The Resurrection of the Hero
Resurrection of the Hero
Savitri Devi was a supremely cultured woman with deep philosophical, philological and classical knowledge; a student of history, myth ologies, symbols and comparative religion. An absolute Hitlerist until the end of her life on this earth. Now, she resides in Asgard. Even beyond all of these things she was the High Odinic Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism. She was the first to recognize the emergence of the Avatara and the divinity of Hitler. She erected a Temple in India to Adolf Hitler and became a Priestess to the Cult of His memory. She kept the Faith, guarding the sacred flame, by illustrating her own books with the influence and inspiration of the Fuhrer while living in India. A Faith destined to prevail and succeed mystically and magically on all continents and the future millennia , if this sacred flame, this Faith, is guarded and bums.
Miguel Serrano Santiago
15th of December ano 95 (1984)
Dedication (Serrano) Acknowledgments (Thompkins)
Astrology and Alchemy The World of the Demiurge Beyond the Archetype
The Gods
The Leftward-Spinning Swastika Wotan and the Runes
The Death of the Gods Mithras and Christianity
The Mithric Initiation (Misa)
Mithras Extracts Water from the Stone Kristianism and Christianity
Esoteric Kristianism
The Heroic Path of Resurrection and Im mortality The Three Nights of Restmection
The Three Kings and the Magi
Easter, Eastern, Ostara, the Celebration of the Light of East, The Gold that is Drank
The Black Virgin The Son of Man The Astral Body
For the Gods an Astral Body apart from the Physical Body does not exist The Resurrection of the Flesh
The Myth of Aquarius Jehovah and the Jews Paul of Tarsus
Jewish Christianity - Saul and Marx The Last Avatar
Sacred Autobiography
The Hero does not need a New Religion INDEX I - The Berserker Warriors INDEX lI - Nietzsche and the Stone INDEX Ill - The Death
Appendix - (Sevnson) 139
Miguel Serrano 1959
New Delhi, India
Invocation to the Morning/Evening Star
In this city of mine I give to You
This ancient mystery Which took place right here
So many years ago
Under the Light of the Evening Star
Which is also the double Star of Morning
And by this same reason
It is also called:
Quetzalcoatl Abraxas Lucifer
The Bearer of Light
The Lord and Maiden of Beauty
The dwelling place of those who were defeated Inthis second earth of Kali Yuga Inwhich I am living through now
It is also the dwelling place of my Amada
And Eternal Amor
Oh, Morning Star!
Wrap me in your deep dewy Light Let your petals fall upon me
Like in a sky of Autumn Do not ever leave me Be my companion
Years ago J met her in one of the valleys of my country. She was brought to me dead in her mother's arms and wearing a bridal veil. I know it sounds strange but I married her. A little time before I had given her my blood so that she may live, but it only seemed to make her die. It wou Id seem that blood transfused in this manner, carrying with it pity and love, kills more than it saves. One wonders what is best - to live and have love destroyed or to die and have love eternal. I believe that in killing her physically, I gave her my soul so that she could live in me. It was really my blood that killed her, there is no doubt of that, because my blood was so troubled and shaken by love and physical embraces.
Blood is very strange and mysterious, and all that the ordinary person knows of it is that it goes round and round. I think it is like hands that caress again and again until one day they simply stop.
She died sitting on her bed. It was at midnight as she stared blankly. Then with a great effort she screamed: "Jesus, Jesus, help me. .." For a moment as she fell backwards she was no longer beautiful. Her mother was there, holding her head, and saying: "Go peacefully, my daughter, go peacefully . .."
Later, her mother told me that she died from fear. She was afraid of death just as the Crucified One was afraid of it.
I arrived early in the morning as I always did and I found her dressed as a bride and dead. It dawned on me then that she had not died so much from the fear of death, but rather fear of the eternal marriage in which she was entering with my soul. It is hard enough to be a bride in life, but it is far more difficult to
remain true in death. She was afraid of eternal love because she was afraid of the hell in my soul.
I remem ber it as if it were yesterday . I kissed her lips and then cried for so long that my eyes are still weary . Her mother did not understand my actions because she thought that I should have been happy . My bride had been given to me and the wedding was to take place as had been arranged. The mother did not understand the tears because tears are completely human and they reflect the pity one feels before a small creature or a generous soul who herself had wept before the terrors of the night.
Next, came the burial wh ich was also the wedding. We were married by the light of dawn. The undertaker 's happy horses galloped quickly for they were nu ptial horses as well. Their hooves clattered gaily on the pavement.
The coffin was lowered into the ground by two slim ropes . It was then opened so that I cou ld see her face one last time. From the flowers that adorned the casket and from the shroud wh ich served as the bridal veil came a light that entered my blood and my soul. I was taken aback by the sensation and wanted to go but I heard her voice crying out to me: "Do not leave me alone, the wedding is drawing near ..." It was then on the edge of her tomb that I had no doubt that we were being married.
The very blood that I had given her a short time before her death, in the hope that it would revive her since it was red blood for a pale drawn youth, but which actually killed her, was still alive in her veins and circulating through her. For a weddi ng gift and a symbol of her love she was returning it to me in the form of energy. This i s the reason that I say she is not buried in the
earth but rather in my soul, a part of her eternity belongs to me.
As I stood alone in one of the many long green valleys of my country I felt that we no longer belonged on this earth. I watched the dark birds rising up against the blue sky and snow capped mountains and then I saw the Morning Star. Somehow, I knew that she now lived up there and felt caressed by its light.
But of course one cannot simply escape like this from the world. The land needs men as much as men need the land. Besides, my wife had never known the world. She had conversed so long with death and had become so absorbed by it that she never had time to live. Therefore, I determined to show her the earth, to engage in life so that she might see with my eyes and feel with my senses. I therefore travelled all over the world, climbed mountains, visited strange cities and prayed at temples.
On top of the high mountains where the fiery lilies grow, I made her walk barefoot in the snow. Together we watched the blue and red birds fly between two worlds and when we went to the temples I am sure that she recognized herself in the long necked statues.
I saw the whole world for her and meanwhile, inside of me, she sat quietly collecting beads and decanting our experiences. Both her voice and her silence pulled me toward certain conclusions. She too had experienced what my eyes had seen and she began to tell me what I still did not understand.
Yet she had never really experienced love. She had been so worried that she never had time for it, so I had decided to show her. Thus, she was found in every love, always asking questions, always searching for the truth. I taught her all that which I could without being unfaithful. She would enter into the bodies of all
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the other woman that I knew ; she experienced their pleasures and the joys of their love. In the n ight she would feel their anxieties and know the anguish of thei r dreams.
All of this was many years ago, her mother had brought me her dead body and she took possession of all which I had. And th is is why the Crucified One had come.
When I die I shall try like her to rise and scream towards the falling of the shadow: "Help me, help me, Oh my shrouded girl!" My head will then also fall backwards - but there will be no one there to hold it up ... For years now I have lived in dreams like a madman.
Sometimes, in the bitter nights I go to Oak Wotan.
Surrounded by silent glare,
Toforge an alliance with thepowers at night.
The runic letters that makes the moon with his magic spell and all those who during the day arefull of impudence, They become small before the magicformula!
They cast steel spears, but instead of hitting the target, SolidifY into stalagmites.
Thus, thefalse are separated from the real.
I came to a nest of swords and then give myformula Blessings and prosperity for the good and thefair.
-Adolf Hitler (1915)
On the 20th of April, 1986, in this fateful Christian era, on the anniversary of the Birth of Adolf Hitler, marking 97 years of his birth, in the year 97 of the New Hitlerian Era, be prepared and read, my comrades, the fundamental ideas in this document, which I now give to the movement to make it more widely known. I do this before the visitation to Chile of that fateful character, the Pope of the Jewish Church of Rome, who, together with the Great Synagogue and the Masonic Lodges, have been prepari ng for the coming of the Jewish Messiah, the "King of the World", for which they created their own Messiah, Jesus Christ, convincing his flock, "his flock of sheep", that he will bring about the return of Christ in glory and majesty, as told by the Gospels and awaited by Christians for nearly 2,000 years.
John Paul II! Besides the symbolism that the Church gives to this name we must think of the fateful meaning of following two words together: "Apocalip sis" (Art that Unveils - Translator) and the realization of the deepest aspirations of the Jewish Saul of Tarsus, also called Paul, or San Pedro, the true creator of Christianity, as we have seen, imposed and enforced in the twenty centuries of its bloody history . All of this will be explained in these pages. The current Pope is intending to carry out among Christians the most recent plans of Judaism (S/Paul), the "Revelations", the end of the world (John). The service of a Demonic Beast whose number is 666. The Demiurge and his "Electronic Messiah." (See my book : National Socialism, the Only Solution for the Peoples of South America)
The ancients knew full well the secret and magical power of words. In my work, NOS - Book of the Resurrection, in the Chapter "Orphic Music", I refer to this fundamental issue. Real words, initiatory words, were kept secret because true power was granted to those who knew the occult meaning behind words
Miguel Serrano
(Mantrams ) . This happened in towns founded by wise men and magicians, in ceremonies held in the utmost secrecy. The magical esoteric name of any given city ( Nomen Mysticum ) were known only to the priests, magi and kings. By the Pharaoh in Egypt and the Emperor in Rome ; by the Dalai Lama in Tibet ; there began a ceremonial delivery of this knowledge of the Mysterious Name (Nomen Mysticum ), to the new ruler, or the new high priest, the Pontifex Maximus . The SS also had the secrets of this knowledge in occult structures within the Castles of the Black Order. And Hitler, in his grandiose plans of magical architecture .
I'm certain the Spaniards, the founders of the cities in the New World , also gave secret names laden with powerful meaning and symbolism to the cities they built here. They were repositories of Visigoth and Roman tradition ( building upon the magical square , the "apple" ). Don Pedro de Valdivia, for example, apart from giving the name Santiago, Chilli-Mapu, the name given to the capital, was provided with a Nomen Mysticum, known only to him and his successor. The name Santiago already withholds a deep meaning . Santiago is the Patron Saint of the Visigoth Spanish Cavalry, a kind of Kalki ; the Ultimate Avatara , whom also appears riding on a white horse and brandishing a sword to help his warriors in combat. The Secret Name of the Chilean capital will go from one ruler to another in the greatest confidentiality, never to be revealed. Who had been the last Pontiex to go to Chile that I know of? Did he lose consciousness of the Nomen Mysticum?
If that is the case then that is one of the worst evils that
would await us; even worse is the possibility that the occult name has come to the attention of our enemies, because in that case they would have gained a decisive power over this country and its inhabitants.
Let us hope that the secret name is still unknown to the corrupt rulers and is guarded by Masters, kept in secret magical archives within the City of Santiago, the city of the Nueva Extremadura. It would be a tragedy of incalculable proportions if the Nomen Mysticum were to be delivered to the knowledge of
Resurrection of the Hero
the Pope - whose very visit is near. Because if he utters it, that sinister Pasu, the greatest misfortune will fall about us.
If knowledge of this Magical Name is stored in a chest of gold and silver which is made of precious wood from the Arauco Forest of Reche and is still offered to a Leader of Chilli-Mapu, ancestrally born of this Sacred Land, the sublime Andes, that Leader will invoke it as a means to neutralize the spell of this dark presence , which soon will be felt in these areas of our mystical homeland.
For the educated reader and comrades of Esoteric Hitlerism , they will come to the understanding that the following pages are not Anti-Kristian , but are, in fact, Authentic Kristianity (with a K) of the Aryan, in whom it has been preserved with its esoteric and magical meaning, it is the Kristianity of Wotan and the Greeks. However, these pages are also deeply anti-Christian , the Jewish Christianity of Saul, of Paul of Tarsus, the Christianity which was invented and controlled by a Jew all the way until our present era, ju st like Marxism.
We feel that these pages are important because they have managed to summarize and express, in ways never before possible, the deepest undercurrents of Esoteric Hitlerism, inspired and dictated by the Avatara Himself. Published now, because of the dire situations in Chile. They are also, and above all, a tribute given to Adolf Hitler, marking 97 years since his birth, issuing in the Foundation of a New Era in this world , running parallel with the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, that is to say, the Hitlerian Age.
Heil Hitler!
April 20th in the 97th year of the New Era
My experience is the following one: Astrology and Alchemy speak of the same secret drama. A great mystery is revealed to us in symbols. Astrological Ages are but a day in an era of cycles. Each one of these Ages gives to us an Archetypical Dispensation. Taurus is the Solar Religion of the Bull. Aries represents the Age of the Sheep- of Rama (the Ram)-Father of the Lamb. The Age of Pisces embodies the Fish of Kristos, the Solar Son. In the constellation of Taurus, the initial star is Venus, having entered the solar system like a comet and fixed itself among the stars. Venus is the Green Star to the Egyptians. It's sheer brightness made two luminous horns visible so that it came to represent the Bull of the firmament . Thus, the adoration of the Bull is the adoration of Venus. Plato has said the Kings of Atlantis sacrificed to the Bull in ritual clothing of the right colors and appropriate places given by the Gods. This tradition was succeeded in Aries, when the Aryan- Per sians of Atlantis continued the Religion of Mithras, the sacrifice of the Bull. The sacrifice of the Lamb is taken over at the coming of the Age of Pisces.
Astrology and Alchemy represent the Planets which, in turn
, represent a specific metal and the symbols of the process of transmutation and by means of both it brings to us a cognitive death and a long awaited resurrection into a God. Rather - the transmutation of a Hero into something more than a God.
Even though we wish to explain these things with clarity and simple words, by its intrinsic nature, this is not possible. These are areas of the occult and it is very difficult to pursue with rationalized intelligence.
The Astrological Cycles are absolutely not closed; the Gods
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die, but they resurrect in the next cycle with new clothing/faces/skins, they have been transmutated. The Bull, symbol of the Light in Taurus, dies in Aries; sacrificed by the Hero Mithras; the Transmutation of Opposites has happened , the symbol of darkness, of the blind forces of a corrupted nature; the Dragon, standing outside of time. Thus Mithras and Siegfried are one in the battle against the dark powers. Mithras slays the Bull, Siegfried slays the Dragon. They do it in honour of the Sun; of Helios, the Father.
The elder generation who knew the antiquity of the history of mankind, amongst the present day "Scientific Historians" who present derisory and pitiful science, could see that man 's history was not only of Man, but also of Gods. Man and the Gods. The Involution of Gods into men and men who transmutated into Gods. Animals that were Gods and Gods with animal heads. All of the Universe that can be seen lives by the power and force of the Constellations which are figures of Animal-Gods: Lion (Leo), Bull (Taurus), Sheep (Aries), et cetera. Inevitably, the Golden Age falls and corrupts until it reaches the Age of Iron. Invariably, everything that dies will return to begin again. And thus it happens, Ab Aeterno, in the Eternal Return. The end of the Twilight of the Gods will mark the beginning of the Resurrection of the Gods. This is the way of Astrology, the Cycle of Astrology. The Demon of the Eternal Return is the same in the Great and in the Small. The false Kingdom of the Demi urge and the illusion of the Archetypes. The Empire of Maya, of Illusion.
It would seem that in a world of fate, of astral cycles, in the constellations and the Eternal Return, in the "Concentration Camp Universe" of the Demiurge, a strange force is sensed, something mysterious , something struggling to change everything by transmuting a blind force into something different, something Spiritual. I understand this as a different situation, like Nietzsche said: "A universe governed by different laws or no laws at all", "something never dreamed of by the greatest Utopians or the pilgrims of great nostalgia and deep longing. " This can happen right here in these Circles of Slavery, for it shows us that the visible Demiurgic universe is not entirely his own possession, it has only been corrupted, imprisoned by this Dragon , this Bull, and plagiarized by the shadowy forces of the warriors of his ancestry, fighting under his command. Now the terrestrial visible eyes of this Universe, that of the stars and constellations, of nature, hold behind it a Pristine Universe, "dwelling beyond the stars" said Goebbels, quoting Beethoven. Today it is tortured, enslaved, screaming in terror for its transfiguration and redemption. It is the Universe of longing and nostalgia . It is like a Queen, a Sleeping Beauty, hoping and wishing for her Hero to fight and awaken her as she is imprisoned by a grotesque Ogre.
Only Myths and Legends can sing to us the songs of these Mysteries.
If we said Alchemy and Astrology refer to the same secret drama then we must know that it is precisely Alchemy that brings us a way out, an exit from the enslavement of the stars. It is within this "Concentration Camp Universe" of the Demiurge, the Eternal Return of astral cycles, where we will be extracted, where we will deliver the Secret Science of a possible
departure, a Liberation, in which the Hero, now transmuted into something more than a God, will force open a door, a window, an exit, and before falling again into the prison of the Eternal Return, he will transfigure this Universe, redeeming Nature, which has been corrupted by the Demiurge and the Archetypes.
From the opposite Universe, "governed by other laws, or by no laws at all" , entering into this world, "governed by the laws of mechanics," enter the Gods. They come to fight and transfigure the blind forces of Doom: combating with the Dragon and the Bull. Indeed, they go to war with the Demiurge, owner of this world. Becoming triumphant warriors, or sacrificed victims.
It is at the beginning of each new Age, if we are able to see beyond their Demiurgic appearance, the Archetypes and Aions, used and corrupted by the Demiurge, repeatedly delivered the Hero the hidden message (Nostalgia and Deep Longing). This allows them to build the most powerful weapon, to open a window , an exit, a Path of redemption and a way out of the dark Fatality.
They are the same recurring archetypes that bring the message and part the veil of a Secret Science; to wield the sword with which breaks through the ghost they represent, to pass beyond him. What the Archetype asks us is precisely what disintegrates. ("It is necessary I die so that I can live" ). The Archetype comes to us longing to become a symbol, we would say, paraphrasing Nietzsche. That is why all mythical or religious dispensation of a particular era, all Resurrected Gods, should be viewed from within (esoteric), so to speak, from beyond its pure exoteric mystery of their symbolic secret. That is to say, in its alchemy. Being understood by alchemical science that allows the Hero to transmutate himself into more than a God before exiting here and getting trapped in the illusory "Concentration Camp Universe" of the Demiurge. Synchronistically, transfiguring Nature. Thus, the Hero would have won the war with the Demiurge.
It is under the sign of Leo that the Hero starts to long for a
former Golden Age. The sun sets in this constellation , until the land of polar Hyperb6rea (name given by the Greeks of that lost land, Aryana Baiji, the Aryans of India; Asgard, the Germans; the Hiberbortikon of Wolfram von Eschen bach; City of the Caesars, of the Aryans in South America), enters into Time, under the age of Kronos-Satum, being at that moment the Gods begin to fight for the reverse of that time, time which has made matter, they fight with the emblem of the Left-handed Swastika, for the recovery of a purity which is now lost. The Gods and Giants have become Heroes . Samson is one of them, apart from the corruption and plagiarism of history that has hidden it's symbolism, when it applies to a nationalist legend. His strength resided in his hair, because it was the hair of a lion, Leo. That sacred hair was cut by a Priestess . He has now been sacrificed to the Lion.
The Gods came to fight that strange force which has corrupted the Ur-historical purity, risking contamination of their fiery blood. Materializing , being imprisoned m the "Concentration Camp Universe" of the Eternal Return.
God is Goten, or Gott in German and God in English. It comes from the German Gut meaning Good in English. That is ; God is Good. The Good God. It is also Gi.ieno ; in archaic Castilian, the Visigoths of Spain. And good man is Gutman in German and Guzman in Castilian Gothic or Visigoth. Therefore, Philip II of Spain said that "the war against the Araucanians of Chile had cost them the best of their Guzman", meaning the best of his Visigoths , his "good men " or Warriors, the Goths. And it remains curious that the Cathars of the Gothic Languedoc, also occupied by the Visigoths, called themselves Bonhommes ; good men. Because God is Good.
Therefore the name of Wotan, the Germanic God, is also Gutan (Gi.iatan, including the Vikings of South America), the meanings must have a common core, the village of Goths, the Gutanes ; ie , the whole pantheon of gods who entered into combat with the Demiurge and his hosts in the visible universe, trapped in the cyclic sign: the Beserker Warriors, coming from Asgard , the holy city of the Asen. Asen, Axe, the Polar Axis before it disappeared from the catastrophe that engulfed Hyperb6rea and its capital, Thule. ( See Annex I).
Gott, God, Godo. The Gods are the Goths, the Gutanes . The people of the Goths divided into several branches. Some of them came to Spain. The Ostrogoths, the "Bright Goths" (God's Bright Ones), the Visigoths, the "Gothic Sages" (Wise Gods).
In Spain, the Visigoths called each other Asen to remind
themselves of their divine origin, of another world, Asgard , or Asgarten, Garden of the Asen, The Garden of the Hesperides, of the Apples of Gold : The Golden Age. Aryana Baiji, or Ariana Vaejo ; Hyperborea. The Sign of Wotan is Sieg, the Sieg Rune, of Victory . It is also the emblem of the Gothic town. The Jetta, or Getas, one of their tribes were considered "Gods chosen people" , God himself ; because "The Son and the Father are one and the same" , "A God".
In India, or Gauthama Godo, is Gotama the Buddha.
They call themselves Asen because of Asgard, the Abode of the Olympic Gods, whence they descended to fight the Demiurgic forces before the involution of the heroes and before the Polar Axis deviated. Before the Gods "mixed with the daughters of men" and involution set in, turning the Gods into Heroes.
The road to victory and liberation goes against the current of involution, backwards in time, the time of Saturn/Kronos, towards the imaginary point where Saturn enters time, the time of Kronos. Entering into the Satya Yuga. Sat-ya, Sa-tum. This backwards path is symbolized by the Leftward turning Swastika against the current rotation of this second earth, against the appearance of time which deviated the Axis of the North Pole. This is the emblem of the Heroic Aryan, marching towards the recovery of Hyperborea, Asgard, after falling deeply into dense matter after the defeat and becoming imprisoned in the battlefields of the Demiurge; forgetting his most Divine Origin. And just think that it is through the same natural material (unnatural, in this case), where another force also withholds it, by transmitting a message that is constant and symbolic of a nostalgic drama that has happened: the story of the loss (voluntary?) of Asgard , the warrior Hero entering or falling into the Universe, the one who has forgotten his immortality and who does not yet know that he cannot die.
In each new round of the Eternal Return, the same sacred history of the Asen Gods are told, by the Archetype changing skins and by symbolic magical signs. This history refers to the descent of a God among men, into Demiurgic matter, and the sacrifice to prevent the spread of corruption within the Mechanical Universe, expanding at the expense of one another, where there are no laws of causality. This is an eternal war to the death. The God who has turned Hero has no other aid except the blood memory of his own divine and sacred story, told again and again by favour of the Gods, who are always there, and thus they come to help, using the Zodiacal Archetypes of the Demiurge, using it's cyclic and stellar laws. The memory of the Divine Origin is very clouded and lays deep within the dark squalid dungeon of the Demiurge; but the Gods will rely on the Heroes
of uncorrupted essence that the Demiurge has not been able to pervert, the Deep Longing and Nostalgia , an endless reverberation of an echo from far away, heard in the warrior's deepest soul. Also seen in Nature and even the Archetype.
Against this the Demiurge has only the weapon of corruption. Corrupt, debasing the form and the meaning of the sacred revelation , plagiarizing the sacred history of the Aryan, falsifying, stealing their homelands , anthropomorphizing the Archetype, a soul without Individuation ; destroying, without exceeding ; symbolically altering its character, neutralizing the magical-energetic potential , for a submission under a purely religious aspect. And thus, delivering to the world an exoteric and dogmatic religion.
On the Continent of the North Pole, the semi-physical First Hyperborea is lost. With the loss of Hyperborea, the center of power, the Runes are also lost. They are the symbols of the Zodiacal Gods, originating in another Universe, which in Sanskrit are called Chakras. The first symbols of an unspoken language, the Word, the Logos Spermatikos. The words of modern language are like an equivalent to a decline in communication between modern day humans. The superior language does not consist of words. The Word, resembling animals, birds and trees, is a pristine instantaneous transmission of energy. A thought unthought.
To recuperate their losses, the Gods will materialize, Wotan/ Gutan crucified, symbolizing the descent into matter. Wotan is crucified on the Yggdrasil Tree of Terror. On an Ash tree, Asche in German, almost equal to Asen, the name of the Gods descending from Asgard. Ase, Achse, Axis; both terrestrial and polar. Therefore, we must understand the mystery: the Asen, the God, will depend on his own Axis, his Column, which has deviated from Pole to Pole, being suspended by Nine Nights , according to the Norse Saga of the Edda. Nine is the magical number par excellence, for in its multiple it is repetitive. Moreover, it is sacred because it has "trans-polarized" the Demonic Number of the Demiurge, of the Great Beast! Turning the 6 upside down, transmutating 6 into 9.
This is the symbolism of the Triumphant Departure . Wotan has changed the Axis of the Astral Pole to its former position . The column which puts Heaven within Hyperborea and holds onto the Cosmic-Man, the Cosmic-Creator. He straightens his own Column, his Pole and returns to the Golden Age by way of the Left-Rotating Swastika.
The Runic Kristos, the Kristos of Atlantis
Wotan crucified within the rocks of the Externsteine , the ancient stones on the grounds near Westphalia, in Alemania. In my book ''Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar", we have reproduced photographs of this mysterious ''plasmation ".
Resurrection of the Hero
We have said that this is a sacred history. It truly is a Sacred Autobiography written by the Gods themselves. The Gods are born, die and are resurrected. They love Fresno, Esche, Asche, because it is the Asen, Axis, Ash. They adore one another. The truth is that Wotan was crucified on a stone. On the rocks of the Externsteine, in the center of the ancient forests of Germania. There I have seen his gigantic figure imprinted within the "cosmic plasmation", with a bowed head to the side, hanging in that position to draw the Axis of Heroes, his Axis, diverted to the left side and only working from that position (from the left, with the Lefthanded Swastika), where the recovery of Time and Eternity can be traced. ( "Eternity is Time in Reserve", as defined by Knut Hamsun ).
Wotan retrieves the Runes and is liberated on the Ninth Night, sacrificed by himself to himself. The New Futhark, under foreign influence, was modified in a failed attempt to be Christianized. Indeed, the Odal Rune, the Rune of Wotan, has been subtracted for the Haga! Rune. Therefore we are not surprised to see Judaism appropriate this sign of magical and alchemical androgyny in their six-pointed Star of David. The Hagal Rune also symbolizes the Fish, the Age of Pisces, and is also the Greek monogram of lesous Xristos (Jesus Christ), an Aion, a Solar entity. Fish in Greek is Ixtios with an I; just as Iesous, resembling the word Xristos. The I oflesous (and Ixtios)
- crossing the X of Xristos (I + X equals Hagal), forming the Hagal J3.une. This entire astrological symbol is also alchemical, representing the coming together of man and woman, the Androgyne; Unified.
The Hagal Rune of Esoteric Kristianism should symbolize the Age of Pisces, delivered by Wotan to break away from the "Tree of Terror" (the Cross of the Left-Hand), during the Ninth Night. Symbolizing the Religion of Absolute Man, Celestial Man, the Androgynous Kristos. But 9 was changed into 6, by the Jews into the Star of David and into exoteric Judaized Christianity. 6, Involution, spiraling downward. 9, Transmutation, spiraling upward.
The retrieved Odal Rune appears on the cover of this book. It represents the Kristianity of Wotan, of Esoteric Hitlerism. The Haga! Rune does not have to exclude Odal; on the contrary, they are complementary. It should again be included in Odin's Futhork, to be Wotan's Rune. Within the Aquarian Age, the Haga! Rune is extended into the eight-pointed star of Venus, the Hyperborean Star of the Aryans. The Star of Amor, also of the Reche Araucanos and found in the first Flag of Chilli Mapu. (Today stolen from the National Historical Museum of Santiago de Chile). The eight-pointed star I call the Venuris Rune (Ven Ur-Is) (Venus), the Green Rune of the Green Ray, is composed of two Haga! runes and cannot be removed from the Futhork of Aquarius , as it has fulfilled the sign of Pisces, which has already passed. And because the androgynous is not the end of which Esoteric Hitlerism pursues, but that of Absolute Man; Absolute Man and Woman, united and separated forever. The Two Hagal Runes cross-linked (together and apart) represent Absolute Man and Woman. The Eight-pointed star, which is already a Star, which has the shape of a Star, is the Seventh Sun of the Maya, of Total Man: the Venuris Rune enclosed by a circle, turning within its Circle. When this happens it becomes a UFO, a Vimana.
The ultimate_ goal of the war waged here, with the entry of the Warrior-Gods , of the Divyas and Viras, in the universe of the Demiurge , is symbolized by the Venus Star, the Venuris Rune, that of the Asen, the Frisians and the Araucanians. The Absolute Man, individuated , together with his Ella/She, united in separation. ELELLA and ELLAEL - HIM-HER and HER-HIM , in my own terminology. Because the way out of this Universe is by the Window of Venus. The Morning and Evening Star, which in itself is a double Haga! Rune, a Double Star, Absolute Man and Absolute Woman, Two Stars in A chord, the Double Star of Amor: Baphomet, Quetzalcoatl , Abraxas, Lucifer. From there to the Black Sun, which takes us, successively , to the nonexistence of the Green Ray; the Universe of Absolute Man and Absolute Woman . The Non-Existent Flower .
The enemy attempts to corrupt the Futhork of Odin, the most powerful weapon the Gods are given - within the changes
Resurrection of the Hero
that also operated in the F Rune (with an "a" following), symbolizing the Asen. Now it symbolizes the Ash. A simple trick, almost childlike, to make us conform to the Curia of the Ninth century; because, as we have seen, Ash in German is Esche. And Ash is the Yggdrasil tree of the hanging Wotan . Thus the Germans will have gone to Tree worship; Ash first, then the Oak.
However - Runes are inseparable from the cult of Wotan and the Asen, the Anakim giants, born of the union between Gods and the "daughters of men", "Goths", "the greatest enemies of the Jews" according to Ezekiel.
Wotan was crucified when he entered this world - first into Stone, in a rock, as seen in the Externsteine , "captured" in the first mineral. (He will be crucified in the tree, then the animal, and this will continue in man). He was born here on a stone and on that transfigured Stone "build the Resurrection of the Hero". The Lapis Alchimicum Philosophal, Alchemical Philosopher's Stone.
How do the Gods die? They die from a roaring and catastrophic storm of weather ; Kronos-Saturn ; Fenrir , the Firmament of the devouring Wolf. It happens as a huge wave blanketing the abode of the Asen, Polar Asgard, the Hyperborea of the Greeks, and Hiberbotikon of Wolfram von Eschenbach. Conforming to this will be the Golden Age, the Aetas Aurea , the Satya Yuga .
Wotan knew this was going to happen. In the memory within his divine blood the Eternal Return is remembered. He had ordered the dwarves to build chains to tie the Fenrir Wolf up, but the Wolf broke every one of them until Wotan ordered the construction of an imaginary chain that made "the sound of the footsteps of a cat, with bird's saliva, the breath of a fish, the root of a rock, the hairs of the beard of a woman". The Gleipnig Chain. That is to say, all things that do not exist. It was only this that was able to immobilize the Wolf, by using laws of Another Universe , where the very Gods are from, where Laws do not exist. The Wolf was imprisoned until the Gods began to doubt that which does not exist. That Nonexistent Flower, growing in the gardens of Asgard. Then the Fenrir Wolf broke this magical cord, devouring all the Gods and devouring Asgard.
The first to die was Balder or Bald ur, the sweetest and most beautiful of the Gods. At his funeral pyre stood Wotan whom whispered something in his ear that nobody has ever known. He spoke of that Non-Existent Flower , of a safe return and Resurrection. The Resurrection from within the city of Asgard, which does not exist and never will exist, but is more real than all the cities of this land.
The Fenrir Wolf entered here like a comet, as in the myth of
the Greek Phaeton, torching and burning everything. He is that celestial body which cyclically returns, over and over, to produce these major disasters. There is then a solution to shackling the Wolf to prevent the Twilight of the Gods, the Gotterdammerung, the Death of the Gods. In the end the very same Gods know what exists, within their own Universe, their own Flower. The only way to prevent the triumph of Doom is to make the Wolf a friend and then transform him into a dog. There has always been the greedy Satanic Wolf (Saturn). First it was the Fox, transmuted to Wolf, in which the Demiurge corrupted , using his best weapon, the Seasonal Zodiac, the Astral Cycles.
The Fox, Wolf and the Dog are initiatory degrees, ladders up towards the Alchimicum Opus. Therefore all of Hitler's headquarters during the Great War bore the name "Wolf". And He was always accompanied by a Dog. In English, Dog is God in reverse. Thus, we find this same sequence along with the fox and the wolf, preparing the Resurrection of the Gods and the recovery of the immortality of the Hero .
Adolf Hitler and Rudolf Hess
"No one has ever known what Wotan whispered to Baldur in secret, what order he gave to him ... "
The Twilight of the Gods happened in Leo with the imposition of Saturn-Kronos. Thus, the promise Wotan made to Baldur has happened many times. Only different Gods return; Cancer, Gemini, Taurus, Aries, but not yet in Pisces has this happened. Returning and returning, to make the opportunity available to perform the real Resurrection and Triumph, forcing the Demiurge out of this world , defeating him in this most Holy War we have undertaken . It is in Aries when the Gods return with Mithras, the "Slayer of the Bull.", by way of Taurus.
We will concentrate on this symbolic story for the drama happening here affects us directly throughout the Age of Pisces, which has unfortunately been our age. Baldur was in Aries, and returned as Mithras, in Pisces it was to be Wotan resuJTected as Kristos. In Book X of the Zenda Avesta , the holy book of the Zoroastrians of Persia, Mithras was born on the mythological mountain Berezaith Hara (the Hindu Mount Meru ), where today we find Mount Elbrus in the Caucasus as being the physical counterpart of Berezaith Hara and Mount Kailas being the physical counter-part of Mount Meru in India. On the peak, Mithras, in the land of the Aryans, is caJTying a sword in one hand and the Unus Mundus in the other. He is the Cosmic Creator of the Greeks, the King of the Universe. Sometimes Mithras is represented with a torch instead of a sword. Because he is also the Light Bearer, sent by the Sun.
The mountain and stone which contains both fire and light, a bright flint stone, is precisely where Mithras arises, the God of Fire and Light. There are also representations of Mithras hanging from a tree, just as Wotan. In any case, Mithras was born December 25th (a date plagiarized by Christianity), from the birthing stone, the Lapis.
For those who have some inner knowledge of alchemy it should not be difficult to understand that all of this is a dialogue of a symbolic and esoteric history, which refers to the birth of Rebis, the Immortal Being, which occurs at the end of the Opus, the Great Work, as a result of creating the Lapis, the Philosopher's Stone. We have found the Stone, which is Fire and Light (Flint) : the fallen Venus, the Morning Star, a Carbuncle. Therefore Wolfram von Eschenbach says in his Parzival that it was a Stone that fell from Lucifer's Crown (Phosphoro = Venus
= Lucifer) . And within Esoteric Kristianity it states that "Peter is Stone and the Stone is the Great Work that is to be built" -- "The
Cathedral, the Church" * ( See Annex II).
There are also other representations of the birth of Mithras, the presence of shepherds, for example, which should not surprise us, since this is also the Age of Aries, the Lamb. This has led to the birth of Jesus being used as a plagiarism, giving it a social meaning and a Jewish connotation of "class warfare", from a "humble birth", within a "rebellion of slaves", of the "shepherds or tenants" . Now it becomes an exoteric and anthropomorphic religion , built on resentment and subversion.
When Mithras was born (Reborn), next to him were always two strange characters, who are his assistants, or witnesses. Two servants, called Cautes and Cautopates.(We are reminded of the Alchemical Revelation of Pamina and Papageno in "The Magic Flute" by Mozart). One on each side of the rising blooming God. Carrying torches. Cautes points his fire upwards, whilst Cautopates addresses his fire downwards. This symbolizes the day and the night. A Season, since God has entered again into a Season and will have His fight with the Bull, the Demiurge. These figures are also representations of the Gnostic Aion and the Persian Zervan (oddly similar to 'Servant'), the Eqyptian Sarapis, the Greek Kronos and the Roman Saturn. All Regents of the Kingdoms of the Dead. Zervan controls infinite time, that is to say, the Eternal Return. For Iranians, Ahura Mazda, the God of the Zoroastrians, and Ahriman , the devil, both have their name in Zervan, Time. Mithras will now have to be born a God Man. Zervan is only of intermediary service of Ahura Mazda.
Miguel Serrano
The humble and secondary position of Cautes and Cautopates, servants and witnesses to the process of Resurrection, gives Zarathustra meaning and not Zervantistas. The Aion is just a ruler of a Demiurgic cycle, an indicator of time, of an astrological Era, also a Momentary Prisoner of the Demiurge. (Is he voluntarily?). Witnesses provide the light and they also remove the light.
* Peter is derived.from the Greek Petros which means stone.
Mithras steals the bull
The Latin Messis means "vintage offering" . Feriae messis, the Roman harvest festival. Missus: offered, given. Messiah, the Sun, sent annually to the fruits to be ripened. We have said that every new Astrological Age we enter into reveals to us the same history, concerning the rebirth of God and his incarnation among men. An impulse, a powerful energy re-designed , re-clothed, giving life to the Archetype, coating it with symbols and robes of a new era, moving the vernal location in regards to the homes of the constellations within the Zodiac. This ignites in the Unconscious of men, giving another chance to the Heroes, to spark enthusiasm, nostalgia and power, to receive the message and meaning, opening the closed door or window out of this Universe, victorious over the Demiurge.
Within the Origin of Time, they are crucifying Wotan in stone, or on an Ash. There, in the Northern ice, in the recently lost Hyperborea, Aryana Baiji, the primeval Continent , the Polar Aryan Asgard, he is crucified. The Greek Kristos, the Kosmokrator (Cosmic-Creator) , or Kosmokristos (Cosmic Kristos) is Wotan. A Solar spirit, the anima mundi, crucified on the four kingdoms of nature, according to Plato (Mineral, Vegetable, Animal, Man). Mithras is also Wotan; as they all are. The Archetype only very rarely personal izes itself. His coming amongst humans is like a flame that spreads like an inextinguishable uncontrollable fire. Men only contribute to spreading this fire in a determined Age. Becoming the magicians, or Magi-Persians (Mage = "who knows"), the priests of Zarathustra , of Zoroastrianism , which foster the religion and worship of Mithras, in accordance with its own Zoroastrian religion ; because Mithras would be an intermediary, or the Son of Ahura Mazda.
Thus Zoroastrians will have claimed the Age of Aries. (It is somewhat strange, at first sight, the similarity between the name Ariopersa (Ario-Persian) Magi and Araucano Machi . In German Ch is pronounced like G, which would be pronounced Magi (Machi/Magi) . Regarding the possible Frisian origins of Arauca, this is available by Toribio Medina and also my books, "Adolf Hitler, The Ultimate Avatara" and "National Socialism, the Only Solution for the Peoples of South America") .
There are unmistakable signs of Wotanism in Mithras. As Wotan, He will also be accompanied by a raven and a dog; degrees, moreover , of the Mithric Initiation . Interestingly , the raven is called Korax, and Korakenke was the name of the Raven of the Inka, or Inca. Also Korava is raven and is the Sanskrit name of one of the Clans in the Great War of the Mahabharata. The Pandava and Korava had come to be the Vanen and Asen of Germanic saga. In add ition, we have already said that the Inka was a Viking descendant of Wotan and a worshiper of Wotan. (See "Adolf Hitler, The Last Avatara" and "National Socialism, One solution for the peoples of South America ").
Like all solar heroes, Mithras also makes a series of symbolic works, which should benefit their followers . Besides sacrificing the bull, he drank and offers his blood, in a liturgical and ritualistic ceremony, that this Blood is consecrated and has transmuted Eternal Life in Liqueur (refrigerium) by the descent of a Power from on high, from another universe .
The blood of the Bull has been transmuted into the very blood of Mithras. Then, he eats and gives to others to eat meat of the Bull, also transubstantiated into his own flesh. ("Take and drink, this is my blood, take and eat, this is my flesh "). The magical ceremony is a repetition ab aetemo of the Hyperborean Aryans, of the Minnetrinken, when the Berserker warriors drank their own astral blood, Soma, and the kings of Atlantis, the liquor of the Graal, in glasses of oricalco. The ancient Aryan Persians drank the Ahoma.
This Mithraic Mass is officiated, after the parting of Mithras, only by initiates of high degrees, the "Fathers". Another is the high degree of "Lion", The "Supreme Father" is the Head of the Church of Mithras. Father, or the Holy Father, also happens to be called the Pope of the Christian Church of Rome. Moreover , Pope means father. Another degree of the esoteric religion of Mithras is Mile, the soldier, whence comes the word militia and also military . All Mithraic worship is officiated in Latin, getting to have an enormou s influence and importance among Legions of the Roman Empire, because Mithras is "the Lord of Hosts" and his religion is warlike, so that the Roman Legion was formed, almost esoterically in the Mithraic sense, just as esoteric as the military organization of the Hitlerite SS. In the "Militia" Mithraista will have also inspired the Persian assassin warriors , the "Old Man of the Mountain".
The colors of the officiating of Mithras are alchemical and they will be appropriated by the curia of Christian Rome. Roman Legions carried the worship of Mithras to the ends of the empire. In Spain, the bullfights are a relic of that worship, religious and
esoteric in their origins. The "suit of lights" of the bullfighter corresponds to the alchemical colors of grades of initiation of Mithraism and its ritual is sacred, hieratic. Over time the Corrida (Bullfight) has been made exoteric, gregarious. King Alfonso the Wise, in his Code of "The Seven Patts " ("Siete Partidas") prohibited collection of money and any material gain in the "Fiesta Brava" because bullfights are an archaic Mass, of Aries, with his background even more old, Taurus and the "Dance of the Bees," the virgin priestesses of the Minotaur, in Crete.
Mi le is a soldier in voluntary service to/of Mithras, who faces the heroic combat as a warrior ascesis, like Gnosticism , against the dark powers and in service of the God of the Light, of Mithras, Ahura Mazda. Also the bullfighter, like Mithras, is purified with the blood of the Bull, while at the same time redeeming the animal. They are going to overcome the Fall, to cleanse the mix with the animal-man , the "racial sin" of the Gods and Heroes.
In some Mithraic Masses the consecrated wine replaces the blood, as a beverage. They transubstantiated the Blood of the animal, just as alchemy produces the change from lead into gold. The representative of Mithras in earth is the Pater Patrum, Father of Fathers, the "Great Shepherd", the Summus Pontifex. He delivers the seven degrees of initiation , each one under protection of a planet. The Pater is protected by Saturn. The emblems of the Pater were a ring and a scepter, symbols of wisdom and married in Mithras. All this has been taken by the Roman Church. But the Pater is also a Magi. No harm would exist in a plagiarism by Christianity, if it had not only to attract into its fold the Roman Legions, converting and disarming the Warriors spiritually and materially, morally castrating them. The same happened with Wotanism within the forced conversion of the Saxons. Kidnapping, robbery, forgery and corruption of the divine, full of meaning, in the real plasmation of an Archetype.
Interior of a Mithraeum, Temple of Mithras, in Sofia (Bulgaria)
Mithraeum in Dura-Europa (Syria)
Mithraeum (reconstruction) in London.
One of the miracles of Mithras has been to extract water from the Stone, hitting it with a sword. (Remember: Excalibur is extracted from a rock). Water of Eternal Life, fons perennis. Anna perenni s was called the magic drink of the Romans. It is Moses, the one who was "saved from the waters", who will be attributed to such action. With the Rod or Caduceus, Pharaoh hit the rock in the desert and raised the water, to quench the thirst of the Exodus. All of this was also Exotericized , to apply to the Jewish national history, even when Moses was not a Jew, but an Egyptian, named Osarsiph and possibly a priest of Aton, who had to escape after the triumph of the priests of Ammon and the defeat of Amenhotep IV, called Akhenaton: With the abolition of his monotheist cult.
Mithras is depicted wearing the Phrygian cap, the same that was used by the kings of Atlantis to sacrifice the bull and drinking his blood in glasses of oricalco, according to Plato. This cap is equivalent to the Uraeus of Egyptian pharaohs , the cobra head emerging from his forehead . The Uraeus is seven, the number of chakras and Mithraic grades of initiation . The forehead represents the Serpent Kundalini, and the activation of the power of Vril; that is, the Rod, the Caduceus, the scepter, the sword. Energy capable of extracting the hidden force in the Stone, in the lapis, and to revive a God and the Golden Age. The alchemical gold, Aurum Potabile, that is drunk, and gives eternal life. Soma, the Ahoma, Anna Perennis, the Quintessence, the Philosophical liquor.
Resurrection of the Hero
The Phrygian Cap bends forward, forming a Uraeus-like protrusion. It also represents Kundalini, and has been delivered to the Hero as a prize by the Gods. Mithras wears it and the Hero must deserve it, discovering the hidden message in its symbolism. Active Kundalini is equally signified by the protuberance on the head of Buddha.
It is extremely intriguing to know it is in the cult and "Mass" of Mithras that we have the origin of the custom of greeting by grasping the right hands, dextrarum iunctio. The pater sacrum, the mystagogus, the Initiator greets the initiate in this way, at heliodromus, Correo del Sol, just to give this degree of initiation. Neither the Romans nor the Greeks or Hindus greeted this way. It is a greeting initiation of Zoroastrianism , which has come to wither like so much else, democratized by Christianity and Masonic lodges. Thus were greeted Mithras and the Sun, to establish their covenant.
It is precisely in Pisces, with the appearance of the Age of Pisces, that the Lamb of Kristos is sacrificed , the Lamb of Aries. He will be the Fish, in its benign aspect .The metamorphosis of the Lamb! The Golden Calf, which was alchemical gold in Aries, will turn to Usury in its malignant aspect in Pisces. The Fish, Ixtio, lesous Xristos, is born in a manger, surrounded by shepherds, to signal that the Age of Pisces originated in Aries. And the Wandering Star, which was a comet, the eight-pointed star, guides the Three Kings, or Magis, to the new era, to the new Dispensation , or Resurrection of a God, to the Renaissance.
It was not necessary , of course, to remove the Odal Rune from the New Futhark , the Odal Rune of the Old Futhark; because in the Kristian Myth, which is well understood , the Archetype of Odin-Wotan was reincarnated in Pisces, his crucifixion on the Fresno (Esche, Asen, Achse, Axis). On the Rock of the Externsteine . Indeed, Ash (Esche) is not a tree, a log, but it is Asen and Axis (Achse), the spiritual column of the Asen, of the Godo, of God, who has strayed within his own North Pole (Apollo). This Mystery , adulterated and made exoteric, has come to be converted into the Christian cross, with a bloody body hanging from the tree. Since its symbolism is what truly matters and above all, the Stone, as we shall see.* Ixtio is the Fish and Xristos is Wotan, the Anthropos , Melothesia to the Gnostics, the Total-Man. In tu rn Ixtio-Iesous is the Fish God, reborn in Pisces. And the Hagal Rune, it symbolizes, as a monogram, Iesous and the Ixtio, Jesus and the Fish, and Xristos. The I, as an initial , crosses diagonally the Man Rune, of Life, and Ir Rune, of Death, conjoining both and announces the resurrection of a God with the possible recovery of his Totality, in the Age of Pisces. And this revelation has come to occur alone, so to speak, without human intervention , as if through a d irect plasmation of the
Resurrection of the Hero
Archetype within the very matter of this very world. As the resurrection of a God, of Wotan-Baldur. At the beginning of the Age of Pisces it is expressed even in Greek and Latin, among the Aryan Greeks and Romans, facilitated by Mithras and his heroic warrior cult, at the end of the Age of Aries.
Mithraism had to easily give way to the Aryan Kristianity of the Goths, the Greeks and Romans, opening the possibility in Pisces of a way for the imprisoned heroes to be released, to find the exit out and defeat the Demiurge, recovering Divinity, the Totality of the Sonnenmensch, the Sunman, Superman, and redeeming the enslavement of Nature at the same time.
It was at this crucial definitive point when the Demiurge intervened, using an instrument that was already forming experimentally through the ages: the robot-golem, the Jew. In his intervention, he has also been assisted by the "White traitors", and the "Neutral Angels'', of whom Wolfram von Eschenbach tells us. (See my book, "Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatara"). And it will be the Jew Paul of Tarsus, being "remote controlled" by the Demiurge, whom the Jew happens to call Yahweh Jehovah, who comes to distort the alchemical and magical process, with diabolical cleverness.
Now we shall expand upon this.
Perhaps it becomes necessary , in this decisive moment, we should come to contemplate that just as the Jew is a projection or mental crystallization of the Demiurge , so too Yahweh- Jehovah could become a projection of the Jewish collective unconscious in return , so that one day they might both cancel out or destroy each other simultaneously and mutually. We are referring to Yahweh-Jehovah, a projection of the Jewish idiosyncrasy within the Demiurge, hidden, so to speak. And even when Yahweh Jehovah disappears with the Jews, the Demiurge remains. The depth of this insight, or intuition of this mystery, is almost impossible to penetrate with awareness. In addition, it can also happen that Yahweh and Jehovah are two different situations in an Archetype, one negative and the other one positive.
In any case, and to focus on the subject matter hereof, it is a fact that Kristianism- with a K- has nothing to do with the Jewish Christ, with Jesus Christ, which has been superimposed, added, invented, over top Yahweh-Jehovah in the Demiurge, as a projection of an Archetype or Zodiacal Aion, the embryo of a God who was struggling to be born, or re-born. Because true Kristianity is Mithraism , as we have seen; furthermore , it is Wotanism, Od inism. It is Pure Alchemy and it has been such long before the Christianity of Saul of Tarsus and the Zionist curia that took possession of Rome.
The name of Jesus has been transposed on the Greek Iesous and the Fish, Ixtio of Xristos . Iesous Xristos. The Hagal Rune, which summarizes and synthesizes the Aryan Mystery of the Totality of the Origins, is turned into the Star of David, and has almost no chance to escape the Number 6, the Apocalyptic Beast, unless transmuted into the eight-pointed star, the Veneris Rune. All of this is a process of Phonetic Kabbalah , Aryan Orphic Kabbalah, of Runic Alchemy, which has been spoiled and adulterated; anthropomorphized, plebeianized.
The crucifixion of Wotan in the Alchemical Stone, the lapis, from which emerges the Water of Life, Fons perennis, Aurum potabile, Anna perennis, Soma, Ahoma, has been made exoteric when you hang Jesus, the Jew, on a log of wood and water pours from his side, by the spear of a Roman soldier (Mile). It is the adulteration of the strike of the Sword of Mithras upon the Rock of the Opus Alchimicum . All of this as a plagiarism and invention of Saul/Paul, later nicknamed Saint Paul, because there has never been a crucified Jesus, not a Jewish Rabbi of this type, nor any such story. The Jewish Paul of Tarsus appropriates the resurgent Archetype , to introduce it surreptitiously to his anti race, so as to make possible the exaltation and even deification of the Zealots, a fanatical Zionist tribe, which the so-called "apostles" belonged, also nicknamed "fishennen" in Pisces.
The Gospels are written centuries after the alleged crucifixion, except that of John, which refers to symbolic issues relating to the Greek Kristos, having been written in Greek. His
Resurrection of the Hero
"Apocalypse" has to do with the Goths, the Edda and the Ragnarok, or Twilight of the Gods, with the destruction by the Fenrir Wolf, who was nicknamed The Beast. The secret of the "Apocalypse" is found within the hidden and occult significance of the numerals of the Greek alphabet, derived from the Philistines, which, in turn, come from the runic alphabet, as the original Hyperborean language, in accordance with Spanuth.
As we also said in the introduction, the encoded message is found within the sinister meaning represented in the current pope's name, of the Slav (slave) John Paul II. In the apocalyptic end that approaches (John), the zionist jews of the great synagogue, his 'elder brothers', according to a self-confession from this pope, they enter to fulfill the ultimate plans of Saul (Paul II) with the assimilation of the Jew's messiah, their 'king of the world', in one single person with the 'return of the Jesus the Jew', that the Catholics, Apostolic, and Roman Christians are waiting for.** They have sought to make Christianity appear to be in apparent opposition to the national history of the Jews; the Gospels with the Old Testament, both fabricated and forged from beginning to end. To show that this opposition is not so, it has come to manifest itself at the beginning of this Age of Aquarius, when the Pope visited the Synagogue of Rome to pay homage to his "big brothers" , the Jewish Rabbis. Definitely it is thus clear, for those who have eyes to see and brave hearts to recognize , once and for all, never, in almost two thousand years, was there this supposed opposition between Christians and Jews. Both worked for the same cause and the same absolute love for the One. Both were always monotheistic, servers of the One, the Demiurge, Yahweh, and enemies of the Goths, of the pure Aryan. Augustine declares openly, stating in a communication to the Pope, that "the Goths are of another race than ours," "being different, of another nature." And he was right.
Aryans are so blind to see that for more than a millennium they have not noticed the abominable fact that the Church of Rome celebrated as a festival on January 1st, New Year's Day, the "Circumcision of Jesus Christ" The Circumcision of a Jew!
Even while Judaic-Christianity was necessarily the enemy of Zoroastrianism , Mithraism and the Greek conceptions of
Kristos, Greek and Egyptian Mysteries and the whole Aryan Tradition, inevitably it had to make concessions at the beginning of its way and path of abominations. It had to accept various symbolic positions belonging to Mithraism, as we have seen, unable to avoid the inclusion of esoteric subjects, which were necessary for the conversion of the Aryan enemy, aided by the "White Traitors", extraterrestrial and terrestrial , such as Charlemagne and Boniface, among others. It was not Jong, however, before Christian Rome got rid of those awkward esoteric remnants , coming to condemn them as "products and traps of the Devil", thus becoming the only religion in the world that has not kept in reserve an esoteric symbolic content for an elite of Initiates. All this has been accomplished for the benefit of Judaism and its Demon, Yahweh because esotericism will be reserved exclusively for the Great Rabbinical Synagogue, so that the Christian esotericism is the rabbinical esotericism. Now and forever. Esotericism of the Elders of Zion.
Christianity was merely the bait with which Judaism hunted the unsuspecting Aryans, neutralizing, castrating, killing them in their essence, cutting them off forever from the true Kristie revelation of Wotan and Mithras.
The apparent opposition between Christianity and Judaism was a clever Demiurgic trap, similar to what we have today with the simu lated opposition between Marxism and Capitalism , only the Christian trap has been active for almost two thousand years.
* We also feel he is speaking of the Oda! rune as used by the Christians as their symbol, the symbol of the Christian Fish which we find people wearing to denote they are Christians. We see this as the Oda/ rune of Kristos-Wotan, the hanging God within the Age of the Fish, the Age of Pisces and it has now been reclaimed as such
** The secret encoded message Serrano is referring to is within the name of this Pope itself John is the writer of the Apocalypse and Paul is the inventer of Jewish Christianity. Thus, these two names together prescribe the Jewish plans for the current Pope to bring about the Apocalypse and the Beast - Translator}
Resurrection of the Hero
The Christian ritual constitutes more than one parody of the magical ritual of Mithraism with a partial Aryan background: the hunting of the corrupt animal, Involution, the sacrifice of the animal and it's alchemical transmutation into the food of eternal life, Immortality. There is the redemption of nature and at the same time the transfiguration of the Initiated Hero. It is in Mithraism that blood was replaced by wine and the flesh replaced by bread. The Christians destroyed the sculptures, paintings and documents along with the Mithraeum, the Mithric Temples, in order to cover up the plagiarism and lies so it wou ld not become public. It is Mithras who was in the Immortal Food eaten by his followers, like in the mysteries of Dionysus. The Christian Eucharist took the words of Zarathustra : " Whoever does not drink of my blood or eat of my body will not be one with me and I will not be one with him. He will not find Salvation" . These identical words have been put in the mouth of Jesus Christ: "Whoever eats of my flesh and drinks my blood will have eternal life" . So the Christian Priest, "Father", when he performs the Catholic Mass, he is also touching on the Mysteries of "Mithras", whom used the Magi (High Priest or Magicians) of Persia, of Zoroastrianism. Nevertheless , it would not have been easily noticed to carry Mithras in their ritual because Mithras symbolizes a familiarity with Kundalini, which the Christian "Fathers" try to avoid, a glorification of the Fiery Serpent, which they fought with the misunderstanding that Jewish Christianity maliciously interpreted as that of the "Temptation" of Genesis. (The Temptation of the Serpent in the Garden of Eden)
Nevertheless , Christianity in its origins is soaked with Kristianism, of its Esoteric and Alchemical Symbolism . The Gnostic Movements , soon penetrated by Judaism, gave it faith.
A star guides three magical Kings. They wear three different colors and will be present at the Birth, at the Renaissance of God, of a Child-God. "Kings and Magicians?" , we must ask ourselves, Kings from where? This has never been clarified. The Magicians are the Magi of Zarathustra, the same that brings about the birth of Mithras, like the Son of Ahura Mazda, of the Sun-Father. Furthermore, Magicians, because authentic Magic will have to be present at the moment of Birth which creates the Renaissance of God. The Renaissance in Pisces, in a manger, between the shepherds and the lambs of Aries, and with the approval of Aries, who is like a witness, since it will be the Lamb which will go through the metamorphosis into a Fish, which takes place in Pisces. The Fish of Kristos, symbolizes the realization and actualization of the HAGAL Rune, of the Total-Man. When this occurs it will have to be Certified by the "Regality" of the Magi, the Three Magical Kings, because the glorious end of the Opus is always a gift and is equal to a miracle. The three colors of the Kings are of the Alchemical Opus, unique and possible to make happen the Resurrection of a God, the Transm utation of a Hero into a God, an Asa, straitening it's column, its own Cross, it's Axis, which turned aside in its loss and defeat on the outside, with its voluntary entrance to fight in this Creation and False World of the Demiurge, in the fallen mixture, the mixture of the children of the Earth.
The Magi, the Three Magic Kings, represent the Totality of the Alchemical Opus, the great Hermetic Work, symbolized by the colors Black, White and Red. Nigredo , Albedo and Rubedo. And also Regality : because they are Kings, the true name of Alchemy is Regal Arts, Royal Arts, Ars Regia, in Egypt it was practiced solely by the Pharaoh, the King and High Priest, plus the Magical Priests that exclusively surrounded him and were of his Hermetic Circle. This was a knowledge that had arrived there like a Traditional Art from a distant past, from the lost Hyperborea. It may have come from India, as Gobineau affirms, along with the first Dynasty of the Nordic Kings, in a Runic language that would have been the lost language of Thoth. The secret of this Art of Kings, this Regal Art, descended from trans-
celestial Asgard along with the Aesir and the Gods, until arriving at the "Black Earth" of Egypt. ("Quimia", of Alchemical meaning {Al-Quimia-cal}, refers to Black and is indeed an Alchemical word with the secret code "Al", which would later be of Arabic origin.) Egypt means "Black Earth". Nigredo.
Thus, the Ars Regia is a contribution, a secret, a treasure, a gift from the Kings to the Kings, who zealously were Guardians of the Divine Gods, the Gods who descended to this Earth towards the North Pole to enter the center of the world to fight the Demiurge, the Gods of Destiny and Fatality. Only the Kings could make use of it because only the Kings can give this Gift. The Gift is the Appearance of God, the Hero appears again as a God. This Royal Art is also an Anti-Poison which the Gods brought with them to this Fatal World, where they knew they would be poisoned in their Blood , and only with that Antidote could they be saved and prevail over the death of the Demiurge.
Mithras and the Sun officiate the Sacrament of the Eucharistic Dinner (the Refrigerium). The Bread and the Drink, the Flesh and the Blood.
Solely by means of the Ars Regia, the Royal Art of Alchemy , the God's Invol ution into Heroes can still be recuperated and they can then reclaim their Divinity, Totality and Immortality , thanks to the transition of the War of this World.
Art, a Science of Heroes, for that reason Caesar Riviera titled his extraordinary work on Alchemy: "Magical World of the Hero" , written in 1605.
Hermes Trismegisto is the Father of Alchemy in Old Egypt, he became a semi-divine and mythical person and that gave rise to the magical word "Hermetism" which is also used in Alchemy.
With great fervor one has hidden the fact that all the texts that are sacred to us for Salvation got lost in the cyclical landslide and were soon lost in the catastrophes spawned by the agents of the Demiurge, but these same subjects are refeITed to as "Hermetic" and symbolic and were always the same, so that one day they were made ready to be retrieved by the Kings and the Heroes . "The Song of Songs" is Tantric Alchemy; Furthermore , so is "Genesis", with its Seven Symbolic Days of Creation which are referring to the Seven Chakras and their Elemental Symbology. In the Great Opus, man is created out of the "Black Earth" (Nigredo), of the soil (meaning that of Egypt, because "Genesis" was obviously found in Egypt, in UR). Meanwhile , Adam represents "Red" , signifying the Final State of the Opus, Rubedo.
The recovery of the original Purity will solely be made possible in the Garden of Eden, the same Polar Garden of the Hesperides , the Garden of Asgard, where the original Tree of the Golden Apples stood, with the Graal, the Golden Fleece. It is the Yggdrasil Tree of Wotan and the Column of Adam Kadmon, whom ate solely of the Golden Apples, whom a Soror Mystica (Mystical Sister) was offered to him, drinking and eating of the Alchemical Gold, the Liquid Gold, which makes him able to straighten his Column and recover Immortality, and Divine Integrity, the transmutation of Adam into Lucifer. And it is
Lilith-Medea and not Eve who makes possible the activation of the Serpent Kundalini by giving him the "Poisonous" Golden Apple and being able, once again, to be a God or even more than a God.
He has eaten the Flesh and drank the Blood of the God, of the Graal.
It becomes easy to understand that the Demiurge, being worthy to his Servants, the Jews and the Christians, has tried to destroy the records and tracks of the Ars Regia , by falsifying Revelations and Documents, up to the point that they tried to assassinate a Child-God of the East. In truth, it was they who murdered all the children at the beginning of the Age of Pisces, from the fear that a Hero-God might overthrow the Kingdom of the Demiurge , of Yahweh-Jehovah.
The Royal Art, the Path of Heroes, is fulfilled in three magical steps or stages: Nigredo, Albedo and Rubedo. Translated into Spanish: la Obra Negra , la Obra Blanca y la Obra Roja (the Black Work, the White Work and the Red Work). For those who want to deepen the experience of this mystery of transmutation , you will find help in my book El Cordon Dorado, Esoteric Hitlerism, where I have dwelt more on the subject, in c01mection with the Tantrism of the SS.
Nigredo is the transit through the dissolution of the egotistical personality of the Hero-Initiate, a voluntary death, similar to the entrance of God into this opposite Universe of the Enemy, ruled by necessity and causality . The divine being falls and becomes bastardized, when mixed with the "daughters of the earth", with the "slaves of Atlantis", the robots of the Demiurge. This makes his astral blood impure, it dissolves. We believe that the Gods may have conscientiously accepted this sacrifice, this enormous event, as the only way to fight the Enemy within his own mechanical creation . If the Enemy expands its creation at the expense of the Universe of the Gods, the right strategy would be for the Divine Ones to enter into combat in its own territory, snatching, in tum, portions of this other Universe. And if the Demiurge has made prisoners and has even converted them to his cause, the inhabitants of the eternal good, then also the Gods, involuted into Heroes , have attained -with great sacrifice- the ability to make some animal-men divine, transmuting a very few Pasus into Viras: A miracle almost impossible to perform and fulfilled at the risk of the loss of eternity and immortality , of a God becoming Hero, divine becoming semi-divine, through the adoption for eternity of a terrestrial imprint.
For those who understand , it is not difficult to see that we
are penetrating into real Esoteric Kristianity, into the authentic meaning of its Incarnation. That is, Wotanism and the Kristianity of John. A Gothic Kristianity, of the Goths.
Alchemy allows the Hero, the God imprisoned here, to escape from this prison, taking with him some comrades (per Cautes and Cautopates) and even a few native beings of this other "Concentration Camp Universe" , which he has redeemed by the sacrifice of a mixture, or a "racial sin", accepted as a strategy. (This is the "descent of Kristos into hell"). The prize is, precisely, the eternalization of a terrestrial "I", the immortality of the consciousness acquired here, the possibility of giving a face to the undifferentiated Monad, a face and a terrestrial figure, of man, of the Star into which the Hero will be transmuted. He will thus be more than the Gods. More than the God who enters here and is divided into many incarnations because there will only be one of those many Incarnations that will become immortalized: Into an "I".
Plato explains Kristianism as follows: Kristos, the Solar Spirit, is crucified on the four kingdoms of nature, becoming incarnated. The cross represents: the Vertical, masculine, downward (with roots underground), the mineral and vegetable kingdoms; Horizontal , feminine, is the animal kingdom, because the vertebral column of the animals are in that position; and Vertical upwards, as is the man, with his vertebral column erect.
{Mineral, Vegetable , Animal, Man}
Alchemy consists of transforming that Cross into a Swastika, rotating backwards, from right to left, so as to find an exit by means of speed and intensity, towards the divine origin before the entry, the fall, the (accepted?) defeat. This is the Kristianity of Wotan.
In Nigredo, the black stage of the alchemical initiation, the process of the fall and dissolution is repeated internally. Esoterically, it has been defined as "mystical death", "magical death", because it is the "I" who risks his disappearance, "his death". In the alchemical engravings of the Rosarium Philosphorum, which are reproduced in Adolf Hitler : the Ultimate Avatar, the Nigredo is represented by the bath of the King and Queen, in the dark and solvent waters (In the Unconscious, as Jung would say. See annex III).
In the legend of the Graal, this stage corresponds to the journey of Parzival through un known waters, to the West (America-Albania, South Pole); because "the West" is "rust" ("Occidente", "6xido" ), dissolution, mystical death, magic, undettaken voluntarily.
The metals involved in the first stage of the Opus Transformationis , and throughout the entire process are sulfur and mercury , the first is masculine, and the second, feminine. The vulgar sulfur dies, because the solvent water, of the feminine principle, is also vulgar; which is the lower ego, purely physical, rational. After the crisis, to conjoin the sulfur with divine water, the Eternal Feminine ("leading Us to Heaven," according to Goethe), the superior Mercury, the positive aspect of Woman, or of the regime of the Moon, one discovers the open wound, the window, the hidden exit ("Astral Tube"), and becomes resuscitated in an ecstatic state, one recovers the Self; but as incombustible sulfur-- which does not light-- which is able to be preserved through transformation.
The Nigredo, the Black Opus, is finished. The Hero is now
a true Aryan, one who is reborn: Twice-Born. He can now continue his march backwards towards the recovering of Hyperborea .
However, and it is alright to say so, the Golden Age, Aurea Aetas, will never be what it once was because the original purity is unrecoverable. The God will now be conscious, with a personality "tainted" by the land of the Demiurge, so to speak, even though he has been able to redeem, to eternalize nature, to immortalize his terrestrial "I". The naivete is lost forever, because nothing of that which has been experienced here will ever be forgotten. It is incorporated as a thought un-thought, a memory not remembered, of another Asgard and of the existence of a God who is more than a God: a God-Man.
Aurea Aetas can only return to the same as it was for those not freed, the prisoners in the Rounds of the Eternal Return of the Same. For a limited number of rounds and nothing more, before the number of opportunities is over, exhausted, ·on "the limited energy and infinite time," as Nietzsche would say. To return back, mechanically, in cyclical rounds of Kalpas, Manvataras, and Yugas. But to the Hero who has fallen to the West, from the North Pole to the South Pole, the way is another Path and it leads to "a universe never dreamed of, not even by the greatest utopians". His Golden Age is the East of Prester John, the alchemical gold, which is drunk, the Aurum potabile, the Lapis, the Philosopher 's Stone. In truth, it is a Non-existent Flower that he must create/ invent. It is also the "Journey to the East" of Hermann Hesse. The Opus Transformationis , Piktor 's Metamorphosis.
He who passes through the Nigredo is "saved from the waters". Alchemy , pure alchemy in all these names and symbols, in the old texts, corrupted by the action of the Demiurge and his agents!
In the great rocks of the Externsteine in Westphalia , there is a large sarcophagus of open stone, where the Initiates must spend a night--perhaps nine nights, like Wotan-- to rise from there resurrected , like Kristos. This is Nigredo. Savitri Devi, the Odinic Priestess of Esoteric Hitlerism , entered into that "tomb," and there she spent a whole night.
Mithras ascends to the heavens, returns to the Other Asgard , in the Chariot of Fire of the Sun (Vimana). Having been Re-Born, Resurrected in Red Flesh, of Vajra (Rubedo).
After this first step or stage, after having fulfilled the N igredo, it is now time for the Wise Man, the Magus-King, Black, to deliver his gifts to the reborn child, "I again become like a child" (because, "Verily I say unto you, if ye do not become as little children, ye shall not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven ").
In the Albedo , the next alchemical stage, the Aryan, resurrected as the white-man, with his blood now purified , must journey on the sands of Exodus, always in the direction of the White Pole, Thule, to Hyperborea , to Asgard. He will cross the Gobi Desert. (It was in this direction that the esoteric military campaign of Hitler was planned , after the scaling of Mount Elbrus, in the Caucasus). In the Desert, the alchemical Hero will have to draw water from the stone, with the recovered power of Vril, with the Caduceus and Sword. The Water of Life, Jons perenni s, soma, mead, aurum potabili s. He has awakened Kundalini, the Serpent of Gold, the Uraeus of the forehead, the Ajna Chakra and he may already bear the Phrygian Cap of Mithras. He will invite his "witnesses", Cautes and Cautopates, to drink with him. Kristos-Wotan will assure the good thief - and the other thief, who is filled with doubt, about what does not exist - that they can enter with Him into Asgard.
Now he is the Magus King, White, he who delivers his present to the Re-born Child.
Thus comes the advent of the Rubedo, the Red Opus. It is represented in Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, by the combat with the Red Knight, by the indestructible Red Armor. We thought it might also signify the crossing of the Red Sea, in its true synchronistic symbolism , occult and hidden . It is a
miracle which makes one invincible and it should be placed at the end of a journey , after the peregrination in the Deset1 of the Albedo. The Red Armor is the Resurrection of the Flesh, of matter, now coated with a substance, of immortal energy, incorruptible , "hard as diamond, red as rubies", called Vajra in Sanskrit.
Thus, one has resurrected with his flesh. In the coffin, or "tomb", one will not find a corpse, they will find only a sword. The "Twice- Born" has risen .with his body, indestructible, of immortal red Vajra. Hereby, one is said to be carried into Heaven in a chariot engulfed in flames. This is why the Aryans burn their dead, in memory of a lost capacity: to dissolve the corruptible matter in an inner fire, in the alchemical magic of the transmutationis. Nothing remains of the cadaver in the funeral pyre, but no body of immortal Vajra has risen .
In the Red Opus, in Rubedo, the Child who was born as an embryo in the N igredo, and grown in the Albedo, has reached adulthood. In the engravings of the Rosarium Philosophorum, a little boy ascends from the Bath of the Lovers. This is the astral body, Rebis (from res-bina, Double-Matter) the Homunculus that is being born . And finally, he is the King and Queen within one body . He is also the Crowned Androgyne. The Total-Man. The Absolute Man and Woman . The Alchemist and his soror . The Hero and his Valkyrie.
The Magus-King , Red, delivers his gift to the ResmTected Hero: VQ}ra, the Incorruptible Matter.
The Hero--like Enoch-- ascends to his own Universe , towards his Non-existent Flower, in a chariot of fire, in a Vimana. He has mutated into a Star. He has become a Vimana.
This process of resurrection , of transformations and mutations, has to be endured for nine nights, according to Aryan Wotanism. In Alchemy, described herein, the nine nights are fulfilled in three stages, for nine is a multiple of three: Three times three. In the Ancient Night, they spoke of the Nine. In the Resurrection of Mithras-Kristos, there will be the Three Nights . The Three Nights, or Three Days of Alchemy and of the Magi Kings: Nigredo, Albedo, and Rubedo. No one offered to Wotan any mead to drink in his Nine Nights hanging from the Yggdrasil Tree: the Tree of "Terror" and no one offered any to Kristos on his Cross. Until the Hero-Warrior struck the Stone with his Sword and rediscovered the Runes -- and re-created the chakras
-then, he may drink the Water of Life, fons perennis, and eat the flesh (of vajra) of the Celestial Bull.
In Three Days is the "Passion" of Kristos fulfilled. The First Day is the "Viernes de Tinieblas" ("Friday of Darkness"), of Venus-Veneris-Viernes , Friday in English , Freitag in German, the day of the Germanic Goddess Freya. Kristos died for A-Mor. It is his voluntary and magic death; his Nigredo. The Second Day is the "Sabado de Resurrecci6n" ("Saturday of Resurrection"), Albedo . Sat-ur-day, in English. Day of Sat-ur-no, of the Resurrection of Hyperborea, when Time, Saturn-Kronos, has also been regenerated and made eternal, in the incorporation within himself of that "Time in reserve" of Knut Hamsun, which
Miguel Serrano
is the "incorruptible sulfur"; time joined with Eternity, by way of the alliance of the sulfur and the mercury, of the reinforced masculine principle , and of the superior feminine, of the "Eternal Feminine". The coalescence of the King and Queen, in the dark waters, "tenebrous", of the bath of the Nigredo.
An approximation of what the Nigredo of Kristos-Wotan could have been has been given to us by the English writer, Tantrist, and supporter of Hitlerism, D.H. Lawrence , in his beautiful book , The Man Who Died .
When the soldiers (Mile) and the women went to see the tomb of Kristos (of Wotan in the Externsteine), there they did not find a corpse, because the Hero, the Tantric Initiate of the Ars Regia, has been resurrected with his body and has risen to heaven in the Rubedo, in a chariot of red flames, in the red incorruptable flesh of vajra. This occurs on the "Domingo de Gloria " ("Sunday of Glory", Easter Sunday), on the Third Day. Sunday, in English; Sontag, in German. Day of the Sun, of Helios, Surya, of the Father of Mithras. The Son has returned to the Father, because he is also the Father. ("I and the Father are one person. ") He is the Pater Patrum, the Pontifex Maximus, the Bridge, the Union.
The Rubedo then represents the moment in which the Hero, newly transmuted into an Asen, a Goth, a God, is able to open up a gap, a wound , in the Concentration Camp Universe of the Demiurge and depart triumphantly to a Universe alien to all mechanical laws, non-existent for those here, "beyond the dreams of the greatest utopians ", though he must first descend into hell, to Muspelheim , the Kingdom of Hades, to bring out from there his kamerads which were imprisoned by the Demiurge, the Demon, Yahweh. He has succeeded, because within Him there is now given the power to redeem and transfigure imprisoned Nature, calming his impossible Nostalgia.
And this, because "the Archetype is one and indivisible" as Jung affirms, and it is enough that only one, in any part of the Universe, should be able to face it with certainty, for it to have universal and eternal validity. And even though everything in this world is going to continue to remain the same and nothing has changed ... "it will seem like it was, it will seem like it was ..."
This is Rubedo. The combat with the Red Knight.
The Virgin of Carmel in Santiago, Chile.
The Soror Mystica, Allouine, the Morning Star, the "Black Virgin", Isis, the Virgin of Ca-rmen (Ca-n) with the "Dog of God", the "Son of Man ", Horus-Mithras, in her arms, the resurrected Hero, the "As tral Body ", the God-Child, Ca-rmen, Ka-bbalah, Ka-mballah, Shamballah, Asgard, Agartha, the polar City, Inda-Aryan, of the Immortals, the City of the Caesars, of the White Giants, the Resurrected Heroes, the Ca pitol (from Ca-put, head and Olis, the giant Olus) . A sacred image, carved in wood from Cuzco, has been in my fa mily for more than two hundred years.
We already know that Egypt means "black land" . Albania and Albion are the "white land". (For this reason Hitler did not invade English soil, so as not to destroy a possi ble synchronistic and planetary opus.) Adam means "red''. That is to say, he would not be the first man, but the last: an "artificial " product of the alchemical opus and of a very long pilgrimage, from the loss of Hyperborea, of Paradesha , Paradise. Equivalent to the return of Lucifer, Lucibel, the "Brother of the Light", the true Kristos. Thus, as we have mentioned previously , "Genesis" is the story of an alchemical opus, wherein Adam becomes the Rebis, the resurrected Divinity, created at the end of the "Seven Chakras" with red flesh, the immortal Vajra. The Resurrection of the Flesh.
Isis, the Egyptian Goddess, is black to represent the Nigredo and also the black earth of Egypt. For the same reason there are the Black Virgins, which mark the alchemical routes and locations of the pilgrimages of the Occident, places of "oxidation", of Initiatory death and of resmrection. The God Child that these Virgins carry in their arms is the resurrected God, the product of the opus alchimicum, of the Ars Regia.
The colors of the veils of these black virgins are those of the Mithraic Inititates, when they are not those of the opus : black, white, and red. These are also the colors of the flag of Hitlerist Germany.
Our Virgin of Caimen, Patroness of the Armies of Chile (of the Militia, Mile), is a Black Virgin. Which should also propitiate the birth of the Son of Man.
The name Carmen is not Arabic, nor is it Judaic; it is Gothic, with the root Ca, from can, dog (the mystical dog, God in reverse); it comes from Caba or Kaaba, which means Black Stone. (The Kaaba of Mecca, a black stone, has been here long
before Muhammad and was worshipped in a temple of Saturn). Ca, Cabala, caballo (horse, sacred Chivalry--ie Caballeria- warrior) Caballero (knight), Carmel, Carmen, Stone of Lucifer, from the Crown of Lucifer, fallen from Venus, Carbuncle. Hiranyagarbha-Cabda - Aryan Phonetic Kabbalah.
The Chilean initiates of Esoteric Hitlerism constitute a Hermetic Warrior Order of the Knights of the Virgin of Car men, of the Black Stone, or the Black Virgin, of that Ca-ba, or Kaaba, which makes possible the Birth, the Re-Birth of the Son of Man and the transfiguration of the Mystical Chile, the sacred land of Chile.
The Emblem of the Chivalry (Ca-balleria) or Hitlerist Warrior Order of Chile is the Eight-Pointed Star, that of the Re che of Araucania (Men of pure race, twice born kings). It is the Star of Venus because the Virgin of Car-men is a Car-buncle fallen from Venus. It is Venus, the Morning Star.
* We would like to po int out that The Virgin of Carmen was a decisive factor in where Miguel Serrano decided to have his funeral and to be buried. For as we already know, the Magi are not cremated. The Magi are Resurrected in Vajra, in the Immortal Red Substance. They have straightened their Spinal Column, their North Pole, their Axis, and now only a Sword remains in the ground, in the grave where a corpse once lay.
ResutTection of the Hero
Thus, Kristos has also been mentioned by Esoteric Kristianism during the time when the so-called "barbarians" (a word meaning "foreign"), the Germans, managed to introduce the influence of the symbolism of Wotan into the Christianity of Rome. The Goths, those strange people, "these beings of another body type" according to Augustine ; those foreigners on this planet.
That which Alchemy symbolically seeks 1s the Philosopher 's Stone, lapis, also called Quintessence, by means of the transmutation of metals. (In Wewelsburg, the Castle of Initiation of the SS, one can still see there today a large stone hanging on the lintel of the doorway towards the chamber of the "Kl1ights of King Arthur," so to speak, towards the Polar Chamber).
It is the Stone that gushes forth the Water of Life, the aurum potabile, capable of bringing into birth Rebis , the Androgyne. And it is the alchemist who, accompanied by his woman, his Soror Mystica , gives birth to this Being, an unnatural son, outside, in the Athanor, transforming, transmuting within himself; from the Self, from the Selbst.
Of all the names given to Kristos, none other should be found more strange than that of the Son of Man. What is the meaning within this expression? One will have to go back , once more, to Alchemy , but towards Tantric Alchemy. There, near the Athanor , the alchemist has his Soror Mystica, his "mystical sister." In the Church of Mithras and later in Christian Rome,
Miguel Serrano
which mimics everything, the woman does not have a place in the Mass nor in the grades of its hierarchy. They exist as the nun "brides" of Mithras and Christ. The Mithraic priests--like those of the Zoroastrians--did not marry, generally and when they did, it was only once, also having sexual relations with his wife one time and no more. They are chaste. I think that this single sexual relation will have to do with the Tantric Maithuna, the magical coitus, intended to open the chakras, to reactivate and awaken Kundalini; the Egyptian Uraeus. In Alchemy , the Soror Mystica passes the sacred metals to the alchemist. Upon touching them, she transmits her feminine energy and vibration, her yin, fundamental for the transmutation and creation of Rebis, of the Androgyne. All of this is symbolic, of course and it is represented well in the Black Virgin with the child in her arms: a God-Child; because he who shall be born, or re-born, is a God. Moreover, it is not she who has given birth to this God-Child, but the alchemist: the Hero, the Vira. Hence she is the Virgin.
This sacred Legend is beautifully displayed in the grades and in the process of initiation of the Occitan troubadours, within the majority of the Cathars and in the Minnesanger, and has been treated in detail in my works "EL-ELLA, Book of Magic Love" , "NOS, Book of the Resurrection" and "Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar" .
The woman is fundamental for the realization of this opus of A-mor (A=without ; Mor= death; Without Death, Immortality). Also, the word Amor read in reverse is Roma. The Cathar initiates and the troubadours of "Courtly Love" were composing and singing trobar clus, that is, in code, to indicate that the initiatory process they followed was contrary to the Christianity of Rome.
In the Alchemy of A-Mor , in the Path of Resurrection and Immortality , everything is re-inverted ; the man remains
Resurrection of the Hero
pregnant, giving birth to the Son of Man, the son of immortality. I once was speaking with Professor C.G. Jung in his house on Lake Zurich about Kristos and Kristianism and he told me that his efforts were aimed at, "making it possible for the West to rediscover the resurrection of Kristos within man. Because Kristos is himself, he is the Selbst."
I am sure that Professor Jung was referring to Kristos and Kristianism , not to Christianity.
The Astral Body, named by the alchemist Paracelsus, according to him, is like a double of the physical body, one's "ghost", so to speak. The Egyptians called it Ka, believing that within it the terrestrial self was centered. The awareness of this "I'' would disappear shortly after the death of the physical body, in a second death in the hereafter, except for the mummy, from which the Ka will extract a kind of energy, that it affixed itself, more or less, to a permanent existence, until the day of the true Resurrection.
I'm not quite sure I have come to understand this Egyptian magic, believing I find in it a contradiction with the declared immortal divinity of the Pharaoh. Unless one is referring to the immortality of an undifferentiated God, not individuated, eternal and immortal, not only in its spiritual principle where it is not personalized or "faceless," without incorruptible individual consciousness, without an "I," but as a survivor of the temporal journey. As that would be the Gods-Archetypes, not yet descended to demiurgic matter, to wage a life and death strnggle of Heroes, towards life and individuality. For this mummy of the Pharaoh wearing a gold mask on his perishable face, it imitated the Face of the Immortalized .
To penetrate the mystery of the mummy and his mask, and of the Ka, we should get to know thoroughly the secrets of Egyptian Alchemy, in its Hermetic Art. The occult secret of Hermes Trismegistus and the language of Thoth.
The first Pharaonic dynasties were Hyperborean -Aryan, as Gobineau assures us. Their other science was lost, decaying with
Resurrection of the Hero
the passing of the millennia, mixing itself with magic from Atlantis. For in this mummy there might even be a magic not entirely pure, trying to fix the Ka with a kind of Dracula existence, of a golem, or zombie. Very different from the original conception of Nordic Aryan ism, with its resurrection on the Ninth or Third day or the immortalization of the body within the red incorruptible matter of Vajra, within the third stage of the opus alchimicum, the Rubedo.
The body of the Resurrection of Osiris was called Sahu, and it too was of Vajra.
So it is, for the Hyperboreans, for the Goths, and also for Esoteric Hitlerism, those two separate bodies do not exist apart from one another. There is no difference between the astral body, the Ka, or the physical body. They are one.
Let us explain this in depth. When the Asen, or the Ase Wotan, penetrated into this Demiurgic Universe, they appropriated the form of man, beforehand , from his archetypal form. It is this small form, of a much slower, much heavier, and denser energy -the Ase was the giant, Melothesia-that is imprinted here on earth, very subtilized at first, of very high and intense vibrations, such that they cannot withstand this earth for a very long time-within Time-this realm which is of a much lower vibration, of the material, terrestrial Universe. This they cannot bear nor resist. This is the reason why they stay here for only a very brief time, to only return, to exit through the same
place they entered in, through the "door-window " of Venus, the Morning and Evening Star. *
All of this until the God "came into the daughters of men" and becomes materialized in an almost permanent manner, making his igneous blood impure. Now he can no longer materialize and dematerialize, having lost that power (the Vril), remaining a prisoner, a victim of Fate, of the Zodiacal Rounds, of the Eternal Return and of death. His stature will continue to diminish .
For the Aryan there is no separation between the body and soul. (Work of the Hitlerist sculptor, Arno Breker.)
The Astral Body, then, is none other than that with which the Ase has entered into this Universe, the same one that has later become materialized in a permanent form: transmuted, devolved, in the physical body. They are not separate bodies, there is only one alone and all of the alchemical processes of the resurrection will consist in giving re-birth to that astral body, most subtle, in resuscitating, dematerializing it, by means of the reactivation of the Rune-Chakras, the energetic centers of consciousness of the Other World, which have been preserved virtually, in potentiality, as an atom-seed, and furthermore, (the reactivation of) the Fire of Kundalini, which is none other than the pure, original blood of the Ase.
This is how the Hero, the vira, the Hero-Man, brings forth his own Son, his Son of Eternity. This why the God that has been reborn is also called the Son of Man. It is the Astral Body of the Hero who has risen, returning to be a God, an Ase, a Goth, an Aryan Hyperborean. And the Black Virgin, Isis, the Virgin of Car-men, sustains the Child-Rebis, of Alchemy, the Golden Child ( aurea aetas), "that was born on this day'', as Virgil would say. He is the Son of Man, birthed by man, with the help of the woman, of Lilith, Allouine, of ELELLA (HIM-HER). "And the Age of Saturn and Rhea return. The centuries turn on towards the Golden Age." - Because "The Child who was born this day, He alone will cast iron out of the world, and populate both Poles with a most precious lineage of gold."
* According to Serrano this is also why the UFO, the Disks of Light, only appear for a very brief time. The Gods cannotfit into this dense creation so they only appear very briefly and go back to the Pristine Universe.
The Magical Marriage, of A-Mor, of Parzifal and Condwiramurs.
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One can thus see how false it appears to attribute immortality to all the beings with human form that one encounters upon the earth. For the majority there is no other immortality other than what chances the Eternal Return can doubtfully offer to them, and always in a finite number of Rounds, extended to the maximum if perhaps of a Manvantara. The individuated, personalized immortality, with a Face, must be won by the Hero in a combat without quarter, of all of his days, in this or other Rounds of the Eternal Return, also finite, until he can accomplish opening an exit, in a Noon-Tide of Revelation , as Nietzsche would say, inventing and giving birth to the Son of Man. The Astral Body does not exist in and of itself, or in a permanent form; it must be created from the very same terrestrial body and only those who were divine (of that first caste, or varna, that enters here), have the option of the Ars Regal, the Marriage of A-Mor , and of a Magical Pregnancy of the Son of Man.
The Resurrection of the Astral Body is beautifully displayed in Esoteric Kristianism , in the symbolic tale of the Pilgrims of Emmaus. The disciples are on the road with a stranger, whom they do not recognize while recalling the events of the Passion. The stranger tells them about things that they know, in the same way that the Master did. They soon come to discover that he is Iesous-Ixtios, who has risen and returned for a brief moment to be amongst them. He asks them not to touch him: Noli me tangere! Because when the Astral Body has materialized -for a short time-thus becoming visible to earthly eyes, one cannot touch it, since it will produce a discharge of deadly energy. Furthermore, the Astral Body is not completely equal to the physical body. "It only seems so", because it has its sides interchanged. The left is now the right, the backward is forward. The dead only seem like the living. In addition, the Resurrected have square pupils.
Resurrection of the Hero
One of the practices of the Odinic Initiation deals with the dematerialization and materialization of the Astral Body. This body that "resurrects," materializing itself with red vajra, with that "spiritual matter ," done at the expense of the physical body, absorbing its heavy , dense energy, its slow vibration , using it, transmuting it; becau se the physical bod y was the astral. Kristos has resurrected in the fl esh. It is for this reason that no corpse will be found in the tom b. Nor in the tombs of the Chinese Taoist Magi will there appear the remains of a corpse. For they leave behind a sword, to signify that they were victorious in the War against Death and for all Eternity. This is the result of Alchemy, the Royal Art, practiced by Kings and Heroes.
Thus, the one born or reborn, is the Astral Body; that is to say, one has recovered the Subtle Body that one possessed before and has reduced it to a pure embryo, or better said to a capacity, a potentiality , a nonexistence. It was the Power, it was the Vril, that was practically crystallized within demiurgic matter, imprisoned , and now thanks to this Hyperborean Science it has been reborn. It is the same shape and form with which the God entered into combat within the Universe-Prison , at the beginning of Time, shortly after Hyperborea was submerged and the Axis changed position due to the warlike action of the Demiurge , of the Enemy.
The process of rebirth is accompl ished slowly, in reversed gestation {slowly going back to the Ur-igins - Trans
}. This is why in the illustrated plates of the Rosarium Philosophorum , from the dark waters of the Nigredo , a little child begins to ascend. He is the larva of the Astral Body, which is being re created , thanks to Alchemical Tantric Yoga and Magic against the Sa-ta-nic Forces (of Sat- Ur-No, converted into Time-that is to say, into an Archetype, into an Aion - already used by the Demiurge ) , that imprison the Hero, the Berserker Warrior.
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It is not easy to attain this point. The Stone, lapis, the Liquor of Life, the Secret Wine, the purified Aryan Blood, the Potable Gold, the Graaf, are essential. These are the products which come about after years of Purification and Experience, of a whole Initiatic life, they should be consecrated by a Third Persona and a Fourth. The mysterious Cabirs of "Faust" by Goethe. "Three have come; the fourth is not here, but he is the one who thinks for the others" Plato also said, "One, two and three, but ... where is thefourth , my dear Timaeus?" And even a Fifth Force, or Persona, shall be required (5 or V is the Number of Hyperborea) that comes from above, from that Other
Universe, where Someone remains waiting as if on the edge of a
Fountain. Fonns perennis. From Asgard, from the Walhalla of the Valkyries and Wotan, because the Gods themselves anxiously follow the results of the combat undertaken here. However, the essential help will not come from them, but rather from those who "have passed through here before and left on each protruding rock, a lantern glowing with their dreams ..."
* As we mentioned in the Introduction, the Square Pupils are applied to the Immortals of the ancient Dropa, known today as Taoism. The ancient Taoist or Dropas are also the ones who do not bury the High Magus or Magi. This is where the authentic Resurrection of the Flesh descends from. After the disappearance of Hyperborea when the catastrophe happened, the Exodus and Diaspora commenced. Each semi-divine people retaining the Polar Tradition carried on with their traditions and customs.
Resurrection of the Hero
Yes! The warrior who exits, who triumphs and transfigures the world, now with square pupils, as a sign of the Immortality of the Resurrected, he is not equal nor is he the same as the one that once entered into combat here within the Demiurgic Universe. He only seems so . This is because he now has a Double Face, like that of the Morning Star, which is also the Evening Star. The Face of El (He) and Ella (She), of the A Mada, of his Soror Mystika, of his Enoia, his Ayesha , of his Amasia Uxor, ("Amada del Corazon", the Beloved of the Heart), She who has accompanied him within the Opus of Resurrection and Immortality, like Beatrice to Dante, right into a single pre fixed point. She is his Valkyrie, here upon this present earth, or rightly so in the Valhalla of Asgard , as an ideal dream, as a mental-created woman , like Athena coming out of the head of Zeus, or like a dead Beloved who must be resurrected, in reality or only in the imagination. Like a Non-Existent Flower; but more real than all the flowers in the gardens of this world.
They are the Wet Path and the Dry Path of Alchemy , of the Legend of A-Mor.
The Warrior Hero who escapes from the Universe of Fate, who is liberated from the Eternal Return of the Zodiacal Rounds, is now an Individuated God, personalized . He has immortalized his "I", his Ka, which was acquired here on this earth and in this battle of Love (A-Mor) and Hate ( Phobo ). He has defeated the Demiurge.
The reward within this Drama for the Hero 1s his
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personalized immortality, Individuated. He will be more than a God, because he will be aware of it, he will have a Face and a Memory. Thus, it will be given to him that he will illuminate the darkness of the Creator, as Jung would say. "Projecting his sweetly earthly shadow," as wrote the Chilean poet, Omar Caceres. He will be etemalized with his terrestrial self, his "I". Having managed to overcome the miscegenation of the Divine Gods, also deifying that part which was acquired in the mixing with the "daughters of men", with the animal-man. He has redeemed, purified , transfigured this. And He will thus bring up andfree the souls in Hell .
In the Odinic Initiation, the Germanic Myth, in the Nordic Aryan tradition and in its Tantric Alchemy, the woman is not left on the margins of the Opus . She is His Queen. The Odinic Priestesses who accompany the Warrior, as Valkyries, or as the Soror Mystica (the Mystical Sister), who are also immortalized. They immortalize the Hero, in his own Immortality, as a reward for his loyalty, for his Honor, which is called Loyalty. In the Initiation of A-Mor, he is transmuted into Absolute-Man; and She, into Absolute-Woman. Thus, both will remain united in separation forever. As if two Heavenly Bodies, two Stars. Like the Morning and Evening Star, which are two stars; but in truth they are One Star. El (He) and Ella( She), separated and united for Eternity, outside and inside of Time. Time used and unused, Time regenerated. Saturn as Baldur.
He and She are now Eternal.
Elementarwesen, as part of the Wildes Heer, The Furious Horde, the Ultimate Battalion of Odin.
Something unexpected happens; notwithstanding that even when one has prepared oneself in the Rounds and over the ages. The Demiurge, promoter of these Rounds, Lord of the Eternal Return, dominator of Time and his Aions, secretly prepared a powerful weapon , a people of golems and robots; fabricated from the slime of the submerged Atlantis; he reflected himself, like a withdrawal [from himself], or an incrustation of his respiration : the Jew, which had already been foreshadowed in the Persian Turanians [Turanians of Persia], just as Yahweh is preceded in Ahriman. As if this were not yet enough, the Demiurge manages to attract the "Neutral Angels " to his side, with the promise of a participation as Aions in his cyclical creation . Perhaps they did so believing they could somehow alter the Laws of Doom but the Demiurge requires total compliance, servile adoration to the One, to Him. The "Neutral Angels" have had to bow, becoming an effective bait and hook, to trap here on the earth "The White Traitors", working together for the advent of the Messiah of the Jews, their "King of the World", which would be like a finger of a psychic Hand, or, like the entire Hand of the One, of the Demiurge, Yahweh.
The question that we have made in this particular round, throughout the whole Era of Pisces and more insistently at the entrance into Aquarius, is whether the Demiurge, Yahweh, will also fall victim in the end, enveloped in his own netting. If in the beginning it could have been He who formed the Jew, in his image and likeness, very quickly it has come to pass that it is the Jew who makes possible the existence of Yahweh , as a projection of his Collective Unconscious. It would only take a small alteration in this Unconsciou s --which is the "Memory of the Blood", of that anti-blood in this case-- by way of a higher
and increased absorption of Aryan genes for the Demiurge yahweh to also be modified and extinguished, being killed by his own creation; a Thing that can happen in the instant in which the Jew, by this metabolic alteration and disturbance, ceases to be an orthodox robot, a numerical Kabbalist, ceases to be a Zionist, having lost control in the absorption of Aryan genes.
At the bottom of this tremendous query one meets with other crucial questions, which Jung also made: Are the Archetypes autonomous entities and thus the Gods and Demons or are they only projections of man, the Collective Unconscious of a people, of a race? At the end of his life Jung defmed them as psychoid i.e . he considered them autonomous, only partially and half psychic entities, products of the psyche because the Archetype does not solely exist for man, having been projected - incarnated- in the animal and taking form in all of the natural kingdoms, which are projections , we say "creations", based on an Archetype, on a prototype.
Thus, the ancients were right: the Gods and the Demons exist outside of us. They direct and lord over us, in this world in which we now find ourselves.
Coin that circulated in Tarsus during the reign of Gordian JJL with Mithras sacrificing the Bull. Saul or Paul, later called Saint Paul, was born there and soaked in this knowledge.
The drama and the tragedy of Pisces is called Saul of Tarsus, better known as Paul or St. Paul. It is he who murders a God, causing the abortion of a God-Child , in the belly of the Aryan Collective Unconscious. He kills the Son of Man. Therefore not only should the Jew be accused of deicide but all of Judaized Christendom , together ; the Church of Rome, the Roman Vatican in particular. Paul, named Saul, was born outside
of Palestine in Tarsus, a Roman city of Asia Minor. Both Greek and Latin were spoken there. "He was a Jew, both orthodox and learned", says Savitri Devi, "something of a ghetto Jew, possessing a deep knowledge of the Judaic tradition and a comprehension of the world of the goyim (non-Jews), which would later prove invaluable to him. In this sense he knew more than all of the Jews of Palestine. He had been a student of Gamaliel, one of the most famous Jewish theologians of his time, of the school of the Pharisees." [I]
Incidentally, regarding Palestine, this city was not Jewish, but Philistine in its origins. To these Aryan conquerors it gets its name: Peliochtim- Philistine Palestine. Jerusalem also takes its name from the Jebusites: Jebus-Salem . Salem is "peace," as is the generic name of Solomon. Salem is the city of Melchizedek . Some of this information is found in my book "National Socialism, the Only Solution for the Peoples of South America." Also the name of Israel, which corresponds to a degree of initiation obtained in the struggle with the Angel, perhaps with one of those "Neutral Angels" in the service of the Demiurge, is a runic name, IS-RA-EL: Isis, Osiris (who is Ra) and El, a Tantric invocation. Furthermore , it also means "Land of the Sun"
-Hyperborea. These sacred places and names of the Aryan Alchemical-Tantric tradition have been appropriated by the Jews, destroying them, by incorporating a nationalist history, fabricated from beginning to end.[II]
Savitri Devi compares Paul of Tarsus with Marx, both being Jews and authors of doctrines aimed at undermining the foundations of the Aryan soul and tradition. Paul does not preach Christianity to the Jews in Palestine, but to non-Jews in Greece and in Roman cities, especially the slaves, as a social agitator. It is a very fair comparison that it is compared with Marxism and one that will serve to guide us to find a common thread to the origin of the Great Conspiracy. For all of this cannot, in any
case, be the work of only one man. It 1s too enormous and immense .
Being of our time, we know that Marx has predecessors of his own race, or anti-race, as did Einstein and also in some Aryans who were working to produce similar doctrines although they never would have taken a similar direction, not being possessed of the fanaticism typical of that anti-race, nor of the constancy for destruction, both being products of an unquenchable hatred and a sentiment of insurmountable guilt and inferiority. The same must have occurred in the case of Saul Paul.
Around the same time, Gnosticism, Greek and Egyptian doctrines of decadence and decay, almost always developed by characters questionable in their blood, by mestizos and mulattos
--like Augustine-were trying to re-arrange and de-construct the traditional symbols and revelations, working from within the established religions to destroy them, especially the most vital ones. So it came to be with Mithraism and Kristianism (with a K) and Paul skillfully worked towards this, looking for his minions and adherents, preferably amongst the resentful underworld of Jewry and the social agitators, especially among the Zealot members of the family of Judas of Gamala, to which belonged Peter and all of those who are called "apostles", his brethren , and also a certain Yeshua, who purported to descend from David, as did Judas of Gamala, his father, and called out to reclaim the throne for himself, as has been said. ("Jesus, or the Mortal Secret of the Templars" by Robert Ambelain). Yeshua would have been crucified with head upright by the Romans, a thing which was only done for political crimes. The Romans never executed for religious reasons. It is a law of paganism to "live and let live". The Gods do not kill amongst each other. Only they, themselves , deal with their acts [amongst
Resurrection of the Hero
themselves]. Proselytism, fanaticism, are befitting of Semitic monotheism , never of the Aryans. There is the example from India to illustrate this, where the many diverse cults live in peace. The Zealots were fanatical fighters of and for Orthodox Judaism and Zionism .
Paul understood that a frontal battle with the Roman Empire would be lost. His tactic would be a bit like that of Gandhi to overthrow the British Empire, only in reverse, as Gandhi fought for liberation from the Anglo-Jewish commercial Empire set up by Disraeli, from the Jewish imperialism of the "East India Company". That of Rome was Imperium; that of England, imperialism. There is a great difference. Paul also preached peace, humil ity, love of "all humanity" - to the lumpen [III] -, because everyone was equal, the Emperor, as is the patrician and the slave; everyone had a soul. The cunning plan was aimed at creating a new faith, seizing the highest Roman symbols, especially the legions, to extract the spiritual wealth of Mithras and then destroy it. For, what better than Mithraism for the matter at hand? Paul was sufficiently informed , to put himself up to making all of the necessary syncretism: Essene and Hindu doctrines, Buddhism , Osirism, Isism (oflsis), Gnosticism, and in particular , the Greek Kristos, added to the Iranian Mithraism . The structural and symbolic scaffolding has been plagiarized from Mithras, as we have seen in these pages. For the rest would be the Archetype of Pisces, already almost incarnating itself. To make it all more attuned to the Zodiacal Era, Paul asserted that the disciples of his "Messiah" were "fishermen". In this way he would achieve the destruction of the New Incarnation in the Round of Pisces, a virile, Aryan, and Solar religion , like that of Mithras, with its symbolic alchemy, its redeeming esotericism , about to be transfen-ed philosophically , gnostically , to the Greek Kristos. This would have been the inevitable, logical path - within the "zodiacal logic" of the Archetype: Ixtio, Xristos= the
Hagal rune. But Paul adulterated all of it, achieving his will to interrupt an event favored by the Gods, diverting it from its course. He thus fulfilled a monumental work for the Demiurge Yahweh, the Great Jailer and Corrupter of the Universe.
There were two fundamental concepts that Paul, inspired by the Demiurge, introduced in the new religion of Pisces, enough to destroy the solar and Aryan spirit about to be born. With them he would also annihilate the Aryan world converted to the "new faith", massacred in their substance, poisoned in their soul and in their blood, perhaps forever. The Christianity of Paul introduced the idea of the Original Sin of all men, a concept developed from a proto-historical truth, the mixture of the Divine with the daughters of men; but adulterated in its meaning and in the false interpretation of "Genesis"; as we have seen. Here the Jew Saul is expressing his own guilt for the Racial Sin, of his anti-race, which led Yahweh to exclaim: "Not even if you wash yourself with bleach can you erase it" (Jeremiah 2:22). The second postulate consisted of the equality of all men and of all the races. Of all souls. (As if all men had a soul, as if the animal-man had one!)
These two premises were absolutely false and invented by Judaism, which never believed in them, to poison and destroy the goyim. The ancient Aryan world, until that moment, was totally alien to those suppositions. The traditional wisdom, their religions--of the Persians, the Hindus, the Egyptians, the Greeks-never knew that feeling of inferiority that the Jew transferred with the dogma of Original Sin, infesting the world with the sentiment of guilt. Much less did they believe in the equality of men, or of souls. The just Aryan doctrine taught the difference between the Divine Asen (Divyas), semi-divine Heroes (Viras), and the animal-men (Pasus). Furthermore, the Aryan, the Ase, the Hero, was unaware of the concept of the soul (Buddha himself dismissed it), not making a difference between
body and soul -between body and Ka-as we have explained. Hence the concept of Esoteric Kristianism , of the Resurrection of the Flesh, of the "subtilization of the material body," the "materialization of the astral body," of the Son of Man. The soul is something which the Hero -gli Heroi-has to create, re-create, invent. Immortality has to be won in combat, Sword in hand.
Do not think that Buddhism, for example, preached in its inceptions the equality of all men and was a doctrine for all of the castes of India. Buddha was a prince, a kshatriya, a warrior and an Aryan. Did Buddha speak of reincarnation , or was it of the Eternal Return? Surely of the Eternal Return, because Buddha never referred to the soul. Only in the Eternal Return of the demiurgic Cycles, as we have herein seen, can one return without a soul. The Liberation of the Buddha referred to the exit from this Concentration Camp Universe , which Tantric-Tibetan Buddhism, in its "Wheels of Life", depicts within the belly of a Demon . From there one could only escape fighting like a warrior, pushing his way through the armies of the Enemy. The true Buddhism, of Prince Gotama, or Gautama, of the Goth, who later became a Buddha (a Hero transmuted into Absolute-Man) , has also been distorted by his followers, by the mestizo "Buddhists", by the Aryans mixed with yellow Mongols and black Dravidians , trying to introduce the equality of all and the abolition of the castes. But for the Aryan and Brahmanic India, Gotama, the Buddha, is justly an Avatar of the polar Hyperborean God, Vishnu . That is to say, of Wotan.
⦁ See Savitri Devi's essay "Paul of Tarsus, or Christianity and Jewry"
⦁ Augmenting the Maestro's analysis of the ongms of the name "Jerusalem" , is the following interesting passage from
Rudolf John Gorsleben's magnum opus "Hoch-Zeit der Menschheit": "In the cuneiform script it is "Ur-sal-imnu", in ancient Caananite Sal-em. The Ur was simply omitted there, otherwise it would be the same word . In German it is the Ur- Sal Hem, or Ur-Hail-Home, therefore an ancient cult location of Aryan origin. If I put for the Rune which expresses the "EM" of "HEM" the "Man"= idea of man, then I derive "Ur-Sal- Man", the Ur-"Solomon" The Arabs call Jerusalem "El Kuds"
still in our days, which supposedly is to translate as "the sanctuary". Nowhere could I find that Kuds means sanctuary in Arabic. When we make the experiment with the German language, we come closer to the facts, because the seemingly Arabic word "Kuds/Quds" is the German "Gut" or "goodness" . El is the article, of course. Therefore we get from El Kuds=the good one; it is the city of the Good Ones, of the Goths. A city of the Good Ones, of the Goths is then also a city of "God", the Good God, it is of course the sanctuary of Tiu, Ziu, Zio, Zion. We see in this example how the non-Aryan languages keep the idea of the various names in general, by translating the Ur-word "good" with "holy" and "sal"=well-being with "peace"-as was done with this case-while we, in the German, can take over the word sound and the old meaning."
⦁ Lumpen is the shortened form of Lumpenproletariat, a German-language term of Marxist origin. In its meaning is connoted the very dregs of society, the miscreants, outcasts, and "untouchables". Its shortened form, lumpen, is generally used as a pejorative to refer to the very lowest classes of society.
With the imposition of these two suppositions, original sin and the equality of all men, the Jew took a giant step in the conquest of the world and the destruction of their Aryan enemies. This would be achieved by the triumph of the "new Christian faith". It therefore mattered little if concessions had to be made to the esotericism of the religions that would be undermined if it was useful to gain followers, for it would throw those dangerous issues overboard when they were no longer necessary. This has been fulfilled to such an extent that today we can say that almost nothing remains of that symbolism, to a point in which even Jesus Christ himself is making people uncomfortable with a religion that is moving closer and closer to Marxism with increasing rapidity. (Jesus being preserved only as a social agitator, as proletarian, as the guerrilla-zealot). Furthermore, Christianity has come to openly acknowledge the guidance of the Great Synagogue, after the Pope's visit to the Synagogue of Rome and his official statement that "the Jews are his elder brothers." In truth it was the Synagogue from which the Christian Church in general and especially the Roman Catholic has always received their instructions, first covertly and now without the necessity for utmost secrecy.
They did not care to have to get rid of Jesus Christ, a personage repugnant to the Orthodox Jews (the Greek Kristos had been undone almost from the beginning), since such a Jesus Christ never existed and all his anthropomorphic history is a falsification and a lie, a deliberately invented literature for the case, To think that on that falsehood have been built two thousand years of mysticism, wars, assassinations; destroying the
conceptions of the Cathars, the Bogomils, Albigenses and the Templars as heresies!
Once the Aryan mind was imprisoned, his racial pride, his memory and divine consciousness destroyed, it was an easy matter to reach the economic and physical control of the non Jewish peoples. All of that history of the persecutions and of the enmity between Christians and Jews was fulfilled only on the surface, amongst the ignorant, and will be much easier to understand by comparison with Marxism and the Soviet Russia of today. The Bolsheviks appear to persecute the Jew, incarcerat ing a few. It is these victims who are accepted within the Great Plan, to better mislead the Aryans. The ancient pogroms had the same purpose and they were inevitable, as a reaction provoked by uswy. However, in the final hour of truth, everything changes and Christians and Jews are together. This can be seen most clearly in the last two great wars, especially in the Second World War.
It is not necessary that we continue expanding upon this theme . What point would it have? Anyone who knows my works will have found there within all of the material sufficient to illustrate this sinister plot of planetary dimensions.
It is impossible that a single man could be able to accomplish as much as Paul of Tarsus. The secret plan must have been prepared by a select synarchy of rabbis initiated into a religion of blood (of anti-blood), race (of an anti-race), of learned Kabbalists, an elite of black magicians, which would come to be known to the rest of the world as the Elders of Zion. It would be they who dictate the strategies to Saul, the disciple of Rabbi Gamaliel, offering their secret support to him, as the intelligence services today do with their most skilled agents and as they would do centuries later with Marx, Freud, and Einstein. The Jewish masses must also disregard or remain unaware of the
Resurrection of the Hero
backdrop of the matter.
However, even this is not enough for a conspiracy of such dimensions, so tremendously diabolical. From this a beyond human element spreads; the presence of an unknown and terrible force. It has been called the Demon and that is the Demiurge , the God of the Jews, Yahweh, with all his cohort of extra terrestrial servants, of Aions, of "Neutral Angels " and above all, his vassals upon the earth, the 'White Traitors ', the Aryans who remain asleep, hypnotized , and deceived . Jewish Christianity could not have existed without the Aryan "saints'', in the style of a St. Bernard, a Domingo de Guzman [I], a Saint Thomas, and many others; nor without a Boniface or a Charlemagne. Nor could it have existed without the thousands of artists and soldiers who generously gave their pure blood and their lives to serve the cause of the hidden Enemy, who so craftily deceived them, to destroy the divinity that belonged to them and the strength they possessed, uniquely capable of transfiguring the earth.
For two thousand years, the Aryan, the Goth, the Visigoth, has forgotten his own Gods, the stars and celestial bodies, his runic and alchemical science, his blood , his pride, losing the memory of his divine origin, to be just a lackey of an invented Jewish Messiah, and a whole world of seemingly contradictory Jewish values, worshiping and adoring Isis as a Jewish virgin maiden-also invented and never existing, transposed from Isis and the Black Virgins-and some agitators with the mentality of slaves and a guilt complex. Thus have the Aryans sold their physical and spiritual blood, their body and their mind, coming to believe that all men and all races are equal and have similar souls. All sinners, hum ble and humiliated!
The warrior ceased to be such, the hero became a slave and he lost the memory of the cause, of his arrival to this corrupted Universe to fight the Corrupter. He lost the love towards tortured
Nature, leaving from the perception of his Nostalgia of Hyperborea. He did not make the magical effort by transfiguring it. We went straight in to the abyss, without hope, without exit! Until the very Gods of Valhalla, at the end of the Age of Pisces, at the nadir of the Kali Yuga, decided to come to the aid of the fettered prisoner, of the warriors, the viras, already almost at the point of succumbing and losing the great battle. They made possible the advent of the Cycle of the Hero, of the Yuga of Heroes.
They sent Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar, to awaken the sleeping heroes, to cut their chains and break the spell of the Demiurge, being able to face him in the decisive combat, before the entrance into the Age of Aquarius. And also to prevent in this era a new trap of the Enemy from shutting the doors to Victory and Liberation.
Adolf Hitler exposed the Enemy once and for all. He recovered for the White Race their Aryan roots, their Hyperborean foundations, providing the opportunity to the warrior and the Hero to continue in the combat. He re-
. established the inequality of men and of the various bloods, bringing the Aryan to feel freshly the divinity of his origins.
At the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, Hitler has made possible the Resurrection of the Hero.
[I] St. Dominic
Kalki, the Last Avatar. At the edge of Time, at the end of the Kali Yuga, He will return mounted upon a White Horse, like Santiago in the Battle of Clavijo, to defeat the Enemy and to judge. This is the return of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, of Wotan, with his Furious Horde, his Wildes Heer. The Ultimate Battalion of the Heroes. This engraving was published in 1940, in one of the issues of the Periodical of the SS, "Das Schwarze Korps ", the Black Order.
If Jewish Christianity had not been imposed in Pisces, the idea of the equality of all men upon the earth having triumphed, supported by Freemasonry and all of the organizations that are directly or indirectly controlled by the synagogues and the Synarchy of Zion, the journey through history would have been something entirely different. Science and technology, as we have been delivered unto today, are also products of the Jewish spirit. This would not be able to be so, if an Aryan elite would have handled the unfolding events, such as in Egypt or India, where the Vedas for example, were known only to the first two castes-the Brahmans and the princes-and for only one at the beginning: the Priest-Kings. The earth would not be on a path towards disaster, being destroyed by a science that is only technology, being available to all, to the animal-man, to the mass man, "because they are equals", the races and the non-races. It must, however, be clear that the Jew has never believed in the equality of men, considering non-Jews to be animals. It only preaches equality to the goyim, to degenerate them in intermixing, and thus making them easy prey. The Jew is fanatically "racist", even though it is an anti-race. Their religion is a Religion of Blood, of Anti-Blood.
It is at the apex of times, when all seemed lost, that the Ultimate Avatar appeared amongst us, to tum back the fatal course of events and enable us to meet with the lost keys of the Resurrection , teaching us the glorious path of the Immortality of the Hero. He has given us the Sword of the Warrior, reclaiming for the Age of Aquarius the Odal Rune, of Wotan, his Odinic Force, which was snatched away from us in Pisces by the actions of Jewish Christianity. Adolf Hitler resurrected the Gods, because He himself is a God. An Avatar of a God, of Wotan Vishnu . When the first God penetrates into this Universe subjugated by the Demiurge to combat his contagion, his expansion at the expense of Asgard, he is a Giant that does not
fit here. He has the bearing of the Anthropos , of a star, of the very Sun itself, although in human form. Because "the heavens have the form of a man", said Swedenborg. That God is Wotan, and to enter here, he parts himself, he is divided into many
equals, although much smaller. (The Mystery of the Eucharist of esoteric Aryan Kristianism maintains that in every piece of the Host, once broken apart, one finds the whole Kristos; that is, in the bread, in the divided flesh of Mithras, of Osiris). Therefore, the name of Gott, of God, is generic for the people of the Goths. When an Avatar - who is the emanation of a God, of a Hero who has been liberated in other Rounds of the Eternal Return already having exited from this Universe-Prison, having combated and overcome with the Sword- returns, he does so solely to aid his kamerads who have fallen prisoner to the Demiurgic spell, to Maya, the Illusion, as in the Schastel Marveile of Klingsor (Parzival). When He enters here, as we have said, He does not do so as One but as many, all seemingly similar. The Fuhrer is embodied in several prototypical figures but in only one of them is His power and His energy mainly concentrated: in Adolf Hitler. His passing through this world must be brief but sufficient enough to produce an explosion like a Nova Star, an implosion, to impregnate all of the Epoch of Aquarius with His message and His revelation and perhaps redeem it.
In Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar we have explained how the incarnation of the Avatar is always brought about in a plural form for a short time in his divine manifestation. His presence foreshadowed with the anticipations of Mussolini and Oliveira Salazar later, simultaneously, in Codreanu, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Leon Degrelle, Plinio Salgado in Brazil, and Jorge Gonzalez von Marees in Chile. They are His manifestations in a minor key, also for a short time, as long as they do not abandon the Light of Heaven. Nevertheless , only in Adolf Hitler is the super-human Force of the Avatar accumulated, coming to be like
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the central point of the Eucharistic Host, that "center that is not found anywhere" although "the circumference is everywhere". Hitler is a total genius, being able to innovate wherever He fixes His attention, in art, architecture, strategy, tactics, in mechanics , in the inventions of science and technology , rediscovering the Other Science. The genius of the Avatar put both hemispheres of the brain of the physical body into activity at the same time, utilizing them at their full capacity, a thing which humans do only at the instant of death. Hitler is a lightning bolt, He is a Ray fallen from Another Universe, as Savitri Devi sensed (The Lightning and the Sun), He is the Sieg Rune, the Son of Wotan. In Hitler's poem, which we reproduce as an introduction to this book, He refers to Wotan and the Runes as the Light that destroys the shadows, "the magic formula that will be carried out in front of a Hall of Swords". In his book "Mein Kampf ' is where one can better find the expression of His genius, in its divine simplicity and clarity . Those who know the craft of writing will be those best able to appreciate this. I have done a prologue to the only edition of this work that is now circulating in Chile. I have had this honor, for which to be proud throughout all of the Rounds .
The concept of Avatar is partly mixed with that of the Bodhisattva and of the Tulku from Tantric-Tibetan Buddhism ; a Liberated One, a victor who has exited not having to return here anymore since he has broken the chain of the Eternal Return, going beyond to that state "never dreamed , not even by the greatest Utopians" (Nirvana, for Buddha), returns voluntarily to help their imprisoned kamerads in the World of Illusion, in the Maya of the Demiurge.
The Hero who has liberated himself, who overcomes in combat and returns to Asgard, recovering the divinity and immortality of the Ase, of the God who once was, is now more than that God since he now possesses an Awareness and a Face,
an immortal "I'', he is an Absolute-Man, a Sonnenmensch, a Superman, who has abandoned the visi ble form amongst humans to take on the perfected form of a Sun, of the Seventh Sun of the Mayan Cosmogony, who will be the Sun-Man (Sonnenmensch). The Serpent Kundalini has caught the tail, having conve11ed it into a circle, into a Vimana, a Flying Disk, which rises like a Chariot of Fire and carries within it a whole crew: the Wildes Heer of Wotan, the Furious Horde of Odin, of the Einherier, the Ultimate Battalion of the Ftihrer, with whom Kalki will defeat the Demiurge and his armies.
What was lost in Pisces (which could also be lost in Aquarius) in the absence of an accurate interpretation and experience of the message that the Ultimate Avatar brings to us?
In Pisces, through the demiurgic action, conducted through his unconditionally faithful servants here upon the earth, forgotten was the epic and the drama of the entrance of a God into this Universe to fight as a warrior, imprisoned and later fallen in the involution and the mixing, mutated into a semi divine Hero, being able to liberate oneself only by the Sword and the Science of the Sword-Ars Regia-to be reborn, resurrected eternally, as Absolute-Man , immortal, superior to the very God who was.
This is the autobiographical and sacred History that has come around recounting itself anew in each cycle of the Eternal Return, having been imprinted within the Akasha of the constellations. It only changes its symbolic vestments but behind them it is always the same. An Archetype that one must penetrate and break down by extracting its message to achieve its secret which is a memory and nostalgia.
The mistake consists of anthropomorphizing the Archetype
, giving an "all too human" interpretation. Stating, for example, that he became incarnate in Jesus of Nazareth, as the only case in History, inventing for him a genealogy and a "Passion". That which truly reveals itself is the sacred History of the ancestor of the heroes, who entered into this Universe as a God divided into many pieces(Osiris torn to pieces}-all equal to him, all Gods-
to be able to fit. It is fair to say with Plato that the "Spirit has been crucified on terrestrial matter" because each of those Gods has been imprisoned in invol ution . Therefore the history of the crucifixion of Kristos or of Wotan upon Yggdrasil or the alchemical Rock of the Extemsteine , is that of each one of Them. Though only of the Gods and the semi-divine Heroes: the viras, never of the animal-man , the sudras, the robotic creations of the Demiurge.
In the Eternal Return, in each new Round or Astral Age, the Archetype and nostalgic memory of this sacred h istory return to constellate themselves, to charge themselves with zodiacal energy-when "finite energy passes, repeating itself, on the same point of infinite time" as Nietzsche would say-presenti ng itself as a new Dispensation so that the sleeping or defeated Hero can shake oneself and awaken thanks to the faint melancholic sound of a distant melody full of nostalgia , which is heard in the dark night. He shudders with the memory of what has befallen him, discovering, beyond the Archetype, beyond his archetypal history , the master key with which he could open the secret Window of Venus, to get out of the Prison, in the direction of the Black Sun. This will suck him implosively like a Black Hole in the firmament to bring him to arrive intact, resurrected, into the nonexistence of the Green Ray, which is beyond all of this and located precisely there: 111 the non-existent.
We do not insist or press upon the great Alchemical-Tantric secret that covers the Archetype. With Wotan, with Mithras, and with Kristos, we have already experienced it. The book which speaks of all of this was written in Runes and was available only to a minority of Hero-Warriors. Wotan rescued it from the fire and the water that submerged Hyperborea and Atlantis, to deliver it unto his chosen Warriors. Therefore, we repeat, on the cover of this work we have engraved the Odal Rune, that of Wotan-Odin,
recovered for the Age of Aquarius, which will be that of the Fuhrer, Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar.
The legend of Osiris and Isis is where we are remembering with the most clarity what befell the Gods and the Heroes, the truth that was hidden away from us throughout the length of the Age of Pisces: the dismem bered God was remade, in each of his
pieces, by his magical Wife, Isis-the Black-with the help of his Son, Horus, the Son of Man.
The Gods and our Fuhrer wish that the tragedy that has for us signified the concealment of this truth will not come back to repeat itself in Aquarius!
What the Warrior needs is to know what is behind the religion he encounters: the secret of the Narrow Doorway, the power of that Alchemy of Transmutation.
The total dominion that the Jew exercises at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius, after the Second World War, which he seemingly won, can cause one to think upon how easy it would be for him to distort everything again. By falsifying a Hitlerist Religion, which he could attempt secretly guided by the Demiurge, he would impede the few Aryans who are remaining from finding their own path. Already they have mixed all of the races, having bastardized the world, such that the Voice in the Blood Memory of the Aryans is not more than a lost echo in the forest of a frightening jumble. But those who believe they have defeated us are wrong because the war was won spiritually by Hitler.
It ts m Aquarius when the nadir of the Kali Yuga, the Darkest Age, will be reached with the final destruction in the Eternal Return. The Wolf Fenrir will come back to devour the galactic Universe. The necessary number of the Einherier by now have forced the Narrow Doorway . For their sacrifice, the Heroes who have been torn to pieces will have already been remade in Valhalla by Wotan and the Valkyries , more brilliant than the. Gods themselves. In each Round a Seeding must be fulfilled, where the exact number of grains will fructify. They are the Heroes who triumph. As the harvest in Pisces was meager, some numbers that were not fulfilled can pass on to Aquarius. To help them came the Avatar and He will return at the end, just
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before the dissolution, to enter with His Wildes Heer, with His Ultimate Battalion, and fight the triumphal combat together with those who still await Him with Honor and Loyalty.
Adolf Hitler at the end of the Age of Pisces has restored the principles of the Code of Aryan Honor: the faith in the superiority of the race, in the purity of their blood and their divine origin; faith in the inequality of men, and the knowledge that one was a God. In the Alchemical Laboratory of the Castle of the SS, Wewelsburg , He was recreating the Sonnenmensch, the Sun-Man. Hitler also erased the sense of guilt and original sin, completely alien to the soul of the Aryan. He restored the pride of the Hero in equality with the Gods. And yet the definitive action is that for all the Rounds of the Eternal Return He uncovered the Enemy, the poisoner of the blood , the destroyer of the religions, the parasite and robot in service of the Demiurge: the International Jew, Golem of Yahweh-of the Demon corrupter of the Universe- the One who came here to combat the Asen .
The Avatar is not a God, He is more than a God: He is a Hero who has been liberated, returning to His own Universe , to the Green Ray, with a Face after winning in combat. He has immortalized His terrestrial "I" and a portion of this Earth, which He has redeemed and transfigured. He is the Absolute Man, united with His Absolute-Woman , wedded within Venus the Morning Star, united and separated forever. His emblem is the Eight Pointed Star, two Haga! Runes, together and apart.
The Avatar has come to assist those who still find themselves fighting in the moment of greatest need when all seems lost. And He will return again. He did not come to preach a new religion but to show the exit for the Hero, to confirm to him that he is of divine origin, that he was a God, that his blood and his race were pure and that he must clean and purify them to
Resurrection of the Hero
be able to exit through the Narrow Window, towards a Universe that is his own, after fighting and defeating the Demiurge and his dark hosts - the Jews, the Turanians, the Elementarwesen. Beware kamerads , that the drama of Pisces does not happen again in Aquarius! It is not a religion that the Hero needs but the confrontation with the Archetype, a crossing traversed through him, from side to side, to be able to observe Him from behind from the other side of the mirror, being able to extract the alchemical secret hidden in His symbol ic message : There is no God Wotan, there is no God Mithras, there is no God Kristos, after they entered this Universe. There is only a Chronicle of the Divine Family, a Great Book of the Kindred of the Asen and the Goths who came here to fight within the confines of unused Time and that Eternity that became Time (Sat-ur-no) in order to attain awareness of their Eternity when Time again ceases to be. The Runic Book says that you, oh Hero, were Wotan, and you were Mithras and Kristos . . . And never more will you return to be them . . . For you shall be Another. . .
At the end of the Age of Pisces and the beginning of Aquarius this is the Path that Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar, came to show us: the possibility for the Hero of transmuting himself into more than a God, into a Superman, Absolute-Man , Total-Man , Sonnenmensch. A Sun, a Star. Because Hitler was such. And you, oh Hero!, also will be!
The Twilight of the Gods is only of the Gods; for the Resurrection of the Gods, is the Resurrection of the Hero.
Heil Hitler! Sieg Heil!
20th of April, anno 97 of the Hitlerian Era
Resurrection of the Hero
Berserco [Sp.] or Berserker, comes from the hero Berserk of the White Race (Aryan, Nordic-Polar) that fights against the Magyars and Finns, the Mongols. Berserk has 12 sons from whom descend the 12 Germanic tribes, which the Jews appropriated to attribute them to their national history that is fabricated from beginning to end. Berserk is a warrior hero and the Berserkers fought with a sacred invincible furor. Hence the "Furious Horde" of Odin and "The Ultimate Battal ion of the Ftihrer".
As we have written in our book, "National Socialism, Only Solution for the Peoples of South America", the true Jewish history does not have its origins in the Middle East or in Africa, but in the Gobi Desert, as Professor Hermann Wirth affirmed to us. From there also come the Scythians, Magyars , and Finns, mestizos with the yellow peoples. The Jews had already stolen the secrets of the Aryans, possibly the Kabbalah, the "Book of the Three Mothers" (see "Adolf Hitler, the Ultimate Avatar"). The Hasidic Jews were left in Poland, others continued on to the Rhine. The Magyar and Finnish mestizos represent the "evil", the visible "racial sin" for the Frisian Aryans, as can be seen in the "Oera Linda Chronicle".
The Jews had followed-like a shadow-the Aryans to the Middle East long before the Frisian excursion of Tunis. There the Frisians encountered this in the Golen, as mentioned in "The
Chronicle", and they would be the Levites. That name has been used appropriately by the Rabbi Loew in Prague to make his robot, the Golem, about which has been written a beautiful and profound book by Gustav Meyrink. The Jews who were established in the Middle East had already adulterated the Bible, Genesis, and had mixed with the Semitic Bedouins. With the Phoenicians they also arrived to England and with the Frisians that returned some Golen or Levites were introduced coming to mix or introduce themselves amongst the Celts and Druids, performing their human and blood sacrifices there. The Frisian Aryans were already fenced in and the "Oera Linda Chronicle" informs us that in order to save themselves they sought the help of the tribe Beserker of the berserker warriors who will fight the Magyars. It is important to read that the Frisian Sea-King, named Inka, sails towards the West (America) and never returned . With him also would have been added, surreptitiously, some Golen, which would come to establish the bloody cults of the Aztec priests that fight the Aryan "White God" (Frisian? Viking?) Quetzalcoatl. The curious name Inka, Inga or Inca of the Emperors of Cuzco would have its origin in the Frisian Sea-King from whom the Mapuches or Araucanians also descend, according to what Jose Torribio Medina, amongst others, informs us of. The "Oera Linda Chronicle" , which tells us of the sinking of Atland or Hyperborea, under the North Pole, while it may have been adulterated has elaborated upon the true history of Friesland and the Frisians. It is interesting how much there is about Wodin-Odin-Wotan there (who amongst the Redskin Americans is Wokan/Wakan-Tanka) . His day is Wednesday , "Miercoles" in Spanish meaning of Mercury, the Roman God and the alchemical metal. He is the wind, the hurricane and Blitzkrieg, as Hitler 's war was called. It is the War of Wotan, of the Berserker Furor, of the Furious Horde of Odin which will return at the end of times, the Ultimate Battalion , as we have said. Alchemical War, also of Mercury, "the Winged", the
Resurrecti on of the Hero
Vimana. In the ancient and vanished post-Hyperborean civilization of the Gobi, whose remains still exist in Siberia, the Scythians were Aryans, the Asen of the East, who were later mixed with the yellow peoples , giving rise to the Magyars and Finns who invade Europe centuries before the Christian era. The Finnish and Hungarian language are derived from the Finno Ugric group and perhaps from the Basque (language of Atlantis according to Louis Charpentier) and also the name of Hungary .
There has not been sufficient attention put upon Nietzsche's declaration of his experience of the Eternal Return obtained by a rock (stone, lapis) and also surely his intuition of a possible exit towards "something not imagined even by the greatest Utopians". "Six thousand feet in height and next to a great rock in the form of a pyramid", he tells us. I went to see that stone, in Sils Maria, in the Engadine. There where the "Two Roads" of Zarathustra meet , in the "Midday of Revelation". We are not able to know if Nietzsche was conscious of the alchemical symbolism and if he has also given us a message in clus, in code (See my book "Nietzsche and the Dance of Siva") about the rock-stone-lapis and the Eternal Return with the eternity of "zervanist" Time (Iranian of Zarathustra) and the possible exit towards "a Universe ruled by laws other than those of mechanics" or by "no laws"-Asgard , the world of the
Asen! and those "Two Roads" which with the "Midday"
form Three (nigredo, albedo, rubedo). We could also think that this has been done only under the pressure of the Archetype or the Gods and that things came to Nietzsche from above, "eager to become symbols", to use his own words and drove him mad.
It is interesting to recall that in the epic literature of India it is said that the Vimanas, those flying objects that appear in ancient Hindu and Mughal scripts, "are made of stone". In the Hindu figurative style this would also be speaking of Alchemy, the Ars Regia. Thus, the Vimana, that Unidentified Flying
Resurrection of the Hero
Object, would be the resurrected hero with his flesh of red Vajra, elevated to the skies with other matter or substance. (The ascent to the Heavens, to Asgard, of Wotan-Mithras-Kristos , with his body).
In the synchronistic and planetary aspect it is necessary to reveal that the larger and superior epoch of the unknown history is precisely that called the Paleolithic , of the unpolished stone, far superior to the Neolithic and all which followed it. The stone was not polished , not because they were ignorant of how to do it, but because it was thus wished. The rocks that were taken and left in "critical condition" were chosen so that they would be likely to be transfigured, de-materialized , changed into another matter, to levitate. Hereby the Vimana as an object, like a spacecraft, was made of stone, of that philosopher's stone, unpolished. The Stone and the Hero were one. This secret is still guarded in the Externsteine and Stonehenge.
The fact that Nietzsche put the name of Zarathustra , the Persian prophet, on his finest work, could not have been accidental. His revelation of the Eternal Return would find its greatest aspect not in the Greeks but in the Zoroastrian Mazdaism. For even though Zervan, as Aion, equal to Kronos, controls a part of infinite time, a portion , or Age, Time as a whole surpasses even Ahura Mazda, the God of Light. And if these things were so, then everything should come to be repeated in the infinity of Time, the limited energies, the Gods, the Aions and Demons. Behold the Eternal Return in this Concentration Camp Universe "governed by the laws of mechanics". But there is "a time yet unused" and Another Situation "unimagined even by the greatest Utopians" ... Asgard!
Zarathustra, "Splendor of the Sun", had lived more than six thousand years ago and his Master had been Vahumano , who is confused with Melchizedek .
If we consider the Mystic Death as the first step of a Work of Resurrection , of transmutation, not only voluntarily accepted but desired as a Hyperborean Archetype , we might conclude that the terrestrial death of the physical body would be a demiurgic imitation of the Magic and Mystic Death-another corruption of the Archetype , an unsuccessful imitation-which must be at the origin of the Initiatory Death, as a prelude to the Resurrection of the Gods, something more than
They themselves.
And this would be why the Araucanian Machi (Magis) always regarded the death of the man upon the earth, the death of the Mapuche (the Hero) as something unnatural , brought from the outside, by a Demon. The true Man, the Re-Che, did not have to die. His original Archetype is the Mystic Death nigredo-and the resurrection in an immortal body of red vajra - albedo and rubedo-.