The Masks of Lilith
Miguel Serrano collected works
The Masks of Lilith By
Fernando Trujillo
According to Jewish folklore Lilith was the first woman created by God and given to
Adam, when Lilith refused to be submissive to man.
l Eden being cursed by Jehovah and joining the hosts of Lucifer.
Since then Lilith has walked the earth being considered the first faith minister in
history, for Judeo-Christianity Lilith is the wife of Satan and mother of demons, for
the Gothic culture she is the mother of vampires and for others she is the mother
of humanity.
In Semitic culture Lilith is a succubus, a sexual demon that seduces men in their
dreams to steal their souls, like a kind of female Freddy Kruger.
In the Sumerian culture Lilith is called Lilitu and has the same function of sexual
demon as in the Semitic culture.
All these attributes and names that have been given to her are nothing more than
masks that she has used in her walk through the centuries, repudiated by the Semites
and venerated by the Gothics in her disguise as Queen of the Vampires, the goddess
has reinvented herself in this way.
centuries of history. Goddess, demon, vampire, mother, prostitute, feminist and
virgin - all these titles are the masks under which Lilith has walked with us.
Lilith, like her husband Lucifer, has worn a different mask in each period of
history. Professor Jung said that archetypes cannot be killed or banished, they
always come back with a new mask.
Can you discover her? She is in the ancient Greek religion under the name of
Aphrodite, the Germanic peoples worshipped her under the name of Freya and in
ancient India she was called Kali the goddess of destruction, as in the story Carmilla
by S heridan Le Fanu in her Vampire Queen mask. She can be found in ancient re
lieves as a goddess of fertility or as a goddess of sexuality, she can also be found in
the ancient world.
You can see her as an old woman full of wisdom or you can see her as a dark
goddess who brings destruction and misery.
The goddess is multiple, in her aspect as maiden, mother or old woman she is the
connoisseur of magic, the one who initiates the man or woman on the way to a higher
These three aspects are masks of the same goddess, that goddess who drives
men mad and introduces initiates into that secret world of magic and
symbols. The goddess walks with a new mask being loved, repudiated and feared.
It is ironic that Judaism despises and fears the figure of Lilith since many of its
heroines fulfill the archetype of the prostitute, Esther seduced the king of Per sia so
that he would not persecute her people while Judith seduced the Babylonian general
Holofernes and on her wedding night murdered him. For Judaism (as well as its son
Christianity and its twin brother Islam) Lilith is a perverse being, a devil who leads
men to destruction, a despicable whore and all for refusing to submit to her husband
and defy Jehovah, well apparently for the Semites prostitution is not a sin as long as
it fulfills its purposes.
Is the Virgin Mary another mask of Lilith? This will surely outrage many fundamentalist
Christians when they hear it, but it is true, in reality the figure of the Virgin Mary is
another mask of Lilith.
of the Virgin Mary (as well as other Virgins) comes from the pagan goddesses of
antiquity, an archetype that early Christians adopted into their divine pantheon and of
course is another of Lilith's disguises in her guise as a virgin goddess.
The Virgin Mary is Lilith, just as Jesus Christ is another mask of Lucifer, our God.
he heroes have again deceived the masses with their disguises. This is part of an
esoteric Christianity however this is a separate issue.
On the other hand, Lilith is also the feared Babalon the Scarlet Woman, the wife of the
of the Beast which rides a naked dragon and symbolizes the fear of the gods.
Christian bears to female sexuality.
Thus Lilith plays a double role as Virgin Mary and Scarlet Woman in the metaphysical
comedy of existence. The Virgin and the Prostitute are two sacred archetypes,
two aspects of the goddess. Judeo-Christianity, by venerating one over the
other, has restored the cosmic balance.
In all cultures there has always been a veneration of the goddess in her two aspects:
as a sacred virgin and as a prostitute, these two archetypes have always been present
in all cultures.
are not antagonistic as Judeo-Christianity later became, but two opposite poles that
complement each other.
The function of the sacred prostitute in some cultures was to teach young people the
mysteries of sexuality by giving herself in sacred rituals, on the other hand in ancient
Rome there were the Vestals, virgin women who were revered and respected for
their sacred character within society. In those women the goddess was manifested
both in her character as an untouchable virgin and as a sacred prostitute.
Nowadays these women are worshipped unconsciously, celebrities and public
figures are the object of worship by the modern human being, in a world where God
is dead and the spirit of the rational dominates is when the human being in all his
existential emptiness needs to worship something that is superior to them and
compensate their inner emptiness. This superior being can be a superhero.
comic book character, a video game character or in this case a celebrity. Archetypes
have many disguises in these modern times.
Let's take pop singer Taylor Swift as an example, who unconsciously plays the role of
the sacred virgin, her innocent figure and her angelic voice attracts.
in a horde of faithful concert-goers who devoutly buy his albums.
They stick their posters in their rooms and sing their songs with fanatic joy, just like
the cult of the virgin.
On the other hand, porn actress Sasha Grey involuntarily plays the role of sacred
prostitute, her bad girl attitude, her overflowing sexuality, her seductive and seductive
gaze are the fantasy of men and women who devoutly watch her movies and
download her pictures from the internet. Sasha Grey, just like Lilith and the
The Scarlet Woman of the Bible also attracts the hatred of fundamentalists who
condemn her to Hell, call her a whore and call her a sinner.
Nowadays, any woman, whether she is a virgin or a prostitute, has the power to
be a goddess.
It is possible that Lilith is Dante's Beatrice, the Dulcinea of Don Quixote and even
Siegfried's Brunhilde. The A-Mada whom the hero has to save, the hero performs
many feats, fights dragons and goes through many dangers for the sake of his
unattainable lady.
This is the same philosophy of courtly love of the Middle Ages and can be seen in
fairy tales when the prince faces many dangers and in the end succeeds in
winning the love of his maiden.
Not everyone is worthy of Lilith's love, that is why she abandoned Adam and for that
reason she gave herself to Lucifer and Cain, the first great warrior, only the initiates
can access her, their love for her is an overcoming of death and a conquest.
of immortality.
In the mystical novel Demian by Herman Hesse appears Eva, Max Demian's mother, for
whom the protagonist Emil Sinclair feels a deep love. Eva is the woman
idealized both in the visions and in the reality of the protagonist.
Eve is another disguise of Lilith in her aspect as the mother of humanity, loved by
the initiate (Sinclair) and who is faithful to her.
As in Sinclair's dreams, the goddess appears in the dreams of the ini
The only one who deserves it will have it will have it, and only the one who deserves it will
have it. Only the one who deserves it will have it in
their arms.
The Great Mother, the unattainable maiden, the princess in danger, the best
friend, the celebrity of your dreams, the virgin and the sacred prostitute the
image of Lilith.
h is a part of the human soul, a voice that speaks to initiates in their dreams.
and that manifests itself in every woman.
The first love of childhood and the lust awakened by a sensual woman are
manifestations of that goddess who walks among us, awakening our libido.
mocking religious dogmas and pushing us to reach eternity.
Lilith is initiation through sexuality, is freedom and is the feminine ideal.
disguised in various masks and forms, walking through cycles with a new mask,
dancing through eras eaten away by decay, Lilith always returns with a new mask
like her husband Lucifer, one can disown her and love her or on the contrary one can
venerate and love her when one discovers her in her current mask. As a pagan the
latter suits me very well
Great article, but Taylor Swift, Sasha Grey, Katy Perry, Miley Cyrus, Arianna Grande, etc. and all Illuminati pop star sex kittens, "female" actresses, porn stars, politicians, and celebrities in general are transsexual androgynes. As such, they can only have intercourse, "Where the sun don't shine."