The Hyperborean Mystery of the Pyramids
caveat: machine translated from the original spanish
By Christian Cortes
While some Viryas have rejected the pyramid per se, considering it "a demiurgic and synarchic symbol, peculiar to the peoples of the Fourth Covenant", it should be noted that such an assessment does not take into account the remote antiquity of the pyramids, which goes back to Atlantis itself, and the initiatoryesoteric value of the pyramids.
Certain synarchic factions, such as Freemasons, Rosicrucians, etc., have appropriated this ancestral Egyptian symbolism, such as the pyramid figure, the eye of Horus, etc., although its original initiatory meaning is much earlier.
A synarchic example of the use of pyramid symbolism is the pyramid-shaped tomb of Freemason Charles Taze Russe II, founder of the Watch Tower Society, who later became the known Jehovah's Witnesses.
Beyond this synarchic misappropriation, there are, on the other hand, a variety of occultists who have sought energetic, empowering, renewing and healing benefits from the pyramids, even using pyramids for scales. Pyramids were also used for this purpose in antiquity. However, the essential purpose of the pyramid function was different, only accessible to initiates.
Beyond the collective and external meaning attributed to the pyramids, as if they were great mausoleums, the truth is that the pyramids hide great secrets that go back to the wisdom of Atlantis. Mysteries hidden and covered under the sands of time.
From its own etymology, the word pyramid is derived from the Greek "pyr", fire, meaning also "pyramus" or "That which rises above the earth, or above the earth".
The Egyptian word for pyramid was "mer", meaning gravitation. Thus we have, from all these terms and denominations, the pyramid as a hidden firepower rising from the depths. This hidden fire is the uncreated black flame of the primordial darkness, which the initiate must awaken and awaken, raising itself like a pyramid.
Likewise, in Egyptian cosmogony, the pyramidion, or ben-ben stone, emerged from the depths of the Nun (the chaotic abyss of uncreated waters), as a vessel, bringing Siddhas who were known as Gods of ancient Egypt.
So it turns out that the pyramid was conceived as a machine for manifesting Gods! CoIosaIes machines of power and immortality, gigantic chemical caIderies, from which come forth adepts transmuted by the stone of cold fire, Gods.
In this sense, with the initiate being inside the pyramid, completely out of sync with space-time, the pyramid maintained an esoteric-secret archimonic functionality.
It is thus understandable that, being a vehicle to the abode of the gods, the pyramid was a stone construction of the secrets of the Egyptian Book of the Dead.
For, in addition, in pyramid pyramid hieroglyphic figures and in hermetically sealed enclosures, the ancient record of the ancient initiatory wisdom of Toth-Hermes is preserved. Name and term
which designates not only the god of wisdom Thoth, the bearer of the serpentine caduceus, but also a whole secret coIegium of initiates who belong to the successor lineage of Thoth.
Some occultists have referred to a certain underground chamber beneath the sphinx, which they say contains records of the lost Atlantis.
Needless to say, all official archaeohistorical research has denied and rejected this, as well as anything that might contradict official history.
The adepts or initiates of ancient Egypt knew the secret of the hieroglyphs, Medu-neteru , arabesque symbols to be used as geometrical projections of power, similar to the yantras, being activated and directed by the power of the secret or occult word. In such a sense the initiate had such a power of the word, that whatever he said could be understood as reality, without spatio-temporal limits, and was thus known as Maa-kheru, or "the lord of the voice".
This is analogous to certain initiates of ancient India, who, from the mastery of the Vishudha chakra, located at the level of the throat, whatever they ruled, was regarded as reality.
This is one of the meanings of the Vasuki snake coiled around Shiva's neck, since the chemical mutation caused by the snake's venom and antidote allows a certain power to be imbued in that chakra or energy centre in the throat area, so that everything it projects in sound form (dictates, statements and affirmations) becomes concrete, taking on that subtle energetic form. settlement on the physical plane.
In addition to the knowledge of certain secret mantras, bijas that enabled them to master the phenomena of the surrounding environment.
Similarly, returning to Egypt, having been initiated into the ophidian mystery of Neter or the mystery of the serpent, the initiate (very often a pharaoh), could transfigure himself by assuming the totemic mask of such-and-such a God, assuming the same God's roI and his power.
Considering the Egyptian meaning of "mer" or gravitation, there is here the secret link of the pyramid with the black, the dark, soI that possesses the powers of supreme gravitation, emanating outwards, and sucking inwards.
The apex of the pyramid represents Atum, the dark SoI himself, who emanates the Iados that make up the pyramid's angles. The four angles at the base represent the domain of the matter, the four elements. Power to be obtained by one who is liberated from his framing in matter and the spatial conditioning of the four cardinal points.
The power is then raised, represented by the triangle, the octagonal fire, towards the apex, the black sun!
Without going into the question of the enigmatic construction of the pyramids, where, suffice it to say, antigravity technology was used by moving the gravis, and without dwelling on the complex architectural proportions, where the measure Pi was used (which indicates that the pyramid contains the secret of the serpent), let us consider its function as an initiatory chamber.
In the so-called Cheops pyramid (which, despite its late name, is much older than the pharaoh Cheops), there are three main chambers, conventionally called the king's chamber, the queen's chamber, and the underground chamber.
In the king's chamber, a hermetically sealed and sealed (undefiled) sarcophagus was found, in which, curiously enough, there was no mummy. It was not a tomb, in the usual sense of the word, but a tomb in the usual sense of the word.
The initiate would lie down in a deep trance-like state, assisted by mystical hierophants, and would unfold himself into his Ka, travelling to the abodes of his Ka and his Ka, and would be able to see his Ka, his Ka and his Ka. the "mansion of the Gods".
After three days, and having acquired profound occult knowledge and terrible powers, he returned to the khat (physical body), where he was fully transmuted, having returned from the death. Thus embodying the mystery of Osiris.
He was thus acclaimed by the other initiates as a new Osiris, a Djedhi or transmuted immortaI.
Considering the initiatory character of the pyramids, it is now more comprehensible to know that their inner chambers possess the capacity to store electromagnetic energy by means of a complex circuit, a matter which is fully covered by synarchic anthropoIogy.
From the ritual sarcophagus, moreover, was received from either side of the pyramid, the eastern radiation of Orion, and Alpha Draconis (abode of the Draconi), representing respectively Horus and Seth, receiving and synthesising the power of both.
In the Sethite-oriented mysteries, we have that red Horus clears all obstacles, so that the initiate can access the dark power of Seth, which always remains hidden in the unnamed darkness. The secret
Gnostic occults of red and black are thus presented.
In addition to its initiatory and magical-esoteric character, the pyramid structure was also used for other purposes, such as the generation and use in ancient times of thermonuclear energy and eIectrochemistry. A lost science today....
It is understandable then how in later times, when these mysteries were already seen, historical figures such as Napoleon, and also according to some traditions, Alexander the Great and Julius Caesar, sought a hidden power lost inside the great pyramid.
As an example of an ancestral ancestry that was then dispersed in different Iatitudes, suffice it to say that if one were to draw a straight line from the great pyramid to America, it would lead directly to the site of another pyramid, the so-called "pyramid of the SoI" in Mexico!
And even more astonishingly, that pyramid constructions in Egypt, China and Mexico, of different sizes, were built in Iatitudes are built on lines of zero variation against the pole decay caused by the magnetic motion of the poles over time.
We have also concerning the mystery of the Sphinx, that according to certain records, to which some initiates have gained access through the faculty of anamnesia, at a certain time, thousands of years ago,
Egypt or Khem was also the seat of the Grail, and the Grail, that is to say, the Vruna of Oricaicum, was enlaced with the Grail on the very forehead of the Sphinx.
After the fusion of this world, in its repeated circular cycles in which everything returns, Egypt possesses the ultimate key, that which remains beyond time. That is to say, the ophidic substratum.
Thus, in a temporary instance of its own prior to the cycles of repeated manifestation, as an initiatory beacon also during the periods of manifestation, and remaining beyond and outside of all that is manifested, the ancient initiatory wisdom of Egypt remains. Being the signpost of that which is not affected by time, the pyramid itself.
For as an ancient saying, well known in Egypt, goes, "Though the whole world fears time, time fears the pyramids".