The Great Deception
False Light of Shamballah
The Great Deception
Jehovah's web of illusion has been woven over the universe and has entangled the captive Spirits within its crystallized light. His aetheric webs span the cosmos and serve as the trap of entropy which he has thrown out of himself over all, capturing the independent Spirits and binding them in the envelope of the soul which is the extension of his being.
He causes the Spirit's gaze to be distracted from the origin of Hyperborea and directed downwards towards lower states of density, decelerated conditions of His will, His 'temporalization'. Lost in time the Spirits must find their way back and this entails having to confront the 'great deception' of the 'Deus Vult' or 'face of God', the omnipresent density of the vampiric Deity who seeks to absorbed the spirits energy into himself through such process of reversion, away from the origin and towards His omnipresence of substance of lowest density.
This is the 'great deception' of Jehovah-Satan, the manifestation of his 'Being' which is 'becoming', the transience of appearance and it's entropic expansionism. The captive Spirits' immersed in this acid bath of lower density are fed off and consumed by slow degrees by the Cosmic Vampire and His legions of archons and 'angelic' hierarchies, all of which serve the purpose of 'The One' in tearing down and destroying the (potentially) immortals of the realm of the Uncreated Spirit, of Hyperborea.
To face the 'Deus Vult' is to face ones' destiny and to decide whether he is willing or no to fight against the master of the universe also known as the Demiurge, or whether he is a pusillanimous sheep who would simply acquiesce before his master in fatalistic lamentation and 'fervent prayer'.
In so far as she is able to resist he has crowned himself with the laurel wreath, transmuting himself through himself in conquest of the vampire wolf Fenrir, the all-devouring, and has granted himself the potentiality through the recognition of the purely negative and inimical nature of the beast Jehovah-Satan.
Else he has conceded defeat in vivo and ever more, allowing his Spirit to merge with 'The One' in his devotional contemplations and passive obsequie, has placed himself in the claws of the great Satan having fallen for his great deception, that of the apparent 'good' of 'The One' and of a comportment towards 'The One' in the manner of a groveling castrated serf, praying and bowing without dignity before the external savior figure and his 'father in heaven'.
This father may occupy the lower heavens and indeed be their Creator yet the father is only the rapist of the virgin of Agartha (or would-be rapist as her purity of Eternal Light he could never sully with his vile plasmations). This sky father may be the master of the lower dimensions but these are merely the realms of deception, of His cosmic mirrors of illusion, His looking glass world of simulacra, not the realm of Eternity which is accessible only to the few.
The countless impressions and impingements of objects which bombard the captive Spirit at all times amounts to a barrage of the beasts' artillery against the hero who would fight against His system of slavery and indeed would destroy the Beast Himself, not only the Beast within, namely the soul and body which serves as his earthly prison but rather the Beast itself, namely the God of this world Jehovah-Satan and this gods' hierarchies of material potency, the planetary archons, the aeons, the legions of 'Angels' and myriad species of extra and intra-terrestrials (reptilians; insectoids,
The great deception manifests itself as a differentiated manifold of objects or entities all of which are designed as crystallizations of the higher forms fulfilling their entelechy or telos which is an extension of the will of 'The One'. These generate forms and perpetuate themselves and these are again further differentiated and combined according to the architectonic of the Demiurge, manifesting on the material plane as the entities which for the captive Spirits' have 'meaning' (eg. informational influence).
The body and soul trap in which they are contained as a prisoner is contained within an iron maiden of densest metal, fixed upon its spikes and holding it captive as a bug is held captive with a pin by an entomologist.
The myriad entities which serve to trap one in matter can be divided into two classes:
1) those which have a directly conscious intentionality towards absorbing the energies of the captive Spirits and
2) those which have such an intention only vicariously and incidentally.
In the former case the entities that are created by Jehovah-Satan (and that are embodiments of His consciousness, yet endowed with a consciousness of their own as semi-autonomous microcosms of himself the macrocosmic creator of their being) are those entities which most would recognize as agents of destruction or harm towards oneself in His incarnate Spirit-soul-body complex form.
Everything from leeches, to predatory animals to bacteria and microorganisms to higher entities of whatever description, have a motivation of vampirism, to absorb into themselves the energy of the captive Spirit.
In the latter case fall entities that absorb the energy of one's Spirit only as part of something other to itself such as higher entities who feed off whole geographical regions; dimensions and worlds are those which feed off certain types of effluvia or excreta of the captive Spirits' body and soul.
Hence one must recognize that he lives (as an incarnate Spirit) within the world of 'all against all' and fights the bellum omnium contra omnis against all that is other to himself, the only allies he has being his fellow captive Spirits who have not turned against their nature and sold themselves to Jehovah-Satan through religious entanglement or who have 'forsaken their first estate' and have 'gone the way of all flesh', living a worldly life as a reverted Spirit entangled in the great deception.
Hence the relationship of the captive Spirit who has quickened, has oriented himself towards the Origin through an activation of the blood memory, to the world of entities and their Creator Jehovah-Satan is one of animosity and antagonism, a fundamental hostility towards matter and it's degrading influence on the Spirit, it's constituting a trap in which the Spirit becomes enmeshed as a cage of leaden density and cast into the acid bath of the charnel house of the Demiurge.
No entities or material goods, regardless of their aesthetic charm or fascination matter to the awakened Spirit. For him only their utility to perform his duty matters and this may entail any number of means towards the end of the destruction of the matrix prison and of his liberation from the world of the tangible and perishable which he understands would, failing such hostility and self segregation from entities, lead towards his becoming an earthbound soul and towards his extinction however he may view it as being under the auspices of 'god'. To view the 'Deus Vult' ('face of god') with the lack of understanding of the danger of doing so is to allow oneself to be hypnotized by the face of the beast and allow his consumption by that same.
To covertly perceive the malevolent consequences of merging with 'The One' is to, given that the perceiver confronting this face recognizes that only a relationship of hostility thereto can ever attain a victory for the Spirit in his combat against the forces of darkness who would consume his essence.
Insofar he has not fallen for 'the great deception' of the 'god' of matter and His creation with its multifarious sense impressions but has pulled aside the veil and confronted the monster Jehovah-Satan and prepares to confront the Beast in a zero-sum battle to the death (for indeed he recognizes that his extinction as a potential immortal, fallen Spirit, exists as a necessity should he fail to perform his duty as a Berserker warrior and attain victory on this plane or victory in Valhalla.