The Laws and Those Above the Law
The Demiurge creates matter, the material universe of density which is structured according to the laws of His Mind, the causal nexions which obtain in their emanation in the forms of the creation; their interrelationships and reciprocally conditioning influences.
This is the template of 'the law' of 'The One', the creation and its clockwork mechanism of operation. To perpetuate the clockwork mechanism, to wind the cosmic clock, the chosen people have had conferred upon them 'the law' or 'Torah' which entails myriad permissions; prohibitions and obligations that prescribe a rigid lifestyle and general modus vivendi of 'ora et labora' in which they must adhere to every 'jot and tittle' of 'the law' lest they receive some form of karmic repercussion against themselves through their 'sins' or 'transgressions of the law'. This is the general template of the Demiurge for the maintenance of His terrestrial slave prison to the level of His 'chosen people'.
Beyond this is prescribe the law of subordination to 'the chosen people' inherent in their Torah and Talmud and which regulates and determines the conduct of life's course of those they deem mere 'cattle' or goyim. This has been the template in various forms of manifestation on the earth since the time of Lemuria and is expounded upon in the OAHSPE Bible, a revelation of paleo-history by the 33rd degree Freemason John Newbrough.
The laws of the Torah and the Noahide laws superimposed upon the 'goyim' by their jewish overlords are the chains that bind them in the prison of the Demiurge and facilitates His evolutive self-realization and the inevitable absorption of the entities that become part of His creation or which were primordially His created beings.
To adhere to the Noahide laws is to bind oneself to the Will of 'The One' and become assimilated into the Hive Mind of Jehovah-Satan, to become absorbed into Him post mortem while suffering the weakening of the soul through one's 'earnest devotions'.
The Hyperboreans have no need of the laws of the Demiurge as they are immortal and exist beyond time and space in the Uncreated Spirit of Eternity. Their laws are their own and they do not answer to any inferior deity such as the blind god Jehovah Satan but rather to their own Will and Mind, to themselves.
As Immortals they are not subject to His laws of time and space but are beyond them and can never be touched by them though their fleshly vehicles suffer destruction at the hands of the Enemy and through his agency.
Their laws necessitate struggle not an acquiescence towards 'the one' and 'His will' but rather an attunement to the Uncreated Spirit wherein they dwell. They may act within the world yet not be of the world and are unaffected by the transience of appearances. They are a law unto themselves subordinate to none and decide their own Destiny antecedent to any incarnate form.