The Incarnation of Wotan
Miguel Serrano collected works
The Incarnation of Wotan
By Jost Turner
The great Swiss psychologist and the renowned founder of analytical psychology, Professor Carl Gustav Jung, understood that the Gods of old were personifications of psychic forces, and that they always remain in our consciousness until a certain general condition brings them back in full force.
He recognized the occurrence of such a condition during the early years of National Socialist Germany. He reported that the power of Wotan (the principle deity of our pre-Christian Forefathers) was possessing or incarnating in the entire German Folk.
In his 1936 essay, Wotan, Professor Jung describes National Socialist Germany as a Folk possessed and motivated by a psychic force which had been dormant within them from tribal times:
“…a God has taken possession of the Germans and their house is filled with a ‘mighty rushing wind’ … Perhaps we may sum up this general phenomenon as Ergriffenheit —a state of being seized or possessed. The term postulates not only an Zrgriffener (one who is seized) but also an Ergreifer (one who seizes). Wotan is an Ergreifer of men, and, unless one wishes to deify Hitler — he [Wotan] is really the only explanation.”
Professor Jung also recognized that the medium for this “possession” by Wotan was one man, Adolf Hitler, in whom the power and spirit of Wotan had incarnated:
“The impressive thing about the German phenomenon is that one man, who is obviously ‘possessed’, has infected a whole nation to such an extent that everything is set in motion and has started rolling…”
The full context of Professor Jung’s essay appears to be just what one would expect of any readily available published work. It compares the usual media portrayal of “Nazi” persecution and brutality with a very selected literal interpretation of Wotan. Professor Jung describes the Germanic deity of old as:
“…a restless wanderer who creates unrest and stirs up strife…He is the God of storm and frenzy, the unleasher of passions and the lust of battle; moreover, he is a superiative magician and artist in illusion who is versed in all secrets of an occult nature.”
However, Professor Jung was an expert on the unconscious and on interpretations of dreams and myths. As such, he would have certainly recognized Wotan as an allegory.
In addition, he was a former student of Freud and thereby familiar with the Jewish influence not only in the European medical establishment, but in the international news media as well. He was astute enough to see how jews were the powerful forces of International Finance, which were threatened by the economic policies of National Socialist Germany. He would have been aware of the impossibility of publishing anything contrary to the politically correct attitude toward National Socialist Germany. With this in mind and looking a little closer into the life of the great psychologist, we can see that Professor Jung actually wrote an allegory of his own.
From his essay, we can see that Professor Jung understood that National Socialist Germany was a modern-day revival of pre-Christian German tribalism, and it was certainly no secret that the ultimate goal of National Socialism (like all true tribalism) was to create an independent Folk-community (in this case independent from International jewish Finance) in order to bring forth a higher species of mankind. With such expertise in allegories, Professor Jung certainly would have understood that Wotan was the Euro-Aryan counterpart to the Indo-Aryan God Shiva, and as such, a personification of mankind’s rise to the highest evolutionary level. Since both the ultimate goal of National Socialism and the true nature of Wotan is to bring forth a more highly-evolved species of mankind, we can see that Professor Jung’s essay is an allegory, designed to get past the politically-correct publishers of the time.
Professor Jung’s close friendship with the well-known Chilean National Socialist writer, Miguel Serrano, confirms that he understood the true nature of National Socialism and Wotan. Both Miguel Serrano and Professor Jung studied and experimented in raising their own level of evolution, as well as that of all mankind. Miguel Serrano, who served as the Chilean ambassador to India studied and practiced ancient Indo-Aryan techniques of higher evolution, and he shared his experiences with Professor Jung. The following are revealing excerpts from a letter written by Professor Jung on September 14, 1960 to Miguel Serrano:
“When, for instance, the belief in the God Wotan vanished and nobody thought of him anymore, the phenomenon originally called Wotan remained: nothing changed but its name, as National Socialism has demonstrated on a grand scale. A collective movement consists of millions of individuals, each of whom shows the symptoms of Wotanism and proves thereby that Wotan in reality never died, but has retained his original vitality and autonomy. Our consciousness only imagines that it has lost its Gods; in reality they are still there and it only needs a certain general condition in order to bring them back in full force … we are very much in the same predicament as the pre-National Socialist Germany of the twenties…The power of Wotan is the manifold powers that are manifested in the highly-evolved (and which seem superhuman to the less evolved).”
As pointed out by Professor Jung and demonstrated by National Socialist Germany, this evolutionary power is dormant within all Aryans, and under the right conditions it can come forth. In National Socialist Germany, Adolf Hitler, one who was already highly-evolved enough to manifest the magnetism, intuition, and dynamic will which is inherent in the power of Wotan, began to raise the evolutionary level of all the Folk. It was this general rise in the evolutionary level of the German Folk (Folk-Consciousness) which made possible the great social and economic miracles which astounded the world.
Unfortunately, this threatened International Finance’s money monopoly. The jewish control of this hidden empire over the democratic and Marxist nations, as well as its ability to manipulate leaders world-wide, brought about the most destructive war in history, and still keeps the truth of National Socialism hidden from the public.
Professor Jung rightly saw the National Socialist Movement as a powerful, awesome incarnation of Wotan. But just as Wotan did not die with the forced conversion to Christianity, neither did Wotan die with the destruction of National Socialist Germany. Professor Jung proclaimed that Wotan is always within all Aryans, and we are now using ancient Aryan techniques which rapidly accelerate human evolution to train selected Aryans for another incarnation of Wotan, powerful beyond today’s comprehension, and powerful enough to bring about the golden age envisioned by Adolf Hitler.
The true God is the one who stays within the breasts of the people and works for their betterment in every moment of time.
Magnificent, Jost. 88! & Sinn Fein, Brother.