The Hyperborean Tradition
False Light of Shamballah
The Hyperborean Tradition
The tradition of the aryan, the foremost bearer and representative of the primordial gnosis, derives from the Hyperborean gods who had descended upon the earth to confer upon the population their wisdom, the technic of craftsmanship and other means of facilitating the evolution of the Demiurge.
Regardless of motives their conference of same was endowed in its inheritors who also partook of the lion's share of their blood and are thus those most possessed of that inheritance as of this time in the cycles of Time, they who are closest to the gods and best positioned to attain their place in the stars, the best endowed with the capacity for detachment and transcendence.
According to Miguel Serrano, who views this transmission of the incarnate Hyperboreans who descended to confer on the pasu beast-man their blood as a favorable and positive fact, the "god came into the daughters of men" as a means of liberating them from the lower density of the reincarnation trap of the Demiurge and thereby freeing the and Spirits that they may create a "kingdom of heaven upon earth" and become a co-creator with the Divine.
The view of Nimrod de Rosario who had dealings with Serrano is the opposite: that these 'fallen Angels' are servants of the Demiurge and incarnated on the earth to chain the Spirits to matter, to the material world and facilitate the evolutive process of the Demiurge's self-realization through the mixed type's becoming more able to confer meaning upon the entities of the Creation and presumably though he does not convey this, facilitate the vampiric absorption of their bio-energy via war; revolution and mass sacrifice.
The fact of their conference of the Hyperborean Wisdom on the beast-man by means of creating a hybrid time of Hyperborean virya has enabled the creation of a wound window in the matrix of the Demiurge, a higher state of spiritual elevation attained through this conference of blood which has its place in another dimension, that of Eternity.
The Hyperborean Tradition does not exist overtly in any of the synarchy's distorted heads of the Hydra but is the presence within most in a form reminiscent of the Gordian knot, tangled and twisted over millennia and perversely combined with the negative alien conference of Black Magic witchcraft, the arcane perversions of Shamballah.
The Hyperborean wisdom is that which inheres in the blood and cannot be re-called by any not possessing it. Only they who have the blood of the gods can recall the state of being, the condition of the Superman, which is equivalent to the condition of the awakened aryan transmuting himself into who he is in potentia from his comparatively base born state of lead.
He alone can understand the Hyperborean Wisdom as he alone has the essence of the gods in sufficient concentration to be able to kindle the blood memory within his inner being. The runes are the purview of the Hyperborean and none other are able to understand them to as great a degree (if at all) as the aryan his degraded descendant-still elevated above the 'men of clay' of the anti-race untermensch (menschentiere).
These vehicles of Truth, of primordial gnosis are the inheritance of the descendants of the gods and are the tools through which he awakens the blood memory, though in and of themselves they are neither sufficient nor requisite they are an effective instrument in re-calling the Origin-Hyperborea.
The rites and rituals of synarchic occultism are a typically semitized distortion of the Hyperborean Wisdom and all of the language and numerology is based upon the evolutive-tellurism, a pseudo-(artificial) transcendentalism based upon linguistic abstractions).
The synarchy's occultism is oriented towards a wooden architecture of artificial concepts and abstractions and thus has no transcendent quality but is a purely worldly created vitalism without any higher principles save those of 'human-all-too human' invention of the invention, of the menscehntiere the 'chosen people'.
These descendants, genetic hybrids, of reptilian and presumably other of the negative aliens (e.g. insectoids, etc.) are they mixed product their D.N.A together and created the jews to serve to undermine and destroy this very wisdom and its bearers through 'symbolic substitution' or 'change of meaning', i.e. culture distortion, the created/plagiaristic distortion of the 'blood pact' of the Hyperborean Wisdom.
The runes have been banned in certain Nordic countries just as they had been banned during the medieval age and this in itself indicates the threat this rune lore poses to the cabal and its agents, who recognize their potency in awakening the Spirit of the Hyperborean race, the greatest threat to their conspiracy for global enslavement.
The yoga; the rites and rituals of the synarchy are all bound up with E.Ts and other entities they work with, enabling possession and rendering them a mere possessed 'robot of the Demiurge' in Serrano's words. Their pseudo-gnosis is their 'down-going', their merger with 'The One' and by virtue of this very fact the extinction of their Spirit, fused in samadhi with their god Jehovah-Satan.
Only the Hyperboreans will escape this fate and they who serve the synarchy seeking preferment and elevation in its hierarchy of hypocrisy simply play the role of the fly entering into the web of the spiders which are the black hole entities, enabling their destruction unwittingly.