The Noological Understanding of the Serpent
The understanding of the serpent with the symbol of origin implies a noological understanding, from the blood. That is, from the realm of the awakened Self. It is far from the understanding of the serpent from the psychological sphere, insofar as it is not framed in the archetypal. It is an understanding anchored in the Origin. Such an understanding fully encompasses or understands the design of the serpent (which is a design of designs), while transcending it, elevating it to the Origin, where it is glimpsed and apprehended, from the uncreated.
It is essential to emphasize that it is not conducive to fighting the snake, nor the typical devotional behavior so common in a variety of cults, but an understanding in which the wisdom of the orientation to the Origin is obtained or reached, and the complete understanding of the serpentine design that is copied in this world.
The beauty aspect of this world, aroused by the expression of the spirit in matter, is understood as illusory, given the transience and ephemeral nature of all phenomena in the world of matter, while highlighting the splendor and beauty of the spirit outside Maya or the illusion of this world
However, the understanding of both aspects is assimilated. The incredible beauty and its reflection / copy, the created beauty of this world. Aspects whose understanding is mythically translated as » the knowledge of good and evil » offered by the serpent.
Under this framework, the Lady aspect is also resigned, from the snake's noological understanding
Both expressions of beauty have their corresponding semiotic expression in the left-handed and left-handed movements of the Swastika rune.
And then the poison aspect that the woman carries as an image of the Serpent, as seduction and beauty, as fascinating as it is dangerous for the unwary lost virya, it becomes here a healing antidote and elixir, which refers to the Lady of Origin, the serpent woman!
Let us consider here that the symbol of origin is expressed in a runic conformation of the 13 + 3 runes.
And each rune, in its own runic ecstasy, reveals all the possible meaning. Full energy range, which has its reference in the symbol of the snake, since the design of the snake includes all the possibilities of energy variants
More also the symbol of origin is the expression encoded in the runic image of Vril himself, the Lady of Origin, or the serpent Lady. Hence the symbol of origin is the symbol of the serpent. Understanding clearly, the clarification is repeated, the snake from the noological
At the same time, as regards the serpent concretely, as it encompasses or understands all the designs, of course also the serpent itself, that is, all the serpentine or ophidic matrices in the serpentine design.
Such matrices include or comprise all varieties of snakes in their most varied aspects and typology.
Snakes of one head, two, three or more heads, winged, feathered serpent, etc. etc.
And many of them carry a specific type of poison, which also has an antidote counterpart in the serpentine design, and preparation of elixir , for those who have traveled the rings of the great Serpent, and know its mysteries.
But what the hyperborean initiate takes or rescues regarding the mystery of the ophidium, stands out on 3 levels:
Firstly, the serpent, as far as its understanding is concerned, as well as its initiatory bite, which makes it carrier of its poison, while immunizing the world's demiurgic toxicity.
The initiate becomes wise, while carrying a poisonous power. Poison from which, assimilated, he also synthesizes his antidote., And in combination with pure blood itself (in its astral essence) it becomes pure elixir.
In a second instance, continuing with this to immerse yourself in the depths of the reptilian, you will rise to the lizard aspect. This expression also of the snake, from a broader expression…
It is a lizard reptile, a serpent with legs ... like that snake in the myth of Eden, which is inferred from its reading, had legs and was a carrier of speech… And the bijas or sounds of the beginning…
From this reptilian aspect, always from the frame of origin, the initiate rescues the particularity of cold blood ... Blood in which the symbol of origin is clearly reflected, and positioning from which one is completely immune to the archetypal environment in its psychic display.
Lizard that is submerged in the watery depths of the unconscious, (sleep in the lost Virya), and its full potential in the paleocerebro, or reptilian Archicephal!
And in a third instance, the Saurius / Draconian aspect, which is a pure expression of the Bersekir fury, in essential hostility to the demiurgic world.
And just as the serpent initiatively evokes Lilith and Lucifer, or in more precise terms, the serpent woman, and the primordial lizard, so also Lucifer has his draconian expression, like the great black Dragon….
Dragon of which the draconian demiurgic aspect is a bad imitative copy.
Or in any case perhaps, the draconian expression of two irreconcilable Gods, since while one seeks the captivity of hyperboreal spirits, the other dragon seeks their liberation.
And just as in black all colors dissolve and disappear (be it the dextrogyric archetypal unfolding and its reabsorption, or the levorgy return to the Origin, in both cases the reference of disappearance in a « black hole » or unfathomable blackness is appropriate in its respective context) as well as black absorbs and contains in potential form, all varieties of manifestation., Be the red of essential passion, or the reminiscent green of the Minne
It can absorb all the manifestations that have their referent in the essential passion of red, or express from its infinite blackness the reminiscent green ray of the Minne.
All these forces have their draconian representation, in the respective color that fits them.
Of course, black can be said to be beyond all colors, as it can absorb them all, and remain as such.
Considering the expression of the sign of origin in the ear area, it is understood that when the hyperboreal initiate, Virya awake, becomes aware of said symbol, is equivalent to tracing the river of pure blood to the bijas or primordial sounds, that is, in the first instance to » listen to the language of the birds », and already in the Venusian Luciferian context of Origin, the language of the lizards, the language of the Serpent.
That is, the voice of the great reptilian Ancestor is heard, the Serpent is heard.
Mixing occultism with heathenism.