The End of History
False Light of Shamballah
The End of History
The His-story of the Kali Yuga has been overshadowed with the pall of the Demiurge and his legions of black-hole entities. For over 5,400 years since this recent epoch (Yuga) part of the larger manvantara has dawned as the red Dawn of the bloody aeon, the story of 'The One' has been superimposed upon the population of the captive Spirits called 'hue-men' on their matricized earth.
The negative E.Ts had transplanted their hybrid neanderthaloids onto the Earth from Saturn and the moon via wormholes to fulfill their mission of conquering the earth and chaining the captive Spirits in the soul-body complex of anthropoid nature, rendering them sufficiently dense that it becomes subject to the Time-flow of the Demiurge's will and thereby is unable to elevate itself beyond the wheel of Ixion that is the lower heavens wherein their Spirits reside in which, through the law of attraction (karmic processes) the lost spirit finds itself again reincarnating in the flesh body.
The negative E.Ts who had genetically engineered the 'chosen people' of Yahweh and who control the moon-Saturn time machine matrix generator located on Saturn had transplanted the 'chosen people' onto the earth and ever since that time they have performed their mission in assimilating themselves into the 'gentile' nations and 'growing in the shadow of the nations' as their tactic of conquest over their adversary, intertwining themselves with their hosts and co-opting the host as a parasitical symbiont.
Through interbreeding and through rendering themselves inextricably bound up with their host via business contracts and as an intermediary with foreign peoples they have managed to weave themselves into their host body and to usurp power, eventually forming an oligarchy behind figureheads and an oligarchic network (synarchy) assimilating into itself those of a sympathetic nature.
They have written the History books and have destroyed the annals and repositories of true information such as the library of Alexandria and have defaced and destroyed this through their abrahamic proxies (christians and muslims) who have devastated and murdered most of the surviving remnants of the culture of the ancient world and its wisdom, supplanting it with the satanized (saturnized; abrahamized) falsified inversion of their original doctrines and this through proselytism or overt violence (revolution; terrorism, etc.) typically through leading revolutionary movements or financing then and having their zealous slaves, the untermenschen, sabotage the superior enabling their usurpation.
The formula of the religions of abraham prescribe a false His-storical timeline wherein are presented fables (of a decidedly fabulous kind) soaked in the pathos of their 'love-wisdom' archetpye of 'jesus', the external savior figure whose doctrine of the heart was formulated to castrate any potential opposition to the gentiles' assimilation into the hive mind of Jehovah via participation in abrahamic religion, 'spiritual israel' or the 'ummah' of islam at a later date.
In the case of islam, according to Nimrod de Rosario, the demon of the hierarchy Jibriol was the bestower of the Quran on Mohammed and this is yet another slave program they had formulated to serve this purpose just as 'the Bible' ('the book', 'byblos' in Greek) was formulated under Constantine in the Council of Nicaea in Anatolia, the very region in which the 'chosen people' were originally deposited in Çatalhöyük or Gobekli Tepi near the star gate in Syria.
Indeed the Middle Eastern region has played host to these entities of the 'Yahweh collective' for millennia and serves as a region wherein star gates are located that enable the entities to enter and exist from other worlds to facilitate their agenda of maintaining their slave plantation and eliminating the 'heretical lineage' of the Hyperborean stock.
The narratives scribed by the dark forces have served to justify the enslavement of the world and the hegemony of the black-hole entities and by extension the Demiurge who these entities serve in their weltanschauung of 'service to self', 'might makes right', a doctrine of will to power which hypocritically conceals itself behind the exoteric religious besides (should these be needed to deceive the populists and to pacify them, through fear and the threat of hellfire or diabolical punishment, presumably with the presence of these entities to make the threat credible).
These exoteric blinds have been used to deceive the population and subjugate them into slavery and are continually subject to modification and revision to suit the particular context of diverse peoples and geographical regions, as means of 'growing in the shadow of the nations' as the 'thin end of the wedge' driven into the society through proselytism and gradually assimilating into its 'doctrine of the heart' the 'pagan' elements, neutralizing their power and rendering them a distorted simulacrum of themselves.
Thus history has been falsified and supplanted with 'His-stor(ies)', the religious narratives of the Demiurge and his horde who masquerade as emissaries of light and life when in reality they are harbingers of the degeneration and corruption of the Kali Yuga at its lowest depth.
The His-story of the Demiurge is the means through which the population have been subjugated and transformed into mere 'goyim', the pathetic slaves of Zion, of the 'universalist imperialism' of the priest caste theocracy. These texts and narratives serve as justifications or legitimations of the power of the synarchy in their war against 'infidels' and had been the driving force behind all of the 'jus bella' of His-story, which are in reality merely campaigns of human sacrifice and undergone to serve the entities with whom the priest caste are bound the energy of the slain and maimed, their pain energy which their deity Jehovah-Satan feeds upon and additionally to reinforce the dogma of 'the one true faith' over and against any 'pagan' resisters who are unwilling to subordinate themselves to the slave morality of the crucified one or other 'savior' or 'messenger'/prophet (profit) figures (mohammed; zoroaster; krishna; christ; buddha,
According to Nimrod de Rosario's work "The Mystery of the Hyperborean Wisdom" and "Fundamentals of The Hyperborean Wisdom" jesus was a plasmation of the Demiurge who was manifested on the earth to preach his 'doctrine of the heart' as a rabbinical mechanism of binding (a magical bind via archetypal sympathetic magic to the thought forms of 'the father' and 'love', etc.) the Gentiles to the 'chosen people' as a flock of sheep who are shepherded by the priests of the order of Melchizedek, the rabbinate of which christ was allegedly a member though rebellious against the crystallized dogma of the 'scribes and pharisees'.
Hence he was claimed to be according to His-story manifested on the earth to rectify the dead letter of the law of the 'chosen people' and to expand the 'doctrine of the heart' into the gentiles as means of expanding the influential power of the will of Jehovah-Satan. As he (the christ) was alleged to have said that he was of Abraham (Saturn) the planetary archon that is Jehovah-Binah, the sephiroth or archontic sphere of that celestial potency.
Indeed this argues that perhaps 'the christ' as a man was conceived via parthenogenesis through the agency of one of the 'Yahweh collective' hypnotizing and instilling the archetype of his will into the alleged mother of 'the christ' and serving as the causa efficiens of 'the christ' on the earth. Assuming of course that there was a christ, his teachings have served their purpose of conditioning the population to a state of abject slavery, both the enslavement of the mind and that of the body.
The christian program played itself off against the muslim in the dialectic of polarity of archetypes with christianity embodying the feminine principle and Islam the masculine principle with the 'chosen people' as a middleman playing both ends against the middle and wrecking destruction in their wake. The ultimate end goal of the final conflagration was a synthesis of antitheses working in conjunction with their narrative of biblical and quranic prophecy correlated with the aeon and the cycles of Time to transition into the age of Aquarius or the 'messianic age' and the 'return of the christ archetype' as the re-manifestation of christ conferring his 'love-wisdom' in the form of a semitic despotism in a 'thousand years of peace'.
Within the Piscean age the expansion of the Jovial (Jupiterian) nature of 'christ' and his passive-aggressive violence was the protocol which, owing to perhaps unbeatable opposition from the 'pagans' had to be stepped up with its analog of Islam and hence Jibriol, the Saturnian E.T, was dispatched to confer upon the illiterate mohammed the Quran as the 'messenger' or profit of the Demiurge (presumably, though the writer is insufficiently familiar with islam, allah is equivalent to the Demiurge, Jehovah)?
Hence the spread of these ideological forms of the Demiurge over the earth undergone more or less contemporaneous to those of the dogmatized form of Buddhism in the far east. Buddhism became subject to the same influence of formalistic dogma and priestly caste despotism with its arid speculation and scholasticism though, as in the case of 'the christ' it arose in its original form as rebellion against that same priestly caste corruption only to metamorphose into yet another form thereof.
The His-storical narratives of these exoteric religious forms and their esoteric inner doctrine available only to the initiates constituted the 'culture pact' introduced into the midst of the 'gentile' nations. This made the authentic doctrine of the folk born of the 'blood pact' and re-calling the Origin, the eternal verity of Hyperborea, a distorted plagiary.
The 'chosen people' were a presence under the regimes of Zoroaster in Persia and Ashoka in the Indian subcontinent during the development of Zoroastrianism and Buddhism respectively thus indicating that the same rabble rousing propaganda was being undergone as a means of destroying the gentile nations from within, eliminating through incitement of the rabble to violence the nobility who preserved the blood pact through their mystique as the Hyperborean pontiffs and supplanting both them as its bearers and the Hyperborean wisdom itself with the artificially created religio-political 'culture pact' developed by the intruding saboteurs.
His-story thus marched forward with its iron shod boots over the corpses of the gentile cattle, who were the principal target for destruction by the synarchy: either they would willingly allow their own assimilation into the 'culture pact' as one of its priests (becoming a traitor siddha and violator of their Hyperborean blood and pact with the gods) else they would be killed through the fanaticism of the incited mob.
His-story thus is a downward spiral of degradation and by no means a process of beneficial and edifying 'evolution'. It is simply the evolution of all into a standardized hive mind structure subject to the vampirization and eventually (inevitable should the process continue) the erasure of their Spirit.
The end of His-story is thus necessary to prevent their fate that they who are unable to struggle against will suffer and the rebels still sufficiently vital to struggle against it may realize their destiny in re-turning to Hyperborea against the 'current of disintegration' of the Demiurge and that His-stories which facilitate this process.
The conditioning of the mind programs of religion have maintained the saturnine residence with the Aeon of Pisces with its lachrymose pathos of 'the doctrine of the heart' and its contemplative pacifism which pervades the entelechy of the Demiurge death cults of monotheism (the big five religions: the abrahamic Trinity of evil and Buddhism and the British formulation of Hinduism).
Guilt; shame and fear are the ec-stases of monotheism: guilt over being alive and an alleged 'fall' owing to 'immorality'(sin); shame over having 'fleshly inclinations' for 'unlawful carnal knowledge' and fear over an uncertain future based upon the adherence or transgression of the laws of Jehovah. These influences sum to a state of consciousness that approximates that of the pasu and would justly be called 'beast-consciousness' making the formulation of these religions a program for beast consciousness conditioning, a narrative scribed by pharisiacal black magicians for the purpose of reducing the 'gentiles' to this level of existence.
Beset by guilt (for something never done); shame (for an act not shameful) and fear (over a fate fear itself begets) the religious zealot of the laity binds themselves to their creed and to the Demiurge in hopes of succour from their unease, their existential malaise, but 'someday never comes' and the promise of Jehovah's son goes unfulfilled.
Should it ever be fulfilled (in whatever particular form, presumably in that of the 'second coming' of the Manu archetype) the programs' false promise will reveal itself as what it is namely a program or recipe for slavery, for the enchainment of the Spirit (the cold stone) in the soul (the fire of Jehovah) and rendering it a hot stone, a true stone of stumbling and the stone the builders of the Temple of Solomon would never reject as a mere 'brick in the wall' of the new Jerusalem, a mere captive Spirit doomed to extinction through being bound to 'The One' in samadhi, fusion with the Cosmic Vampire Jehovah-Satan.
The end of His-story thus must be brought to a close by any and all means else the simulacra of the synarchy will serve as substitutes for Truth and eo ipso will bring about the destruction of the captive Spirits on this earth. His-story marches on though the distortion of the aetherial presence of the Demiurge wanes with the flaring up of the Promethean flame of the Uncreated Light of the Virgin of Agartha in the coming age of Aquarius.
The critiques and exposures of the falsehood of His-story have all but dissolved the mythos of the semitic 'christ' such that the former milch cows of the 'chosen people' the aryans are now no longer oriented towards the simulacra of semitic pathos but rather towards the symbol of the origin which becomes ever more distinct as the aeon moves forwards towards the ragnarok and the 'end of His-story' in the end times of the Piscean death throes which will soon beget the new age of the Hyperborean civilization under the influence of the Aryan race and those who have decided to affiliate themselves with Truth and Justice instead of falsehood and duplicity.