The Lizard Men
Excerpt from Disertación Hiperbórea taken from Luis Felipe Moyano's writings on Mythology.
Hyperborea, referring to the lizard men. This is all there is on the subject in these writings of Luis Felipe Moyano. Note that at the end of the excerpt the author ends the subject. The subject now continues in the writings of Christian Cortes. The information currently being downloaded comes from the same hyperborean source.
The present concept will be described only as much as is necessary to clarify the status that "feathers" confer on other designs, making them active determinants of initiatory arguments.
At the time of the WHITE TRAITION the Hyperborean Spirits, having entered through "THE GATE OF VENUS", were at a level of universal quantification signified by the sulphurous atmosphere of Venus, and therefore linked to the functional matrices of the serpent design, which make up the particular organic structures of the only creatures that support the highest percentage of volcanic emanations in their habitat; THE LAKARTS.
It is logical then, that the reality of them refers to the Origin of the Spirit, that in order that this idea of the "DIVINE ORIGIN" and its powerful presence in the memory of the blood of the virya, not to the "DIVINE ORIGIN", the "DIVINE ORIGIN" of the virya, should not be a "DIVINE ORIGIN".
interferes with the "sublime" soul origin of the transmigrating Monad, the most committed organic lines or species of the Saurians, AT THE TIME OF THE CONSTITUTION OF THE KALACHACRA WERE SUBMITTED TO AN ALUCINATING MUTATION WHICH TURNED THEM INTO BIRDS, giving rise to the The solar initiatory path proposed by Manu through the angelic winged forms that the Traitor Siddhas pompously like to wear, for the consumption of the rapt adoring souls of so much light, was thus assured; in reality those wings are only the proof of that incredible mutation that even they maintain... a "sacred" disguise.
In the Norse legend of Siegfried, it is narrated that when Siegfried pulls the sword out of the dragon Fafner's body, he is stained with the dragon's blood and when he puts his hand to his mouth, he realises that by sucking the blood, he has been able to get it out of the dragon's body. dragon's blood can understand the BIRD'S LANGUAGE; the blood of the dragon Fafner, UPDATES THE MEMORY OF BLOOD AND IT UNDERSTANDS ITS NATIVE LANGUAGE OF LIZARDS
The Aztecs and Mayas represented the earth as a monster in the form of a reptile or lizard. The creature called Cipactli is in the form of a lizard or crocodile, whose skin made of plates and grooves resembled the roughness of the earth's surface. The cosmogonic myths depict this great lizard floating on the primordial sea, representing the earth in formation in the wondrous days of the dawn of the world. If we look again at the depiction of Capricorn in the clause: "The chimerical aspect Goat", we can now interpret that, in its lower part, the child treading on a lizard on the left, and a man stepping on a snake on the right, are respectively the beginning and end of the time of microcosmic evolution. It was a symbol of creation, the beginning and the ancient.
The Mixtecs have a legend in which they say that when the gods created the world they took a lizard and split it in two, one half formed the sky and the other, the earth. Its back was the bark and all the trees and herbs, flowers and fruits grew there. From its thorns were formed the valleys and mountains; its nostrils were caves and from its eyes sprang the wells and fountains; from its mouth came forth the rivers and its open jaws were the great cavern, the entrance to the underworld or the world of the dead.
Card number 22, according to the Marseilles or Egyptian tarot, appears as; THE CRAZY or THE RETURN respectively, the ambiguity of the card is due to the fact that the individual can star in "THE INITIATIC RETURN TO THE BEGINNING OF TIME", symbolically stepping on the lizard of the beginning or starring in "THE EVOLUTIONARY REGRESSION OF THE MISERY OF THE RABIES-SICK SOUL into the troubled waters primordial of the unconscious, where in fact, the lizard dwells, as we can observe in the image of card 22 in its variant of "The Madman", described in the article; "The Chimerical Serpent Aspect".
It is clear from these mythological accounts the presence of the lizard in THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD... OF THE WORLD REARRANGED, POST-KALACHACRA.
No more needs to be said about it, and the mystery surrounding this concept can only be solved in the world of the LIZARD MEN, THE HYPERBOREANS OF VENUS.
You have any material on the study of lucid dreaming, astral projection, DMT, LSD tripping, etc.? All these dimensions that people see, are those illusions created by archons?