The Kalachakra Key
Miguel Serrano collected works
The Kalachakra Key
The history that we have referred to in the previous article, and
which is recorded in the chrono-cultural series of the Sacred Tiro dal Crystal Book, allegorically tells us about an incomprehensible
wonder and an immeasurable feat. The wonder constitutes, with out any doubt, the “Kalachakra Key,” the genius creation of the
Traitorous Siddhas that lends universal nature to the spiritual en chainment. And the feat, measureless, consists in having broken
the Kalachakra Key and in having comprehended its parts separate ly: this feat enabled Wotan to liberate himself from his own en chainment and to conceive a “strategic way of spiritual liberation,”
suitable for every Virya.
Let us begin with the Kalachakra Key. We have already men tioned that the Loyal Siddhas possess sufficient knowledge to con stitute artificial actual systems: the Crystal Books of Agartha’s Li brary are an example of such constructions. Well, the Kalachakra
Key is also an “artificial actual system”: the most powerful artificial
actual system ever constructed within the limits of the Solar Sys tem. And this product of the highest genius is, of course, the work
of the Traitorous Siddhas. Although the Kalachakra Key is de scribed in the axiological superobject, “The Resignation of Wotan,”
with other symbolic material, it is easy to see that it is an actual
system: the bit, with the spiral or “Sign of Pain,” is equivalent to the
“Emerging Cultural Object” (ECO); the octagonal handle, with the
Sign of the Origin, represents the “Referent Cultural Object” (RCO);
and the “iron shank,” which joins both signs, corresponds to the
“connection of meaning” or “cultural Record” of the artificial actual
system (Figure 85). In synthesis: in the structural system of the Hy perborean Wisdom, the Kalachakra Key of the Traitorous Siddhas
corresponds to an “artificial actual system.”
It is impossible for the lost Virya, who is the victim of its action,
to comprehend the dimensions of this enormous actual system;
however, they can be intuited to some extent if one a#ributes the
universal properties of an Archetype to the actual Kalachakra sys tem: as if it were a true Archetype, in effect, every Virya partici pates in the universal influence of the Kalachakra Key. This enor mous potency suggests the titanic characteristics of the Kala chakra actual system and raises two logical questions: what was
the Kalachakra Key constructed for, and how could an artificial ac tual system of universal archetypal dimensions be constructed?
These questions are answered in the following commentaries.
First - What was the Kalachakra Key constructed for? Answer:
The Kalachakra Key was constructed to make the spiritual en chainment possible. That is to say: we already explained in differ ent parts of the work, the “technique of the genetic key” of the Trai torous Siddhas, by which the human design is re-signed and the
spiritual enchainment is caused; well: this “cause” is “possible” only
by the “universal” action of the Kalachakra Key. It is necessary,
then, to clarify how the Kalachakra Key makes the enchainment of
the Spirit possible. This will not be difficult if we recall that every
designated entity presents a double ontological determination, a
“universal terminus” coming from the universal Archetype, and a
particular terminus, affirmed by the Logos Aspect of the Demiurge:
“the universal terminus of the entity, its being-in-itself, grants it
universal existence and an evolutive impulse, while the particular
terminus, the design or being-for-man, ensures it specific individ ual existence” (page 477). In the case of the Paśu, “The essential ma trix subposed by the demiurgic Logos puts an individual terminus
to the human nature, which the Manu Archetype grants to the po tential microcosm: thus exists the Paśu, the animal-man who evo lutively progresses toward the Manu entelechy or actual micro cosm” (page 498). In synthesis, the demiurgic design’s principle of
individuation, the essential matrix, only acts in order to put a par ticular terminus to the a priori determinations of the Manu Arche type: human nature, universal, proceeding from the evolutive im pulse, makes individual existence possible.
But, behold, the genetic key of the Traitorous Siddhas, causing
the spiritual enchainment, consists in re-signing the human design,
i.e., in modifying the “principle of human individuation”: and this
can only be “possible” if a “universal” principle permits it. It is now
understood that the Kalachakra Key is the universal principle that
makes the individual action of the genetic key in every Virya possi ble: without the universal influence of the Kalachakra Key, the in dividual re-signation in the design of every Paśu could not be
maintained, nor its inheritance in the blood memory.
Of course, it will not be easy to comprehend this universal ac tion of the Kalachakra Key, which equates it to a universal Arche type, for: “The Traitorous Siddhas, faced with the impossibility of,
in any way, modifying the universal Archetypes, which are directly
sustained by the Will of The One, decided to operate on the Paśu
design, permanently modifying the destiny of the animal-man”
(page 233). It means that the universal action of the Kalachakra Key
is to be exercised, not on the Beauty Aspect or Active Intelligence,
which sustains the Archetypes, but on the Logos Aspect, i.e., on the
designating aspect of every entity. But, how is a universal, artificial
principle to operate in order to alter the function of the Logos As pect that individualizes each entity, i.e., each Paśu? Answer: Un doubtedly, by somehow encompassing the total reality of each
Paśu, and affirming the genetic key in each one, in such a way that
the effect is in every way similar to the universal action of an Ar chetype. And that is how the Kalachakra Key operates: by means of
an artificial actual system of colossal dimensions, the Traitorous
Siddhas have achieved a universal effect that makes the individual
genetic key of the lost Virya possible. A deeper comprehension of
such a system requires the knowledge of its construction.
Second - how could an artificial actual system of universal ar chetypal dimensions be constructed? Answer: We can contribute
li#le here about the construction of the Kalachakra Key, having at
our disposal only the “Fundamentals” of the Hyperborean Wisdom:
in truth, it requires more than the Second Hyperborean Initiation
in order to glimpse the secrets of its construction. That is why we
will affirm, by means of sentences, only those aspects that have
clear significance in the context of the structural systematics of the
Hyperborean Wisdom. It is not necessary to insist that these sen tences allude to the most guarded of Earth’s secrets . . . and also to
the most dangerous.
The Kalachakra Key is an artificial actual system constituted
between the Earth and the Sun. Thanks to this system, all the radi ant energy of the Sun is permanently intercepted. But the incan descent celestial body that we usually denominate “the Sun” is only
the physical, exterior appearance of a solar demiurge nicknamed
“the Solar Logos,” precisely because it expresses the Logos Aspect
of The One: from the Sun, accompanying the radiant spectrum, the
voices of the Solar Logos reach the Earth with the message of all
the individual entities’ designs; among them, the voices of the Paśu
designs. In order to intercept these voices, the Kalachakra actual
system was designed and constructed.
One must discard the simple idea that the Earth and the Sun are
the “ECO and RCO” cultural objects in the actual Kalachakra sys tem: however, there is a permanent bond between the two celestial
bodies. The explanation is the following: the Kalachakra actual
system has been constituted “between two symbols,” one found on
Earth and the other on the Sun. The solar symbol is the functional
matrix of the law of evolution or symbol of the “Paśu design’s ontic
autonomy,” i.e., the sacred symbol of the Paśu. The Earth symbol is
the “Symbol of the Origin,” plasmated in every Virya by effect of the
genetic key. Between the two symbols, the Traitorous Siddhas af firmed, millions of years ago, a connection of meaning and consti tuted the actual Kalachakra system: that is why, at all times, there
is an invisible cultural Record between Earth and the Sun. Through
that bond, traversing its extension dimension, must circulate the
voices of the Logos Aspect, the Paśu designs that will thus be re signed by the Symbol of the Origin.
The Kalachakra Key being an actual system, it can be analogi cally represented by Figure 81. We are to suppose, then, that the
ECO “is on the Sun,” although “as coversign (E),” it manifests itself
on Earth: this “ECO” is none other than “the sacred symbol of the
Paśu,” the spiral, i.e., “the Sign of Pain”; the RCO, on the other hand,
is on Earth, but, as coversign (R), it is also on the Sun: such an RCO,
of course, is the Symbol of the Origin. The functioning of the actual
system consists in adjudicating a “particular value” to the ECO or
“functional matrix of the law of evolution” through the connection
of meaning with the RCO or Symbol of the Origin: in this way, the
Paśu designs that circulate through the extension of the bond, and
that thereby establish a relative connection, are modified in their
functional matrix of the law of evolution, i.e., they are re-signed by
the Symbol of the Origin in its snail design. And this action is clear ly “universal,” i.e., it affects “every Paśu design.”
The schema of Figure 81 has yet another important utility, apart
from showing how the Kalachakra Key functions: in effect, by
means of it, it is possible to comprehend where Chang Shambhala,
the city of the Traitorous Siddhas and the White Hierarchy, is actu ally located. Let us advance, then, that Chang Shambhala is situat ed in the transituative nucleus of the actual Kalachakra system,
i.e., between Earth and the Sun, in a “polydimensional conic nucle us” that is invisible to the Paśu and the lost Virya: knowing, now,
where the abode of the Traitorous Siddhas is located, the following
strategic principle should be clear: “whoever a"empts against the
spiritual enchainment, destabilizes Chang Shambhala.” In other
words, whoever “decreases the number” of Hyperborean Spirits in
enchainment, for example, by revealing a “way of spiritual libera tion” as Wotan did, weakens the bond of the Kalachakra actual sys tem and endangers the existence of the accursed city. Thus is ex plained the aggressive susceptibility that the demons of Shambha la exhibit in the face of any a"empt to strategically reorient the
lost Viryas or, inversely, their evident interest in keeping everyone
in deception and confusion. Naturally, today, in the midst of the
darkness of the Kaly Yuga, the bases of Shambhala are stronger
than ever; however, we should not despair: the next coming of the
Führer, when the Pure Blood of the eternal ss “forces the city of hor 762
ror to emerge in front of the Sun, and the Earth appears concave,”
will put an end to this situation.
But, knowing where Chang Shambhala is located is of li"le use if
we do not indicate where its doors are, through what frightful
opening one enters the world of nameless evil. But the answer is
simple, although it may surprise the lost Viryas: everywhere; i.e.,
the door is located anywhere in which one affirms the coversign (E)
of the Kalachakra actual system. Why? Answer: because the path
to Chang Shambhala begins at the “entrance chamber” of the
Kalachakra actual Record, i.e., at coversign (E). And it should be
noted that, as the extension of the actual system is “between Earth
and the Sun,” it is not necessary to place oneself in the HICP in or der to face the coversign because “the Kalachakra actual system
offers its comprehension from the front”: it is enough only to affirm,
facing the Sun, the sacred symbol of the Paśu so that coversign (E)
gives way to the entrance chamber.
It should be clarified that it is not easy for the Viryas to open
these doors; and this is for two principal reasons. The first is that
the Viryas, upon having the sacred sign of the Paśu re-signed by
the genetic key, could never project it and affirm it in the world
with the necessary perfection: only the Paśus can express it with
exactitude; or the Hyperborean Initiates, since the graceful will of
their awakened Ego allows them to force the conscious subject to
project it exteriorly. The second source of difficulty comes from the
guardians at the entrance chamber, those to whom it is of no inter est whatsoever that the Virya should enter it . . . except when the
White Hierarchy has authorized it, i.e., when the Virya has been de ceived and is intended to be used for the benefit of some strategic
area of the universal Synarchy. The conclusion of all this, as it
could not be otherwise, tells us that the path to the White Hierar chy is only cleared for the Paśu or the synarch initiate, that is to
say, for the one who has experienced the “draining of the Symbol of
the Origin.” The Hyperborean Initiate, on the other hand, even
when he knows how to open the door toward the hell of Chang
Shambhala, would never do it unless an action of war or the Kairos
required it.
It is worth adding something else about “the path to Chang
Shambhala”: a mention of “fixed doors,” which exist in various
parts of the world and that permit access to the entrance chamber.
The origin of such doors is the following: the Traitorous Siddhas
have handed over to the White Hierarchy the entrance chamber of
the Kalachakra actual system and entrusted it with its custody,
also authorizing them to use it for the strategy of the universal
Synarchy. As a result of this, the Masters of Wisdom have dedicated
themselves to affirming the entrance chamber in different parts of
the world and to situating, at each one, an axiological superobject
suited to their particular strategic “mission”: in front of each en trance, they have posted guards armed with the sacred symbol of
the Paśu, with the order to allow passage “only to those who bear
the password”; this word, or sign, is a password with which the
fools who come there believe the door to “magically” open; and that
word, or sign, of course, has been “revealed” to them, in the synar chic organization to which they belong, so that “they make the ini tiatory journey.” In this way, numerous similar dens, sometimes in
the form of a temple, sometimes in the form of a palace, sometimes
in the form of a paradise, etc., have been created in the course of
the centuries. In other words: within each culture, i.e., in the capac ity of its superstructure, the Masters of Wisdom affirm the en trance chamber and situate an axiological superobject with a cor responding cultural space; in its context, according to the historical
needs of the evolution of myths, they usually construct the charac teristic ambits: for example, a pagoda, a synagogue, a church, a
mosque, an initiatic cave, a sacred mountain, an enchanted island,
a land of the ancestors, a lost valley, etc., etc.; then, one of the mas ters, under the form of a “Divine envoy,” “Avatar,” “Messiah,” etc.,
presents himself giving signs of his power, constitutes a priestly
caste and founds a secret society, to which comes his “revelation”:
the key, word, or sign, of the entrance chamber. It is not worth de tailing, because it is easy to imagine it, the quantity and variety of
falsehoods that have been analogously gestated. And all this with
the sole aim of maintaining control over the confused Hyperborean
lineages until the day in which the universal Synarchy succeeds in
enthroning the sacred race of the Demiurge on Earth.
It is clear, in the end, that the presence of the entrance chamber
in different places of the world has induced many empty-headed or
unimaginative people, or simply devotees of the Hierarchy, to blind ly uphold that in such places is located Shambhala itself: those
persons, of course, believe that Shambhala is a city of saints and do
not suspect, or dare to imagine, that in reality it is a spatial base of
extraterrestrial beings.