by Francis P. Yockey
Published January 1955
The early American arrived at a land of which he knew nothing. He did not know its
geography, its fertility, its climate, its dangers. In the North, he encountered forests,
rocky soil, and winters of a rigor he had not known before. In the South, he met with
swamps, malaria, and dense forests, Everywhere he encountered the hostile savage with
his scalping knife and his warfare against women and children. In little groups, these
early Americans cleared the forests, and built homes and forts. The men plowed the fields
with rifles slung over their shoulders, and in the house, the wife went about her duties
with a loaded weapon near at hand. There were ships to and from Europe, and the
colonials could have left their hardships and gone back -- but they would not admit
Out of these colonials was bred the Minute Man. Minute Man! These American farmers
were ready at a minute's notice to abandon the plow and seize the gun. They knew that
the hour of their political independence was at hand and instinctively they prepared for it.
When the moment arrived, with a British order to arrest two of their leaders, the Minute
Men assembled before daybreak at Lexington to face the British force sent to seize them.
Though heavily outnumbered they stood their ground in the face of Major Pitcairn's order
to disperse. "If they mean to have a war," said Captain John Parker, leader of the Minute
Men, "let it begin here!"
Begin it did, and for 8 long years it continued. Concord, Bunker Hill, Boston,
Ticonderoga, Quebec, New York, Long Island, Harlem Heights, White Plains, Fort Lee,
Fort Washington, Valley Forge, Trenton, Princeton, Brandywine, Saratoga, Stony Point,
Savannah, Camden, The Cowpens, Yorktown -- these names recall at once the terrific
odds against which the colonials fought, the low points to which their fortunes reached,
and the silent and steadfast devotion of the troops. At Valley Forge, the men were but
half-clad, and rations, when there was food issued at all, were slim. Sickness was rife,
and mortality was high, Yet no one thought of surrender. General Washington said of
them: "Naked and starving as they are we cannot enough admire the incomparable
patience and fidelity of our soldiery."
No nation has produced individual soldiers to excel Nathaniel Greene, General Know,
General Sullivan, John Stark, Nicholas Herkimer, Anthony Wayne, Daniel Morgan, John
Paul Jones, nor greater patriots than John Dickinson, Richard Henry Lee, John Adams,
Benjamin Franklin, John Rutledge. These are but a few. The spirit which animated these
heroes is part of the white race, and it will last while this race lasts. It waits for its
reawakening upon the coming of great events to American soil once more. When the
fields of this continent are visited once again by the stern creativeness of war -- war for
the independence and the liberation of the pristine American colonial spirit -- the world
shall see that Americans are not the weak-willed, self-interested, pleasure-mad morons
that Hollywood has tried so desperately to make them.
It was the individual imperialism of the frontiersman-type that actually opened up and
conquered the North American continent. Explorers like George Rogers Clark and John
Fremont preceded the frontiersman into the wilderness, and he followed into the hostile
land with its lurking warlike savages. With slung rifle he took wife and children and all
his earthly belongings into the land ahead, unknown, unsettled, unplowed. Daily he
surmounted a thousand dangers, he lived in the face of Death. This intrepid type who was
at once explorer, warrior, minister, doctor, judge, and settler, advanced until he reached
the Pacific, and then he looked toward Alaska and the westward islands.
The tragic defeat of the Federalists by the less worthy among the post-Revolution
generation made it possible for sectionalism to arise in America, and out of sectionalism
issued the disastrous "War Between the States." That war proved only that the heroic type
of American occurred everywhere in this broad land. The only lesson we can learn from
the sacrifice is that big-mouthed agitators of the vicious stamp of Theodore Parker and
Horace Greeley are capable of consigning nations to the flames in order to actualize their
fantastic egalitarian theories.
During the conquest of the continent, small carping voices were continually raised
against the heroic performance. Congressmen laughed at the idea of governing a region
so far away as the distant Pacific coast. The Poets Lowell and Whittier and the agitators
Garrison and Phillips did their best to bring about a sectional war during all of the 40's
and 50's. Calhoun's attempt to annex Texas was defeated by the Congress. Small minds
were against the Mexican War and the acquisition of the Southwest. They opposed the
acquisition of Hawaii, of the Philippines, of the Cuban protectorate. After the War
Between the States, this type of mind, represented by men like Summer and Stevens,
wanted to treat the Southerners as an alien and inferior people and to gloat over them
while placing the conqueror's foot on their necks.
This type of mentality still survives in America. Today it still fights against greatness and
heroism. Today it teaches the doctrine of liberalism with its pacifism, its love for the
inferior and misbegotten, its internationalism which makes a virtue of treason, its hatred
of all who possess strong national feelings, its toothless desire for racial equality, and its
tolerance of everything and everyone, particularly the alien and the unfit. Today this type
of mind -- namely, all those to whom liberal doctrines appeal -- are working for the anti-
American forces, whether consciously or not. The sub-Americans are in the service of
America's inner enemy.
We have seen the spirit of the white race: the spirit of divine discontent and self-help, the
spirit of self-reliance, of fearlessness in the face of great danger, the feeling of racial
superiority, the urge to great distances and the will to conquer all that lies between, the
spirit of the Alamo. To the true American, his is a living, organic, white nation, and not a
set of principles, of "four freedoms" or a "world-policeman". Of this feeling was every
great American: Washington, Hamilton, Henry Clay, Robert E. Lee, Sam Houston. The
American soldier shows in every war that even today this true American type survives.
But today the true Americans, the former great leaders, have been displaced by
Morganthaus, Ezekiels, Paswolskis, Cohens, Frankfurters, Goldsmiths, Lubins, Berles,
Schenks, Edelsteins, Baruchs, Goldwyns, Mayers, Strausses, Lilienthals, Hillmans,
Rosenmans, Lehmanns, Rosenbergs, Eisenhowers.
We know the true American and we know the liberal -- the sub-type within the white
race. Let us now look at the third group which came here only yesterday and which today
is linked with the liberals, the internationalists, the class-warriors, the subverters, of
America's white, European traditions. This group makes use of American slogans and
American ideas, but that cannot conceal its alien provenance. Let us measure the
significance of the newcomers and examine their history.
The culture which produced the Jewish nation arose in Asia Minor around 100 B.C. This
culture produced many nations, all of them, so far as we are concerned, similar to the
Jews. These "nations" were not nations at all in our sense of the word, for they had no
homeland. Citizenship in this alien type of nation was gained by being a believer in the
religion of the group. Jews, Marcionites, Gnostics, Mohammedans -- all these were
nations, and to all of them membership in the nation was gained by being a believer.
Intermarriage with non-believers was forbidden, and this inbreeding for two thousand
years has made it possible today to pick out the Jew by his countenance. Thus, for the
Jew, race and religion became identical, and if the Jew loses his religion, he loses little
for he still remains a Jew by race. The unity of the race is not destroyed even though the
great masses of the Jews become atheists.
After the dispersion of the Jews throughout Europe and Russia, they were entirely cut off
from any contact with nations similar to themselves. They shut themselves up in the
ghettoes of the cities and lived completely unto themselves. There they had their own
religion, their own law, their own language, their own customs, their own diet, their own
economy. Since they were nowhere at home, everywhere was equally home to them.
The early European nations felt the Jew to be as totally alien as he felt his surroundings to
be. The Anglo-Saxons, the Goths, the Lombards, the Franks, all despised the usurious
infidel. A popular rhyme of Gothic times portrays the three estates as the creation of God,
and the usurious Jew as the creation of the Devil. Crusaders on their way to the Holy
Land carried out wholesale massacres of Jews. Every European king at one time or
another robbed the Jews and drove them from his domain. For 400 years the Jew was
shut out from England. When he was allowed back, centuries more passed before he
acquired or wanted civil rights of Englishmen. This persecution of the Jew that went on
for 1,000 years took different forms -- robbery through forced fines, extortion, exile,
massacre -- and it has had one determining, unchangeable result: it has reinforced in the
Jew his original hatred for Christian civilization to the point where it is the sole content
and meaning of his existence. This hatred is the breath of life to the Jew. He wants to tear
down everything which surrounds him, every Western form of life, every Western idea.
For a thousand years he cringed before the European master, who was so unassailable in
his superiority. The figure of Shylock, drinking his gall and biding his time, taking his
usury and saving the coins which represented to him the means of his liberation -- this is
the symbolic figure of the Jew for a thousand years. This consuming hatred on the part of
the Jew is one of the most important facts in the world today. The Jew is a world power.
How did this come about?
It was the Industrial Revolution in Europe and America which enabled the Jew, from
having been Shylock for a thousand years, the despised and cringing usurer, to become
the type of the modern Jew, the cinema dictator, the tyrant of the inmost thoughts of
100,000,000 Americans. The Jew had been thinking in terms of economics and money
for a thousand years before Europe and America began to develop a money civilization.
Consequently when money stepped out as the supreme force, the Jew shot upward like a
meteor. There was still a barrier however to his complete conquest of power. The
heathen, the outsider, was still barred from civil rights. Of old he had not sought them,
but now they were necessary if he was to conquer the master of yesterday. Nation after
nation succumbed to the principles which the butchers of the French Revolution
preached, and which the Jew took up and excitedly shouted over the world. A money
civilization wants no aristocracy to stand in its way, so Money and Jew preached
equality. Nor must there be any barriers to the employment of money, so the Jew
preached liberty. He sought to lose his mark as outsider, for in his new role he wanted to
be accepted as a member of whatever nation he might be among, so that he might
conquer the power for his revenge. So he preached fraternity for others and the
brotherhood of man.
But his "equality" meant only a new inequality -- the dictatorship of the Master of Money
over the economic slave tied to his bench with a wage-chain. His "liberty" meant that the
Jew was free to squeeze out the life-blood of nations through usury and financial
dictatorship. The "brotherhood of man" -- that meant that the Jew was to be accepted as
an equal -- but that he was to maintain his ancient unity and desire for revenge. Now the
point has been reached where he steps out and asks for special privileges -- and gets
them! Yesterday he denied aristocracy -- today he affirms it -- and he is the new
aristocrat!! Did not Albert Einstein, before whom Americans are supposed to bow and
scrape, write in Colliers Magazine an article entitled "Why the Jew is Superior"? And did
not the white Americans afraid to think for himself any longer, read it and believe?
The Jew did not conceive nor organize modem industrialism. No more did he organize
liberalism. But when these two things had become realities, he cleverly insinuated
himself into the new social and economic fabric which arose, and he has now identified
himself with the rapacious capitalism of the sweatshops and with the dishonest and
revolting "democracy" of the type where Tweedledum opposed Tweedledee, and the Jew
cares not which wins for he nominates them both.
There was a great danger to the Jew in this removal of all barriers between him and the
host nations. This danger was assimilation of the great mass of Jews. If this were to
occur, the Rothschilds, Baruchs, Frankfurters, Rosenmans, Guggenheims, Schiffs,
Lehmanns, Cohens -- all these would be leaders without followers. They would lose their
trustworthy followers who could penetrate everywhere and spread the influence of the
Jew. One fruitful source of taxation would be gone. So the word "assimilated" became a
term of contempt used by arch-Jews to describe other Jews who were losing their Jewish
feelings and instincts. The Jew, with his two thousand years behind him, was faced with a
perilous situation. No mere money manipulation could cope with this emergency. In this
situation, the Jewish leaders invented Zionism.
It was a political master-stroke on the part of the Jew to bring out the movement known
as Zionism. Its ostensible aim was to seek a "national home" for the Jew, a plot of ground
to which all Jews would theoretically return and there settle. Since the idea seemed to be
to make the Jews into a nation like America, one with geographical boundaries, it seemed
a praiseworthy movement to Americans. It seemed to promise the end of the Jews as the
shifting sand dunes among nations, and to herald their establishment as a civilized nation.
Hence unlimited Zionist activity and propaganda could be carried on among the Jews by
their leaders, and no suspicion was aroused in the minds of the host nations.
But the real aim of Zionism was merely to save the Jew, wherever he was, from
assimilation by the Western peoples, the European and American people. It enabled their
leaders to unite the Jews firmly, to prevent assimilation by giving the Jews a political aim
to follow. The spurious quality of the movement is shown by the fact that almost no Jews
were moved to Palestine. A few only were moved, for commercial and political reasons
and to conceal the Zionist fraud, but the millions remained in America and Europe. The
real aim of Zionism -- to reaffirm and perpetuate the solidarity of the Jew -- has been
successful. Zionism has become the official policy of the Jewish entity, and its
ascendancy means, as far as the simple, ordinary Jew is concerned, that he is an utter
slave in the hands of his leaders. It is probably superfluous to mention that no leading
Zionist has gone from his position of power in white America back to Palestine. Nor need
it be pointed out once more how few out of the millions of Jews driven from Europe have
gone to Palestine. Almost to a man, they have come to America, their land of promise,
the last base for their power, the last place for their revenge.
The invasion of Palestine, strategically important though it is, nevertheless stands in the
shade of the vast invasion of America. During the short half century since Jewry adopted
Zionism, some ten millions of Jews have been dumped on the shores of North America to
displace Americans biologically and economically, to live parasitically on the American
organism, to distort the social and spiritual life of the nation. The volume of the invasion
has been such that even the slumbering, politically-unconscious white American has
begun to blink his eyes and look around him in amazement, as he becomes gradually
cognizant that his native land has passed into the possession of scheming, power-hungry,
money-grubbing, total aliens.
The alien has his own press, in which he reveals those things which the democraticliberal
press dutifully conceals at the behest of the Jew. Pick up at random an issue of the
"Contemporary Jewish Record" -- that for June 1941. On page 282 we are told how
Jewish educators are combatting successfully "the un-American movement of 100%
Americanism". On page 259 a member of the American Jewish Committee joyfully
reports that because of the hostility between American and Jew the successive waves of
Jewish immigrants "will develop into a cohesive American Jewish community". The
article "The Jewish Emigrant -- 1941", describing the arrival of the Jew in America, says:
"Our sole conclusion is that when the emigrant has finally arrived at his destination, he
can consider himself at the entrance to Heaven". (sic).
Seven million of these immigrants have arrived at their "entrance to Heaven" since 1933.
There is admitted hostility between them and their host-people. The Jew opposes 100%
Americanism. Yet he calls his arrival here his "entrance to Heaven". How is this?
The North American continent was discovered, explored, cleared, plowed and settled by
the individual imperialism of members of the European-American white race. The
political independence of America was won, and the industrial-technical system of the
continent was planned and built by the white race. The American merchant marine was
built and sent into the seven seas by white men. Every creative idea in whatever realm --
political, economic, technical, religious, legal, educational social -- that has been brought
forth on this continent has originated with, and been developed by, members of the white
European-American race. America belongs spiritually, and will always belong, to the
Western Civilization of which it is a colonial transplantation, and no part of the true
America belongs to the primitivity of the barbarians and fellaheen outside of this
civilization, whether in Asia Minor, the Far East, or Africa.
And yet, even though the Jew was not present at Valley Forge, even though he was not at
New Orleans in 1814, nor at the Alamo, nor at Bull Run or Chancellorsville, nor at
Guantanamo Bay or Manila, even though he took no part in the conquest of the continent
-- in spite of this complete dissociation of the Jew from the American past, it is a stark
and gruesome fact that America today is ruled by the Jew. Where Americans hold office,
they hold it at the pleasure of the Jews and use it in deference to his policy. Baruch
argues with Roserman on the steps of the White House -- once the residence of
Washington, Madison, Adams -- and the policy of America is thus determined.
LaGuardia calls Lehmann by a Yiddish term of abuse in public. As lawyer, the Jew
brings in excessive litigation; as judges he imports chicanery into the administration, and
has the power to pronounce rules of law for Americans. A rabbi states: "The ideals of
Judaism and the ideals of Americanism are one and the same," And the "Jewish
Chronicle" (April 4, 1919) says: "The ideals of Bolshevism are consonant with the finest
ideals of Judaism". The notorious rabbi Wise announces, "I have been an American for
67 years, but I have been a Jew for 6000 years". The "Jewish Chronicle" tells us: "The
Jews in America are 100% Jewish and 100% American". These schizophrenic
percentages resolve themselves into the thesis of the rabbis that Judaism, Trotskyist
Bolshevism, and Americanism are one and the same. The synagogues have a parade of
liberals -- sub-Americans with defective instincts -- come before them to parrot back at
them their own view-point.
The Jew numbers approximately 10% of the North American populations but in the
Second World War, a war fought solely for Jewish interests, a war of his fomenting, a
war to increase his power, the conscripts in the American Army were only 2% Jewish,
according to official records. Neither in his assumed role of American, nor in his actual
status as member of the Jewish Culture-State-
Nation-Race-People, was he willing to risk his blood, even in his own war. In the fighting
forces he limited his participation to the administrative branches: Judge Advocate,
Medical, Quartermaster, Finance. In the American Army Jewish conscripts have an
unconditional right to a furlough for Passover, for Yom Kippur, for Rosh Hashanah. The
induction of Jews into the Army is delayed over Jewish holidays -- "to avoid undue
hardship". The Central Conference of American Rabbis in the 47th annual convention in
New York addressed a resolution to the American Congress asking that Jews be
exempted from conscription "in accordance with the highest interpretation of Judaism"!
In the publicly supported educational institutions for higher learning, the Jew is driving
out the native American student. In the free universities, such as Wayne University and
City College of New York, the Jew's possession is complete. The Stock Exchange
presents a similar picture. The New York Exchange is dormant on Jewish holidays. The
Officers Reserve Corps is ever more penetrated by the Jews. The police forces of the
large cities are under his control, and the Federal secret police enforce his bidding. He
commands the National Guard in the populous states.
How has this come about? How has the native American been driven from the positions
of representation, of power and respect in his own land? How has he been chased out of
the professions, out of government, of the universities, out of the sources of public
information? How did the interloper from Asia, the ghetto-creature from Kishnev, attain
to his eminence whereupon he holds in his hands the decision of war or peace, and
decides who are America's friends and who are America's enemies?
Two things are responsible for this situation in which America finds itself serving as a
mere tool in the hands of an alien. First is Liberalism -- the enemy of national greatness,
the virus that eats up national feelings. Liberalism is the doctrine that everyone is equal,
everyone acceptable, the doctrine that the botched, the misbegotten are equal to the
strong and the superior, that there are no foreigners and no distinctions. Liberalism gnaws
away at the structure for which patriots and great leaders gave their lives and fortunes. To
Liberalism, America is a "melting-pot", a dump heap for the world's human refuse. When
the white race in Europe drives out the Jew, he goes to America where weak heads and
inferiors who are jealous of that to which they are not equal have laid down for him the
red carpet of Liberalism, and on this carpet, the Jew has advanced to supreme power in
the short half a century since he first discovered that America is a fine host for an
enterprising parasite. Liberalism is the inversion of that 100% Americanism which the
Jew hates.
But mere Liberalism alone does not account for it. The second factor has been the
aggressive unity of the Jew, his cohesiveness born of hate, which has welded him
together and organized his forces for his mission of destruction. By virtue of the
cohesiveness of the Jewish entity, at once Culture, State, Nation, People, Race, Religion,
and Society, the Jew conquered the cinema industry, the news-gathering associations
which controls all "news" and journalistic opinion, the periodical and book press, and the
radio networks. When it became obvious the "Republican" party was about to lose the
1932 election, he cleverly insinuated himself into the "Democratic" party, and placed his
candidate in the Presidency. This was the Revolution of 1933, but since it had occurred in
the form of a simple change of parties, the politically-unconscious American remained
In 1933, there descended upon Washington the swarm led by Baruch, Lehmann,
Morgenthau, Frankfurter, Niles and Rosenman. In their train were thousands of
Paswolskis, Messersmiths, Lubins, Berles, Fortases, Lilienthals, Cohens, Ezekiels,
Silversteins et al, and bringing up the procession came enough lesser Jews, deracinated
liberals, technocrats and aliens to double the population of the capital city within a few
Between the cracks in the pavement the Jew recruited a thousand sub-Americans as
"radio commentators", newspaper "columnists", and professional propagandists to
disseminate the world-outlook the Jew considered appropriate for the American. A
multiplicity of government bureaus came into existence, necessarily staffed with Jews.
The Jew sought to bring under his control every factor of public expression and
influence, thus to make sure that never again would there be a free national election for
he did not intend to relinquish his power, so long dreamt of, and now at last real, through
the free play of any constitutional game of parties and majorities. He purged the central
government of whoever could not be led by the nose, or bought. Who opposed was
shouted down, smeared with vile labels, and so silenced.
Thus America was given a semitic countenance.