I am writing this text in order to be able to demonstrate as far as possible what relationship the symbols of the Hebrew kabbalah have with the hyperborean mystery of liberation while trying to answer some questions typical of spiritual people who do not find a clear reference point for the time in which they live.It is not a question here of creating dogmatic rationalism about the possibilities of liberation of the virya (the complexity of the ways can produce energetic phenomena inexplicable in the runic concert(1)), nor to try to demonstrate which is the only possibility to complete the state of normality of the EHRE sphere and the consequent attainment of the SELBST or psychic totality of our integrated self (the term was coined by the creator of depth psychology, the Swiss Carl Gustav Jung, who, stuck to the academic limits of his own teaching, could not define what was the depth of such a concept in the context of the essential cosmic war.
At the same time I allow myself the license to use different symbolic languages, among them I make special emphasis on ASTROLOGIC , with the task of continuing the same interpretative line that has followed the Jungian school in recent decades and in which even our comrade Felipe Moyano found the roots on which he elaborated his innovative work in a language that followed the tradition of Western thought as a way to block the sense that was taking such materialistic dialectic.
It should be noted that the ASTROLOGICAL discipline is a language of the Kalachackra and it is not a matter of POSITIVISTICALLY affirming its designs as do the psychologists belonging to the NEW AGE movements and their books tending to the genre of SELF-HELP, which is basically a subterfuge of approval of this Mátrix in which we live (being a postor of meaning of the cultural structure) .............................................
to perceive the MAP OF THE CAVERN'S JAIL where we are imprisoned (following the well-known platonic myth), to face the MOIRAS AND the DAIMON of FATE in the contest of the deployed forces, "to aim at the star and not to stare at the finger", to burnish the scales of the loriga or to know the hypnotic score that spits the breath of Brahma in our own realities from inside a PARTENON bristling with TYR edges because according to the volume II of the fd of the sh:
Or in other words: The more we detach ourselves from the forces deployed in the matter that surrounds these planes of subjected incarnation and that make their order possible, the more autonomy at the ontic level we achieve on our path to liberation.
However, there is no common esotericism among the viryas (nor a unique doctrine) since it would be falling into the cultural error of RATIONALISM or structural limit of the gnoseological horizon Pasu...The symbol establishes a limit to this same cognitive faculty (the NUMEN is not a ponderable category in the prison of the spirit) between that which is partially glimpsed and its result: THE PARADOX (as a double formal opposition) which has as an ideal goal the creation of a noological ethics.
differentiated from each one of them (it is something deeper than the imprint of the lineage, but the true sense of the SELBST) only produces synchronous phenomenon coincident with that hyperborean that reached the greatest depth in the mystery, the charismatic POLAR center of gravity: These are the siddhas of Agartha KIEV and THYR, who in the Kairos of the rune of Victory show the revelation of hyperborean yoga to the members of OCTIRODAE( order of the Tyrodal knights of America and Spain) and its consequent dynamic-practical utilization.
This text does not have the mission to show the history of the kabbalah, its different branches and interpretations, the possible conflicts that arose between the members of the interpretative factions for the possible definition of its limits or the same trajectory of its acceptance by the peoples that were assimilated to the cutural pact (and died for the identification of their own blood idiosyncrasy).
The hyperborean knows by the action of his minné that there existed before this kabbalah an original or proto- alante Kabbalah in which there was no inversion of archetypes, (Hinanyargarba kabbalah according to Miguel serrano) which, used by the initiate, could produce pure phenomena of creation, alien to any karmic link or dependent on the approval of the hierarchies of higher evolutionary level within the elaboration of the plan.
The original mutilated Kabbalah would remain in the hands of some hyperborean lineages responsible for the Orphic mystical currents and the genesis of oblique myths such as the quest of the Argonauts, according to other authors It would also have its scope of expression in the pontifical rituals of Rome and the canons of
the classical arts, leading its geometry and embodied in the awakening of the runic consciousness of the sleeping virya.
What is Kabbalah?
"The circuit of the fixed archetypes or emanations of the breath of the demiurge-brahma, Jehovah.
by the Hebrew letters, 10 sephiroth, 32 paths of wisdom and 50 gates of intelligence, in their classical terms. It is subdivided into three triads (the 9 primary numbers and the 10 of malkuth, manifestation-Earth) and 3 pillars of severity (left passive), balance (central neutral) and mercy (right active)".
Its drawn representation alludes to the direct symbol of the cosmic tree and worlds
In it we can also perceive the SPIRAL or sacred symbol of the pasu when, especially when we unfold it by tracing Jacob's ladder through the four planes or worlds of manifestation and unite the limits of the figure in a single limiting form.
the Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters: 3 mother letters, 7 double letters and 12 single letters.
Each letter has numerical, primary symbolic, general symbolic and philosophical value. There are also the final letters, which, because they are used at the end of a word, have a different numerical value than the one they originally had.
Three Mother Letters: They are related to the Elements. Aleph:
Air; Mem: Water; Shim: Fire.
Seven Double Letters: Signifying Cosmic and Human Duality. Beth, Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Phe, Tau, Resch.
Twelve Simple Letters: Related to the Zodiac Constellations. He, Vau, Zain, Chet, Teth, Iod, Lamed, Nun, Samech, Ayin, Tzade, Qof. Final Letters: They are used at the end of a word and have different values. Kaph, Mem, Nun, Phe, Tzade.
The kabbalah can be subdivided into several types according to its use, since it is a geometrical-mathematical figure.
linked to an alphabet allows the approach to its mystery from different logistical and perceptive angles:
-I. Dogmatic: Consists of the study of its texts from an academic and historical perspective.
-Practice: Its esoteric magical use through theurgical rituals. Talismans, use of stones and objects of symbolic reference according to the principle of identification by analogy... Invocations and evocations of the hierarchical hosts of matter... Druids of the cultural pact were experts in it and all of them.
-Literal: Divided into 3.1 Gematria, it consists of analyzing the philosophical value of the numbers referring to each letter and with them the underlying word formation; 3.2 Notaricon or value of the letters of the beginning and end of the words and 3.3 Temurah: the result of the different combinatorial operations of formation with all the letters that constitute a word.
-Unwritten: prophetic, revealed, expression of the priestly order.
The kabalah knows 4 worlds (for each of these worlds there is also a tree with its own shepirots) through which the Macrocosmic Kundalini serpent descends, the greater will of the demiurgic DRAGON (through the veils Ain, Ain Soph and Ain Soph Au, which are above all) that establishes its potential of equilibrium or perfect entelechy of the three triads or heads that also include the sephirots in order of manifestation (from greater to lesser density).
⦁ Assiah: the physical world (Malkuth).
Yetzirah: the astral (yesod) and mental (Hod and Netzach).
Briah: the atmic (geburah and chesed), the buddhic (thiparet) and the causal (review). 4. Atziluth: the divine and the monadic.
(Note that the classical sevenfold constitution taught in the West by Theosophy and coincides with the same realities in other traditions).
The sephiroth would be those points where the main Universal or psychoid archetypes reach their highest density of expression. They are reflected in descending order by all the planes of the archetypal memory perceptible by the human race and lead the sleeping pasu and virya towards the entelechy or final perfection of creation in Malkuth (earth). They are also physical places of the material bodies in the different planes in which the kalachackra acts at the same time that contain the essence of certain cosmic beings and hierarchies.For our understanding I will use in its description the symbology of Western psychological astrology in its Jungian sense (having as a reference the foundations of the hyperborean wisdom of Philip, since he also used the terms of the creator of depth psychology as a milestone or limit of rational deepening in the cultural macrostructure before describing the outline of the constituent noological hyperborean mysteries). Knowing the famous Hermetic aphorism: "as below, so above", we can understand...
Description of the sephiroth, from the top to the bottom of the kabbalistic tree:
⦁ Kether: Uranus 2.Chokmah: Neptune 3.Binah: Saturn - Daath oculya sphere: Pluto 4.Chesed: Jupiter Geburah: Mars 6.Thipheret: Sun 7.Netzach: Venus 8.Hod: Mercury 9.
10. Malkuth: Earth (astrological ascendant).
The 3 heads of the demiurgic dragon would correspond to the three triads into which the whole tree can be divided, the first encompassing the aspect of WISDOM or of the universal archetypes: Kether, Chokmah and Binah; the second the aspect of BEAUTY or of the potential integrity of the entelechies: with Chesed, Geburah and Thipheret; the third the aspect of POWER or of the flowing of the breath of the demiurge: with Netzchad, Hod and Yesod. leaving Malkuth or the earth as the zone of pure manifestation of the final entelechies in
The kabalah tree should be analyzed as a set of pathways that link the different existential possibilities of all incarnated humans. They describe any experiential process First of all, it must be pointed out that it is in the
humans contained in the title of this entry (sleeping pasues and viryas) where only the formation of the tree in its "ideal" form embodied by the demiurge can occur (and the pasu cannot achieve a glimpse of the highest sephiroth, not even by belonging to esoteric organizations that work on the archetypal memory of the snail design), they cannot be postors of cultural sense in the unfolding of the steps of evolutionary psychic energy of the serpent design) since the INCREATED RUNES go isolating and
submitting to his particular power the hyperborean initiates in search of the liberation of the spirit and the final reversion of the ERHE sphere.
I will now describe the journey of the consciousness chained for this collective between the shephiroth and its different routes or paths of wisdom, 32 in total (22 paths plus 10 sephiroth, all included) from the densest and most unconscious point, the shephiroth Malkuth.
( note)Binah-saturn, the mother is understood as "wisdom", note between the lines that all those who pass this shepirots are tested for some initiatory filiation of Chang Shamballa, as such the mold of embodiment of all archetypes and the denied wife of the demiurge, the Kaly of our time, the iron age.
To understand the tree, we must think HOLOGRAPHICALLY, where the whole is contained in the part and in turn all of them interact in each event of events.
Expression of the archetype kether uranus - it is the highest point of the tree, "the wise old man" (which is changed from the saturnal patricarch to the "mad" scientist), where the influence of the first principle of emanation coming from the demirugo is shown.It is not perceptible as to its physicality, and can only be probed after reaching the higher initiatory states proper to the priests of Chang Shamballa, however we can know its tone or effects on our existence: Ecumenism, originality as unpredictable elaboration of entelechies, objectivity, spontaneity, eccentricity, certainties, all that is ingenious and surprising in any field of human knowledge.
His most negative archetypes are: the revolutionary, the inventor and the traitor.
Some scholars of the kabalah tree place Neptune (ruler of Pisces) in kether instead of Uranus, an error at present since we have changed the era from Pisces to Aquarius (Uranus is its ruler). It is also the reason for the transmission of hyperborean wisdom through the Internet on an international scale and the GLOBALIZING SYNCRETIC tone of the NEW ERA (which agglutinates as a background the sinister purpose of the NWO world government)?
When the astrological era changes, the white lodge prepares a codification of the light-plasma, kalachackra construction by means of, and tries to make humans evolve according to the cosmic plan determined by influencing the reduplication of the DNA fibers (here the SPIRAL symbol is repeated again, most probably linked to the indeterminacy of the transferential Arn) and everything must conform to the supra-finality of the Manú archetype...These evolutionary leaps of the pasú are designated by the events of synarchic initiation.
We leave behind the era of Pisces, with the symbol of the Fish, ruler Neptune, with its Judeo-Christianity and substitution of the Aryan Kristo Wotan-Navutan for the one we all know, with its need to influence the molding of the emotional body of humanity to enter the era of Aquarius, and now the traitor siddhas of Shamballa have as their mission to do the same with the mental plane in this fractal of time (555 of the Kabalah, VVV in Roman numerals)(1)... Here is where the violet ray comes into play, the transmutation ray, with the imperious need to tighten the egresses that make possible the birth of the telepathic faculty - inner worlds - NOOSPHERE (2) among the lost viryas and followers of the plan of the one (some call it the noospheric sphere)....
(1.Note) The reason for this statement is not explained in this volume.
2. That the reader reflects on the existence of realities such as the HAARP project or the methods of
big brother" surveillance in contemporary synchrony.
In general, the birth of the Aquarian era is presented around the end of the 60's, with the irruption of psychedelia, large-scale TV, hippie culture, Ufology, revolutionary activism. All this would coincide with the
constellation of the Uranian archetype that also symbolizes the sudden, the unforeseen, the kundalini energy (Uranus exalts in the genital sign of Scorpio) as fohatic electricity, the homosexual movements, the avant- garde of the degenerate art and its aesthetics,the cinema-informatics, the electronic warfare-high technology, the political chaos ("liberty, equality, fraternity" Masonic enthronement), the images of the unconscious that possess the playful-sacral humanity like a lightning bolt.
"deconstructionist" the paradox that the forgotten knowledge comes to us by one of the means of the system, negative entropy: The Internet networkBy these same characteristics the final war may start suddenly.
and the Kaliyuga end like a sigh, since even in World War II the term "blitzkrieg" is coined, as announcing the interaction with the future time.
On the other hand, those sleeping viryas who do not take the pulse of their time will see their existential expressions reduced to "meta-stories" and previous archetypes (Pisces era or the regressive dementia of other older ones, we can understand this phenomenon as the sacralization of the movement of the swastika in its previous closest movement and also its centrifugal force that prevents those who have not reoriented their gaze on the Minné from accessing its mystical center).
of the unicorn barbel fish in the viryas who do not complete their orientation (Symbol of the house of Tharsis, virile tyr-piscis in this case degraded).
The Uranus symbol bears a strong resemblance to a television antenna. It is a SPASMODIC wave pattern.
Alpha individuals within the betrayal or opposite Trinity.
I quote three of the main terms of Theosophy(1) in describing the most advanced servants of the One in the unfolding of His cosmic plan. They would be the models to be followed by all the lost viryas or pasues in the lower stages of the structure. They can be the traitor siddhas directly or already high adepts "immortalized" for the soul. With them are directly related the grades above 33 of the various organizations of the terrestrial honeycomb . Applying the trident of the logic of the virya would remain:
⦁ Manu: Life aspect. Individuals marked with a racial "supra-archetype", they are born reproducers whose mission is to confuse the pure lineages in their acts of multiplication on earth. Cultural heroes or fathers of the regions, politicsLudicity . First Ray. FATHER
⦁ Christ or Bodhisattva: Aspect of consciousness. Individuals who represent religious and metempsychic mysteries within the various devotional derivations of the cults. They show the most advanced psychic faculties of their time to fulfill the evolutionary plan which makes them embody the appropriate fragment as a mission revealed to the people. It encompasses the active determining sense of the prophecies of the instructors of the people . Sacredness. Second Ray. SON.
⦁ Mahachoan: Aspect intelligence. Great Master (above the minor choan masters). Turned to the farthest entelechy, it is related to the "advances -revolutions" of the countries. All of them can show real combat (how ironic, when everything "is peace, love and fraternity" in their writings) if the occasion requires it. Third Ray. "HOLY-SPIRIT" (in Judeo-Christian meaning as inspiration and Faith).
We have then the Rays of aspect: the first Ray of Will-Power: Manu. The second Ray of
Love - Wisdom: The Christ . The third Ray of Active Intelligence: the Mahachoan.
And in the sub-departments dependent on the Mahachoan, there are the Rays of attribute: the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict, which governs the arts and letters (harmony-beauty), the fifth Ray of Concrete Knowledge, which governs the sciences, the sixth Ray of Devotional Idealism, which governs religions, the seventh Ray of Magic and Ceremonial, which governs communications, commerce, finance and multinational organizations.
These last four Rays, or attributes of the mind, are synthesized in the Mahachoan and constitute the totality of the fifth principle or Manas (MIND) and are presided over by Choanes.
Attention: 5 is V in Roman letters, the right angle! .... Age of Aquarius, Uranus ruler, Mind...THE GREAT HERESY.
1 I quote here and in other occasions words coming from Theosophy because for decades it has been and is considered in cultural-literary environments with a taste for the esoteric as the maximum external reference of the wisdom revealed by the siddhas traitors to humanity. It is known by biographers that many of the significant characters in political, economic, scientific or artistic fields of the last century liked to study and approve this knowledge in a non-publicly recognized way. The magical novel also mentions some characters as is the case of G.R. (traitor siddha) often quoted in theosophical texts.
Hokhmah or wisdom of Neptune
Here we would find the principle of the dissolution of the limits in the different planes of existence (and the subtle demiurgic bodies of the human), with the force that creates the major egregores, it is the psychism carried by karma, the prostration before the superior forces of the enchainment that demand sacrifice, ecstatic possession and dominion as guides...It is the secret and the desire of knowledge beyond gender, it hides part of the promethean impulse to steal the forbidden fire of the gods... Seduction and longing...The use of intoxication by entheogenic drugs as a substitute for one's own will on the initiatory path...
The most negative archetypes include: the addict-adept and the Martyr, the medium without mastery of his awakened psi faculties.
AMEBOID wave pattern.
Binah or understanding of Saturn
All those principles represented by the stable laws, the outdated estates, the limitations and traditions, the discipline, . Deprivations, asceticism, poverty, illness, hardships... It is the framework of those created as forms (information matrices), where the magna mater (as a symbol reverted in these planes) illuminates her creations and they take the diabolic disposition of Kaly's seeds.
The anarchist, the curmudgeon and the sick king of the Arthurian tradition. The archetype of pain and the spiral of the Pasu enchainment applied here as superior laws of Karma to fulfill (not as the blind inertia of Malkuth), ethics and priestly morals taught and kept by the lamas, brahmins, rabbis and golem lords of the mysteries that follow the doctrines of SHAMBALLA.
The great mother, the three gunas, coiled kundalini
CONTRACTILE CENTRIPETAL wave pattern traversing radii that become increasingly stiffer in a spiral inverse fan.
Mystery of Death
The sleeping virya suffers three deaths if he does not manage to free himself:
⦁ Death of the physical body
⦁ Death of the astral-etheric: wandering through the KAMALOKA
⦁ Death of the mental body: it "reveries" in the oneiric DEVACHAN.
And a possible total destruction in the ATVICHL. All these mentioned regions have hyperdimensional location in physical layers eccentric to the core of the terrestrial sphere and are influenced by the scientific and technological activities of the prevailing humanity.
There is involvement of extraterrestrial machinery and defined internal geographies where the monads (tied to the astral cords of silver and gold) can conduct themselves in the process of new birth.
The virya does not have to have real consciousness of any of these phases, nor does it have to be presented in the way the classical texts of the religions expose it... It is only a description of the Bardo processes in the most standardized way possible on an average subject (sleeping virya) in the established plan.
From Malkuth to Kether, each DAATH stage (plutonian-knowledge) is concentrated back into Yesod or foundation (for 1 new level).
Christian tradition would identify:
1. Atziluth-Heaven (of the hierarchies) 2. Briah-Paradise 3-Yetzirah-Purgatory 4.
Levels that can also be perceived on a smaller scale in any entelechial body in process (not only as regions of Maya) depending on the amount of accumulated Karma and its intensity (the greater the karma the lesser the possibility of ontic autonomy).
Kronos devours his children
(in the picture Rubens' painting with the name of the header of the entrance, famous episode of the Theogony, in which Goya would be inspired for his famous paintings of identical subject)
Much has been said on the web about the expression "subruna crisis" (the negative states of consciousness of the saturnal nigredo that overwhelm us between each runic-estatic stage or transmutative summit phase) etc., although we have not found a text that delves into its true Gnostic meaning and that appeals with the left hemisphere to the understanding of the subject within a framework that is as scientific as possible.For this entry I will try to show the "bricks" of the labyrinth that separate the virya from his selbst, the anchors that constitute the embouchures of the Tetrarch and which are the psychological stumbling blocks that stop the virya's perception in recurrent autogenous dramas. For Advaita philosophy these would correspond to the so-called SAMSKARAS, impressions or grooves that remain in the substance of our mental plane and by the law of eternal Karmic return force us to repeat certain patterns of behavior that stop our process of liberation and spiritual enlightenment. These are called in our culture THE PSYCHOLOGICAL DEFENSE MECHANISMS. The Virya must be very clear that academically established depth psychology does not
recognizes the higher states of consciousness and all its purpose is to indoctrinate model citizens, perfect cogs of this decadent and alienated society, so using it is only a crutch for the better understanding of our time ... These would be:
⦁ Compensation: Exaggerating a personality trait to avoid the state of insecurity produced by not feeling welcome competition in others. Enormous waste of time and energy...Narcissism, vigorexia, unfinished expression of family shadow and childhood traumas. Archetype of the profession. Neurotic perfectionism.
⦁ Identification: the Egregor of the group or of any influential personage totally subjugates the will of the subject producing a dissolution of the will in a collective structure. Fashions. Playful typology.
⦁ Repression: This is contrary to the previous one, there is an individualized blockage of the expression of the forces of the psyche that produces abnormal states of expression. Problem of the sexual force - libido and Kundalini... Sexual paraphilias and behavioral incongruities. It attacks especially the sacral types. 4.Projection: Attribute to others what we do not want in ourselves. Envy, criticism and defamation. Can lead to reductionist Manichean and "binary" mentality.
⦁ Introjection: The opposite of the above..Self- phagocytization fixing the traits of another person to assimilate them denying our own individuality...Idol problematic.
⦁ Regression: The psyche of the virya remains imprisoned in behavioral structures of the past... A Virya can drag Karmic structures from other incarnations or add them in his noological journeys of incursion in his ontic registers badly archemonized. Manu of Eras and shadow of empires. The drama of the Soul both collective and personal in its essence.
⦁ Reactive Formation: It is a special form of denial in which the individual expresses with special intensity the opposite of what he/she thinks or feels. Hypocrisy, victimhood.
⦁ Displacement: the objectified will on certain emotions and behavioral motives is removed from its original motives and exchanged for others where there is less risk of dramatic existential involvement: frivolous patterns of existence role.
⦁ Dissociation: The self becomes split in response to strong energetic tensions or dramas. It is not always accidental if one seeks parallel spheres of meaning, autistic fantasy, paradisiacal escapism. The unconscious can burst uncontrollably from the shadow sphere, which would produce psychosis (visions, panic, entry into other real alternative planes of the Maya, etc). Use of drugs in any of its meanings. Injuries and brain degeneration. The virya can be at the mercy of the attack of unknown powers. It would also include the subject of reflex mediumnism, possession and trances.
⦁ Isolation: Overestimation of one's own qualities, possession by the numinous symbols of the higher chakras. Messianism. Can lead to severe dissociation.
⦁ Denial: The total blocking of what is not admissible for the conscious subject. It usually derives in Intellectualization, Rationalization (some authors classify them as separate mechanisms), Scientistic mentality.
Exacerbation of cultural metarethals. The problem of the sleeping virya.
⦁ Uncontrolled aggression: can be passive if the Virya directs the expression of his warlike ardor towards himself, causing psychosomatic damage. Sour vital tone. Or Active, with the wrathful bully complex.
⦁ Sublimation: Libido is derived in an asceticism involving higher creative goals. It is positive as long as one does not fall into neurotic maniatism, eccentricities or aesthetic complexes of the higher chakras or inoperative hypersensitivity.
These mechanisms would correspond to the detailed explanation of the SOLIPSISM of which I will speak in another section, ontic problem in the ways of spiritual liberation proper of the external trace of the rune ODAL (SUN IMITATING THE DEMIURGO, EXALTED EGO).
Kairos vs Kronos
Two excerpts from the wilkipedia entry:
"Kayros, Kairos or Kayrós ("the right moment") is, in Greek mythology the son of Chronos, in Greek and Roman philosophy the experience of the opportune moment. The Pythagoreans called it Opportunity. Kayros is time in potency, timeless or eternal time, while time is the duration of a movement, a creation. In another meaning, Kayros is also the opportune laughter that produces good.
In the temporal structure of modern civilization, only one word is usually used to signify "time". The Greeks had two: (1)Chronos and (2)Kayros. Chronos is clock time, the time that is measured. Kayros, the right time, is not the quantitative time but the qualitative time of the occasion, the experience of the right moment. We all experience in our lives the feeling that the right time has come to do something, that we are ripe, that we can make a certain decision. A similar concept in the thinking of the Maya was the Zubuya."
And a portion of the fd volume I:
"For the actual infinite cannot be reached because it always is: it is real at all times because it is perfect outside Time; it is always-present, from its eternity, in the pure Self of the virya, on the Symbol of the Origin, in the purity of the blood. He must be reached, but this "reaching" is neither temporal nor spatial, but STRATEGIC or, if you will, Gnostic: This is what the Hyperborean Wisdom refers to when it speaks of "reaching the Vril", "reaching the infinite", "reaching the awakened Self", etc.; not to a spatio-temporal transit but to a STRATEGIC LEAP TOWARDS THE SYMBOL OF ORIGIN, an act that is called "BLOOD PURIFICATION" and is the main objective of the Hyperborean initiation. In the strategic "arriving" it is not KRONOS, time, but KAIROS, the opportunity to attack the enemy and win eternity: because it is both moment and eternity, the moment in which the warrior dies and wins the eternity of Valhalla, therefore it can only consist of a fulcrum from which space and time are traversed TOWARDS eternity: ONLY A LOST SELF ACTING IN THE RIGHT KAIROS CAN "ARRIVE" TO THE PRESENT INFINITY, TO THE SELF.
⦁ As Kronos we would understand the flowing of the breath of the demiurge that causes the alienation of the self in the corresponding monarchs.
⦁ Kayros would not be understood without the possible intervention of our real Self in the reversible spirit sphere EHREa partial death and a greater approach to the truth of the Selbst. It is when it is propitious to reach
an initiation, although at any point in Kronos it is also possible (with much more effort).
Every Kairos is recognized by the group of viryas in a SYNCHRONIC way as an expression of the CARIMAS that constitutes a mystique, either by noological experiences lived in common (for the awakened ones) or by the power of the symbols enlivened in the psychosphere (for the rest).. in the frame of the ETERNAL RETURN we incorporate to our perceptive phenomenal periplus the solution that RESIGNS a past collective Karma of action carrying in itself for its unveiling the positive and gracious RUNIC of the ancestors'
essence of any global gnosis or psychosocial strategy, the paradox of ADVANCING BACKWARDS which entails a greater and deeper mystery of the pontonic language in which no more culture is created but rather what needs to be remembered is updated.
The DAATH Sphere: THE KNOWLEDGE of Pluto
Also called the hidden sephiroth.
The transformations, the changes, the power, the intensity, the generational values, the borderline characters, the hidden wealth...
It has explosive, mutant and self-generating energy patterns.
The priestly initiation SHAMBALLICA (ANTIGUA DEMIURGUICA) vs. the hyperborean The hyperborean tantra and the gates of Venus and Agartha...
Hypothesis of the lattices of the white lodge
Note: The following text shows conjecturally what the priestly initiations of chang-shamballá may represent and its reading may be left to the reader who seeks "more earthly" answers. For
For further information on the following article, we recommend reading also "THE MYTHOLOGICAL SPHERE OF THE VIRYA" (Gustavo Brondino), which also considers the demiurgic initiation performed before the purely Shamballic one and whose description runs along the following lines
In Felipe Moyano's books there is a lot of talk about the white lodge, operational network of the traitor siddhas and whose chief known by every esotericist is Sanat Kumara (Satan-Kumara-Saturn-Jehovah). On the other
hand, none of them show what their hierarchy is nor their supposed evolutionary plans in real or future time for the possible receivers of their teachings. I believe that it is of vital importance for everyone involved in their
spiritual liberation to know who these individuals are by breaking down the internal structure of their supra organization. The most palpable symbol of their presence can be analyzed in the dollar bills, with a pyramid
with its top separated (those who dominate us from the esoteric are ET it seems to say) and an eye of Abraxas YOD as a contemplative star of multifocal perception, sample of the final archetype of chaining and submission to the one.
Apparently the history of the lodge on Earth begins with the descent of the 8 lords of the flame in the area of the Gobi desert (THAR gate) after a series of stellar conflicts involving a large number of planets and civilizations (discern the reader synchronically as more and more information appears about the theoretical history of our cosmic origins, authentic Aquarian knowledge in the making). The purpose of this advance
party on earth was to make possible the creation of a base et that would serve as a directive command for the establishment of the evolutionary plans of the cosmic hierarchies, to take the earth as an enormous garden of Eden (it is a planet Ur, of blue aura, ideal for genetic experimentation - preservation of essences) and to create in it an enormous sanctuary of animal, vegetable, mineral species plus human races with which to repopulate other universes, galaxies and planets. It is evident that no owner of a zoo likes that his creatures try to escape or rebel. For the moment I will not deal here with the mystery of the arrival of the Aryan seed or betrayals, only
to say that the kumaras (galactic spirits) of which it is not clear if only one of them was Logos or not, were established with their own hierarchical ranks in which the Kumara Sanat was the leader.A Logos of a planet is an intelligence that has total control over it and in its initiatic transit to dimensions or bridge universes, submits to it the own corporal-structural dynamics of the commands of its form and voice.
Each time a Logos takes higher initiation, a new root race is born on a planet, perhaps as a kind of subtle partogenesis, to say that these entities are not absolute in power and scope and that above them there are others. The motive of their action is to crystallize the forms, in order to prolong their own existence in an eternal cyclical becoming of self-sustaining forms: he grants life, but the offering of death is what makes possible their private existence in the transit of eternity. Paradoxes of pain...
Man or at least he who has divine lineage (viryas) possesses a combination of very powerful and latent DNA that enables him to overcome the power of these same creative entities. This is what allows him to free himself through the power of the sword and at the same time makes him indispensable in the evolutionary plans. This same characteristic makes another mystery possible: that of the filiation to the initiatory priestly chain of Sambhalla in the basic scheme 7 plus 1 rays (supra-archetypal light rays that personally configure us the reversed aural egg (ehre), together with the rest of matter and its transformation phase periods)-7 trajectories of work-7 asrhams (places of learning)-7 races (to be mixed) Basically this process begins like this:
-First initiation, BIRTH: The subject suffers an increase and modification of the volume of prana that circulates through his auric egg, leaving it broken and at the mercy of the kalachakric signs. Psychic awakening and discomfort. Global call. Sacrum. Cesium crystals catalyzing the Aquarian violet ray. Sexual repression.
-Second initiation: BAUSTISM: The astral body is energized with lightning vibrational influences and falls into strategic coding. Global call. Interactions and permissions in the astral plane. Cosmic names. Solar plexus and devotion. Emotional repression.
-Third initiation: TRANSFIGURATION. The physical, astral and mental body are under control for the plan...
It tests the fidelity of the candidate and is individual, his will... Total loss of the sign of origin...
Communicative telepathy... Mental and mental plane. Establishment of the antakarana and egregorical
cohesion with the components of asrhrams and masters. Establishment of the antakarana and egregoric
cohesion with the components of the asrhrams and masters....
-Fourth initiation: CRUXIFIXION or great renunciation. The subject is martyred to the limit of the final test of his karma. Total renunciation of individuality, often physical death. Total integration with the hierarchy, Buddhic plane, cardiac center. Passive protagonism. Adept.
-Fifth initiation: REVELATION. Subjugated to the fire of the living presence of his monad in the eye of abraxas, mastery arrives. Sacrum, atmic plane, "subjectivized" mayavirupic body, knowledge of the cosmic plan in the present time with active protagonism.
-Sixth initiation: DECISION: The subject may choose to: a. Service to Earth. Service to the Earth. b. Magnetic work (karma of the 5th ray). c. Training for planetary logos. d. Path to Sirius (Pleiades). e. Continuation of the path of the rays. f. Path of the terrestrial logos itself (possible fusion with elementals or devas). g. Filiation with more evolved beings or devas. Path of the terrestrial logos itself (possible fusion with the elementals or devas).
g. Filiation with more evolved beings or Lipikas (perhaps consciousnesses of very high densities beyond the 6d). There is ascension Merkaba.atmic plane.
-Seventh initiation: RESURRECTION. Hierophant. Executor power in all the rays on Earth. -Eighth initiation: TRANSITION.
- Ninth initiation: THE NEGATION. That would include the total aspect of the mystery of the trinitarian transubstantiation with the Logos, the exchange and use of bodies as shell suits and the possible sowing of that one or that one with the logos in another system or after the cosmic night (does the demiurge self-clone to save himself?) to be swallowed by the "holy crop".
The structure would be composed of 3 internal and 3 external kumaras, the 4 degrees of minor initiates, the degrees of the disciples and those of the probationary path. Below the fifth initiation, the components are sometimes referred to as the "blue lodge".
control the Akashic archives and planetary councils.
Other master figures of masters (it is not clear if they are the kumaras, some are) are the BODISATTWA, the MANU and the MAHACHOAN (see previous entry) Among these are the protagonists of racial genetics,
religion, science, politics and beliefs of the movements and revolutions of the peoples in the sense of the "macro- cultural context" of the evolutionary entelechy of humanity.
Finally, it should be noted that one does not fit into this initiatory system as he/she wishes, the system chooses him/her and traps him/her in a confusing unconscious synchrony according to the quality of his/her ray, underline and degree of vibration: thus we have the personality and the ego prefigured in order of quality as raw material of this subtle kaos .....
Thus is outlined in broad strokes, one of the most twisted aspects of the spiritual enchainment. And about the sixth or elective initiation:
⦁ Earth Service:the initiate becomes a "master" of wisdom and has access to the cosmic astral plane.there are 7 ray groups and a dynamic of sensitization to the forms that show themselves beyond the Earth's aura.they are held in their freedom of action by Sanat to the Earth aloneFrom these subjects.
(St. Germain, etc.) come from many of the new age texts with bombastic names and confusing syncretism, teachings of updating of supra-narratives and various entelechies.
⦁ Magnetic work (karma of the 5th ray): Also in cosmic astral. The raw energy or Fohat and its 7 subdivisions are handled. Ideas, psychoid archetypes, adenetic and luminic codes, etc. are created and manipulated. Ancient arcane technology, crystals, UFO forms, places of power, alteration of lithic constructions, etc. are involved. There is communication with cosmic mental plane.
⦁ Training for planetary logos: very few opt for this each planetary scheme there are 7 logos per planet and 49 sublogoic would correspond to the development of esoteric psychology potential. It would correspond to the development of the potential of esoteric psychology.disembodied initiates undergo telepathic instruction by the active kumaras and the council of shamballa.the evolution culminates in the cosmic mental, after a previous passage through venus (?): will it be the trace of the traitor siddhas, or disinformation.
perhaps here we have the hidden agenda of the system of propaganda and mass control.
⦁ Path to Sirius (Pleiades): Possible transmigration of souls to the Pleiades system for colonial relocation of planets and bases. It is assumed that the initiate upon incarnating there or being teleported there will have a key position of authority.
⦁ Ascending along one's own ray line, the subject first works in the shamballa chamber vibrating his ray, then moves on to inhabit the planet of his ray, then learns to work on his own ray.
with solar energy to end up in another cosmic system linked to its energy.
to enter the inorganic devic evolution (or rather involution).
⦁ Path of the terrestrial logos itself (fusion with the elementals or devas), the initiate develops special powers of very powerful inner vision. It is an expression of the sixth chackra of the demiurge for his explorations in the cosmic buddhic plane (espionage?). It works with devas and they must replace
unknown hierarchies that correspond to the turn of the divine thrones, so that these return to their place of origin and break or continue their enchainment in another place.
⦁ Filiation with more evolved beings or Lipikas (perhaps consciousnesses of very high densities beyond the 6d) The initiate fulfills bureaucratic tasks of collaboration with entities superior to sanat.The mystery of incarnation of special "cosmic masters", possibly already in a framework of collaboration and entry
(The earth would become part of a cosmic government around 2012).
PS: This cosmic government converges with the implementation of the new world order NWO, the star wars and the technology of time travel and the contemplation of possible horizons of paradoxical future (modification of history to present time) with hyperdimensional technology. From the fractal 2012-13 there may be an interactive irruption of humanities (veiled or not) coming from different times and with different energetic-initiatic configurations elaborated since certain alignments with the center of the galaxy with a black hole are fulfilled.
Enemies of liberation:
-Initiated members in varying degrees or not of the various branches of the synarchy of military groups, occult orders, religious groupings, government services with experimentation projects or paramilitary bodies associated with subtle frequency control.
-Isolated or sectarian esotericists with a redemptionist tendency.
-Entities of the different planes of Maya, including the disembodied, exogenous parasitic fauna and fragmentations of the dynamics of interpersonal energetic interaction.
-Alien factions with interests contrary to the destiny of the ported blood .
-The same traitorous siddhas and ascended masters together with their hierarchical associates.
The mystery of the cosmic existence contemplates the existence of EXTATERRESTRAL, EXTRADIMENSIONAL, INTERDIMENSIONAL and INTRATERRENAL beings, from the point of view of the physical plane where our body is located, both from the Earth and from any point that can be visited with the possibility of execution of all the possible space-time combinations that do not always have to be understood from the dualistic-binary-dialectic discourse but under the premises of an emergent QUANTUM mind.
Hesed or Jupiter's mercy
Beliefs and ideals, virtues and values, higher education of culture in its suprafinality, opulent wealth, growth and exaggeration, convictions, ethics and morals (subjected here to the law of the one) in terms of Faith, meaning, optimism and happiness misplaced from the ideal bourgeois world.
The priest, the materialistic triumphant, the encyclopedist philosopher, the misguided encyclopedist philosopher of the spirit, a figure much praised in the European culture, believing to falsely recover his polar north after the darkness of the Middle Ages.
DIVISIVE wave pattern, but for constant expansion.
Lightning ashram
"Asrham" (from Sanskrit): place of learning...
This is what the synarchic initiates (priests) found by obeying the traitor siddhas and choan adepts on this plane in order to implement the teaching of the plan of the one for a delimited time. They can
They present multiple forms, apparently unconnected but they respond faithfully to a MANDALA OF THE KALACHACRA and to certain constituent aspects called RAYSBasically this is how they are presented:
-Pseudo-gnostic institutes or traditional or reconverted cult sects They may have institutional weight with
economic power.
-Alternative science, medicine or psychology academies. Referent publications tending to global diffusion...
-Circles of ufological contactees with "unique" revealed doctrine: cosmic history of humanity. -Schools of yogas or orientalist sciences.
-New Age writer-composers and their fanatical followers en masse.
-In rural or remote environments ("poorly educated"), preaching of spontaneous "enlightened ones" with gifts of healing and sometimes linked to the renewal of an image of the saints, Marian or pilgrimage.
The activities of all these subjects and their mentoring entities may or may not have a presence on the internet and in egregores that capture the attention of the virya (in different states of consciousness belonging to the signed psychosocial region).
WISDOM VS WORSHIP or on the use of images
They are myths, stories of gods and heroes with interpretations tending on a variable scale of accuracy or subjectivity (accepted or not by the average consciousness) according to the incidence of the KALACHACKRA and the mandalic programming of the rays on a society.
The cults (not to mention the animisms) are sacralized reproductions of the luciferic magical acts of those viryas that travel the path of return or the forms of rendering TRIBUTE AND MEMORY to the divine deeds: very important this point, since all worship is not a SLAVISHING POSTRACTION, TRIBUTORY SACRIFICE nor a form of rendering obeisance as an act of sterile reverence, there are times that the karmic Runification of the Minné INSPIRES a significant revelation and is established under the premise that the worship is understood as an act of strategy and its UNDERLYING WISDOM: describe an archetype yes, but allow TRANSMUTATION because they allow to UNDERSTAND THE SERPENT WITH THE SIGN OF THE ORIGIN that no longer showed itself in a spontaneous-conscious way.
In the hyperborean peoples under the purest fences and in the times in which the balance of the essential cosmic battle was tipped towards the side of the blood pact, they could settle down without restrictions with the transcendent sense of the eternal liberating symbols and reach the common LEGISLATION for an entire people: thus were born the initiatory rites and the SCHOOLS OF MYSTERIES. The priest and the warrior even managed to unify in certain exceptional personalities as was the emperor CÉSAR AUGUSTO (resigned demiurge) pontifex maximus or even the warriors were taught by the priestly caste as was the case of the PRETORIAN guard and their initiations. The fight of the essential war takes place in all the strata of a society being one of the most active that of the religious symbols, the distortions-appropriations to which the related facts are taken and their later coercive interpretations attend to a precise result in a superstructure, although it would also enter in it, without previous manipulation, the action of will added by its inhabitants: ENTHROPIC action of the QLIPHOTH or indeterminacy of the projected unconscious of those who turn away from the rewards of demiurgic higher perfective programming and do not contemplate any possibility of tracing their blood back to the origin; Let us not forget that since recently in this Kaliyuga of Aquarius, our official science begins to be interested in the theory of Kaos.
Let us read almost at the end of the fourth d a y o f t h e novel the metaphysical reason of certain warrior LINES that had to take the priestly posture, the cult was perfected in this way it was adjusted to its archetypal quality-essence and from there in an act of purification of the astral blood one could reach the spiritual uncreated (which is not the warrior ideal, but neither could it be achieved with the WALL infiltrated by the TEMPLE given the fatigue and the debilitating self-forgetfulness of the centuries-long war):
"I repeat it: the folly of gathering in one single Styria the Cult and the Wisdom caused a disaster in the peoples of the Blood Pact: the interruption of the initiatory chain. So it came to pass that at a certain point, when the Gods of the Cult prevailed, the Voice of the Pure Blood was extinguished and the Initiates lost the possibility of listening to the Liberating Gods: the will to return to the Origin had long since weakened and now they lacked guidance. Without the Voice, and without the orientation towards the Origin, there was no more Wisdom to transmit, the Sign of the Origin on the Stone of Venus would no longer be seen. The Initiates suddenly realized that something had been severed between them and the Liberating Gods. And they understood, very late, that the future of the mission and of the Pact of
Blood would depend as never before on the struggle between Cult and Wisdom, but a struggle that from then on would no longer take place outside but inside, in the field of blood. What did the Initiates do to counteract this irreversible reality, the darkness that was descending upon the Spirit? Almost all of them acted in the same way. Starting from the principle that all that exists in this world is only a crude imitation of the things of the True World, and faced with the impossibility of locating the Origin and the Path to the True World, they chose to use the last remnants of Wisdom to embody in the Purest Blood Styres a "family mission" consisting of the unconscious comprehension, with the Sign of the Origin, of an Archetype. It should be noted how modest this objective is: the Ancient Initiates, the Wise Warriors, were capable of "understanding the serpent, with the Sign of the Origin"; and the serpent is a Symbol that contains All the archetypes created by the God of the Universe, a Symbol that was consciously understood with the uncreated Sign of the Origin. Now the Initiates proposed, and there were no other options left, that a family should work "blindly" upon a created Archetype, trying that the Symbol of Origin present in the blood would some day casually comprehend it and reveal the Truth of the Uncreated Form."
Hyperborean Gnosis of the Sacraments
From the Latin "Sacramentum", "Sacra": sacred and "Mentum": means, instrument, way... "THE SACRED WAY"...Those rites and acts that seal the commitment with the laws created by the Gods. We could consider
them as the exoteric form for the masses of the YOGAS (act that provokes the union with the divine, in our case with the uncreated spirit). Those established by the Christian rite that acts in a syncretic way that are
observed in the majority of the past cults and even existing on earth.It is observed in them a firm attempt to provoke the epiphany (revelation of the numen mediated by the priestly plan, even in the Sacrament of the Order that establishes the shepherds for the Church: Bishops, priests and deacons) in the faithful something in direct opposition to the INITIATIC RITES, many times mystical, that were proper of the warrior societies.
Thus we have:
⦁ BAPTISM: the contact of the water creates the new Christian member of the Church and son of the demiurge For the virya it symbolizes to submerge in the WATER of his unconscious, in the traces of the
labyrinth, to go rescuing from him MINNÉ by means of his integrity in ontic-perceptive individuation (Selbst).
⦁ CONFIRMATION: the Christian remains at the mercy of the HOLY SPIRIT, extradimensional control, gains gifts for entelechial perfection and the apostolate of the message. The virya however achieves SIDDHIS and
reinforces his GRACEOUS LUCIFERIC will through the PARACHLIT. A real noological contact with the
superiors of the golden chain also takes place.
⦁ CONFESSION OR PENITENCE: the priestly hierarchy has the power to forgive sins committed after Baptism, a way to generate an egregious COMPLEX OF GUILT of enormous dimensions and also a way to subliminally control t h e members of a community from the confessional (something that had much weight in the past especially when the IMPERIAL AND ECCLESIATIC power were in full union or in dispute).
The virya only knows his HONOR (with himself and his fellow men) and an apollonian-martial ethic of behavior, there are no mediating judges who submit to a discipline of MORAL submission, via the left hand.
⦁ EUCHARIST OR COMMUNION: The body and blood of Christ under the metaphor of the Transubstantiation in the bread and wine is food for the Christian, reinforcing his link to the egregory of ecclesial belonging. The chalice appears.
The virya must only "eat" his own flesh, transform it into RED VAJRA, the great attainment, knight of the GRAAL. Note also the material parallelism with the tantric way of liberation.
⦁ The virya faces death with total serenity and self-control (in case he fails in his attempt to leave creation). He knows that he will face the harsh reality of the DEATH ARCHETYPE and can even reorient himself by following his opposition-combat in the subtle dimensions of Maya.
⦁ SACERDOTAL ORDER: Some Christians become ministers of the demiurge and consecrate their lives to it. For some viryas it represents here the possibility of strategic PONTIFICE and its missions, it is also the
meaning of any HYPERBORN grouping (as they were, are and will be).
does not mean that they should be formed in analogy to a "church" or ritual cult with devotional and servitude implications.
⦁ MARRIAGE: the monogamous union is "sanctified" in pursuit of the paternal-familial responsibility. The realization in the matter and the path of men is secured,...Self-fulfilling paradise, the Adam and Eve pasu and the family archetype. The virya sees in this the mystery of A-MORT.
Geburah or severity of mars.
Every principle of impulse, discovery, exploration, domination, combat, competitiveness, violence, sexual libido, assertiveness and aggressiveness... is pure masculine.
The bully and the destroyer.
The spiritual path of the warrior or oriental BUSHIDO in which VIOLENCE is only used against those who oppose the path of spiritual liberation.
Opiddum and Castrum
In the Latin sense, summarized and without entering in the meaning for other previous peoples: Castrum: "Fortification in an elevated place"...Word from which later would derive CASTELLUM and CASTLE...The latter being the maximum architectural excellence of the Hyperborean lineages in the European Middle Ages and totally contrary in its function to the CATHEDRALS of the cultural pact. Oppidum:
"Construction that takes advantage of natural topographical singularities for proper defense".
It is also essential for the correct development of the virya to understand the importance of the liberated places and their analogy with the concepts explained in the previous paragraphs.
On the misappropriation of the warrior concept
We are facing a great TRAP: the fact of deriving, confusing, or modifying both deliberately and unconsciously the meaning of the word "warrior" (in the ancient Indo-Aryan meaning of the kshatriya caste) is one of the main actions used by the synarchy in the act of cultural manipulation...
The lost virya or pasu who follows the plan of the One marked for the time of his incarnation soon sees that he is gifted with this adjective, as soon as he walks the path of "chela" or discipleship in its simplicity. Such an individual (alienated rebel, not warrior) feels himself and is praised as such by the fact of not acting like the rest of the people around him immersed in the economic-materialistic paradigm.
In this way it is possible to take advantage of the consequent negative states of mind that are produced until reaching the initiations or pre-initiations for a derivation of meaning that encourages and in passing fulfills its mission of destruction and functional relocation of the people....
At another extreme we can also appreciate the total psychologization of Mythology and of the initiatory rites of our past, even to the point of understanding the conflicts, actions and stages of these as ACHIEVEMENTS in a profane postmodern life tending to achieve the final bourgeois entelechy of positivist capitalism. Whatever the way, what is always observed is an obsessive incidence in the PACIFISM and in the ignorant brutality of the past times that must be FORGOTTEN forever.
Spanish Conquest
This brief entry is not to detail the details of the conquistadors' voyage on South American soil but to show some rather hot aspects of why the Spanish empire moved to such remote latitudes, beyond the ocean, in the sense of the hyperborean gnosis, not in the cultural history approved by all the relevant social institutions...
In this end of Kaliyuga, the political concept of INDIGENISM is born, which directly confronts the Hyperborean reality of HISPANITY: referred not as a total strategy of the siddhas of the blood pact but as a set of SITUATIONAL PARADOXES which imply, as in any human historical movement on a large scale, the possibilities of liberation or enchainment of the protagonist human mass(1).
Let us understand INDIGENISM as a concept that refers to a bucolic and pristine-happy past of the racial communities involved, one more version of the myth of the happy WILD and the earthly paradise of the pasu that is violently destroyed and that needs to be vindicated by current politicians in search of a consensus or moral and historical ecumenism (one of the branches of the superstructure of the invisible DEMOCRACY) where any ethnic group, however diffuse or inexistent the trace of its history may be, is elevated from its own gnoseological category to the pedestal of a reality that is recreated in the own unfounded emergence of the present: the history and culture of the demiurge are weapons in continuous metamorphosis in this case at the service of oligarchic interests and a savage capitalism.
The Spanish conquistadors carried the cross of the synarchy (Columbus brought a well-defined Evil mission, see "the mystery of Belicena Vilca", a story well known to all readers), but paradoxically they brought the rune and the archamone in their blood as well as in their inculcated customs(2) and found themselves there with two completely different realities:
a. Communities of pasues dispersed in tribes to which the MESTIZAJE made them incorporate the SYMBOL OF ORIGIN itself. The conquerors were direct descendants of the Iberian, Tartessian, Roman, Greek and Gothic-Vigothic peoples, all Hyperboreans.(3)
b. Lineages of viryas already mestizos of those white peoples who arrived to these territories before Columbus, mainly the Viking (3) who added their blood to that of these local monarchs... In them the distant memory of those ancestral white instructors who taught their peoples arcane knowledge of practical wisdom and showed the art of war against the yoke of the yellow peoples (here if the siddha mandate exists) in times when hyperborean initiations were still being taught overseas.
The great thickness and splendor of these empires already passed (as well as disappeared in extraordinary expeditions to the inner land or mysterious cities such as "EL DORADO", "PAITITITI", ETC, many of its components) and only a remnant remained in a state of chaotic social decomposition, often in total submission to the ethnic members of the point a (who took as authentic liberators to the Spanish).
It was common to all the apocalyptic habits of the HOLOCAUST ANTHROPOPHAGES and the ritual sacrifice to the gods of the underworld or black lightning of the kalachacra, cause of civil wars and constant skirmishes among them...Also in others, the repetitive INFANTICIDE, the degradation of women to animalistic level, ritualized priestly sexual perversion and alcoholism-drug addiction together with a technical and urban backwardness almost typical of cavemen times.
⦁ Let us remember that the descendants of the white Atlanteans move in a triple sense: either they are stationed in one region or in opposite directions with respect to the geochrony of the symbol of the origin that points towards the region of greater charismatic expression.
⦁ I am not recounting here the history of the house of Tharsis and its mission since 1534 with the arrival of Lito and the wise sword.
⦁ These white instructors are behind the mystery of 5 great empires in America: Manitou (North America), Maya and Aztec (Central America),
Chibcha (North and Northeastern South America), Inka (Andean region), and Mongula (Amazonia).
Thiperet or beauty of the SUN
Here we find the balance of development, magnanimity, self-confidence, mandate, temperance, emanated authority. the sense of the incarnational dharma and the vocation to work as
The virya is "beautiful" when it fits perfectly in the programming of the one, being the WORK factor the main social exponent, discovers its "virtue", its ethical-social duty, and dies without being able to understand the internal time of its own reversibility.
CIRCUNFERENTIAL EXPANDING wave pattern (from a center point), in the opposite direction to the normal sphere ehre to and in the dimensional realms of Maya (MYSTERY OF THE DOUBLE SPECTRUM).
The natal sun sign of the zodiac of each person, his particular essence... The tyrant, the hero of the cultural pact. Minne of Odal.
All viryas in our past (or present) to a greater or lesser degree, while traversing the outer trace of the limiting rune of the labyrinth, the ODAL, have fallen into the saturnal trap of the nigredo at the time of communication, a psychological problem called SOLIPSISM,from the Latin "ego solus ipse" (roughly translatable as "I alone exist") is the metaphysical belief that the only thing one can be sure of is the existence of one's own mind, and the reality that apparently surrounds one is unknowable and may be no more than part of the mental states of one's own self. Thus, all objects, persons, etc., that one experiences would be merely emanations of one's mind and, therefore, the only thing one could be certain of is the existence of oneself. (Source:
Installed in such a complex, there is no possibility whatsoever of establishing a common nexus with our comrades, both those here and those on the other side, since every relationship becomes a pure eclipsed expression of the Ego or natal astrological Sun, which is essence or monad reverted for the "imitatio Dei" of the demiurge... Destructive criticism, suspicion, misappropriation, pettiness, anger and other disturbing states of the soul possess us, blinding us in our own projection of the non-integrated psychological complexes.
If the will of the virya crosses the interior of the rune, the perception of the Noological will appear and with it the awakened faculties, runic achievements -siddhis and the eternal joy of the SPIRIT oriented from the blood, PARÁKLITO of the SOPHÍA, albedo remnant in perpetual transit towards the origin, sanguine HONOR and commitment with all that authentic comrade chained like him who suffers.
Thus the virya will reach a distant future in his process of liberation in what will be yet another paradox... Although here remains a new mystery...
From German (Welt, "world", and anschauen, "to observe"): "Conception of the world" or COSMOVISION. Term coined by the philosopher Wilhelm Dilthey in his work Einleitung in die Geisteswissenschaften in 1914. The hyperborean cosmovisions would be a "supraidea" of the structure of the world, not a branch or meaning of any system theory, but a deeper truth that is intuited from the blood and that has as its essence of vertebration the METAPHYSICAL order of the spirit, the true cosmic laws not reversed. The khsatriya warrior appreciates HIS world (we understand as this the planes of the spiritual enchainment) as the Valdplas or focal point from where to SPIRITUALIZE existence in an eternal alchemical and graalic work for all matter, from the smallest particle, which is reaching its true possibility of redemption. These would be its facets:
⦁ SCIENCE: Or How to know reality. To catalogue all entities and their abstract force relations. Its task is to
understand the cosmic concert with the maximum simplicity and with the measuring standard of analogy in a UNIVERSAL way. It measures the degree of objective intelligence of a people. It should not be rigidly
fanaticized by dogmas, atomized or silenced by minorities that increasingly try to distance their language from the common understanding.
⦁ TECHNIQUE: Or how to transform reality. It is the practical application of science. It preserves the energy of
the biological formations that create it, mutating its level, granting comfort. Its use must create the minimum
disturbances of plane, without altering the continent of the content when it does not speak explicitly of destruction since the rune spirit has as a requirement of manifestation the SIMETRY, its beauty. Example: Implosion engine vs. explosion engine, non-polluting free energies. It should not serve to subjugate the
population as it is the case of the current psychotronics or to create mercantile usury interests with strategies of gradual implantation or replacements. Neither should it substitute the faculties of the human brain, it would create psychophysical invalidity in the long run, encourage even more THE BLACK ALCHEMY of the demiurge or traffic with health.
⦁ TRADITION: Or how to interpret reality. The minné makes it possible to recover the memory of
race, the collective unconscious keeps the initiatory symbols and archetypes, the rites or social festivities that made it possible to combine cyclical time with its eternal meaning.
To honor the memory of the ancestors is to meet with what we have been either by purifying Karma or by our real incarnational records. The principle of the encirclement of both soil (homeland) and soma (race
and ethnicity) is one of its facets.
Respect for the elders, their ORAL transmission and the EXPERIENCE value already refined in gnostic wisdom. Nowadays it is imperative to erase any trace of tradition since it is the greatest revulsive for the Positivist and entelechiated GLOBALIZATION.
⦁ POLITICS: or how to administer reality. The leaders should be those who show the highest degree of
CHARISMATIC orientation towards the spirit. The prototypical monarch fulfilled this requirement as proof of his pure blood, later One of the causes for the existence of castes designated to politics was that by the fact of the custom to wealth from the cradle they would not use their position to access it (case is apart from the hyperborean archetype of lineage seat of the rune of origin). Other hyperborean leaders at a certain age of
maturity, had shown their worth in different crucial strata so that their election was univocal.
Nowadays, foreign policy serves to cover plutocratic and ideological interests of hidden elites, it is just one more profession alien in its deontology to its true importance and increasingly fragmented in multiple administrations-incumbencies, the clear example of parasitism of the concept STATE.
⦁ ETHICS: Or how to govern reality. If morality is the comprehensive form of good, ethics would be its
articulation in society, both concepts are direct expression of unadulterated cosmic laws. Here we do not speak of impositions of codes of conduct subjugated to tyranny and fear imposed by a cruel creator god.
Nor how the path of the left hand must face the stages of its liberation confronted with the priestly SACRAMENTS. The RHETORIC was its main vehicle, the constituent essence of the language endowed with meaning to the EVERYDAY, with the highest values of HONOR AND
There is a martial order and a spiritual hierarchical golden chain in time of peace as well as in time of war. EDUCATION of the young was one of its best expressions. SUICIDE AND EUGENESIA were accepted as a standard of personal DIGNITY AND communal good, the value of "life" was weighted in its just value.
measure which is that of the ETERNAL RETURN. Roman Fides, oaths, blood pacts. In our times everything is "valid" and relative with the premise of FREEDOM and PICARESQUE, which radically promotes the ludic- commercial typology and all kinds of psychosexual aberrations (libido is eroticized, "orgasmolatric", pansexualistic).
⦁ ART: or how to transfigure reality... Major and minor arts. It must capture the beauty in the language of tradition (symmetrical proportions of the eternal) in order to reach the liberation of the spirit. The matter was thus marked with a rune of resonant and permanent effects...The Trance and the inspirational ecstasy are controlled by the Apollonian WILL of form...Its first manifestations show a desire or magical formation of control especially in the pasu subjugated by the mysterious Nature, being later degradation of what is related in the myths (chronicles of the gods) and of the transcendental initiatory rites: THE CONCEPT OF THE TRAGEDY nitszcheana, the anguish of the enchainment and its longing pilgrimage igneous emotions are refined in evocative feelings of the ice finding its correct channel of elevated expression.
In this time of postmodernism, art is only valued as an expression of that which has never been seen (an anecdotal entelechial overcoming), the abstract incomprehensible ("intellectualized schizoart") or the perceptive extremes that violate the senses ("epatar").
⦁ MAGIC: or how to orient reality towards the origin... Esotericism with a functional elite at the service of its people and real opportunities of transcendence for all, not as a secret caste that subjugates. The community advances multidimensionally conscious of its potential and its possibilities, being born in it THE SENSE OF THE ETERNAL authentic spark that completes the life imbued with the deepest and richest sense. PHILOSOPHY or love of wisdom is not bookish or speculative theorizing but active-practical gnosis.
⦁ WAR: Or how to destroy reality...Every people has the cosmic right to self-determination and to stand up to any faction or force that wants to impose its designs of FREEDOM, purity and expression...The martial arts show that through the use of force there is a way of realization and
Integration...Combat is a real cerebral and tactical discipline, not only physical: it would be gratuitous VIOLENCE.
At present PEACE is absolute metarelate, perfect excuse of control for the masses to be offered in energetic sacrifice of the trophic pyramid.
These 8 points form an interchangeable solid reality (THE CONFRONTATION OF THE RAYS OF THE KALACHACKRA IN OPPOSITION), that is to say that they cannot exist separately and can be explained each one from them. When this separation happens, that civilization walks towards its APOCALYPSE by dissolving degeneration. When this cosmovision awakens in a hyperborean community, its members are called
ÜBERMENSCH (see NIETSZCHE again), "supermen or absolute men" who go up their modified genetics and come to toast with their inspiring father gods beyond the stars.
ASCETICS of the Rune: On the concept of "asymmetry" and its implication with an individual noological ethics.
This concept is one of the most difficult for viryas to assimilate in its true depth, because it has always been the basis of the PRECEPTS and LAWS of the morals of the Priestly caste, which at this stage of the kaliyuga is antithetical to the warrior kshatriya, to which the virya belongs. In order to understand its meaning I will resort to the planetary astrological symbol, to our discursive trident guibur and to the distinction offered by the knowledge that there are 2 factions of liberator and traitor gods, some struggling to untie us from the chains of Maya and others to sink us more and more in the densest matter...
⦁ Sin for the cultural pact: "All that act that moves away from the concreteness of the formal aspects of the one and of being able to oppose its legislated VOX" (both in books for the people, as well as texts of pure formal operative magic). The priest here is a bidder of Manu sense and offers the deception or hypocrisy of not
showing all the knowledge to the masses In certain epochs there is the flourishing of extremely strong laws
that repress to the point of illness the psycho-sphere of humanity, which subsequently makes possible the occurrence of REVOLUTIONS or radical social changes in the spheres of counter-expression of these underground forces.
Right hand path. SACRALITY.
⦁ Sin(1) for the blood pact: "Any act that takes us away from spiritual liberation, from the realization of our runic geometry". It is here where the deepest PARADOX occurs and where we must probe its nuances ... Since we are embryos and being overturned in these infernal planes we are subjected to the IMPRONTA of some spiral forces that like onion layers are molding the 7 main rays of the kalachackra on our ontic monad (which enables the chaining and reversion along with other postmortem or bardo mysteries) These forces are the ones
that the authentic virya manipulates for his purpose of producing the less conditioned-dense material states (that make possible the spiritualization or liberation of the self) and that translated into the language of consciousness would produce in us the beginning of the INDIVIDUATION PROCESS. They are the ARCONTES in some
Gnostic currents of the past (sometimes they were seen as tyrant kings of the expression of the natural order) and we can study them as WEAKNESSES tending to the curvilinear in the external linear faces of the PLATONIC BODIES that make possible each phase of molding of the ROUND CRYSTAL.
NOOLOGICAL personal resignative, which is in turn STONE ("BEING STONE MAN") and condensed center of gravity. These would be:
1.Moon-Yesod: Laziness 2.Mercury-hod: Envy 3.Venus-netzchah: Lust 4.Sun-thiperet: Pride 5.Mars-geburah: Wrath
⦁ Jupiter( chesed):Gula
⦁ Saturn (binah): Greed RESIGNATIONS:
⦁ Moon: laziness would be resigned by the diligence of the activity, a superhuman energy coming from the vril
⦁ Mercury: envy would transmute into generosity with comrades, giving a fair dimension to the importance of money, a concept stripped of its current primordial gravity...
⦁ Lust: lust would transmute into chastity in a correct tantric use of the seed in the polarity of ecstasy- ecstasy.
⦁ Sun: the solipsistic pride would be resigned by a humility and honorific simplicity (loss of personal importance, a term which
readers of Castaneda) that focuses on self-love, not on the destructive ego, and that entails a lack of honor and
final disloyalty...
⦁ Mars: the bully's anger-complex would transmute into Berserker rage when the occasion was a strong obstacle to spiritual self-determination.
⦁ Jupiter: gluttony would transmute into temperance, we would take the right food (whatever its nature) for the best elaboration of our physical or mental martial purposes.
⦁ Saturn: Greed understood here as an act of sapience (last mask of the demiurge, higher sephiroth) would transmute into the sober restraint that produces the certain knowledge flowing between
all states of consciousness of the recovered selbst. At this point we also consider how to handle the power that comes from our ancestral lineage.
(the concept of sacred sin in the cultural, usually allows certain licenses usually related to the INSTITUTION of the sacraments, ie it is allowed to release the lust in marriage, the pride in the priestly order, etc, etc. hence they are not the same for practical purposes, note where I speak of the sacraments in this text and the magnitude of the inconguence).
Up to here we would understand the esotericism of the Sacred pole of the archons, but it happens that the hyperborean spirits are chained with the purpose of producing culture. The viryas thus carry in a connatural
way a great CURIOSITY (the germ of rebellion and confrontation) which enables them to pass through Elix and Labrelix, which is the origin of rebellion and confrontation.
which leads them, before reaching the luciferic pole, to have to know the Ludic of the archons, that is to say that, having an effect on the
EXCESS WAY and pondering on all those errors-lack of symmetry can the
virya to reach the self-knowledge of the polarities of energetic expression, as long as the memory exists in him.
of the origin and sees in this terrible affront a NIGREDO of atrocious suffering, the DIGNITY or HONOR sullied and wishes fervently to free himself beyond being one more Involutionary DEGENERATE (if he stayed in the cultural sacral pole fulfilling it he would be a GENERATIVE EVOLVED)...Freed then the virya of the left hand of such BUCLES of induced behavior can thus approach the pole of the left hand of such BUCLES of induced behavior can thus approach the pole of the right hand of the right hand of the left hand of the left hand of such BUCLES of induced behavior....
LUCIFÉRICO pure to the noological ethics stripped of psychology and that only attends to the signs of its selbt with honor...
(1) The left hand virya has all the freedom to change the word "sin", which immediately leads to matrices of priestly information to others of a geometrical, runic or symbolic nature. ARCONTE OR ASYMMETRY may
be one of them.
Let the virya critical reader of these lines also remember that the extraterrestrial hyperborean reality is that of civilizations with a great organizational precision under the DISCIPLICINE OF MARTIAL CAMARADERY (honor and loyalty), the hyperborean siddhas and their societies are not composed of bands of outlaws or ruffians of anarchic- nihilistic tendencies.
pd: alchemy as a process of individuation for the inner labyrinth and Graal for the outer. SOLAR EMPEROR:AUGUSTUS
Augustus, initiate of Apollo in Apollonia, builds in Gallaecia (present Galicia) a city called LUCUS AUGUSTI
, 12 B.C (present LUGO) in a sacred forest (let's appreciate the functional reminiscence with the apple tree forest of Tharsis) "sacred forest of Augustus" For him, this new city to be founded materializes the
achievement of the Pax Romana in the Empire (the urban analogy of the ARA PASCIS). His aim was to show in the city the perfection of the proportions of VITRUBIO, after the victorious achievement of the Cantabrian wars...
Augustus after being named maximum pontiff, agglutinates in himself the personification of the solar god Lug, and thus has ascendancy over the Celtiberian tribes of the cultural pact both in Hispania and in Gaul. Lug was the lord of the Milky Way (let us understand it as a concept of Boreas, resigned to the Hyperborean by a pontiff of the power of Octavian Augustus in a framework of the best psychosocial strategies).
The city would encompass the point of arrival of a pilgrimage to FINIS TERRAE (heiress of the mysteries of the megalithic routes), a very important concept for the Roman world of the time since it designated the end of the known earth and where the world of the dead began. There they would build an ARA Solis (setting sun), to
designate where the sun rests daily. This would give rise to the CALLIS IANUS -WAY OF JANO
hyperborean predecessor of the current WAY OF SANTIAGO OF COMPOSTELA of the shortened cultural pact - deviated and established by the Franks (which later would give way to the constructions of the Cistercian and Cluny).It began on March 25 under the auspices of our VENUS (the same figure of the Viera shell carried by the pilgrim) and in the cape of Creus of Tarraco temple of the VENUS PYRINEA (our lady of the cold fire), the most eastern point of the peninsula and therefore close to Rome. A line seemed to unite Ephesus and its
lunar cults of the mother goddesses at the eastern end with the eternal city ( THE OMPHALOS) and the newly founded city of LUCUS AUGUSTA ( finis terrae occidental) solar astrological sign, Augustus-Augustus ( summer in the northern hemisphere) and LEOEL that completed the route received the perpetual immunity of Rome, this is what
We suspect that it would only be at the EXOTERIC level (pilgrims were foreigners who were not strictly Roman). Joining the
Sun with Moon is to complete the mystery of union.
OF THE HYPERBorean WISDOM (it is where the imperial and spiritual power are added, Throne and altar). IUS DIVINUM
"law revealed by the gods that regulates the relations between the gods and men."
The "PAX DE ORUM" (peace of Venus) would show this perfect concordance, sealed with the rubric of the AMICITIA or friendship between both parts, the structural concordance of the perfect order between the contact of the hyperborean siddhas and the loyal people in the blood pact... Such a concept would have a total vertebration in all the strata of social execution of the collective in pursuit of a final transmutation of the people. SOLAR MYTH AND ITS INVERSION: HERCULES IN IBERIA.
The Tower of Hercules and its myth
Located in the province of A Coruña (Galicia, Galicia, characteristic symbol of the city), and recently named (June 27 of this 2009) World Heritage Site has as main singularity to be the only Roman lighthouse still usable and be the oldest in the world ... It has 68 meters high was built by the Romans as a navigation lighthouse in the first century A.D., The construction was between the reigns of Nero and Vespasian, according to the findings of fragments of terra sigillata and thin-walled vases datable between 40 and 80 of our era The inscription at the
foot of the tower and the documentary references to the city of Brigantium (La Coruña) reveal the existence of a lighthouse from the time of Trajan. At its base was found a votive stone with the Latin inscription MARTI AVG.SACR C.SEVIVS LVPVS ARCHTECTVS EEMINIENSIS LVSITANVS.EX.VO, which has allowed us
to identify the architect as Gaius Sevius Lupo, originally from Aeminium, today Coimbra, in Portugal.
The oldest mention of the Tower is found in the Historias adversvm Paganos by Paulo Orosio, written around 415-417 AD, which reads: "Secvndvs angvlvs circivm intendit, ubi Brigantia Gallaeciae civitas sita altissimvm farvm et inter pavca memorandi operis ad specvlam Britanniae erigit". Likewise, historians identified the tower as the place where Breogán's Tower could have been located, a mythological tower that appears among others in the Irish mythological cycle (more specifically in the Leabhar Ghabhála Érenn), and from which Ith, son of Breogán, would have sighted the coasts of Ireland. This suspicion is heightened by the toponym Brigantium, which is highly likely to derive from Breogán, and is supported by the tradition of the Romans in identifying their own gods or heroes, in this case Hercules, with the natives.
The tower possibly lost its maritime use during the Middle Ages when it became a fortification. It was in the 17th century (1682) when the Duke of Uceda commissioned the architectural restoration to the architect Amaro Antune, who built a wooden staircase that crossed the vaults to the top, where two small towers are located to support the lanterns. During the reign of Charles III, the complete reconstruction was carried out. The neoclassical work was completed in 1791 under the direction of Eustaquio Giannini.
The tower was, before the renovation began, a prismatic body with a square base; on the outside it had a stone wall with two doors in the lower part and asymmetrical windows that went all the way up to the upper floor.
a helical mordant that reached the top. In its interior it conserved the old Roman structure, but with wooden stairs that belonged to the restoration of the building, harmonizing it in its decoration with upper frames of doors and windows.
Mythology says that "there was a giant named Geryon, king of Brigantium, who forced his subjects to give him half of their property, including their children. One day the subjects decided to ask Hercules for help, who challenged Geryon to a great fight. Hercules defeated Geryon, buried him and erected a mound which he crowned with a great torch. Near this mound he founded a city and, as the first person to arrive was a woman named Cruña, Hercules named the city after her."[citation needed].
The current facade of the tower is the result of the neoclassical remodeling carried out in the eighteenth century. In 2007, it was chosen as a candidate to be added to the list of World Heritage Sites. On September 9, 2008, it was twinned with the Statue of Liberty in New York and on the 25th of the same month with the Morro Lighthouse in Havana, the oldest in America and one of Cuba's emblems.
We can appreciate that in the antiquity appeared 3 types of Hercules according to the region... I.Solar Hercules, Egyptian Hercules: as a hero-god in struggle-cosmogonic drama.
2.Hercules Melkarth - Phoenician-Punic Melikertes : patron of travelers and merchants.LUDIC, seeker of wealth-pleasures-fame. Hero of the cultural pact. The most recognized version today.
3 Greek Heracles: The hyperborean par excellence, the first, Luciferic liberating WARRIOR who gathers in himself all the virile pattern of APOLLO-BELENUS and who gave rise to the legend among the Dorians and Ionians of the descent of this one together with the Heraclids as revenge before the Semitic peoples (mainly Egyptians and Persians) because of the enchainment of the Aryan spirit in the Mediterranean-Eastern zone. Iberian-Atlantean and Pelasgian origin, similarity to Perseus. His original name is unknown.
A legend-myth with so much power could not pass untouched by subsequent CULTURAL DEFORMATIONS, as we read in the magical novel (about the alliance between the Iberians of Tharsis and the Lydians against the huge and threatening Phoenician army settled in Balares).
"This was, Dr. Siegnagel, the real reason for the continuous state of war in which the Lords of Tharsis must henceforth have lived, which meant the definitive loss of the illusory sovereignty enjoyed until then, and not the "greed" that foreign peoples and conquerors might have nourished for their riches. On the contrary, there was not a King, Lord, or simple war adventurer in the whole orbit whom the Golen had not tempted with the conquest of Tharsis, with the fabulous booty in gold and silver to be won by the one who attempted the feat.
And it was their intrigues that caused the constant siege of bandits and pirates. As long as they could, the Lords of Tharsis resisted the pressure by their own means, that is, with the help of the warriors of my people. But when this was no longer possible, especially when they learned that the Phoenicians of Tyre were concentrating a powerful mercenary army in the Balearic Islands to invade and colonize Tharsis, they had no choice but to accept the help, naturally interested, of a foreign people. In this case they requested help from Lydia, a Pelasgian nation of the Aegean Sea, made up of exemplary navigators whose overseas ships docked in Onuba two or three times a year to trade with the people of Tharsis: they had the defect that they were also merchants, and producers of expendable goods, and were accustomed to practices and habits much more "culturally advanced" than the "primitive" Iberians; but, in compensation, they exhibited the important quality that they were of our same Race and demonstrated an undoubted ability for war. By "Pelasgians" History has known a group of peoples settled in different regions of the Mediterranean and Tyrrhenian coasts, of the Aegean peninsula, and of Asia Minor. So, to find a common origin in all of them, we must go back to the beginning of History, to the times after the Atlantean catastrophe, when the white Atlanteans instituted the Blood Pact with the natives of the Iberian Peninsula. In truth, at that time there was only one native people, who were separated according to the Atlantean exogamous laws into three great groups: the Iberians, the Basques, and those who would later become the Pelasgians. In turn, each of these great groups was subdivided internally into three in all the tribal social organizations of the villages, towns and kingdoms. That unique people would be known after the departure of the white Atlanteans as Virtriones or Vrtriones, i.e., herdsmen; but the name soon became Vitriones, Vetriones, and, through the influence of other peoples, especially the Phoenicians, Veriones or Geriones. The "Giant Geriones", with one pair of legs, that is to say, with only one racial base, but triple from the waist up, that is to say, with three bodies and three
The original people is represented with the triple exogamic division imposed by the white Atlanteans; with the passing of the centuries, the three great groups of the native people were identified by their particular names and the original unity was forgotten: the rivalries and intrigues stimulated from the Cultural Pact contributed to this, each group ending up convinced of its racial and cultural individuality. I have already mentioned the Iberians, since I am descended from them, and I will continue to quote them in this story; of the Basques I will say nothing except that early on they betrayed the Blood Pact and allied themselves with the Cultural Pact, a mistake they would pay for with much suffering and great strategic confusion, since they were a people of Very Pure Blood; and as for the Pelasgians, the case is quite simple. When the white Atlanteans departed, they were accompanied en masse by the Pelasgians, who had been charged with the task of transporting them by sea to Asia Minor. There they said goodbye to the white Atlanteans and decided to remain in the area, eventually giving rise to the formation of a large confederation of peoples. Successive invasions forced them on many occasions to abandon their settlements, but, as they had become excellent navigators, they knew how to get out of all the troubles well: however, those displacements would bring them back to the Iberian Peninsula; at the time of the alliance with the Lydians, VIII century B.C., other Pelasgian groups already occupied Italy and Gaul under the name of Etruscans, Tyrrhenians, Truscans, Taruscans, Ruscans, Rasenes, etc. The Lydian group that the Lords of Tharsis summoned, still remained in Asia Minor, although enduring at that time a terrible scarcity of food; they recognized by the traditions the close kinship that united them to the Iberians, but claimed to descend from "King Manes", legendary ancestor who would be none other than "Manu" the perfect Archetype of the animal man, imposed in their Cults by the Priests of the Cultural Pact."
"I suppose that you are waiting for an answer to the pending question: What would be the next reaction of the Golen to the Tartessian power, which was developing beyond their control and which was frustrating all their plans?" This is the answer, very simple, although it will have to be clarified: the Golen directed against Tartessos the Myth of Perseus.
With all rigor, it can be affirmed that that of Perseus, as well as other legends that have belatedly been grouped under the general denomination of "Greek Myths", is in reality a very ancient Pelasgian Myth. The same thing has happened with some of the "Greek" stories of Herakles: for example, with that in which the hero fights with the Giant Geryon to steal his red oxen and which hides, under a symbol dear to the Pelasgians, an ancient incursion of the primitive Argives against the "triple people" of the Iberians, or Virtriones, in order to conquer the secret of the cattle that they did not know or had lost; and the proof is that those Argives, "enemies of the Geryons", were considered relatives of these, since Herakles himself was the great-grandson of Perseus. But Perseus was the great-grandfather of Heracles only in the Argosian Myth; in truth, the theme is taken from a much older Pelasgian Myth, of Atlantean Iberian origin, which refers to the adventure undertaken by a typical Hyperborean Spirit to attain immortality and Wisdom. In the primordial theme the Spirit Perseus was not Argosian but a native of the Atlantean Iberians, that is to say, of a much more western people; that is why his exploit is not carried out on behalf of a mere mortal king like Polydectes.
but of the Goddess of Wisdom, Frya, the wife of Navutan: all the Names, and the functions of the Gods, were then changed, and transposed, by the peoples of the Cultural Pact, the story of Perseus remaining in the known form."
At this point of the extensive entry when we can accept that the Tower was built by order of Augustus something before that all the sources seem to state and as a polar-extreme replica of the MILLARIUM AERUM of the Roman forum or golden milestone, kilometer point 0 in the count of the distances (it would be located next to the Roman forum). It would be similar to the TOWER OF AUGUSTUS of CAMPATORRES and another one more lost in CAPE TOURIÑÁN...These 3 could be the so famous ARAS SEXTIANAS agustianas ..Runa Ar as cold fire maintained..Altar and refuge, Lighthouse and quasi Menhir.
As a conclusion to add that the figure of Augustus AGLUTINUS to all Hercules himself (he was even represented in resemblance to him, canon doríforo) and the death of Geryon is identified with the ROMANIZATION under the maximum pontiff of the entire Iberian peninsula, a way to recover the myth before the triumphant sinarchy.
We can also appreciate how they are currently trying to twin the Tower with other very important icons of the Iron Age (Statue of Liberty, Morro lighthouse), in an act of cultural degradation...
Netzchah or eternity of VENUS
The principles of love, attraction, aesthetic, artistic, prosperity and fertility, sociability and skills, temptations, eroticism, charm, weaknesses... The principles of beauty and feeling .It is purely feminine. Eros vs
hypnos. The prostitute without hyperborean frame.
Its energy pattern is a ROTATIONAL VORTEX. Venus as a planet rotates in the opposite direction to the rest, recalling in this curious movement the mystery of AMORT.
The Woman
The identity of the FEMININE is trapped in a collective unconscious of the end of the iron age that asks from the "new age" to affirm the effects of softer values on the outside: peace, tenderness, maternity.
While the Aryan spirit world claims a "virility" that from the cultural perspective that we have been inculcated may seem to be even spiteful misogyny. The hyperborean wisdom itself shows us the mystery that at this time
there are few warriors incarnated in proportion to the male viryas However, the texts published so far plus
our own gnosis and personal experience can make us break down the archetypes of femininity for the best transduction of the symbol in the memory of blood ...
When a woman does not receive much artificial light, she synchronizes her menstrual cycles with the moon in 28 days.
( 7x4=28, 1 month)( 28x13=364 days. 1 year). Thus the four phases of this, are the four ages of the
Manvantara and the psychophysical cycles marked in its dynamics of change. Types of women in our way:
I. Woman Eve: She is the one who only lives to fulfill the entelechies of the demiurge. In astrology she has two
basic archetypal realities: The Moon and Venus This is what can happen if any woman affirms them and
fulfills the actualization of her entelechial matrices (to turn to the realization in the matter and not in the spirit):
1.1Eve Moon: If the woman develops this possibility, her life revolves around the conjugal bond and the action of having children, seeking a "good marriage" with material prosperity. To be a Mother, Adam and Eve Metarelate. Sacred Aspect. For many women it is very difficult to avoid this instinct. As the mother of their
own creations, here would also have a place for those women who, upon becoming androgynous, invert this instinct and their life revolves around success in the business or artistic sector. To have children of the flesh with Eve, is to go against the mystery of A-mort, which obliges the viryas to be children of the widower (of himself in the spirit, with the sublimated intervention of her). Thus the family archetype densifies over us with
its role-playing, economic waste, emotional blackmail, loss of vital time, burdens and responsibilities. Having
children also weakens considerably the ethereal field (and as a consequence in the physical) and in the case of women it even leads to piercing (whoever has astral vision will see this to a greater or lesser degree in the first layers)... We also resonate energetically with our offspring, especially when they are very small and helpless...
Having descendants in matter, on the other hand, is good when there is a possibility of collective-racial transmutation.
Venusian Eve: would polarize the daughter and sister aspect. Women who occupy an "indispensable" position in the life of their family or group of friends. Strongly possessed by collective egregors or by the family archetype of origin, even in the professional aspect as tradition. "To be the best friend" Great percentage of playful
attitude and pose of "sentimental frivolity" that locks them in a multitude of amatory relations because of a not correctly sublimated animus in eternal search of emotional stability. Hedonism, cultural eclecticism, escapist desires and free time spent in unanswered tourism. Explorative homosexuality and role confirmation. Separation dramas, divorces, postmodern orgasmolatrous sexual dissatisfaction problem.
⦁ Woman Kaly: The warrior woman, NOT BEING REVERSE (or at least not in the same way) in spirit, carries a priori the archetypal catalytic "absorbing" potential of the iron age and reflects an attitude of essential hostility with a very pronounced chthonic-demonic potential, a pure hostile force. It is something that must be refined in its initiatic hyperborean ascent, to differentiate itself beyond a simple WITCH Aggressive and devouring-
destructive-blackmailing sexuality in the complex of energetic vampirism . Prostitutes or not, they would be suitable women for the wet way of hyperborean tantra... "Confused mass" alchemical, turbulent waters. The
warrior man, being reverted in this era, is not so primary, but only a "balanced" muppet to elaborate cultural manifestations... It can also occur in Pasu women without the possibility of escape. It is worrying the null
capacity that modern man has to perceive Kaly.
the last official external trace (since modernism) was the morbid "FEMME FATALE" that torment of degenerate Aryan artists who saw their pathetic pretensions of success and accommodating fame inspired by a figure that caused them a heartbreaking torment in this case caused by the dramas of Kundalini active in the lowest centersSuffering , for forgetting Her, Karma of the cultural, so much of sense.
for the demiurgeThis femme fatale, already liberated and cosmopolitan since the Greek hetaira, also
foreshadowed the
irruption of the woman in the arts: a prototype of hysteriform sick woman (see Pathos concept) who debates between the playful exploratory and the sacred vindictive substitute of dogmas. Harassing narcissism that usually also shows the highest degree of exploitation in its false weaknessThus Died the Light of
Apollo in
the arts and the female Priesthood unveiling the meaning of sexuality-ancestry, the dragon of sodom fulfills the installation
of the Androgynous as a model of the ideal future for humanity, being in turn also the debacle of the Family as an institution and by extension of the Lineage.
⦁ Kaly woman mirroring Lilith: Not all Kaly women can be Lilith womenWould these be a
prototype of a Kaly woman?
racial beauty-perfection that plagues our memory or the Minné of the personal SHE ( great unknown) The
The embodiment of the Numinous beauty of Wotan's wife, the reflection of her memory (it could be a hologram installed with extraterrestrial cybernetic technology, green ray) has the purpose of creating a state of falling in love in the lost viryas with the active chackras above Anahatha, the impossibility of real consummation in the flesh of that affection and the formal relationship because it merits devotional-respectful sense, provokes the spark of the Alchemical Nigredo for the male, which finally leads to the birth of the son of the Widower (term of M.Serrano) or Child of the cold stone. Occitan TROVAR CLUS and possible unresolved Karma floating by the Cathar pontiffs creating later unmeasured suffering in this eternal return. Medieval knights and sublimating Madonna-Virgins . Nietzsche lived it in his flesh with Salome, and he knew it. But these are no longer there either. There is almost only the hedonistic bourgeois who wants to collect relationships if his wallet is abundant enough to access the total and capricious projections of his false sublimation of the soul. The processes of the dry way, the azoth and the later mercury of the philosophers... A-mort-fall MOON
⦁ Woman Pontiff-dama-vraya-Kalibur : The Walkyria resolved. In the tradition a f t e r the fall of Atlantis were those women who carried the stones of Venus, guiding the peoples for their strategic reorientation.
Here we have an adaptation to the SOPHIA or virgin of stoneWoman is already a transinfinite bridge with well controlled siddhis powers must also already know about your LUCIFER OR VULCAN tulku, your partner.
original, in which he delegates the focus of his sublimated libido.
SELBST conscientialized with dominion or perhaps to be able to direct its power as a "Berserker" explosion for liberation purposes..SOL NEGRO ( misterium connuctionis). As a magnetic ovum she articulates the dynamics of the swastika from her womb that renews the encoded light, in the metaphor of attraction of the sperm viryas and Noyos for the STRATEGY OF LIBERATION.they are a type of women of a forgotten past, fascinating both for their candorous nutritional beauty , as for their volitional power, intelligence or hard character.From this numinosity must be born the tension that makes the RECOVERED couple of liberated people continue to transmute through the infinite space: colonies, planets, dimensions, etc. in an exercise of eternal polarity ENERVANT if creative SOLITUDE is not chosen in something that is already PURE
LOVE (AMORT, is love as not death) in
all its nuances, but only the promise of it from the "ruins" of splendor that we inhabit.
If in the previous paragraphs I presented the feminine paradigm in relation to our dismal era, such as Evas in its Venusian and Lunar aspects; Kaly; Kali-lilith; and the Kalibur Vraya, in this one I will show how the feminine paradigm is presented in relation to
our dismal era, such as Evas in its Venusian and Lunar aspects; Kaly; Kali-lilith; and the Kalibur Vraya. field of correspondence from the subtle hyperborean, i.e. from the emerging symbol in the sky in synchrony
with the present and the Minné of UrThe Iberian face of Pyrena-Belisana-Ama of K'thaagar is transferred by the
PARÁKLLITO to the 4 GRECORROMAN goddesses par excellence, which are CERES, VESTA, JUNO and PALAS ATENEA.
⦁ That the evas would be resigned by the figures of CERES-DemeterThe Hyperborean sees here
the birth of the
stone child and how he nourishes himself with everything that provides him with a transitory establishment in the valplads. CHILDHOOD.
⦁ That pure demonic chthonic Kaly would be resigned by VESTA The virya sees here the importance of
tradition and ancestors, the search for the ETERNAL LAWS and the primordial values of the origin. OLD AGE.
⦁ That kaly-lilith is resigned by JUNO... The virya must understand the mystery of Amort (it is always the IDEAL). Also the comradeship of honor. MATURITY.
⦁ That the KALIBUR vraya takes her seat in PALAS ATENEA, the warrior walkirya. If the goddess presents helmet with antlers symbolizes the age of Aires. YOUTH (liberation is a literal rejuvenation at all levels). It is wisdom and its COHESIVE action.
ANIMA MUNDI is a Platonic concept, the feminine expression in creation of the demiurge's breath: the equivalent of man's soul in matter.
Magna Mater Mediterranea or the battle to contain Kali
The form of the cult objects, their symbols and rites are changing SYNCRETICALLY for the already known reasons and parallels of ICONOGRAPHY are found in the images of the gods even in remote regions apparently geographically incommunicable and impossible to explain for a SIMPLE rational analysis (the intringulis of the subject is left for other awakened faculties). In an indeterminate point of the antiquity the forces of the conflict showed too many stories of GODS AND virile HEROES that struggled to free themselves from the infernal planes or LOKAS and with them to grant a lesson or imprint that forged the ideal character of their peoples: Alexander the Great had extended towards the East the Aryan will towards the gates of the same Brahman kingdoms where the knowledge of the chaining power was condensed and later Augustus did the same towards the West until FINIS TERRAE (Gallaecia in Iberia), inaugurating the imperial PAX and the era of Roman splendor. On the other hand, there were many goddesses that hoisted the aspects of beauty, inspiration, intuition and abundance or the potential magic of sexuality-fertilization, all those were cognitive SUPRAVALUES that taught uniform concordance for all the peoples that were already apt to WALK on the path of return.
It was thus that the ANIMUS MUNDI or terrestrial logos was intercepted by the vox of the demiurge in order to unbalance one of the poles and continue the combat. The masculine could not be attacked since the shadow of the psychosphere was accumulated on the side of the feminine (the hyperborean when in a trapped plane is purely virile combative) for various reasons that can even manifest a GENETIC lack of the feminine essence in a MATRIX fertilized by a self-sufficient androgynous ENTE (IDEAL OF THE DEMIURG), as not AMORT renunciation of the siddhas traitors to virility) key means for the appearance of his DEMONIC CONSORTE SAKTI- KALI in that epoch in which his ACTION is direct and consecutive of his hegemonic reign...The warlike tension in the symbolic mental plane has its main expression in the Mediterranean world in the conflict between the virile APOLINEO and the DIONYSIAC, the latter concept remaining as the form in which the synarchic strategy would penetrate to destroy all construction of the warlike spirit: so it happened in Greece and Rome with the arrival of Cybele to the Empire; but let us see how the symbol and the expression of the magna Mater was constellated in the different stages of the essential war from the prism of the peoples that concern us. Let us analyze, broadly speaking, the Mediterranean Numen base inherited from the ancient Middle Eastern confrontation (Assyrian-Sumerian-Babylonian) and from the Egyptian cultural model:
1:Tartessian Pyrenna-Belisana-Belilith: The change of alphabet when the Lydian people joined the cult. shows the mantric control of the liturgy of the goddess...The horror and fear as an initiatory shock in the forest of Tharsis confronted with the monstrous personification of her (similar to the Indo-Aryan Kali) is a way of instructing from the soul to the viryas who at that time did not have enough capacity to be able to access the resolution of the mystery of the labyrinth in any other way than by a traumatic shock in their soul, to feel the pure terror or fear that froze the blood: the virya was not devoured by the aspect.
Ouroboric (repeating the eternal chained return) of it and awakening to its sphericity.
would later deform the myth with the confrontation Medusa (our goddess) vs. Perseus, cultural hero until many centuries later (see opera and literature in different styles).
2:A pre-classical Greek period: With the mother goddess of the Minoan labyrinth carrying snakes in her arms and bare breasts, goddess of the thicket and of wild beasts, solitary consort where the peoples who carried her adopted her matriarchal designs.
Cults in which male kings-heads of tribes are sacrificed on dates that maintain the order of celestial concordance.
⦁ Iberian ladies of the Mastieno-Bastetan ethnics : V-IV century BC ...Halfway between the Greek mystical divinities and the institution of the vrayas . Ex: the Lady of Elche or Lady of Baza...The influence of the first sailors of the substratum possibly Pelasgian and Phocaean Greeks (Ionian people of the city of Focea, current Turkish coast) is an essential point to understand the style of the elaboration of the sculpture.The warlike opposition to the Phoenician goddess ASTARTHÉ and the Punic-Carthaginian TANIT is a key point to discern after the TROJAN WAR (conflict with a patriarchal and matrilineal background by the charm of the mystery of AMORT) and the pre-Hellenic dark period, to which also belongs the fight that kept ORPHEUS and the triple hékate.
⦁ A Roman period: Triple hékate with Selene (moon), Diana (Artemis) and Proserpina (Demeter) until Cybele- Kybele and the struggle of the Sabines with the state religion (1) until the house of Thurdes and the virgin of Agartha (khaatagar). The arrival of the cult of Cybele (inversion of the Minoan Gea-Rea, or mother goddess Earth) of the prolonging the symbol of the Augustan empire, seemed to mean a degradation infiltrated in the imperial solarity, especially when the priestly caste of Gallis and archigallos coming from Phrygian territories (traditionally Golems) ended up adopting a dress similar to that of the ancient Iberian vrayas and established their rites of castration and chaotic ecstatic-orgytastic euphoria (and perennial transvestism in the cases of the priestly novices) in the spring equinox in March, assimilating in part in them also the liturgy of the cults of Astarte, at a time when the state religion was in full confrontation with the present power of Caesar. The myth of Attis (ancient Phrygian Adonis) proposes a total adoration to the mother-lover Cybele where eros does not find its normal heroic expression, that is to say neither ATIS himself has a natural conception being conceived by the goddess, nor can he consummate his incestuous love with his mother (he is punished for loving a nymph).
So he must die to be reborn, but humiliated as a virya-seed man before the powerful subjugating Goddess who does not want her son to establish an independent male identity. (Remember that ATIS is considered the god of vegetation and Cybele was the patroness of the harvest, seed = virya in Sanskrit).
Note: in the photo, statue of Cibeles, patron saint of Madrid.
If the virya and the lady cannot depart together from the hell of enchainment, the psychosphere will be torn and there will be a struggle between the feminine and masculine for control of the characters of the spirituality of the people.
It is outlined why in Iberia the Magna Mater was contained and expressed by the healthy channel of the liberating hyperborean spirituality...
⦁ "The fact turned into tradition by the survivors who had "forgotten" the sense of it, led them to form the castes of virgin priestesses so common among the Incas, Aztecs, Trojans, Greeks, Romans, Hindustanis, Egyptians, etc. The survivors of purer hyperborean lineage, that is, those who took refuge in northern Europe, called them "virgins of Fasta", as the Frisian manuscript OERA LINDA tells; and in a less pure tradition the Romans, for example, transformed them into "virgins of vesta". But they were also called, after the catastrophe, "Virgins of the Sun", Priestesses of Mithra, Daughters of Agni, etc." (fragment of the thulegeselshaft history).
The Romans did not like uncontrolled states of consciousness when it came to producing the VATICINIANS AND AUGURES, (at a point to be investigated, the relationship between the pontiffs and the Sabines had to be severed). One theory states that the Sabines were the ones who introduced the cult of Cybele and Attis in Rome with the foretold purpose of expelling ANIBAL in 204 BC (predicted by the Sibylline books).
⦁ The goddesses of other European cultures that inhabited the present area are not mentioned here, only those of hyperborean numen.
If the virya or the lady falls in love: Passion, dependence and sexuality
It happens that the perception and energies remain stuck in the tension of the Adam and Eve archetype in the anchor of the heart chackra...The warrior creates remaining arcs and filaments that unite with the other person, diluting both in a state of average consciousness, sometimes subject to the emotional ups and downs of the feminine and sometimes to the excessive male ardor. The duration of such an idealized emerging androgyny is usually directly related to the wear and tear that both spouses make of their genesic forces and whether there are not other interests in their life journey that are more pressing for the union of the couples every day: housing, common economy - inheritances, sharing of tasks, support of loneliness - old age in a time of communal fragmentation, aesthetic narcissismThe subject usually supports an image of the other
(mood complex).
us) which is only the projected phantasmagoric measure of its own LACK (mystery of the union in Jung) and such a spur a sulfurous fuel called LOVE PASSION which is magnified by the reigning decadent culture as the best desired goal to feel "alive"....
On the other hand, from the work of the "Gnostic" Samael A.Weor, the author of this entry only has a few words about the use of sexuality, after applying our discursive trident to it:
1 .Genera: create children. Use SACRO
⦁ Degenerates: the use promoted by the culture of the iron age in which we live, exalted uranus. Orgasmolatry already cited. LUDIC use.
⦁ Regenerates: way of spiritual liberation. LUCIFERIC use. The smile of the goddess: AZOTH of albedo.
The hyperborean tradition tells that the spirit is chained by a mystery of Amort, a fact that, as such, becomes a terrible diminution of the potential arc of states of consciousness that the virya can experience as immanent to his unmanifested divine power, thus leaving the
Selbst limited in his condition,
passing through the loops of the spiral spiral path until it is positioned in Tau where it can already form the infinite staircase (provided it does not get lost and fall asleep for good) .................
forms prevents the conscious subject self from perceiving states in which matter and space are permeable, i.e. one remains subject to the "perfect" reality of the created, turned towards the future time of the structures that are about to realize their "seed" (such license is the semantic change of the very imposition of our monad by that of the bijas with form function) and mutilated in its real autonomy.
main symptoms in the face of such a disaster is the psychic dependence on supra-structures that phylogenetically reduce it to the needs of the most primitive brains and the collective, i.e. there is always a NEED to belong to something or someone (material or symbolic), which causes the end of the suffering or
METAPHYSICAL anguish before the unknowable infinite and in humans of lower energy level a comfortable accommodation in egregores that vitalize the power of their misplaced will.
This is how Kaly, the great goddess of destruction, gains the strength for her reign and Age. This is how the
great MATERNAL COMPLEX occupies all stages of perception and social structures, where the IRON (iron age called the Greco-Roman culture to the age of Kaly indoaria, metal of mars, of the ARIO-ARIES, giving the solution for the liberation in the name itself, did not fall into the Bramanian cultural trap of naming this period of time after her, as a positive patroness of a pantheon of complementary gods) is the epitome of weaponry and warrior necessity to provoke right angles in creation, i.e. OPPOSITION RUNES or WEAPONS. All that does
not face with such a belligerent disposition its captivity will be reduced to a PRIMORDIAL UTTER which is the demiurgic opposition (denied wife of Sanat kumara-jehovah) to the trans-infinite black Sun, a point of indetermination between the past and the future (imagine a lying 8, toroidal vortex) where forms are destroyed to form others and where there is no possibility of continuity in the thread of memory as any kind of immortality since only the most basic laws of conservation-recycling of matter apply (1)..
But the virya knows that he is not here to perform an "imitatio dei" (which would lead him to a dead end, an ideal ANDROGYNATE Manu), that having exhausted the complementary polar possibility of his original partner and which can only lead him to a serene-morbid form of Contemplation that prides itself on its state of final realization (the 3 heads of the dragon and its crown). While the distant echo of the feminine continues to
lash him, its presence is a still living PROMISE of being able to be as a god WITHOUT FENCE and its remoteness is a resentment of the wound, where all sense of fullness is denied, where the chasm of pain as SOLITUDE is that of not being able to recognize himself in ANYTHING OTHER THAN WHAT HE HIMSELF IS, from the resonance of PHYSICAL AFFECTION to the sensation of a RECONSTITUTING HARMONY. and it is in this state, apparent dead end, where the rescue of the goddess, the thread of Ariadne,
the eternal feminine, the AZOTH appears.The minné looks back again evoking in the memory the presence
of her, (to win her eternal face) and if he has been able to purify the links of kaly and sees her (even in certain virtuous women of flesh and blood, but will no longer suffer for her possession ever), she will smile at him and will return to be like the eternal adolescent in love with the KALY-LIlith, pure INSPIRATION, ENERGY AND DRIVER OF MYSTERY. The
Hyperborean sense of BEAUTY is recalledEach sublimation brings one closer to the siddhi
only the highest HYDROGENOS( misterio rubedo) are the ones that allow us to go deeper inside, since pontification requires the confrontation with the lunar mother complexAnd the signs of
femininity and the
deities continue, as well as the depth of the virya's perception on the bridge.
Continuing the thread of the first part of this message, we see in the illustration above (without comment in the first part) the embodiment of the archetype of the androgynous (double arcane King-Queen, with solar lion) pure winged with the tree of the solarization of the lunar rhythms in the background, the wings of the reptilian pointing a species design next to the Kundalini Manu serpents crowned one contained in the cup of the right hand ( giving its fruit of expression ), another rebellious-coiled ( as in the statue of Lucifer of the Retiro in Madrid ) supported by the left hand ( via ) which are minor daughters of the Dragon of the ground and their three demiurgic aspected heads..
Also seen in the background is the Phoenix-Pelican in an act of bleeding and self-fertilization, an expression of the mystery that sustains the inward gaze in the rising of the blood.
This classic engraving has a very repeated iconography in multiple ancient alchemy treatises and later in this new era has seen its rebirth with the deep psychology in parallelism to alchemy in multiple publications... It has a clear DEMIURGICAL expression and its purpose is to effeminate-weaken with the worst aspects of the black goddesses to the Western culture, leading to the synarchic initiation or the final total destruction. The hyperborean spirits have defined gender since their fall and for them the mystery of the union has nothing to do with an expression of the dragon of Sodom: the genital and soul expression of EROS towards the same sex (homosexuality) or towards an ideal state of pansexualistic PROGRESSION for the future Humanity, the constellated entelechy ...
The hyperborean (man or woman) who walks towards the mystery HIEROSGAMOS interacting with his two hemispheres (sophia) and when taking nuptials with his anima-us are born in his psyche the features of the other complementary sex providing him the smoothing of the way to SELBST.It is the union of INTELLECT-ACTION (gained by the lady kalibur) with SENSITIVITY-CONTEMPLATION (gained by the Virya) without any detriment to her femininity-masculinity in the purest traditional sense of the .word. Hyperborean is that of the WISE WARRIOR-A in his vertical odal that transposes the limits of the form (tirodal of the victory) BECAUSE IT CONTEMPLATES THE WEDDING OF THE ANTEPAST and THE DOUBLE BEARS.
The emerging hyperborean woman
(In the photo, the Virgin of la VEGA de Haro, patron saint of agriculture in La Rioja, "A somewhat more modern Ceres" dependent on the curia).
Ceres was the daughter of Saturn and Ops, wife and sister of Jupiter, mother of Proserpina and sister of Juno, Vesta, Neptune and Pluto.
She taught men the art of cultivating the land, sowing, harvesting wheat and making bread, which led her to be considered the goddess of agriculture. Her brother Jupiter, captivated by her beauty, begot Proserpina (assimilated to Persephone in Greek mythology). Neptune also fell in love with her, and to escape from him Ceres was transformed into a mare, but the god realized it and was transformed in turn into a horse, thus Ceres was the mother of the horse Arion.
Ceres was also the patron saint of Enna (Sicily). According to legend, she prayed to Jupiter that Sicily be placed in the heavens. The result, because the island is triangular in shape, was the constellation Triangulum, one of whose ancient name was "Sicily".
She had twelve minor gods who assisted her and were in charge of specific aspects of agriculture: Vervactor, who transforms the land into fallow; Reparator, who prepares it; Imporcitor (from Latin imporcare, 'to make furrows'), who plows it into wide furrows; Insitor, who sows; Obarator, who plows the surface; Occator, who scarifies it; Sarritor, who weeds it; Subruncinator, who clears it; Messor, who harvests; Conuector, who transports the harvested; Conditor, who stores it; and Promitor, who distributes it.[1]
CULT:The inhabitants of Sicily, neighbors of the volcano Etna, annually commemorated the departure of Ceres on her long journeys by running at night with lighted torches and shouting loudly. In Greece there were numerous Demetrias, festivals of Demeter, the goddess equivalent to Ceres. The most curious were undoubtedly those in which the followers of the goddess whipped each other with whips made of tree bark. Athens had two solemn festivals in honor of Demeter: one called Eleusinia and the other, Thesmophoria . They were said to have been instituted by Triptolemus . Pigs were sacrificed, because of the damage they caused to the fruits of the earth, and libations of sweet wine were made. The Romans adopted Ceres in 496 B.C. during a devastating famine, when the Sibylline Books advised the adoption of her Greek equivalent Demeter , along with Core (Persephone) and Iacchus (possibly Dionysus ). Ceres was personified and honored by women with secret rituals in the Ambarvalia festivals held in May with processions in which Roman women wore the white of the men, who were mere spectators. It was believed that these festivals, to please the goddess, should not be celebrated by people in mourning, which is why they were not celebrated in the year of the battle of Cannas. A temple to Ceres was erected on the Aventine Hill in Rome. Its main festivity was the Cerealia or Ludi Ceriales ('games of Ceres'), instituted in the third century B.C. and celebrated annually from April 12 to 19. The cult of Ceres became especially related to the plebeian classes, who dominated the grain trade. It is known
little of the rituals of this cult, being one of the few customs that were recorded the peculiar practice of tying burning embers to the tails of foxes that were then released in the Circus Maximus.
In addition to the pig, the sow or the javelin, Ceres also admitted the ram as a sacrifice. In her festivities, the garlands used were of myrtle or narcissus, but flowers were forbidden, because it was by gathering flowers that Proserpina was abducted by Pluto. Only the poppy was consecrated to her, not only because it grows among the wheat but also because Jupiter made her eat it to make her sleepy and thus give her some respite from her pain. In Crete, Sicily, Lacedemonia and several other cities of the Peloponnesus the Eleusinian or mysteries of Ceres were celebrated periodically, although those of Eleusis were the most famous. From here they passed to Rome, where they survived until the reign of Theodosius. These mysteries were divided into large and small. The
The small ones were a preparation for the larger ones that were held near Athens, on the banks of the Ilius. They conferred a kind of novitiate. After a certain period of time more or less long, the beginner was initiated to the great mysteries, in the temple of Eleusis. The festivals of Eleusis lasted nine days, every year, in the month of September, days in which the courts were closed. The Athenians had their children initiated into the Eleusinian mysteries from the cradle. It was forbidden, even for women, to be driven to the temple by car or chariot. The initiates were considered under the tutelage and protection of Ceres, so they were expected to have unbounded happiness." Source: (mitolog%C3%ADa)
Let us read in the magic novel: "..and "the fat", mixed with the ash, would form soap, the lye, which would wash the symbolic stain of the "sin of Cain"; such "sin" is, naturally, to be a "farmer", sower of cereals, worshipper of the Goddess Ama, or Ceres, or Demeter, or the Virgin of Agartha, the mother of Navutan, that is, the one who gave the seed of wheat to men, the Seed of the Stone Child. The "mark of Cain" is, then, the Sign on the Hot Stone, the Symbol of the Origin that causes the chaining of the eternal Spirit to Matter; that is why Cain, by bearing this mark, can never die: he will be "immortal", as are all men who possess Spirit, although they ignore it because they are "asleep".
Robert Graves, and Rabbi Raphael Patai, in the book "The Hebrew Myths", have extracted and synthesized the Cain Myth from numerous Talmudic midrash. Here is one of the official Hebrew versions, which demonstrate the luciferic spiritual character of Cain and the "created" nature of Abel: "Cain responded to God's rebuke with a cry that blasphemers still repeat: -There is no Law and no Judge!". When shortly afterwards he found Abel in a field, he said to him: -There is no future world, no reward for the righteous, no punishment for evildoers. This world was not created with mercy, nor is it governed with compassion. For what other cause has your offering been accepted and mine rejected? Abel answered simply: -Mine was accepted because I love Jehovah God; yours was rejected because you hate him-. Then Cain decided to strike and kill
It is interesting to learn more about the figure of Cain. According to the Bible, he was, in addition to being a farmer, the first to build walled cities and the inventor of weights and measures. His descendant Tubal-Cain (mythical unfolding of Cain himself) was a manufacturer of weapons and musical instruments." If this figure of Cain is now observed, in the light of the Hyperborean Wisdom, it will be found that he possesses many of the characteristic attributes of the Hyperborean lineages. First of all, the association of Agriculture with the construction of walled cities is a very ancient Hyperborean strategic formula that was recently used, for example, by the Etruscans and the Romans, and that has been expressed with perfection by the Germanic king Henry I, the Birdcatcher. On the other hand, the invention of weights and measures, which the Hebrews attribute to Cain, the Greeks to Hermes and the Romans to Mercury, makes it possible to identify Cain with these two Hyperborean Gods. And finally: the accusation of murderer and the condition of manufacturer of weapons, clearly reveals that the figure of Cain represents some fearsome warriors, the Men of Stone: to betray or point out this quality clearly points to the denunciation of the famous mark." (Forty-sixth day)
Astrologically it is represented by a cross with an arc on its vertical axis or sickle, designating the labor or artisan effort to be made to rise above matter, it is also related to the karmic aspects of Saturn. It is the largest body in the asteroid belt, discovered on January 1, 1801 by Giuseppe Piazzi, being considered a dwarf planet. Its essences as values in this personal collective unconscious of the XXI century would be: MOTHER-CHILD RELATIONSHIP ( lineage)-NEED TO NURTURE AND HOW WE FILL -FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS- NOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH AGRICULTURE- MENOPAUSE AND BREASTFEEDING-HOW WE APPLY AND SATISFY-.IN THE MATURE WOMAN IS THE FEAR OF FACING THE SEPARATION FROM THE CHILDREN AND WHAT SHE DOES IN GENERAL WITH THE FREE TIME GAINED-HOW WE HELP- CONTRACEPTIVE METHODS- MENSTRUAL CYCLES-IDENTIFICATION WITH THE HOMELAND-VEGETARIANISM AND VEGANISM (PHYSICALITY OF THE FOOD, NUTRITION IN GENERAL)-INSTINCT OF
pd: dedicated to the circle Domini Canis Bolivia
Hod or mercury reverberation
Perception and the faculties of intelligence, communication, analysis, discrimination-differentiation, reasoning. The action of the nerves, cunning, learning, calculation, orientation.
Its energy pattern is a VIBRATION-TREMOLO seeking its average tonic wave.
In a personal effort to give light to the shadow sphere, the virya must be able to increase his cultural structure in order to be able to understand from the Minné all the networks of archetypes that constitute the perception of his particular fenestra infernalis and thus reach a total contemplative state of essences and bijas (as codification), symbols, links and cultural registers (with the psychic faculty of anamnesia).
n an ideal Gnosis, the two hemispheres unite the left hemisphere of reason with the dialectical subject that resigns the language of the breath of the One and the other, the intuitive right hemisphere that opens towards the pure Noologic.
Of course it is not a question of accumulating readings such as "best sellers", listening to music, watching fashionable movies or those works that put the sense of the collective operating Culture entelequized towards a goal... Nor is it about objectifying on ourselves certain archetypes ("intellectual", etc) admired by the collective unconscious, but to reach a transcendent state towards the infinite BRIDGE...
The virya should pay attention to several references:
SYMBOL: in the sense of the school of depth psychology, without falling into reductionist dogmas about perception.
ETHYMOLOGY: for the origins and formation of the language. TOPONYMYM: the language located in a geographical Valdplads. ONOMATICS: foundations of proper names.
HERALDIC: fundamentals of lineages.
Yesod or foundation of the Moon
visceral, emotional, ancestral, maternal-familial, nurturing, sleep and adaptability
The active fantasy, the developed lucid dream and the astral travel with "missions" within the demiurgic concert... That is why it is called the "foundation" because it is from where the spiritual misdirection begins to be built with full sense.
Its energy pattern is a PENDULAR SWINGING-REFLUX (like water)...Its four basic phases show this tensioned dynamic
The base with which the quadrangularity of the shadow sphere moves (the instinctive snail design of the lower chackras can be inscribed in it, like a spiral on an axial axis), affects to a greater or lesser degree the geomagnetic, telluric and astral energies of Maya (through the energy channels "nadis" or acupuncture channels).
⦁ New Moon: Renewal of forces by completion of the designs of the unfolded entelechies. Channels in neutral state of movement, paralyzed.
⦁ Crescent Moon: This is where ongoing processes reach their greatest activity and power of initiative.
⦁ Full Moon: Produces an expansive dilation of these channels, it is the time of greater expression of the unconscious forces...The mass is agitated, it becomes feverish...It tends to externalize the disorders of the shadow more easily. It tends to increase sexual desire and aggressive impulses.
⦁ Waning Moon: Similar to the meaning of the waxing moon but with the greatest stopping power of the processes.
The astrological reality of the LUNAR MANSIONS, the moon according to the position it follows in the sky points to 28 groups of stars that symbolize 28 small archetypal constellations with effects on the unmanifested of man (do SELBST IN jung in joining the moon of the unconscious with the SUN of the conscious I).
Coat of arms of the house of Tharsis
Fragment of the novel, twenty-fourth day:
"The King of Castile and Leon, Ferdinand III the Saint, reconquered Seville in 1248 but died there in 1252; his son, Alfonso X the Wise, completed the campaign by conquering the Algarve and the towns of Niebla and Huelva in 1258. The King gave this region as a dowry to his natural daughter Beatriz, who joined it to the crown of Portugal when she married Alfonso III. As such annexation injured the ancient rights that the House of Tharsis had over the region, the Crown of Portugal compensated the Knight Odielón de Tharsis Valter with the title of "Count of Tarseval". In fact, in the Coat of Arms that Portugal gave to the House of Tharsis, there was inscribed in chief the legend: "Con. Tars. et Val.", with which the title "Count of Tharsis and Valter" was abbreviated; the later direct reading of the legend ended up joining the syllables of the abbreviation and forming that word "Tarseval" that identified the House of Tharsis in the following centuries. The design of that coat of arms was the product of an arduous negotiation between Odielón and the Portuguese Heralds, in which the new Count imposed his point of view by appealing to the difference in language and a whimsical explanation of the requested emblems.
Assuming that in the old Lucitania they no longer remembered anything about the House of Tharsis, they claimed the engraving of many of the family symbols on the Coat of Arms: and they were
accepting, thus, the presence of the roosters as "representation of the Holy Spirit to right and left of the Arms of Tharsis"; to the unicorn barbel, chimerical animal, as "the symbol of the Demon that surrounds the navel of the House of Tharsis"; to the fortress in the navel as "equivalent to the old Property of the House of Tharsis"; to the rivers Odiel and Tinto as "proper of the country and necessary to define the scene"; etc.And, finally, they included the image of the Wise Sword "as an expression of the Lady, at that time the Virgin of the Grotto, to whom the Knights of Tharsis were consecrated"; on the blade, the Heralds engraved the War Cry of the Lords of Tharsis: "Honor et Mortis". The next King of Castile and Leon, Sancho IV, reintegrated the region of Huelva to the Crown of Castile and installed D. Juan Mate de Luna as Lord, but assimilated the title and the Arms of the House of Tharsis to that Kingdom. As we will see next, the County of Tarseval, victim of great mortality years before, was then enfeoffed by a Catalan Knight, who had yielded rights of his flourishing Mediterranean County in exchange for those distant Andalusian regions".
And...Fragment of the previous fifth day:
"It was then when they adopted the Unicorn Barbel as the symbol of the House of Tharsis. At first they represented that mythical fish in their coats of arms or in primitive coats of arms, but in the Middle Ages, as will be seen, it was heraldically incorporated into the family coat of arms. The barbel knight, barbus eques, is the most common in the rivers of Spain, especially the Odiel that flowed a few meters from Tharsis; the fish is so named because of four barbels that has in the lower jaw, which is very protruding. However, the barbel referred to by the Lords of Tharsis was a fish with a frontal horn and five barbels. The myth that justified the symbol affirmed that the barbel, moving along the Odiel River, was similar to the Soul passing through the transcendent Time of Life: a representation of the animal man. But the descendants of the white Atlanteans were not like the animal man, for they possessed an Uncreated Spirit chained in the created Soul: therefore the barbel did not represent them concretely. Hence the addition of the spiral horn, which corresponded to the instrument used by the Traitor Gods to enchain the Uncreated Spirit, i.e. the Key.
Kalachakra [it was the spiral of DNA, which also represents the Serpent or knowledge]. Naturally, the Uncreated Spirit was unrepresentable, and that is why it was insinuated by leaving unfinished, in the representations of the unicorn barbel, the tip of the horn: beyond the horn, at an infinite distance, was the Uncreated Spirit, absurdly related to the Created Matter. And the beard of the barbel, of course, signified the inheritance of Navutan, the number of Venus."
Comment a few more things about the symbols of the shield. The Pisces fish barbel as the demon of the Omphalos (place of settlement of the first people of the blood pact) Tartessian of the house of Tharsis is directly related to the era of Pisces and the Manu Vaivasnata the seventh of fourteen.
According to the Bhagavata Purana (8.24.13), the avatar Matsya ('fish' in Sanskrit) of Vishnu appeared to King Manu (whose original name was Satyavrata, then king of Dravida) when he was washing his hands in a river. The little fish asked him to save it, so the king put it inside his lota (copper vessel), the fish grew, and the king had to put it in a puddle. It grew again and the king put it in a lake. It grew again and the king put it in the ocean. Matsya told the king that a flood would come. The king built a big ship, where he housed his family and the semen of all the animals to repopulate the Earth. He hooked the ship to the horn of the Matsya fish, which dragged them through the flood.
This story is very similar to other stories of the global flood in Sumerian (pre-Hindu) mythology, both of which preceded the biblical story of Noah's ark.
A Manu Dravidia (brown Atlanteans), a people that was conquered by the invasions of the European Indo- Aryan blood...Vishnu the preserver has as Avatara the unicorn fish Matsya (Pre.symbol of the demon of Tharsis) and the king Manu Vaisvanata -Satyavrata drives the ship with the species to preserve tied to the horn of the fish, while the latter tells him the Matsya-Purana, the most ancient Purana text .
between the fish of the Hindustani texts and that of the Tharsis lineage would lie in the fact that this one is of a defined species, the 5 beards (Virility-Virya Venusian in the Mental-crown) and in the ringed form of the infinite-numinous horn that insinuates the mystery of the enchainment and is also revealed in the hilt of the WISE SWORD. In the background also appears the mountains of the western Sierra Morena (exactly in the Sierra de Huelva), with several auriferous veins showing the legendary mineral wealth of the area and its angular oppositional potential. The Balsamic moons, Eighth phase of the lunar cycle (analogy with Venus) would show the Phontos men and the constellation-horizon of the Kaliyuga that in that nocturnal phase is the point where the black Goddesses of Kaly have less power, although it subtracts also as it is understood, imperial splendor in the limiting matter together with the burden of the decisions of the ancestors or the TRANSITION towards the most absolute mental objectivity from the experience, a new way of distilling the whole cycle (just imminent) past reorienting towards the responsibility of the future.
The symbol of the fish would agglutinate the sense of the unconscious SHADOW of the lineage of Tharsis, that is to say the negative aspects of the Manu of the Age of Pisces since the distant disaster of Atlantis, the pilgrimage and blood pact of the Atlantean white peoples and with the apogee of the birth of Christ (many point here to the beginning of the Age of Pisces) .
INFIDELITYLet us not forget that the synarchy celebrates the FALL OF THE EMPIRE as the great milestone of this era.
ROMANO, and in the features described we also find by timeless extension of our Minné the shadow of Rome. Ilipa Magna and Moneda
Ilipa Magna was the last deep-water port of Hispalis and where in 207 BC a decisive battle took place against Carthage and the legions of Cornelius Scipio in the Second Punic War (After this, Italica was founded as a settlement for veterans and the wounded). It was a strategic point in the civil war between Caesar and Pompey. There was also a much earlier Tartessian-Turdetan settlement that controlled the mineral transport to
the Guadalquivir.
Given its importance the enclave came to mint its own coinage, (Photo of one of the first half of S.II ac) note the reader where you can trace the first sketches of the symbol of the coat of arms of the house of Tharsis, although in this case the fish instead of a unicorn barbel is a Sandalwood-Tarpón-Arencón (very appreciated and of great physical power, other sources point to be a Tuna) and the moon keeps an incipient taurine- prosperous potential to grow ...
The motif of the ear of corn is possibly the most abundant in the numismatics of the lower Roman Guadalquivir in a period that spans several centuries.
The current name of Ilipa Magna is Alcalá del Río (province of Seville). Kings of Rome
The history of Romulus and Remus (in the absence of investigating with all possible faculties) has its basis in the LINEAGE OF THE FOUNDERS OF TROY and in the primordial Aryan siddhas, they carried the blood of these (basically DORIA) and reinforced by the incident of RHEA SILVIA (daughter of the dethroned king Numitor, forced by this to belong to the Vestal cult) that is fertilized while sleeping next to a river by MARS, both being the parents of ROMULUS AND REMUS. This would renew since ENEAS (son of AFRODITA
VENUS- FREYA goddess and ANCHISES), the blood with the direct divine contact. Sometimes matrilineal,
sometimes patrilineal depending on the greater or lesser opposition to the intensity of the KALIYUGA The
she-wolf LUPERCALIA suckled the twins is the pure expression of the warrior power and its transmitted force. The legend also tells that Luperco could have been a faun (the feeric creatures usually refer us to the
demiurgic hierarchies) that was transformed into the Capitoline she-wolf in the posteriority...
Zeus Electra Teucro /Dardano Batía/stíoque Erictonio Ilo/Tros Calírroe/Ilo Asáraco Ganimedes Cleopatra/Laomedonte Temiste Capis/Príamo Hécuba Anquises Afrodita Latino/Creúsa Aeneas Lavinia/Ascanio Silvio/Silvio Aeneas Silvio/Bruto de Troya Latino
Silvio/Alba/Atis/Capis/Capetus/Tiberinus/Agrippa/Romulus Silvius/Aventinus/Procas/Numitor Amulius/Rea Silvia Mars/Hersilia Romulus Remus
The death of Remus at the hands of Romulus in the incident of the hyperborean plow or Pomerium(1) seems to confirm the archetype of the Double, typical of the genesis of the cosmogonic concepts, one of the two brothers concentrates all the Shadow of the lineage and is killed by the other for the correct concretion or realization of a FOUNDATIONAL MYTH (in this case Remus seemed to want to designate ETRUSCAN ancient proto- Mediterranean matrices, as opposed to the revealed and overwhelming novelty of ROMULUS, what is clear is that they did not agree with the auguric design they witnessed).
pd :Other legends see as precursor of the history to Julo, son of Aeneas (who founded Lavinio, Lavinia was his wife of which he was widowed) founding Alba Longa to the south of the Tiber (two cities before Rome and close), of the 12 kings of the first Rhea (the mother of Romulus and Remus) would be the queen of the last of them, Numitor, cruelly overthrown by his brother Amulio (which would overthrow Romulus as a colophon).It is this one that launches the
...After the incident, they would be taken in the roots of a fig tree, where the she-wolf finds them and nurses them in a cave on Mount Palatine until they are found by the chief shepherd of King Faustulus, who left them in the hands of Larentia, his wife, for their education. Some sources point out that it could be this prostitute
also meaning that would add to that of the LUPA (she-wolf) as possible review that suggests here, the twins as Sons of Kaly...
Pomerium and odal
From the beginning of the second day of the magic novel:
"The magical enclosure of the fields, and the layout of the walled cities, was to be carried out in the earth by means of a stone plow that the white Atlanteans bequeathed to the native peoples for that purpose: it was a lithic instrument designed and built by them, which they never had to get rid of and which they would only use to found the agricultural and urban sectors in the occupied land".
Pomerium was the name given to this enclosure from Rome, traced by the pontiffs and surveyors after the precise rites with the plow. Within it there were strict laws and could not be established cults to other gods that
were not the patrons of the enclave, with the exception of Venus and the Magna Mater (I will talk about the struggle of what means the SAKTI-kALI covered here). Its limits would be shaped by the arrangement of
certain stones called CIPPI.
Romulus would be the one who created the pomerium of Rome to enclose the 7 hills and their 7 rays. The emerging memory of Turdetania
The Wisdom of the Crystal Books of Agartha states: "The White Atlanteans after the sinking of Atlantis begin a voyage of conquests, a group penetrates in America and develops their strategies, others enter Europe through the door of Hercules, which was located in the Iberian Peninsula and enter into contact with the Iberian peoples, finding in the Tartessos a loyal and spiritual people with whom they sign the first Blood Pact. The Tartessians are instructed by the White Atlanteans in the mystery of the Tongue of the Birds and in the secret of the Living Stone (megalithic art). Inheritors of the Atlantean mysteries of the
Tartessos are the Turdetans, they were instructed in the secret of the language of the Birds. But the Turdetans did not receive the secret of the Living Stone because this mystery was mastered by the White Atlanteans and the Tartessians, and once it fulfilled its operational mission which allowed the development of megalithic strategies throughout Europe, its science was "lost" with the disappearance of the Tartessians. The White Atlanteans after the Blood Pact with the Tartessians march describing two journeys, one expedition goes to the north of Europe and signs the Blood Pact with the Nordic peoples, heirs of the Cro-Magnon, who receive the mission of guarding the door of Thule to Agartha, these races fulfill their mission and are awaiting their action in the history that is inscribed in the IV century with the "barbarian" invasions, who come to the rescue of the Romans after the empire falls into the hands of the Christian priests. The second group of White Atlanteans continued their strategic journey through the Mediterranean, sealing Blood Pacts with different peoples, the Ligurians, the Etruscans and finally the Greeks are added to the strategies of the White Atlanteans, receiving the cultures of these peoples the influence of the warriors of Atlantis. The White Atlanteans, after fulfilling their mission by signing their blood pacts with the peoples of Europe, left and returned to Agartha through the Boreal Gate or Thule Gate, their heirs would pay honors by resisting the attacks of the Semitic peoples guided by the Golen priests. Thanks to the White treason of the Celtic peoples (the Celts are the first people or race of the White treason), in the Bronze Age they invade all Europe guided by the DRUID PRIESTS, conquer the peoples of the blood pact, and destroy the Gnostic ways and their Hyperborean sciences.
It is therefore important to understand that this first action of war against the Dark Atlanteans and their peoples of the Cultural Pact takes place after the collapse of Atlantis, (between 6000 or 500o years before Christ) and was inscribed in the mystery of the House of Tharsis. The second action of war is triggered by the return of the Siddhas of Agartha at the beginning of the Iron Age with the descent into the world of the demiurge of the Hyperborean races, who carried on their banners and emblems the SIGN OF ORIGIN AND THE THREE INCREATED RUNES. This second action of war ALLOWS TO DEFINITIVELY UNLEASH THE ESSENTIAL WAR IN THE CREATED ONE. Combat that has not yet concluded and that is still being fought on all war fronts, and the Hyperborean Virya must understand that today, as yesterday, he is the main actor, and that VICTORY depends on his will and courage.
We will give a small review of these first two peoples who received the direct influence of the White Atlanteans. The Tartessos of the Latin language "Tartessus" was the name by which the Greeks knew the first civilization of the West allied and heir of the WHITE ATALTANS. Heir to the megalithic culture of the Iberian southwest, it supposedly developed in the triangle formed by the current provinces of Huelva, Seville and Cadiz, on the southwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Its axis was the river Tartessos, which the Romans later called Betis (formerly "Oleum flumen" = river of olive oil) and the Arabs called Guadalquivir (meaning large river). However, nothing is certain and several authors try to place the Tartessos river in the mouths of the Odiel and the Tinto (Huelva estuary), in the Mar Menor, in the mouths of the Guadiana or in the Tagus itself. In 2001, the old Castellar river that passes through Castellar (Jaén) was named Tartessos river. The Tartessians developed a language and writing different from that of the neighboring peoples and had cultural influences of the White Atlanteans who taught and instructed in the Language of the Birds and the secret of the Living Stone to this people. Tartessos had had a great Greek influence, which supposedly led to the disappearance of its monarchy at the hands of the Phoenopunics as revenge for their support of the Phocians after the Battle of Alalia in the 6th century B.C. From this disappearance arose a new civilization, descendant of Tartessos, the Turdetans, who adapted to the new geopolitical conditions of their time. The Turdetans are inbred of the Tartessos and receive all their cultural influence, keeping their mysteries until the Phoenician Carthaginian invasions who, guided by the Atlantean Morenos, destroy these two civilizations.
Having lost the commercial and cultural link that Tartessos had with the Greeks (the Pelasgian Greeks had a link with the Tartessos because both races were part of the Blood Pact and assisted each other in this strategic action), the Turdetania was immersed in the Carthaginian influence, although it developed its own evolution of the previous culture, so that the Turdetan population knew itself to be descendants of the ancient Tartessians, and at the arrival of the Romans, it still maintained its own signs of identity. Rome avenges in the Punic wars these two civilizations heirs of the White Atlanteans and takes the initiatory mysteries of the Tartessians and the Turdetans, especially the mystery of the LANGUAGE OF THE BIRDS and their alphabet, the Latin alphabet participates in it. Imperial Rome is the heir in time of all these Hyperborean kabalas and is perhaps the people who did the most in history to defend the mystery of the Tongue of the BIRDS, the secret of the Carved Stone and the art of forging Weapons of War. "
(Excerpt "From the Crystal Books of Agartha THE MYSTERY OF THE HOUSE OF TURDES". Gustavo Brondino)
A fateful emblem of an era: the Franco's Victor
"Victor" (Victory or victorious shield) is the name of the unique symbol used by General Francisco Franco during his mandate, since November 1, 1936, when he was appointed Generalissimo. There are two opposing theories about its origins:
1 Derived from the Crismons (almost at the end of the Empire) and the Roman shields, it would later appear to designate the doctors of the University of Salamanca from the XIV century and of Alcalá de Henares later on.
That it was the talisman devised by a BLACK MAGICIAN of Tangier called CORINTIO HAZA to provide success and protection, apparently he was a seer and healer who had a lot of weight in the Franco regime occupying the
archetypal position of "advisor" not recognized in this case... This guy would also have had a lot of influence on Charles de Gaulle and other military personalities of the time.
What is true, and what no author writing on the subject has noticed, is that there are many different types of "Victor" with very important differences in their rubrical traits (they are included in only one type, gnostic blindness)...
The precise case of the one that concerns us here is very peculiar, it presents a central V, the right angle of the opposition in the matter and the 5 in the mental plane, in which a TAU, pole of the cold fire of the hyperboreans, is clearly DEGRADED because it is connected in its center by a circle with an internalized stroke, it is the SUN with logoic matter of Sanat Kumara, the one intercepted by the Kalachackra designs and that blocks like a colossal obstacle?In the lateral strokes of the V on the left is a C, the waning moon almost balsamic (reminiscent of the coat of arms of Tharsis) and on the right the main strokes of the astrological symbol of Saturn-Crone: Both Francisco Franco and Philip II were ruled by this in their respective mandates.It is clear that the weakened moon and Saturn-judge together with the Solar designs hindering the spiritual flowering were the severe ruling arcana of the four decades of Franco's regime...These could mean in essence: AUSTERITY-SUBMITTANCE TO THE
(confronting the same blood) -PRIVATIONS -CONSCIOUSNESS OF UNION (homeland) -PENURIES - DEVELOPMENT
Madrid Coat of Arms: The bear and the strawberry tree...Community Flag
It would not be bear as it is said since the symbol directs directly to the constellation of the MAJOR BEAR AND ITS SEVEN STARS, nor strawberry tree since this is the fruit of the strawberry tree name of a very characteristic tree of the Mediterranean mountain and that conserves here clear stamp in common with the tree of the life of the kabalah, and the 10 fruits or sephiroth. The major bear MATER consists of 19 stars, only 7 are well visible from the earth (they constitute the famous Chariot), of them the two brighter ones point (Merak alpha and Dubhe beta) to POLARIS, the polar star or star of the North of the minor bear, yellow supergiant that must be looked at to orient us towards the north in the night from this hemisphere.
The constellation of the greater bear would transmit the 7 rays (see the "Trinidad oppositorum" entry) in relation to the radiating topography of the Sierra de Guadarrama (central system) towards the whole peninsula. The crown, harness and volutes are symbols of monarchy.
In the flag of Madrid the 7 stars are repeated on a crimson background (inherited from the banner of Castile, the council of Madrid was born in the Reconquest).
The sacred Callao of Madrid
Here you can see the oldest coat of arms of Madrid dating from the 12th century. A Callao or flint stone half submerged in water, flanked by two intertwined links that cause sparks of friction and seem to suggest by pure pareidolia two dragons (basal chaining) carrying in their jaws a blue band (laurels) with a Latin inscription: "Sic gloria labore", that is the glory is achieved by work (both material and spiritual).Madrid by its geographical location is the geomantic center of the entire peninsula between the two plateaus, heart chackra and motor plexus of the Iberian volitional-economic energies.
These inscriptions were accompanied by a legend in Spanish that read: "Fui sobre agua edificada, mis
walls of fire are, this is my insignia and coat of arms". Several places seem to dispute the possible original lithic location, all coincide with the abundance of subway water or confluence of watercourses. If it denotes a cult to the goddess this one does not belong to the cast of later "KALYS" (black goddesses of the iron age). Aryan mysteries of the foundational rune stone and the pontificates, seat of the spirit. Fire and water crystallized as rune (ice) of the transdimensional passage, the stone of the ray-SIEG, the METEORITE- AEROLITE that falls to fertilize: Greek omphalos. LITHO-fanic.
Spanish deck of cards and objects of the epic chivalric cycle
This entry is for the internal understanding of the virya. We will not write more or delve into the meaning of CARTOMANT. 4 are the ASES (aesir) of the Spanish deck:
⦁ SWORDS-warriors.Fire 2.SPADES-servants.Earth 3.CUPS-priests.Water 4. Air
4 objects of power, 4 ATAVISMES and ARCANIC SYMBOLS diffused in the MINNÉ: Wise Sword, Staff of Command, Stone of Venus and Vessel (graal).
Malkuth or Earth kingdom
The expression of substance. The maximum density of the entelechies deployed for a specific time. It is the realm, because it is the conditioned "now" (the higher one ascends the tree, the greater the possibility of disengaging in the creation of one's own time with the power of runic opposition).
It is where Karma is so dense that only suffering is experienced, with an impossibility of being able to see an inner orientation being achieved because of the cause-effect unfolded.
The astrological ascendant.
Its energy pattern has no recognizable symmetrical shape and is DYSPHORMIC.
Its energy pattern has no recognizable symmetrical shape is AMORPHIC until it begins to form a definite SPIRAL; the contact with its center is not able to show any oblique geometric figure and with the appearance of edges.
Logics of autosuggestion).
Here we would be at the point where most of humanity is (it is the sense of growth in childhood and adolescence and especially in the pasues, since it is the immersion in the symbiotic "magic time"), where the entelechies carry their purpose with greater force and there is greater submission to the sign of spiral pain: karma shows its maximum virulence action-reaction. Perception is chained in the physicality of the organism in an undifferentiated manner, subjected to the grossest of Manichean Good-Evil dualities (stimulus-response inherited from the incarnational mineral-animal and plant kingdoms) as opinion, and the expression of behavior through the shadow.
The shadow would be all that negative, repressed, unconscious, traumatic and unbalanced part of the psychic constitution. it has a quadrangular shape and is shaped by the prototypical geometry of the yantras (which demarcate milestones or constitutive milestones between the evolutionary stages of the plan of the one) that lead to the resolution of the specific states of consciousness for the usefulness of the individual in the planes of Maya. it is quadrangular and its presence in the WEST can be studied from the theory of the four humors of
Hippocrates: sanguine, choleric, phlegmatic and melancholic, in which each predominance of the elements in our particular disposition would show a deficiency in dealing with the world. It would have two divisions:
-Personal shadow: Ontogenetic, shaped by the personal journey through the psychic constitution of the current incarnation as well as by the recorded memory of other incarnations (although it is not normal for these recordings to emerge if there is not a more or less intentional operation of the chakra system). The support of a real oppositional hyperborean system can trigger in the virya a psychosomatization of certain complexes leading to the partial destruction of his microcosm.
-Phylogenetic: with atavisms of the animal species that constitute in the past of evolution the human mineral, vegetable and especially animal subject, which are activated in the physical morphogenetic features of the initiates who are updating the matrices of certain initiatory myths.
-Collective shadow: shaped by the action of the psychosphere (collective unconscious), geochrony of a region. The fractal of time, lineage karma and emergent programmings proper to the fractal of time inhabited in the comprehensive present.
Table of constitutional quadrangularity, according to astrology and Jung, (main attribution to Galen, 2nd century AD).
Air-Blood-Blood-Blood-Blood-Blood-PENSITIVE: understanding comes using the rational mind. Earth-Black-Bilis-Melancholic-SENSITIVE: understanding comes using the senses. Fire-Yellow-Bilis-Coleric-INTUITIVE: understanding comes using intuition. Water-Phlegm-Phlegmatic-SENTIMENTALS: understanding comes through feelings.
(((Jung (1994) determined that human beings are distinguished into extraverts or introverts according to their attitude towards the outside world and the inner world, which establishes the general type of disposition of the person. Extraverts have the center of their personality slightly displaced towards the consciousness, their psychic energy is mainly oriented towards the external world, seeking a greater adaptation to the environment and they are people who easily communicate to others the difficulties they encounter. On the contrary, introverts have the center of their personality slightly displaced towards the unconscious,
are people who feel great attraction to their inner world, which leads them to withdraw energy from the outside world, that is, to abstract from the environment.
Once the attitude preference - Extraversion or Introversion - has been determined, the preferences can be identified between the poles of the functions of perception of reality and of the decision criteria. Jung (1937), when speaking of function, referred to "a certain psychic activity which in different circumstances remains, in principle, invariable; and energetically, it corresponds to a norm of appearance of the libido".
Malkuth is also related to the INSTINCTS, REFLECTS and the unrecorded Memory of physical events.
Hyperborean resignatory task: Being blocked or limited with no way out, it constellates the archetype HADES- inferno. This shephirot is thus showing how the INVERSION OF THE SYMBOLS IS EXECUTED FROM THE MOST SUBTLE PLANES (ANCHOR OF TAU) and is also the realm of the qliphot or tree of death with all its toxic, demonological and entropic viral power.
It was the grandfather of Pericles (the main Athenian governor of the classical era), Clístenes in 510 BC who introduced the changes in the Greek system of government for the birth of the synarchy...It would grant a radical change to the onomastics of the Hellenic country since the traditional concept of power fell on the GENOS (clan, lineage, i.e. on the blood) of the tribal descendants of the Doric and Ionian tribes that settled during the so-called "Dark Ages" in the territory (the alleged lack of historical sources is the
The reason for calling this period between the end of the Mycenaean world and the archaic age) For
Clístenes would be the DEMOS ("people") who had to gain participation before the tribal chiefs for it reformed the Pythagorean constitution and looked for the ANAMEIXIS ( mixture of all the population) granting rights of soil and birth to all, including slaves metecos and foreigners, against a concept as important as HETAIROI (the chivalrous brotherhood of blood that grants the fact of fighting together, the ancient HONORIFIC bonds of the blood pact, name that later on the elite cavalry of ALEXANDER THE GREAT) He was by birth an Alkmeonid: from Ancient Greek / Alkmaionídai , is one of the eupatric families (PRIESTS) of Athens claimed to be native Athenians and descendants of Neleus son of Poseidon mythical king of Pylos, and Tyre, and claimed to have been expelled from his kingdom by the Dorids. Isagoras was the political rival of Clystenes, concerned about maintaining the ancient order and with relations of XENIA (aristocratic collaboration) with the SPARTAN king Cleomenes I to whom he asked for help to maintain in the PATHRIA the structure of power .....................
expelled from the city. Those who supported Clisthenes offered resistance and trapped Isagoras and Cleomenes in the Acropolis for two days. On the third day they made a truce, allowed them to escape, but executed hundreds of Isagoras' supporters. Clístenes when returning to the city would become an archon (he was already prostates defender of foreigners and hegemon) thus being born the concept of SYNAKHÉNi to say that the
hyperborean gnosis would continue with all its development and essential battle in Greece, but here we already notice a first important collapse of the IRON AGE...
"Arkhe" ("principle", "origin", "source", "primordial substance") together with "physis" (natural manifestation) are two of the key concepts of the metaphysics of the PRESOCRATIC philosophers, the former being a special key to understand the whole history of thought and esotericism of the Mediterranean world (from proportion and symmetry to the Orphic or proto-Atlantean Kabbalah),
with, at the same time" to mean that it is the form of government closest to justice and balance (karmic laws, plan of the one) although as a paradox it can also be interpreted as UNIFORMITY, that is to say, "loss of excellence" "of the original" In Spanish the preposition "sin" is pure negation.
Greek columns and stone opposition
Consider that the Greek Doric temples were the first manifestation of sacred hyperborean architecture, being the heirs of the MEGARHON or great Mycenaean hall, a building used for assemblies, banquets, war councils or songs of the rhapsods and aedos.
which seeks verticality and sphericity in its energy sphere. Every Greek column consists of 3 basic parts: capital, shaft and base, which also show the analogy of the upper, middle and lower part of the human body. In them we can appreciate the underlying tension of the myths of the periods in which each representative style was born:
1 .Doric: About VII b.C E. The simplest and most forceful with a capital of singular aspect. presents the
The external shape of a lenticular anchor. Its Greek name, "sea urchin" (its shape was reminiscent of the empty skeleton of this animal), and therefore had, like this type of anchor, a central hole. It appears in éntasis (also seen in the rest of the styles) in the shaft which is the reflection of Tau, the Vril and the chest swollen by the vital tension of combat. A virtuous attitude for the so-called descent of the Heraclides. The non-existence of the basa shows the unwillingness to settle in the matter. Some authors also point out the existence of a collar in
some constructions between the part of union of the shaft and the capital: a symbol of the laureate victory.
⦁ Ionic: Its main difference is the capital that appears divided by the spiral volutes of the rings of Python - serpent that signs the egg of the world and that later Apollo would face. There are authors who see in this style a derivative of the Aeolian (by "mechanical crushing" of the form) in this style appears crowning appears a palmette, VENUS refulgent, between the
..............The abacus (upper part of the capital) may show resemblance with the shields of the hoplites.
⦁ Corinthian:The capital appears topped by two crowns with 8 acanthus leaves...It gives a variegated and floral aspect, announcing that the magna mater would soon dominate the wills of the warriors..Coribantes... "Cor" - heart....
Thus we have that in the Doric the sphere erhe would be isolated in a runic way: spikes tyr of the hedgehog arquémona in the fall, in the Ionic it would fall lost of the traps of the path elix-snail by the cultural serpent, although the hero of that time can return to create his path by the imposition of the will and in Corinthian only the archetypal fruits of the tree of life remain in this inverted Valplads: explosion of the uncontrolled egg. There is also a Tuscan and composite style Pd: "the astral and psychic energies vary according to a law of evolution contained in the DESIGN OF THE SNAIL, the vital macro and microcosmic energies do so according to laws contained in the DESIGN OF THE SERPENT" (see them fd, volume II).
Crystals or the use of the mineral kingdom
Excerpt from the book "Quartz Crystals" by Sally Barbosa (read with the predisposition free of any New Age influence).
"Crystals are carriers of great energy and can serve a human being all his or her life. There are different categories of crystals, among them:
⦁ Power Crystals: These are of the first order and relatively few in number. They are true swords of Light that cut through apparent darkness 5. quickly and efficiently initiating changes in the conscious alertness of many.
⦁ Devic crystals: They are used by the devas or nature spirits as a dwelling or base and it is best to let this be so as not to break the existing interdimensional balance.
⦁ Synchronizing crystals: They serve to synchronize specific vibratory frequencies in the process of meditation and lead the wearer to flow in harmony with higher vibratory frequencies.
⦁ Energetic crystals: They are programmed to receive high intensities of interdimensional energies.
⦁ Healing crystals: These evoke a response of harmony and balance and the human being who uses it to heal himself and heal others receives the message, giving healing as a response to the stimulus. It dissolves energetic congestion and imbalance, absorbing and reactivating its innate total perfection.
⦁ Battery crystals: They attract, store and periodically emanate energies. They are used cyclically by letting them charge to be used when they are ready and so on.
⦁ Archetypal crystals: They store messages or codes that are received by specific individuals in certain periods of history, revealing higher knowledge when activated.
⦁ Library crystals: They are similar to the archetypal crystals but receive and store more information.
⦁ Transmitting crystals: They transmit light with clarity and integrity; they are excellent for sending light from one place to another.
⦁ Vision crystals: Enlarge and clarify the internal vision or third eye.
⦁ Musical crystals: They are very effective as agents of attunement with the higher planes of knowledge and as agents of sanction.
⦁ Surgical crystals: Used in psychic surgery and for very precise alterations in the energetic pattern of the aura. The use of the laser beam is closely related to surgery.
of the LIGHT."
This symbol (chained runes) gathers all the secret of the chaining to the tree and how to emulate the triumphal liberation feat of Odin-Wotan-Navutan until the appearance of the symbol of the origin... The introductory semantic expression of how to achieve this feat appears described in the praxis of the HYPERBorean YOGA revealed by the siddhas of Agartha in this Kairos of Victory (see the book "THE HYPERBORNE YOGA" by Gustavo Brondino). IMPORTANT: the kabalah tree in the sleeping pasu and virya fits the geometrical and chakric disposition of the human body, not so in the initiated viryas.
The various resdes of theosophical knowledge and derivatives indicate that man has
possesses SEVEN potential BODIES (the entelechied perfection which has as its mold the ideal Manu) (1)
The Physical or Sthula Sharira The Etheric, Linga Sharira The Astral, Kamas (principle of desire) the Mental or lower Manas,
the Causal, Arupic or higher Manas, the Buddhic or intuitive, the Atmic.
These 7 bodies are not possessed until the priestly initiate in his covenanted evolution alchemizes them and is energized in ritual ceremonies where he operates on the energy of his templates allowing him to work in the dimensions of Maya...There are new age texts that affirm that all the population possesses them (even if some can "drag them" from other incarnations) which is a gross farce more for the purpose of EQUALITARISTS and appeasers.
The hyperborean initiate does not have them (only if the specific strategy requires it, he can have them but they are not brought to the Manú perfection described in the previous descriptions) and WALKS towards the Gnostic Reversion in VRAJA matter or to free himself in the form of a spirit sphere a
once disembodied thanks to the help of his eternal comrades.
(1) The subtle mold or Manu template is also related to the appearance-fall of races subject to the spiral turns of the MACROCOSMIC KUNDALINI and its time scales (in years, in the following box) 360 days (and more) make 1
Krita Yuga has 1,728,000 Treta Yuga has 1,296,000 Dvapara Yuga has 864,000 Kali Yuga has 432,000
Maha Yuga, or the four preceding ones, has 4,320,000
71 Maha Yugas, form the reign of one Manu, or 306,720,000 14 Manus is 4,294,080,000
Add the dawns and twilights between Manus 25,920,000 These 14 reigns with their dawns and twilights add up to 1,000 Maha Yugas or one Kalpa or Day of Brahma 4,320,000,000,000
Brahma's night is equal to his Day and such a Day and such a Night add together
360 of these Days constitute the year of Brahma 100 of these Years constitute the year of Brahma. a Life of Brahma
Geometric pontoon
Pontonic: "Action of uniting the contemplative unintelligible with the gnostic praxis". In the figure above we can define the following geometric axioms:
I.Line (continuous trace): means any state of consciousness maintained and averaged in terms of its base energy quantum. Everything outside of the Continuous Stroke is demiurgic plane. It is the attainment of runic ecstasy.
⦁ Angle: Zone of maximum intensity and consequent suffering of opposition for the virya in the enchainment. The right angle or edge indicates the "kairotic" power (if I may use the expression) of a conscious state and its initiatic proximity.
⦁ Intersections (internal hagal runes can be traced on them): indicate a zone of ACTIVE PARADOX, linked in this case to the interaction between the external and internal labyrinth, between the ELIX and LABRELIX path, BETWEEN THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE COLLECTIVE.
⦁ Angular confrontation: Two edges faced by discontinuous strokes show the place where the SUBRUNE CRISIS occurs.
Every alchemical state of Nigredo would be composed of a subruna crisis (1) of greater or lesser intensity, understood as a lack of will or power not to be phagocytized by the constellated archetypal emergence.
(1) They are substantially staggered in each HYPERBORIC INITIATION and PARADOXICALLY in each perceptual moment (on a smaller dramatic scale) in which the virya is chained to this spatio-temporal dimension.
This state presents a phenomenology analogous to that of the perinatal matrices, i.e. the experiences that we keep from our physical birth (physicality of the spiritual chaining) and are recorded in the different layers of the deep unconscious and would present 4 phases:
⦁ Amnesia where the virya who does not maintain his metaphysical fence is pushed to experience possession by the archontic symbol that shows the greatest angular emergence with EXCENTRIC force ON HIS ARCHEMONA, thus leaving the virya experiencing playful or sacred realities, as appropriate.
This point evokes the need for dependence and fusion with the amniotic fluid and the moments lived inside the Mother.
⦁ Dispersion: where the ludic or sacral action weakens the energy of the virya by unsynchronization of its biorhythms and energetic asymmetry with respect to the TAU center. Where the contractions begin in the birth canal.
⦁ Death: the virya experiences the greatest possible evil karma (power of the symbol of pain), but he understands what is happening and suffers for it a time proportional to the forgetfulness of himself and the damage caused to his physical substance. Abbreaction of the unconscious. Childbirth.
⦁ Rebirth: where the virya recovers his verticality and cuts "the umbilical cord" of possession: possible samskaras will be repeated in periods of harmonic times outside of what is considered as opportunities of Kairos and that can even manifest damages and chronic diseases... He can face again the valdplads with less or more luciferic grace according to the magnitude of the mess he made both on himself and in the projection to the exterior... Exit to the light.
The awakened virya is always in full internal combat with the 3 NORNAS-MOIRAS-PARCAS of the source of knowledge or roots of the ash tree YGGDRASILL, URDHR, destiny or the
DI or
present and SKULD , FUTURE or what shall beThey water the tree of knowledge.
As already mentioned Saturn is the symbol of the nigredo, and each SUBRUNA crisis is a REPEATED minor octave of the general nigredo of one of the 3 initiations.
Saturn located astrologically in each of the four elements (Air, Water, Fire, Earth) shows which is the tendon of alchilles of the virya, that is to say which is going to be in real time the negative resistance of the archetypes of the transcendent time of the demiurge operating on his microcosm both at personal and collective levels,
Saturn in:
Air signs : You suffer from a total mental disintegration, which prevents you from thinking coherently and assimilating new knowledge correctly. Memory fails. It is difficult to create a consistent logic on which to lay the foundations of the psyche. It counts the future as a concern.
Water Signs: Here it is the untamed libido as a sexual force that produces a breakdown of the vital forces. As such it can bring many problems in relationships with third parties. The past often brings its negative imprint, feelings are not clear. IF THE VIRYA IS EROTICIZED IN HIS LIFE JOURNEY, IT ONLY REMAINS FOR HIM TO COLLECT THE PRODUCT THANATOS.
Fire Signs: Emotionality is negative. There is a total lack of control of the soul. The intuitive-atemporal produces confusion.
Earth signs: the virya must question how to act and what to avoid or not. They tend to "freeze" the action or endowed with a rhythm that seems to be out of control or does not respond to expectations. It is the present that worries.
Initiation and alchemical parallelism
The runic ecstasy is a "short-circuit" of the personal energy that is conditioned by the flow of the demiurge's breath. It is the first step to begin to recover the normality of the erhe sphere, the experience of the symbol of the originOn the other hand, the coming and going towards the uncreated noological rune happens under
an ideal effect.
cumulative reinforcement called enthesis.
In order to discern the meaning of these two words, let us first look at their cultural meanings in the Royal Dictionary of the Academy of the Spanish Language:
⦁ ecstasy:.
⦁ m. State of the soul entirely seized by a feeling of admiration, joy, etc.
⦁ m. Rel. A state of the soul characterized by a certain mystical union with God through contemplation and love, and by the suspension of the exercise of the senses.
⦁ entasis:
⦁ f. Arq. the most bulky part of the shaft of some columns.
Let's arrange the trident for the word "ecstasy" and we see that it only presents the playful poles: (a) perfect
(b) the fusion with the one god; Elaborated trap is the cultural discourse of those institutions that make up the macro-structural sense of our contemporary history. Also in these degraded meanings we should consider the evocations of a lesser nature, the choice in the pulsions of the senses stripped of any metaphysical abstraction or referring to abstract concepts such as beauty. Let us now try to sketch a hyperborean luciferic meaning for the one who goes through the labyrinth:
⦁ Ecstasy: Frontier-trait of the limiting rune or maximum energy processable by the nervous system in a state of consciousness proper to a level of DNA transduction...Its source is the noological infinite...Its paradox lies in that the evocative repetition of its state is a loss of real energy but produces in the subject the pleasurable sensation of being alive or what is the same a hidden representative form of the head aspect of the love of the demiurge on himself (see a and b above).
There can be non-pleasurable ecstasies as hedonic sense (obviating several pathologies), here the symbol of pain would grant the access to evolutionary entelechial formal contents through the concept of sacrifice... Ecstasy as incontinence can produce the loss of the symbol of origin.
As for the word éntasis, it appears in the dictionary quite devoid of cultural contamination. It is clear that it is strange and distant for a society configured for the pasú and lost viryas, where the incipient proximity of death provokes a dialectic of energetic suicide-sacrifice, a trophic chain.
On the other hand:
⦁ Antasis: Passage to the leading rune by the right angle. Energetic accumulation of the bridge. The v of the warrior's back in the form presto for the action of war (dorsal muscles) and the chackras of the chest- abdomen motor-volitional indicating a destiny that is triple v... A playful or sacral aspect of the word éntasis could lie in the misdirection of the oblique possibilities of the labyrinth or Maya.
As a paradox each ecstasy would culminate in an ecstasy of the 13 plus 3: the stone eagle-spirit flies to grasp the sinuous serpent-soul.
The general process of hyperborean spirituality would be a chaining of these in symbolic analogy to the discovery of the runes by Navutan-Wotan hanging from the tree of fear, they are the states of consciousness through which we must pass:
⦁ First inic. The symbol of the origin is near and the ego is oriented towards the selbst, isolated from the conscious subject. The gnosis of the external labyrinth is completed, the sublimation is perfect and one does not make sense of the world: economic success, amorous conquests, cultural creativity, unconscious ludic habits, distancing from the institutional sacred symbols that move the masses or dogmas of thought, roughly speaking... The symbols of the fenestra must be understood with a luciferic attitude, here intervenes the development of our personal esoteric gnosis. The will is reinforced by the paraclete and the virya has a greater consciousness of his perceptive autonomy. END OF THE SATURNAL NIGREDO (MAXIMUM TENSION BY FACING THE SYMBOL OF PAIN AND SPIRITUAL ENCANNEMENT IN THE
SEPHIROT-center of gravity MALKUT, AN ATHETIC COSMIC SINSENT) and shadow clarification. Personal unconscious
The power of the RATIONAL-LOGICAL mind. The left hemisphere, masculine... The learning through the knowledge of cause, the theory that embraces the unfolding from the past of the whole cultural macro- structure... The pain of a "sentient" living being that perceives himself as lucid and finite, which ends up leading him to the purest PRAGMATISM and RATIONALITY as a way to face his daily existence (being thus cut off any possibility of transcendence).It is what this monstrous society usually asks as a drama to the young student for the correct fitting in and social success... It is also the problem of the HYPERSPECIALIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE (which changes at an astonishing speed at the rhythm of an unnecessary and cryptic technology due to the business interests), the loss of the ORAL knowledge.
of the ancestors. It is the passage from the snail design to the serpent as the higher form of intellect based on the archetypal and instinctive memory...This path is the beginning of the pillar of severity....
absence of it, being in a practical way the use of the libidinal as an integrated force.
⦁ Second inic. The self is situated in the selbst. Here we would face the possibility of pontification with a personal mission, the gnostic work, the presence of SHE in the concavity (see Wotan and Freya), the charismatic state of grace that acts as a bridge-guide for the rest of the comrades in the framework of THE Minné. END OF THE LUNAR ALBEDO. Collective unconscious.
At this point the moon yesod overlaps with the sun Thipheret, but there remain 4 shepirots crossing the Victory rune Hod (mercury), Netzchah (venus) and two superior ones chesed (jupiter) and geburah (mars), which clearly indicates a transit towards the conditions of COLLECTIVE ACTION and EXPANSIVE CREATIVITY, WITH THE LEADERSHIP FUNCTION aseity by the forces of social dispersion and the aging of the microcosm (bija scalar codification).
Minne de Odal
All viryas in our past (or present) to a greater or lesser degree, when going through the external trace of the limiting rune of the inner labyrinth, the ODAL, have fallen into the saturnal trap of the nigredo at the time of communication, a psychological problem called SOLIPSISM,from the Latin "ego solus ipse" (roughly translatable as "I alone exist") is the metaphysical belief that the only thing one can be sure of is the existence of one's own mind, and the reality that apparently surrounds one is unknowable and may be no more than part of the mental states of one's own self. Thus, all objects, persons, etc., that one experiences would be merely emanations of one's mind (1) and, therefore, the only thing of which one could be certain is of the existence of oneself. (Source:
Installed in such a complex, there is no possibility whatsoever of establishing a common nexus with our comrades, both those here and those on the other side, since every relationship becomes a pure eclipsed expression of the Ego or natal astrological Sun, which is essence or monad reverted for the imitatio Dei of the demiurge Destructive criticism, suspicion, misappropriation, pettiness, anger and other disturbing states of the
soul possess us, blinding us in our own projection of the non-integrated psychological complexes.
If the will of the virya crosses the interior of the rune, the perception of the Noological will appear and with it the awakened faculties, runic achievements -siddhis and the eternal joy of the SPIRIT oriented from the blood, PARÁKLITO of the SOPHÍA, albedo remnant in perpetual transit towards the origin, sanguine HONOR and commitment with all that authentic comrade chained like him who suffers.
Thus the virya will reach a distant future in his process of liberation in what will be yet another paradox, although here remains a new mystery.
1 - THE charismatic link between viryas is demonstrated by the phenomenon of SYNCHRONICITY THAT CREATES .....
Likewise, we must not confuse the necessary solitude that is necessary to isolate oneself from the transcendental time of the demiurge (and that each individual and unique psyche demands) with psychopathologies and asocial personalities that constellate archetypes like that of the ERMITAN (sacrifice of the virya's capacity for action to an ideal of communion with the deity, in this case substituted by an ego of megalomaniacal proportions).
The whole hyperborean history is an example of Martial teamwork and everyone did it including the avataras. In the second initiation the key is the VALOR,. Guibur Trident of Shiva becomes the sword.
And within Odal the trident of Shiva is emanated out as potential choice forms of strategy as the collective unconscious is faced with Wotan's PHILIP OF THE SWORD (willful luciferic grace), which waits once again to be turned at the exit to the siddha state (end of the spiral and the end of the spiral).
of inverted wotan inside the RUNIC capillary...
---------------n --- staircase traced).
Steps of anamnesia (Fundamentals V, fragment)
"First step:... AFFIRM the O.C.R. (referent cultural object "R") Second step: AFFIRM the O..C.E. (emergent cultural object "E") with respect to the O.C.R.
Third step: AFFIRM AND RETENTION to the real system. Fourth step: LOCATE the "I" in i.H.P.C. with respect to the
O.C.E. Fifth step: LOCATE on the O.C.E. the tapasigno (R). Sixth step: OPEN the cultural register RESIGNING the tapasigno
Seventh step: RESIGN step by step the axiological superobjects of the chronocultural series.
Eighth step: If necessary, physically ENTER the cultural space of the axiological super-object, i.e., ENTER into the ENTRANCE CHAMBER.
Step 9: If necessary, specify the STRATEGIC LOCATION of the Abraxas Source.
Tenth: If necessary, OPEN door x (J|).
Eleventh step: If necessary, physically MOVE to the core or transient, i.e., MOVE to the BED.
6 6 5
Twelfth step: If necessary, TRANSIT INTO another space of macrocosmic significance. Thirteenth step: If necessary, OPEN the second gate x / ( J" )-
Fourteenth: If necessary, EXIT to the RETURN CHAMBER. Fifteenth: If necessary, RETURN to the usual context of the E.C.O. THROUGH the ENTRANCE CHAMBER. Sixteenth: If necessary. EXIT the RETURN CHAMBER THROUGH the LID (E), i.e., EXIT to the REVERSE WORLD."
Oracle of Apollo
Submerged the concentration towards the interior of the waters where it must find the stabilizing resignation in the root of the fateful Tree, at the point where the perception is border between the created matter and the personal sphere of Erhe energy, the conscious subject must discern what kind of archetype hovers over his self threatening him with raging numinic urgency (fascinorum) in the total grasp of his belligerent WILL: Shape, color, position , size, familiarity are attributes about the integral possibility of realization of an entelechy that threatens personal free will and the flow of immanent time .It is the FENESTRA INFERNALIS, where we exert momentary leverage on the reality of everyday life, Valplads battlefield.
The I is thus left isolated, selecting a tetrarch monarch, advancing in the understanding of the meaning of the Luciferic GNOSIS (LIGHT on the unconscious with meaning that resolves the portion of our shadow) that it sets aside with a graceful gesture ("grace" as an exalted state of being not as a joke or
comedy) any hint of Sacredness ( praising and obeying creation ) or Luddism ( profane use ) in the programming imposed by the breath of the One.
There is no hypnagogia, there is no hypnopompia, there is no possible mental illness or disorder when the virya creates the principle of the FENCE in his psyche, finally APPEARING THE VISION OF THE UNCREATED SELF (MYSTERY OF JANUS) IN THE OCCULUS OF THE INNER PANTHEON, which is the expression
of the infinite pole once the TERGUM OR SPIRITUAL BACKBONE has taken hold. Such a linking of the ray of VENUS, vril and the paraclete shows the virya the infinite possibilities of the hyperborean spirit in its individuality since it has passed the test of the EYE OF FIRE.
For official science and the cultural subject of the sleeping mass man, there are no higher states of consciousness, no ecstasies or energy stages to gain or lose, nothing to experience outside the security of everyday life, which is what must be defended in order to have a sense of cohesion and self-reality.
The vector of the arrow points inward, towards other depths, transformations and possibilities of other more oblique mysteries outlined in the following images:
"the rune gibur receives certain characteristic names according to its arrangement, if the rune gibur is arranged with the three arms
upward is called POSEIDON'S TRIDENT or, not so properly, SHIVA'S TRIDSULA, and represents the weapon of the Siddhas. On the other hand, if the rune gibur is
It is called WOTAN'S SWORD, and represents the weapon of the awakened viryas" (Fragment of the fd..).
As we cannot yet remember what the trident represents from the integral selbst Siddha (perhaps the domain of space and time), we can only intuit its symbolic grasp from the entrance of the conductive labyrinth (virya asleep) that support which is blood propitious for the Minné and which, pushed by the total choice, confirms to opt for the hyperborean liberation or not.Once inside Odal (awakened virya), the trident turns (positive anamnesia, the phagocytic symbols of the demiurge's breath are no longer perceived, they lose their power against the encirclement) and the interior of the
labyrinth by the hilt of the sword, the tetrarch's resolving point (the two lateral arms would evoke the sparrow hawk) in the LABRELIX Way...Its translation is the
of pure Will of action: to go out without stopping with the self projecting the won Vril and with two more resonant octaves, Courage and victory.
Outside Odal we would be talking about the élix path and its monarchs, inside Labrelix :the lost Self, as an effective manifestation of the chained Spirit, can only exist on a LABRELIx path formed by tetrarch points, a path parallel and correlative to the ELIX path where the conscious subject of the pasu circulates in its blind monarchs (moments of immanent time) during the evolutionary process of the Manu Archetype THE virya is in ODAL FACING THE QUADRANGULARITY OF THE SHADOW SPHERE.
⦁ Third inic. The hyperborean spirit is reverted from selbst. Transforming into Siddha. Mysteries of the Avatara and Tulkus: SELF-GENERATION VS SAMSARIC SUBJECTED REINCARNATION . END OF THE
RUBEDO Black sun and beyond...Vajra antimatter and Vril.
Its key is VICTORY...HAGAL, tyr of the siddhas added to that of the viryas: infinite bridge TRANSITED, HEAVEN OF THARSIS.
Ecstasy is experienced as a separative implosion unlike shamadi and analogous states of consciousness that would melt us into meaningful experiences on the demiurge planes (evolving in their excellence, in the matrices of the race manu)....
Andalusian flag and coat of arms , TARTESSIAN STAR HAGAL
A flag ("Arbonaira"--"Arbondaira"...Ar runa fuego del Orígen ..-Bon de buenoaira de aire y ario)
The current coat of arms of the land of Tharsis-Turdetania is of interest to us for its particular Hyperborean symbolism: created by Blas infante at the beginning of the 20th century, with the white Almohad and the two green Umayyad stripes (we consider in them Semitic elements, although the green is the color of the Astro Venus-LIGHT from the origins) shows a hyperborean HERAKLES under a semicircular arch in which it says "Dominator Hercules Fundator", between the two columns of the Strait of Gibraltar (reference point after the Atlantide debacle and the beginning of the pilgrimage of the white peoples through the desert of longing) and two lions, one crouched in a waiting position and the other with its left paw raised (left path, mudra bullet) and almost ramping. Lions have always been symbols of the magnanimous authority of the lineages of
reads "Andalucía por sí para España y la Humanidad" (in which we also observe a clear contaminating Humanist element).
On the flag mentioned above we will focus on the one that preserves the star of Tartessos centered on the colors of the shield already mentioned, very little used, an 8-pointed with overlapping triangles, a very deep symbol that can show the right angles of the opposition on the quaternion air-earth-fire-air (material creation).
shelled) or transit to the transmutative quintessence pure black Sun vs. Sun in its common cultural monotheistic meaning ...
Being the 8 symbol of the connection with the infinite and once again the Morning Star (and in the kites of the Nativity scenes with its synarchic message of approval) This Tartessian star was used in the Turdetan coins
and first period of Rome, was also adopted by Islam after the various invasions in Alandalus until its maximum diffusion in the Mudejar art, "rub al-hizb" ("lord", they called it) and is also the star of Lashkmi Hindu, consort of Vishnu and same symbolism as our Venus-Aphrodite...
On the reason for the misunderstanding between the viryas and the classification of humanity
There is a direct correlation between the hyperborean psychological types (see aberro typology in the fundamentals of the sh) and the phases of initiation (as tendential predominance), being these particular states of consciousness defined by fixed symbols and a separation or meandering between them that provokes an apparently insurmountable confrontation for the subjects that allow themselves to be captured by the entelechial dramas in the inertia of the egoic soul (when I refer to this meaning of ego it is not a negative way of crushing the individuality of the virya in pursuit of a diluting egregor but everything that takes him away from the common and honorable possibility of fighting side by side with his fellows in an honorable way, to recognize that possibility of carrying the Graal as a collective and transmute globally) the monarchs (immanent time of the lost self) of the tetrarch are perceived as a rigid-insurmountable form that threatens the integrity of the hypothetical self of the virya and therefore there is a repetitive spiral of fixed action-reaction that is only saved if it gives its highest runic tone or in other words its centripetal luciferic grace.
from the state of consciousness achieved or impossible?
⦁ Passu: They cannot comprehend any eternal gnosis. There is no uncreated spirit, therefore there is no reversible subtle physiology disposed to eternity.
⦁ Sleeping Viryas: They give a cultural-rational explanation dimensionable within the horizon of the common acceptable as beliefs of their time, topics or fashions. All the rest can be catalogued as madness, that is to say, outside the contribution of the security of entelechiated and rigid structures predictable by their routine finality. For him, the rest of the subjects are objects of total destruction or oblivion, they usually carry an enormous tendency towards psychopathologies, nihilism or existential anarchy (ways of projecting the struggle towards an undefined object).
⦁ Awakened Viryas:
⦁ First inic, gentleman: the step of the saturnal nigredo or runification of the SELF, riding the VOLITIVE GUIBUR by the grace of the rune SIEG, demands to separate from what the isotropy of linear time forces (external labyrinth), being the main stumbling block the playful typology (Saturn is known for its severe rigidity and sour character) in constant tension with the vertical values of masculinity. One feels the loss of the innocence and candor of the pristine, carefree existence, the personal importance of the conquest of the material world where the value of money is the blood of the demiurge, one understands the meaning of tragedy (appendix).
⦁ Second inic, pontiff: The step of the lunar albedo or runification of consciousness IN THE ODAL ARCHEMONA of courage (self in the selbst) demands to appropriate the true identity (here the psychological aggregates try to reverse the process) in the inner labyrinth, the main stumbling block being the sacral typology (the moon is known to evoke the ancestors, the tradition, the past).Emerging faculties are born with a noological semantics and pontonics as the basis of a real higher contact in the golden chain which is the value of the past emerging and carried as a karma that must be released from its action for the collective unconscious . accepts compromise, plays to conflict).
⦁ Third inic, siddha: The step of the black solar rubedo, IMPLOSION IN the VICTORIOUS HAGAL, (reversion of the spirit from the Selbst) demands to be separated from all that remains of human chained animals, the main obstacle is to accept the total luciferic typology, where everything becomes an exponential leap of possibilities. The pontiff in the sacred trap will see this one as a peacock-legionary being where
There is only room for fear or unattainable negative comparison before such intelligence-knowledge-ubiquity. With this I want to reach the final conclusion that there are no pure warrior, priestly or luciferic types (here the AVATARA deserves a separate chapter), (some "better" than others) within a hyperborean group.
established as a society or hyperborean Glorious era this real segmentation would indicate the betrayal and final loss of an IMPERIAL HEGEMONY where by impulse of cultural betrayal come into play infiltrated individuals and other strategic catastrophes that break little by little the splendorous cohesion of an epoch. the paradox is
produced that all this forms a superior geometric equilibrium in constant transformation, very difficult to observe with the adequate distance for those of us who are immersed in this enormous vital drama, BECAUSE THE MYSTERY OF THE ORIGIN IS ALLENED IF THE SELF PERCEIVES THE INCREATED RUNES AS ITSELF.
( appendix). When I say that the main obstacle is the ludic typology, I am referring to the collective
unconscious of the present time in the XXI century, in previous times when the mandates of the CATHOLIC CHURCH predominated in most of the western countries of ARIAN imprint (where the kalachackra was more overloaded) as totalitarian ethical-moral forms imposed, the sacred typology was the main one.Of course, there are viryas today who face serious sacred dilemmas when it comes to understanding or deepening in the hyperborean wisdom, especially those who have gone astray in the religious and esoteric webs of the international synarchy.
Pd: outer labyrinth (exoteric collective culture) and inner labyrinth (performance of personal energies). The mystery of the entrance into the sacred symbol of the virya and the lower paths ( 32-28).
32.FROM Malkuth to yesod: it means CONSCIOUSNESS in the dream, the experience of sense of the material world, where it begins to lose its central importance. Listening and empathy: receptivity. How pain is
accepted. All this understood as a form of preparation for the adequacy of the libido to the principle of the
synarchic initiatory plan (as all the paths of the middle pillar or "balance").
Types of dreams: Basically they can be divided into two types, those of recycling and those of the higher mind, the first through the mechanisms of condensation, sublimation and displacement, present solutions from the representation of those impressions not processed correctly by our consciousness in the vigil (the dream realm is a sensory stronghold of the archaic conformation of the mind and also of the pedagogy instilled by higher intelligences along with specific influences of entities and other more subtle planes) filtered through the mapping of the seven chackras The first four chackras would provide dreams of sexual, instinctive, emotional,
sentimental nature; the fifth: logoic-intellectual and the two superior ones (ajna-sahasrara, after the constellation of the metarelata of the global collective unconscious) those of psychic type: lucid, prophetic, curative or telepathic. There are also the DREAMS (they usually designate a consciousness with a wound or trauma since
the experience of one entails the loss of will and being seized by states of panic or irrational fear), which act from any energetic center. It should also be noted that not all dreams are symbolic, some are presented in a
completely literal form (like a camera recording a recording) with a clear and precise message.
Test imposed on us: acceptance of death (without going through the bards) as proof of faith to the plan of the one or what is more current: to accept the SIMBIOSIS with GAIA (Earth), very typical of the new age ecologist movementsSleeping is analogous to die day by day.
Viewed as a milestone of the royal flush, this point provides only dreams of the first 4 chakras Need for DISTINCTION principle
From Malkuth to Hod: The power of the RATIONAL-LOGICAL mind. The left hemisphere, male The
learning through knowledge of cause, the theory that encompasses the unfolding from the past of the whole of the
The pain of a sentient living being that perceives himself as lucid and finite, which ends up leading him to the purest PRAGMATISM and RATIONALITY as a way of facing his daily existence (thus being cut off any possibility of transcendence). It is what this monstrous society usually asks as a drama to the young student for
the correct fitting in and social success It is also the problem of the HYPERSPECIALIZATION OF
KNOWLEDGE (which changes at an astonishing speed at the rhythm of an unnecessary and cryptic technology due to the business interests), the loss of the ORAL knowledge of the ancestors. It is the passage from the snail design to the serpent as the superior form of intellect based on the archetypal and instinctive memory. This
path is the beginning of the pillar of severity...
⦁ RATIONAL: it produces an increase of the cultural structure on the basis of updating personal or individual archetypes (psychoid). The lost virya also has a representative memory (categorical conceptual).
⦁ AFFECTIVE: psychophysiological memories.
30. From yesod to Hod: In this path we would find the power of rationality over the twilight realms: the APREHENDED impression of dreams at higher chakra levels. Also in the ethereal-astral planes of Maya (those who understand the plan of the one). It is proper to ONIROMANCE and dream interpretation.
In it appear the figures of METAPHOR AND ALLEGORY (as main TROPOS), as language of the creations inspired in literature, art, etc.: the postor actions of sense in the framework of the cultural macro-structure:
⦁ f. Ret. Trope that consists of transferring the straight sense of voices to a figurative one, by virtue of a tacit comparison; e.g., Las perlas del rocío (The pearls of the dew). The springtime of life. To restrain the passions.
⦁ f. Application of a word or expression to an object or concept, which it does not literally denote, in order to suggest a comparison (with another object or concept) and facilitate its understanding; e.g., the atom is a miniature solar system.
⦁ f. Fiction by virtue of which something represents or signifies something else. Cupid's blindfold and wings are an allegory.
⦁ f. Literary or artistic work or composition of allegorical sense.
⦁ f. Sc. and Pint. Symbolic representation of abstract ideas by means of figures, groups of figures or attributes. 4f. Ret. Figure that consists of making evident in the speech, by means of several consecutive metaphors, a straight and a figurative sense, both complete, in order to imply one thing by expressing a different one.
If reason becomes a very aggressive recurrent instrument (as is the norm in this end of kaliyuga culture), it also becomes an obstacle that closes the ability to perceive with other sensory forms....
29. From Malkuth to Netzchah: It means the EMOTIONAL impressions that the physical world causes us and how we react to it. Here it would be possible to distinguish the difference between emotion and feeling: The emotion is an instantaneous reaction to an external stimulus that makes us fall in a determined state of mind (and that disturbs our ideal energetic balance-energetic integrity), while the feeling is the subjective classification and sustained in the time that through the individual personality are granted to these, once recognized the sensations that they provoke.
This path is that of EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE on which new age psychology places so much emphasis as a way of emphasizing the heart chakra and the gregarious states more characteristic of our mammalian brain conformation, of evolved ape-hominids chained in eternal return:One of the major traps of the iron age in which the cultural subject of the sleeping virya is caught is that of being bent by the forces that work to anchor the heart chackra or Anahatha to the evolutionary sense of the one's plan.Their function is to lower the belligerent will of the subject (by blocking the plexus with their inductive force in a physically palpable way) and to create gregarious and uniform states of consciousness. In several fronts of social manifestation such forms of manipulation of the psychosphere of humanity can be appreciated: We have thus from professional mass sports which is a pure substitute for the warrior mystique in the heart of the peoples, to the oblivion of Anthropology as the science of the differences between races together with History as the memory of excellence, the systematic disarmament and the denial of the right to self-defense among peoples who a priori are "conflictive" because of their past (the blood reality) and not those destined to dominion, the Television-publications with their triumphant irruption of the PINK PRESS or of the heart and the cult of gossip and frivolity, the democracies that allow the vote to any individual over 18 years of age without taking into account his competence (all the
great civilizations of the past were led by natural leaders with proven life experience and bearers of the link in the golden chain), the musical concerts and their emotional eclecticism leading to numbness in their overall message, the dogmas-censorship in public opinion that create expressions such as "political correctness" (UN) prohibiting without possibility of discussion any kind of alternative and even legislating novel and despite clearly going against the concept of democracy they present... The labor ebullition of NGOs and their sanctimonious moralizing, the crisis of Justice and its slowness in the procedures, the Monarchies with the only function of business public relations camouflaged as fraternal collaboration, the disappearance of psychiatric confinement institutions, the very weakening of any value until the chaotic PERMISIVITY, the loss of parental authority in education (in what time have we seen children committing brutal crimes on a large scale?) are REVERSE expressions of the same...
We undoubtedly live in a world in the process of DECOMPOSITION that hides our origins and divine potential as fiercely as possible.
It is that tone that allows the cohesion of great egregores in this iron age, words like DEMOCRACY , ALLIANCE OF CIVILIZATIONS (great sacrificial mass in the planetary ecosystem on a macrocosmic scale) would not have any kind of real power of realization if they were not based on a real physical PRESSURE or pain suffered by the lost virya (and in the process of isolating his ego) in the area of the heart plexus w h e n trying to leave these autonomous structures created with a clear and univocal purpose..
To such a panorama can only be opposed the advent of the imperial regal function with those leaders of the peoples totally installed in a sanguine mysticism and a Paraclete that insufflates the sufficient grace and charisma to facilitate the rebirth of a new imperial MESSIAH.
From Yesod to netzchach: All the processes of balancing and submission to sentimental and emotional forces in social and family interactions. The romantic fantasies and idealization of the spouse, the impossibility of cutting ties with institutions, couples, groups, affiliations... The reproduction vector as the only way to achieve permanence.