was ignifying that horrible racial mixture, that miscegenation and bastardism that def
inen to the Jewish anti-race. Nothing that is true can come out of there. His truth is a lie. Therefore, whoever fights against the Jew, or defends himself against him, has the obligation to stand up against lies, his exuded product. That is why I also fight, synchronistically, against the lie of the Jewish Holocaust. To affirm that this holocaust is true, as you do, is to collaborate with the Jew, ignoring the
or all those sophisticated interpretations you talk about. The combat is inside
oy outside, synchronistically. This is magic. And avoiding this external combat can accept various interpretations and justifications; but it has only one name: cowardice.
I told you in that letter that, in what you call Hyperborean wisdom, "there is no room for invention or lies." We are not authorized to start inventing things
and then attribute them to a "Hyperborean wisdom revealed by the siddhas", much less attribute them to the SS., to the Thulegesellschaft, to Adolf Hitler, to Hitlerism E.
sotericism or National Socialism. I also remember that I have been very careful not to say something that could create a confrontation. Therefore, when someone asked me, to know my opinion, about Tantrism for example, I postponed any answer until I knew what you told me about the "Lilith Woman." Unfortunately, I can't agree with all that black magic with a prostitute
yes, with that dirt; but I remained very careful in giving my opinion. I wanted to collaborate, adapting the waves, and you must recognize this effort in my last book, which was almost finished when our relationship began. Al rem
reading their writings to me for the first time, they told me that they did it to collaborate with me
the work in which I was engaged and that "the work was going to be dedicated to Rudolf Hes
sya me"; because you had already read "The Golden Cord, Esoteric Hitlerism", although now
stop and say the opposite. Understanding the importance of what was happening, I kept the strictest secret and I do not believe that I have ever discussed the matter of the druids directly with you, despite knowing well where the origin of your p
eregrina lucubration; the book "The Other Atlantis" by Robert Scrutton, where a possible English Freemason, Theosophist or something like that, has published "The Chronicle of Oera Linda", otherwise, of authenticity. There, Scrutton speaks on his behalf, referring to the "Golen", which the Frisians would encounter in Asia Minor. He says they would have been invited to go to Europe
and to England. From there you, on your own and starting from those dubious sources,
He comes to the conclusion that "golen", druid and Celtic are the same thing, forming an imaginary construction that, however, coincides like two drops of the same thing.
to water with an international plan that has been underway for several years now, to try to remove, in some way, the sole and total responsibility for the great conspiracy from the Jew. We have been able to see thus, in a book already cited p
For me, "La Race Fabuleuse" by Gérard de Séde, the alleged attempt to make the Merovingians appear mixed with Jews; Then, some researchers paid by the
BBC London, publish a Best Seller, "Holly Grail and Holly Blood", where the same is also claimed, now attributing even "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" to a synarchic entity; the "Priory of Sion" that would seek to install a "King of the
or", "of Merovingian-Jewish blood. And in Canada a book has been written, not yet published, but whose draft I have had in my hands, blaming the Great World Conspiracy on
the "Welsh", that is, the Welsh. Same as you. Somehow, the Jew would be "wisened," and, in the end, freed from absolute guilt, being replaced by a "next"
ima Galician root race, or another such absurdity, theosophical-masonic. And this Jewish plan, inspired from outside, almost telepathically, or by remote hypnosis, complements and collaborates perfectly with the lie of the six million of the austere holoc, the gas chambers, the "lampshades and soaps made from Jewish skin", in the Nazi concentration camps, in such a way that we can no longer remember the only regime in this world that provided a just solution, ending the servitude to the interest of capital, Jewish black magic that has enslaved the people of es
ta America. I all this lie, which does not seem to affect you, because "it would fall apart by itself if it were true" (As if any Jewish lie had ever fallen apart alone in the History controlled by them, without the Aryans having to fight for it).
to achieve it) it does affect me, because there are comrades who are in prison and are tortured for the sole fact of having stood up against that lie.
I also discover that the term "Berserkier", or "Furor Berserkier" has been taken by you from the same book, "The Other Atlantis", written by that dubious Anglo-Saxon "worldist" character.
Now, and to return to the issue of the "organic lie", every time I hear mention of the concept of "root race", "race of the spirit", or of the "Spirit", which "is above the biological race", etc., I have uncontrollable suspicions about the very origin of the person who puts it this way. And I begin to paraphrase Goebbels, saying: "When I hear about 'spirit' I draw my pistol." And this is not because I do not believe in the Spirit, as you whimsically attribute to me, but because I begin to doubt the origin
of the one who raises these things like this. I have already explained in my last book my suspicions about Evola and Claus himself, for exposing their "traditionalist" and "psychoethnological" theses.
as", of the "races of the soul", "of the spirit", etc. In truth, there is only one root that can express what we are calling the Hyperborean Spirit, and this is the white race.
Nordic Ca and Aryan Nordic blood; because only there can the Spirit be expressed, just as Bach can be better played on a Stradivarian violin. And the Mongolian for example
, is nothing more than an inferior racial mixture of the animal-man, of black with yellow; most of them, yellow with white. And there the "Hyperborean Spirit" will never incarnate
Let's face each other" Nietzsche said, "we are Hyperboreans!" Well, let's look at ourselves in a mirror and there we will know if we belong to the white Aryan race, or if we are Mongols, mest
Indians, or mulattoes.
I remember that I also referred in one of my letters to the fact that you were using all m
y terminology, even with the spelling mistakes that I made in "El Cordón Dorado." There, in his writings, appear "the Mirror of Princess Papan", the concept of "A-mor" (I am sure I am the only one who has used them in the world), "La Minne", "Virya" (it is write Virâ) and also "Golden Cord", "Áurea Catena", "Vril", "Vraja", "Kaula Tantrism", "L
to. Almost all of these concepts of mine have been stolen from me by you and then diverted from the meaning that I attributed to them. And finally, after receiving your letter, I stopped
It seems that I could also have expected at least that you would refer to where and from whom these terms, which you have plagiarized and plundered, came to you. Comically,
In your letter you have the audacity to warn me about the need to cite the source of your work, "if I were to refer to it, because there could be der
compromised facts." I see, then, the need to give you this warning, in the case of a real edition, or in the form of a book of yours, since plagiarism and falsification of the meaning of the terms used by the author son penad
by law, the Intellectual Property Law in Chile being very strict, the claim can be established without its effectiveness being harmed by national borders.
I never thought I would have had to write all this to you. You have forced me to do it, as a reaction to the unexpected attack you foist on me and which, of course, I cannot
do overlook. And how can I still accept this very strange "non-aggression pact" that you have given me, when you have started attacking me? Why and for what purpose? In these very essential territories, there is no room for a "compromise" - the one you propose -. It is not about "Jewish orthodoxy",
or other similar nonsense, but of essential opposition, of an opposite, different Weltanschauung. Yours does not agree at all with mine, with that of Esoteric Hitlerism, nor with that of exoteric National Socialism. It has nothing to do with the struggle of the hero, of the Virà, in the Yuga of Heroes. Everything you visualize is a shameful escape, a way out, because in your Gnostic dualism (which has nothing to do with Hitler, nor with the SS.) this entire world, the entire Universe is a prison.
ion, a demiurgic creation. For Esoteric Hitlerism, for me, it is only a surface corruption, a bad copy covered with a film of Maya. And, in the end,
It finds a pure and beautiful nature, as full of nostalgia as ourselves, that cries out to us to redeem it, to transfigure it, to "make it invisible within us", as Rilke claimed. Hitler and the SS believed in the possibility of reversing entropy. And that was the origin of the conflict between Rosenberg and l
ace SS with Spengler. At any moment of the Yuga of Heroes it is possible to rebuild Thule, return to the true Golden Age of the First Hyperborea - not to the copy of the Demiurge - defeat the Enemy, straighten the Axis of the Earth, transfigure
It is rare together with our mutation, or with our heroic death in combat. "For the blood of heroes comes nearer to Wotan than the prayer of saints."
ntos", than "flight", in an onanistic self-realization. And because the Heroes who die fighting for the just cause of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, will be remade in Walhalla
by the Valkyries and thus achieve immortality. That is to say, the struggle is synchronistic, outside and inside, for the redemption of the world and our own. Therefore, we enter
voluntarily here, to fight, not to escape from a hopeless Universe
, from a prison, but to prevent "plagiarism" (The Devil and the Jew always plagiarize, falsify, corrupt) and corruption from continuing to spread along with that corrupted Universe, at the expense of the Universe of the Divyas, or Siddhas , at the expense of Hyperborea. Fight here, within the Enemy's own field. This is the Magical Idealism of Novalis, that of the SS, that of Hitler and his National Socialism. And it is because
That, too, is that the Nordic Aryan, of pure biological race, of pure biological blood, loves Nature (because they both possess Nostalgia, Minne). The beauty of nature
za has its origin in identical Nostalgia. And that is why the Jewish anti-race hates Nature.
The Jewish plan and the Demiurge, the Demon, the Enemy, is to preach escapism.
It has done it in many different ways in our time: with drugs, with "hippieism", with "universal love", with homosexualism, lesbianism, orientalis
mo, Gnosticism, "Tantrism", "UFOism", the artificial boom and the falsification of the works of Hermann Hess and CG Jung. And also now, on a smaller scale, but equally dangerous, with you. This is how the fight of youth is diverted and distorted (
and not only of youth), at the same time they are taken out of the right fight in this m
undo, weakening it, degenerating it, to be able to leave control of the total situation on the planet (and not only on the planet) in Jewish hands alone.
I repeat it again: the obscuration of the Virâ, of the hero, is due to "racial sin", to mixing with the children of the "animal-man", to miscegenation, with regeneration still being possible.
ration, trying to return by the retrograde walk, that of the Levógira Swastika -urdaver etar-. "The sin against blood and race is the original sin and marks the oca
It is about humanity that surrenders to it." And these are indeed words spoken by the Führer, Adolf Hitler ("My Struggle").
No, there can be no pacts or compromises here. There are many young lives involved, also in Argentina, on both sides of the Spine of the South Pole, more
devil's ada, for the moment. The Führer also said it: "Only politics admits compromise; the Weltanschauung, the worldview, does not." And only what Hitler said - in everything that relates to Hitlerism, especially - is true for us. No
We can, therefore, invent words and assertions to the Führer or the SS. Nor do I know the Siddhas; although we feel like starting to affirm it in the name of a
initiation, or of a newly invented "Tirodal" Order, of "Knights of the Republic to Argentina", or something else like that.
You can, therefore, be assured that I will not enter into further controversy, not even in an exchange of letters, which I consider definitively over. I do not have external or internal time for this, although this letter must be circulated.
be among the same people that you circulate those that you address to me. I always kept the most absolute secrecy and reserve in everything that had to do with our communication, which despite being important to me, in the surprise of the first moments
s. Well! Things have turned out differently today, and not because of me. My primary interest focuses on the desire to preserve the purity and transparency of my struggle, my concepts and my experiences, not being able to grant anyone the right to plagiarize them and divert them towards a different meaning than the one I give them.
Miguel Serrano and Nimrod de Rosario Letters and Fragments
Letter from Nimrod de Rosario to Miguel Serrano
(In this letter Luis Felipe Moyano continues his exposition of Hyperboreal Physics, referring to the force and driving mechanism of the flying wings and flying saucers of the Third Reich. Miguel Serrano stated that he did not understand much of this topic, which was later explained to him in detail. by a member of the Tyrodal Order residing in Santiago de Chile.)
ROSARIO, April 3, 1984 Mr. Miguel Serrano,
Dear Kamerad:
I am responding with this to your letter of 3/14/84, for which I appreciate. I was in poor health for much of the month of March, nothing serious - a problem of nervous hypertension that gives me long headaches - and, despite my promise to send you the fourth book, I still couldn't do anything to correct it and give it its final form.
I'll have it soon.
I know that they sent you the Introduction to Strategy A2 from Córdoba but, I
It seems, it is missing a part; I attached it just in case.
We are in the creative stage of the OPUS, perhaps in the purification when the extractio animae is obtained, and it is thus probable that we will receive an extra dose of
psychic mortificatio. But I think the aqua permanins we'll get in the end justifies any sacrifice. It is therefore also that it is an OPUS CUNIUNCTIOS; I willingly accept that you stir it in the crucible of my book to
fix more strongly what has already been constellated.
Moving on to something else, I will tell you that in recent days I have read Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva for which I cannot help but congratulate you, especially for the hyperborean courage with which you have played in publishing it.
There is a photograph of an SS Training Camp where, as you say,
Superman manufactured. I know that few really understand what kind of factory is being referred to there, but the mere fact of mentioning it is already an enormous step forward against misinformation. I aspire, as far as possible, to provide that explanation that has been denied to the new generations and to a large part of the old, showing that such Paths were constituted according to magical principles if the control of the psychoid Archetypes falls within magic - and demonstrating that such magic is actually part of a very ancient and rigorous Science called Hyperborean Wisdom. It will become clear, after exposing its roots
metaphysics, that there was an authentic Nazi Culture, which is today absolutely unknown except for some cultural objects of the Third Reich that are usually sold as souvenirs. But, through my writings, you will know our
opinion on culture: an enemy strategic weapon; Nazi Culture could never be a culture directed by the evolutionary forces of History,
but the social product of an alchemical coniunctio, carried out especially, and which, as in the opus, has produced an incestuous, forbidden, unnatural son. Yeah; a race, a confused mass, worked by a Fhrer, Magster Alchemies, is married
magically with itself, with its hyperborean power; not with Matter, not with
Church, not with Jehovah, neither with Heaven nor with Earth; with herself; and from that forbidden, condemned UNION, a cursed child is born: Nazi culture; and with it, transmuted by it, the Nietzschian ntropho: the superman SS.
Today Jehovah-Satan's inquisition has passed through the workshop and its bonfires have consumed some utensils used in the process, once again rendering the symbols unconscious, obscuring their content. That is why we must write another Mutus Liber, or a new Rosarium Philosophorum, that saves the keys of the Opus. Maybe it's our task.
I was also impressed by the quotes he made from interviews with Dr. Jung before the War. You wonder there if he knew about the existence of an SS Initiation School, which is probable, he did not want to talk about it: they have assured me that Dr. Jung knew a lot about the subject and even more: that he knew how to collaborate secretly with the Ahnenerbe Institute or with specialists from it - just as Gurdjieff or Jean Riviere also did on other topics. Someday I will tell you what this collaboration consisted of.
But there is something I want to tell you now. I know how much you admired and loved Dr. Jung and, possibly, nothing I say could change the deep knowledge you must have of his work. However, I cannot resist the temptation to tell you my opinion about its global aspect and then show you that it lies one of the greatest keys to human knowledge; so big that few see it, but so effective that it could transform a civilization: Naturally, if you have found it, you will add nothing to its knowledge, but, if you do not know it, of course you will be pleasantly surprised.
From the work of Dr. Jung I want to express only one concept: few have evaluated to what extent his science had deviated from Western culture, but even fewer have been able to measure how close it was to the secret science of the Siddhas. among the latter I include you with your accurate intuitions; This leads us to think that Jung is a giant whose unusual passage through
The 20th century can only be conceived as an alternative that the Siddhas considered using in the event that the Führer's magical axis triumphed.
Now, you, I, Dr. Jung, and other Kameraden I have met each possess a piece of the puzzle. But the Fhrer and the Siddhas play with the game
complete. That is why the Psychosocial Strategy of the SS, which I am trying to expose, begins where Dr. Jung's work ends, that is, in the Psychoid Archetypes. When such a science was revealed to me, I had to understand, as I hope to be able to demonstrate, that depth psychology was not a psychologization of esoteric symbols and their traditions, but in truth an original part, a piece of the puzzle of the Siddhas.
A complementary science of the Psychosocial Strategy, Esoteric Chorology, which studies the geochronic relationships between places and men, has developed a theory and praxis on the psychoid Archetypes and the way to influence their processes. You will see a tiny sample of this science in the Introduction, which they already sent you, especially in the part attached to this letter.
Because of this science, which is from the SS, I know, I have verified it, that Jung's work is a piece of a larger game. In fact, the Psychosocial Strategy is based on concepts from Jung or those that have been expounded by him, but those that are affirmed by the Initiated Instructors of the SS are: Cro-Magnon-Atlantean science. Of course, since the Psychosocial Strategy, along with the entire Nazi culture, was thrown into Gehenna, neither Jung nor anyone who knew about such an extension of his work has wanted, until today, to talk about it.
I myself wouldn't even dream of talking to anyone about this, much less trying to prove it. Yeah
I do it with you because in a certain way our relationship goes beyond ourselves, it has occurred synchronistically, and that inspires me more confidence or makes me suppose that it is convenient to write to you about these topics. I'm going to go then
the core of the matter.
To begin, two statements must be made. The first is that, as will be seen immediately, Jung was several decades ahead or millions of years behind, depending on how you look at 20th century physics. The second is: in 1962 it was demonstrated that, apart from Jews and communists, the Nobel Prize is also awarded to imbeciles. Well, James Watson does not deserve another adjective who, in his book The Double Helix, dares to mock Professor Pauling for having
He was ahead of him in the discovery of the molecular structure of DNA without understanding that said wise man, like Jung, did not want to hand over their secrets to the materialist science of the Kali Yuga. Pauling, as Jung undoubtedly also did, tried to divert Western science from an archetypal interpretation of Molecular Biology and succeeded (1). Watson's imbecility is the proof, and so is the fact that it has not been possible to locate the residence of the cellular plan, that is, the program that cellular mitosis follows when structuring a cell.
new organism. Because the cellular plan, as Dr. Mengele and other wise men knew well, is not in the purine and pyrimidine bonds of the sugar-phosphate chains of the double helix, but in a psychoid Archetype. The science of Kali
Yuga can't imagine how advanced the SS ARE in such a field, but it won't take long for him to check it out. It will be very soon: when thousands of immortal men awaken who today lie side by side in the secret bases of the SS; That will be the last battalion of the Führer.
But I wanted to give you a key, a big key, and for that I am going to demonstrate the first statement (the second, about Watson's Nobel Prize, does not deserve further comment): You should know that Einstein failed to develop an acceptable mathematical theory. to unify the gravitational and electromagnetic field phenomena; phenomena that, in any case, are already unified in reality since those that are incompatible are the theories. With respect to the gravitational field, outside of Newton's equations, everything that has been advanced in the
The last two centuries have been in the sense indicated, trying to unify it with the electromagnetic field, for which Maxwell's equations exist; In this way, when dealing with the gravitational field in an Einsteinian-relativistic sense, it becomes
It is necessary that we have a fairly complex mathematical instrument called TENSOR, but if, for example, it is decided to interpret physical phenomena based on quantum mechanics, then we must resort to even more complex statistical-probabilistic formulas that require the use of electronic computers. .
On the other hand, it has been assumed that the mass responsible for the gravitational field-
It deforms or distorts space, making it also necessary, apart from tensor calculus, to appeal to non-Euclidean geometries. Complexity is thus added to complexity and it is possible to take an increasingly greater distance from the phenomenon itself, from its facticity.
(1) Here I am referring to the American Professor Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner in chemistry in 1954.
Well, Hyperborean Wisdom provides an explanation of every different point, but one that perfectly understands the gravitational phenomenon and allows it to be mastered for the benefit of the strategic objectives of the Siddhas. And such an explanation is not
It requires the use of formal mathematics except when you want to develop a technology, in which case you resort to an esoteric geometry that is completely outside the academic environments of the West. The important thing about this - and this is where one begins to be surprised - is the intervention of concepts that have been clearly exposed by Jung and Pauli (1) and the affirmation that the deviation of
Theoretical physics is much deeper than is usually thought. Indeed, the boldest criticisms have generally focused on Einstein, Planck, Bohr, etc., but they have never questioned Newton. And from him the error starts.
The Secret Physics of the SS, called Psychophysics, traces Jung's concepts to Newton and Leibniz, to whom it attributes two capital errors, and, from there, develops a theory as daring and audacious as it is irrefutable. Of course, I will not be able to present the WHOLE theory here, but it will suffice to describe the initium, the beginning from which the reasoning must start. Thus judge, for yourself, whether I have exaggerated or whether in Jung's work there is not a great key, capable of transmuting an entire civilization.
The explanation is as follows and pay attention because an interrelation like this can be applied to almost any phenomenon apart from the gravitational one - THE GRAVITATORY FIELD IS THE POWER OF A PSYCHOID ARCHETYPE.
Of course, Physics assumes, and assumes well, that a relationship links the mass with the
gravitational field. Where he is wrong is from Newton - in the statement that such a relationship is cause and effect, that is: that the gravitational field occurs by
mass effect; With such an erroneous concept, it is not strange to see the enormous contraptions that must be manufactured to take advantage of air space. And, naturally, they, the manufacturers of flying gadgets with metal and internal combustion engines, will doubt our sanity if we claim that the Hyperborean Siddhas EN
BASED ON THE ARCHETYPICAL CONCEPT OF GRAVITY, they have STONE vehicles to transport them to the place they want, and even more so if we add that such vehicles do not have
engine. But it is not a delirium but a science; very ancient, extraterrestrial science; science that the SS developed again and that allowed it to build its own flying saucers that, as you always suspected, come from hidden bases in Antarctica, in Queen Maud Land and elsewhere, but to
which cannot be located even with satellites, since the oases have a camouflage, also psychoid. But that's another story.
(1) This is Walfgang Pauli, Austrian physicist, collaborator of Dr. Jung in the work The Interpretation of Nature and the Psyche.
(2) Of course, I am referring to psychoid Archetypes, that is, external, such is the gravis.
Let us remember that both for the Neoplatonists and for Leibniz, as well as for the Hindu science of the Great Breath, etc., there are VARIOUS DEGREES in the archetypal manifestation. The most subtle Archetypes or monads are found on also more subtle planes, running through a scale of densities until they descend to matter, which is the grossest substance. No doubt you already know
All this so it is not worth repeating it so that you understand me. The point is that there is an Archetype that is necessarily the last on the scale: such is the GRAVIS ARCHETYPE (2). The gravis is the heaviest, pardon the redundancy, of the Archetypes, but not all of them, but rather a special kind that is related
with the SPATIAL ORDER OF MATTER. That is why the gravis, which are the last on the scale, are also the first that the Demiurge precipitates when he prepares
organize a physical plan. Without gravis no other Archetype could evolve in
The matter.
But it is important to be clear about this: the Archetype of this glass that I have here, in my hand, is in the Psychosphere or in the Globe of Akasa, according to the Science of Breath; Such an Archetype is a STRUCTURER OF FORMS, that is, it sustains the form and the form is its concrete actuality. The gravis, on the other hand, is there, in the glass, as a material substrate, and it is what determines its weight in relation to other gravis that
they occupy space; the Earth for example. The gravis IS NOT A STRUCTURER OF FORM, or it is indifferent to the form itself, but, as a psychoid Archetype, it has a power that leads it to unfold in an evolutionary process.
The culmination of every evolutionary process, in any psychoid Archetype, is a perfection called entelechy, which, curiously, coincides with the Archetype itself. And here comes another definition of Hyperborean Wisdom, to which we will refer again later: THE ENTELECHY OF A GRAVIS ARCHETYPE COINCIDES
Thus, whoever wishes to know something about the Archetypes, and their ways of being, instead of traveling towards the collective unconscious or the world of Plato's ideas, should reflect on the only Archetype - the gravis - that is, objectively, to reach-.
Let us remember what Dr. Jung said about the unrepresentatibility of
Archetypes and we will understand why the gravitational field resists physical-mathematical analysis: let's take a material body and deposit it in space; far from Earth or any other planet; We say that the body has a gravitational field around it and we verify it by observing how it attracts other objects of lower mass towards its center of gravity or entelechy. If the body is at rest we cannot describe its field; We only know about it because of its effects on other bodies; THE FIELD, IN ITSELF, IS INVISIBLE, a property equivalent to the unrepresentatibility of the Jungian Archetypes. But the field IS NOT the
Archetype but HIS POWER, which tries to update itself in entelechy. Matter is always a concrete act of gravis in its evolutionary unfolding, regardless of the form that such matter exhibits. But that, the perception of
Matter is all that we can know about gravis because it is pure power, it is a becoming (its entelechy) and that is why we say allegorically that it is hidden behind matter. If we violate the intimacy of the process, if we invade the field and delve into the matter to look for the center of gravity, the entelechy, we will never find anything. Without matter there is no gravity, but if we split it and
If we multiply we will have many POTENTIAL gravis.
The grave concept that is capable of seeking its entelechy unfolding in the
smallest particle of matter gives rise to an unorthodox atomic theory called
Psychophysics that also includes the concept of a universal archetypal monad,
which I have referred to several times in my book. And this is all SS science. (1).
By now you should have gotten the idea. However, add some reflections that I consider necessary to complete the concept. We mentioned before two historical errors. Newton's approach was to make mass the cause of the gravitational force (a force that, on the other hand, exists and is effectively proportional to
the masses and inversely proportional to the square of the distance that separates them
just as Coulomb also demonstrated in electric charges and Cavendich midi): the reality is that, although the gravitational force is related
mathematically with the mass, it is not its cause, but, in turn, the mass is the concrete effect, the act, of a Gravis Archetype; the gravitational force is, thus,
the action of an archetypal power that proceeds from its entelechy and attracts towards its entelechy that some call the center of gravity. Now, the center of gravity sometimes and only sometimes; especially in the case of a spherical body like the Earth, it coincides spatially with the entelechy. What do we mean by spatial coincidence? It means that there is the place,
site, locus, for example in the center of the Earth, EST the entelechy
This topic that we have touched on is a point of capital importance and, before answering the questions raised, we are going to clarify that other error that we mentioned at the beginning: Leibniz, evidently thinking of a Hyperborean God, who has nothing to do with the Demiurge organizer of matter, attributes to it an absolute perfection, perfectio Dei, which would prevent it from creating two equal things.
Thus arises the principium identitatis indiscernibilium, the principle of identity
of indiscernible things, which states that if two things are equal they must be one
same thing or since this is manifestly impossible, according to Leibniz no two equal things can exist; the absolute creator would not have repeated himself. All
This reasoning is erroneous because it considers that the world has been created by God and not by an imitating Demiurge, as is really the case. But the work of the Demiurge is based on imitation and the material structure must naturally reflect this principle, contradicting Leibniz's principium; It is easy to assume if
We start from an archetypal assumption of reality. However, Leibniz's principium has been dogmatically incorporated into epistemology and unconsciously predominates in every scientific attitude or empirical observation; This is not coincidental: it obeys a synarchic tendency that is not relevant to develop here.
(1) It must be clarified that there was no Einstein error, but rather that, for reasons whose complexity prevents them from being explained here, an archetypal theory of Physics is inconceivable for the Jewish Collective Unconscious.
The important thing is that the Psychophysical theory of the SS CONTRADICTS the principium, and it
does because such principium is completely false. (The trend in favor of
principium is so powerful that Professor Pauling's neutrino, a particle that contradicts it, could not be conveniently demonstrated until today in particle accelerators managed by Hebrews).
Good; there may, perhaps, be two things alike; only that we ask to assume
moment. Let us return then to the entelechy of the Gravis Archetype.
Every Archetype tends towards its entelechy. But at the origin of the movement, the first impulse was produced by a power that contained within itself the perfection that is intended to be achieved; The movement is thus an evolutionary development that points to a purpose that has also been a beginning. As a purpose, entelechy is something
that is not yet, that must be achieved, that is, something future. We now come to the most complex part of the problem: entelechy is something future that works in the present AS A POSSIBILITY OF BEING. Since the only connection between the entelechy of a thing and the concrete thing is the PROCESS of the Archetype, it is this process that
real possibility that it is an entelechy. But EVERY process occurs in Time.
Let's take a big step: suppose that we are able to consider ALL THE PROCESSES that exist in the world, from here to the last corner of the Universe; If this is possible, if NO process escapes us, then it turns out that WE COULD NOT measure another relative time nor could Einstein - OUTSIDE that in which our infinite cosmic processes occur; Furthermore: we could not KNOW if another time exists because NOTHING WOULD INDICATE US, nothing that changes, that is understood. This absurd example demonstrates that Time, Cosmic Time, is the sum of all the processes of the Universe, that is, of all the ARCHETYPICAL processes. Time is like that, also a process, something that we already knew since ancient times when such a process was called FLUENCE. Of course, this is not new, but it is worth repeating because we must repeat it because we must look for another approach.
Time as a fluid process points, then, also to an entelechy, a super-entelechy called FUTURE. Indeed, the Future can only be conceived
as entelechy, as the final perfection of a cosmic process of consciousness, Time - whose initium is The One, Brahma, or whatever you want to call the Demiurge, and whose end, the entelechy of Time, the Future, is The One, Brahma or whatever you want. that one wants to call the Demiurge.
Time is an immanent influx of Cosmic Consciousness. And that consciousness has produced the Archetypes whose processes they reveal to us. From there, then, from Time, everything starts and we are not in the presence of a physical dimension but of the essential support of everything that exists. Then, in the second place, the
space, through the mediation of archetypal processes in the different states of matter and energy. It is not entirely correct to do so, or at least it will require
of previous clarifications, but space can be considered as a second degree of Time or as a gross state of Time, an inferior category or a
fallen time The foundation and justification for such a qualification comes from the fact that space ONLY APPEARS in relation to matter, it is produced by it; but
matter ALWAYS FOLLOWS THE GRAVIS PROCESS, it cannot escape its power
shaper because the gravis fall are the last Archetypes of the scale - from Cosmic Consciousness, that is, from Time.
We have taken a big step. Let us now return to those questions about the entelechy and its spatial relationship with the center of gravity. If we apply the previous concepts to the problem of the gravitational field we will have to draw conclusions completely different from those provided by Physics. Let's consider a body of great mass, the Earth for example; For physics around the Earth there is a field
gravitational; For SS Psychophysics around the Earth the power of the Gravis Archetype acts. For Physics, the mass of the Earth deforms space
curving it in its vicinity; For Psychophysics, the mass of the Earth generates a curved space that is a reflection of the distortion that the gravis represents with
with respect to absolute time. For Physics, at the center of the Earth is the
center of gravity, where all the lines of imaginary forces that describe the gravitational field converge; for SS Psychophysics at the center of
We go back to the beginning. But now we can understand it: there is spatial coincidence
but NOT TEMPORARY; There cannot be because entelechy is THE FUTURE ASPECT OF THE GRAVIS ARCHETYPE. What can we expect, then, from the center of gravity, according to Psychophysics: AN INDISCERNIBLE POINT, that is, a point that contradicts the
Leibniz's principium identitatis indiscernibilium occurs this way because the entelechy, as the final perfection of the Archetype, IS THE ARCHETYPE ITSELF: FROM THE
THE POWER (gravitational field) TO THE ENTELECHY (center of gravity) THAT IS
What happens at the indiscernible point is that the entelechy regenerates a point in space, transforming it into time; elevate it if you want.
Why indiscernible For something to be indiscernible, it must be able to be compared with something exactly the same with absolute equality, that is, it occupies the same place and occurs at the same time: there must be a simultaneous coincidence of moment; Only then would we be in a position to declare that something is indiscernible. Well, and here I think I am touching one of the Greatest Mysteries that exist: THE
(What a Mystery! How could Jung - and Pauli with his neutrino - not try to hide it?
and many others).
You have to meditate a lot on this property of the gravis to encompass the Mystery that
implies in all its depth. I will try to highlight what is most important now.
Above all, it is necessary to overcome the barrier of incomprehension that reason will oppose when posing apparently irreducible paradoxes. Let us not forget that this is a fearsome secret, which will not be easy to get hold of; at least not with impunity. The first obstacle is the following: If the indiscernible points are all one and the same thing, how can they be in different bodies at the same time? If the indiscernible point or entelechy of the Earth is exactly the same as that of Venus,
For example, how do millions of kilometers separate the two planets?
The answer is: the distance that separates the planets has nothing to do with the
indiscernible points because NO DISTANCE SEPARATES THEM AT ALL MOMENT. (See dear Serrano why I must develop another mathematics). And the same goes for any bodies you wish to consider.
I take two coins, one in my left hand, the other in my right; They are fifteen centimeters from each other; they can be measured, weighed, etc.; There is a sum of archetypal properties that determine AND DIFFERENTIATE THEM; one is ten, the other
five: more, the money archetype is cultural; the value of coins has been represented externally by signs and recognized intuitively; but there is another Archetype, not cultural, but psychoid that supports metal in its form of
cylindrical slice, etc. All these properties unite and differentiate coins,
Allow me to say here, on the left the ten- and here on the right the five. And everyone will agree that they are TWO coins and that they are there and there.
But when we refer to gravis things change because we will no longer be able to
distinguish the entelechy from one and the other or, we will say, they are indiscernible. Naturally, many will laugh at this, and they would do well to do so; If they are not prepared to face the Mystery, it is better that they remain ignorant because they HAVE GONE MUCH CRAZY BEFORE THE REALITY OF THE POINTS.
INDISCERNIBLE: they are the Mystics who suddenly saw EYES IN EVERY THING or the drug addicts who are not offended when I talk about Aldous Huxley and others like that-
who explored the world with visual perception expanded by means of some drugs and were horrified, not by a living world, but by the millions
of eyes with which God observed them from all things.
Unfortunately for the Demiurge - we are not Mystics and we are not impressed
Its frightening multiplicity and, although it stares at us fixedly and permanently from all sides, has no other effect than to affirm us on the reverse path of returning to the origin. After this Luciferian bravado, I continue.
The theory of gravity, and its consequence: the indiscernible points, based on the concepts of Jung and Pauli, allows, apart from building flying saucers or lifting stones weighing a thousand tons, to explain almost all parapsychological phenomena and the thaumaturgy or magic of any type, excluding
only of all those phenomena that are not force fields, that is, what we call charismatic, for which there is another theory.
In several parts of my book, I wrote that whenever a secret path of liberation is followed, of the seven proposed by the Hyperborean Wisdom, there will be a moment when a confrontation with the Demiurge will occur and that contemplating his terrible Face can be dangerous if not you have unlimited value. Now it is clear what I meant. In the entelechy of the gravis, from the indiscernible points that
are in all bodies, that is, from the Time that is His Consciousness, there is The
sustaining material order.
Not in vain did all the Alexandrian Gnostics, who knew what kind of monster they had to deal with, enclose the eye of Abraxas in a triangle, that is,
They applied the law of the fence, so as not to go crazy with schizophrenia. The Hyperbrean Initiates, the berserkir of the SS for example, like those Gnostics, also possess techniques to resist the dissolving gaze of the Demiurge and take advantage of the
indiscernible points of the Gravis Archetypes. Take advantage of what for how. They are common questions. Dear Kamerad Serrano, today, if you do not have a Bevatrn, it seems that no one can even dream of investigating the interior of matter.
and, if you do not have a hydraulic crane, who would try to move the stones of Sacsahuamn.
Because the truth is that only for the marvelous should one take advantage of the gravis theory, which is a science of the Siddhas and of which, therefore, they are
excluding the impure (blood = pasu) and the Hebrews. Let's look at some such wonderful possibilities:
He who has understood the theory gravis can search IN HIMSELF, in his body
IT EXERCISES ON ITS MASS: it is levitation. But, since its indiscernible point is the same as that of that stone that is there, it will not be difficult for you to move it with the sole act of your will (here you will have to be careful because unfortunate accidents can occur): it is psychokinesis. But when a skillfully designed material body is brought to coincide in its entelechy with that of a human body, then we have a vehicle that travels without a motor, like those of us Hyperboreans who have always manned. And since at the indiscernible point there is temporal distortion, such vehicles can become invisible BY ACCELERATION
TEMPORARY and not due to high vibrations as certain materialistic and imbecilic uflogos maintain (I swear I search and search for another less offensive word, how do you say
unimaginative to the point of exasperation!). (1)
One last comment. In the center of the Earth, given the large volume of mass, there are
a powerful indiscernible point, which alters space and time in such a way,
that can be found there, DEPENDING ON THE WAY THE APPROACH IS TAKEN, from a core of magma, so dear to geologists, to a simultaneous portion of the
cosmic space (with stars and all, passing through many intermediate states
extremely interesting that I cannot detail now).
Dear kamerad: I have never been greedy for words, but I also do not want to exaggerate and tire you out. Forgive me if I have, but, as I said at the beginning, when reading Nietzsche and the Dance of Shiva, with his quotes about Dr. Jung, I felt a
irrepressible impulse to show him, with a simple example, how close he was to the secret science of the Siddhas. I don't know if I managed to convey to him that great key that is the gravis archetype; If I have not achieved it, it is only my fault for lack of eloquence.
(1) It is also possible, through the indiscernible points, to carry out a bilocation, trilocation or polylocation as long as it is previously carried out.
close the eyelid, extend a membrane that covers the eye of Abraxas, that is, create a sign that prevents His Gaze, lover and murderer, from landing on the one who has dared to look into the abyss.
Written by master
June 24, 2011 at 8:57 pm Published in Contents
Tagged with letter from Nimrod to Serrano
Letter from Miguel Serrano to Nimrod de Rosario
(In this letter, Miguel Serrano makes several criticisms of Luis Felipe Moyano. As
Once blinded by jealousy, Serrano seems not to understand that Belicena Villca is a novel and not a history book. Serrano criticizes that Moyano has put a fictitious and unreal speech into the Fhrer's mouth. Moyano had already explained to him that
It was a novel and not a real fact, and that supreme synthesis of eternal wisdom should be expressed in the novel by the supreme leader of eternal Germany. Serrano's next important criticism in this letter is
refers to the humid route proposed by Moyano. There is an error here in Serrano, since both paths, the dry and the wet, are equally important and are on the same level, being freely chosen by both types of initiates.)
Chile, October 30, 1985
I received your letter and your book some time ago; But it has been impossible for me to worry about them before, to give them the appropriate response, due to sad family matters, which even prevented me from reaching Córdoba, where I was traveling, having to return urgently.
I know I must tell you that all the joy I felt upon receiving your work was
inhibited and even destroyed with the surprising letter he sent me with his book.
I don't know what you're talking about there, because the only valid thing between us should have been
be our personal correspondence. What I have written to you was always with the best intention and aimed at collaborating or helping in what I believed could become a joint Opus, on both sides of the great mountain or dorsal column of the Andes.
I remember that the first thing I told him was that in these territories lies do not exist.
It is allowed, even if it were in a novel; because the Aryans do not lie, unlike the Jew, marking the essential difference here. And for this reason, even if it were in a work of fiction, it was not allowed to put into the mouth of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, long speeches with so much Gnostic flavor and that he never uttered; because everything that today smacks of Gnosticism, of dualism as well as monism, is within the great Jewish business.
Alfred Rosenberg stated: The truth of the Jew is the organic lie. With this, he
It was signifying that horrible racial mixture, that miscegenation and bastardism.
that define the anti-Jewish race. Nothing that is true can come out of there. His truth is a lie. Therefore, whoever fights against the Jew, or defends himself against him, has the obligation to stand up against the lie, the product exuded from him. That's why
I also fight, synchronistically, against the lie of the Jewish Holocaust.
To affirm that this holocaust is true, as you do, is to collaborate with the
judo, leaving aside all those sophisticated interpretations you talk about. The combat is inside and outside, synchronistically. This is magic. And avoiding this external combat can accept various interpretations and justifications; but
It has only one name: cowardice.
I told you in that letter that, in what you call Hyperborean wisdom, there is no room for invention or lies. We are not authorized to start inventing things and then attribute them to a hyperbore wisdom revealed by the siddhas, much less attribute them to the SS, to the Thulegesellschaft, to Adolf Hitler, to the
Esoteric Hitlerism or National Socialism. I also remember that I have been very careful not to say something that could create a confrontation. For this reason, when someone asked me, to know my opinion, about Tantrism for example, I postponed any answer until I knew what you told me about the
Lilith Woman. Unfortunately, I cannot agree with all that black magic with prostitutes, with that filth; but I was still very careful when giving my opinion. I wanted to collaborate, adapting the waves, and you should recognize this effort in my last book, which was almost finished when our relationship began. When they sent me their writings for the first time, they told me that
they did to collaborate with me in the work in which I was engaged and that the work was going to be dedicated to Rudolf Hess yam; because you had already read The Golden Cord, Esoteric Hitlerism, although now you claim and say the opposite. Understanding the importance of what was happening, I kept the strictest secret and I don't think I
I have never discussed the matter of the druids directly with you, despite knowing
well where was the origin of his pilgrim speculation; the book The Other Atlantis by Robert Scrutton, where a possible English Freemason, Theosophist or something like that, has published The Chronicle of Oera Linda, otherwise of dubious authenticity. Ah, Scrutton speaks on his behalf, referring to the Golems, which the Frisians found in Asia Minor. He says they would have been invited to Europe and England. From there, on his account and starting from those dubious sources, you arrive
to the conclusion that Golen, Druid and Celtic are the same thing, thus forming an imaginary construction that, however, coincides like two drops of the same water with an international plan that has been underway for several years now, to try to remove, in some way, the responsibility
sole and total of the great conspiracy to the Jew. We have been able to see like this, in a book
already cited by me, La Race Fabuleuse of Grard de Sde, the alleged attempt to make the Merovingians appear to be mixed with Jews; Immediately afterward, researchers hired by the BBC in London published a Best Seller, Holly Grail.
and Holly Blood, where the same is also claimed, now attributing even
The Protocols of the Elders of Sin to a synarchic entity; the Priory of Sin that sought to install a King of the World, of Merovingian-Jewish blood. And a book has been written in Canada, not yet published, but whose draft I have had in mind.
my hands, blaming the Great World Conspiracy on the Welsh, that is, the Welsh. Same as you. In some way, the Jew would be softened, and, in the end, freed from absolute guilt, by being replaced by a next Galician root race, or another such absurdity, theosophical-masonic. And this Jewish plan, inspired from outside, almost telepathically, or by remote hypnosis, complements and collaborates perfectly with the lie of the six million of the Holocaust, the gas chambers, the lampshades and soaps made with the skin of Jews, in the Nazi concentration camps, in such a way that we can no longer remember the only regime in this world that provided a just solution, ending servitude to the interest of capital, Jewish black magic that has enslaved people.
to the people of this America. All this lie, which doesn't seem to affect you, because it would fall apart by itself if it were true (As if any Jewish lie had ever fallen apart alone in the History controlled by them, without the Aryans having to fight to achieve it) to me It affects me, because there are comrades who are in prison and are tortured for the sole fact of having stood up against that lie.
I also discover that the term Berserkier, or Berserkier Fury, has been taken by you from the same book, The Other Atlantis, written by that dubious character.
Anglo-Saxon world cup.
Now, and to return to the issue of the organic lie, every time I hear mention of the concept of root race, race of the spirit, or of the Spirit, which
is about blood and biological race, etc., I have uncontrollable suspicions about the very origin of the person who puts it this way. And I begin to paraphrase Goebbels, saying: When I hear about spirit I draw my gun. And this is not because I do not believe in the Spirit, as you whimsically attribute to me, but because I begin to doubt the origin of the person who raises these things in this way. I have already explained in my last book my suspicions about Evola and Claus himself, so
expose his traditionalist and psychoethnological theses, of the races of the soul,
of the spirit, etc. In truth there is only one race that can express what we are calling the Hyperborean Spirit, and this is the white Nordic race and the Nordic Aryan blood; because only there can the Spirit be expressed, just as Bach can be better played on a Stradivarian violin. And the Mongolian, for example, is nothing more than an inferior racial mixture of the animal-man, of black with yellow; to
the ms, of yellow with white. And there I will never incarnate the Spirit
Hyperbreo. Let's look at ourselves in the face, Nietzsche said, we are hyperbreans! Well, let's look at ourselves in a mirror and there we will know if we belong to the white Aryan race.
or if we are Mongolians, mestizos of Indians, or mulattoes.
I remember that I also referred in one of my letters to the fact that you were using all my terminology, even with the spelling mistakes that I made in El Cordón Dorado. There, in his writings, appear the Mirror of Princess Papán, the concept of Love (I am sure I am the only one who has used them in the world),
La Minne, Virya (written Vir) and also Golden Cord, Catena urea,
Vril, Vraja, Kaula Tantrism, Lilith, etc., etc. Almost all of these concepts of mine have been stolen from me by you and then diverted from the meaning that
I attribute to them. And finally, after receiving the letter from him, it seems to me that I
I could also have expected, at the very least, that you would refer to where and from whom these terms, which you have plagiarized and plundered, came to you. Comically, in
In your letter you have the audacity to warn me about the need to cite the source of your work, if I were to refer to it, because there could be compromised rights. I see myself, then, in the need to give you this warning, in the case of a real edition, or in the form of a book of yours, since plagiarism and falsification of the meaning of the terms used by the author are punishable by the law, the Intellectual Property Law in Chile being very strict, the claim can be established without its effectiveness being harmed by national borders.
I never thought I would have had to write all this to you. You have forced me to do it, as a reaction to the unexpected attack you foist on me and which, of course, I cannot ignore. And how can we still accept that very strange pact of non-aggression that
You propose to me, when you have started attacking me. Why and for what? In these essential territories, the compromise that you propose does not fit. I don't know
It is not about Jewish orthodoxy, or other similar nonsense, but about essential opposition, an opposite, different Weltanschauung. Yours does not agree at all with mine, with that of Esoteric Hitlerism, nor with that of exoteric National Socialism. It has nothing to do with the fight of the hero, of the Vir, in the Yuga of Heroes. Everything you visualize is a shameful escape, a way out, because in your Gnostic dualism (which has nothing to do with Hitler, nor with the SS.) this entire world, the entire Universe is a prison, a demigic creation. For Esoteric Hitlerism, for me, it is only a corruption on the surface, a bad copy covered with a film of Maya. And, in the end,
It finds a pure and beautiful nature, as full of nostalgia as ourselves, that cries out to us to redeem it, to transfigure it, to make it invisible within us, as Rilke assured. Hitler and the SS believed in the possibility of reversing entropy. And that was the origin of the Rosenberg conflict
and the SS with Spengler. At any moment of the Yuga of Heroes it is possible to rebuild Thule, return to the true Golden Age of the First Hyperborea not to the copy of the Demiurge - defeat the Enemy, straighten the Axis of the Earth, transfigure it together with our mutation, or with our heroic death in combat. Because the blood of heroes comes closer to Wotan than the prayer of saints, than flight, in an onanistic self-realization. And because the Heroes who die fighting for the just cause of the Führer, Adolf Hitler, will be remade in Walhalla by the Valkyries and will thus achieve immortality. That is, the fight is synchronistic, outside and inside, for the
redemption of the world and ours. For this reason, we voluntarily enter here, to fight, not to escape from a hopeless Universe, from a prison, but to prevent plagiarism (The Devil and the Jew always plagiarize, falsify, corrupt) and corruption from continuing to spread along with that corrupted Universe, at the expense of the Universe of the Divyas, or Siddhas, at the expense of
Hyperpnea. Fight here, within the Enemy's own field. This is the Magical Idealism of Novalis, that of the SS, that of Hitler and his National Socialism. And it is because
that, also, that the Nordic Aryan, of pure biological race, of pure biological blood, loves Nature (because they both possess Nostalgia, Minne). The beauty of Nature has its origin in identical Nostalgia. And that is why the Jewish anti-race hates nature.
The Jewish plan and the Demiurge, the Demon, the Enemy, is to preach escapism.
He has done it in many different ways in our time: with drugs, with
hippieism, with universal love, with homosexualism, lesbianism, orientalism, Gnosticism, Tantrism, UFOism, the artificial boom and the falsification of the works of Hermann Hess and CG Jung. And also now, on a smaller scale, but equally dangerous, with you. This is how the fight of youth (and not only youth) is diverted and distorted, at the same time they are taken out of the right fight in this world, weakening it, degenerating it, in order to leave control of the situation in Jewish hands alone. total on the planet (and not only on the planet).
I repeat it again: the clouding of the Vir, of the hero, is due to racial sin, to the mixture with the children of the animal-man, to the miscegenation, regeneration being still possible, trying to return by the retrograde walk, that of the Swastika Levgira urdaveretar-. The sin against blood and race is the original sin and marks the decline of humanity that surrenders to it. And these are words spoken by the Führer, Adolf Hitler (My Struggle).
No, there can be no pacts or compromises here. There are many young lives compromised, also in Argentina, on both sides of the Spinal Column of the South Pole, home of the devil, for the moment. The Führer also said it: Only politics admits compromise; the Weltanschauung, the conception of the world, n. And only what Hitler said in everything that refers to Hitlerism, especially, is true for us. We cannot, therefore, invent words and assertions to the Fhrer or the SS. Nor to the Siddhas; although we feel like starting to
affirm it in the name of a supposed initiation, or of a newly invented Tyrodal Order of Knights of the Argentine Republic, or something else of that nature.
You can, therefore, be assured that I will not enter into further controversy, not even into an exchange of letters, which I consider definitively over. I do not have the external or internal time for this, although this letter must circulate among the same people that you circulate those to me.
I always kept the most absolute secrecy and reserve in everything that had to do with our communication, which despite being important to me, in the surprise of the first times. Well! Things have turned out differently today, and not through my fault. My primary interest focuses on the desire to preserve the purity and transparency of my struggle, my concepts and my experiences, not being able to grant anyone the right to plagiarize them and divert them towards a different meaning than the one I gave them.
Miguel Serrano Written by master
June 24, 2011 at 8:31 pm Published in Contents
Tagged with letter from Serrano to Nimrod
Gnostic Fragments taken from the work of Nimrod de Rosario
I. Prologue
89 fragments of the novel The Mystery of Belicena Villca and 45 fragments of Fundamentals of Hiperbrean Wisdom have been selected to be read and studied by the aspirants.
These 134 fragments are an optimal synthesis of the gnosis that Nimrod of Rosario had as his mission to bring to this world.
These fragments are also an introduction to the books of Nimrod de Rosario. Once read and reread by the applicants, they will be able to continue with the abbreviated version of the novel and the first volumes of the Fundamentals.
The study of the writings of Nimrod de Rosario must be carried out meticulously, knowing that each word and each phrase in them is immensely important.
Nimrod de Rosario taught us that by reading and rereading his writings the awakening and transmutation of the aspirants will occur.
II. Fragments of The Mystery of Belicena Villca
1. If you have already become aware of the Great Deception, then read carefully what follows because there you will find some keys to guide yourself on the Path of Return to the Origin.
2. The Secret, in summary, consists of knowing the extraterrestrial Origin of the human Spirit and acquiring enough Wisdom to return to that Origin, definitively abandoning the insane Universe of Matter and Energy, of Created Forms.
3. Men coming from a horrible and total war of an Essential War that began long before, in the extraterrestrial Origin of the human Spirit, and that has not yet ended.
4. The Essential War is a confrontation of Gods, a conflict that began in Heaven and then spread to Earth, involving men in its course.
5. The Maximum Wisdom would coincide with the Strongest Will to return to the
Origin, with the Greatest Orientation towards the Origin, with the Highest Courage determined to fight against the Powers of Matter, and with the Maximum Spiritual Hostility towards the non-spiritual.
6. Before the fall of the extraterrestrial Spirit into Matter, it existed in the
Earth, an extremely primitive animal-man, son of the God Creator of all material forms: such an animal-man possessed soul essence, that is, a Soul capable of achieving immortality, but lacked the eternal Spirit.
7. After starring in the Mystery of the Fall, the Spirit came to be incorporated into the animal man, prisoner of Matter, and the need for its liberation arose.
8. To understand the Sign of Origin, exactly thirteen plus three Vrunas were required, that is, an alphabet of sixteen signs called Vrunas or Varunas.
9. The highest priestly sanctity, which was demonstrated by the dominion of the Soul, whether conceived as a body or as a force, also meant the most abject submission to the Powers of Matter.
10. In the Origin, beyond the stars, there was an Uncreated Light that could only be seen by the Spirit; that infinite light was imperceptible to the Soul. However, although invisible, in front of it the Soul felt as if it were facing the most impenetrable blackness, an infinite abyss, and was plunged into an uncontrollable terror: and
This was due to the Uncreated Light of the Spirit transmitting to the Soul the intuition of eternal death in which it, like every created thing, would end its existence at the end of a super Great Year of manifestation of the Creator God, a
11. There were three concepts, the principle of Occupation, the principle of
Siege, and the beginning of the Wall.
12. Wisdom would make the Spirit free in the Origin and more powerful than the Creator God; but in this world, where the Spirit is chained to the animal man, the Cult of the Creator God would end up dominating Wisdom.
13. Everything that exists in this world is only a crude imitation of the things of the World
14. Like the Alchemist stirs lead, the members of the chosen family would tirelessly repeat the tests established by the ancestors, until one day one of them, turning a circle traveled a thousand times under other skies, managed to fulfill the family mission, purifying then his astral blood. Thus a transmutation would occur that would allow him to overcome the involution of the Kaly Yuga or Dark Age, return to the Origin and acquire Wisdom again.
15. The Great Chief of the Hyperborean Spirits, Lucifer, the one who challenges with the Power of Wisdom the Power of Illusion of the Creator God, the Envoy of the Unknowable God, the true Christos of Uncreated Light.
16. They preserved the sacred alphabet of thirteen plus three Vrunas, which they represented with sixteen signs formed with straight lines and to which they had associated a sound from the common language; In this way, thirteen consonants and three vowels were available.
17. It would be His Fire that would settle in the heart of man and transmute it; and that Fire, at first extremely warm, would eventually become colder
than ice: and it would be that Cold Fire that would produce the mutation of nature
18. The Infinite Blackness offered by the Klibur Death of the Goddess Pyrena, in which all Created Light is extinguished without remedy, is capable of Reflecting that something that is the Uncreated Spirit; and the Reflection of the Spirit in the Infinite Blackness of Death Klibur is the Naked Truth of Itself. Faced with Infinite Blackness, Created Life dies of Terror and the Spirit finds Itself. That is why if the Chosen One, after the reunion, recovers Life, he will be the bearer of a Death Sign that will leave his heart frozen forever. The Soul will not be able to avoid being subjugated by the Stone Seed of Itself that grows and develops at its expense and transmutes the Chosen One into a Hyperbrean Initiate, into a Stone Man, into a Wise Warrior. As a Man of Stone, the resurrected Chosen One will have a Heart of Ice and exhibit Absolute Courage. He may love the Woman of Flesh without reservation but he will never be able to ignite the Hot Fire of Animal Passion in her heart.
Then look for the Woman of Flesh, the One who, in addition to Soul, possesses an Uncreated Spirit, like the Goddess Pyrene, and is capable of Revealing, in Her Infinite Blackness, the Naked Truth of Herself. I will love Her, the Klibur Woman, with the Cold Fire of the Hyperborean Race. And the Klibur Woman will respond with the icy A-mort of Pyrena's Klibur Death.
19. The contemplation of Oneself, which is a Reflection of the Eternal Spirit, is experienced in a single moment, unfathomable by the Time of Creation; The Chosen who encounter Pyrena's Klibur Death will never be able to answer that question; The experience of Eternity is indescribable.
20. A Stone Man; a Returner from the Dead; one who in Death was loved with the Fire Fro Klibur of Pyrena and now holds the Memory of A-mort; one who has felt, beyond the Love of Life, the A-mort of Death Klibur, that is,
the Undeath of Death Klibur, and has now immortalized himself as a son of the
21. The Stone Man will only act, listen in silence to the Voice of the Cold Fire and act; and his act expresses the highest spiritual value; he did what he did,
His act will be founded on the absolute support of Himself, beyond good and evil, and he will not be affected by any judgment or punishment coming from the World of Deception. And no variant of the Great Deception, not even the Hot Fire of Passion
Animal, they will be able to drag him back to the Dream of Life; Wise and Brave as a God, the Stone Man will only fight if necessary and quietly await the Final Battle; long for the Origin and be moved by nostalgia for the A-mort of the Goddess; search for her Original Mate in the Klibur Woman and, if he finds her, he
to love with the Cold Fire of Oneself; and She will embrace him with the Uncreated Light of her Eternal Spirit, which will be Infinite Blackness for the created Soul.
22. On Earth, the Spirit had been chained to the animal man so that its volitional force could accelerate the evolution of the latter's psychic structure: and so iron was the chain, so immersed was the Spirit in nature.
soul of the animal man, who had forgotten his Origin and believed himself to be a product of Nature and the Powers of Matter, a creation of the Gods.
23. Navutan comes to free the Spirit of Man from its prison in the World of the Creator God; the Spirit is Uncreated, that is, not Created by the Creator God and,
Therefore, nothing that happens here can essentially stain it, much less affect it ethically; the Spirit is Innocent and pure in the Eternity of the Origin; hence Navuton affirms that the Hyperbrean Spirit, belonging to a Warrior Race, can only manifest an attitude of essential hostility towards the World of the Creator God, can only rebel against the Material Order, can only
doubt the Reality of the World that constitutes the Great Deception, he can only reject as False or Enemy everything that is not a product of Himself, that is, of the Spirit, and he can only encourage a single purpose with Wisdom: to abandon the World of the God the Creator, where he is a slave, and return to the World of the Unknowable, where
to be a God again. On the contrary, Jesus Christ comes to save the Soul of Man from Sin, from the Lack of the Law of the Creator God; The Soul is Created by the Creator God and must blindly obey the Law of the Father of it.
24. Hence Jesus Christ affirms that the Soul of Man, the most perfect creature of the Creator God, should only manifest an attitude of essential love towards
the World of the Creator God, must only accept with resignation its place in the Material Order, must only believe in the Reality of the World, must only accept as True and Friend that which proves to come in the Name of the Creator God, and must only encourage a only purpose with Wisdom: to remain in the World of the Creator God as a sheep and to be shepherded by Jesus Christ or the Priests who represent him. To be God or to be sheep, that is the question.
25. As at the time the Gnostics and Manichaeans, and as the Cathars and Albigensians will later do, they will accept only part of the Gospels, especially that of John,
and they will reject the Old Testament outright. This is what they alleged: the God of
the Jews was none other than Jehovah Satan, an aspect or face of the One God Creator of the Material Universe; In Genesis the story of the Creation of the
Material Universe, where the Uncreated and Eternal Spirit will be enslaved; The created Universe is, therefore, intrinsically evil for the Uncreated Spirit, the Spirit only grants value to the True World from which it comes.
26. Another is the Church of Kristos, or Church simply, to which the Lords of Tharsis and the Circulus Domini Canis belonged, and to which many of those who are for the Spirit and against the Powers of Matter belong, for Kristos. Light and against Jehovah Satan. One is the Church of the Betrayal of the Spirit of Man and another is the Church of the Liberation of the Spirit of Man, one is the Church of the Demon of the Immortal Soul and another is the Church of the God of the Eternal Spirit.
27. They engraved the thirteen plus three runic signs of the Sacred Alphabet on the Irminsul Column, and embedded the Stone of Venus in its center, in remembrance of the One Eye of Wothan that looked at the World of Great Deception from the Tree of Terror.
28. The Spirit is essentially a warrior and, therefore, the noble and
Warriors are spiritually superior to priests.
29. What the Cathars really knew was the Hyperborean Wisdom, which they taught using symbols taken from Mazdaism, Zervanism, Gnosticism, Judeo-Christianity, etc. Therefore, they preached that the Good
It was absolutely spiritual in nature and was completely outside this World; the Spirit was Eternal and Uncreated and proceeded from the Origin of Good; Evil, on the contrary, had by nature everything material and created; the World of Matter,
where the animal man lives, was intrinsically evil; The World had been Created by Jehovah Satan, a demonic Demiurge; They rejected, therefore, the Bible, which was the Word of Satan, and especially repudiated Genesis, where the act of Creating the World by the Devil was narrated; The Church of Rome, which accepted the Bible, was, therefore, the Synagogue of Satan, the abode of the Devil; The animal man, created by Satan, had two natures: the material body and the Soul; The Uncreated Spirit had joined them, which had since then remained a prisoner of Matter; the Spirit, unable to free itself, resided in the Soul, and the Soul animated the material body, which was immersed in the Evil of the Material World; The Spirit was thus sunk in Hell,
condemned to the pain and suffering that Jehovah Satan imposed on the animal man.
30. It was time for spiritual awakening and material renunciation,
clearly discriminate between the Everything of Spirit and the Nothing of Matter.
31. Deeply spiritual men would be required, who possessed the Hyperborean Wisdom and were transmuted by the Memory of the Origin, by the revelation of the Naked Truth of Oneself, that is, Men of Stone would be needed.
32. Oppose Hyperborean Wisdom to the Cult of the One God.
33. In every Hyperbrean Initiate the Spirit must dominate the Soul.
34. The man will lose his virility and become soft, he will become like a woman; Even if he can procreate, his will to fight will be weakened by a growing effeminacy that will extend to all of Humanity; Perplexed, many will confuse sodomite morality with a product of high civilization, but in truth it will happen that the Heart will dominate the Mind and enervate the Will; In the end, everyone will end up accepting the synarchic way of life; and man will replace the Eagle with the Dove, War with Peace, Heroic Risk with Passive Comfort.
35. Time is the constant flow of the Consciousness of The One; between the beginning
and the End of Time is Creation; and at the End of Time is Perfection
of the Soul as a Stone of Fire. It is the Will of YHVH that the Soul reach Final Perfection according to the model of Metatron. But now the Soul cannot see the Cold Stone that it carries buried in its bosom. He does not perceive it until it crosses its path and becomes a Stumbling Block for the Soul, an Insurmountable Obstacle to achieving the Good of Final Perfection. Without the Stone Seed
In the Soul of the clay man there would have been no Evil or Hatred towards Creation, evolution would have been carried out by the Force of Love for the creator, Perfection.
Final would have been assured for every Created Soul: now that Plan of YHVH will be
impossible to fulfill.
36. He had become a Hyperborean Initiate, a potential enemy of the plans of the White Brotherhood. How did such a heresy occur? Who initiated him into Hyperborean Wisdom?
37. Wearing the papal Tiara, a replica of the Egyptian crown of the dark-skinned Atlantean Priests; wearing the white robe of the Levitical Priests of Israel, on which the Four-Leaf Clover of the Golem Priests is embroidered, stylized as a Celtic cross; in his right hand holding the Cross, symbol of the
Spiritual Chaining, and on the left the Keys of Saint Peter, symbol of the Klachakra Key with which the Gods Traitors to the Spirit of Man consummated their Original Betrayal.
38. My Lord only knows and respects the Law of Honor, which is the Law of the Holy Spirit, of the Will of the True God; Only your God Jehovah, who is a Demon called Satan, whom you slavishly obey, can oppose that Law.
39. We, the Eternal Warriors of Kristos Lucifer, will one day put an end to the Chiefs of your Chiefs, to the Hidden Hierarchy of Supreme Priests who keep the Uncreated Spirit in slavery to created matter.
40. The I, expression of the Spirit, emerges sunk in the bowels of the Soul without having any possibility of orienting itself towards the Origin, since it is unaware that it is in such a situation, that there is a possible return to the Homeland of the Spirit; The I is normally lost without knowing that it is; and he searches for the Origin without knowing what he is looking for. The Traitor Gods chained him to the Soul of the animal man so that the volitional force of the useless search for him could be used by the
Soul to evolve towards Final Perfection. Immersed in the soul subject, the I is incapable of acquiring control of the microcosm, unless it passes through the Hyperborean Initiation, which produces the effect of isolating the I, from the Soul, by means of the Uncreated Vrunes.
41. A Self stripped of all morals, of all dogma, indifferent to the deceptions of the world but open to the memory of blood, will be able to gallantly march towards the Origin and there will be no force in the universe capable of stopping it.
42. He who knows the secrets of the Mystery of A-mort is a Hyperbrean Initiate
transmuted, that is, an Immortal Stone Man.
43. The Mystery of A-mort is experienced in seven different ways by man and, precisely, this is the reason why the Hyperborean Wisdom foresees seven initiatory paths of liberation. According to the way in which the Mystery of Amort has been gnostically perceived it will be the Way of Liberation adopted and it is therefore
what is usually spoken of as a Way of Mutation or Lightning; of a Dry Valley
o Right Hand Path; of a Wet Road or Left Hand Road; of a Way of Strategic Opposition or Way of Warrior Gnosis for the
Absolute Orientation; etc
44. For the Stone Men, Hyperbrean Initiates of the House of Tharsis, the
The world in which daily life occurs is simply a battlefield, a Arena occupied by mortal enemies who must be fought without respite because they cut off the path of Return to the Origin, obstruct the retreat and seek to reduce man to the most vile slavery which is the submission of the Eternal Spirit to matter, its chaining to the evolutionary Plan of the Universe, created by the Demiurge and his court of Demons. The world is, then, for the Stone Men, the Valplads.
In Norse mythology and in the Eddas, the Valplads is the battlefield where Wothan chooses those who fall fighting for Honor, for Truth, in short, for the Virtues of the Spirit.
45. The Gral is a Gem of the Crown of Kristos Lucifer, He who is Purer than the Purest of the Loyal Gods, the only one who can speak Face to Face with the Unknowable. Kristos Lcifer is the one who, being in Hell, is beyond Hell. Being able to stay in Hyperpnea, in the light of the Unknowable, Kristos
Lcifer wanted to come to the rescue of the captive Spirits by starring in the
incomprehensible sacrifice of His own self-captivity. He has settled like the Sun
Black of the Spirit, illuminating charismatically, from behind Venus, through the Parklito, directly into the blood of sleeping men.
How a Gem of the Gallant Lord has been defiled by falling here, to Earth, one of the most repugnant sewers of the Seven Hells Because He has done so
willing. Kristos Lcifer has given the Gral to men as a guarantee of his commitment, his sacrifice, and as irrefutable material proof of the Divine Origin of the Spirit.
The Gral is, in this sense, a reflection of the Divine Origin, which will guide
like a beacon the wavering course of the Rebellious Spirits who decide to abandon the slavery of Jehovah Satan.
46. Man's main crime has been to deny the supremacy of God, that is, of the terrestrial Demiurge Jehovah Satan, and to rebel against his slavery. But man is a miserable being, immersed in a Hell of Illusion in which he feels foolishly comfortable, with no possibility of breaking the spell by himself. If he has denied the Demiurge and has rebelled, it has been by virtue of an external agent,
But what thing in the world can be capable of awakening man, of opening his eyes to the forgotten divinity? If such a thing exists, the Demons will say, it is the object
most abominable of material Creation. But that thing, that abominable object,
It is not of this World and the captive-Spirit-man has eaten from it. That green fruit, which they would later call Gral, is a food that nourishes with primordial gnosis, that is, with knowledge about the Truth of origins. Through the Gral, forbidden fruit par excellence, man will know that he is Eternal, that he possesses a Divine Spirit chained to matter, that comes from a World impossible to imagine from the terrestrial Hell but for which he feels nostalgia and for which
want to return.
For the Gral the man has remembered!
Here is his first crime. Remembering the Divine Origin will, from now on, be a terrible sin and those who have committed it must pay for it; that is the Will of the Demiurge, the Law of Jehovah Satan. His Ministers, the Demons of Chang Shambal, will be in charge of carrying out the sentence, collecting the punishment in a currency called: pain and suffering. The instrument will be, naturally, the incarnation, repeated a thousand times in transmigrations controlled by the Law of Karma, cynically declaring that pain and suffering are for the good of the Spirits, to favor their evolution.
47. The Demiurge has built the Universe imitating a clumsy and deformed image of the True Worlds. He has breathed his Breath into Matter and commanded it for the purpose of copying the feeble reflection which he once received from the Uncreated Spheres. But neither the substance was adequate nor the Architect was qualified for it and, added to these evils, the perverse intention of trying to reign as God of the work, in the likeness () of the Unknowable, must be considered. The result is visible: a malignant and insane Hell, in which, a long time after its creation, by a Mystery of A-mort countless Eternal Spirits were enslaved, chained to matter and subject to the evolution of
The main characteristic of the Demiurge is evidently imitation, through which he has attempted to reproduce the True Worlds and the result of which has been this vile and mediocre Material Universe. But it is in the different parts of his work where one notices the amazing persistence in imitating, repeating and copying. In it
Universe, the whole is always a copy of something: the atoms, all similar; the
cells, which divide into analogous pairs; social animals, whose gregarious instinct is based on imitation; symmetry, present in countless physical and biological phenomena; etc Without elaborating on more examples, it can be stated that the overwhelming formal multiplicity of the real is only an illusion resulting from the crossing, intersection, combination, etc., of a few initial forms. In
In truth, the Universe has been made from a few different elements, no more than twenty-two, which support, due to their infinite combinations, the totality of existing forms.
48. The Way of Strategic Opposition consists of the use of the archemonical technique, that is, in the provision of an Archimona or Strategic Fence and of a lapis oppositionis outside the fence, in the fenestra infernalis that faces the
Valplads. By applying the law of encirclement to Arqumona, it is possible to isolate the Valplads square, that is, it is possible to free an area in the World of the Demiurge. But this is not enough: it is necessary for the Initiates to desynchronize themselves from World Time and generate their own, inverse time, which allows them to head towards the Origin. To do this, they practice Strategic Opposition against the lapis oppositionis, which are located on a Rune in Valplads, in front of the fenestra infernalis.
49. It will be difficult for anyone to imagine the wonderful spectacle of the General descending into the seven hells. Perhaps if he thinks of a Green Ray, of blinding brilliance and Gnostic influence on the seer, before whom the Demons turn their fierce faces frozen in fear; a Lightning that, like a harvesting blade
invincible Sword, is tearing the four hundred thousand worlds of Deception seeking the
Heart of the Enemy; a Green Flying Serpent that carries between its teeth the Fruit of Truth, until then denied and hidden; If we think about the Lightning, the Sword, the Fruit, the Serpent, perhaps it will be possible to intuit what happened at that crucial moment when the Truth was made available to the captive Spirits. Yes, because since the Gral settled on the Vruna of Orichalco, the Tree of Science was planted within the reach of those who,
Completely confused, they lived in Hell believing they lived in Paradise. From now on you will be able to eat its fruit and your eyes will be opened!
Hallelujah by Kristos Lcifer, the Serpent of Paradise! Hallelujah for those who
They ate the forbidden fruit: men awakened and transmuted!
50. I understood the meaning of the Tirodinguiburr Sign. And his understanding instilled in me the Highest Degree of Hyperborean Wisdom. It was the Eternal Spirit who freed and isolated himself, as never before, from the Illusion of Created Forms! Yes, my own Spirit, fixed and planted, like a menhir that remains and appears in the temporal current of the Soul, suddenly stood in the Origin, in its instance.
eternal and infinite! I already knew everything! I had returned to the Origin, I had freed myself from the chain in Matter, and I understood the reason for the Fall! If I wanted to, I could have left right there for Hyperborea! But he couldn't do it; not while the family mission was not fulfilled; not while you remain here, in the midst of the Demons; not while we still have to free
the Final Battle against the Powers of Matter! Honor prevented me from leaving.
51. Because only the Spirit is Eternal! Whoever does not find his Spirit will die of Final Death even if he believes he is Immortal. And those who are going to die first are the Souls that are closest to the End, where they have approached seeking a chimerical and vain archetypal perfection. Those whose Souls evolve imitating the Final Goal proposed by the One Creator God, those who deceive themselves by identifying the Good
with Universal Peace and deprive their Spirit of the opportunity to fight, those who worship the One Creator God and love the Material Universe, those who fear Jehovah Satan and serve the Powers of Matter, those who persist in affirming that the Spirit is Created and they want to bring it to its knees in front of the supposed Creator.
52. The Great White Chief, the Lord of Absolute Will and Courage, will come once, twice, three times, to Your World. The first time, break History, but it will go away, and cause the senseless laughter of the Demons; the second raises the Final Battle, but leaves, amidst the Roar of Terror of the Demons; The third will guide the Spirit Race towards the Origin, but will be gone forever,
leaving behind the Holocaust of Fire in which the followers of the One God, men, Souls, and Demons, will be consumed. But those who follow the Warlord's Envoy will be Eternal!
53. For the Wise Warriors, every war lost on Earth is a war won in other Heavens.
54. For man, transmuted into Stone Man, it is always possible to fight against Demons and win.
55. When the Final Battle comes, and the Lord of War affirms the Reality of the World of the Spirit, all of us who have died in the cause of the Spirit will be Alive to march out of the Universe of The One, passing over the Powers of the Spirit. Matter, while behind our backs the Final Holocaust of the Demons of the Soul is unleashed.
56. Please try to find the Order of Wise Builders of the Lord of Absolute Guidance: They will put you in the right direction. In addition, they will grant you the Hyperborean Initiation, awaken you, and include you in the Strategy of the
Final battle.
57. Their hearts were harder than the diamond stone and they possessed the certainty of the Eternal Spirit; and they experienced an essential hostility towards the Powers of Matter, which allowed them to exhibit an indescribable strength against them.
any enemy.
58. If it had to be destroyed, it would destroy!; If he had to kill, he would kill! He would do anything before dealing with the Enemy of the Spirit.
59. For the first time I felt I, only I; I, surrounded by the Powers of Matter; I, besieged by the God Creator of the Universe. And then, undoubtedly as a consequence of having fought a battle against the Soul, and having been victorious, the Vision occurred and I received the help I sought.
60. The Spirit had to free itself from the chain to evolutionary matter, isolate itself from the law of evolution, and undertake the Return to the Origin. There was the Truth sought.
61. In Córdoba a great Initiate had appeared who called himself Nimrod of Rosario.
62. He has managed to form an important support group that allows him to develop his Strategy: with people from traditional esotericism, especially many who understood that the Gnostic Church of Samael Aun Weor is just another synarchic sect.
63. Initiates of the Liberating Serpent! Followers of the Serpent of Uncreated Light! Worshipers of the Avenging Serpent! Behold the Bearer of the Sign of the Origin! To him who can understand the Serpent with His Sign; to the one who can obtain the Highest Wisdom that is given to know the Clay Man! Inside this Divine child, in the bosom of the eternal Spirit, is present the Sign of the
Enemy of the Creator and Creation, the Symbol of the Origin of our God and of all the Spirits imprisoned in Matter.
64. We know that the Demiurge received other names throughout History. But if we choose, among them, that of Jehovah, it is because it is the last name by which he called himself.
65. A part of Humanity, which we integrate, has an element that does not belong to the material order and that cannot be determined by the law of Evolution of the Demiurge. That element, which is called Spirit or Vril, is present in some men as a possibility of eternity. We know about him through the Blood Memory, but as long as we are not able to free ourselves from the ties that bind us to the illusory reality of the Demiurge and retrace the Path of Return to the Origin, we will not truly exist as Eternal individuals.
66. The Occult Hierarchy of Chang Shambal, with its Demons: the Traitor Guides and its boss: the King of the World, who now carry forward the evolution of the planet
and they are the ones who guide the Races through a sinister organization called Sinarqua.
67. We, the Ancient Hyperbrean Beings who still remain chained in Hell, must keep in mind that the Enemy is Jehovah Satan, the Demiurge of this World.
68. From the miserable condition of Jehovah Satan's slave it is not possible to know
to God, since He is absolutely transcendent. It is necessary to go a long way
path of blood purification to know something about God, about the true God. Most of the great religions, when speaking of God, refer to the Demiurge The One. This occurs because the Races that currently populate the world have
been worked on by the Demons of Shambal, implanting synarchic ideas in the genetic memory of its members, in order to direct them towards the great collective Archetype called Mana. Thus, perceiving reality behind a veil of deception,
one arrives at those conceptions of pantheistic, monistic or trinitarian God, which are only
appearances of The One, the Demiurge ordering matter.
69. This is not sterile knowledge that can be reduced to a code of principles or an operational manual by which to govern our actions; On the contrary, it is about acquiring knowledge that acts dynamically on the
Spirit, transforming us internally, endowing us with an ancient Wisdom that
It makes us transcend the merely human plane of existence.
70. Not all men are equal, not all exist, not all can be. By
On the contrary, for those who have the possibility of Being, the struggle and the
effort must be put into transcending this world of illusory images and perpetuating themselves in eternity, in another plane of existence that we can only reach if
We wake up from the demonic dream in which we are immersed. Most of the
men that you see in the world, do not really exist, or if you prefer, they live a
relative, illusory existence, which is a breath for eternity. Your conscience
is diluted with death, although many believe otherwise, and nothing survives
they. Eternity is for a few, for an Aristocracy of the Spirit, founded on semi-divine Heroes, on Supermen who, at the cost of fighting a hard combat with
the Prince of this World YHVH-Satans transmute their lower nature and gain their
place in Valhalla.
71. For the Spirit there is no created life or death but Illusion and, therefore, no
There is no sin or guilt, there are no debts to settle or Karma.
72. Only one who has a heart hard as Stone and cold as Ice is a true Kshatriya; and only such a Ksahtriya can perform any action, even killing, without Karma touching him.
73. Gnosis constitutes, once it has been achieved, a total, immediate knowledge, which the individual possesses entirely or which he lacks at all; is he
knowledge in itself, absolute, that encompasses Man, the Cosmos and Divinity. And it is only through this knowledge and not through faith or works that the individual can be saved.
74. First you must be what you already are, you must return to the Beginning from where you have never left, recover the Paradise that you never lost. When you solve this Mystery, marching along the path of the Labyrinth and reaching the exit, you will only be able to say I Am. But do not fear, you will not be abandoned, you will be guided charismatically to the end. Follow the Closed Circles of the Order of Thule but do not stop at any; always advance, until you reach the Penultimate Circle; there we will see each other again.
75. What can we say about a philosophy that questions the totality of human existence with all its Dogmas, Philosophies, Religions and Sciences, that tries to change the historical course, that affirms the possibility of the transmutation of semi-divine man or virya into immortal Siddha, that In short, he has declared war on the powers
materials of Jehovah Satan, owners of the World, of History and of the majority of men. Let us agree that in Heresiology such ideas would occupy a distinguished place.
76. We have a copy of the letter that the Supreme Priest of Chang Shambal, Rigden Jyepo, sent to Lenin through Nicols Roerich, congratulating him on the success of
the Bolshevik Revolution; Behind Lenin and the October conspirators, acted the Trans-Himalayan Lodge, founded by the White Brotherhood. Yes, behind the Synarchy there is Chang Shambal, the Masters and Priests of the Occult Hierarchy or White Brotherhood of Chang Shambal.
77. They constitute a Secret Society known as the Kula Circle. His Wisdom is Kula, left-hand Tantrism, a yoga system that allows
transmute and take advantage of sexual energy, but it requires the physical participation of the woman. Kulikas are feared in Tibet because they are considered Black Magicians, but in my opinion the only black thing they have is their tunic. It is evident that such a qualification comes from their most bitter enemies, the members of the White Brotherhood, a mysterious organization that is behind Buddhism and other religions, and that is very powerful in these regions: it is in opposition and contrast to the white Brotherhood. that the kulikas are called blacks, since they are ascetics of high morals. All the men and women you have seen here are vamachari sadhakas.
The Initiates in the Path of the Kula periodically perform a Ritual called the Five Challenges, in which they practice five acts prohibited to the Masters of the Klachakra, which explains why they are hated by the Gurus.
of Shambal. Vulgarly, the secret ritual is also known as Pankamakra or the five M's, because with that letter the five names of the forbidden things begin: madya, wine; mmsa, meat; matsya, fish; mudr, cereals; maithuna, sexual act. According to their Buddhist enemies, by practicing this Ritual the kulikas
They sit on the vmo mrga, or Left Path, the path of the Kshatriyas, which leads to War and not Peace, to Agartha and not Shambal, to the absolute unification of the Self and not to Nirvanic annihilation. of the Self identified with Him
One Parabrahman. The truth is that through secret techniques of their sexual Tantra, the kulikas develop incredible power over the animal nature of the human body and even manage to obtain spiritual liberation.
78. The kulikas follow the Kula Path, which begins in the woman of flesh and ends in the Original Couple, deep within Himself; At the end of that dangerous path, the kulika, definitively confronted with the Truth, having drawn the veils of all the Mysteries, is Shiva, the Destroyer of Illusion, the
Warrior par excellence. For us, Shiva is Lucifer, it is Cain, it is Hermes, it is
Mercury, it's Wothan.
79. History summoned the fittest to fight against Evil. And the fittest
it was us! In a unique moment in History we had raised the Eternal Banners.
80. At each point of real Space there is a small globe or archetypal atom, which accurately symbolizes the unity of Brahma, The Creator. And in the center of each such atom, there is an eye with which The One beholds Himself from all created things. Each eye of the One Father is called Yod, but each pupil
It belongs to Mother Kuan Yin. When the blood of man is stigmatized by the Lords of Karma, and pain penetrates the eyes of The One like a pleasant symphony, the pupils of Mother Kuan Yin soften the suffering chords with the Mercy of her Heart. That is why She is Avalokiteshvara, a Bodhisattva of Compassion. Yes, Western Kameraden: this image that impresses you is just an opaque reflection of Kuan Yin behind the Veil of My. Right here, at this moment, the Goddess dances the Dance of Life and her countless eyes look into your Hearts seeking the warmth of Love! Kuan Yin wants to feel Your Hearts beat
of Love for created things! He wants to feel you shudder with compassion for him.
pain that plagues the life of man, the pain caused by those who deviate from the
harmony of the Universe, of the Law of One! And what the eyes of Avalokiteshvara collect in Your Hearts Only Cold and Hatred, instead of Heat and Love of Life. And then the Mother's eyes withdraw, wrapped in tears, promising
I will help you to return to the animal condition, to the warm Heart of those who love warm Life. She is the Mother of human animals, of countries: Her Mercy will reach you and warm your Heart with Her Love, displacing the Cold and the Hatred, the hard ice! And he will do it even if he has to turn the Klachakra and turn you into primitive apes!
81. But here, with you, is Ganesha, the Son of Shiva Who has seen the Mother Goddess of the West in the Heart of the Son of Shiva Also Cold and Hate, but forming the nest for the mask of Cold Death, the refuge of Kly, The Black. Yes, in the
Son of Shiva is the greatest abomination, because he has housed Death in his Heart, the Mask of Death that hides the Naked Truth of the Infinite Blackness of Himself. In the Heart of Ganesha, over the dead body of the country, son of Mother Kuan Yin, Kly La Negra dances the Dance of Cold Death; and in the corpse of the country, which is carrion, the phallus of Shiva, the diamond lingam of vajra, is still living; in front of the symbol of absolute virility, Kly reveals himself and allows Prvat Frya to manifest, the Truth behind the Black Death; Prvat Frya then performs the yonimudr on the Shiva lingam, and Bhairava is resurrected in the
Heart of the Son of Shiva; A Vajra Child has been abnormally born in the Heart of Ganesha! a child begotten by the Spirit of Shiva with the Truth behind the Mask of Death! a child gestated in the womb of the Infinite Blackness of Himself! a child born in the broken vulva of the dead Heart of the country! a Child of Vajra, a Child of Diamond, a Child of Stone, a Child of Lightning, a Child of Cold Fire, a Child of God! a Child who is the Uncreated Vruna and who is beyond Kula and Akula, beyond Time and Space, beyond Life and Death, more
beyond Good and Evil, definitely beyond the country murdered by Kly in the Heart of the Son of Shiva!
The millions of eyes of Avalokiteshvara have seen a very great evil in the Heart of the Son of Shiva. An evil for which His Tears of Mercy, nor His Compassion, nor His Love are sufficient. An evil for which there is no possible redemption, neither in this nor in another life of the Sripai Khorlo Wheel of Life.
It is the evil of him who flees from the care of the Father and the Mother, who denies
of the Father and the Mother, who discovers that he has no Father or Mother, who finds the Naked Truth of Himself and insists on Being what He Is and not what He should be according to the Law. Oh, what ingratitude is that of those who thus the Heart grows cold for the Mother and harbors hatred against the Father! The Naked Truth has settled in the Heart of man, on a bed of ice, and it has become a vrya, a God who competes with the One God. But She has cooled the Heart because she is
the Enemy of Love and Mother Kuan Yin cannot allow it. The Enemy of Love has caused much damage: with the Mask of Kly she has murdered the country, her firstborn son; and with the Power of the Naked Truth, she has procreated an abominable being who was born on the corpse of the country, a Diamond Stone Child, a child who is not even a human being. Great is the damage caused by the Enemy, Terrible is the evil that resides in the Heart of the Son of Shiva.
82. What has the Mother Goddess of the West seen in the Heart of the Son of Shiva A wolf, a murderer of lambs, a Child of Stone Son of Herself and Husband of the Naked Truth, an Abominable Existence To-tie outside of Creation . But, above all evils, Kuan Yin has seen the one who can manifest the Naked Truth to the World, discover the Forbidden and Intoxicating Beauty of the Enemy of men and spread the evil of Wisdom like an epidemic. In the eyes of Mother Kuan Yin, the Son of Shiva is the Demon of the Destruction of Man. The Naked Truth
that Ganesha can show sleeping men cause in them a new and atrocious fall into the nothingness of the Uncreated. On the ruins of the Humanity of Love, Ganesha transformed into Shiva, will dance the dissolution of the Created, the decomposition of
My, the Final Death of Illusion. And in the Pralaya of Love and Mercy of
Kuan Yin, on the Death of Humanity, in the Gtterdmmerung of Brotherhood, the resurrected Heroes, the semi-divine vryas, the Men-Gods, will exalt the Naked Truth of Theirself, the Enemy of Love, the Wife of the Origin . Oh, how the millions of eyes of Avalokiteshvara cry when they understand the evil that dwells
in the Heart of the Son of Shiva!
83. For us, as for Krishna, the son of Indra, killing means nothing, if the Spirit of the murderer is beyond My, the Illusion of Life; If when our scimitar mows down miserable life, the Spirit dances with Shiva the Dance of Destruction.
84. They had a spiritual goal to achieve; and they found themselves in a devilish world. In such gnostic circumstances, the solution is always the same: the spiritual end justifies any means used to break through into enemy territory.
85. The beings that exist, and the other created beings, although they are related to each other in space and time, if they are not strategically significant they do not exist for the Spirit, they are Maya, Illusion. You as an Initiate should know it.
Has he forgotten that this is the War between the Spirit and the Powers of
The matter
86. In the noological ethics of Hyperborean Wisdom we have shown you the spiritual superiority of the Self above the Heart, we have taught you to dominate the Heart with the Self, we stripped it of feelings and forged a new Heart of steel.
87. As Hyperborean Wisdom assures, the Created Soul is ready to betray us because its substance is part of the Creator, a participant in its Archetype in the image and likeness! There I verified it without a doubt: the Soul would always betray the Spirit, the Self, to favor the Will of the Demons, who belong to the White Hierarchy in which the One-Creator is unfolded and chained!
88. The Creator God is nourished by a force called human pain; and the man
produces pain and suffering to feed the Creator of the Great Deception.
89. I verified the power, the terrible power that a Hyperbrean Initiate, a God Man, is capable of demonstrating.
III. Fragments of Foundations of Hyperborean Wisdom
90. The Hyperborean Initiates, by mastering the Hyperborean Wisdom, reach the highest level of esoteric knowledge, the Science of the Runes, and acquire terrible powers.
91. As a result of the betrayal of the Traitor Siddhas, three classes of men appear on earth: the primitive hominid, which from then on is called
ANIMAL-MAN or PAS; the country that has a Hyperbrean lineage, that is, the country that has the POSSIBILITY of the captive Spirit manifesting in it, called
VIRYA; and the HYPERBREAN SIDDHA, who can be either a Spirit freed from captivity, or one of the Ancient Guides, and who remains on Earth, in a place called Agartha, to combat the Enemy and complete the final rescue of the captive Spirits. .
The man of our days is, to a greater or lesser extent, a LOST VIRYA. That is to say: in him there exists a double nature, divine and human, as the Gnostics of the first centuries of the current Era correctly affirmed.
93. The Spirit, upon entering THROUGH THE ORIGIN into the Universe of The One, does so in
enemy quality; That is why it adapts itself in the form of a Spirit-sphere and thus demonstrates
94. The Spirit-sphere has appeared in the material Universe CLOSED ABOUT ITSELF
A HOSTILE BACK. But the Tergum, the Back, opposes the Demiurge not as a contrary but as an ADVERSARY because, it must be stated, THE SPIRIT-SPHERE IS A MORE POWERFUL GOD THAN THE DEMIURGE.
95. The material world is pure appearance, pure illusion, pure phenomenon, pure evolutionary process, pure contingency and accident; For the Spirit the world DOES NOT EXIST, IT IS NOT. But the Demiurge IS and against him the combat will be fought for the return to the origin, for the recovery of the primordial state that we represent here allegorically with the spherical shape.
96. Jehovah is the cabalistic name of the Demiurge The One that Sanat Kumara represents on Earth and is the LAST HISTORICAL NAME that we know of him. Thats why we,
THE ANCIENT HYPERBREAK BEINGS who still remain chained in this demonic world, must keep in mind that the enemy is Jehovah-Satan, the Demiurge of this world.
98. The highest Metaphysics is the Hyperborean Gnosis.
99. What way out is left for the virya, what hope can it encourage, to escape the insane Plans of the Demiurge and the Traitor Siddhas Answer: The liberation of the Hyperborean Spirit. That is: the only possibility of escape is for the virya to go back to its Hyperborean memory to the origin and transmute itself into Divine Hyperborean, UNLEASHING the captive Spirit.
100. Although most of the lost viryas ignore it, the Golden Cord grants the wonderful possibility of acquiring, by pure blood, the highest
level that another virya has reached anywhere in the world. Of course, such a possibility can only be taken advantage of by those who place themselves in the strategic space of a Mysticism.
101. The hyperborean vision leads us to the liberation of the causal order, to the elevation of man from the collective in which he is immersed and his definitive individuation, reintegrating into the awakened Self in the selbst. It is the end of the Kaly Yuga or Dark Age.
The synarchic vision means continuing in the causal order, subject to the law of evolution and the patterns of material progress on which Western civilization is based. It means the increasing immersion of the individual in the collective, marching history towards a mechanically complex future society in which man will disappear as such in a metaphysical atrophy of his ego, an indispensable objective to fulfill the goal of the synarchic vision that is the Government
102. The Hyperborean Wisdom, through seven secret paths, produces a strategic reorientation in the lost virya, enabling it to undertake (or re-undertake) the
return to the origin and abandonment of the infernal world of matter. The lost virya, we have already said, is in an abject state of material chaining that forces it to submit to the laws of Karma, to periodically reincarnate and live, or
re-live, an eternal and miserable comedy marked by the sinister illusion of
pain, fear and death. In the Great Deception of life the lost virya can occupy any position and even collaborate with the evolutionary Plan and
progressive Jehovah-Satan, or with its system of social control called, also to simplify, Sinarquia.
103. The NORMAL mode of existence of the captive Spirit is so essentially opposite to the material Universe of the Demiurge that its only EXTERIOR characteristic is HOSTILITY.
REVERSED SPIRIT. And that essential hostility, which the Hyperbrean Spirit once displayed against the material Universe of The One, will be the character it will take on,
to a minimum extent, the act of war that the awakened virya executes against Evil, that is, against the macrocosm of the Demiurge Jehovah-Satan.
It must be understood that hostility towards matter constitutes the main ingredient of the Gnostic attitude, the character that clearly reveals the presence of the Spirit. The opposite is also true: without hostility there is no gnosis.
105. The individual act of war, carried out with essential hostility in its Kairos,
IT REPRESENTS AN INCREDIBLE CHALLENGE, A LUCIFRIC REBELLION whose echoes resonate in all the planes of the macrocosm, in all the heavens, in the darkest meanderings.
of the universal soul. And such a challenge, which has been declared Gnostically, with
profound knowledge, and which, therefore, is essential and irrevocable, CANNOT BE
That is why the enemy reaction does not wait and very soon the awakened virya must face the Terrible Secret of Maya, the SECOND INTENTION OF THE DEMIURGE set on achieving its destruction.
106. The Spirit-sphere, in fact, can already be unleashed, reversed, returned to normal. But such reversal can be done in two ways and therefore the awakened virya must decide. One way is to reverse the original process of
In such case the Spirit-sphere, now Normal, can leave the infernal Universe
of the Demiurge and return to the world of the Unknowable.
But there is also another possibility: THAT THE REVERSAL OF THE SPIRIT IS CARRIED OUT
107. The alleged God, supposedly creator of the Spirit, of the being known by the GNOSTIC PREDISPOSITION of the Chosen One, demonstrates total indifference towards his creature; The Chosen One can address the Creator God in many ways without
that this one never answers, as far as it refers to what is known by the GNOSTIC PREDISPOSITION, to your questions; Neither the most submissive devotion, nor the most demanding claims, achieve anything other than the silence of The One. Of course, such an effect occurs because the Chosen One has addressed the wrong God, not the Creator of the Spirit but the Creator of the soul in the which his eternal Spirit is chained; and The One can only be Indifferent before a Spirit that is foreign in its
108. The enemy Strategy proposes, then, to confuse him definitively through the aforementioned esoteric science, which in no way refers to the Hyperborean Spirit, and to destroy his Self, expression of the uncreated Spirit, through the practice of a synarchic yoga.
109. There is an entire extraterrestrial Race and an original Couple awaiting the awakening and liberation of the Chosen One. And there is an Exterior World, an Original Hyperborea, outside the material Universe, unimaginable for the uninitiated, which is the Homeland of the Hyperbore Spirit and to which the entire Race longs to return. The war against the powers of matter, do not forget, is fought for the liberation of the Spirits
111. The Consciousness of the Demiurge is nourished by human pain and, what is more frightening, that human pain is necessary, ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, for the Demiurge's own evolution; the macrocosmic objective of the country's purpose, building external cultures, putting meaning in entities, CONTRIBUTES TO DEVELOPMENT
EVOLUTION OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE DEMIURGE. Such Consciousness of the Demiurge grows as a function of the Sense of the World, due to the significant emergence of the facts
cultural, analogous to how the country's sphere of consciousness grows as a result of the emergence of conscious representations. Whoever understands this need for pain that exists in the essence of the world of the Demiurge will see that it is utopian to hope that one day pain will disappear from human life. On the contrary, pain and suffering will increase permanently, in
parallel to cultural progress. And the Demiurge, by himself, will never do anything
112. Hyperborean Wisdom affirms that the main source of human pain, that is: POVERTY, will never be banished from cultural communities by any system of synarchical government and that, on the contrary, communists, democrats, liberals, social democrats, socialists , Republicans, Christian Democrats, etc., will do everything possible to increase it, although hiding, of course, their true plans.
113. The virya does not usually find the Spirit, since instead of looking for a God, which is his Hyperbrean Spirit, he gives himself up to chasing a caricature with crutches, the vile illusion of a sweet and sexless little spirit who declaims
sacred songs around the Throne of Jehovah. This disgusting spiritual creature
It is the one that some lost viryas, and other fools, believe they are or would like to be
someday, after death, or the Day of Judgment, etc. The viryas will have to be convinced, then, that the Hyperbrean Spirit belongs to a warrior race and that hostility towards the material world is the main quality of its essence.
114. The ASPIRATION TO PERFECTION that characterizes the psychological ethics of the country is essentially opposed to the INSPIRATION TO LIBERATION that describes the noological ethics of the awakened virya.
115. Spiritual chaining is an act of enemy war and no one can unleash his Spirit without fighting; THE WARRIOR ATTITUDE IS ESSENTIAL IN THE PATH OF STRATEGIC OPPOSITION THAT WE PROPOSE IN THIS BOOK, or in any other hyperbolic path. Hence the confrontation with the Demiurge is inevitable, sooner or later.
117. The capital test that Hyperborean Wisdom imposes to obtain initiation, that is, the Test of Courage, consists only in the contemplation of the Terrible Face of The One; but, this Face, can be the Dragon of the World as another image as much or more frightening than it, another insane Aspect of the Demiurge.
In summary, here we wish to warn that, whenever a secret path of liberation of the seven plus one proposed by the Hyperborean Wisdom is followed, there will be some moment in which a confrontation with the Demiurge will occur and that, contemplating His Terrible Face, one can be dangerous if an unlimited value is not available.
The Alexandrian Gnostics, who knew what kind of monster they had to deal with, enclosed the Eye of Abraxas in a triangle, that is, they applied the law of encirclement, so as not to go mad with schizophrenia.
119. To the initiation by yoga, as to those of the Masonic, theosophical,
Rosicrucian, etc., we include it in the generic name of SYNARCHIC INITIATION in opposition to HYPERBRIAN INITIATION; the synarchic initiation chains the initiate in the White Hierarchy while the Hyperborean Initiation isolates the Self
of the initiate of all types of hierarchical logos, opening the way to the absolute freedom of the eternal Spirit.
120. The Synarchy, and its Masters of Wisdom or Gurus; They reserve such esoteric knowledge only for those who prove themselves worthy of synarchic initiation, that is, those who are willing to worship without reservation The One, the Demiurge, Brahma, Jehovah-Satan, Jesus, etc., or any other aspect or appearance of the Great Deceiver.
121. The warrior caste knew the Mystery of Love, the secret of the original fall of the Hyperbrean Spirit; such secret allowed the practice of a nuptial initiation during which the shaping power of the logos was taken advantage of.
Kundalini for the benefit of a secret way of liberation of Hyperborean Wisdom; This was Western Yoga from which, after tremendous cultural degradation, Tantra yoga would be derived.
125. For Tantra yoga, as for any other hyperborean path of liberation, the declared objective is the return to the Origin, the unleashing of the Spirit, its strategic reorientation, its reversal, and the absolute freedom of eternity.
126. Tantra is another of the secret ways of liberation and, therefore, pursues
the same declared goal: to awaken the virya and lead it to the origin, to the conquest of Vril.
How Tantra proposes to fulfill this objective By transmuting the physical body of the sadhaka and immortalizing it during the practice of maithuna, the sexual act; thus freeing him from the Karmic chains and allowing the consciousness of the Hyperborean spirit to manifest in him; reached such a state, with his VAJRA body and
your gnostic consciousness awakens, you are already a Siddha, a being capable of applying the pure possibility that Vril offers and abandoning, if you prefer, the material Universe.
127. The force of Kundalini will allow consciousness to extend to the other subtle bodies of man and reach the sahasrara or lotus of a thousand petals, where fusion with the Demiurge Brahma is achieved, through a leap of consciousness towards absolute immanence. With consciousness in the sahasrara, an ecstasy is achieved that consists, paradoxically, in the dissolution of individual consciousness, after
its fusion or identification with the cosmic consciousness, that is, with the Demiurge. For Hyperbrean Tantra this exoteric goal, the state of trance or samadhi and the fusion with The One or nirvana, in sahasrara, is simply suicide.
The esoteric objective of Tantra, we have already said, is the same as all Hyperborean strategy: the mutation of the animal nature of the country into the divine and immortal
128. Kundalini SHOULD NOT BE AWAKENED if one does not possess the keys to take advantage of its RE-CREATIVE power, since ITS VERB can both represent the Will of The One, IN THE MICROCOSM, to ensure evolution, as well as one's own will, to produce the mutation.
129. Animal meat alludes to the greatest Mystery that exists, AFTER the Mystery of Love. However, Hyperborean Wisdom advises the virya not to investigate this Mystery until he has achieved the liberation of transmuting into Siddha; so as not to add more horror to the horror of being chained to matter.
130. Nowhere else, outside the human sphere, can the dramatic character of life be verified as in the animal kingdom; in their insurmountable stupidity, in the determination of their instincts, in the horror of the struggle to survive that the
leads to devouring each other, in the fatality of their death, etc. Without a doubt it is in
the animal where THE INFAMY OF THE DEMIURGE is best described. Man, to endure that vision of horror that is life in the world, created a cultural veil
called poetry that, for example, where it encourages a miserable life that constantly eats and defecates, shows a beautiful singing bird. Poetry masks the horror of life and that is why it is the greatest enemy of gnosis.
131. The path of the Gnostic consists of avoiding devotion and jumping towards principles, establishing a transcendent contact with the unity in which multiple dualities are resolved. But such contact does not occur through
fusion with The One nor by any type of identification with the Demiurge but by the understanding of the inner unity of the microcosm in which the macrocosm is reflected. This understanding is a pure knowledge, a gnosis, which allows the virya, after infinite horror, to overcome the Manifestation and rebuild unity.
of the Demiurge in order to, in a vision of madness, verify his folly and intrinsic malignancy; However, after the horror, the discovery comes
gnosis ends there, in the certainty of the Unknowable.
132. The Gnostic does not seek to annihilate his self and does not renounce action, for the
133. And here comes the terrible demand, the fundamental key to the Mystery of Love,
Without which no tantric practice has any hyperbolic meaning: THE WOMAN FROM THE OUTSIDE, THE YOGINI, CANNOT BE ANY WOMAN. SHE MUST BE A KALY WOMAN!
Written by master
June 24, 2011 at 8:17 pm Published in Contents
Tagged with nimrod fragments of rosary
Gnostic Fragments taken from Miguel Serrano's esoteric trilogy The Golden Cord
1. A battle that ends badly is a spiritual adventure that has been successful.
2. It is about the last Great War, which was as great as that of the Mahabharata, and even more so, because it marks the end of times, of an entire Manvantara, cosmic and terrestrial. Whoever tries to consider this tragedy as another World War has not understood anything of what happened.
3. At the initiation he had received the force of Vril, the victorious energy of
Hvareno, or Farr. Against him all the forces of shadows and death, of inertia, of the elementarwesen, of the elemental beings would be unleashed. That's why we had to help him. The War was going to be between gods and demons. A Cosmic War, reflected and dramatized to the maximum on Earth.
4. He has one last possibility: to make the Enemy recognizable, to discover him
once and for all, Manichaeanly polarizing the Cosmic Combat between gods and demons, between light and shadow, between fire and ice, horbigerianly, in rivers, seas of blood, knowing that it will be lost here and now, to win there and later, simultaneously, in a parallel world.
5. Possessing the true Power of Odin, he will make known to his enemies the fire of heaven, which will be at his service and strike the earth with more violence than a thousand lightning bolts (The atomic bomb, the lightning of the saucers). He will be Supreme Lord of the world and establish everywhere the laws of his Order for a thousand years.
6. The members of the Invisible Government that controls the most powerful nations of the outer earth are powerless before the powers of the inner world. The symptoms reveal that they would be trying to adjust to their signals, because terror forces them. If this were not the case, they would have already broken out the atomic war, which is part of their plans for planetary destruction and domination.
7. Beneath the waters, perhaps where the crust of the planet ends, the Golden Cord slides, the urea Catena, which connects the beings of the same Race of the Spirit, of the same Star, across all the continents. of the external and internal land and makes them comrades in a War started with the
Creation. There can be no defections or capitulations here. There is no changing sides in the Conflict. There is only a brief rest in death, Because warriors are eternal, immortal.
8. The Cathars were vegetarians, they burned the dead, they were seers and they practiced magic. They would also be dualists, like the Manichaeans and the Gnostics.
Lucifer was not the devil for them, but the bearer of light, Lucibel. He
The demon was Jehovah, the demiurge creator of the current earth.
9. The three categories into which Kaula Tantrism divides humanity: pasu, virya and divya; that is, animal-man, hero and divine siddha. The last category corresponds to the kula initiated family, of the tantric (hyperbrean) kaulas and the secret initiation rite of Panchatattva is reserved for them. The siddha, or god-man, is the liberated one.
In the maelstrom of political events, precipitated by Destiny and by the directing wills of the opposing initiatic currents, everything has been interpolated into its visible manifestation, spreading an adulterated story.
10. In the liquor of spiritual blood, the Aryans rediscovered their divine origin, their memory. The soma gave the Aryan (Hvareno) strength, opened the Vril, the Third Eye, allowing us to see the divine, extraterrestrial ancestors of the Previous Earth and the lost Paradise.
11. The German troubadours practiced a ceremonial cult, called Minne-drinken, in which they drank in memory of Love, of the memory of Eternal Love, of Eternal Life. Surely they drank soma, the magical blood of the race, where the blood circulates. memory of Hyperborea, of the golden-haired priestesses, of the eternity of the ice, of the Morning Star.
12. After Jehovah imprisoned Adam and Eve in a world of misery, Lucifer gave them the science of good and evil, the saving and divinizing gnosis, say the Ophitic Gnostics (ophis means serpent). Lucifer is the bearer of light
of gnosis. The reward of the Luciferian effort of emanation, of the semi-divine man, is her immortality which, in some mysterious way, benefits the Monad, making it wiser. The immortalization of the emanation is, furthermore, with the body, as the tantric Siddhas affirmed. The immortal is taken out of this
earth with the body, in a Chariot of Fire, like Enoch.
Immortality is not for everyone. It must be won in a merciless battle, in each of the days from here below. And it is the conquest of a few winners.
13. The initiation consists, in part, of a technique for reactivating the chromosomal memory, directing it until the Immortalizing Melody can be completed, within the margins of the free will that the Hyperborean revelation provides to the warrior-initiate.
14. Throughout this southern European region there once spread a Nordic-Germanic civilization, of Hyperborean tradition, with the memory of lost love, with its nostalgia and its Minne, which Christian Rome hates from the depths of its Semitic soul.
15. When we talk, for example, about blood, we are not referring exclusively to biological blood, which circulates through the veins of the physical body. We think of the blood of Paracelsus, of the Astraly Light, and also of the Akhasic, or etheric, Memory of the Indo-Aryans. This is the true chromosomal memory and not the biochemistry of the present. Blood, in a spiritual and hermetic sense, is the
sacred liquor of soma, something different from what the biology and hematology of the science of Kaliyuga teaches us; It is the liquid sun, through which the memory of extraterrestrial ancestors circulates; It is the Great Memory.
16. A solar, virile initiation, as opposed to the feminine, Lunar Initiation of the Mother, made known by Ditima. This last initiation is that of the saint; It is not that of the magician; she maintains the immortality of the Archetype in Anacephaleosis and Paulist Apocatastasis, that is, the salvation of all or almost all in Christ, at the end of
the times, at an Omega Point, to use the term from Teilhard de Chardin's (Darwinian) evolutionism. He promotes the prolongation of the species, the maternal reproduction, necessary for the life of the Incubus-Archetype and vampiric, eternalizing that Entity through the passivity and faith of the slaves who serve as food. In a doubtful way, on the other hand, since there is no guarantee that the Entity, or Daimon, will be eternalized like this. In the solar, virile, hyperpitch, luciferian Initiation, which is that of the Magician, that of the Siddha, man becomes semi-divine and
divine, still in struggle with the Entity, the Monad. In Lunar Initiation, a ghost illusorily eternalizes itself at our expense; In Solar Initiation, it may even be
the ghost is managed to eternalize, eternalizing us.
17. Involution is like a nightmare. Beings left here in very remote ages, introduced voluntarily, or by chance, from other worlds and parallel times, have descended to the animal, perhaps to the vegetable, the mineral and
even lower in the vibration of energy. The different colors of the races have to do with a cosmic alchemy and will be better understood by referring to the color of the aura, which the Siddhas and Divyas perceive. In the current process of
the mixtures, of total hybridity of the races, favored by the dark powers
that move at the nadir of the Kaliyuga, it becomes increasingly difficult to achieve the necessary number of mutations that would make it possible to overcome the drama of involution, bringing us ever closer, on the contrary, to the eternal return of Atlantis, whose terrifying catastrophe was produced, according to Plato, precisely by the mixture of races, of the semi-divine with the animal name, perhaps with animals and even with robots. That is, by Racial Sin, which affects and
destroys all the alchemical colors equally, producing the untouchables, the monsters, as in India, where the mixture of castes does not favor any, by destroying their particular initiations, by confusing the akhsika memory, the
chromosomatic initiation, losing it Minne.the nostalgia of Eternal Love.
18. In Hyperborea, the White Queen is something else, she is the Magician-Priestess, Hallouine, who delivers the hero, the Virya, the Grail, through Magical Love and transforms him into Divya, into immortal Siddha.
19. We believe it is necessary to say it: Julius Evola, the most important Italian thinker of
During these times, the most profound, he was also unable to free himself from the limits imposed on him by his Roman birth and his admiration for Rene Guenn, whom he was far superior to.
20. Not all of these battalions arrive or fulfill their objective. Many fall along the way, are defeated, make the wrong choice, lose their way. They are the semi-men, the animals, the apes, the dogs, the spiders, the birds, the plants.
and even metals. In each of the defeated, deep down, there is an energy, a divine substance of the Urmensch, which is the same that has led man and will lead the Superman to triumph.
21. In the Total-Man, the animal was inside. All that is now lost outside, dispersed. By eating the meat of the animal, man tries to appropriate the energy of the fallen, of the defeated, to continue the combat and, all together, one day achieve the conquest of the immensely distant fortress, in that Circle whose circumference is in everywhere and its center nowhere. He also eats the plant and even the mineral, gold and silver, symbols of the sun and the moon, which were also within the Total-Man. The primitive warrior devours the flesh of his defeated enemy, to appropriate the primordial energy of the Urmensch: Hvareno, or Victory.
22. Sin (to use this expression) consists in going down, mixing with the inferiors, with the elementals, with the semi-men, with the semi-animals. Plato tells us that the sinking of Atlantis was due to mixing with the inferior races, to racial sin. The angels also fell in love with the daughters of men, according to the Book of Enoch. The Bible tells us about the Sheidim, half man, half animal. That would be one of them, according to Robert Charroux. Greek mythology refers to the mermaids, the centaurs and the fauns, which surely existed, as attempts and failures in the Cosmic Combat by the expression of the Urmensch. Someone has grown tired, or has felt the pull of the abyss, or encountered the opposing force of the Great Opponent that tries to prevent the supreme expression of the Urmensch. The Force of Evil, Chaos and Shadows.
23. To discover that Catharism coincides with the Gnostic line, one must remember the declaration of the Gnostic Marcin: Christ has nothing to do with Jehovah. The Old Testament is immoral. Christ is the son of an unknown God of Love. All the prophets, even John the Baptist himself, are followers of the false god, Jehovah.
24. Jews and Christians have made disappear, with the complicity of the Muslims, all traces of the most remote past and of Atlantis that were found in the Egyptian documents and have appropriated, vulgarized and simplified the symbols, the legends and the true tradition.
25. At such a crucial moment in history, we relive these things, knowing that they go against the current that pushes towards the final abyss of Kaliyuga. One Era ended and another begins in the already closed universe of man.
26. The path of the Left Hand, vamacara, corresponds to the destruction of name and form, and is preceded by Siva the Destroyer. Today the world would be in this stage: decline of a civilization, end of an astrological Era, perhaps of a Manvantara. Siva is also the Master of Left Hand Tantric Yoga; The Siddhas are the adepts of him. Without his work, nothing could be accomplished, the earth could not emerge from its involution.
27. The return to the Lost Home, to the Bridal Homeland, to the Morning Star, are symbols of an internal, alchemical process of transformation of the being.
devolved, from the animal-man into semi-divine and, then, into divine. A process of initiation by degrees in the transfigurations of terrestrial man into celestial, immortal man.
28. Because the earth will not be able to emerge from the abyss of Kaliyuga without the help of deified man. The return takes place on a parallel, analogous Earth, composed of antimatter.
29. The Earth, like man, is not immortal, as long as it has not consciously connected with the Spirit, transfiguring itself, passing at will to its double, eternalizing it. This is the alchemical work that the Hyperborean Guides attempt. The transmutation must be fulfilled in both worlds, just as in us. The Great Siddhas are immortalized with all their bodies, and so should the earth. The Siddhas are the magicians of Hyperbrea, the semi-divine ones who have
30. The great Hyperborean initiation, rediscovered, the action of the hidden Guides, who only show themselves to the highest Masters of the Order, directing them. Isis, the Black Virgin, makes her silent and triumphant appearance again.
31. The entire civilization is shipwrecked in the clumsy and crude machinery that infests the earth, in the slavery of iron, of the electron, of electronics, of the proton,
of cybernetics, in the reign of the masses, of the demographic explosion, of the human, all too human, of the animal-man, of the amorphous, of demonic bureaucratism and collectivism. There is no way out of this by human or purely terrestrial means.
32. If the new style had been imposed, the usury of the consumer society would not
would have reached its mind-blowing peak. Capitalism and Marxist communism, two apparent antinomies, which support each other, complementing each other in the destruction of the divine and the human, because they are based on the same rationalist bases,
They would have disappeared without noise or scandal, without resistance. Or they would never have occurred.
33. But, in order to continue with the Opus, one must possess the steel of the wise, the Sword of initiation, the Spear of Longinus, the Incombustible Sulfur. That is, an unalterable principle, which does not light up, which is preserved through the change of state and which, when the time comes, is the seed of a new development.
Preserved semen, not ejaculated. This corresponds to the third part of the opus alchimicum, to the red pear, or Rubedo, where the condition of ecstatic opening is exceeded.
34. In the very hermetic and ancient tantric initiation there are two paths. Both fall under the sign of Sva-Lucifer, of Abraxas. One corresponds to the being that aspires to surpass human conditionality, governed by the luminous sativa principle.
He is the one for the spiritual-divine type, Divya; be the Siddha-Divya. Here it is
advises purely symbolic tantric yoga, excluding the real, physical possession of the woman, in the magical intercourse called Maithuna. The possession is mental, of the Dead Beloved. Union in the subtle, astral body, in the spirit only.
The other tantric path, called the Left Hand, is that of the being that aspires to passionate expansion through the ardor of fire, in order to also overcome its conditionality. It is indicated for the heroic type, Virya; the hero will be a Siddha-Virya. In this wet path, a real, physical contact with the woman is advised, in the Maithuna sexual act, making a magical use of sex and Bundy, semen, which should not be ejaculated immediately.
35. Both paths follow the Sivaist line, that of the Siddhas, which is
They immortalize with their bodies.
36. It may be the Astral Body that materializes, becomes visible, although not touchable (noli me tangere), with immortal matter, of Red Light, of Vajra, being able to reside and pass to several parallel worlds, to several lands to the time.
37. The Damp is the tantric-alchemical of the Left Hand, we will say, and it can take a lifetime. The transmutation of internal and external metals is slow.
Sror Mistictica passes the ingredients, delivers them to the adept in his body and from his body, in transference, vibration, joint and progressive individualization,
real and symbolic, magical in any case, in a Love without love, with a frozen fire, in the Secret Laboratory, in the Magic Room, until both are mutated, interpenetrated, espoused, eternal.
38. These paths are very different from the ritualistic path of religion
devotional, or the practice of Yoga Bhakti, of the Vedanta philosophy, and its fusion
and loss in samadhi, or mystical ecstasy. This Sanskrit word is broken down into
sam which means with and adhi, Primordial Being: Merged in the Primordial Being.
Tantric ecstasy, sivasta, is a supreme tension that breaks the conditionalities of the animal-man and is included within a personality or Absolute Individuality. It is a vortex of energy, almost Nietzschean, called Kayvalia in Sanskrit, meaning neither fusion nor loss, but supreme differentiation.
39. He who has reached the human state and does not try to surpass it is like someone who commits suicide. It is necessary to first go to the depths of one's own nature and never go back, because it would be digging one's own grave.
40. His only ethic: surpass the limits and cut the ties, destroy every pair of opposites that characterizes the passage, the ordinary, inferior, bourgeois man-animal, so to speak. Overcome piety, the Judeo-Christian idea of sin. beat the
fear, applying the Double Mudra, Vara-Mudra that destroys fear and grants favor. Destroy family ties: A Virya is not a husband, father, etc.
41. A murderer and an anarchist, directed along the right path, illuminated by right doctrine, are more likely to overcome the human condition of the past.
than a lukewarm one, says the Kaula tantra. More than a comfortable bourgeois. However, the dangers of this tremendous path of Nietzschean improvement and mutation of man are clearly seen. It is a move along a razor's edge.
42. It is the Resurrection of the Bodies, of the Flesh, which is not for everyone but for the Viryas, the heroes. The Siddha-Divya, the divine Magicians of the Golden Cord, the Hyperboreans, have already eternalized their bodies here; They don't die.
43. The animal man, the pasu, dies forever. His subtle vehicles do not go to the Walhalla of the Walkyrias, but to Niflheim, the Nordic Hades, a dark place, like
the Schol of the Hebrews, perhaps the black holes of the firmament, that everything
they swallow.
44. Siegfried is a hero-initiate, a virya who aspires to mutate into divya, into
man-god, in superman, in sonnenmann. He has conquered a Treasure guarded by
the Guides of the Inner World, protected by the dwarves, shrouded in mists
of the Gral and the Nibelungs.
45. Siegfried bathes in the blood of the dead dragon and thus his flesh is transformed into immortality, becoming invulnerable, changing color and consistency. He becomes Vajra, imperishable, incorruptible and red matter, in the tantric-alchemical process of Rubedo, which comes after Albedoyla Nigredo.
46. In Tantra it is the sexual union of Siva and Shakti that gives rise to the universe, in Maithuna, magical intercourse, in Love without love, Siva must remain impassive and only Shakti will have to stir, act. All creation is born from here, in its aesthetic, dynamic, stable, immaterial, material, conscious and unconscious aspects. The forms of Creation are the different postures of Siva's sexual play and his Shakti, as can be seen on the walls of the temples of Kajuraho. The Wife, She, is active; Siva, He, remain far away, concentrated on himself, inside and outside, enjoying and apart from the enjoyment, forever now, embraced by his Shakti and embracing it, untouched within the frenzy of the Beloved, of fire and
passion So it must be in principle also for the semi-divine man, where the seed-Siva exists, who has been obscured, partially identified by the passion of the externalized Shakti, of flesh and blood, lost and incorporated in love.
physical, seduced, dragged, wrapped in the not-self of Creation. Yoga-Tantra also comes to the aid of her. It has been partially prepared some six hundred years after the beginning of our Era for use in the Kaliyuga, or Dark Age, when the body became hard, thick, and counts as the only instrument of salvation, of liberation, that makes possible the return to the sivast state, hyperbreo.
47. In a polar family, the symbolic, optical element is incorporated into the Yogini-initiator of the Sadhaka, in the magical love of the initiation of the Kaula Tantra, the most secret and which will transmute the Sadhaka into Siddha.
48. Tantrism is a doctrine that is included in the revelation of origins and is only codified in a system suitable for the reality of Kaliyuga, when events make it necessary.
49. It is necessary to remember what Gurdjieff said of Western hypnotism: It is only a primary babbling of a science enormously developed in Mongolia, in
Tibet and in the Russian region where he, Stalin and Rasputin had grown up. And even that Hypnotism was only a remnant of something older and unknown.
50. It is the Last Battalion, which will enter into combat, in a higher vibration of energy, when the universal imposition of the shadow, of
slavery, of the disintegration of the planet. For the Cathars, the demiurge of the devolved earth was called Jehovah. He would be, then, the Prince of Slavery, who aspires to eternalize himself through his acolytes, in a world of slaves.
51. When the visible City and the divine and semi-divine coexisted with mortals, the Vril, the organ that allowed communication with the supersensible world, that dazzling power, was also active in the body of the inhabitants of that
land. With it you could see the City and enter it. The Vril disappears along with Agarthi. It also submerges at the root of the Polar Axis of the Tree of Life, of the Spinal Column. But it will return to the surface, together with the City and with the resumption of the Golden Age, after the disappearance of the Dark Earth.
52. In the land of Apulia, in Andria, where it is difficult to reach, I have gone to see the cosmic Castle of Frederick II of Hohenstaufen, Castel del Monte. This Magician-Emperor (1194 1250) was the last hope of the besieged Cathars in
Montsegur. He could not go to their aid, because he himself had already reached his end and that of his grandiose dreams, so similar to those of Julian the Apostate, of establishing on the visible earth the Imperator Mundi, the hyperborean and solar science, the Sovereign connected to the divine, invisible powers, in opposition to the lunar priests of the cardiac religion of Rome.
53. The fate of these gigantic companies seems to be the loss of the battle
material to be able to succeed in the spiritual task of keeping alive the fiery seed that will make a new resurgence possible.
54. Like the ruins of Montsgur, Castel del Monte is a cursed monument today; They are both Luciferians. In truth, they are doors of exit, of escape, of passage to other worlds, to the inner earth, created completely by magic.
of a superior and ancient science, that of the Golden Cord, coming from Atlantis and Hyperbrea; perhaps, from other stars.
55. The Freemason, born in Scotland in 1717; It uses some Templar and Rosicrucian symbols, adulterating them and mixing them preferably with the Jewish ritual and symbology, which have come to predominate. Freemasonry has been controlled by the secret forces that push in the direction of the dark end of the world, of the final crisis of the Kaliyuga.
56. The Illuminati of Bavaria are at the center of events. From there will come the term Enlightenment and the Age of Enlightenment. The tactics and organization of this Lodge were followed exactly by Marx and Lenin. The Illuminati spoke of two generations, at least, of a fierce dictatorship, before being able to impose the government without government of equality, fraternity and
freedom; the kingdom of reason.
Napoleon is also initiated into the Fraternity of the Illuminati of Bavaria, in addition to other Lodges. This explains his meteoric rise.
57. Any movement that aspires to restore a type of hyperborean initiation and an earthly power connected with the Forces of the Golden Cord, must find itself dramatically in conflict with the currents and organizations that manage the earth today.
58. World bolshevisation, the last step of the involution of Kaliyuga: the world empire of slaves, the Kingdom of the ant-men. In a system like the Bolshevik, where everything is centralized under the direction of the State, whoever controls the State, controls everything. Democracies no longer serve as a system of planetary control, in a world where the demographic explosion and the materialist technological revolution are the fundamental coordinates.
59. Contact with the secret leaders, who decide everything and who cannot be seen on the surface of the political power of that dark world, is with the Invisible Superior, called the Prince of Slavery.
60. For this spiritual energy to burst into the world where entropy reigns, overcoming decay and death, semi-divine minds and personalities are required to receive it and project it here with detachment.
It is a work of gods, or demigods, that we will not be able to know if it has been carried out.
ever. The Guides do not act directly, having to depend for their action on those here, who are often carried away by their passions, or by mere mental creations, phantoms of the mind and the self. And they fail. On the other hand, the opposing forces have almost total control of the levers of the
The God of Losers has always had the extraordinary possibility of transforming into the God of Winners. In this Eon he has not achieved it. However, one day he will achieve it.
61. The Fourth State, after the failures of restoration of the Golden Age, will be that of the domination of the collective, of the slaves of the machine, of iron, of iron men, of automatons, of planetary bureaucracy, of robots,
of the destruction of the living soul of the earth. Any world King or Messiah that is produced in this era, through counter-initiation, will be nothing more than a Golem, a counterfeit, disconnected from the true Guides of Hyperborea and divine royalty.
62. Only by the Spirit and the Power of Magic, conquerors of entropy, can the Kaliyuga be overcome, overcoming involution. Only by the immortalized man.
63. The Third State, that of the bourgeoisie, ends, we enter fully into catastrophe, into the final slope of the Kaliyuga. The powers that direct the drama are those of inertia, chaos and nothingness. That is, Satan. It should be remembered that for the Gnostics and the Cathars, Jehovah was Satan, the Demiurge of the Kaliyuga, creator of the Lower Earth. Contact with the Hyperborean Divine Hierarchies becomes increasingly tenuous. Perhaps it is now a matter of saving only the chosen ones, worthy of passing to the New Earth.
64. In the entire history of Creation there is only one War, a Great War, which has not yet ended.
65. The intuitive reader will be able to grasp what is hidden. It is also known that every true book or document has been made to disappear in due time in the known history of men. It is the great conspiracy.
The last Avatara
66. It is the Mystery of the Tulku, of Tibetan tantric Buddhism and of the Boddhisatva, who does not incarnate in one, but in several. Of a God, or Liberated Being, who returns to earth voluntarily to help man transmute into a divine being. But not to all men, only to the heroes, the viras, the devolved semi-divine ones. Never to the animal-man. Against this divine effort of spiritual alchemy, the Elementarwesen, the demonic elementals, the forces of evil and chaos fight.
67. And to think that all this wonder of symbols, mysteries, legends, Hyperborean wisdom, has been adulterated, just like the Orphic Cabala, by a tribe of bastards and slaves, to be put at the service of a terrible
feeling of racial sin, in the fulfillment of the fateful designs of a Planetary Archetype, of the Lord of Darkness and Chaos, of the Master of the
Shadows, which have been called Jehovah!
68. The incarnation of the Lord of Darkness is not fulfilled through a race, but through an anti-race and a counter-initiation.
69. In the mystery of that pact with a non-human entity, which needs it, because
Only through him will he be able to fulfill his goals of dissolution and chaos, pushing towards nothingness and bringing to consummation his War against the representatives of the other light. He will give you the material world, as promised, as long as you fulfill
with its laws, especially with the provisions that concern anti-blood. And worship him and sacrifice. Well, that Shadow Being lives on these sacrifices and feeds on the lives of the servants. The pact must include the clause of non-eternity, of non-immortality, allowing only the triumph in the kingdom of the densest matter, of the power of that matter.
70. There are other weapons that not only destroy the physical body. And that is where the war will really be won, or lost.
71. In the Church of Rome, called Catholic, only a soulless ritual survives in the
mass, like a liturgical shell that no longer reaches the Symbol, that does not touch it, does not put it into action.
72. The most esoteric side of Hinduism is found in Tantrism, especially
in the Kaula Order, or Kula.
73. The Astral Body does not become conscious in the same way as we are here, in this world where we move with the physical vehicle. For this reason, we should say that the Astral Body, as we will continue to call it, that the Eydelon, that the Huaiyuhuen, exists only potentially, virtually, and we must create it, invent it, that is, pass on to it the consciousness of our terrestrial self,
make it conscious, which is the same, although with a different, integrated consciousness. With a double consciousness, that of there and that of here. This is the work of a life, here on earth: Inventing the astral body, creating it, passing our consciousness to it, or, better said, being able to live consciously in it.
with that double consciousness. This is how you survive death. You can also die whenever you want And when you die, you will not lose consciousness of here.
74. This work of building bridges between three and more bodies, which are in you, which are yourself in some way, can only be done here on earth. When you have achieved it, be a Pontiff, that is, a bridge between worlds, your worlds.
75. There is no other way to achieve immortality, which is not for everyone, but for a few capable of fighting this combat, the true Combat, this war,
the real Great War. Therefore, those of us here are warriors of an Order without time, without age. You are being brought to this combat by your own destiny, by your astral body, which asks you, demands you to bring it to life.
conscious, that connects it with Another Body of a divine, superior gnosis.
76. The astral body has the same shape as the physical one, although in black and white, let's say, finding itself as if on the other side of a mirror. Not everyone has it; It was the heritage of the Aryans and has atrophied, like the Vril. Only the viras can resurrect him.
77. The physical body is the mother's child; but, the astral body is the son of man. You will have to give birth to him. You see Christos has been called the Son of Man; because Kristos is the astral body, which must be born, resurrected, within
from ourselves. He is the Son of Immortality, of Eternity. For now, he is nothing more than a nebula, a shapeless ghost, a stunted shadow, that is crying out for you to bring him back to life, to resurrect him, to give him a form, his form. , to give him a Face. But do not forget, the astral body, the Son of Man, of the warrior, is not equal to you, he only partially resembles you, because
He will have two faces, or rather, only half of his face will be the same as yours; The other half will be equal to that of a being that has not yet appeared in his life. As you can already understand, all this is a definitive, essential combat, and those who go with me are
my warriors; because our Order is a Warrior Order, the oldest, the most
78. This is the mystical death of the ancient Mysteries and initiations. By
this the Aryans are those born twice; that is, the Initiates, those who have
died here at will and no longer die in natural physical death, because then
They live in their astral body, in the Son they gave birth to: The Son of Man.
79. While he lived in Switzerland, the list of the most important Swiss Freemasons was published in that country. And Professor Jung appeared in it.
80. Jung defines the unconscious as the matrix of all phenomena
differentiated, religion. music, art, etc. Which doesn't tell us anything either. We have been discussing it since the beginning of this work and we are not going to insist. All Jungian terminology, borrowed or derived from psychoanalysis, will have to be replaced by the legendary and hermetic, if we are to get anywhere.
81. Initiation can reopen the third eye, transform the hero into a giant, the vira into a divya, to continue using the terms of tantric esotericism. In superman, in Sonnenmensch. Cut off the lunar current, to become solar again (of the Black Sun.) Recover the Vril.
82. An initiate, who wishes to give his life to the adventure that we have described here, to the Work of Immortality, must sacrifice everything, especially his life.
personal, that of the senses and sex; sex being the most important thing. It is about transmuting forces, energies. Jung has explained it in his studies
about Alchemy. Of all the energies that man has, there is no other that compares in power and mystery to that of sex. So powerful is she that only she can
create new life, reproduce new beings in the flesh. And when it does not reproduce physical matter, it can also give life to the Son of Death, the Son of Man, the Astral Body. Transmuting, sublimating. Because what today is called libido, in legendary language is Kundalini, the Fire Serpent, Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, who flies and can make people fly.
The chastity of the initiate has nothing to do with the Judeo-Christian sense of sin, hatred and resentment of slaves. The present earth must be transmuted, nature transfigured, the Twilight of the Gods will give way to the
Resurrection of the Gods. And this is something else. It is an alchemical transmutation, a sublimation, a spiritualization of matter. But, it is not for everyone, only for the initiated, for the Aryan, at the center of a caste hierarchy.
83. The Maga-Woman is truly the Walkiria, who somewhere outside this universe will give us the Cup of the Grail, filled to the brim with the liquor of Eternal Life.
84. This War has not come to an end. Never ending.
85. In archetypal, tantric love, this is reproduced, with the woman becoming the active one and the man the passive one. It is the Maithuna, or magical intercourse, where the initiated woman, the yogini, moves, shakes. The initiated man, the sadaka, the hero, remains motionless, distant, ecstatic, without ejaculating the semen outside (Bundi), only inside, to impregnate himself and remain incinct with the Son of Death, the Son of Eternity, the Son of Man , of the Astral Body, as has been said.
86. We have tried to reveal the possibility that exists for the initiate to give birth to his own immortality, his Astral Body, his Son of Man, when, through
Initiation of A-Mor, has been left untouched by the Beloved, in a kind of initiatory parthenogenesis. The same will happen to the Superior Woman (not to Eve), to Lilith, to Allouine,
being able to remain incinctated by an angel, also by Magical Love, by Initiation of Love, in telepathic, astral contact, with the Beloved. And thus She will give birth to the true Son of the Woman, something that exists within, potentially, virtually.
87. This wonderful path of A-Mor is essentially virile. Only heroes will be able to face the tests that the Beloved puts to her chosen ones to give them the Cup of the Grail, filled to the brim with the Liquor of Immortality: Soma, Ambrosa,
Amrita, Ahorna. Filled, in truth, with the blue blood of the Hyperborians, of the Aryans, of the Twice Born and which the Minnesnger drink in the rite of the Minnetrinken, within the Circle of the Mnnerbunde.
88. Hyperborea is not totally included in a historical time; It is located outside the Breath of Brahma, the Demonic Creation of the Demiurge Jehovah.
89. It is the Love of Eternity, of Immortality. Because there is only one Hyperborean She for one Hyperborean El in all the universes and beyond them. And it is a crime and spiritual suicide to betray the Eternal Beloved.
90. Only if he conquers, if he gives birth to the Son of Death, if he eternalizes, clothing
his Astral Body of immortal, imperishable matter, of Vajra, if with the weapon in the
hand forces the exit, to be in a position to be able to resuscitate it, to return it to
life, to make it also immortal. She left married and with a face for her soul. The face of the Beloved, having to continue the path of her initiation, of her immortalization, alone on the other side, but telepathically united to hers, like her Walkyria. She now awaits him in Walhalla, to heal her wounds and rebuild her shattered bodies, if she dies in combat. Also to give him the Cup of the Grail, of Eternal Life, filled to the brim with the liquor of Immortality.
91. They are not creators, but mere copyists, thieves inclined to falsification, the drama of the Hyperborean viras introduced here, fallen, imprisoned, will always be the same and obeys a motive: to risk everything to present the combat to the Enemy in its own territory, being able to win the War from within. These heroes have compromised the loss of their Hyperborean souls to destroy the nightmare of the Demiurge, his counterfeit, the hodgepodge of him. They try to return the world to its original purity, to transmute the earth, to transfigure the corrupted nature, adulterated by the Demiurge Jehovah, by the Lord of Darkness, who, in turn, intends to spread his gangrene, his infernal copy, his machine. of the returns, his breathing, his dream
evolutionary. Here is the Great War.
92. What the awakened Viras, the Aryans, the Hyperbreans aspire to, is to get away
of the demigic creation, of all its yugas, including the Satya-Yuga, the Golden Age, to pass beyond its Archetypes, to redeem it Creation, snatching it from the Lord of Darkness, transmuting it.
93. The first partition that occurred in that Universe beyond the stars, where the laws are different, or there are no laws, will have had Gnosis as its essence and compulsion, the aspiration for a Face. After the intervention of
Demiurge and his plagiarism in the Kingdom of Shadows, in addition to that compulsion, an order of war has been received and the heroes (Eros), the Hyperborean Siddhas have
split into the Universe of pairs of opposites of the Demiurge Jehovah, to combat and rescue the imprisoned comrades, at the same time destroying the diabolical creation of the Lord of Darkness, transmuting it, together with the resurrection of the vira.
94. When the divyas leave the first Hyperborea, when He and She enter the demigic creation, through some crack, through the window of Venus, they acquire a body of terrestrial matter, while their bodies of terrestrial matter atrophy.
spiritual matter. They have forced, however, a mutation in the animal body, in the ground robotic instrument by having to use it. They are the viras, the
legendary heroes
95. If in eons of time it is given to Him to meet Her, He will know, because within Himself something is ignited: that embryo of soul-memory, to which He will give a Face, that of Her earthly body, if is able to A-Marla with the Magical A-Mor
which would be taught in the Polar Hyperborea, in the Satya-Yuga, thus giving birth to the Son
of Minne, of nostalgia and of the memory of ELELLA, of longing. The Son of
Many times he would have been able to find Her in the pilgrimage of the rounds of the Eternal Return, with the same face, without immediately knowing that it was Her, until the Note vibrates in its most pristine purity and the Face is fixed forever by Nostalgia, by perseverance. with which He has dreamed it, has invented it: his
Nonexistent Flower, the thing contemplated, already on the verge of shipwreck and total hopelessness. Then, there will be only one She for Him, and one Him for Her, in the combat of all the worlds, of the suns and the lands.
Oh Gods!, perhaps here lies the most intimate reason for all the Mystery of that Hyperborean Drama of separation. Those souls im Nebel; one absolute masculine, the other absolute feminine. They didn't have faces. Only by entering to fight in the mixed and corrupted world of the Lord of Darkness, only by meeting each other again and by loving each other will they transfigure this world, obtaining as a reward a Face. Absolute Individuality, the Resurrection: US.
As heroes they have penetrated a universe where the dead bury their dead, risking losing even their immortality in the dream and oblivion of samsara, of avidya, existing only among those scattered sparks, invented by
the Demiurge, ideo-plasma tests, animal-men, robots, stellar machines. And they have fallen even further by committing the racial sin of mixing their hyperborean blood with that of the sudra daughters of the earth, of the animal-man. and his combat
It has become even more dramatic, more difficult, more desperate, when the White Betrayal occurs and some Hyperborean siddhas defect to the Enemy. They arrived to
believe in their evolutionary deception. They are the ones who revitalize their galactic plan, entering into collaboration with Jehovah and his hierarchies of Manus and satanic Aions, with their archetypes, their churches and organizations, their democracies, their comintern.
They push the illusion, the nightmare, with renewed vigor, towards a leaden abyss.
But, if the Hyperborean vira triumphs, because he has made the honor called loyalty his emblem, he will not only have given a Face to his soul, but also to that Someone who would remain waiting as if at the edge of a Fountain, reintegrating, without being absorbed, being able to leave forever the world of Archetypes and
Ideas-Plasmas, passing beyond, towards a dream not dreamed of even by the greatest Pilgrims of Longing. He will have defeated the Demiurge Jehovah and his court of white traitors, transmuting his creation, plagiarizing it from him.
96. After the partition of ELELLA and ELLAEL, as He and She move away, through stars and constellations, where the illusory manifestation of the Demiurge is reproduced and repeated in the ideoplasm, in the infinite pairs of opposites,
because the greater the distance from the first breath the number increases, until it becomes uncountable in the Kali-Yuga, the Minnehyperborea becomes clouded. Increasingly thicker, more shadowy, the Demiurge prints the cut shapes of his minerals, vegetables, animals and ape-men. Without the help of the traitor divyas, of the fall and of
the mixture of many others, would have been unable to provide energy and consciousness to his robot-golems. The Demiurge mobilizes his archetypal, angelic legions against
the hyperborean hero to prevent him from fulfilling that dream not dreamed of even by the greatest utopians.
As you descend on the exhalation, decreasing the energy, the quantity increases along with the density. It is the gregarious world of the Demiurge-Jehov. There are Hyperborean Gods and Goddesses, divyas who venture to descend so low, to painfully impress their seal on that demigic plasma, on that expiration not produced by them, on that Maya, to try to reverse it, transfigure it, at the same time that they seek what they they will go astray Hyperborean gods incarnated so low, so dark and who have sometimes lost the memory of their origin, the reason for the heroic adventure of combat, in the mixture with the sons of men, in contact with
animals, minerals and plants, corrupted by the satanic Demiurge. The
robots that He formed.
And it is here, in these dark planes of manifestation, in the ages where time circulates like a river, where the Hyperborean hero, the divine man, will be able to defeat the Lord of Darkness, immortalizing himself by recovering his She. resurrecting,
being born again, becoming an Aryo. Because only here is it possible for her to marry twice, inside and outside his soul, giving him the Face of flesh, immortalized in Vajra, with the Vril, when giving birth to the Son of Man. Only here will the vira have personalized himself, becoming conscious of Himself, attaining Absolute Individuality. The sadhaka and his yogini, united and separated forever, SHE and SHE-HE again, but with the Face of the Absolute Man and Woman, comrades, lovers, left, already escaped from the Circle of Circles. Together with Him who stayed waiting at the limit of time. One, two, three, four, five, six: the Hagal Rune. The Morning Double Star, the Black Sun, the Green Ray.
Only here on earth is the possibility of fulfilling that initiatory rite coming from the Second Polar Hyperopia, from the Satya-Yuga, from the Golden Age: the
Initiation of A-Mor, taught by the Hyperborean Magicians and which grants the immortality of the Absolute Personality, the recovery of the God and the Goddess with a Face for the hero and his Walkyria. Only for the divinely chosen ones, for the divyas and the semi-divine viras, is this Initiation of A-Mor, the ritual of the Panshatattva, possible.
Sadhana, the synchronistic action of marrying inside and outside. There, in the farthest North - which today is the farthest South in the ice oases, on the Mount of Revelation, next to the Black Sun of polar midnight.
Only to the first two castes (which in the Hyperbreapolar were one: ativarn) is the second birth of the Initiation of A-Mor possible, only to the divine and semi-divine exiles on this earth. Never to the sudra, to the chandala, to the animal-man, to the number, to the quantity.
Where do the Hyperborean divyas enter this adulterated world? We have said it: through the Venus Window. By Morning Star, Oiye-hue, Phosphoro, Lucifer. That's where Arbaris (Avris) and Allouine enter, seeking to conquer their Faces. Where the triumphant heroes emerge, where they escape from the Circle of Circles, making their way with weapons in their hands Through the Evening Star, Yepun, Esper or Esperas, the brother of Atlas, the Evening Star. Through Wotan, with Wotan.
Through enormous spaces of time, kalpas, manvantaras and yugas, the memory of the Hyperborean hero is now just a faint echo that sometimes resounds like the horn of Siegfried, mortally wounded in the patriarchal oak forest. The memory of
the blood, the Minnehyperbrea has been almost erased in the abysses of Kali-Yuga. Is
For this reason, the coming of some Liberated Ones who descend here, as Avatar, in the most critical moments, in the interlude of the Sandhya, or the Sandhyansas that they transmute into the Hyperbrean Yuga of the Heroes, becomes necessary. They transfer their fire for intense and short periods, to shake the Universe of the Demiurge and frighten it. The Avatar awakens the Memory of the Hyperborean Blood, destroys the shadows of the dream of Maya, of samsara, stirs the souls of the heroes, and
leads again to the Combat of their Great War. Dancing like Shiva Nataraja
remember his divine homeland, the First Hyperborea. This is the sacrifice of the Avatar,
his descent, which here comes to help his own, imprinting his Hyperborean archetypal seal, of mythical fire, on the demigic plasma, acquiring his human form for a very short time, and thus regenerating it; because with his incarnation he makes possible an alchemy of transmutation and the return, the return to Hyperborea of his most loyal warriors. The true Aryans, the chosen ones.
97. Like all things that happen from the fifth plane of manifestation downwards, when the expiration has already become weak, also encountering that strange enemy force that adulterates everything, together with the Yuga of Kali, with the
shadow of the Iron Age, the belief in reincarnation has also become just another fantasy, diabolically falsified by inferior minds, the
superstition and ignorance. What should have been understood symbolically, has come to
It will be taken literally, so that, together with Christian exotericism and its immortality for all, it composes the religion and faith of the masses. It is made for them. A gregarious exotericism, an opium for the people.
98. Therefore there is no immortality of the personal, of the individual, as long as it has not been individuated in the Absolute Personality. And this is not possible for everyone. The Path of Deva-Yana, that of the Gods, that of the North, is for the hero, for the
Hyperbrean warrior, for the Aryan, who has risked eternity and immortality in a very hard combat, in a Great War, of all the hours and moments of his earthly life. The others, who cross the threshold of physical death, will be able to continue for a time a larval, ghostly existence, until the second death is fulfilled, where the astral body is dissolved in the ether, just as the earth body has been dissolved. on earth.
99. There is no immortality for everyone, only for a few. The majority are dead people who bury their dead. And reincarnation, understood in this way, is the same as if it did not exist. Because he who reincarnates, he does not remember it, for the reason that there is no
nothing individuated that reincarnates, that can remember, that has memory. And if he had it, he would not reincarnate, he would only return - and a limited number of times - because he would have taken the Deva-Yana Path. Unless he is a Boddhisatva, a Tulku, an Avatar, who returns at will and who does not use one body, but many.
100. Reincarnation is only for the animal-man, the sudra, the chandala, the robot created by the Demiurge, by the Lord of Darkness. In a mechanical, automatic way, it reproduces, reincarnates, with different bodies, changing sex, from man to woman and even into animals. The illusion of a karmic law serves the tyrannical Demiurge to keep his slaves in Atlantis subject. That is to say, the reincarnation of the vital spirits and the phantasmagora of a self, created (copied) in an archetypal form by the Demiurge, governs only for the animal-man, for the chandala.
For the Hyperboreans, penetrated into this Universe, reincarnation does not count, but
Only the Eternal Return, as a cyclical law and voluntarily accepted at the moments of entering here, as a norm that governs the prison where they have been left. But, even so, the number of returns must be limited, serving only as an opportunity to wage their Combat against the Lord of Darkness and to immortalize themselves, resurrecting as absolute divyas, as Total-Personality,
being able to drag with it the redeemed, transfigured demirgic Universe.
101. The lying man is as if dead. One might think that Kali has truly sacrificed him. This is not the case, since death is only apparent, corresponding to the mystical death of Initiation, already explained. And that Woman-Goddess represents the body
astral of the vira, to his recovered Ella, the Linga-srira. She is the Daughter-Son of man, recovered and with a Face, who has died to the natural man to give life to the homo of coelo, eternal, resurrected, with immortal matter, of red vajra. She is also the rubedo of Alchemy, the pink opera. And everything united by that Golden Cord, which would not be cut, to the third, which is the sixth, we have seen the person, who has acquired a personality, a face: US, the Total-Man, the Total-Woman, the Absolute Man and Woman.
102. The same war is fought here and there, in more than one world, and what is lost here
It is earned there.
103. The Rig Veda states that not even the Gods, in the highest heaven, know how that tragedy, that nightmare of madness of the Creation of the Demiurge, happened.
104. The enormous terrestrial conspiracy to conceal the truth of extrastellar origins also has a cause and beginning outside this planet. It is directed by the Demiurge and the traitor divyas.
105. Al Vedantin Samadhi, which is a trap introduced in Indiaya mixed
by the White Betrayal and by the suggestion of the Demiurge, the Aryan tantric Kaivalya must be opposed, that is, the absolute separation of the Magician, the Absolute Personality,
immortality with a Face, as opposed to fusion and dissolution.
106. Genesis, in its origin, before being expurgated and falsified in its deepest sense. There, in Paradise, in Para-desha, on the Mount of Revelation, in Meru, there was a tree with Golden Apples, possessor of the Science of Good and Evil. The tree capable of delivering Immortality and making heroes like Gods and more than Gods.
107. What that Column really was can only be glimpsed by the true name of the Hyperbrean Siddha-God, which appears in the Nordic sagas: ER, IR. He means Power. The Column was thus a power possessed by the Hyperbreans, the divyas, the siddhas, which they lose by mixing with the daughters of men. With this power it was given to them to keep open the Entry Window, the Exit Door, in the Star, the connection with the First Hyperborea. It was the Vril, a kind of Ray that was projected from the eyebrows and that has been reduced to a pure virtuality in the glands. pituitary and pineal, calcified in the Kali-Yuga.
108. The Runes are also mortally hated by the representatives of the Kali-Yuga, by the animal-man, by the slaves of Atlantis and by the acolytes of the Prince of Shadows, of slavery, of lies and of ugliness.
109. The signs of the Runes are unique among the magical alphabets, with sharp, symmetrical profiles, resembling only the body of the Hyperborean divyas. The runic exercises, the runic yoga of the body, imbue its matter with magical vibrations. Whoever knows his Rune, acquires the power of dissolution and reintegration of matter, of voluntary death and resurrection. You will be able to make his Note vibrate in the highest key. Leaving, thus, the Circle of Returns.
110. The term turns; Often used in this book and in The Golden Cord, it belongs to Tantrism and refers to a virile, heroic force that acts against the current and that the saddhak, or tantric initiate, possesses. For this reason he becomes synonymous with the hero who fights to reinvest the process of the entropy of involution in the plane where the Demiurge Jehovah acts, leaving the Circle of Circles, the Eternal Return, towards something not dreamed of even by the greatest utopians. . The greatest danger to the strength of the vira lies in fear and desire. Vra-mudra destroys fear and desire, and grants hyperborean boon.
111. Asgard is then Himmelsburg, the Castle of Heaven, where Wotan and his Walkyries still preserve the sacred Runes, to deliver them, along with their secret, to the heroes who fight to immortalize themselves, to the vira who will be transmuted into divyas.
112. The blood of heroes comes closer to Wotan than the prayer of saints. The warrior hero especially needs honor and loyalty, the power of Glaubenskraft faith, persevering in faith, until the Vril believes the thing contemplated.
113. Thus, the tree is symbolizing the descent of the UR-Mensch (the Hyperborean Siddha) into terrestrial matter, into the hardest and thickest realms. Head down, like the YR Rune. Death of the Spirit in matter. Momentary disappearance of the Siddha-divya. But the divya that descends, that devolves, along with expiring, has within itself the power to return, to resurrect. This power is hidden in
its own hermetic, embryonic physiology. He has only lost his memory, his wisdom. I must wake her up.
We have seen that the exiled vira has more than one body. The worlds (heavens in Gnostic-Catharian terminology), through which he travels in combat, are found within the body of the Archetype-Manu, servant of the Demiurge, also a Gttlicher Makrokosmos.
Within the Circle of Circles everything is repeated, like the echoes of an archetypal note. Thus, the body of the divya will be composed of as many other bodies as the planes of spiritual-matter and material-matter through which he passes when entering.
in the world of the Demiurge. Therefore, the body of terrestrial matter must possess within itself the appropriate organ to connect with the astral body, embryonic due to atrophy and oblivion, and may be capable of recreating it, resurrecting it, inventing it,
in addition to immortalizing it, uniting it with an even more subtle mental body. In the astral body there is also another organ (key) that makes it possible to unite with its Monad, with the One who would remain waiting at the edge of a Source. That
organ is the Rune Thor, to which the letter Th of the name Thule corresponds, the Rune of Return (with a Face) to the Celestial Hyperborea, preserving the self, so as not to be absorbed by inspiration and devoured by the Demiurge, Lord of Darkness. Thus, man is reborn in several worlds at the same time. Each world would be represented by one of its bodies (Castles), being present in all, even without knowing it, since it is aware of only one, the earth, the Gerdasburg.
Only by finding the key to developing his Linga-Sarira, or astral body, will the Wotan warrior be able to open the door that communicates with the mental plane, being able to live in more than two worlds. It has become ubiquitous.
114. The force of the Runes produces vibrations in the astral body, becoming a mediator between the planes of the spirit, the soul and the body. Projecting centers of these forces are also the chakras, luminous energy vortexes. The magic of the Runes activates the vibrations of these centers. Its wheels start to spin like swastikas, dizzyingly. Certain Runes correspond to each wheel, or chakra. Likewise, to each astral chakra, there corresponds a nervous organ in the physical body, a plexus, a gland, with its internal secretions directed by the astral vertices. When the Runes activate the astral vibrations of the chakras, connecting them with each other, they enable the consciousness of those centers of light; because those wheels are also virtual centers of a different consciousness.
115. The diabolical plan is aimed at producing again the monster of man of
116. Also the divine ones, the Hyperborean Gods, who have entered to fight within the recurring Universe of the One, Jehovah, of the Lord of Darkness, have remained prisoners of his Eternal Return, having to accept his karmic, cyclical law.
117. Let us repeat, in the expiration, the breath of the Demiurge-Jehovah descends to planes of lower intensity of energy, where not even his Hierarchies of Servers come, but rather they create their means of work, of investigation, their
machines, their robots, although they always compose them in their own image. When the Hyperborean divyas arrived here, they would have thought of doing so for a very short time,
that they could resist, even if this were in the Golden Age. But some of them
They fell in love with the daughters of men, with the animal-men, and had to remain prisoners. The children of this first racial sin were the heroes of times gone by, the semi-divine, the Aryans, the Viras, who could still return to the divine world, transmuting in reverse, through the Initiation of A-Mor. By having directly lived the experience on this plane of
demigic impregnation, they should reach higher than the Gods themselves, be more than them, emerge, in a dream not dreamed of even by the greatest Pilgrims of the
Here is the difference between the two terrestrial humanities, the semi-divine and the
only animal, that of robots, that of the slaves of Atlantis. It is also possible that the choice to live with man, on the harsh earth, is an act of heroism, as well as a defeat. The great wars of the Koravas and Pandavas in the Mahabharata, that of the Vanes and the Aces, will be punitive wars against those who mixed, muddying their divine blood. And it is in these wars that the Vimanas, the Discs of Light, appear most frequently, just as today, in the great crises of time, at the end of a Cycle.
118. The Hyperboreans have come from there, entering this Circle of Circles through a topological fold, through the Window of Venus, or through a click of the Mind. Without that memory, without that memory, everything would have been lost forever. There, in front of the Grail, listening to their own blood, their music, next to the Fire, the Hyperboreans fulfilled the rite of the Minne-trinken, drank their blood, preserving the memory of their origin, in order to give themselves courage in the incredible adventure undertaken here, in this exile in matter, in this war without quarter against the
Enemy that is known to be surrounding them. And because time speeds up in these regions, there will be shadows and frosts. The Hagedissen, the Virgins of the Black Sun, exhort the heroes to hasten the Wedding, the Magical Marriage, by the Fire. They are the Wives of Fire.
119. Life and death within the land of the Demiurge. The form of the divya, of the Urmensch, of the Original Man, is provided by the Rune. She is the one printed here. It is now found in the mineral, as a perhaps unattainable aspiration. And outside it is reproduced, in trials, in trials, or copies of the Demiurge, completely unsuccessful, like the monkey and the Neanderthal man. And the body with two arms,
two legs, a head, five fingers, it is only a machine, the reproduction of an Archetype copied by the Demiurge-Jehovah and projected by his breath in his recurring Universe. To work with that machine, in this thick world, the bad plagiarist of him will not need to come down. It will be enough with that golem, with the Neanderthal man and the slow and impossible evolution and involution of him, through eons of
time and tremendous disasters. Whoever is using it is in no hurry. He is truly playing, dancing within the Maya-Illusion of him.
But here something enormous happens, outside the dream of that diabolical Player. Someone has entered this Circle of Circles, through some door or
retreat, perhaps through a narrow window. The Door, or Window of Venus, or by a click of the Mind. A Defeated One, or a Hero, coming from a completely different Universe, carrying with him the divine, Hyperbrean original of the
form, which the Demiurge corrupted and the power of the Runes, descends into this world, giving another aspect and direction to the entire process of mechanical repetition, being able to even redeem matter, transfigure it, producing a mutation that would reach
to the central core of the Tectonic Fire. He thus enters into total war with Jehovah, his
Eternal Return and its Archetypes.
120. In any case, the evil, the true defeat, would occur in the forgetfulness of the divine origin and the ultimate objective of the combat, in the assimilation with the animal.
man, with the sudra, in the fall into sleep and conformity, caught forever
in the gears of the Eternal Return and final destruction in Nothingness. Absorb the Archetype, in the Demiurge, in the One. You will become, after everything and so much, nothing more than the food of the Archetype, of Jehovah.
121. They reside in the celestial Asgard, in Agartha, in the Inner Earth or in that
world that belongs to the other half of our senses. They are the divyas. Then come the viras, the semi-divine ones, the heroes, half God, half man, those who
They can still be transmuted into divyas, into the Total-Being, into the Absolute Man, into the Sonnenmensch. And the third humanity of the animal-men, the descendants of the Neanderthal, the most numerous, which increases and increases, populating the earth to its limits.
last confines. It serves as an army for the Devil, the Demiurge, and is also his
food at the end of Manvantara.
The Hypersphere that we are now referring to, the terrestrial, the polar, the Mitgard of the Aryans, the Middle Earth, is inhabited by the semi-divine heroes, being the reflection, the golden shadow of the extracelestial Asgard, made in their image and likeness. Here, Wotan has incarnated in Rama, has taken his heroic and luminous form.
And as the only means of reaching the exit of the Return, the Priestesses of the Black Sun, of the Polar Midnight, teach the Cult of Magical A-Mor and marry the A-
Mado so that he can give birth to his own Son of Man, his indestructible vehicle of eternity, who cannot be devoured by the Archetype, by the Demiurge, because he has been built in the Fire of red Vajra, with the runic alchemy of Wotan and the Iggdrasil tree. With Him I will come out of all this again, from the Circle of Circles, through the Gate of Venus. And he will have redeemed the earth, transfigured nature, surpassed the Kali-Yuga and all the Yugas.
122. The characteristic signs of the Hyperboreans are the following: Immobility,
impassibility, inner calm, serenity, glory, victory, terribleness. When the
King acts, he does it like lightning, extending the scepter and projecting the SIEG Rune.
Blitzkrieg. These are the signs of the immortals.
But, for the Aryo-Hyperbrean to really be one, the first birth is not enough, he needs initiation, having to go through mystical death, being born a second time. Only then will he have been resurrected and immortal.
123. Here is the story that was surely told in Genesis, before being mutilated and transformed by the great conspiracy of the Lord of Darkness. Next to the tree, Allouine taught Arbaris the Still Love, in contemplation of his naked body; but without touching it, without possessing it in the contact of the material bodies, which create the child of flesh and dissolution. She woke up her
chakras, her golden apples, in the Tree of Paradise, on whose trunk she was reclining. And she transmuted into divya, cutting her chains, awakening Allouine from her sleep. He was more than a God, with the wisdom of Magical A-Mor, which is inscribed on the other side of the stars, like the name of the General.
So, Avris was AR-BA-RIS. AR, means: Guard the Eternal Fire, that of the AR-yos; BAR, Trust in the God who is within you; IS, Master yourself and thus you will control the powers of the Enemy.
The Hyperborean Siddhas did not procreate children of the flesh. They molded, shaped their own bodies. Only with racial sin, with the Earthly Eva, do the generations of the earth succeed one another and Paradesha is submerged, the Garden of Golden Apples disappears, the Column of Fire is extinguished, the Vril is darkened, the Eye of the Dragon atrophies, Allouine dies, Atlantis-Hyperborea sinks.
124. The Hyperborean Siddhas tried to organize the world in the first Yugas, snatching it from the Demiurge. They helped the heroes to recover their full divinity,
through initiation. To the people of color, to the humans, they gave earthly happiness, organizing them into castes, into varna. (The Hyperboreans were Ativarna, beyond caste, beyond color). Using their mechanical faculties in useful tasks, they thought, perhaps, to produce through the alchemy of color a
magical mutation in semi-animal peoples, which could lead them, in some way, to a transfiguration. They transferred a particle of immortality to them, at the same time that they spiritualized the earth, tearing it from the clutches of the Lord of Darkness.
125. The Battlefield, in addition to the earth, was now going to be the interior of the hero, of the vira, only half divine.
126. When matriarchy is imposed, the cults focus on the Light of the Year, on a symbolism of post-hyperbric nature, on purely material fire, on the ceremonies of light at the winter solstice, which inspire the matriarchal belief. of reincarnation. Devotional religiosity, Bhakti yoga, the Vedantin Samadhi of fusion in the primordial Being, in the One, the
accent on the Anahata heart chakra. The maximum that could be reached is the Sahasrara chakra, with the mantra SAHAM: I am you. (The Androgyne). Patriarchal initiation makes use of Raja-Yoga, Tantric Yoga, with Kayvalia instead of Samadhi, absolute separation, absolute personality, individuation, passing beyond the Sahasrara chakra, towards Sunya, the Void, Nirvana, leaving towards something never dreamed of, not even by the greatest Pilgrims of Longing. With the opposite mantra to SAHAM: HAMSA. HAM is Shiva, SA is Parvati. He and She separated and united forever, united in separation. This is the Way of the Warriors and the Walkyrias of Wotan. There is no reincarnation, but immortality, exit. I jump into a Non-existent Flower.
The sun that illuminates the earth today is a new sun, emerged with the disappearance of Asgard and the precipitation in the world of thick matter, with the decline of
Expiration energy. Nature is also different. The German romantics were right in believing, with Novalis, that nature could be modified,
spiritualized, through its Magical Idealism. Regenerated, transmuted, transfigured, torn from the dominion of the Demiurge's Cyclical Breath by the synchronistic combat and sacrifice of the Hyperborean hero.
127. Both Neanderthal Man and Aurignac Man are robotic and failed creations of the Demiurge, limited to the cyclical law of evolution and involution within the Eternal Return, of its expiration and inspiration. The Cro-Magnon Man, whose sudden appearance is a mystery, corresponds to the entrance of the Hyperboreans.
128. The Alchemy of Transmutation turns into divya, in the Tantric Warrior Initiation of A-Mor, acts directly on the genes, the blood and its groups, altering the most subtle zone of metabolism, resurrecting the Ativarna beyond varna. But only among the Aryan viras is it possible. In those born twice.
129. Because once there was another Light, a Light that does not change, that of the Ancient Black Sun, polar, through which it is possible to leave, to make the leap, towards the Non-existent Flower of the Green Ray. And that Black Sun is none other than the Gate of Venus. It is Lucifer, the true Guide of the Return to Hyperborea, at the other extreme, opposed to the Christ of the Changing Light of the New Sun, of death and dissolution.
130. Thus, the tantric vira has possibilities that perhaps do not occur for any other in the succession of the Yugas. He can become fully aware of the Mystery and, in this way, make way for his self along a path that has not been traveled even by the Gods, in all the Ages of this closed Universe. and it
because the Way does not exist; the hero does it as he walks, he invents it, he opens it to the blows of his Sword. It is a Non-existent Path, a Non-existent Flower. It does not exist, because it leads to something that does not exist either: a Dream never dreamed of even by the greatest Pilgrims of Nostalgia. Beyond the Circle of Circles, the Gods, the Archetypes and the stars. In the pure nonexistence of Lightning
Only heroes have this possibility, the semi-divine ones, those who were born in this way; but not everyone does it. It's very difficult. The hero will have to risk everything, his physical and spiritual death, his being torn apart, torture, betrayal, ultimate loneliness. And without ever letting go of the Sword, you must remain firm, unbreakable, resisting anguish and pain until the end, until the end.
last test, until the last doubt, when you have believed that everything was in vain, that nothing has been true, that only your mind, your mental creations have led you to
that fatal trance and the collapse of the Universe on its entire being shattered.
If the Hero passes through this test, if he manages to endure it, on the other side, in Wotan's Walhalla, his Walkyria, together with the Father of Heroes, will reunite his scattered pieces, resurrect his glorious flesh, now of Red Vajra, immortal, allowing him leave for a region where only your Walkiria can follow you,
park she is his only company and he will no longer have another, not even within that never dreamed dream. Her Path has no name, it is the Nonexistent Path of the Green Ray.
131. And the way, the only way, in which this horrible design can be carried out, is by respecting the Anti-Blood Pact, the ritual of mixed blood, of impure blood. Because this is also the fluid through which the Prince of Darkness opposes the Divines of the Green Ray, preserving the memory of him, his
files of shadow, committing his chosen ones to iniquity.
132. And so it will happen again, when the earth will be destroyed again very soon, at the end of the Kali-Yuga. When a new experiment of the Demiurge is repeated in the Eternal Return, with the projection of another Manu. And the divine Hyperbreans must enter into combat again, making use of the Runes.
133. Transmute the vira (who is a first-degree mestizo) into Siddha-divya, into a superman, into Kaula, into a Sonnenmensch, into a man of the Black Sun.
134. The white race was the possessor of the Vril and of a special condition to perceive space in three and four dimensions, something that the animal-man, the sudra of the colored peoples, does not possess. The possibility of recovering those qualities of the original white race would be made effective only by a
alchemy of return, going backwards, with the conscious mixture of the semi-white with the whiter, by a strict eugenics in marriages and in progeny, until reaching the exact point of transmutation, where everything will depend on magic or the miracle of the new incarnation of a spirit that will make a reality the recovery of the lost Power, the Vril and the qualities of vision that still existed in the Second Polar Hypersphere.
135. Since I was a child, by instinct at first, I have never worshiped those fathers of the country, nor their Masonic institutions. I already said it in Neither by Sea nor by Land, more than thirty years ago. They divided this southern continent into more than twenty-one operetta countries, isolating it so that it could stew in its own miscegenation, in its own dark bastard sauce of pigs and blacks brought from Africa as slaves by the dirty encomenderos. We already know how the freemason Bolívar invented Bolivia, a kind of Tibet without lamas and without Tibet. Without atumarunas
already. Bolivia, even the name comes from Bolvar. And thus this South American nationalism was born, without destiny, without any basis, without authentic root.
136. The only remedy, the radical remedy for the healing of suffering humanity is: the breaking of the bondage of the interest of money. This breakdown means the only possible and definitive liberation of productive work from the powers of money that secretly dominate the world. The breaking of the bondage of interest means the restoration of free personality, of the salvation of man from enslavement and also of the magical fascination in which his soul was entangled by consumerism.
137. The Vira thus has a virile, heroic force that acts against the current. It is the force that the Saddhaka, or tantric initiate, possesses. Synonymous with the hero, he fights to reinvest the process of entropy, of involution, which is a result of his entry into the Universe of the Demiurge-Jehovah. And he leaves the Circle of Eternal Return, forever. he only returns at will, as Avatar, as Tulku.
138. Within a Hyperbrean Lineage, of a Family House, with one who arrives, who executes the Melody until its consummation, who gives birth to the Son of Man, who builds his Eidelón, his Astral Body and with it he leaves, it will be enough for The entire Lineage participates in the Resurrection and the return to Hyperborea.
139. For the Vira, for the warrior of Wotan, entering here to fight is an obligation of honor and loyalty. Only in this way will he be able to fight against the demonic creation of the Lord of Darkness, managing to transmute it, to transfigure it. And even sex will have served him, as a means of snatching some Pasu from the Demiurge, transmuting them into Viras, through this tantric sacrifice, so to speak.
This is the Great War.
140. Starting from lead, the Philosophal Stone allows us to go back to the aurum potabile, to the Golden Age, of Saturn and Rhea, to the Satya-Yuga, straightening the Spear-Axle. The path passes through Nigredo, the mystical death, to Albedo, the resurrection of the Second Born, of the Aryans of the white, hyperborean race, to finally reach Rubedo, the Red of the Immortal Matter of Vajra, of the Knight
of Red, of the Feathers of the Phoenix Bird, of the Bird that does not exist. This is the Dance of the Bird of Paradise, of my Visits of the Queen of Sheba, the Non-existent Flower, Immortality, which must be created, invented, the materialization with Vajra of the Astral Body. The Resurrection of the Son of Man and Eternity.
141. A game of infinite mirrors, in the plagiarism of the Demiurge, down and up. Death for the Aryan, for the Vira is rebirth to a new life, with the Immortal Vajra Body. It is about passing beyond the Archetype, about escaping through the Gate of Venus from the clutches of the Demiurge, who has imprisoned the Aryan warriors, the exiles, with the Eternal Return of the Same, with the nightmare of his
142. Those scrolls said that he was Lord of an Order of the Black, White and Red Cloaks. The entire alchemical process of the Royal Art of Transmutation, thus summarized. The Cloak is Schoye's Mantle of Review, it is Siegfried's Tarnkapped and Neso's Tonic. It is the Astral Body, the immortalization and materialization of the Astral Body.
143. It is the evil of slipping through the Window, of a space-time bilocation, towards this plane of manifestation, where the Archetypes and the Demiurge Jehovah, builder of golems, rule. Evil consists of a mental click that has made possible the imprisonment and mixing of the divine hyperbores. The defeat
in a cosmic combat, the loss of a great battle, in a War that has not yet
144. Asag consists of lying naked, in the same bed, with the beloved, spending a night there without touching each other. Sometimes a drawn sword is placed between them, as in the Asag of Tristan and Iseult. This initiation test of the troubadours differs from the tantric magical-ceremonial intercourse, Maithuna, in that the Asag is chaste, and can be part of Right Hand Tantrism, and the Maithuna belongs to Left Hand Tantrism, where the woman is physically possessed, but without ejaculating the semen (Bundi), without reaching orgasm on the part of the initiated man, the Sadhaka; at least, to the physical orgasm. It is about avoiding
creation of an external son, from the flesh, reversing the process. Instead of being
the woman is the pregnant woman, it is the man who remains pregnant with an inner child, giving
life to the Astral Body, which is not the son of life, of this life, but the Son of
Death; of Magical Death, in this life, to be able to live beyond death. The Son of Man. That is, A-Mor, without death, immortality. In this way the Tantric and Cathar cosmogony is also fulfilled, where everything has been inverted and the active creator, the fecundator, is not he, but she, the Shakti, the counterpart.
female of Shiva.
145. At the current moment of Kali-Yuga, the body has materialized enough that it cannot find a way out other than by making use of its own materiality, that is, Left Hand Tantrism and Maithuna. His technique was described as riding the tiger, which could also be called
march by the edge of the sword. If one falls, the tiger devours him.
146. Alchemy is a science of the Second Hyperborea; science of Atlantis, which
It tends to restore what was lost. It is now a science and a way back.
147. It is the Astral Body created, recreated. It is ly her: ELELLA, in the case of ly and ELLAEL, in the case of her. Because the Astral Body does not exist except virtually, potentially. It must be created, invented, in this mysterious process of alchemical A-Mor. The Astral Body is the Androgynous, which lives beyond the death of the physical body, recreated in the fire of the opus, with the transmutation of the
materials of the physical body that is thus transformed, after having passed through Nigredo, the dark and black night of mystical death; immediately, through Albedo, or resurrection of that death, Rubedo being able to achieve it, immortalization through the red spiritual matter, which is produced in the Green Ray. The first mystery is consummated with the resurrection of the physical body, which is dragged to its resurrection by the Astral Body, as in a Chariot of Fire, as in a Vimana (since its shape has become round) and is carried out of this world. (through the door of Venus) towards a situation not dreamed of even by the greatest pilgrims of Ansia.
The second Mystery, which is fulfilled in the opus of this Initiation of A-Mor, is the Resurreccine immortalization of the sister, of the Beloved, as a consequence of the immortalization of the alchemist, the sadhaka, the hero-warrior, the vira. She
leads her to resurrect and immortalize herself. In NOS, Book of the Resurrection, this has been revealed, intuited. And now there are two androgynes, an Absolute Man and a
Absolute Woman, two spheres. ELELLA and ELLAEL, who love each other united and separated to
always. Reunited in separation.
The third Mystery of this Hyperborean Initiation is the mutation of the blood, which occurs first in the veins of the Astral Body, then achieving the regeneration of the blood of the physical body of the vira, through the gneous vibration of sulfur, capable of transmuting the lead of Saturn in aurum potabile, so that the hyperborean ceremony of the Minnetrinken, of the communion of blood, which is drunk in the Copade orichalcum of the Grail, can be performed.
148. It seems like profane love and the cult of the physical body of man and woman, that aberrant story of our days. The love of the Christian West has been invented, made for the animal-man, for the pasu, annexed to all higher symbolism. The hard and cold path has been lost, the polar fire of a magical cult, of a secret initiation that, practiced by a vira and his yogini, by a warrior
and his Walkiria will transmute them into immortal Gods. And in more than Gods.
149. It is in the blood of the alchemist where the transmutation occurs, because there is the lead, the sulfur, the arsenic, the cinnabar. And through compulsion
of Mercury, which circulates in the blood of the soror.
150. There is an ancient science, a hyperborean technique that makes it possible to return the Vira to its divine origin, which it lost in a combat, or unknown situation, which we have been discovering here. That other science is preserved thanks to the Golden Cord of a Memory of the Aryan Blood, which has not yet been broken. The path of this science is retrograde, backwards, towards the polar origin. It is the Swastika Levgira.
The intended mutation is that of the Vira in Divya, in the divine being that was. And this is achieved with the resurrection of the Astral Body, of the Son of Man. Something that only the Viras can achieve, since only they have a potential, virtual Astral Body, because only they were Astral Body in the origin, in Hyperborea. The rest don't. They are only Pasu, animal-man, slaves of Atlantis, products
loose from an evolution, planetary seeding, golems, robots from a Demiurge.
151. We dislike having to refer to Christ, even if it is the Kristos of the
Atlantis. Jesus Christ is a Jew who has been spoiling the world for the last two thousand years, whether with militant Christianity, Catholicism or Protestantism, whether
with Rosicrucianism, with theosophy or any occult sect of the West.
152. Coniuctio, Maithuna, apparently with the physical bodies, but in control of their essences: semen, bundi and rajas. He is destined to reactivate the chakras and give life to the astral body, which will be the child of this magical, alchemical intercourse, in which the metals of the Vira are transmuted.
153. The Rosarium Philosophorum, with these last two engravings, seems to be pointing out the possibility of beginning the opus through Left Hand Tantrism, with a real Maithuna, in a physical body, to then reach the symbolic and spiritual areas of Hand Tantrism. Right, where the Maithuna continues in the astral body of the lovers, with wings in a parallel and mental world, where the material organs of the physical body have already been transmuted into different ones. There would thus be no contradiction between the two currents. The tantric hero, the initiate of A-Mor, can follow either path, the
wet or dry, running through them separately, or both at the same time, as best suits the memory of your blood.
154. I think I have visualized, pre-sensing it, the path of the yogini, of the priestess of A-Mor. It is the Way of Sacrifice. She will give everything, even her
own eternity, will give oneself entirely to collaborate and help the Beloved, so that
He obtains immortality in the opus and in the combat of A-Mor. Because, although it seems that it is he who fights, it will be she who fights in him. And thus, he will no longer have another companion in this world nor in the dark depths of the grave; because she has opened her heart as with a dagger and has settled there for eternity. Lovers do not die, they live in another century of happiness and glory, said the troubadour Jacques Baiseaux. Marriage (that of mortals) is a profaned Mystery, Novalis stated. The Beloved has given everything, she has put her absolute faith in him. At her side, for life, she has been giving him the metals to
that transmutes them, impregnating them with her shaktic fluid of a priestess, of Goddess
hyperpitch recovered; whether here on earth, or from another world, from the Morning Star.
With the immortalization of the chosen one, of the alchemical hero, of the Vira, that of his siror, that of his Beloved, will be simultaneously achieved. He now has to resurrect her, for
through concentration on his image, impregnating it with prona and bundi. It is something like projecting it outside of itself, like taking it out from within again in order to also be able to clothe it with immortal Vajra. A double birth, a new birth. Unpostponable labor of loyalty from beyond the grave, from postmortem. Because the eternal life of
she depends on His. Because She gave him her eternity.
155. You have also awakened the Voice, the Minnehyperborea and now possess the Vril. His blood is pure, his double blood, the physical and the astral. This is not achieved by a process
temporal, of preparation by degrees, within terrestrial time, but by lightning, as in the glarers. It is a timeless event, which occurs when the blood has been purified through special practices, by that Gralic Alchemy, changing the biological and psychic metabolism. The lead has been transmuted. He
Vril organ, lost by the hyperborean white race, has been recovered.
156. The energy capable of producing all this is found in the spiritual root of Bundi, cukra, that luminous fluid that is materially formed in semen, so terribly powerful as to be able to give life to the son of the flesh. In women
plasma in the fertilized egg and is rajas. But both can trace this energy back to their spiritual channel. The man by the practice of Vrajoli-mudra and the woman by that of Amaroli-mudra. When these two sperms spiritually unite, instead of the fleeting physical pleasure, sukha, the ecstatic orgasm is produced, which has no end: Aropa. Rajas has transmuted the blood of the Vira into fire and that of
the yogini Astral congestion transmutes the bodies and produces the transubstantiation of the blood.
157. Giving life to the astral body, then clothing it with Vajra; By dematerializing the physical body, in turn covered with Vajra, and reabsorbing it into the astral body, a single body is obtained; but you also have two (twins) immortals, capable of self-regeneration, of living in time and outside of time. An appropriate vehicle for the Tulku and its combat of two and more worlds.
158. A kind of Robot, a Cosmic Machine, a Golem, which has lost control and has tried to create on its own, in its image and likeness. Happening something as if a beautiful painting by Leonardo had been superimposed
Picasso monstrosity. So the existence of the entire mechanical Universe, of visible matter, would be a bad copy made on a beautiful original fabric by a satanic plagiarist.
159. Against these demigic hosts the Hero must fight. In addition, he must fight against the beings that the Demiurge would create, the genetic robots, the
psychic folds of Jehovah.
160. On the day when all the Gods are freed and redeemed by the combat of the Heroes, the Demiurge will disappear forever, touched by his own destruction, in the Big Crunch of his own mechanical inspiration, inevitable, devoured by his hunger; or, sucked in by the Divine Implosion.
161. War has descended to the earth's crust, and will no longer go away. The Demiurge
It needs its emanations and stenches to feed itself.
162. The religions, esoteric practices, yogas of post-Vedic India have
tried to find a solution in the annihilation of the self, through asceticisms and torments of all kinds, to merge again in the impersonal, universal Soul, in the One, in Brahma, in the undifferentiated, in that which they have also called God. Generations of ascetics and Christian saints have worked at the destruction of the self. In India they are the Vedantins of Shankaracharya and the Bahktis yogas, using Samadhi, which in Sanskrit means, precisely, united with the Primordial Being, as we have already said.
This path and conception must start from the assumption that the self is a fall, that the personality is a sin, which must be corrected, redeemed. And to a certain extent they would be right, in the sense that the self and individuality are born as something unique in the entire Universe, and, perhaps, in all Universes; something unthought of, never dreamed of and that has been made possible by the incarnation of a Divinity, of a Being of pure spirit, in the world of the flesh, corrupted by the Demiurge.
163. They will have defeated the strategy of the Demiurge, redeeming and transfiguring Nature, the Aions, especially Saturn-Satan, destroying Jehovah-Jahva, dissolving him into his Nothingness.
164. Most of the world today is lost in an animality with no return. And the truth is that the Avatara is no longer concerned about this. The number of heroes who left with Him have almost fulfilled Destiny. They are no longer here, they left. Only the few prisoners who can still be freed matter.
165. Sex is the corruption of Kundalini, the visible tip of its Iceberg, powerful weapon of the Demiurge. He forces some tantric yoginis to update their knowledge of him, with the desire to possess his power and achieve the sublimation of his body by that Fire, by crossing its flames, passing through its transmuting bonfire. They accept their karma. That particular genetic inheritance of her body, or biological predestination that drives them to lose physical virginity, having to know the physical orgasm, so as not to get lost in the pursuit of their Destiny as Priestesses of the Black Sun and the A-Mor Religion.
They must, therefore, be awakened to the life of physical sex and orgasmic pleasure, only by their Beloved. Or in his absence, or absence, by the Inca in Machu Picchu, by the Hierophant, or by the Master. But, never without A-Mor. To then heal the wound, being able to return in a supreme effort to chastity, to
magical virginity, which has not been lost, reaching a continuous orgasmic state,
supernatural type.
This is the Wet Path of feminine knowledge, the Path of Tears and the Left Hand of Tantric Initiation. Only for some Priestesses-Magicians of the Black Order.
But there is also the Dry Path, of the Right Hand, of the Walkyrias that do not require the painful step of awakening and knowing physical sex or its profound alterations, its fires and torments. These divine women arrive here for a very short time, as if liberated in advance, on their way back, having to achieve by other means, even if always through A-Mor, that state of continuous and permanent orgasm of the soul, beyond the physical orgasm, which leaves nothing.
166. Neither does Jewish Christianity really believe in survival of any kind, although it says and preaches the opposite, affirming an absurd immortality of the soul for everyone (as if everyone had a soul). Christianity is the most evil of all known religions, realizing its excessive lust for power
material through hypocrisy and deception, its dignitaries being the true Pharisees, in the strictest sense that they have given to this
Immortality is neither democratic nor collective. Only those of divine origin can consciously achieve it, in an aristocratic Combat, in a very hard War and in which very few win.
167. Tantric yoga is a path crossed by mortal dangers, by the edge of a sword. The Sadahka and his Yogini should practice Maithuna only once and after long idealizing preparation. Then they will drift away, separated and united to
always, as Absolute Man and Woman. Magician and Magician. There are two tantric paths, the Right Hand and the Left Hand: Dakshinadhara and Vamagara. Both lead to the same end, even though the second could personalize more, more luciferianly, by the greater pains and combats, by the mortal dangers to which
which exposes the officiant, or Kaula initiate. These disciplines are equivalent to
Dry and Wet paths of Alchemy.
168. The reborn hero has become immortal with a glorious body, of Vajra, of
indestructible matter.
169. This is the process of the magical idealization of woman, who has been desacralized in this world by vulgar and profane love. It is a necessary platonization to recover the Eternal Feminine, to constellate the Archetype of her, of the Anima, before the last and decisive sacrifice of the sacrament that is performed in the Tantric Mass in the Maithuna, and in the Knightly Initiation of the Troubadours in the Asag.
170. But, before separation, one last ritual of this wonderful Initiation must be completed: the Exchange of Hearts. It means giving a Face to the soul, because the face of the beloved is engraved in the Anahatha shakra, of the Heart. It is carried out by a deep, intense kiss, in which She breathes out (and expires) inside Him (mystically dies in Him) and He in Her.
171. It is in the supreme lucidity of the Maithuna, or the Asag, in the internal, ecstatic orgasm, in that permanent, continuous orgasmic state of the entire being, in the Implosion that comes to mean the reabsorption, the inward reversion of Bundi, of the seminal ejaculation being deposited in the sea of one's own blood, where the supremely lucid ecstasy is reached, the super-consciousness of Kaivalia, which has nothing to do with the dream of Nirvana, with the loss of Samadhi, nor with the immersion in the Collective Unconscious, nor with the change of the center of individuality towards a point equidistant between consciousness and the unconscious,
which will be Jung's Selbst. It is Kaivalia, something different, it is ecstasy
tantric, a maximum state of the I, strengthened by the fire and the radiant light of the Purusha, which has come to cross from one side to the other, defeating the Archetype, now incapable of dissolving the I of the Hero, conqueror of the Maithuna and the Asag, transmuted in God conscious of Himself, individuated, personalized, with the Face of the Beloved, in addition to His own.
172. It is in the Albedo, or White Opera of Alchemy, which continues to the Nigredo, where the Self returns, resurrects. But she does it like Rebis, like the Star Venus, with a double face. She has already gone through the Mystical Death of Nigredo, voluntarily accepted and propitiated. And it is the Resurrected Body of the Hero, on the third or ninth day, the same body, only subtilized, having to be covered in a red, immortal matter,
in Rubedo, which follows Albedo; matter hard like diamond, although invisible to the eyes of the earth and which in Sanskrit has been called Vajra. Is this the
Body of the Resurrection of Taoism and Esoteric Christianity. It looks red, subtle, but it is hard like ruby, like those Nova stars, or those suns that are
They have collapsed on themselves, in the Self, they have become dwarfs, but they weigh more
than the entire Universe. That matter is obtained by the Kula Magician, as a reward in his kaivlic transmutation. And it will be with that Body with which the immortalized Hero, the Asen, can leave this demigic Universe, freeing himself forever from its prison, defeating it. He has also left the Eternal Return, towards something never dreamed of even by the greatest utopians. And in the tomb of the Taoist Magician, not a corpse will be found, but a Sword, a symbol of his triumph and resurrection in Vajra.
173. Whoever managed to escape from the Prisindemirgica, winning, finds himself in Nirvana, in Sunya, something similar to the Void, but which is truly the Absolute Self. All the concepts of Buddhism have been transposed and falsified. As we have said, Buddha was a warrior of the Shastriya caste, of the princes, and nothing like the pacifist and anti-racist saint into which Vedantine and Dravidian India, the mixed India, has transformed him, over the millennia. If the Liberated One returns, he is an Avatara. It
He does it at will, to help the comrades who still remain prisoners, those of his own lineage, who have been involved in the networks of the Mayademirgica.
174. This world will spiritualize synchronistically with the triumph of the Hero.
175. Jehovah and his Golem will annihilate themselves, within their automated Universe, along with the society of ants, which they foster. Be the end of Kaliyuga.
176. Here is something diabolical, frightening, an involution that already seems impossible to stop. Studying the bees, the ants, especially the life, if you could call it that, of the termites, we are frightened thinking where man, the animal-men, and along with them the imprisoned Viras, the devolved Gods, could arrive. There ended all individuality and even intelligence and
personal freedom. There is only continuous work, reproduction and death. Forced sacrifice and misery of many for the unhappiness of all. In the end, food of the Demiurge. But it will always have been like this in termites. It is also felt there as an initial intelligence, which once was, like a first impulse that planned that perfect organization, perhaps of a single individual, or of an elite,
that then disappeared, lasting only automatism. It is possible that termites, ants, bees, in many millions of years, in others
Manvantaras, have also been Gods, divine beings, taken prisoner by the
Demiurge, devolving into what they currently are.
177. The Demiurge will not be able to prevent the Resurrection of the Hero, since he lacks strength and capacity against the Spirit.
178. The Hero will have to walk on the razor's edge, defeating physical sex and surpassing rationalist thought, before being able to reach the submerged Continent of Atlantis, the recovered Hypersphere, discovering the entrances to the Hollow Earth, interior, in the Oases of the Antarctica, or on Mount Melimoyu. He will have to resurrect the ancient brain to rediscover the knowledge of the Runes and the Odil Power, which will lead him to triumph and the Resurrection, changing into Absolute Man.
179. A great Warrior Chief, the repository of tradition, of the Spirit of a community of blood. But Mana is a Divinity that returns when a new Cycle of Manifestation restarts, to incarnate again in man. He comes as a Lawgiver
and Father of a Race-Raz. (Hence the Code of Laws of Mana). And he is a man, a Divinity made man; He is the man who returns, who will come after the catastrophe, after the Twilight of the Gods and Heroes, in the Eternal Return. The Avatara has closed a Cycle, a Great Cycle, in this case; Man comes to open a
new Manvantara. And he delivers the Laws of him. We, those who have fought alongside the Last Avatara, must now fight to the end for the Man Who Will Come, who will return one day, for Mana, so that the hope of definitively defeating the
Demiurge is not lost, ending the Eternal Return. It will, thus, be a new possibility, a new recurring Cycle of Struggle, when once again a God descends (a Divya, Wotan) to divide into an entire tribe, a race, an army, after having broken his primordial Egg.
180. Our Fight is on more than one level, as was that of the Gods, our ancestors, who came here to fight. It is simultaneous, supportive, synchronistic. Because we are those Gods who descended into the heavy and dark world of the Demiurge, to try to take it away from him. We will follow their examples, even when we see the horizon getting darker and darker.
Written by master
June 24, 2011 at 8:13 pm Published in Contents
Tagged with fragments miguel serrano
Nos. The Book of the Resurrection (1980)
Author: Miguel Serrano
In this book, although Miguel Serrano persists in his confusion regarding who
are the enemies of humanity, there are also good successes that are worthy of being
1) Errors and confusions:
The only representative of God on earth is the soul. At the beginning of the book, this phrase by Meister Eckhart already tells us everything about the thought of Miguel Serrano: The creator God and the soul created by Him. There are perhaps no other things. There is perhaps no other God, greater and more perfect than God. of the Bible There is perhaps nothing more perfect within man than the soul created by the Jewish God of which the Bible speaks. Serrano seems to ignore all that.
the author seems to finally want to open the door to the mystery of his initiation,
but always troubadour clus that is, writing in code, obscuring, so as not to lift more than a small tip of the Veil. This is in the Prologue. When someone writes something, but obscures the truth of what he writes, this may be due to several reasons: either he is not sure of what he writes, or he is afraid of the consequences, or he does not have exact or complete knowledge on the subject, or He is a hysteric who likes to play femininely to show a part but not everything.
Any of these reasons are horrible and very sad coming from Miguel
Highlander. In his last books he will say that it was because he was young and he was afraid of being killed. In his last books he had already lost those fears.
Pages 42 and 43: a confusion about Agharti and Shamballah, inhabited by the immortal siddhas. In reality, Agarthi and Shamballah are not the same. Agarthi is the abode of the siddhas, who are not immortal but eternal, while Shamballah is the abode of the traitor demons of the White Brotherhood.
When Serrano talks about his teacher, he enlarges it in such a way that it makes us think that he was a Hyperborean teacher, and not just another member of the White Fraternity, as he really was. More than his actual teacher, Serrano describes a teacher like
the one he would have liked to have.
The teacher speaks, on page 72: And the enemy that you will fight in this Great
War, be your self. That teacher is without a doubt a member of the synarchy, of
the White Brotherhood, there is no doubt about it.
On page 100, serious confusion between druids, Celts, Vikings, Templars and Parsifal. Here he does not distinguish the good from the bad.
2) Extraordinary successes:
In this book there are many more successes than errors. And many of these themes, exposed by Miguel Serrano for the first time in the history of man with such clarity, will be developed years later by Nimrod de Rosario.
There are so many successes, that we will summarize them:
Page 13 and 14: in the initiation of A-Mor to carry out the definitive separation of the tantric ecstasy, the kaivalia, in opposition to the Vedantine samadhi the ultimate end
of the Initiation of A-Mor hyperborea.
Page 19: There are two types of women: the seductive one and the one who gives her eternity into the hands of her beloved.
Page 22: It is not the Androgyne that is aspired to be achieved in the initiation of the Warriors of A-Mor, but the Absolute Man and the Absolute Woman will be able to resurrect whoever continues to procreate children of perishable flesh.
Page 33: The Grail is a fallen jewel from the Crown of our Guide, Lucifer, broken in his combat in the heavens when Hyperborea and Atlantis are destroyed.
Page 50: It is not possible to escape from the ego. The way out is to strengthen it until reaching the absolute self, the absolute personality.
Page 51: The path is irreversible, even when you are doing it back, you will never touch the same point. It is not about renouncing the self, but on the contrary, making it eternal.
Page 56: The followers of Lucifer, the Morning Star, do not beg to obtain heaven. They demand it, because they have the feeling of having done everything possible to deserve deification. At the end of the road, fusion does not await us
with no God or Redeemer. Ours is not the rapture of the saints, but the separation of the wise men.
Page 57: Your sword is double. The name of her scabbard is Minne, Memory of Blood. The memory of Love lost at the beginning of time goes in the blood. Find me in your blood, keep it pure.
Page 58: Immortality is not for everyone; but what is the condition for
achieve it. It is not kindness, nor sacrifice, nor intelligence, nor even
sense of beauty. Maybe honor and loyalty. You are born different.
Page 76: It's not a trip. It is a fall from the skin to the soul. And return to cover it with a body of immortal matter, with that red gold of the Gral's alchemists, with that Stone Fallen from Heaven.
Page 77: Not all those who inhabit the earth are equal. This is why there is a fight, to preserve a Myth, a Legend, that circulates in the memory of the blood.
Page 81: A creator, a warrior, must not procreate.
Page 86: At the end of the path, Samadhi, the fusion with Adhi, with the Primordial Being, does not await you. Because that will be the path of holiness. She awaits the Kaivalia,
the total separation, the supreme Individuation, the Absolute Personality, the last solitude of the Superman. This is the path of the Magician, of the Siddha, of the tantric Hero of the General.
Page 89: Becoming immortal, eternal, thanks to the path of initiation of A-Mor. An initiatory path totally opposite to the path of Rome.
Pages 157 and 158: Only he who has become alive, managing to awaken, takes upon death that Eternal Form, his True Name and gives it a Face: the Face of his Soul, which is the Face of the Beloved.
Page 161: In the Great War there is no room for the faint-hearted, the cowards. A criminal, an anarchist will be better conditioned than a lukewarm person, than a bourgeois, than a man without decision or courage. They just need to be pushed in the right direction
Whoever entered the City must have clothed his subtle body with the immortal energy of the Vajra. He already possesses a body that survives even in the last dissolution.
Thus, immortality is conditional. It's not for everyone. It must be won in merciless combat every hour of the days of this world. You have to invent it, recreate it, without the help of any God; against God, against the Gods and men,
in the opposite direction to the current of the River of the Times of Kaliyuga.
Page 163: In this way he is resurrected with a Vajra Body, of incorruptible Red Matter, hard as a diamond: the Diamond Body.
Page 165: The path of the Mantra, of the Hyperborean Orphic Kabbalah, is also a Levitating Path, backwards, towards the Origin.