The Serpent
Lupus Felis
note: this essential work reveals the paleo-history of ‘mankind’ as having extraterrestrial origins with proof from mainstream science. This is the entire book so feel free to copy and paste and spread it around.
Throughout the centuries and civilizations man has always affirmed the divine character of his origin.
Man's coexistence with extraterrestrial beings has been recorded in various writings, drawings, sculptures and constructions considered impossible for their time and even for ours. With the passing of time, these beings have been called gods and have been venerated as such. Why is it that today the evidence proving the existence of gods is considered a product of ignorance and the fertile imagination of ancient cultures?
In other words, did civilizations capable of developing science and technology, astronomy and architecture, literature, art, philosophy, whimsically invent stories about non-existent deities to which they attributed supernatural powers, just to mitigate their sense of helplessness?
How is it that culture has totally deprived us of our capacity for reasoning and discernment? At what point did we lose the ability to think for ourselves in order to think through television? Oh, yes! Television, which affirms or denies, commends or reproves, endorses or refutes, and, as the full authority on "absolute truth" tells us what we should believe and think. And we accept it; yes, we accept it. L e s t we b e taken for
madmen for using our own reasoning and criteria. No, that is no longer
customary in a civilization as advanced as ours.
Well, I am going to put forward a thesis, based on the myths, exercising my right to think, to question and to discern; daring to draw my own conclusions.
For those who refute me with true arguments: my respects. 3
For those who read these pages with the avid interest of the authentic seekers of truth, the nonconformists, the dissatisfied; for them is all my effort, all my affection, my comradeship.
To them, the heretics, my friends. The author.
The Serpent
In the book of Genesis, in the first verse of chapter 3, the Serpent emerges from nothing, and as the only information it says sophisticatedly: "it was more cunning than all the animals of the field that Jehovah-God had made". The omission of the origin of such an important character in a story of the origin, as that of an opponent to the Creator, can only be explained for one reason:
It was omitted or veiled, like so many other "details", throughout the sacred scriptures, to veil information that should not be known, by outsiders, for a certain purpose.
So I will try to complete the information.
We all know that no one enters the bosom of a family, and eats from their table, without the consent of the Father, Mother, or one of their
A thief does not go into someone else's house, in the light of day and under the owner's sight, t o steal or damage without being kicked out instantly.
And a Loving Father does not put a vermin in the midst of his children as an "educational toy", because some of them would be in danger and even die.
Then, the Serpent was gone; he came to Creation.
Not on the sly, "she knocked on the door, and was it answered by one of 4
the sons?".
He did not come empty-handed, he "brought something for the table". 5
And for that something, the Father consented.
The Father is not Loving to all his children, because many of them died and will die, because of the Serpent and what he brought.
And finally "the Serpent" is not one, but a few among many who came. Some stayed, and the Others returned, and will return for "that something" captured from their Kingdom by the Serpent.
"The idea that men, starting from bestiality and savagery, slowly rose to civilization, is recent. This is a Judeo-Christian myth, imposed on consciences, to expel an older, more vigorous and revealing myth.
When humanity was fresher, closer to its past, in times when no well-laid conspiracy had yet expelled it from its own memory, it knew that it was descended from gods, from giants from whom they had learned
everything. She remembered a golden age when superiors, born before her, taught her agriculture, metallurgy, the arts, the sciences and the management of the soul."
"The Return of the Warlocks" Louis Paules & Jaques Bergier. Cain and Abel
Of Cain we will say that the Memory of the Origin, so clear and powerful in his blood, leads to destructive violence as a response to a world that is alien to him, in which he finds neither Law nor God. An existence in which beneficial work (represented in agriculture) is not rewarded, and instead the pain of others is rewarded (represented in the sacrifice of the lamb). An existence in which Death and the Pain of Others reign.
It is on the shoulders of Cain that the Creator bears the yoke of the evolution of the soul. It will be the descendants of Cain, the farmers, metal smiths and warriors, the builders of walls and cities, who will develop civilizations and give meaning to the world as the Creator had never dreamed of. They will question the created, they will look for an explanation, a truth to everything; reason for which, he puts a sign on him, "so that whoever finds him will not kill him" (Gen 4: 15). (Gen 4: 15)
Abel has less memory of the Origin, of his Spirit and freedom; the power of his soul is greater and then; everything already makes sense, it is the marvelous work of the Creator. He must only accept, care for and love what he has created. His destiny is the office of shepherd, so typical of the Semite peoples, nomadic and therefore, merchants.
On the shoulders of a new Abel, Seth, will be placed the pastoral
priesthood, the hands that will pour the Holocaust, the Applause, the Sense, addressed to the Creator. To his descendants, they will be subjected to the Fear and Terror of the Jealous God, so that they do not deviate from their destiny. Their nobility, "the chosen ones", will be forbidden to mix their Blood of Purity with that of Cain. T h e y wi l l be promised to lord it over the sons of the Serpent with His Help. The Cult will be about The Blood, Abel will be about Cain.
The rest is history, we all know it. The purpose of Creation has been fulfilled. Cain's descendants marched gallantly, bravely, with their heads held high, defying their destiny. He discovered the world, subjected it to his whim, to his pleasure, to the passion that springs from his blood as a right to lost happiness and Immortality. Cain carries, for centuries on his shoulders, a parasitic and servile race, which is protected and pampered by the programmed destiny. A race that fears, a race that lies, a race of judges, a race of righteous, a race of shepherds, caretakers of the Garden. And since the purpose has already been fulfilled, the world has already been given meaning, the rescue will come, the return to the Principle, to Purity, for Him to receive the Applause and the illusion of His souls grouped as a Great Bride in the Heights for all eternity.
The Gods of Antiquity
From Sumer to Greece, from Babylon to Egypt, from India to Tihuanaku, Mythology speaks of those who came from the sky, sailing the firmament in chariots of fire and were called gods.
They are credited with the creation of man as we know him, the teaching of agriculture, astronomy, architecture, the sciences, t h e arts, sexual
pleasure and the management of the soul.
A shocking event becomes history, then legend, and legend passed down through the generations becomes myth. By
Therefore, a myth is not a belief of imaginary character, invented capriciously to explain the origin of the universe or of man. A myth has its origin in a real fact, recorded for posterity in the collective memory of a people.
Today most of the Western world believes in an abstract God, creator of all things and of man, puts its faith in a being whose characteristics are unknown to it, except for the statement: "God is Almighty".
However, these same people refuse to accept that other, much earlier cultures believed in the existence of gods whose appearance, characteristics, customs and temperament they knew perfectly, as well as how to obtain their favors.
It is evident that if the gods came from heaven, they bear a very close resemblance to those we now call extraterrestrials. What remains to be unraveled is whether they come from other planets or, in reality, from other dimensions outside our own.
Even so, today it seems unthinkable that beings superior to us exist, kidnap us, observe us and dominate us, without having the delicacy to present themselves directly to our wise men gathered by the discovery channel, i n a special programming to tell us: "Hello, here we are, now you can believe it".
For contemporary man, within his cultural-commercial structure,
extraterrestrials will exist when we discover them, with our technology, the news is given with the approval of the owners of CNN and presented by Barbara Walters for example.
To understand the phenomenon, the behavior and the purpose of the "extraterrestrials" in relation to our species, as a fundamental premise, we must accept that the natural order of matter responds to an intelligent principle. To this end, I will recall a similarity made by Stephen Hawkings in his book "A Brief History of Time", in which he says that the order of matter in the universe is similar to ordering the parts of a vase that has been thrown through the air and has fallen crashing to the ground shattered into millions of particles, in such a way that these are reconstituted, each one in its corresponding place, to then re-conform the vase.
Let us go deeper into this principle, corroborated by mythology, as the only possibility to develop. The alternative would be to align ourselves in the army of "consecutive coincidences", of the Great Chance of rationalism, orphan of memory, of minne.
Most of us lack knowledge in ancient languages; but this does not mean that we are deprived of common sense and intelligence, to evaluate the information that comes to us from the mists of time through the myths of archaic cultures, translated by a few scholars who publish them avoiding tarnishing them with some moral or religious tinge.
Without contradicting the biblical account, monotheistic in appearance, myths and legends relate that a natural hominid of the planet was
mutated and then educated to develop cultures, by a group of beings arrived from the stars. That for the mutation to be successful, they had to mix "their essence" with that of the hominid, and then a golden age ensued under their reign that lasted for millennia, after which rebellion, war and destruction arose due to the domination of the destiny of the mutated beings.
The cultural transition from the original polytheism that remembered and venerated its "gods", or "the sons of god", from which it descended to the current monotheism, must have occurred for some particular reason.
The peculiarity of the Bible, apart from its indisputable moral dye, is that it highlights or implies that the history of mankind is "important" from the flood, and the covenant of a deity with a human group. The above is "not important", except for the guilt of Eve and the poor conscience of the created hominid, for having "eaten of knowledge", as a justification for human misery and pain.
The first chapters of genesis are a sophisticated synthesis, (in the sense of the word sophisticated which means lacking in naturalness, to falsify, to deceive by means of sophistry which is false reasoning to induce error) of the transcendent and metaphysical story of the origin, bequeathed by generations from the most remote antiquity, adopted by the Hebrews during their captivity in Babylon and then sophisticated to their particular vision.
The scribes, after very few lines of real importance, leave to posterity an account of the generations and experiences of the human group.
"chosen" by a god jealous of others, and educated at the point of terror, prohibitions and threats, for their future and happy purpose: A consensual slavery i n t h e service of the god who calls himself the One, in
exchange f o r dominion over the rest of the nations under the command of an anointed king, a Messiah, and the ownership of the entire planet. That is, the equivalent of suggesting that the birth, childhood and adolescence of a group of individuals do not count; and that the most important thing for everyone is the stage of education of only one of them, as King of a future society worshiping and fearing the One God.
The comparison is somewhat clumsy, but it applies, since the period of the human race before the flood was much more extensive than the later one. The birth and childhood of our species is the most important and transcendent, since in it the fundamental psychological and physical foundations were deposited; among which, I am sure, the psychological is the priority. And I say that it is a priority because it is not the same to know that one is the son of Pepe and Rosalía, to believe that one is the son only of Luis or another hermaphrodite, or to prove that one was generated in a laboratory from an ovum and sperm donated by strangers and of a different species through genetic manipulation, and then gestated in the womb of an unknown woman. Psychologically it is not the same.
Starting from this premise, if humanity had followed the psychologicalcultural- religious path of Babylon, Egypt or Sparta; the psychology of the
human being in general would have directed the goal of civilization and
the individual towards a common objective: The return to that original condition. In other words, if today we believed and knew through history and science that we are children of immortal gods, our goal would logically be to be god-children and also immortal.
Mythically, that was the reason for the expulsion from paradise; pretending to be like our parents, the extraterrestrials, at the behest or on the advice of an extraterrestrial: The Serpent.
For us pagans, the myths show two kinds of gods-serpent or extraterrestrial; or a single one divided into two factions.
One that pretends to keep us as culture-producing servitude, ignorant of our extraterrestrial half, and therefore; convinced believers of being worms evolved from mud to the category of Homo-Sapiens to which we were given the miracle of life. Mud-evolved monkeys: "From dust you were taken and to dust you shall return".
And another one, which intends to raise us from the painful condition in which we fell, to a superior and original one, of gods: "If you eat of the will be like God".
"Coincidentally" the biblical myth calls those who descended and took women from the earth and their children, nephilin, which according to scholars means "the fallen ones" or "giants", our ancestors, the heroes of antiquity; opponents of the One god and his chosen people.
The myths tell that a whole humanity perished drowned in a flood, and that they, the extraterrestrials, gods, Elohim or Anunnaki and co-creators of it; did nothing to save them, on the contrary they consented to it,
because "the noise" they provoked was unbearable for them. However, part of humanity survived; and after a while, all united, speaking the same language and under the command of Nimrod, they decided to take revenge and built a tower from which they attacked the heavens. The concerned deities "entered into council" and decided to descend to confuse their language and scatter them all over the face of the earth.
Particularly (and I am sure that many share my criteria), I think that God in the ideological, metaphysical and philosophical concept, which goes beyond all that is rational, beyond all "truth" and beyond all that is known and yet to be known; that is to say as "That which is unknowable", should not worry about some pieces of animated clay, which pretend to build a tower to reach His dominions to compete with Him - to make a name for Himself, as the bible translates the term shem - and much less to choose to confuse them and scatter them over the face of the planet to preserve His dominion.
But I do firmly believe, that a group of Intelligences from which we descend; is permanently worried that their "bastard children" trapped in "the basement" of a world of madness, will decide to go out to the "upper floors" by assault, once they discover or remember "a thing or two".
Indian culture is particularly rich in ancient texts that describe flying ships of the most varied shapes, colors and sizes, which they call Vimanas or Puskaphas, machines that in addition to flying, could also travel underwater and in space. Texts such as the Majabharata, the Ramayana, the Kirataryuniia and the Samarangana Subtrahara also relate a
horrendous war between "gods" that took place long ago with "fictional" weapons and Vimanas that flew through the air in battles, during which they devastated territories without caring at all about the "collateral damage" suffered by the human race and the earth's biosphere.
We may wonder if it is this archaic epoch that corresponds to the construction of the mythical Tower with a Shem at its summit, from which we direct our attack to heaven.
Could it be that they won the battle and we, the defeated, went back to barbarism and oblivion to start all over again?
And... Could it be possible that a group of "rebels", achieved their purpose and then retreated to some region "above", "below", "or to the side" of the world, and then returned for a Final Battle?
"In a Museum of La Plata, in Buenos Aires, there is the famous Kudurru of Kashshu, discovered in Susa, where it was part of the booty of the Edomite King Shutruk-Nakhunte of the XII century B.C.J.C. On it is engraved the regal figure of Nimrod treading on the Moon and the Sun, and with an eight-pointed star, symbol of the planet Venus, above his head. Next to it, a Ziggurat, reminiscent of his famous Tower. Below this image there are two columns of cuneiform writing in the Hittite language mentioning the death of the King and warning that no one should forget his deed. I will transcribe part of this text according to the erudite version of Professor Ramirez of the University of Salta, universally considered the most accurate:
The Death of Nimrod
From a famous tower whose ruins are here
King Nimrod to Heaven has departed.
One day he will be back!
But he has not gone
his knee to the gods. With bow drawn he has gone up ready to kill.
His arrows have wounded Shamash but he soon healed.
But Nimrod is gone although he will return someday.
A Goddess guides him, Isa is her
is Ishtar herself,
and a people accompanying him are the brave Kassites. 14
who will fight with him. For Nimrod has departed and is no longer with us.
although legends say that one day he will return
with his bow drawn ready to kill". "The Mystery of Belicena Villca" Page 399. Extraterrestrials "B" and "V".
I will call extraterrestrials "B" for good, benevolent, nice, kind, blessed, soft, etc.; psychological nuances propitiated by those beings that keep us tied to time, suffering, hunger, disease, death and ignorance of our origin "for goodness sake".
And I will call them "V" for vigilant, virginal, willful, brave, vain, vengeful, courageous, virtuous, vehement, voluptuous, vicious, virile, venereal, etc.; psychological nuances propitiated by them since ancient times and that the Judeo-Christian culture tries to eradicate, not only by force, but under threat of punishment and eternal fire for offenders for over 2000 years supported by aliens "B" and a lot of propaganda.
Before, (according to the myths) we were children of the gods and with the possibility of being invited by one of them to their table, to eat the fruit of eternal life and to be and live with them; or failing that, to take the heavens by assault and take over eternity.
Now, we are the result and victims of chance, victims of time and space. Victims of the gods of rationalism, of the "palpable and verifiable reality". Victims of the "Good" Extraterrestrials and their determinism.
Only 2,900 years ago, the Spartans refused to prostrate themselves before any god, and prepared all their lives to win immortality in a warrior assault, an act of courage and honor proper to heroes; an act that would
be 15
supported and celebrated by the extraterrestrial gods "Villains", offering the hero the "elixir of eternal life in a cup". And all the heroes of all times, together in the Frozen Agartha (mythical place with time and space isolated from Creation by the Liberator Gods); they would wait until the end of time, when they would return to take heaven by assault in the Final Battle.
Spherical and angular psychology.
I will call spherical psychology to the set of rational actions or attitudes, of consensus or agreement, characteristic of an educated and civilized intelligent individual; and angular to the set of intuitive actions and attitudes, of hostile, distrustful, vindictive and aggressive attitude, characteristic of an intelligent individual in a state of barbarism.
In both cases the common factor, of course, is intelligence.
A clear example of both psychologies are the societies of Athens (spherical) and Sparta (angular).
Athens is known for many "good" things, spherical, soft to the psyche and is the cradle and symbol of reason and democracy, in which the indispensable condition for a civilized and psychologically "peaceful" society is the cultural rationality of consensus.
Of Sparta we know "bad" things, hard, angular, piercing to the psyche and it is a symbol of brutality, racism, honor and iron will, indispensable conditions for a psychologically aggressive, intuitive and aristocratic society (of Arista, of Angelo). The inverted "V" of the Spartan shields
remains to this day as a symbol of angular psychology on the uniforms of the military who are supposedly honorable people.
The angular is the psychology of Aristocrats and Warriors; of Kings and their Courts, of Lords and commoners, of Masters and slaves, according to a natural, ancestral, blood, racial and caste order.
The spherical and circular is the psychology of herds, of gregarious and common masses, of cultural clones shepherded or directed by "elected" religiously or democratically, according to a rational and consensual (democratically) or irrational (religiously) order.
Therefore, the representations of ancient deities have horns (Aristas) and wings (Celestes), or winged animal heads representing a natural and celestial order.
The representations of the current deities are winged (rational) humans (celestial) and a spherical halo representing benevolence, holiness, selfsacrifice, etc.
The representations of the deities of antiquity were not beautiful, they were aggressive, frightening and many were even repulsive. The current ones are benevolent, tender, bright and peaceful.
The concept of dimension
We can all imagine a point, and represent it (signify it) as a round spot which has no length, width or thickness. If we move or repeat this point in any cardinal direction we will form a line of certain length, then the 1st dimension will be the length. If this line is displaced or repeated lengthwise in any cardinal direction the drag will form a plane or a surface
that will have 2 dimensions, it will be both long and wide, then the 2nd dimension will be the surface. If it is displaced or repeated in any cardinal direction the dragged surface will form a body that will have 3 dimensions, then the 3rd dimension will be the corporeal or voluminous. And in all three there is a common and determining factor: The Form.
We know that there are 6 dominant cardinal directions from the 3rd dimension:
1 Front (North), 2 Back (South), 3 Right (East), 4 Left (West), 5 Top (Top), 6 Bottom (Bottom).
Up to this point, things are simple and understandable.
Now; moving any body in any cardinal direction "should" form a fourth dimension during and in the space of dragging, which would be that of "Hyper-space" or "Space-Time", concepts that rationally are impossible to understand (I say impossible because for me it is), but that roughly is understood as the dimension where time and space are relative,
but in which the form factor remains the determining factor. Therefore, in creation, form prevails over being.
Mentally or psychologically all cardinal directions can b e reduced to only two: Outside (Exterior) and inside (Interior).
And then to intuit, to feel what the fourth dimension is becomes something simple inside: It is enough to dream and remember.
In the fourth dimension, entities (objects) and beings do not have measures, but intensities of sensation; they do not occupy space or time, but forms and sense, and rationality becomes secondary. Time ceases to
be transcendent and becomes immanent. It seems to be "a place" where entities and beings are sustained and animated not by burning oxygen or fuels, but by burning will. The fuel of the inner dimensions, the vital energy, comes from the will of the one who sustains it, and the gold of the beings that inhabit it is the conscious sense.
We live because we are will and we have the will to do it, life is pure will that sustains a dream imagined by ourselves and remains even in death. The fourth dimension is also material, this premise is key to the integral understanding of the dimension-time concept, which leads us to ask ourselves a question:
If the fourth dimension is also material, how is it different from the Euclidean three-dimensional world?
The difference is in the "density".
It may not be very understandable but we can take the example, viewing the Euclidean three-dimensional world in a grayscale where 3D is black and the fourth dimension is gray.
In summary:
3D, the physical world.
4D, the world of dreams.
There are many who claim that the fourth dimension is "ethereal", this is totally incorrect, since it would be the same to explain, as we mentioned in the previous example, that in a shade of gray that goes from dark to light, it is colorless.
The Waters of Creation.
"When, on high, Heaven had received no name, and below, the firm ground had not been called; nothing but the primordial APSU, its Begetter, MUMMU and TIAMAT - she who gave birth to them all; their waters intermingled."
The Enuma Elish, Akkadian poem.
The Sumerians divided the created world into three parts, the upper, middle and lower waters, in which "the waters" are undoubtedly the source of matter and the support of the biological.
The upper ones were the domain of An, the middle ones of EnLil and the lower ones of Enki. The latter is granted the EMs, which according to Zecharias Sitchin are a kind of "disks of knowledge", and it is through the EMs that EnKi achieves mastery of matter and performs the wonders of the Anunnaki.
They clearly show us a poly-dimensional universe constituted by "categories of waters", "governed" by powers that obey and are integrated by a set of intelligent vibrations called EM.
Without the need to be men of science we know that all things are constructed from the inside out, or from the "top down" if we speak of dimensions, and then they are put together or concretized to achieve the object, be it an orange or an automobile. Everything visible first existed in the "upper waters", that is, in the world of ideas, the inner and higher world.
In the case of a human being the thing is not entirely different, since we are the meeting or synthesis of several coupled systems, of different
densities of matter, and all with a memory, or ME or governing directive that is transmitted by "waters" to the system from another sphere of power, or dimension, that is to say from "higher waters".
The idea has already been expounded by Carl Gustav Jung: 19
The whole is more than the sum of its parts. It also calls into question the merely mechanical aspect of biology by substituting a formative causality at the basis of morphogenesis, with biochemistry and genetics intervening only a posteriori.
This formative causality would be expressed by morphogenetic fields. Morphic fields would shape atoms, molecules, crystals, organelles, cells, tissues, organs, organisms, societies, ecosystems, the planetary system, the solar system, the galaxy, etc.
In this increasing downward complexity, morphogenetic fields would carry an inherent memory acquired by a morphic resonance process, composing the collective memory of each species.
Thus, the brain, too small to contain the memory, is not an organ of storage but an organ of connection with the data bank of the morphogenetic field in which past, present and future are mixed, because it is "in higher waters", that is to say, outside of time and space, we will add.
The memory of water
"In the beginning the Spirit of God hovered over the waters".... Genesis
The experiments of Dr. Jacques Benveniste, bold advocate of the
controversial hypothesis known as "water memory", led him to the certainty that water can store electromagnetic and biological information and can be imprinted with what he called "coherence zones", which allow it to function as communication systems in Nature and in the cells of living beings. In a recent article, published by the French ISERN, he states that "... these results indicate, without equivocation, that the physical nature of the molecular message, currently unknown, is electromagnetic. This message is transmitted and memorized by polarized water, a phenomenon that favors the transmission of the molecular signal."
In one of his many experiments, Benveniste succeeded in projecting on a water surface the luminous and electromagnetic image of curare, a potent neurotoxic poison. Later, he gave it to drink to rats from
The patients soon died with the typical symptoms of this substance: asphyxia and cardiac arrest.
This hypothesis of the "memory of water" would explain, among other enigmas, the strange efficacy of homeopathic medicine, whose healing processes continue to be a big question mark, even for specialists in this form of holistic and energetic therapy. The explanation of the therapeutic virtues of homeopathic remedies should be sought precisely in water and its holographic power to register, store, dynamize and multiply some kind of subtle energy, unknown to current science, which exerts a powerful effect on living beings, especially in high homeopathic dilutions in which there are no longer visible molecular residues of the mother substance, and which can be dangerous if administered without a certain amount of
Recently, Dr. Robert Fisher, of the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital in London, argues that "it is most probably the microstructure of water that retains the information concerning the substances with which it has come into contact, and even multiplies the therapeutic effect of these substances". Benveniste himself states in this regard: "Homeopaths make empirical use of these properties of water The molecular signal, once its
electromagnetic origin has been established, could be numerable, gradable, modifiable, transmissible at a distance and reproducible to infinity. These results could revolutionize biology and medicine, and make it possible to understand the influence of electromagnetic fields on living matter".
Masaru Emoto, a Japanese researcher, has managed to photograph water molecules and see their surprising behavior in response to certain stimuli such as music or violence.
Twelve years ago, Masaru Emoto began to wonder about the information contained in different types of water and whether pure and polluted water molecules crystallize in the same way. With these questions in mind, he set out on a search for a device that could measure and see water, until he found the Magnetic Resonance Analyzer and thought he could use it to study water.
The questions that arise after learning about Masaru Emoto's research are multiple: if water can be influenced by words, thoughts, emotions and our body is made up of 70 percent water, can we vary our well-being and
health at will? What are we responsible for? What about the polluted water in most of the world at the moment, can it be cleaned by changing people's thoughts and attitudes? Can we transmit information to the water that contributes to heal some ailments?
Isn't this a bit similar to what is called "psycho-somatic" in medicine? During the first nine months of our existence we are immersed in fluid, the amniotic fluid within our mother's placenta. Our first medium is water.
Did the screenwriters of the now famous Matrix movie know about the modern discoveries that have been made about water - the main component of living beings - in recent decades?
Moreover, did you know the formulation of the Mexican biochemist Esther del Río about the nature of the water in our organisms, and
that, in her own words, "it is mostly liquid crystal in the form of clathrate (H2 O)37 , that is, an intermediate state of matter (mesomorphic), stable and that being liquid crystal retains the properties of liquids plus the properties of optical crystals" and that makes it a medium "capable of storing memory".
Because if you go deeper into it, you will understand that in reality the difference between a computer, a liquid crystal television screen and a human being is not as great as you might have thought until now. In fact, it explains perfectly that light - and therefore energy - travels through our whole organism at incredible speeds transmitting information. And that, therefore, the interruption of this transmission can lead to the area of the body that is blocked to its isolation at both the photonic and electromagnetic level and, as a consequence, to de-energize and become
pathologized. Ether del Rio is today helping to achieve impressive and inexplicable healings in people with serious pathologies through the ingestion - or external application in some cases - of a special water. 22
vital, from a crystal-liquid obtained from tap water by means of a process that has been patented at international level. And we are no longer talking about theories but about practical findings. Purely clinical.
That water is a substance with unique properties was already evident. It is the universal solvent par excellence, i.e. the medium in which almost all substances dissolve and in which innumerable chemical reactions fundamental to the metabolism of all living things take place.
We also know that it can activate, energize, energize, energize, indumize, oxygenate, ozonize, mesmerize, chromatize, solarize, sonorize, ionize, magnetize, magnetize, polarize, magnetize?
Moreover, the idea that water has a "memory" - as Esther del Río argues - wa s postulated a long time ago, but scientists rejected it simply because they did not understand it, because they could not explain it with their knowledge. However, in the 1950s, the two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling already formulated the theory that water molecules could form hexagonal and pentagonal-faced dodecahedra together, which he called clathrates.
And in fact, it was from this proposal that the Mexican biochemist started to develop her work and to verify that the nature of these molecules is
is the crystal liquid.
And that it is water that allows the electromagnetic and photonic
connection of the whole body. In other words, he has discovered how the vital energy of the organism circulates, which oriental cultures have always talked about, thus giving scientific support to energetic therapies, among them Homeopathy and Acupuncture.
The discoveries of the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto show that a simple phrase, emotion or thought can change the structure of water. This affirmation is supported by thousands and thousands of electronic microphotographs and videos that went around the planet.
Moreover, he found something surprising: that when water is mixed with the essence of a flower, the structure of the crystals obtained from it
infusion when frozen is similar to that of the flower. In other words, the water "captures" the image of the flower with whose essence it has come into contact.
Does the reader understand what this implies?
If the liquid crystals of organic water have the motion properties of a liquid and the optics of a solid crystal, how can it be surprising that it can serve as a memory storage unit? In fact, these properties explain why the organism can encode and re-encode information in millionths of a second.
Let us not forget that the properties of liquid crystals have been the basis of the most important inventions of recent times.
Thanks to its properties, the development of today's computing has led to computers and lasers, plasma screens and cell phones, artificial satellites and spacecraft, telescopes and electron microscopes, as well as
all computing capable of recording, storing, sorting data, coding programs, etc.
That is why Esther del Río goes so far as to affirm that human beings are in reality "the best computer in the world" where "every cell communicates through a liquid crystal screen capturing and sending holograms that can be encoded".
Because water molecules have positive and negative poles, they behave like small magnets. They stick to their neighboring molecules and form clusters of several hundred molecules. This has been known for some time. These clusters are very sensitive structures and vibrational influences can imprint themselves on them.
This is what gives water the ability to store information. Extracted from "la memoria del agua", internet.
But did it occur to anyone to take the research further by knowing that the water of life is the blood, which is an INTERDIMENSIONAL FLUID
that in addition to its biological function serves as a link for the body with "the
superior", and that every culture KNOWS that it has an ancestral memory that is passed down through generations?
The answer to this question has always been:
"I don't understand... and therefore it's impossible." Genes and Memes
According to science, genes are biological information of generational transmission, and memes (from Memory? from ME's?) are "ideological"
information of cultural transmission.
The neologism "memes" was created by Richard Dawkins because of its phonetic similarity to the term ``genes'' (introduced in 1909 by Wilhelm Johannsen to designate the minimum units of transmission of biological inheritance) and, on the other hand, to point out the similarity of its root with memory and mimesis. According to Dawkins, our biological nature is constituted from genetic information articulated in genes, and our culture is constituted by the information accumulated in our memory and generally captured by imitation (mimesis), by teaching or by assimilation, which is articulated in memes. Other authors have pointed out a similar idea and have proposed other terms to designate these minimal units of cultural information. Thus, for example, E.O. Wilson and C.J. Lumsden have proposed the term culturgen, and although in the works of these authors there is a broader quantitative treatment of the transmission of culturgenes, the terminology of Dawkins has finally prevailed, although not all defenders of memetic theory share all t h e theses of this author.
From the perspective of the theory of memes, we can say that we possess two different types of information processors: a) the genome or system of genes located in the chromosomes of the cells of each individual, which determines the genotype, and b) the brain and the nervous system, which allows the processing of cultural information. The genetic information of our genome can be divided into minimal units of information that are the hereditary factors or genes, which are sexually transmitted from one generation to another through replication. Cultural information is transmitted from brain to brain (by teaching),
imitation or assimilation) and can be divided into simple units (such as an idea, a concept, a technique, a skill, a habit, a way of making a tool, etc.), which Dawkins calls memes.
Dawkins' ``strong'' thesis is that cultural traits also replicate. If genetic traits are transmitted by replication of genes, cultural traits are transmitted by replication of memes or units of cultural information. By analogy with the grouping of genes into chromosomes, memes are also considered to be grouped into cultural dimensions, which can increase with new cultural acquisitions. The big difference is that while chromosomes are natural units independent of our actions, cultural dimensions are our constructs. Thus, culture is not so much a set of behavioral forms, but rather information that specifies these behavioral forms.
(Excerpt from: General introduction to the theory of memes, by Jordi Cortés Morató).
The fact is that for generations (replicas) we humans transmit biological information and "something else" that cannot be seen in microscopes to our descendants, these "invisible" ones, will they be the memes, memory units? ... and will they be interdimensional, carried by the blood and therefore not visible?
And the matter takes a concrete direction, when in this process Intermediates, fiscalizes, a type of DNA transmitted exclusively through the Female, which is the Mitochondrial, which in our intuitive judgment, is the physical structure through which t h e information of the phenotypic traits that make us individuals is manifested... the "memes"?
Mitochondria are intracellular organelles present in all human cells (except mature red blood cells). Mitochondria are essential for energy production, are present in the cytoplasm of cells and - what is relevant here - possess their own DNA.
It happens that when the process of fertilization of the egg by the sperm occurs, only the nucleus of the sperm manages to penetrate the egg. As a consequence, the mitochondria (and their mitochondrial DNA) of the
The new being engendered comes exclusively from the ovum, that is to say, from the mother.
And this very special characteristic is used by us to determine whether an individual is descended from a certain woman. All people with the same maternal lineage must necessarily have the same mitochondrial DNA. According to the geneticist theory, the mitochondrial Eve would have been an African woman who in human evolution would correspond to the female ancestor who possessed the mitochondria from which all the mitochondria of the current human population descend. Therefore, by following the genealogical line through the maternal line of each person in the family tree of all mankind, the mitochondrial Eve would correspond to a single female ancestor from which the entire current population of Homo sapiens (human beings) diverges.
Based on the molecular clock technique, the researchers believe that this Eve lived approximately 150,000 years ago, or at most
200,000 years.
The Primordial Female and the Memory in her Blood
The kings and nobles of antiquity intermarried not because they were degenerate, as is taught in schools, but to preserve a factor that they considered precious in their blood, even at the risk that one of their children would suffer from hemophilia or some other disorder of endogamous origin, which they considered secondary, a "collateral" consequence that was even proof of the purity of their blood, of their divine descent.
In the 15th century the Cathars were exterminated as heretics, because of the cult of the Grail and the Minne, which are directly related to the divine blood and its memory. The term Minne is related in our language, with memory, remembrance, remembrance, reminiscence, etc., and in other languages also with souvenir, and souvenir.
Eve is the workmanship of the Serpent, in the Image and Likeness of the Serpent, from the "rib" of Adam (the biological foundation of anthropoid form), who is in the Image and Likeness of the Creator.
It is not "Adana", the female of the Adam species, the anthropoids created at the beginning.
Eve was the means by which the "gifts" (the Memes through the mitochondria?) would be stolen from the Unknowable, from Intelligence and the Uncreated; and brought by the Serpent to Creation, as a solution to Adam's cretinism, a cretinism that condemned him to a new extinction. Eve was the phenotypic matrix for the new race, achieved by the Serpent's Genius Knowledge from Adam's rib. Her blood was the reflective substance of the self-will and intelligence of Spirit.
Eve the magnificent, the bridge, was mated with Adam (the hominid of the earth) and women were born, for the first time on the planet, in whom the new "Sons of God", the "adopted" ones at the Father's table, engendered the new species. The Daughters of Eve contributed to the Blood of her children, "The Gift", the Impurity in the blood, source of the Virility, the Will, the Individuality; the Originality, the Virginal consequence of the memory, of the Memory of the Origin, of the potency of Life: The Virginal Spirit.
In other words, each individual of the new species reflects in its blood, the memory, the remembrance, the remembrance of its Unique Virginal and Free Spirit, conformer of the Self.
Latent, potent memory, reflection of the Spirit, will and life of its own; that is the SELF.
The Self that led the new species to question creation, to doubt the apparent, and to discover the world. And from then on, we carry that inheritance within us:
Being the son of Eve and the Serpent. Being the son of Adam
and the Creator. Being Cain, the rebellious murderer To be
Abel, the loving servant. Being of Fire. Being of Mud.
The Lizards of Origin 28
... "what gave him the unquestionable appearance of a being from another world, or belonging to an unknown Race, were his eyes, devoid of pupils, composed only of an emerald green iris: those eyes, devoid of human
expression, testified to the disturbing evidence that the History of man has forgotten something; something that perhaps it is inevitable to remember in our Time"...
(The Mystery of Belicena Villca, Fiftieth Day, pg. 351)
... "I started screaming, my son came, and I told him about it and he said to me, ah finally you saw it, and he said to me: "sonsa", yes, we descend from them, "We are Water Lizards",I was terrified". (Letters of Mary, 12th, p. 35) Approximately 600 thousand years ago a group of beings entered the created world. To manifest themselves they had to choose a form and they chose lizards, crested and anthropomorphic because this was the hostile animal form that they considered appropriate for the dominion of creation, or possibly because at that time the saurian species were the dominant ones. Once inside they took control and modified the created, they had the Dominion and have it to this day.
Cresta : (From Latin Crista) Fleshiness that some birds have on their heads; in general the gallinaceous and some birds of prey like the Condor of the Andes / The top, the summit.
Words related to crest are:
Mane: (from lat. Crinis) Bristles on the back and head of some animals, which have the property of bristling: Wolf, bear, cat, cheetah, wild pig, wild boar. Or hanging: Horse, donkey, zebra , onager. Synonym: Hair.
Plume: (from lat. penna) Group of feathers of the head of some birds that have the property of bristling (eagle, hawk, owl, partridge, peacock)/Smoke that comes out of the volcano "in calm"/Vanity, pride. 29
Pena: (from lat. penna) Name of the largest feathers of the bird. Upper extremity of the wing.
Pena: (from lat. poena) Bitterness, disconsolation, desolation, melancholy (remembrance?).
What do warriors wear on their helmets? 31
The Crest, Horn, Mane or Tuft on the Helmet, or Helm (Lat. Hermus), is a symbol of Wisdom, Ferocity, Power, Remembrance, Height, Royalty and Sorrow of the Warrior who wears it.
Let's go back to the past:
Pallas Athena (Minerva) Greek Goddess of Wisdom, Arts, Sciences and Industry. Highlighted in the Art of War, she was the Goddess of the Warrior.
It is represented with a helmet with a crest. 32
"The reptiles have truly descended. The earth is resplendent as a wellwatered garden. At that time Enki and Eridu did not appear. The light of
day did not shine, the light of the moon did not emerge." Fragment of a Sumerian tablet.
"The oldest and most famous of the Hindu classics, the "Ramayana" and the "Mahabharata," refer to the sexual contact of the first man with the serpent gods who were also his ancestors."
Flying snakes and dragons Quetzatcoatl: "The Feathered Serpent".
In 1944 Waldemar Julsrud accidentally discovered a strange archaeological site in Acámbaro, Mexico. An excavation of the area yielded over 33,500 ceramic, stone, and jade artifacts.
We all know the story of Dr. Cabrera and his stones from Ica, but these stones have a "special" value, because... Wasn't it that lizards had become extinct "millions" of years ago?
Well, it seems that the entire "scientific" community has lied to us, and continues to lie to us.
Common to all the images we observed is the Crest.
"Crestianos, is the common name for Christians... Crestianos means followers of the Chrestos, or good man."
"King Jesus" by Robert Graves
The word Krhistos, or Krhestos, which is not Hebrew, is by no means synonymous with Messiah, which is what the culture has been proclaiming for 2000 years. According to the Kabbalah, Metatron is the soul of the Messiah, which is translated as Anointed King and rests in the arms of his Mother Binnah.
The ridge in them is a fleshiness in which blood vessels and nerve endings are gathered, probably extending from the medulla oblongata and thus 37
connected to the brain, our base computer for the
rational sphere; and because it is exposed to the surface, it receives the solar rays, source and physical seat of the Logos of the Creator, from which emanate the sounds transported by its light to our planet and are captured by the Kresta.
Why the "divine" prohibition to make images of what is in Heaven? Are they ashamed of their original form...?
No, they have to hide it to cover our origin.
In ancient times they were seen and depicted, and some images remain to this day.
The Kresta of Inana is the Kresta of the Krestians. The Angular Vs. The Circular. The Angle Vs. The Curve
The photograph below is of an archaeological piece found in Chiripa on the shores of Lake Titicaca and is in the museum of Tihuanaku near Lake Titicaca. (If it is not in the museum today, it was probably sold and a fuss will have to be made to have it returned).
We will ask readers to invert the image and see what happens. Did you see? ... the low relief becomes high relief, and vice versa.
This is a glimpse into the KNOWLEDGE of the ancient Andean culture, which knew the optical inversion of images as they pass from the pupil to the retina in the eyeball and their subsequent re-inversion of the information by the brain.
Then: How is it possible that the cultures of America in general, which erected colossal lithic monuments, in a way inexplicable to all, have not
applied a principle as simple, as elementary as that of the wheel for their daily use in the transport of loads and themselves? Any imbecile can notice that a hailstone, or stone of spherical shape, rolls when it falls to the ground.
All representations of objects, animals and people were subject to the Angular.
Why the rejection of the circular and the wheel in the cultural sphere? Did they reject it on some principle that we forget?
It is worth remembering that Cain killed Abel "with the jawbone of a donkey"....
and the jaw is an ANGULAR bone What is circular?
Circular: To move in a continuous way, always returning to the starting point. "I Am the Alpha and the Omega"
The Form of this Creation is circular, spherical and repetitive.
The soft, the tender, the attenuated, the affectionate, the undulating, the loving. The sensuality of the curves, of the round.
Softness, tenderness, weakness, lukewarmness. Everything soft, docile, sweet, soft.
The Sopor, the Balm that makes bearable the Hell in which we have been imprisoned.
Hell, the hot, the heat, the sun.
The hot stone; the man chained by deception. The Angular: Of angle figure.
Within the schools of esotericism, as an introduction to Gnosis, the story of the "little square" is told:
"In a world where everything was flat, there lived a little square... Surrounded by other shapes such as the rhombus, the hexagon, the octagon, etc. The more sides they had, the closer to perfect they were. The ideal figure, perfect; was the Circle, because it was one side, and infinity of sides at the same time. The lowest of all, and the most dangerous, was the triangle, because it had
sharp angles, and with its points it could break any of the sides of the other figurines, including the Circle, and cause their death"....
The angular is that which breaks, that which splits, that which disintegrates the circle.
The fangs of wild beasts, the beaks of birds of prey, the horns that rise in defiance of the roundness of the sky, the claws of birds, wild beasts, and lizards.
The summits of the mountains with their icy crests, rose like a cry of fury, hurting the blue of the sky, when Venus, 4,000 years ago, broke away from Jupiter (as the myth states) and approached the earth until it almost brushed it. The flat land, until then; roared towards the Star and thus were born the Andes, and all the Furious Summits.
(For scientific information on this: read "Worlds in Collision" by Inmannuel Velikovsky).
The principle of the Hedgehog is simple: It is the form that shows hostility to all sides.
"The Spirit, when it enters the world of matter, is clothed with Hostility." 42
(FSH from Nimrod de Rosario)
"In my opinion they are human beings living on this earth, but possessing terrible and superhuman powers...My dealings with them have taught me how difficult it is for a mortal, however advanced, to endure their presence."
"The new man lives among us! He exists! - Hitler exclaimed, in a triumphant voice. - Is this enough for you? I will confide a secret to you. I have seen the new man. He is fearless and cruel. Before him, I have been afraid."
"The Return of the Warlocks" Ch. V pp. 350-351.
The Gods dressed themselves in Hostile form, because it is hostility that they felt when they entered this world of madness.
Have we ever wondered where this desire to lie naked under the sun when we are on a beach comes from?....
As if we were cold-blooded?
And when we face an adverse, dangerous situation...
Don't we feel something on the back of our necks... Our Cresta Erizarse? 43
"Coincidentally" the card No. 22 of the Egyptian Tarot, shows the initiate standing on the back of a lizard floating on the waters, and is called The Return.
And card number 36 called The Initiation shows the Young Woman (The Spirit) dragging the Beast (the soul) towards its perfection.
All of the above, was a "novelty", a "revelation" for us, but somewhere on
the net, we found the proof that someone already knew about it long ago, and had the time to make sculptures in some Nordic country.
And a long time ago, they showed it in a real way:
The Crests that they wear on their heads; are they ROYAL CROWNS...?
The First on Earth: Royalty Descended from Above
"the ponthos bearing a single crest, the goddess in them; the orphaned soul, the dead swan, the murdered daughter... thus advances the hyperborean initiate towards the selbst where he will only know of her... his original partner
and solve the mystery, he will know then, that there is also peace for the warrior...
Letters from Mary (Summary 2006 52nd part. 25, December. Rosario Cuna de la Bandera).
We are a cross between lizard and monkey
Soul and Spirit
We are fallen reflections, projections of spirits reverted and chained to the substance animated by souls, and these sustained by the will of an animalistic spirit, which in a state of reverie has precipitated its power by ordering matter, and has become a demiurge (creator), of a version (universus) of the bestial world which it takes for a partner, shaped by its forming verb (Logos), and directed towards its perfection, because it is
imperfect. A world in which his creations need to tear each other apart in order to satisfy their hunger, the engine of their animalistic existence.
We carry in us a factor, which is not created, which has no beginning and no end, which is a reflection of the beyond, of the infinite, from outside of creation and forms; this is the Homeland of the Spirit, the "place" from which our Spirits, deceived by the work of the traitors, look into the Abyss, and their glance is reflected in our blood causing the factor we call "I", which makes us intelligent, individual, willful, aristocratic and truly foreigners in the universe of the animalistic community of souls, absolutely inferior, before the Aristocracy of our Spirits.
Satan turned Demiurge
And I, John, asked the Lord, "When Satan fell, where did he go to dwell?
And the Lord answered me: My Father disfigured him because of his pride, and took away his pristine light, and his face became like iron reddened with fire, and he was like a man, and with one lash of his tail he swept away a third part of the angels of God, and was cast far from the seat of the Most High and the habitation of the heavens.
And, descending into the firmament, he could procure no rest, neither for himself nor for those who accompanied him.
And he prayed unto the Father, saying, Have mercy on me, and I will restore all things unto thee.
And the Father had compassion on him, and gave him rest, and those who were with him, by the space of seven days.
And Satan took his seat in the firmament, and ruled over the angel of the air, and over the angel of the water. And these lifted up the earth, which appeared above, and the angel who ruled over the waters received a crown. And with half of it he made the light of the moon, and the light of the stars, and with the stones he made all the militia of the stars.
And he immediately took the angels as his ministers, according to the order established in the mansion of the Most High, and he created thunder, rain, hail, and snow.
And he sent the angels, his ministers, to the earth. And he commanded the earth to bring forth all flying things, and all creeping things, and trees, and herbs. And he commanded the sea to bring forth the fish and the birds of the sky.
And thinking among himself, he willed to make man in his image, and commanded the angel of the third heaven to enter into a body of clay.
And taking a portion of this body, he made another body in the form of a woman, and commanded the angel of the second heaven to enter into the woman's body.
And the angels wept, seeing themselves clothed in a mortal form different from the one that had always corresponded to them.
But he commanded them to perform the carnal work in their clay bodies, without their understanding that they were committing a sin.
And the author of evil thought to form Paradise, and introduced into it the first man.
And he planted a tree in the midst of Paradise, and so hid his thought, that men might not know his deceit.
And he came to them and said, "Eat of every fruit that is in Paradise, but do not eat of the fruit of the tree of good and evil.
And the devil entered into the body of the wicked serpent, and seduced the angel which was in the form of a woman, and the lust of sin entered into his brother, and he committed his lust with Eve in the serpent's song.
And behold, why they are called children of the devil and children of the serpent who commit the lust of the devil, their father, until the consummation of the ages.
And without delay, the devil inoculated the angel who was in Adam with his poison and his concupiscence, which gave birth to the son of the serpent and the son of the devil, until the consummation of the ages.
Excerpt from the Cathar Gospel of Pseudo-John, from Apocryphal Gospels I, Personal Library of Jorge Luis Borges.
The material world around us is structured in terms of two terms: matter and energy. The most common form of energy propagation in nature is waves and, in particular, the propagation of sound waves in different material media. The wave phenomena that we can find around us are numerous, but, undoubtedly, the most frequent are sound and light, which can propagate through the vacuum, transporting sound waves in their frequency or amplitude.
The propagation of sound involves energy transport without matter transport, in the form of mechanical waves that propagate through solid,
liquid or gaseous matter, and through a vacuum if a radio wave or light wave is used as transport.
On the other hand, auditory communication is very effective in water for physical reasons. In a gaseous medium, such as air, the energy of vibrations dissipates quickly because of its elasticity and the sound attenuates quickly with distance. In liquids, which are denser, sound propagates at a much higher speed, 1,500 m/s in water compared to 340 m/s in air; and since they are incompressible (they hardly vary in density with pressure) it attenuates less intensely.
Cetaceans can communicate over enormous distances, bats "see" by reflected sound, dolphins "locate" prey in the sand, modern medicine can see inside bodies without damaging them by sound (ultrasound), etc.
Already there are reports in the Middle East of "sound bombs", which when exploded emit sound that bursts fetuses inside women's wombs within a certain range of distance depending on their power. Practical applications of sound, varying in frequency, direction, power and intensity, have just begun.
Persona: From Lat. persōna, actor's mask, theatrical character, this from Etruscan phersu, and this from Gr. wpóơധwov: Individual, man or woman. In ancient times it was the mask worn by the actors.
I should also note that the word is composed of: Per: Preposition "inseparable" which reinforces the meaning of a word, as in endure, disturb; and by Sona (of sound): To make noise a thing. Therefore, the original meaning would be "that which sound reinforces or sustains", or
"that which is reinforced or sustained by sound", or "through which sound passes".
Whatever the original meaning-sense of the word, its relation to sound is unquestionable.
Everything is created by sound. When you think or feel, you emit a wave of energy that changes the energy around you to resonate at that same vibrational level. That wave is actually a sound, transmitting beyond the range of human hearing. Form cannot exist without sound. As you can see in a fantastic series of
videos called Cymatics, it is sound that turns matter into form. In the videos, sand and other particles are placed on a metal plate and this is made to vibrate by different sounds that shift the sand into amazing and often geometric patterns.
With each change of the sound the drawings change accordingly. Return to the original sound and the original drawing returns immediately. They are like the waves that form the concentric circles of the planetary orbits around the Sun that I mentioned in the previous chapter. The solar system is also the creation of sound. Everything is. In the beginning was the word and the word was sound.
In the Cymatics videos you see particles form in mini planets, solar systems and galaxies, just through sound vibrations. Sound is also a form of healing because by resonating the body and its organs in their proper vibration they can be healed. Disease is dis-relief, the disharmony of the body's natural vibrational state and, because our ideas and emotions are actually
sound waves, our unbalanced ideas and emotions break the vibrational harmony and therefore result in disease. Another incredible example in the Cymatics videos is to see almost human figures form from particles when certain sounds are emitted.
Excerpt from. David Icke
Our bodies and souls are also the result of sound energy resonating in the aqueous form and it is not a miracle, it is natural science of creation. It is the sound of the Logos of the Creator, Kundalini, that initiates the formation from the "high" to the soul, and from the soul to what will be the Sacral bone; its seat in the biological and material, giving rise to the "names" (sounds); and the matter flows from the mother and takes its position around (the sacral bone) forming the bodies.
Paganism and Monotheism.
Our Self, being a reflection of the spirit that lives in eternity, is intuitively pagan, because it remembers the Aristocracy of its existence in the Homeland of the Spirit in the Court of the Uncreated, the Gods and the Unconditional Freedom. Our Self is silent Honor: Loyal, Aristocratic, Voluntary, Imperial, Original, "Nationalist".
The soul, being like a drop of water that falls adventurously among millions in the storm of creation, desperately seeks to gather in multitudes, to gather strength and return in communities to the ocean of substance, in which they slept, and will sleep when at the end of their good fortune they return to their creator.
Hopeful tear, trusting lamb, marches through the "good adventure"
towards its end, grouped in the fold of the good shepherd. One creator, one substance, one Redeemer, one Good-Adventure, one end.
The Soul is gregarious, group and common in all created beings, it is truly communistic, trusting, pre-destined, it is "international", "global".
The difference between Sphere and Planet
A planet is something physical, the dimensional counterpart of a sphere, which is something celestial, ideal, superior.
In Sumerian myth the Anunnaki arrive from the celestial sphere Nibiru, and the IGIGI from the sphere of Mars. Inana is related to the sphere of Venus and represented with the eight-pointed star.
Mars is the celestial sphere of "the Warrior" and Venus is the celestial sphere of "the Venusian".
Then; Nibiru "the planet of the Anunnaki" would be the sphere of the Boundary, or the sphere of the Crossing, or the sphere whose edge is, brushes, or crosses the surface of "the Waters". The words Nada, nata, nature, narwhal, narwhal, nebula, fog, nimbus, child, nirvana, nobel, night, cloud, nuncio, etc., have the same principle.
Thus, when the myth speaks of a sphere, it refers to the dimension, region, place, "water", idea or archetypal principle from which the entity, form or intelligence originates. For example, when it is said that cities are "spheres of knowledge", or "artificial spheres", the term Noosphere is used.
It is also worth noting that we now know that our entire solar system is inside a gigantic sphere of debris.
The ice that receives the name of the Oort Cloud, from which comets are
detached and that could very well be the material counterpart of the Nibiru of the Sumerian myths, and that within it there is a ring of ice that receives the name of the Kuiper belt, which may be the Refueled Bracelet of the same myth.
With all the above, I think that the "gods" built their ships to move in the material world once they descended to it, and not that they arrived to our solar system in them from some distant star.
It is not the same to descend from the stars, from the heights, from the world of the spirit, than to arrive from some remote galaxy in some corner of the universe, after a journey of decades, centuries or perhaps millennia, which I consider remotely possible; unless such a journey is carried out using the higher dimensions, in which case, it would not be a journey, but an ascent to a higher dimension first, and a descent then, to a lower dimension, to a chosen space-time, that is, a matter of Gods, of Anunnaki, who know how the universe works, more for their conscious and dimensional position within it with respect to us, than for their intelligence. And I say this because from the myths, we know that these guys are equal or worse than us; and they seem to be more in our image than we are in theirs.
The Super Sphere
Let us imagine a great extension of something watery of spherical shape in a higher dimension, so immeasurable that the curve is practically imperceptible because of its immensity, and whose surface is reflective and memorizing, that is to say, it captures and memorizes images and vibrations and transmits them to the underlying lower layers. Above this
surface is something that we will call "the void", and between the two a "frozen" strip that we will call "the Limit", as Manes called it. The depth of t h e great watery sphere we shall call the Absolute, or Abyss, words which come from the Abzu of the Sumerians; and the Void "above" the icy or upper fringe, we can only call it by any word beginning with "In", such as Unknowable, Immeasurable, Incomprehensible, Unnamable, etc.which would come to be the Ain Soph, the infinite; or the abode of the beings of fire that are the Uncreated Spirits or the Self-generated as they are called in the Gospel of Jude, from the
which they arrived and the Actual Seat of our captive Spirits that are reflected in the blood.
In the Origin.
A being of fire and Solitary, in the Void he stopped his journey and in the icy Limit he peered into the Abyss. As he contemplated his image reflected in the watery surface of the Abyss, he was captivated by the reflection of his face that the Abyss captured and, enraptured by the image, he exclaimed. The surface of the Abyss reverberated and magnified his image in millions of facets of reverberating and imagining forms, which were repeated at his will by the vibration of his voice and in it he "found solace". Did she want to make of her reflection a companion?
Through a process of trial and error, and from Ten images, expressions and sounds (voices), which the being of fire copied from his world, he shaped the primordial forms on the surface of the Abyss with which he manifested himself and initiated the order of the waters according to their
The vibrations sustained by his voice as he "fell" into the depth of the Abyss, separated the "waters" by difference and interaction with the void; and created time and space, (the "deeper" one is in the sphere, the "denser" the time and the "greater" the void between "waters"?).
The reverberation provoked, separated, ordered and repeated by his intelligent voice combines the imaginative, sonorous and expressive principles that respond to ME's (memories) emitted and repeated by his voice, giving rise to other deeper and combined ME's, and in a third fourth and fifth resonance to the remaining ones.
The ME's, of which the Sumerian myth "speaks"; are Memories of image, sound and expression (which become material forms when captured and "copied" by the surface of the aqueous abyss, and in psychological and philosophical language are called universal or primordial archetypes, which when combined while descending through the abyss ordered by voices or intelligent vibrations combined deeper and deeper and repeated within the Abyss, come to conform matter in its different dimensions, of which ; rationality, the only tool used by the intelligence of man guided by culture, only manages to understand this one, in which we live, captured in 70% watery bodies.
The Creator and Adam
We think that after cycles of creation-evolution, (The unfolding of the power of the primordial archetypes resonant in the waters that take forms by the intelligent verb towards its entelechy in the flow of time that is the
breath of the Creator); by trial and error and after several extinctions, the animated (biological) materialization of the Archetype Manu (Adam), which is the cornerstone of the Work, had not fulfilled the design for which it had been created: To name the created (To be a postor of meaning).
All of the above esoteric dye, can be "translated" as:
The Creator made himself a toy and animated it, and he hoped that in time his toy would observe his work, discover it, admire it, look up, become aware of its greatness, applaud him, love him and adore him... and this did not happen because his toy was not intelligent. It was an animal, just his reflection.
To be a postor of meaning is to uncover "the truth" enclosed in things, and to name them. To find it in the entities (elements, plants, animals and natural phenomena of Creation). To discover is to remove an envelope that covers something, (a shell, a "mask") to find out what is "the thing in itself", to inquire into the apparent truth trying to uncover it... And for this one needs one's own intelligence.
To name means to express outside (of the discoverer) the sense uncovered in the entities, by means of a common language and to communicate it to the rest of the species in order to convert the discovered entity into a cultural object.
Cultural object is the entity expressed outside of itself by its discoverer, to all or most of the species. A tiger, for example, will be beautiful for one, frightening for another, murderous for another. Those are the "truth" of its discoverers; but for all, (once expressed outside) it will be the tiger, (the
name), the object common to all with a multi-sense or a multi-truth: An entity, beautiful, fearsome, murderous, striped, four-legged, yellow and black, with terrible muscular power, mammalian, butcher, which sometimes kills people and eats them, lives in Asia, etc., etc., called the tiger. etc., called tiger.
Qualities, facets, "truths" of an entity, which we all know, not through our own experience, but because it has been turned into a cultural object.
The cultural objects are the elements, which linked together form a cultural structure, which is the basis of a culture, and through this culture, new cultural objects will be created (skins, clothes, boards, boats, weapons, jewelry, etc.), which will give new cultural sense, which multiplied in millions of "Adams" and hundreds of cultures will give rise to super objects with super sense, which will be "collected" by the Creator through their collecting souls when they ascend again to Him, for their contemplation, their solace, their entertainment.
The permanent un-discovery of entities is the driving force of cultures, which through admiration, questioning, applause, pain, love, hate, or any kind of meaning, "gives meaning", "makes sense" to creation.
The permanent discovery of the enigma enclosed in the entities of creation, by the human sense, is the motor of creation, which through cultures originates cults, whose purpose is the discovery of the entity creator of the entities and their science: God.
Adam did not develop cultures.
Adam was content sleeping in the open, in the trees or in the cracks of the
earth; eating the fruits that the Creator had placed within his reach and fertilizing Eden with his poop.
He did not feel the urge, the desire, to "eat the fruit" that would give him the Thirst for knowledge. Nothing potent questioned his environment. Why?
Apart from the obvious answer: "Because it was an animal", we will say that it was because it had an incipient, non-functional consciousness. It had to eat the fruit of science in order to have a potent consciousness. Consciousness is basically the accumulated or "soul-bound" "memory or inner life" of the moving experiences in a higher "body" or "sphere", and which is "read" or remembered by the subject inwardly. Consciousness is, therefore, the truth for the soul, its stored truth.
The consciousness is a storehouse of inner experiences, all related to itself. For it to function, it must "soul-store" experiences; and these must be attached or related to each other, and all of them must be related to ONE particular EXPERIENCE, a "moving" event, a POWERFUL REMEMBRANCE, which acts as a principle and referential or gravitational center for all the other experiences. Such referential and potential center is the potent memory of the discovery of oneself: THE SELF.
And it was at this point that Adam did not fulfill his design. He did not possess a potent and unique self as that of his creator, and from such, develop a functional consciousness, as a by-product of the self-will that originates the self.
Instead, it possessed a gregarious, group, community will, typical of
superior animals, such as whales, dolphins, elephants, and anthropoids. To understand better let us remember what we learned in any esoteric school:
That all creation is an emanation of The One that reflects in matter and orders it, is One-version, One-version, Uni-verse. Everything, absolutely everything, is a part of the One, including the "black holes" and the souls of all Adams, male and female.
What made the difference between Adam 1, Adam 2, Adam 3, 4, 5, 6 on
the inside, in the soul, "inside the outer shell"?
Suppose we take five souls "zero Km", "without a journey"; like those of the Adams, and we arrange them in a circle. They would be so identical that if they touched each other they would unite like drops of water, because they are one and the same substance.
But if we put on a different mask for each one (the envelope), they could already be differentiated externally. To be internally different, they would have to "put on" (In-put on?), a different "inner mask", also, for each one. But how to "put inside" the soul "something else", if it is Pure Substance, that Purity emanated from the One Creator, without adulterating it, without contaminating it?
Isolating it and linking it to the pure substance, to the soul. That is the I: the isolated and linked to the soul, t h e impurity chained to purity.
Now let us look at things from the point of view of meaning, of making sense, of being a postor of meaning:
Let us liken Creation to a theater performance, in which the Author of the
Play, the building, the chairs, the stage, the set, the musicians, the actors and the audience, ALL (subjects and OBJECTS), are the same and the same,
i.e. the Author. Would it make sense?. No. A t least, the audience must
be an outsider, with the capacity to judge, to applaud or protest, to be a stranger to the Play.
That is the I, t h e foreigner, the impure, the public and the actors in the
Work of the Creator: The Goodwill of the soul.
Adam was blissful and questioned nothing, not because he was an imbecile, but because there was only purity within him and as such he did not develop a powerful, individual consciousness and lived in harmony with all the pure nature around him.
How can Purity question Purity?
Then the Serpent came,. to "dirty" his Purity, to give him an I
What is happening?
The fact that documents, manuscripts, and all kinds of information (originals) and particularly between the years surrounding the birth of Jesus and the birth of the Church have disappeared, and that only copies of "reliable" copies are preserved, is a sign that there was information "not convenient" to the plans of a group of intelligences possessing superior knowledge (by being in a superior position, not by being more intelligent; I repeat) to the common of all of us since the most remote antiquity.
The "medieval" obscurantism so criticized by modernity, walks today through the streets of the cities in the millions of cultural clones whose psychological matrices are spread by the "global" culture. The statue
blindfolded seems to represent Science and History more than Justice; and all three should now be represented by another with one eye open and her hand outstretched to count the bills she will receive for her sustenance in exchange for her wisdom. We would call her the Goddess of Commerce, of the global and consumerist market of dispensable and disposable things, Patroness of every human being educated to fear, to have, to buy and to sell.
I think this responds to a strategy.
We do not believe in the discourse that says: "Science does not admit anything that has not been scientifically proven", because it is enough to take a look at the Darwinian theory to realize that it is not proof, but scientistic dogma supported by the whole prevailing system, which forces every man of science honest with his thinking to take its side or to be subject to mockery, poverty and scorn.
There are many examples of this nature, one of them is that of Dr. Inmanuel Velikowsky who committed the audacity, back in the 50's, to demonstrate through solid arguments, historical, geological, archaeological, etc., that the planet Venus is the "youngest" of our stars, and that it appeared in the solar system only 4000 years ago, that the planet Venus is the "youngest" of our stars, and that it made its appearance in the solar system only 4000 years ago; something that deeply annoyed the community of scientists and astronomers of his time, who howled hurt and launched all kinds of insults and insults against "the Psychiatrist" who dared to meddle in matters of which he had not the
slightest idea. In spite of everything, Dr. Velikowsky published his works, (probably because he had funds and did not depend on any official or private institution to support himself) and one of them - Worlds in Collision - was the book that Albert Einstein kept in his bedside table during his last days.
Velikowsky has been forgotten by the system and the culture, nobody dares to present his work on Discovery or the History Channel; and on the other hand, the studies and "proofs" favorable to the evolutionist theory annually fill the covers of "serious" magazines and remain current thanks to propaganda, and Darwin at the head of the Saints of the Scientistic Church, in spite of the fact that his theory, regarding our species, (and most of all, if not all) never went (and never will go) beyond being only a theory, financed and supported by the system with great pomp and
A whole humanity is directed by the consumerist culture towards a fatality pre-designed by a small group of "sold" to our enslavers; the aliens
B. It cannot be that with all our technology and our advances in agriculture and "superior Christian morals"; every second thousands die of poverty, hunger and disease due to "lack of resources"?
It can't be normal. And yet: it is. "It's reality". "Sleep in peace...we're watching! "
"Have Faith... tomorrow will be better." Evolution
So far in genetic studies, it is already suspected that in the genetic code of each species, all the possible variations of a species are pre-determined; that is to say that for example in the case of a tiger, all the shapes, colors and sizes of a tiger are already programmed according to the environment in which such beast lives; it can become a "super tiger", and maybe even a "tiger sapiens" (if it possesses Memes Memes), but it will always be a tiger. That is what I understand as evolution.
A tiger will never be a wolf, lizard, cow, monkey or whale by simple evolution; in our opinion that is stupidity; and if it happens or ever happened, it is called mutation and it is not casual, but causal. For this to happen; in addition to the environment; necessarily an intelligence has to "put its hand in".
"Darwinistically, sabertooths (smilodonts) could not have become lions, pumas, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, etc., in only 1000 or 2000 years; nor could this have happened with mammoths and mastodons that became elephants. There had to be a mutation brought about just when it was necessary. "Someone put their hand in", and the new species "fell from Nibiru, into the matrices of the extinct beasts?".
Only heretics make science progress contrary to the inquisitors and the orthodox petrified in their dogmas. All the great discoveries and scientific revolutions come from heretics. One of the greatest qualities of those men and women, brilliant and
The most courageous, it is their great independence of spirit, (Memes?) which allows them to question the official truth and to elaborate
possibilities more in conformity with their observations. They have another common point: they are intimately convinced, against all odds, to get closer to the next truth.
In the different fields of science, the great breakthroughs were always made in war, pain and schisms. And thanks to the courage and tenacity of great discoverers against the "scientific mass" (non-discoverers, professors on duty and other conformists) significant openings were recognized in the end, to be imposed in turn as new dogma.
Heretics are anathematized, excommunicated from the community of the sane, if not burned, they are "universally" punished, denied doctoral degrees, denied professorships, denied scholarships, denied work in laboratories, and gagged by the reading committees of the major scientific journals by preventing their publications.
These tricks, opposed to scientific ethics, are not always the fruit of dishonesty, because often the stakes can inhibit the brightest spirits, and an embarrassing conclusion can falsify the study of a phenomenon; moreover, "if one is wrong, one looks foolish", then prudence, even ignorance...One is more attached to one's fame and pocketbook than to the honor of the truth. It is easier for scientists to ignore annoying evidence and continue along the established line, rather than build a new model based on exceptions or anomalies.
Most scientists prefer to ignore the phenomena that pose a problem. Thus, the empty chair policy leaves the door wide open to charlatans, who are delighted to take advantage of the credulity of those interested in the so-called "unusual" phenomena; a situation that allows scientists to
refuse any debate, or research, with their heads held high and the feeling of having done their duty. In fact, they cannot get into "pseudo-science", because it is the sector of the charlatans and then we do not get out of the vicious circle, and thus Science, together with the powerful of the moment, rises solemnly and proudly at the service of commerce and mercantilism.
However, would it not be the true vocation of scientists, who are tributaries of a constant openness to research, to enunciate hypotheses deduced from the rational study of facts with minimal mental prejudices (those who pretend not to have them are liars)?
And if they have no idea of the method of investigation of such "impossible" discoveries, is ignoring factual evidence and rejecting innovative fields of research rational and scientific?
Extraterrestrial" genetics.
According to translators Anunnaki means: "Those who from heaven to earth came", Sumer: "land of the watchers", Eridu: "Home built in the Far Away". The translated phrases make sense and emerge from the past to the present; and without the need for prior presentation or explanation by experts or scholars of their "true meaning", they are terribly revealing and thought-provoking.
The oldest writings available to researchers such as Zecharias Sitchin and a few others -and through their works to us- are the clay tablets found in the Middle East today with cuneiform writing. If we take as moderately truthful the translations made by these scholars, we come to the
conclusion that Sumer was indeed the cradle of the current civilization, so it seems that the rest of the Myths are only copies or modifications of the original one available to us: The Myth of Sumer and the Anunnaki.
For the reader who does not yet have information on the subject and is more interested, it can be found in the works of Zecharias Sitchin. The following is a very brief summary of the central myth according to the aforementioned author:
In the beginning there were only Apsu "the one who exists from the beginning" (the Sun), a planet called Tiamat "the maiden of life" and the
little Mummu "the one who was born" (Mercury?). Then Lahmu "deity of war" (Mars) and Lahamu "lady of battles"(Venus) were formed. Then Anshar "the first of the
heavens" (Saturn) and Kishar "The first of the firm lands" (Jupiter) then Anu "he of the heavens" (Uranus) and Nunnimud (Ea) "ingenious creator" (Neptune). Gaga (Pluto) was a satellite of Saturn. The moon was Kingu "Great Emissary" one of the satellites of Tiamat. And finally, from the "depth" came the king of all: Marduk "Bull of the Sun" or "Great Lord" who later came to be called Nibiru: "Crossing over".
With the arrival of the "Celestial King" the order of the system was altered, or rather, was altered by him. The most important of the alterations is of course the one that interests us and that is that of Tiamat (the Earth), which was split in two by the colossus by means of an electric discharge, and then taken out of its orbit (one of the halves) by the impact of one of its satellites, and the other shattered, and distributed in a band of debris, Rakkia
"Embossed Bracelet" (the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter).
The "intact" half, taken out of its orbit by the blow of one of the colossus' satellites, is now our planet in its new celestial position, once the proud Tiamat, and still accompanied by her companion and protector the little Kingu (The Moon), who "was alive" and was killed in the encounter with a monstrous comet and ended up being only a Duggae ("pot of lead").
Nibiru, according to Sitchin and scholars on the subject, is the planet of the Anunnaki and also (now) belongs to our system since it was captured by our Sun. It is huge (similar to Jupiter) and has a period of 3,600 years, which is why it has not yet been officially discovered. Every time it approaches our world it causes terrible calamities. They place the first arrival of the planet approximately 420,000 years ago.
The Anunnaki come to the solar system and to earth from Nibiru in search of gold which they need to "save their world from extinction". They
divide into two groups, one stays "on high" and others descend. They build Eridu. To extract the gold they also make use of another group of extraterrestrials, the Igigi (who in our opinion are naive). After a while, those who work on Earth rebel because of the "hard work". Because of this, some Anunnaki (Enki and his collaborators), decide to "make" a lulu (worker) intelligent enough for the heavy work and "pleasing to the eye" for their servitude, this from a hominid that already inhabits the planet, which they finally achieve by mixing its essence (blood?) with that of the "terrestrial" and gestate the
creature in the womb of an Anunnaki (Ninhursag or Ninti), without the
previous consent of the chief of the expedition, Enlil, who ends up accepting "the creation" of the worker. After a while, Enki walks around the Edin that he has built from a mudflat and when he sees two females of the "new species" created by them, h e falls victim to passion and copulates with them. The result is the "terrestrials", whose origin and intelligence remains a secret until Enlil finds out. Some time later with disgust and contempt for the new race, Enlil calls a council which determines under his pressure, that the Anunnaki, who have already been on the planet for three generations, do nothing to save the Earthlings from a strange and unexpected phenomenon (the flood) that is coming caused by Nibiru (the planet of the Anunnaki) that with its arrival, and an unexpected movement of the planet Venus, provoked the displacement of a monstrous comet from the icy depth, and is heading for the solar system accompanied by "demons" (rocks) that will cause collateral calamities. In this way they would "erase with their elbow what they did with their hands". But Enki decides to save them by means of a "legal technicality"; he provides his creatures (his "creole" children and grandchildren) with instructions to build an ark and a pilot to drive it. The Anunnaki depart for the heights fleeing the flood. Inana (Anu's granddaughter born in our world) with tears in her eyes contemplates the destruction of the creatures, and when she knows that some are safe, she is overcome with loyalty and promises never to abandon the human race again. After the flood, once again Enlil ends up accepting the existence of the survivors, who are not only those of the Ark but many others who survive, some of them in what is now the Andes, the region of the Great Lake, where there
is substantial gold uncovered by the catastrophe and where they build a new "earth-heaven link" (Tihuanacu) from which they will transfer the precious gold to Nibiru. Because of the human race and its destiny, division arises among the Anunnaki. The rest is a permanent struggle between factions of Anunnaki, Igigi and their descendants. All the Igigi were male arrivals from the Mars sphere, and since they had no mates they took women among the new terrestrials following the example of the Anunnaki. The factions and
divide the power and the regions of their domains and gradually their existence becomes dependent on their creatures the terrestrials. The figure who is always deeply involved in the conflicts is Inana, a third generation Anunnaki. Another important "character" is An, the supreme of the Anunnaki who always remains "on top", but sometimes descends for events of great importance, and it is remarkable his weakness for Inanna who was once his great love and lover.
In Zecharias Zitchin's novelistic work, "The Lost Book of Enki" (Memoirs of an Extraterrestrial God), the brilliant leader of the Anunnaki "scientific group" finally admits that the whole adventure, the turning of Faerie into Fate, was brought about by the "Supreme Maker" and that they were used by a strange design to assist and supervise the natural hominid of earth in its evolution.
Prof. Alberto Laguna M. in his book Tiwanaku quoting Peter Kolosimo in Tierra sin Tiempo writes: "The Spanish chronicler Beltrán García,
presumed descendant of Garcilaso de la Vega, says that he possesses original manuscripts of the same; and they say:
"...When no human being existed on our planet, populated only by fantastic animals, an airship shining like gold, came to land over Tiwanaku...from it descended a woman with a conical head, big ears and four-fingered and webbed hands...Her name was Orejona and she came from the planet Venus. Venus sphere we will clarify.
The Inca Garcilazo de la Vega, in his Comentarios Reales 1 page 37 writes: "I will tell them to you very willingly, my son; it is good for you to hear them and keep them in your heart (it is a phrase of theirs to say in your memory). You will know that in the ancient centuries this whole region of land that you see was a large
In those times the people lived like wild beasts and brute animals, without religion or police, without village or house, without cultivating or sowing the land, without clothing or covering their meat, because they did not know how to work cotton or wool to make clothing; they lived two by two and three by three, as they managed to gather in the caves and cracks of rocks and caverns of the earth. They ate, like beasts, grasses of the field and roots of trees and the uncultivated fruit that they gave of their own accord, and human flesh. They covered their flesh with leaves and bark of trees and skins of animals; others walked in hides. In short, they lived like deer and savages, and even in women they were like brutes, because they did not know how to have their own and know them."
-Our Father the Sun, seeing men such as I have told you, took pity and had
pity on them and sent from heaven to earth a son and a daughter of his own to teach them in knowledge.....
Karl Bruger in "The Akakor Chronicle" transcribes the account by Tatunka Nara last chieftain of the Amazonian tribe of the Uga Mongulala:
"This is the Story. This is the History of the chosen servants. In the beginning all was chaos. Man lived like the animals without reason and without knowledge. Without laws and without cultivating the land. Without
clothing and without even covering his nakedness. He did not know the secrets of Nature. He lived in groups of two or three, when an accident had brought them together, in caves or in crevices in the rocks. Men walked in all directions until the gods came. They brought the light."
An excerpt from "The 12th Planet" by Zecharia Sitchin:
"We are also told the purpose of the blending of the divine element with the terrestrial:
In the clay, god and Man will be bound, to unity brought together;
so that, until the end of the days, the Flesh and the Soul
that in a god has maturedthat
Soul in blood kinship is bound; as its Sign life shall proclaim.
So this should not be forgotten,
that the "Soul" in a blood relationship is bound. 69
"These are big words, but little understood by scholars. The text states
that the blood of the god was mixed in the clay in such a way that it bound the god and Man genetically "until the end of days", so that the flesh ("image") and soul ("likeness") of the gods would remain imprinted on Man in a blood kinship that could never be broken."
Can anyone among the readers deny the similarity of shapes between these images, one from Tiwanaku and the other from Sumer, at both ends of the planet?
And aren't Sumerian or Mesopotamian cuneiform characters on this chua (a container that is still used today to "strike" gold, or for
offering of libations) of stone found on the shores of Lake Titicaca, which receives the name of Fuente Magna?
Part II Metaphysics
As an introduction to this part we will take some of René Guenon's concepts.
We will speak of metaphysical conceptions, for lack of having
another term at our disposal to make us understand. We would accept to make "metaphysics" synonymous with "supernatural" since, as long as one does not go beyond nature, that is to say, the world manifested in all its extension, which is Creation, one is still in the domain of physics; but above nature. That which is metaphysical, that which is beyond and above nature, is therefore properly the "supernatural".
Is it possible to exceed nature in this way? Not only is it possible,
but it is.
But to define is always to limit, and what we are dealing with is, in itself, truly and absolutely unlimited.
One can characterize metaphysics in a certain way, saying for example that it is the knowledge of universal principles; but that is
not a definition properly speaking, and, moreover, that cannot give of it more than a rather vague idea; but oriented towards the "superior", the transcendent, the noological, an artificial... intuitive logic?
We will add something in this respect if we say that this domain of principles extends much further than some have thought. For the Eastern metaphysics, pure being is neither the first nor the only The most universal of principles, for it is already a determination, a form; thus, it is necessary to go beyond being and form, and this is even what matters most. That is why, in any truly metaphysical conception, it is always necessary to reserve the part of the inexpressible. Much more can be suggested than is expressed, and that, in short, is the role played here by external forms; all these forms, whether they be words or symbols, constitute nothing more than a support, a point of support for rising to possibilities of conception that incomparably surpass them.
In all certainty there is something incommunicable; no one can really attain any knowledge other than by a strictly personal effort, therefore in the purely cultural order it would be vain to pretend to impose any conviction; in t h i s r e s p e c t , the best argumentation could not take the place of direct and effective knowledge.
Science is rational, discursive knowledge, always indirect, a knowledge by reflection; metaphysics is supra-rational, intuitive and immediate knowledge. This pure intellectual intuition, without which there is no true metaphysics, must in no way be assimilated to the intuition of which some contemporary philosophers speak, since, on
the contrary, the latter is infra-rational. There is an intellectual intuition and a sensible intuition; one is beyond reason, but the other is beyond it; the latter can only apprehend the world of change and manifestation. The domain of intellectual intuition, on the contrary,
is the domain of eternal and immutable principles, it is the metaphysical domain.
Reason is a faculty proper and specifically human; but what is beyond reason is truly "non-human".
In other words, it is not in so far as man as man can arrive at it; but it is in so far as this being, who is human in one of his states, is at the same time something else and more than a human being; and it is the effective awareness of supra-individual states that is the real object of metaphysics, or, better still, that is metaphysical knowledge itself.
Thus we come here to one of the most essential points, and it is necessary to insist on it: if the individual were a complete being, if it constituted a closed system in the manner of Leibnitz's monad, there would be no metaphysics possible; irremediably enclosed within itself, this being would have no means of knowing what is not of
the order of existence to which it belongs.
But this is not so: the individual represents in reality only a
transitory and contingent manifestation of the true being; he is only a special state among an indefinite multitude of other states of the same being; and this being is, in itself, absolutely independent of all its manifestations, just as the sun is absolutely independent of the multiple images in which it is reflected.
Such is the fundamental distinction of the Spirit and the "I," and, just as the images are linked by the luminous rays to the solar source without which they would have no existence and no reality, so the individuality, which is the reflective "I," is linked to the center of the Spirit, by this transcendent intellect of which we have just spoken. Some statements that, if they had been well understood, would have led to very different consequences: "Give me a fulcrum, and I will move the universe", or, "does not Aristotle clearly say that a being is all that he knows?".
The affirmation of identification by knowledge, or the "point" of support, is the very principle of metaphysical realization; but if this principle
is left isolated, it has no more than the value of a completely theoretical statement, no advantage is drawn from it, and it seems that, after having raised it, it is no longer thought of.
How is it possible that Aristotle himself and his continuators
could not have seen better all that was implied there? It is true that the same thing happens in many other cases, and that they seem sometimes to forget such essential things as the distinction of pure intellect and reason, and after having formulated them no less
explicitly; they remain as strange unexplored lacunae. For our part, we are certain that there has been something other than that in the West, and that is to have directed culture towards a vain and absorbing materialism.
In antiquity and in the Middle Ages, there were, for the use of an elite, purely metaphysical doctrines which, for most moderns, are inconceivable. If the West has totally lost its memory, it is because it has broken with its own traditions, and that is why modern civilization is an abnormal and deviant civilization.
Of all the possibilities that are virtually contained in human individuality, and that extend beyond the corporeal and sensible
domain; it is undoubtedly the memory of the Blood, the MINNE, that will lead us to a realization of integral individuality, for it is through memory, "looking back", to that which sustains the myth, that we will find the Universal, i.e. the general meaning, which sustains the particular.
It is not the production of something that does not exist, but the awareness of what is, in a permanent and immutable way, that will lead us to a LINK with the Universal principles, outside of any temporal or other succession, since all the states of being, considered in their principle, are in perfect simultaneity in the eternal present.
It is in the forms that belong to this world in which its present manifestation is situated that the being will take a foothold to rise above this world itself; words, symbolic signs, rites or preparatory procedures, whatever they may be, have no other reason for being and no other function: they are supports and nothing more.
There is only one truly indispensable preparation, and that is theoretical knowledge. This, on the other hand, could not go very far without a means which we must thus consider as the one that will play the most important and the most constant role: this means is the Will to transcend the revealed towards the Universal; an action contrary to the mental habits of the modern West, where everything tends to dispersion and incessant change. Put the being in the disposition required to reach it more easily, and that is all.
This realization of integral individuality is designated by a l l traditions as the restoration of what they call the "primordial state," a state which is regarded as that of the true man, and which already escapes some
of the limitations characteristic of the ordinary state, namely that due to the temporal condition. The being who has reached this "primordial state" is as yet no more than a human individual, and is not in actual possession of any supra-individual state; and yet he is since then
"freed from time," the apparent succession of things has been transmuted for him into simultaneity; he consciously possesses a faculty which is unknown to ordinary man and which may be called the "sense of eternity." This is of extreme importance, for he who cannot leave the point of view of temporal succession and consider all things in a simultaneous mode is incapable of the least conception of the metaphysical order. This consciousness of the timeless can be
attained in a certain way, no doubt very incomplete, but already real n e v e r t h e l e s s , long before it is
This primordial state of which we have just spoken has been obtained
in its fullness.
The second phase refers to the supra-individual states, but still conditioned, although their conditions are completely different from those of the human state. Here, the world of man, where we were still in the preceding stage, is entirely and definitively surpassed. It is necessary to say more: what is surpassed is the world of forms in its most general meaning, which includes all individual states whatever they may be, since form is the condition common to all these states, that by which individuality is defined as such. The being, which can no longer be called human, has henceforth stepped out of the stream of forms.
This supreme goal is the absolutely unconditioned state, liberated from all limitation; for this very reason, it is entirely inexpressible, and all that can be said of it is only translated in terms of a negative form: negation of the limits that determine and define all existence in its relativity. The attainment of this state is what the Hindu doctrine calls "Liberation".
Thus, far from being a kind of annihilation as some believe, this final state is on the contrary the absolute fullness, the supreme reality in front of which everything else is nothing more than illusion.
Semantics to our aid.
"Nemrod and his people built the Tower of Babel in an act of rebellion against God; for Nemrod said, "I will take vengeance on Him for drowning my ancestors. If He should send another flood, my tower will rise above even Ararat and keep me safe." They also planned to storm Heaven from the Tower, destroy God and put
idols in His place."
"Abram, the son of Terach, beheld the work, and cursed the builders in the name of God: for if a brick fell and was broken every one mourned for its loss, but if it was
a man who fell and died, his companions did not even turn their heads. When Nemrod's men shot arrows at Heaven, God's angels caught them all and, to deceive them, returned them dripping with blood. The archers would exclaim, "We have killed all
the inhabitants of Heaven!"
"Let us descend again and confuse and language making seventy tongues of one!" And so they did, for immediately the builders became entangled in all sorts of
misunderstandings. If a mason said to a laborer "Pass me the mortar!", the latter would give him a brick, after which the mason, enraged, would kill the laborer. Because of that confusion, many murders were committed in the Tower, and also on land, until finally
the work was paralyzed."
"As for the Tower itself, the Earth swallowed up a third part, and the fire of Heaven destroyed another third. The remainder has subsisted to the present day - still so high that the distant forests of Jericho look like a locust cloud seen from its top; and there the rarefied air makes men lose their wits. But the Tower seems less high than it is, because its base is extraordinarily wide."
The Hebrew Myths (R. Graves & R. Pattai)
Needless to say that the mythical Tower built by Nimrod and his people is not only a building, and that the bricks are not only pieces of pottery, the mortar is not only mud used as glue, and the arrows are not only wooden rods with points destined to sink into the flesh of the angels and make them bleed after having crossed the atmosphere and reached space.
The bricks may well be the "Me's" revealed to reason, through the
links by sense, the mortar, the truth that "glues" them together and they acquire a form.
The Only language can be the cultural structure (the design, the
plane of links, of truths) that we have to "build", "elevate", our "Tower" (work) that "will reach the sky".
The arrows are definitely "TIR", they break, wound, split the obstacles that prevent us from building our tower. TIR is
our weapon: the Enlightened Will, the Edge of Fire. When our "arrows" reach the sky and wound the angels (the higher); they return to us "dipped in blood", which is the memory full of true Meaning that returns to us through the Minne that is indeed in the Blood.
With this True Sense we will continue to build our Tower, so firmly on the "Foundations" that the people of Nimrod (the Cains) bequeathed to us and still remain.
I think that "...the extraordinarily wide base"; and that it has subsisted until nowadays - still so high"... that tells the myth, are the wonderful signs, that were bequeathed to us; I am sure; descendants of the mythical kain, that after the cataclysm of Atlantis bequeathed them to the Lords of Tharsis in the Iberian Peninsula, as suggested by Robert Graves in his work "The White Goddess".
In the words used habitually, the original sounds and meanings of the signs that compose them lie waiting to be remembered and understood.
We did not invent letters only a hundred years ago or a thousand years
ago. We invented them ourselves when we had pure blood, lizard
b l o o d , when we were more lizards than monkeys. Letters; they were and are figures that show us something; something we have forgotten". Just as number signs represent ideas of quantities by themselves and can be universally recognized regardless of regional language, so
letter signs each originally represent an idea by themselves, regardless of regional language.
So let's go back in time, let's imagine being what we were long ago, and let's remember that we were the ones who invented them, and to each letter, we made it represent an idea, a principle. Let's make a regression.
A word was and is the sum of ideas linked by meaning. In such an order that the following letter "modifies" the total meaning of the ideogram; that "read" from left to right, as taught by the Arias, it represents the named entity, or the compound idea that we want to express.
Let's just shoot our arrows, the sky will bleed, we can restart the work (the return, the tower) and the War will start again in the heights.
"Resonant Current Silent Ringing and Substantial Unheard of Substance."
An entity manifested to reason is a link of two or more universal principles, and sustained by the Will of the Creator.
We call axionality the trunk that supports, and contains in all its extension, the five regions between which the links are made.
Region of the A is that of the Actual, and is that which is Containing. Region of the E is of the Energetic, the Potent, and is the contained. Region of the i is the one in which the links take illumination, it is the illuminating vector, the sense.
The O region is the one in which the forms become concrete.
Region of the U is the world we know, the world of synthesis, of illusion, of Ubiquity, which is the "power of being or being in several places at once". The world in which the links are revealed to reason as unity, the entity composed of several principles "appears as one" covered by the luminous shell.
Let's take examples of vowels interacting with the F-sign initially: Continentals-actuals:
Fable, faction, face, faculty, phallus, false, facto, fault, pharaoh, lighthouse....
Contents - energetic, powerful:
Feline, fierce, pheromone, happy, fecund, female, starch, Fez, Fé.... Illuminants-vectorial, sense:
Fictitious, fierce, philosophy, fifelity, figure, subsidiary, trust, fix.... Concrete, shaped
Phobia, fortune, photon, formula, form, shape, bonfire, blank, pit, foliage.... Synthetics-illusive, ubiquitous:
Bellows, source, future, melt, fire, fire, strong, rifle....
If they are arranged in an axional exe, the region or sensible world in which they are initially axioned is more clearly revealed to us:
This axiological diagram resembles a "tree" from which the linked phonemes
"hang". At the ends we have placed phonemes that tilt the "tree" to the left, right or center, according to t h e "moral" value given to each one.
All phonemes have a principle in common and this is the F sign. This is a universal principle that "works" in two directions, outwards when we "blow" the F "blowing", and inwards when we "suck" it; and that is precisely its "expression" in the two directions, which can be represented graphically as follows:
The figures on the right are "expelling" as in fountain, future, fanal, bill, fusil, etc.; and those on the left are "sucking" as in fetus, mud, fusion, melt, found, found, faction, etc.
But the most numerous examples are in both senses (attracting and emanating), such as femininity, flower, pharmacy, factory, fire, lighthouse, bellows, strong, etc.
The important thing is that the axional universal principle from which "starts" every phoneme that begins with the sign F, or any other; is a copy, an imitation of another "original", that not only "works" in two senses, but in all the possible senses, and that is a rune. To deepen in this, we must study what is exposed in the FSH Nimrod de Rosario volume VII clause C. Here we reproduce some parts:
C - Psychological Semiotics and Noological Runic.
...the runes are not archetypal signs: the runes, indeed, are uncreated signs, i.e., not created by the demiurge, although their communication by wotan to the viryas made it possible for them to be archetypically interpreted when perceived by the rational subject; the runes, then, have been affirmed in the axiological context and incorporated as cultural objects; in this way, the
axiological context sustains them in the superstructure w h i l e the context of the inner cultural structure grants them an archetypal meaning; but this is an illusion, a semic construction that archetypically interprets the rune, not the rune itself: in an ultimate background, the rune remains uncreated under the runic sign; therefore, when the hyperborean initiate perceives the runic sign, two apprehensions take place: a "psychological" one, effected by the
rational subject on the archetypal form of the rune, and a "noological" one, by the awakened self on the uncreated rune.
...each runic sign is referenced to an uncreated rune. in runic, the "principle of the uncreated rune" is used to define a kind of "symbol analysis" that consists, not in decomposing the structure of archetypal elements that form the runic sign, but in disintegrating the superstructure of connections of meaning that
refer it to the uncreated runes, leaving them exposed for the noological apprehension of the self: semiotic analysis can even be metaphysical, going so far as to reveal to the conscious subject the archetypal composition of any sign; runic analysis, on the other hand, goes beyond the metaphysical, that is, beyond the archetypal, for it reveals to the hyperborean initiate the uncreated runes, the signs that proceed from the origin of the chained spirit, the signs that constitute the symbol of the origin.
... "if the I perceives the uncreated runes, it perceives itself". Answer: because the uncreated runes, like the virya, participate in the actual infinite, hence the gnosis of the uncreated runes is an ecstatic experience of the hyperborean initiate and the hyperborean wisdom affirms the existence of "sixteen runic ecstasies".
...the uncreated runes are absolute noological meanings. that is to say, they
are meanings existing by themselves, which do not require anything external to be and which, conversely, nothing external can affect them: the uncreated runes are, therefore, absolutely indeterminate meanings. the uncreated runes are unlimited by the actual infinite and, therefore, their meanings are unlimited: this implies that the rune is, for the self of the hyperborean initiate, "all possible meaning"; the rune, in effect, reveals all knowledge during the runic ecstasy or, if you will, "there is nothing left to know outside the rune". FSH Volume VII
This universal principle (the f), which we call "the Fatal" -to generalize or "point the idea"-, is the one that the expression "femme fatale" defines to the full, and perhaps it is one of the components of the mythical octopus that attracts, captures, eats and defecates through the same opening.
To generalize we will say that the closest meaning to the axional archetypal principle of F is "Fatality"?
The "R".
About the meaning of the sign R we could represent it in the following drawing considering what the myths say about the origin of creation, and of the Spirit that "WALKED OVER THE WATERS", and especially the Sumerian myths that describe this universe as of waters:
In the first drawing, before the following ones already inverted; the blue color that represents the "ovality, roundness" of the waters, is below; and the red color represents the illuminal-angular-vectorial that would be the vectorial angular principle above because it is "the superior"; it represents as a whole the "reverberation", "the blow", "the shock" of a vectorial principle on a "watery spherical" one; effect that can be reproduced by placing a
container with water on something that vibrates, like the motor in operation of any vehicle and observing its phases:
The effect starts in "radiation" with rings starting from a center and bouncing on the boundary, passes to the formation of cells, repeated, hexagonal, like honeycomb, then takes the appearance of independent grains like that of the pomegranate, and ends in "boiling", (like that caused by the male crocodile around him in the water calling the female) when parts of the surface tend to "leave" the container, to separate. In all of them a "common factor" is repeated and it is REPETITION.
R is the principle of Repetition through resonance, reverberation. "The reverberating, "the resonant" or "the repetitive" through the beat or vibration of an extraneous or external principle.The Verb?
A principle that reminds us of the "tam-tam" of the African drums, the stamping of the feet, the jaleo of the Iberian gypsies, the hooting of the Semites, the purring of the cat and the clapping of the hands in general, as manifestations, memories, of the sound principle of "blow and repetition". "Also for Islamic esotericism the Unity, considered as containing all aspects of the Divinity (Asrâr Rabbâniyah or "dominical mysteries"), "is the reverberating surface of the Absolute in innumerable facets which magnifies every creature that looks there in a direct way". This surface is likewise Mâyâ taken in its highest sense, as Shakti of Brahma, i.e. the "omnipotence" of the Supreme Principle. In an absolutely similar way in the Hebrew Kabbalah, Kether (the first of the ten sephiroth) is the garment of Aïn-Soph (The Infinite or Absolute)".
René Guenon.
The K
The phoneme Kether, which corresponds to the first sephiroth of the cabala, begins with the sign K, which according to our observations has the same principles as the R; that is to say, a Vectorial principle and a "spherical - aqueous" one. In addition the first has a second characteristic which is illuminating, and the other aqueous, also a second characteristic of the aqueous which is reflective:
The Kraken is the mythical monster that lurks on the surface of the waters, sucking and trapping the curious and careless sailor: US.
The "water", the substance, is in different states, levels, or combinations, one and the same thing that takes form and "becomes substance", the great deceiver. The most particular substance is blood, because it has the "virtue" of reflecting, of capturing "the virtual", which is the illuminating vector coming from the spirit.
Fire is light and heat, being light the "upper" and cold; and heat the "lower" and hot. The blood is a dimensional link, in its "astral" part it acts as a reflector of the "fire-spirit" which is light as an illuminating factor, cold, superior and in relation to the nervous system; and heat as an animal factor, formal and psychic in relation to the blood system.
Another excerpt from René Guenon:
Since we have already alluded to the blood as the support of vitality, we will recall that, as we have already had occasion to explain in one of our works, the blood constitutes in fact one of the links of the bodily organism with the subtle state of the living being, the "soul" (nefesh haiah of Genesis), that is, in the etymological sense anima, the animating principle of being. That subtle state is called Taijasa by the Hindu tradition, by analogy with tejas or
the igneous element; and, just as fire, as to its own qualities, is polarized into light and heat, that subtle state is linked to the bodily state in two distinct and complementary ways, by the blood as to the caloric quality, and by the nervous system as to the luminous quality." The Islamic tradition teaches that the angels were created from the "divine fire" (or from the "divine light"), and that those who rebelled following Iblis, lost the luminosity of their nature to retain from it only a dark heat".
Unfortunately, words beginning with this letter are few in our language, because they have been confused with the signs C and Q, except for the language of myths, and the few that revolve around the Hyperborean: Kaín, Kaiser, Kairos, Kraken, Kamarada, Krhisto, Kresta, Krista, Krisna, Kus, Kenita, Kenaz, Krom, Karma, Kromagñon, etc. They are phonemes that refer us to the ancestral, the mythical, and it is there where we can find their meaning, which "points" to the Blood.
So when we say that the K is "the Krestal", we refer to the kresta of the Lizards of the Origin, in which blood vessels are agglomerated together with a network of the nervous system (probably extensions of the medulla oblongata) to receive The Light, and it is the Angular Korona of the Krhisto that illuminates him... and we do not refer to Jesus, but to the Pagan Krhisto. Inana and her KrestaKresta romana
To generalize we will say that the k is the principle of capturing, of blood, of the "Kresta".
The V sign:
Go Caesar!
The sign V represents the principle of the Void produced behind the angular shape, when it moves in either direction:
Looking at the pie chart we immediately recognize the movement of everything vital, which is the heartbeat of the living, a "coming and going", expansion followed by contraction, filling and emptying, opening and closing, by the effect of emptiness.
We only have to try to vocalize the v inward to achieve the effect of inner emptiness that Vomiting provokes.
We see the principle of the vagina, which expands and contracts, of the penis (penis, because it also hangs) wh i c h expands and contracts, of the sight in the iris which expands and contracts for the entrance of light, of the heart which functions by valves of admission and expulsion, etc.
But; the original angular principle goes "beyond", for it is a principle that the Nature of this world LACKED, which makes the V a SUPERNATURAL principle.
Nature cannot reproduce angles because it is FUNDAMENTALLY SPHERICAL (except for crystals; an exception that refers them to another order of nature).
From an "angular world" one can perfectly reproduce a spherical one; but not the other way around.
Since this is a universe based on "ovality", the angular principle had to be imitated by means of spheres:
Then; the true angularity, the Vectorial; which is the principle of the Will, is something "extra-universe", something virtual-empty, something that "works" by reflection, it can only be captured by reflection, it can only be captured as an illuminating vector, on the "surface" of the
blood; JUST AS THE SOLAR IMAGE which is the Gnostic Christ "is captured" and "moves", "walks on the waters" of creation.
The "angular emptiness" is only perceptible through the Sense of the reflected Self, which in us manifests itself as an inner emptiness that cannot be satisfied with ABSOLUTELY NOTHING of this world. We affirm that the primordial characteristic of the Virya, whether male or female, is that angular emptiness, that dissatisfaction proper to the reflected and captive Self.
A cow is an animal with a great emptiness, physical and emotional, so it has this impulse to fill its emptiness and eats non-stop. That is why our "friends" call us Gentiles the Big Red Cow.
The attractive void. The "hot angle".
In the Varonas, as Genesis calls them, the effect of emptiness does not act externally in the same magnitude of desiring an object for the object itself, but internally, psychologically; in vanity? virility? vanity? voluptuousness? vitality? vivacity? vivacity?
The virtuous? the virginal? the virginal? the courageous? the vapid? the vaporous? the variety? etc. This is the VENUSINE, the venereal, the venial, which provokes Voids of Sense, poison in the blood, Illuminating Vectors. It is this emptiness in the woman (and the human in general), emptiness that sucks in search of meaning, that the whole society moves in vain to satisfy.
The myth that it was the "Fallen Angels" who taught man the arts for the conquest of women, as the engine of culture, is neither false nor foolish.
The V, the "Kenaz", in the Spartan coat of arms. And in the fighter planes of the German Luftwaffe.
Every aVe flies by the vacuum produced by the angular profile of its wings, this vacuum principle is what lifts the wing of an airplane, because the air from below "pushes" seeking to fill the vacuum produced in the upper part of the aVe.
To generalize we will say that the V represents the principle of the Void, the "place of the Spirit", of the Beings of Fire.
Go Caesar! "Kenaz"
Kenaz is the "name" of the "figure" Λ which is an inverted V and according to tradition means: Torch, Primordial Fire, Creative Energy, source of Wisdom.
Unfortunately, there are not many words in our language that begin with K; and with Q the only one that "sounds" like "Kena" is Quena; the Andean wind instrument, which when heard in melodies typical of the Andes, takes us back to a sadness, a memory, a REMEMBRANCE. MINNE"?
English does have quite a few words with k, but the only one that "meets the requirements" is:
Keen: "Sharp, keen, penetrating subtle, lively, //astute, ladino//perspicacious/// Eager, vehement, enthusiastic.//Acre biting, incisive, combative//Lament in plaintive tones.
I`m not very keen on him =>" no es santo de mi devoción" To be keen on =>" ser muy aficionado a"
Keennly: Acutely, subtly
Keenness: Acuity//Subtlety, perspicacity, liveliness//Harshness, eagerness,
The words in English fully describe a Wise Warrior... So we are on the right track; let's keep going:
It is something that illuminates, a stick with a fire on it, and it is a symbol of
A candle is also a fire-stick-encircling; it illuminates and is "something religious, romantic, and TENUE.
So the Λ is the stick, the fire, the light, or the dim? or... ALL FOUR? Since the stick is complementary, and does not have the shape of Λ, we discard it.
But the fire, the illuminates and the dim; sometimes also have no form of Λ.
So, is one a con-sequence of the other, i.e., does it open the way to the other..., does it lead?
Like the dot above the letter i? Lanza
A spear is a stick - point - wound A spear is a stick - point - wound An arrow is a stick - point - wound A horn is a stick - point - wound
Every weapon looked at with meaning, is a stick-pointwound. Conclusion:
Λ; "Kennaz", points, directs, points, directs the Sense towards: freedom, the hurtful and Remembrance. Take a Swastica, a mirror and a stone.
Place The Sign under the mirror... And Look at the Right Angle.
And from the front at Punta de la Espada
The sign reflected is the Odal rune, symbol of the fallen spirit, of the sleeping gods, of the Blood of Kain, followed or isolated by a "little square".
Λ is the "little square", formed by the enclosed triangle and its reflection. Λ is the severed "Triangulito" of the Sign
The D
The d represents the principle of taking something by one end. In general the dominal, the giving, the giving, the giving, the divine, the dactyl the principle with which was endowed only the favorite creature of the creator, made in his image and likeness: Adam.
In a die, the dominant number is the one on top. In a doubt, the dominant number is dual, and in God we already know how generous his little hands are.
To generalize we will say that the principle of d is the domain, based on the dactyl.
The P
The p seems to be the same principle in reverse; i.e. "hanging"
something from one end which is the pendular principle. Father, papa (potato), lazy, dog, penis, pint, track, pole, well, whore, etc.; are things that "hang", "hang" from something.
It is worth noting that in our language, papa is someone who hangs from one end to the other. A pendulum hangs from one end to the other, A papa (potato) is something that hangs at the end of the root. The sloth lives hanging by its limbs.
What is so pendulous about a well, a whore or a dog? We could say that a whore is someone who comes and goes from man to man, or who de-pends on them in the extreme, that a well is something that hangs, dangles, at the end of a surface, and the dog is the extreme of loyalty, fidelity and Kamaraderie, all phonemes that "hang" from Honor. And speaking of dogs, it is the clearest example of how the original values are inverted by the cultural: We call bitch or dog a disloyal, low, dirty, unfaithful person, when "the real manifested" shows us the opposite: it is the dog that manifests loyalty, courage and fidelity.
Rome, the Imperial fed on an Honest, Loyal, Faithful and Courageous Bitch that hangs on Honor: The She-Wolf.
To generalize we will say that p represents the pendular principle, "the Pending" at the extreme, or at the end.
The L
L is the principle of lamination, of rolling, of flattening something in a and give it a wavy shape.
The fleur-de-lis is the symbol of Light, and the principle can be represented as follows:
The principle shows a "lamination" a "filtering" of an illuminationvector principle, and converted into many undulating light, a
principle that can be "re-reproduced" by placing a sheet of paper in front of a spotlight, and the original light will come out laminated, filtered, dispersed, mutilated.
We all know that the light we know is of a wave characteristic, NOT VECTORAL, although it is the most vectorial and rectilinear thing we know.
René Guenon:
"Near the light there is, it is said, an almond tree (also called light in Hebrew), at the base of which there is a hole through which one penetrates into a subway, which leads to the city itself, which is completely hidden. The word light, in its various meanings, seems to be derived, on the other hand, from a root that designates everything that is hidden, covered, enveloped, silent, secret: and it should be noted that the words that designate the sky primitively have the same meaning."
"Let us return to the Hebrew word luz, whose various meanings are worthy of attention: this word commonly has the sense of "almond" (and also of "almond tree", designating by extension both the tree and its fruit) or of "bone"; now, the bone is that which is inside and also hidden, and is completely closed, hence the idea of "inviolability" (found in the name Agarttha)."
Tongues of Fire
To "name" the principle, we will say that the L represents the principle of Laminate, sole, file, achieve or lumineer?
As the most known, beautiful, bestifying; sorry; beatifying, is the known light, let's stay with Luminar.
THE MANY principles of Binnah's B.
Binnah is the third sephiroth of the cabala, in which created forms take on beauty and intelligence, and is feminine in aspect.
The phonemes baba, kiss, betún. They are slimy, adherent
principles, one of the properties of water when, for example, two sheets of glass are joined together with no glue other than water. Phonemes that begin with Bi, have the principle of double, of binary. Bicephalic, bilingual, binomial, bija, etc.
The phonemes bacteria, bomba, bala, basto, bula. are from the
beginning. current, dispersing.
The phonemes balido, banco, bacinica, bursátil, bursátil, beneficio, beso, bacanal, bastión, blasón, bulto, bola, bocado, bastón, burro, burdel burgués, bulimia, braga, brasiere etc. are of all-embracing principle.
The phonemes ballad, bard, baby, beautiful, scholarship, bravura, bust. etc. They are principled, absorbing.
The phonemes battle, barbarism, blasphemy, bandit, low, baseness, bestial, brute, witch, crude, bobo, slimy, boludo, buffoon, vulture, brothel are of abhorrent principle.
The phonemes, spark plug, light bulb, ember, etc., are of bright principle.
Phonemes such as mist, folding screen, backdrops, forest, are covering, concealing.
Phonemes such as raft, boat, ship, ship, boat, brigantine, bubble, etc. They are of floating, superficial, naval principle.
Phonemes such as Balanza, baliza, are balancing balancers.
All these principles, among others, are the characteristics of Binnah, Maya, Mayahamurti, Avalokitesvara, Mary the Celestial Mother; and they are all principles of the properties of water, snail slime, honey, soap, bubble, etc. The substance, bubbling, honeyed, soapy, sticky, reflecting, attracting, enveloping; capturing, beautifying principles, reflections, images; etc.
But what is the "b" of a donkey? and we will say that the phoneme donkey (synonym of donkey that surely was invented by the Lords of Tharsis), encompasses many of the virtues of the creator: Stubbornness, clumsiness, cretinism, betrayal, abandonment, resistance, arrogance ....
To generalize we will say that the b represents the properties of water and its memory, like Binnah, like Abba: the Banal, the Beautiful.
The j
From jaba, jabali, jabón, jiba, joroba, judas, judio...Jehova.
The "j" represents the principle of the impulse directed to catch; it indicates the vectorial-illuminal, which descends and catches. It is the other of the signs that carries a dot (the first is the i).
One of Binnah's white boars, the erect "cock" and the dordje (javelin). Babirusas. The white boar, the babirusa (Babyrousa babyrussa) is a rare pig native to the Celebes Islands in central Indonesia. Its name derives from the
Malay båbí rûsa, meaning "deer pig". This appellation is due to the fact that in the babirusa, the upper tusks curve upwards so tightly that they end up piercing the
flesh of the snout, resembling a pair of horns whose aggressiveness is directed against itself. The areas where they move are usually near water, as they like to bathe and spend several hours a day semi-submerged in rivers and lakes.
The principle of soap is that of trapping. Water alone is not capable of dissolving the grease that makes up and contains the dirt. A soap cleans due to its ability to form emulsions with fat-soluble materials; the soap molecules surround the dirt until it is enveloped in an envelope called a micelle, the non-polar part of the soap molecule dissolves in the fat droplet while the polar carboxylate groups are oriented towards the surrounding water layer. The repulsion between equal charges prevents the fat droplets from rejoining. This forms an emulsion that can be separated from the surface being washed.
"What the Vampire Loathes."
The jabal is related to the impulse to catch, a ball, an object thrown in the air, a woman, boasting, lust, the impulsive pleasure of playing.
That which we catch belongs to us and fills us with joy.
The same impulse to burst the grains of a pomegranate, or the pleasure of bursting the vine in the mouth.
Playing with the warm, soapy moisture of the tissue juices Associating the above, the principle of the J is: the Javelin (Catching) Impulse.
Grace: G
It represents the "consented" intelligent action. His action is represented in the story of "Hagar" the abandoned slave girl, and
Goliath the "defeated" giant.
It is voluntary, spontaneous, intelligent, pleasant, funny "with-feeling" action.
It is in the Igigi of the Sumerian myth that looking at the daughters of men He consented and Generated the Giants, the Gilgamesh, the Ghibellines, the Geniuses, the Grandiose, the Warriors and Gladiators in pursuit of the Glorious in War, the Gracious and Gentle People: We The Great Red Cow, whose blood full of Gentleness, Grace and Gallantry that is pleasing to the "lord".
The grotesque:
Goliath, the Giant, the Igigi, debased in Hebrew myth the Glamour:
the Funny:
the güarro:
To "name" the principle of G, we will say that it represents Grace in action.
About the GRAIL ... we will only say: it is Joy; Grace of the Gallant Lord. The C
The c represents the principle of the Shell, the shell, the covering, the hull, that which covers "the thing".
It is enough to examine a dictionary under the letter c to realize the number of phonemes that define entities, such as brain, heart, poop, etc.
What are the shells of conscience, science, the chariot of mythologies, the culprit, etc.?
Just that: pure shell, only on top, they cover "the thing itself". The A
According to the dictionary it denotes separation or deprivation. When we say that the "a" is the continent we refer to "the universal that contains", it is the "container of all that is actual", the "present in action", t h e opposite of inaction.
For example, what contains a: "ba, be, bi, bi, bo,bu".
Abardenar: Present tense containing bardena, which is a rope, an entity. Abajar: Present tense containing bajar, which is an action.
Abastar: Actuality containing bastar, which is an action.
Abeja: Actuality containing beja, which is a sound, and as a phoneme is the name of an insect.
Abellacado: Actuality containing bellaco, which is an adjective. Aberration: Actuality containing error, which is a false concept. Abicharse: Present tense containing bicho.
Open: Current containing openand bi is phoneme indicating duality and together indicating separation
Hinge: Current containing hinge, which is a two-part object. Abobado: Present tense containing bobo, qualifier. Abochornado: Present tense containing embarrassment.
Aboriginal: Actuality containing origin. Attic: Actuality containing attic. Bulky: Actuality containing bulk.
Gentrification: Actuality containing bourgeois.
The prior existence of a concept is a necessary condition for its negation. In this understanding the words: atheist, agnostic, amoral, atom; lose their meaning if the concepts: theo (god), gnostic, moral and tomos (division) do not exist. So that "a" as "negation" contains the same concept that negates. In other words, an agnostic is also included within the gnostic.
The words abandoned their original meaning to take on a cultural meaning.
The E
The E indicates "contained in", or "the origin of". Some examples of "what is contained in":
Enervating, which has Nervante as its origin. Drunken having as its origin, or contained in Brío.
Eclipsar that has as its origin, or is contained in Clipsar. Edit that has as its origin, or is contained in Ditar.
Efebo which has as its origin or is cont. in Febo. Enigma which has as its origin or is cont. in Nigma. Electron which has as its origin or is cont. in Lectron. Energy which has as its origin or is cont. in Nergial.
The i
"What illuminates"
The i is the "illuminating-vector principle", without which everything would lack Meaning, and is of "affirmative logic" (which "gives firmness", "gives possibility", gives "yes" to everything).
It is of "negative logic" when it initiates any phoneme. "The mystery"
of its ungraspability is only expressible through negation, with the prefix in, which for us means "out of".
The inaudible, unheard, incomprehensible, unfathomable, unfathomable, immovable, etc.; principle represented in Sumerian mythology as INANA the "Goddess-problem-incomprehensible-outside all law".
It would be worth remembering the principle of the point, which is something initial, because it is from the point that everything apprehensible develops.
A point is something and it is nothing at the same time; it is something that can be imaginatively divided an infinite number of times to form other points. If we repeat it successively, sustaining the image of repetition by means of the will, we will form a line; which by repeating it in its length will form a plane, which by repeating it in space will form a body. That is to say, the point will become apprehensible and will take on dimension only through its manifestation by means of an
act of sustained will (the line, the plane and the body).
Something like this represents the letter i and its "dot": the ungraspable: "the dot", in its first manifestation sustained by the will: "the line", which as a whole is what I call "illuminating vector" which is: Sense.
^ + I = =TIR
To enrich the principle of the i and its dot, here are some lines from René Guenon in his work "On Kabbalah and Judaism":
"Before the One, what can you take into account? That is, before that
point, what can be reckoned or comprehended? Before that point there was nothing, except Aïn, that is, the mystery of the pure and ungraspable ether, thus named (by a simple negation) because of its incomprehensibility. The apprehensible beginning of existence is found in the mystery of the supreme "point". And since that point is the beginning of all things, it is called "Thought" (Mahasheba). The mystery of the creative Thought corresponds to the hidden "point". It is in the inner palace that the mystery connected with the hidden "point" can be understood, for the pure and ungraspable ether always remains mysterious. The "point" is the ether made palpable in the mystery of the inner palace or Holy of Holies. Everything, without exception, has been first conceived in the Thought."
Let us note that the word AÏN; which is "that which contains" ÏN ("the Being of Fire") has a colon, which refers us to the "mystery" of the two "kinds" of spirits existing in the Origin, and ONLY ONE was prey to the capture.
The i is the beginning of the In... the sense The o
The "or" is the principle of concretizing, aovar parts (to form the entity), to realize the purpose, the Omega).
The u
The "u" is the principle of synthesis, the composition of a whole. through the union of its parts. The entity in ubiquity.
The S
The "S" is the principle of Suscitar, of a-sociating, of linking. To relate
two or more principles, forms, sense, expression, meaning and/or substance, in a winding, serpentine way, and to roast them.
It is represented in a sinuous form by joining two points, and it is also represented like this:
A stroke that not only associates two principles in a curved manner, but also links them and holds them together.
In the following fig. Let us imagine that above is "the serpent of fire", the Logos, the Creator Word, the "flame in the burning bush", in which the spheres above represent principles, each one of a color, the "s" which is the serpent, the creator logos, descends between spheres associating, sounding, "burning" the principles, that is, SUCITAR, roasting ("burning") the principles", that is SUCITAR, and as it passes, the spheres below are acquiring, linking, associating the properties of those above, until finally, all the principles are "raised", "associated", "roasted", "roasted", "sounded" from ABOVE in a single sphere.
As everything also works the other way around, imagine now the fire from below. If we put fire from below to a "tasty" entity, such as a lamb "without blemish", or a grill of innocents, (it doesn't matter
is a roast), it is the same principle now "concrete and synthesized" that has been returned; a "Holocaust pleasing to the Lord".
An ascended person is someone who is reawakened in life, by the serpent (Logos) asleep in its egg, inside the sacral bone.
Placing phonemes axionally reveals to us how it acts in the "regions": Asa, Asa, Asar, Asaetear, Asalariar, Asalmonado, Asalmonado, Asaltar, Asamblea, etc.
Resemble, To groom, To stalk, besiege, Nod, To settle, "Asera", Assassinate, etc.
Thus, Asia, Asiduo, Asiduo, Asiento, Asignar, Asilar, Asimetría, Asimilar, etc. Associaar, Asolar, Asolear, Asombrar, Asonada, Asonar, Asosegar. Assume, "Aswan", Subject, Asure, "Assur, Asuras, Arsubanipal", etc. Let's name the beginning as "Raise", "Sound", "Associate",
Asar, or as the Substance that gathers, synthesizes in itself such principles and when associated with binnah is the substance, t h e great deceiver.
The N
It represents the principle of flotation, of what is above or floats above the surface.
Ship, Christmas, Turnip, Narwhal, Naiad, Nazarene, Nebula, Nectar, Nerval, Nergal, Nirval, Nimbus, Nirvana, Noah, NOYO, Bride, Cloud, Nubil...
Unicorn Nirvales Narwhals "Nirvanna" Clouds Nebula Nerves Nerves Neurons Vessels
In addition, the N shows us two principles, or two faces or vectors opposite, one "looks" down and the other "looks" up; or backwards and forwards.
Janus two-fronted, the two-fronted deity represents the inversion of one principle giving rise to a second and opposite one: duality.
Numismatic is related to what has an image on one side and another
on the back, a coin, a medal, always in a circular shape.
Linked to the i is all the "in", the ungraspable, the unheard of, which takes us back to the realm of the Origin, of what has been captured, copied, reflected, mirrored, and inverted from the sparkle at the tip, of what floats on the waters:
One, Unanimous, Unanimity, Unity, Unity, Unity, Union, Unite, One. How do we name the beginning of N?
The uniqueness of the floating, reflected and inverted? Of the apparent... of the dream?
Lo Numinoso (from númen: inspiration) The M
The m represents the principle of "mitacion", of making, or reproducing the "thing" in halves. The M is the principle of imitation, of copying, of moneria, of a world devoid of originality, replaced by the infinite repetition of copied principles doubled and reproduced in halves;
and it is in close relationship with the N, the principle from which it takes the principles and doubles them.
And the M is an N "folded" in half, "halved".
The principle "captures" a model, "mimics" it and projects it into two separate "versions".
The mitigation associated with grace gives rise to the principle of the gemination, which begins as follows:
And it ends like this:
We will say that the M of Mundo, the Ab of the Sumerians, represents the principle of "mediating", as Mary, the Most Holy Mother of Jesus; of
Mitar. The Y
Outside of our own phonemes, aboriginal, new world and others, such as yacaré, yuca, yanacona, etc.; and only limiting ourselves to phonemes of our language, which I imagine the Lords of Tharsis created, such as:
Ya, Yacer, Yegua, Yelmo, Yema, yermo, yerro, yerto, yerto, yeso. They are phonemes that "point" towards the lying, the inert.
We will apply again, the "a" principle:
Ay, Aya, Ayahuasca, Ayax, Ayer; Ayuda; and Ayuno, Ayuntar, and Ayustar. They are only eight phonemes in Spanish language; (ayahuasca is a Quechua phoneme) that "contain" the beginning Y. In the Bolivian Chaco, herbs are called "YUYO", and there is no doubt about their health benefits.
The phonemes undoubtedly point us to the YACIENT, the HELP and the YESTERDAY as the "key" to the beginning of the Y.
Ayax is the name of two Greek heroes of the Trojan War, the Great and the Small; and both stories refer us to the principle of Helping. Associated with the "e" principle:
Solar ejection Mechanical Ejection Aurora Borealis caused by Solar ejection Female Ejaculation
The forms in the images point us to the principle of expulsion as "the contained in", or; "the origin of", or, "the potential", of the "YACULATION", phoneme that refers us to "Kula and Yacula" the two
helpers of "Kurt Von Subermann"; "lowered" from the superior, in THE STORY OF BELICENA VILLCA of NIMROD DE ROSARIO, our
As everything here is dual, the expulsion also "must, has to; should of"; work the other way around, "AS AN INWARD EXPULSION" aided, helped, assisted, by an AYA, LYING that is FREYA our help that
LIES in the ICE YESTERDAY in which the first FREYA...!!!! was ORIGINATED; when looking towards the abyss we fell into the deception believing we were going towards Her.
"Give me a point of SUPPORT, and I will move the universe". The Lever that points us to the Rod, Vector, Link, Vortex, Vulcan, as that which is supported. It does not support something curved, soft, smooth, tender... It supports something straight, hard, resistant, loyal, faithful, VECTORIAL. That has POWERFUL support... THE HONOR.
YAHU!..... YAHU!..... YAHU!..... YAHU!..... YAHU!..... YAHU!..... YAHU!.....
LA H: The silent.
"Every important word is spelled with an H"
It is the sign that represents the silent, the silence, the no sound, the no vibration, the Inaudible, the Inaction.
Haba, Haber, Habil... no phoneme exists with habo.... or habu.... Hálito, Hambre, Hambre, Hombre, Humo, Hacia, Hacha, Hada, Hades, Hado, Halar, Halcón, Halda, Hallar, Hambre, Hangar, Harina, Harmonía, Harpa, Harpía, Harpía, Harto, Hatear, Hato, Hator, Haya,
Hayal, Haz, Hazaña, Hazmerreir.
Spinning, thread, yarn, spinning, pulling, horror, are phonemes from which hangs one of the most angular symbols of the Hyperborean:
The H
"Gracious and Luciferic"?
This is a spider typical of the Andes, I do not know the name of its species. "Amalia" has her home in a corner of
my patio.
It always hangs downward, as a sign of its descent from above. The spider spins ( not weaves) its web by vectorial, angular sectors. It builds a spiral by "squares" leading to an angular center.
Their senses are Vibrational.
Their offspring move around using their threads like Kometas al Viento. They are widows because they eat their males.
They wait for their prey preferably in the angles formed by the walls, or in ventilated openings.
They have eight nimble legs, and eight myopic eyes.
Her existence hangs on the Vectorial Thread of the Silent and the Cold of Horror. From the Pulling of its Threads through the Truth and the Grace of silence; from the loneliness of the Widow deprived of her mate, from the eight points of the Venusian star that is the Venereal, the poison in the blood, that "She", the Virgin, the Widow, the Orphan, the Heretic, injects us in the Blood.
The faint thread of the spider is a sign of the passage from the visible to the invisible: the Home of Hilarity, the Joy of the Gracious and Luciferic.
The H, the Silent; the silent in all the created universe, the voice of the ONE who will not abandon us in this world of madness.
The Fairy above Destiny.
¡¡¡¡¡HURRA!!!!!... ¡¡¡¡¡HURRA!!!!!... ¡¡¡¡¡HURRA!!!!!...
The Z
It represents the principle of the scourge, which is the angular associated with the principle of the power of the band (see serp.III letter e).
As every sign is upside down, its real image is:
That represents the principle vector principle used as scourge, as an educational instrument, so precious to Christianity: pain, pain, pain, pain
The scourge, the Vergajo which is related to the Jabal:
I will save you the trouble of consulting a dictionary to see the meaning of some z-words:
zabordar: to run aground, catch zaca:zaque: second in authority zacateca: gravedigger
zacear: to frighten the animals zafacoca: quarrel.
zafar: to untie
zafari: zajari: pomegranate
zafarrancho: action and effect of grenade //desembarazar///destrozo, alboroto, reyerta. zafrancho: rude.
sapphire: blue
gemstone sapphire:
undamaged sapphire:
zafra: sugarcane harvest zaga: subsequent harvest
zagal: boy, shepherd boy zagalejo:
zagua: ash plant (related to ashes) zagual: short oar, without support
vestibule: covered entrance zahen: gold bending
zahina: flowering plant in a hanging panicle (bunch) zahón: leather or cloth underpants.
clairvoyant zahorda: ballast zahurda: pigsty
zaida: wading bird, tameable zaino: traitor, fake
zala: prayer zalagarda:
zalamería: demonstration of affection, fondness zalea: sheepskin
zalear: to pull zallar: to roll
zalle: stone masses
zamacuco: a foolish and brutish man
//embriaguez zamanca: spanking, beating, beating.
zamarrear: to shake a thing or person zamarrilla: aromatic plant zamarro: rude and uncouth man zambapalo: grotesque dance
zambo: legs apart and knees together//son of black.
zambra: boisterous Moorish party and c. racket, like Andalusian gypsies zambullida: to put abruptly into the water
zambullo: barrel for the transport of filth zampa: sinking stake
zampuzar: to eat in a hurry, with eagerness zampoña: wind instrument, with reeds zampuzar: to hide abruptly
carrot: plant, edible root//tonto bobo zanca: bird leg
stride: long stride, with great lightness zancajear: to walk a lot and in a hurry
zancajo: heel bone// small and ugly person zángano: male bee// a man who lives without working zangarriana: sheep's sluggishness
trench: long excavation
to settle: to resolve a difficulty or inconvenience
zapateado: dance accompanied by the tapping of the shoe in a ternary rhythm. Zapote: tree of 10m, round top, and edible apple-shaped fruit. Zaquear: to transport liquids
Zarabanda: Dance with lewd movements Zaragata: Riot, brawl
Zarambeque: ringing, dance of blacks Zaranda: sieve, sieve used in the wine presses Zarandear: to toil, to bustle.
Zarandillo: person who walks with liveliness and agility. Zaratán: cancer of the breasts in women.
Zaraza: cloth with colored stripes Zarcear: to enter the dog in a bramble bush Zarcillo: earring Zarpa: lion's claw Zarpar: to
set sail Zarria: mud
Bramble: pinkish shrub with stingers. Bramble: weave of sticks.
Applying the principle of a:
Azabache: hard jet-colored lignite that can be polished. Azabara: Alóe, (thorny plant, of medicinal properties) Azacan: Who is engaged in hard work
Hostess: Queen's maid.
Saffron: iriaceous plant with red stigmas
Azagador: path or cattle crossing. Azagaya: small spear or dart
Azahar: orange blossom (tree with thorns) Azala: prayer
Azalea: Tree with poisonous flowers
Azanca: subway water spring (see B. Villca pag ) Azaque:
Azar: unforeseen misfortune // "chance" Azarar: to disturb, to startle
Azarbe: excess watercourse of irrigation.
Azarcon: very bright orange color Azariah:
Azariah. King of Judah; died of leprosy Azarja:
instrument for collecting raw silk Azaroso:
troubled fearful.
Read the meanings of the "z" words in the dictionary, and associate the continents and contents of the principle of the scourge, with the facts and behavior of ..., and of the in general; and you will discover
"the fox".
The T
It is the principle of binding something higher and lowering it. As it is inverted, the original is upside down:
If the effect is repeated, we have the beginning of the braid: If associated with e, l, and r we have a loom. A bull.
It also has a double effect, it pulls and ties two things together: a tie rod, a ringlet.
Is the carving an image descended and attached to a carving? Is a turtle an animal tied to the ground?
And subject to time?
Time is something composed of three principles:
The Binding, the Mitar and the Pender.
An hourglass is an object, bound by two columns, (Jachim and Boaz?) divided into two "spheres or regions" (immanent and transcendent?) between which "falls" the sand (time), pending from two ends (sky and earth?).
And by three powers of the verb: i e or o
Powerful incessant, powerful content and powerful concrete.... Drum Djembes, African drums Trumpets, trombones, tubas... Doorbells Doorbell
Elephant trunk and conch shellFallopian tubes Conch ShellSound of the sea in a conch shell Bell ringingChristmas jingle bells
Tinkling of the Kristal Clattering of the ice
The Thunderers: Tlaloc, Tolima, Tera, Taranki, eTna,... Zeus Thunderer. Thor and the Hammer , Timpanum, Hammer, Snail (Labyrinth) and Water. The Troll's Fine Ear
Theseus, the Labyrinth, and the Minotaur in the center.
All of them are phonemes, symbols, objects, myths, which have SOUND, the power of the BANG and the Snail (labyrinth) as principles included.
Other data that will help us:
Tílde, Tigris, Tïber, Tikal, Tiahuanaco, Teotihuacán, Theos, THARSIS, TIR. Is the Tirodal a song, an In. sound, like the trill of the aVes?
No phonemes, no syntax, just trill? How one, silva, silvina?
The Language of the Birds FORGOTTEN BY US? Is LIFE the Sound of the In...?
In Sumerian antiquity, Ti meant Life.
Tiamat= Life, current, half, updated, by t. (sound?)
Earth= Life, powerful, faithful, actual.
The vine is related to the temporary, its vine remains alive, and can be planted after a long time out of the ground, and germinate again into a new vine. A new life?
Life= "Current dominant current void actualized." Why the name thymus gland. for rudder?
Thymus: gland located in front of the trachea, which is only developed in children and young animals and plays an important role in resistance to infection.
Drum, fear, rudder, take, knock down.
T= Sound "by", or "of", knocking and hanging (pendulum) ?. tremor?
Hanging on to what?
From the Void?
From "avir" (the Hebrew void, which, when reflected, becomes "aor": Resonance).
From the V of IRR which is represented as the dot above the i? From the Word of the One?
Of the Will of the One?
The W
It is an authentically Nordic letter, and as its name indicates it is a double v, a
double point, a double edge; something jagged and represents hostility, the beginning of the hedgehog, which is hostility, war, army.
War, World, Wermach, Wespe, Woman, Web, Will The
The X
X means on the one hand : Cross, pain, suffering, confinement. X Displays 4 angles "hitting a single point", from opposite angles.
X Shows two >< striking from two directions. The Emerald Axe striking in two mirrors, the one "above" and the one "below" : Time: The CAUDA of the GREEN KOMETA.
"X" is the symbol of enigma, of SECRET, of the SECRET OF ANGLES LEADING TO FREEDOM.
There are not many words that begin with x ... Bah, let's get to the point:
The "e" is implied. EXTRAER : Lat :
Extraehre : To take out, To separate from a
substance some of its components.
Xtrae => Ex - Bring the "I", the inheritance of the Blood, THE HONOR. X is the "secret" of freedom that lies in the 4 corners.
Part Three
Up to this point we will have realized that they are all principles of MONO. Attitudes, Grace, Movements, characteristic of a solitary one in his tree on an expanse of "water":
B the drooling, the beard, the swaying....
C peeling the shells of the fruits of your tree
D and P holding, and holding on (hanging)
F and V sucking and vomiting
G their funny cuteness
J the impulse
K its crest
L laminating, rolling, the leaves of your tree
M imitating
N reflecting in the water under your tree
R beating his chest and constantly repeating his actions
S holding on to two opposite branches
T The Sound?
X to extract food with their fingers, or with sticks.(See Serp.III letter x). And ejaculating, spitting.
Z whipping with branches and sticks
There are 16 principles, like the 16 chess pieces. 13+3?
As "cultural support" of the above, a statuette found in North Africa, in what used to be Carthage:
Observe the image carefully, her name is Bes, in her lap she holds "a" human while she devours...?
At their feet an anthropoid gazes at them in worship . the"origi
nal" Kong, "Kronos"?
And some images of the oldest "movie" in history:
Libertador and Salvador
If we speak of liberation; the one who is liberated is a Captive, a Slave, an
Imprisoned; that is to say, someone deprived of Freedom. If we speak of Salvation: to save us from what? From death, sickness, hunger, pain, work, illusion, dissatisfaction, non-remuneration, poverty, the
suffering, etc.? But; Isn't that, to be a
"blessed"? Isn't that, the Calvary of all of us in this Creation? Isn't it truly enigmatic, that the creator pretends to "save" us from his own creation? Isn't it degrading to make an apology of weakness, of suffering, of hunger, of crying, of poverty of Spirit as the "Jesuistic" Christianity addressed to the West does in its "beatitudes"?
Jesus, to the rescue of souls "For God so loved the world. "
Jesus came into the world to silence the rage trapped in the blood of Cain. To redeem the tainted blood, the sin, the reflected Self in our blood inherited from the Serpent through Eve. Poison that if not removed, will be the loss of the Soul.
He came to combat this poison in the blood with the balm of His love. The Power of His love, which fills the hearts with lukewarmness, which numbs the fury and thirst for revenge, which consoles, and little by little calms it, purifying it and turning it into servant's blood, fearful blood, shepherd's blood, loving blood, Abel's blood, poor blood of Spirit, Blood of mud, Adam's blood.
Lucifer, the unknown. to the rescue of the Spirit.
Lucifer will return, and we say he will return because he was already here. And he rescued some of his own.
And it will return once again, for those of rebellious blood....
For those who have realized that there is no law or God here....
For those who know that this is Hell... For those who have no fear of God...
For those who bear with Honor the mark of Kain... For those who bear the Pure Blood that reminds...
For those who KNOW that the TRUE ONE, the INCOGNOCIBLE ONE, does not ask for applause, adoration, love, hate or fear... He is not jealous of anything or anyone.
Before her return, she will once again send her emissary; "The Beast", the one with the banner with the SIGN to spill all the blood of the World, which she judges impure, in a total war against the Creator and the Serpent, because for the blood, they have turned this world into a Prison of the Spirit. After her arrival, she will establish an Empire of a Thousand Years, during which she will purify the blood of her Chosen Ones, she will liberate them, and she will recognize them as a SPIRIT RACE, AND WITH THEM SHE WILL RETURN TO THE ORIGIN...
The snake III
"Behold, the people are one, and they have all one language; and they have begun the work, and nothing shall make them desist now from what they have thought to do."
"Now therefore let us go down; and let us confound their language, that no man may
understand the speech of his fellow." Genesis
Letters were not invented only a hundred years ago or a thousand years ago. We invented letters thousands of years before the arrival of the imitation of "Salvador". The letters were invented by us when we had pure blood, the blood of lizards, when we were more lizards than monkeys. The letters; ours, for us, not for them; those chosen by One, were and are figures that show us something; something we have forgotten".
So let's go back in time, let's imagine being what we were long ago, and let's remember that we were the ones who invented them, and to each letter, we made it represent an idea; that is to say, let's make a regression.
A word was and is the sum of ideas linked by meaning. In such an order that the following letter "modifies" the total meaning of the ideogram (word); that "read" from left to right, as taught by the Arias, it represents the named entity, or the compound idea that we want to express.
Let us apply the knowledge acquired from the Hyperborean Wisdom, and let us assign an idea to each letter "intuitively"; and let us suppose that:
a = Actual h = Silence O= Final V= True
b = Descent i = Sense P= Destination W= ¿?
c = Place. j = Breath q= Numeral X = ¿? d= Ascent k = place R= Rational Y = ¿?
e = Power L= Effect S = Essence Z = Lower
f = cold M= Process t = Life
g = Action N= image u= illusion Now let's see if it "works":
Mono= m o n o
Process - end - reflection - end
=> With Sense would be: "Final process reflected as finality". Love = a m o r
Real - process - end - reason
=> With Sense: "Real process of the purpose of reason". Hate = o d i o
End - ascent - sense - end => C. Sense =>"End sense form completed."
God = d i o s
Ascent - sense - end - essence => C.S.=>"Felt form; end of essentiality" => C.S.=>"Felt form; end of essentiality".
Idea = i d e a
Sense - ascending - power - real => "Ascending sense; of realized power". Peace = p a z
Fate - real - inferior => "Fate of inferiorized reality". Holy = s a n t o
Essence - real - image - life end => "Essence realized; image of life ended". Praise =a l a b a n z a
Real-real-effect-real-descent-real-image-imagelower- real
=> " Real effect; real- descent; real image; inferior reality". Death =m u e r t e
=> "Process of potent illusion, rationalized by potentialized life". Dream =s u e n i o (ñ = n+i)
=> "Essence illusioned by the power of the image; sense finalized." Illusion =i l u s i o n
Sense-effect-illusion-illusion-essence-meaningend- image
=>"Sense effected by the illusion of the essence; finally felt by the image." Shadow= s o m b r a
Essence-end-process-descent-rational-real => "Essence at the end of the ascending process; rationality" (rational-real) = rationality.
Ratio = r a z o n
Rational-real-inferior-fin-image => "Inferior rationality; imagined finality". Heart =c o r a z o n
Place-end-reason-real-reason-realreason- lower-end-image
=> "Final place of lower rationality; imagined finality".
Fear =m i e d
oProcess-sense-power ascent -end
=> "Powerful, ascended sense process completed". Now let's look at "more of our" words:
War = Action-illusion-rational-rational-rational-real
RR= Double rational, or Rational doubled, or Rational out of rational, or rational followed by rational, or How does rational look at rational => With: Honesty, with: Honor?
Let's see: gu err a Action
illusion-power -power -honor -real
"Illusionary action, of the power; Honorably, performed." T e rr o r Lifepower-
"Honor-enhanced life, rationalized purpose."
A rr a s
"Reality of Honor, Truly Essentialized."
A rr a s a r "Reality
of Honor, of the Real Essence, Really rationalized".
A rr e c i f e Reality
of potentialized Honor as a place of coldly potentialized sense H o rr o r
Silence of purpose; Honor finally rationalized.
A rr ia s Reality of
honor truly essentialized H o n o r
Silence of the purpose, finally rationalized and imagined Armas = "Real reason processed; by the essential reality".
Horn = "illusionary, potent place; of the rational imagining the end" Rage = "coldness of the illusion of the rational; actually felt"
Loyal = "Potential effect of royalty; effected".
Kamarada = "Place of the processed royalty; royal reason for the realization of the descent of royalty."
Lizard = "Effect realized by the act of royalty; finished living rationality".
In Latin:
Lupus (wolf)= effect-illusion-fate-illusion-illusionessence Canis (dog)= place-real-image-sense-scence.
Ursus (bear) = Illusion-reason-essence-illusionessence Felis (cat) = Cold-power-effect-senseessence
Falco (hawk)= Cold-real-descent-ending
Anima (soul)= Real-image-meaning-process-real The English
There is no doubt that this is one of the most specialized languages, since La Isla was the Golen's "base" for a long time.
Sometimes it does not "sound as it is written", but as "they know", and sometimes it sounds as it is written. As far as sound and sign is concerned it is reconfused, BABELIC. As far as expression is concerned, it is a descriptive "technical" language, which in hyperborean language would be: "it is all act", entelechial.
Let's take an example:
"Open up your eyes. Which literally translated would be: "open-up-your-eyes". But an eye does not open or close upwards or to either side; what opens and closes is an eyelid, which would be the door of the eye. So it must refer to the total act, that is to say: "raise your head upwards with your eyes open".
And another one of meaning:
"Don't let me down" => Hacer-No-Dejar-yo-abajoajo => Which is interpreted as: "Don't let me down", or "don't let me down". The expressed act would be: Don't let me down, don't let me down, don't let me down, don't let me down.
And some of sound:
Ape(pronounced Eip) = Actual-destination-potential =>"Actual potentialized
destiny" Pig (pronounced the same)= destiny-sense-action =>" Actual sensefate" Man(pronounced the same?)= Process-real-imagination
Men (se pr. igual?) = Process-power-image Woman(uoman)= Illusion-final-process-real-image God (se pr. Goad)= Act-"final-real"-ascent.
Good (gud?) = Action-illusion-ascent Love(Loav?)= Effect-"finalreal"-truth War (uor)= "illusion-final"-reason
O.K. (okei) = End-place-power-sense.
Let's leave the examples in babelic, I think our Sense has already grasped it. Kamaradas who know German, will have access to a Nordic Language, and therefore purer... Lagartian.
La Voz
In America, Europe, Asia, Oceania, Australia, and at the poles, and in any language; one:
It says: OINK!... o i n k
End of meaning; localized image un:
He says: HOK!... (sniffing) H o k
Localized Final Silence
Almost half the planet, expresses verbally; something that turns out or is fine as: okei! O K E I => "End of the potential place of meaning" That is: end of the "I".
It says: wow! = "the act is illusion illusionary reality" = "the act is illusion illusionary
But a:
It says: Auuuuu => Reality, illusion, illusion! illusion, illusion, illusion, illusion, illusion.... one:
It says: Be.e.e.e.e.e.e... = The Descent is powerful; powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful, powerful... un:
It says: UUUU...iiii....UUUUUU iiii =
Illusion,illusion,illusion,illusion,illusion. heartfelt,heartfelt,heartfelt,heartfelt one:
It says: sssssssssssss.....= Essence, essence, essence, essence, essence, essence, essence.... And finally a
Says: M i a u
"The Process is illusionary real sense." Axiom: Animals do not lie.
How did we arrive at this un-covering?
Questioning the "truth" of history, -thanks to "Belicena Villca"- doubting the interpretation of the meaning given by scholars to the sense of the written words, in the oldest known histories within our reach, such as that of the Sumerians.
Below is a summary, from a summary taken from the network: THE "ANUNNAKI".
"those who from heaven to earth came". Enuma elish la nabu shamamu
When, in the heights, Heaven had received no name Shaplitu ammatum shunta la zakrat
And down below, the solid ground had not been called When, on high, Heaven had received no name, and
below, the solid ground had not been called; nothing, except the primordial APSU, its Begetter, MUMMU and TIAMAT - the one who gave birth to them all; their waters intermingled.
No reed had yet formed, no marshy land had appeared. None of the gods had been brought into being yet, none bore a name, their fates were uncertain;
it was then that the gods were formed in their midst.
An, or Anu in Akkadian, meant "He of the heavens" and his name was always written pictographically as a
star. He was the great progenitor and the greatest god who was above all other gods. His
abode and seat of supremacy was in the heavens, URU-SAG-AN-NA, literally "the greatest city of the heavens".
An descended to earth only on special occasions, in times of crisis, or for ceremonial reasons. When he
was on earth he stayed in his temple, the E-ANNA or "House of An" on top of the ziggurat in Uruk, his sacred city. The word ziggurat comes from the Babylonian "zaquru" and means "to stand high or elevated."
Anu had two sons, Enlil and Enki and a daughter Ninkhursag. The division of authority between his two sons caused many disagreements, and the elder god spent much of his time resolving problems between them and with his grandchildren.
Although he was the youngest son of An, Enlil became the most powerful god of the Sumerian
Pantheon, close to An. He was truly the archetypal god for the western lands of Palestine and Syria, the "El"
of the Semites and particularly the "Elohim" of the Bible. He made sure that the decrees of the council of
gods were carried out against humanity, with powerful weapons at his disposal to enforce his authority.
Enlil detested mankind and only tolerated humans because they were necessary for the welfare of the gods. It was Enlil, according to the Sumerian story of the flood, who brought about the
destruction of mankind because the "noise" of the boisterous humans interfered with their rest. The temple dedicated to him at Nippur was called DUR-AN-KI or the "link of heaven and earth," from which he directed the activities of mankind. This structure is described in part in cuneiform tablets as
some kind of control center. Of his temple above the Ekur at Nippur, it was said that he had "eyes that could scan the earth." The team used sounds of some kind of device, the tablets stated that "he raised foundations that searched the heart of all lands."
One day, he saw a naked goddess bathing in a stream, he fell in love with her and went down to
seduce her. Enlil named her Ninlil, had a son named Nannar who became his favorite. Nannar was given a
rank in the pantheon.
Although he was the first to be born, Enki was given a lower rank than his brother Enlil. He was born of
An, but was by another wife who was also his half-sister. Under Sumerian inheritance laws, Enlil inherited the throne. It was the lingering resentment over his disinheritance and the increasing competition over who would control activities on earth that brought Enki into direct conflict with his brother Enlil.
EN-KI or "lord of the earth" also called EA or "he whose house is on the water," a tacit reference to his lordship over the "place of water" or Abzu. Enki is the Genie of the Annunaki.
He oversaw the transformation of the Mesopotamian marshes into true paradises. He planned
the construction of a canal system, the damming of the rivers, and the draining of the marshes. In a selfpraising
poem he boasts of transforming the marshes into refuge for birds and fish, directed the invention and use of the plow and yoke, the use of animals in agriculture, and the bringing of the arts of building to the land for the purpose of "elevating the cities."
Their home was E-RI-DU, which means, "home built far away". Eridu was the first city on earth built by extraterrestrials and was located at the edge of the plain watered by EDIN.
But most important of all, Enki is remembered as the god who created man and who came to his defense against the whims of Enlil. As the creator of man, he is often shown with "the tree or bush of life."
The serpent was also a symbol of Enki, probably because of its "ability to change its skin".
The capricious Enlil is remembered as the god who brought the flood, Enki is recognized as the savior of
mankind for his timely warning to Noah that disaster was coming. Enki disavowed the creation of modern man or homo sapiens which later put him at odds with Enlil. The antagonism between the
descendants of the two erupted again after the flood that kept their Middle Eastern "children" in a state of
confusion for thousands of years. NINKHURSAG
NIN-KHUR-SAG or "Lady of the mountain top". With her there were four major gods, giving origin, perhaps, to the teragram IHWH of Elohim among the later Hebrews.
She was a half-sister of Enki and Enlil, daughter of An. In earlier days Ninkhursag had a higher rank than
Enki and preceded his name when they appeared together. Then her status was reduced (it is not known why) and she practically disappeared from the Pantheon as an important or effective influence. Ninkhursag was given the antediluvian city of Shuruppak where she ruled. Her sacred symbol was the umbilical cord and the knife used to sever it.
She is known by many other names such as NIN-TI (life-giving lady), NIN-MAH (the noble lady), MAMMU
(the creator goddess), the name from which our word mama comes from. The RANGE
There is a very explicit "Law of the Strongest" among the "astronaut" gods of the Sumerian pantheon.
assigned numerical ranks based on a system of 60. This number represented of special, almost mystical, importance to the Sumerians.
They gave each important god a "numerical name" that represented his rank in the hierarchy. In this way,
numbers were used as a kind of cryptography. The numerical ranks of the Sumerian deities were assigned
in descending order of importance:
Anu 60, Antu 55
Enlil 50, Ninlil 45
Enki 40, Ninki 35
Nannar 30, Ningal 25
Utu 20, Inanna
Ishkur 10 Ninkhursag 5
Numbers ending in 5 were assigned to the female side. According to Sumerian tradition, only males could command, a policy that caused much distress in Middle Eastern affairs, because Inanna had refused to accept her status and plotted and schemed to gain "political power".
The number 50 not only represented Enlil's rank, but also his position as head of all activities on earth.
After the flood, when the younger gods challenged the authority of the older gods for leadership,
Ninurta the military aide of Enlil "assumed" the title of "fifty" and for this reason claimed the mantle of
leader, thereby overruling Enlil.
Marduk, the oldest son of Enki, also assumed the title of "fifty" while proclaiming himself head of Babylon.
The meanings of the translations of the Erudites (Extracted from several texts that circulate on the
Net) In view of the above, if we are not mistaken; the thing would be like this:
= (equal to...) => (then...)
An or An.u = Star-God, or God-star, or Heaven.
E.A = Lord - Waters => E = Lord
=> A= Waters
En.Lil = Lord- Air, up, top, superior, above.=> En=Lord.
=> Lil =Superior or above
En.Ki = Lord of the place => En = Lord
=> Ki = place, land Ti = Life
Ti.L = Living
Inana = "The love of An" Tiamat => Maiden of life Igi = To watch
Mushen= Bird Lulu = Worker = Those who watch => Igi = They watch Gi = Those who (action?)
Kur.Un.Gi.A = Country where the gods work=> Kur= Country or Nation
=> Un = Where
=> Gi = Work(Action?)
=> A = God(s)
Ab.Zu = Aqueous Depth, or Lower World
=> Ab = Depth or world
=> Zu = Aqueous or Inferior An.Zu = God-Aqueous, or God- Inferior Mushen= Bird
Ki.En.Gi = Land of the righteous lords (shumer)=>Ki = land,place
=>In= sir(s)
=>Gi= Righteous (Action?) A.Ra.Li = Place of the bright veins
Ku.Gi = Shiny outside => Ku = Shiny
=> Gi = Out or out(Action?)
Ku.Babbar= Shiny gold (or silver) => Ku = Shiny
=> Babbar= Gold or silver Bit.Nimi.Ku = House of wisdom
Gi.Bil = He who burns the ground => Gi = Burns (Action?)
=> Bil = Soil Zag= "Ingot"
Ma.Gur Ur.Nu Ab.Zu = "Ship for ore from the lower world". Kur.Un.Gi.A = Country where the gods work => Kur = Country
=> Un = Where
=> Gi = Work(Action?)
=> A = God(s)
An.Shar = The First of the Gods - Star, or Heaven => An= God "60".
=> Shar = first
Ki.Shar = The First of the place, land or water => Shar=The first
Dug.Ga.E = "Lead pot".
Ga.Ga = Pluton
Shes.Ki = Protects the earth Kin.Gu = Great Emissary
Su.En = Lord of the desolate land Us.Mi = He who shows the way
M.E.s = "Tablets of Destiny" = "Tablillas del destino" = "Tablets of Destiny". NIN = "Mrs."
Ku.Tu = "That which is in the heart of man". KUSH =" Dark red" Ha.Bur=
"Prairie country" SHIM.TI= "rocket".
Since we also know how to think, and we also have the
H.H. Fudamentals; we say:
An, Anu, Enki, Enlil, Ninkhursag, Ninurta, are not proper names like Jorge, Luis Francisco, Ana Maria that designate persons.
They are something like titles, anagrams, ideas that designatepotencies, degreesof potency, direction of potency, i .e. powers; not individuals.
In the case of powers such as Anu, Enki or Enlil it is something similar, i.e. they indicate or describe the idea of a function, and degree of power.
As in all writing, a letter represents an idea and/or a sound. The vowels are very important because there are only 5 of them.
The letter k is used as c, it seems that c is later than such a culture. The same for g which was used as j?
The letters, v-w-x-y appear to postdate the Sumerian events.
The first letter, or phrase would be something like the subject.
The second letter, or phrase, would be the predicate or modifier of the subject. Let's get started:
The idea of A is not the same as An, because they are two ideas.
A is the idea related to the Principle, the Real, the First, the Alpha, or the culturally agreed upon: God. (Which is a mistake).
Therefore, A is not "God".
*A is the idea of "the Real". Of Royalty, Reality. And also of Unity, of the ONE.
An is the idea of the First Act; of "The Creation", the "Manifestation". Then n would be the idea of the Act of Manifestation.
But, an idea CANNOT BE AN ACT, an act IS ACTION, it is VERB and VERB is voice and voice is "something "more than an idea.
T he first idea that "jumps" from our cultural structure is the "truth" of Son.
Then :
The idea of reflection is the idea of Reflection, of something that is reflected in the "Primordial Waters of the Original Source" and causes an Image. Then n would be the idea of all that is image.
*n would be "the Imaginal." The image, the imagined
*An would be "Real imagined" or "Image reality".
An can also be translated as "Sky", because of the blue effect caused by sunlight reflected in the atmosphere. Royalty of "Blue blood". The Angelic, the "sky of An".
Words beginning with this principle are: Yearning, Longing, Longing, Animal, Androus (from Andros = male), Androceous (from Andros = male), Androgynous,
Before, Before, Androgynous, Androgynous, Androceo (from Andros = male)
An is also a prefix of negation, it negates where "comes from" or "comes from" An ➔ X
*Na the idea would be "Real Image" or "Realized Image".
Turnip, Natural, Natal, Nasal, Naval, Navideño, Narwhal, Nazarene, Naja, Nardo, Náyade Na is also the chemical symbol (Alchemy) of Salt. "ye are the salt of the earth" Matt. 5- v13. "Good is the salt..." Luke 14- 34-35.
An.u is not the same as An. Although both connote "son-gods", one is two ideas, the other is the two ideas, plus another idea that is u, which conditions the first two, and is also a vowel. The dot divides the ideogram into two phrases.
"u" is a reflected "n", and also gives the sensation of opening, sinking, downward, falling. A reflection is an... ILLUSION.
*or "illusional" would be the illusory, the illusion.
*An.u would be then Real- imaginal - illusional " the Real imagined; illusional" Anubis, Annual, Anublado, Anublado, Anudado, Anunciado, Anular, Anuros, Anuente, Anuloso
The dot in a numeral ideogram? Divide the "sentence" intosubject (left)and predicate (right).
If Ab is translated as world, world would be an idea composed of two ideas: A and b, and one of them is "the Real."
b gives the sensation of a "round projected downward", of something Descending.
*Ab is "the Real descending". The Absolute, the Aberrant, the Absurd. Abajo, Abano, Abadejo, Abarcable, Abaco, Abel, Abeja, Abismo, Abyss, Absurd, Abuse, Abyecto.
* b would be "the Descensional", the descended, the low.
Zu is also translated with the idea of world, "lower world". Let us see in the dictionary, some words that elucidate the sig of Zu: Zubia- Zueco - Zulú - Zulla - Zullón - Zumbar-Zumbido-Zupia-Zurear-Zurra-Zutano.
Undoubtedly; Z is the idea of the lowest.
The figure of Z shows "the above" projected downward.
*Z is "the infernal", the inferior.
*Zu would be "the Infernal illusioned".
Ab.Zu would mean "the Real descended; Inferior illusioned".
In other words: our "beautiful and palpable real world": Hell (poop color). The "erudite", props of "wisdom" translate E as "Lord"... No.
The figure "e-e" shows something that is bent, tensioned. As if we were to take a steel bar and bend it downward. The resulting force would be a reverse tension. And that is the Power, the Force.
January, Energia, Elecricidad, Elevador, Espiritu, Eter, Etereo, Eterno, Eterno, Etcetera.
*E is the idea of Potential
*En stands for "imagined power".
Kur-Un-GIA= "Country where the gods work"...(er) Gab
-Kur-Ra ="Chest in the Mountain Country"...(er) NINKhur- Sag= "Lady of the Mountain Country"...(er)
*K would be the idea of civilized place, locality. What is the idea of i?
Since it is a vowel, it has to be fundamental.
Ki is a site plus the idea of i which scholars translate earth.
Ti is "life" (according to scholars) in which T is life plus the idea of i
Gi is designated for any action: Ku-Gi =Brilliant take out... Kur-Un-Gi-A= Country where the gods work..... I.Gi = To look..... I.Gi.Gi= Those who look... Bil-Gi or Gi-Bil = He who burns the ground (all s.erud)
Then G is action plus the idea of I
*G would be the idea of Action
Ti.L is to live?. No. Living would be Ti.G, living would be Ti.Gi; that is the idea of Life Ti.
plus the conditioning action Gi
If the whole idea of Inana means the "Love of AN" ; and Tiamat means "Maiden of Life"; then I is an idea related to Love and/or Meaning.
In would be: " Love and/or Sense son of, sprout from, or come out of".
For now let's say that T stands for life, since the a's are "Real, origin, water" and the n's are "Real, origin, water".
"son, sprung or sprouted", and in addition "50".
To clarify the issue of i as Meaning or Love, an ideogram that scholars "forget" to elucidate on purpose? It is Igigi: are the Anunnaki of "second category", who arrived in the "cargo box of t h e "Mother-Ship" (according to Sitchin and other erudite authors); who rebelled later, because of the "fatigue of heavy labor" on earth, and is logically represented by tradition, as mining; which is the most vile and heavy trade for any worker, in any culture and in any place of the planet. And that is perhaps the beginning of the reason for La Raza's disdain for metals (and another one that we will see later). in the tradition are "those who look" or the "watchers" of genesis, the idea "grosso modo", is referring to looking, and more exactly to "those who looked, and fell in love" because all tradition is a memory of the past. Later in the Hebrew traditions, they are called Nephilim which means "those who fell", and as it is "complicated to
understand, and even more to explain", biblical scholars translate it as Gig-antes, (that is where the word comes from) because they were also of great stature. So a halftruth, for them, is always welcome.
If any action, (look, eat, drink, bring, etc.;) can be represented with G; Gi is any action with Meaning or Love.
Igi = "the Sense feeling" or "the Love loving".
What can it be Sense feeling? Or Sense with sense acting? It can only be: I N T E L I G E N C E. = II.GI=> DUAL SENSE + ACTION.
Igi . gi Igi . gi
"the INTELLIGENCE; felt"... or "the¿ ? ; loved" In both cases, it is a
repeated action.
When an action is repeated, it is a sign of attention, of search for... Sense.
G is action, which, being conditioned with Sense "I", and being repeated, is a sign of attention, of capture. To capture the sense by capturing the sense of things.
Then: If Gi is Intelligent Action, acting with meaning, the most fitting interpretation would be:
"Intelligence, acted consenting" or "Intelligence acting consenting". "Intelligence watched; spoiled."
The Igigi are us; what was and IS, captured by our own Sense.
*i is the idea of meaning, and there is no word to express "The Sentinal". But; if there is its copy, and it is the sanctity, holiness.
Now we know why the "lulu" that the Anunnaki found (Pasu) was no good; it didn't have much "Gi" (Sense Action), it only had a lot of "Ge" (powerful action).
*An.u-n-na-ki would mean according to us something like:
"Reflected reality; illusion-"50"-image realized in the felt place." (n also represents a "degree of God" equivalent to 50).
Or in a commercial-cultural-literary-pretty version:
... "The Royalty that came down from Heaven, and that came to earth"... And translated by the Hebrews: Nephilim (The Fallen Ones)
The symbols of immortality:The fruit of the pine tree (the cone) and the "situla"(bucket with water):
The images show an "Anunnaki" taking a fruit (the pine cone or strawberry) from the 6th sephiroth of the "tree" of life. This gives him "power" over the Water Forms (Matter) which he carries in the "Situla" (bucket?) of his left hand:
Situla =>" Essence of the vital sense of the realized illusion." The Sense
Meaning is the key, the heart, the sun, the center, by which all creation is sustained. Meaning is what THEY with-feel for IT; they stole from us and steal from us at every instant.
¡¡¡¡¡The Sense is the key to everything!!!!!
Let us observe the figures, the SHAPES of the letter-signs that we invented and our SENSE will remind us.
The gross forms represent the power of the One, t h e principle of the Circle that is descended, twisted, bent, bent, projected, knotted, crossed, entwined,
twisted, rounded, etc. It is not the same shape:
Those on the left are CURVED, SOFT; ROUND, Spherical, EXPRESSIVE Those on the right are ANGULAR, ANGULAR, SQUARE, SQUARE, CUBIC, COLD.
C is not equal to K . And it does not "sound" like k either.
A place implies time and space. One cannot imagine a place, without a space and a time. A K is also a place; "enveloped" by the idea "overturned of true."
A locality, what is located (K) is something actual, real, a place, with PRESENCE.
Pre-essence is the essence "with something" behind it; ACTING, HERE AND NOW, i.e. a place IN, WITH, OF the essence.
What makes it a place with essence
*K would be the idea of a place with presence K = place with presence.
Ur = Illusion, rationalized => Culture
Kur = Place of culture => Locality, city. Kurun- gia would mean :
Kur -u n - gi a "City; reflected illusion; realized intelligence".
Sumeria?, Ur?,Ninive? Thebes?NewYork?.. Whatever... Every city is:
Kurungia, place of madness; of reflected illusion, "Crazy reality."
Translated by scholars as: "Place where the gods work", or "in deep tunnels they heap".
It is also true, but they see it with their eyes, and the Sense is culturized, Babylonized, projected into the future.
Others, more current (the whole act), interpret it as "the base from which rockets can be launched. they departed carrying the gold to Nibiru.
They are not wrong either because that is precisely a city; and you don't have to be a genius to realize that the GOLD of the Anunnaki is the Sense, so scarce in Nibiru; that without it it would be "poor"; condemned to extinction, for only having a few "grams" of GOLD- Sense, produced by the pasu, as a "citizen of the planet"; reason why they
had to modify it and produce a "lulu"(worker). Nibiru would mean:
"Image of sense descended; rationally sensed by illusion."
Interpreted by the Scholars as "The planet of the Anunnaki" which needs "a shield of pulverized gold, which raised to its sky (atmosphere) will prevent its extinction".
They are not wrong either, because Nibiru without elevated sense (gold) for us goes to shit.
"The Maiden of Life."
In the accounts and interpretations of scholars, Tiamat is our planet, the Earth; and also the name of the creature achieved by En.Ki and Nin-khur-Sag.
Ti = Life with Sense, con-sentient life, Conscious Life.
AMA = "Real- Generacion- Realized" or "Realized Generating Royalty" t
= lifetime
Ti.AMA.t = "Conscious life; Real reality generator; .... life?"... No; it does not fit, it does not fit.
What fits is: IT IS, IT IS, IT EXISTS.
*t would be the Existential Ti.AMA.t would mean:
"Conscious Life; the Real Generator of Reality; It Exists!"
Tiamat! is the "word" that the Anunnaki express (name) when they see the creature achieved.
The Generational is also a process, but we will take "the Generational" to be more "complete" to the idea of the M sign.
*M = would be "the Generational".
Let's check it out:
Mama-Mother-Mary- Maya- Mayamurti- Mesiah... Binah?
"-In effect: - confirmed Bera- we have allowed the monk to peek into the Seventh Heaven, into the Palace where the Messiah dwells, in the loving arms of his Mother Binah..."
Belicena. Villca 13th day. Page 203
Bi = Double : Bicycle-binary-bicephalus-binomial- bi-"everything" but most important:
Binah is the Generating Principle, the result of an Image-Reflection Process with a common point. M is two N reflected and embedded "at or by" a common point. Binah is the beginning of the "terrible secret of Maya".
Binah is the illusory principle that men and women are different.
Binah is the copy of the FEMININE, what the One is not, and had to copy it. Binah is the illusion of that which cannot be imagined, that which cannot be generated, that which cannot be processed, that which is ETERNALLY FEMININE: SHE.
I found no facet of color to paint the word ELLA, and so I painted it as a faint, silent shadow of something covered by a cloud. It is not possible to give color to a spark that at times crosses the oblivion, and takes us out of the stupor. A spark that comes from memory, from yesterday, from what
was lost, from what was longed for... A longing that springs like anguish; in tears, in weeping, in choked
cries; in the fury of the imprisoned sense that cries out for its freedom. Why is Tiamat also the name of the Earth?
Because... "Malkhout is the Inferior Mother, as Binah is the Superior Mother, but if
the de-census of the Inferior Mother is externalized in the Chosen People, this becomes the Shekinah, the Mystical Wife of YHVH". Belicena Villca 13th day pag. 206
In other words, something like a doll, a "Feminna" of plastic, of poop, of fez: Israel; who will be taken by her priests; to the altar of "the wedding" with her golden dowry our blood, full of Sense.
db qp ? or dp bq ?
d is a reflection of b and p is a reflection of q? or is d an inverted reflection of p and b?
inverted reflection of what?
Q for Quantum, Quimica, Qabala => the Numeral
P for Projection, Plan, Puta, Pelotudo, Pasu, the Planned: Evolution => The Ascensional
B for Baal, Bethlehem, Good, Goodness, Goodness, Foolishness, Mockery => The Decentralized Gentleness.
D for Gift, for Destiny, for God, for Gift, for Doubt; the gilding, the gilding, the golden, the "gold" that he waits hungrily, and he can only get it out by squeezing the Sense through the PAIN that the sense produces by being trapped in the prison of the forms, in which he himself was trapped by deceit and betrayal.
*d is the idea of the Formal, of the painful form of the "ascent" towards entelechy.
*b is the idea of the descentional, the descending
*p is the idea of the projectional, the projected, the planned.
*Q is the idea of the numeral.
While we're on the letter b, let's "beatify" the letter b. "ABBA"
Question: "Did you know that in Hebrew Abba means "Father", and in Aramaic it means Mother?" "Ah,. Yes?"
Thousands of years ago, BEFORE the arrival of the "Savior"; we after "peeling the thing", discovered it, and resigned it as a bean. That is exactly it: bean above; bean below: Binah: a Generation Process.
Inana in Sumerian mythology-history, Shumer according to scholars, is the "Problem Goddess." "Nin-khur-sag perhaps; she was displaced by the star of Inanna or Ishtar which caused
her to become involved in all Sumerian and Western affairs. In the western lands such as Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon, Ishtar appears in various forms. As the mother goddess who displaced Ninkhursag. Her role was that of goddess of love or sex. She was also known for her military role as a warrior goddess."
"Inanna (apparently always involved). She brought much disorder to the nations of the Middle East. This manifested itself in constant warfare between the cities of Mesopotamia which became pawns in the struggle the competent gods."
"IN-ANNA or "Anu's Love" was the twin of Shamash and granddaughter of Anu. Since Anu descended to Earth only occasionally to visit his sacred city of Uruk, Inanna convinced him to let her rule in his absence. She later became the patron deity of Agade just before its destruction."
"Inanna is represented as a powerful goddess throughout the post-Diluvian period, in the western lands as well as in Mesopotamia. Her sacred symbol, the eight-pointed star, is always predominant among the symbols of the ruling gods."
"By virtue of her gender, Inanna or Ishtar could not rule legally. Nevertheless, she managed to dabble in "politics" anyway. One poem describes her descending to the nether world to try to wrest power from her older sister Ereshkigal."
"Another myth relates how she tricked Enki into giving her some of the tablets of destiny or MEs.
"The image presented by Sumerian and Babylonian literature is a unique mixture, the goddess of love on the one hand, and the military warrior on the other. She not only interfered in the affairs of Mesopotamia but also dominated the Pantheon of the western lands of Palestine, Lebanon, Syria, and Anatolia where she was known under various names such as Ishtar, Ashtoreth, Astarte, Asherah, and Anat among others."
"Inanna was the prototype for female warriors, The goddess of love, in the Mediterranean area, later became the model for the two Greek goddesses, Pallas Athena and Minerva."
No need to read anything else: It is Our Lady of Agarta. Anyway, let's see what INANA means: I= Sense
NA= Real-Image => A real image? What is a real image? How can an image be real? To elucidate the following of NA let us turn to words beginning with IN.....
Incomprehensible, endless, inactive, unsuitable, inexhaustible, unattainable; everything that is INSOLVENT.
If we look among the unusual for a word that begins with INAU... There are only THREE: Inaudito, Inaudible, Inaugural. And only one expresses the meaning of its anagram.
unheard of ina . na
"The Unheard; Arrived" The "V"
Cow, vacuum, ford, ford, vafe, vagina, vapour, sheath, value,... Verb, Vedas, vector, vehemence, cock, vertex, Venus, ... Vibration, Victory, Life, Wine, Virgin, Vitreo, Vista, Vishnu, Valhala... Vowel,
volatile, volcano, vomit, vortex, vortex, vote, voice. Vulcan, vulcan, vulva, vulva, overturn, turn, vulnerable. Shit; there are a million V words
It seems that the idea of V is not "the real thing." What is then the idea of V?
What does a cow have as a V? The real thing? Is that why it is "sacred"? I s that why the Jews call us the big red cow? Because the V shows us the angle? Does it direct us?...
The v, directs, projects, aims, points, signals, indicates, opens, breaks, splits, climbs
... it is a tip.
An angle, tip that is pushed, driven, projected by: sense? =>? Tir?
Is V the idea of the Will? Or is Tir the idea of the Will?
Is it the Virginal, the Venusian, the lizard-like, the power to achieve anything, driven by our sense, that points where we fucking please?
Here ends the first part of this writing; ➔
which only had the purpose of capturing their attention, and directing their sense of direction elsewhere; and
you will have realized that these are not meaningless "bollocks"; but neither are t h e y "rational" approaches.
What happens is that we are trained to project our Sense towards the obvious, the logical, the rational, the cultural; to illuminate as Nimrod de Rosario says
(because that is exactly what it is); that sector of our current cultural structure; the
one we normally use to function in our environment, so as not to appear abnormal; crazy.
When our sense, reasoning; "goes the other way"; it is expressed by one of my Kamaradas as: "Hey;...I think you are peeing out of the bucket". And he is right.
*Pissing - out of the bucket - => is to Reason.
*To look - in an Oblique angle-=> is to the Sense.
We cannot reason in "modalities" of reason, the rational is automatic mechanical, it either works or it does not. Reason can only be guided, directed, empowered by the links of our cultural structure through the appropriate illumination of Meaning.
And that is what I intend to do, to direct the Sense into the past.
So before continuing with the writing, I ask you to go back to the beginning of the writing, "peeing out of the Bucket", with as much i (sense) as possible, and with a premise up front:
It was us, in the past, who invented the letters, and gave them meaning. We just have to remember that.
Kenaz is the "name" of the "figure" Λ which is an inverted V and according to tradition means: Torch, Primordial Fire, Creative Energy, source of Wisdom.
Unfortunately, there are not many words in our language that begin with K; and with Q the only one that "sounds" like "Kena" is Quena; the Andean wind instrument, which when heard in melodies typical of the Andes, takes us back to a sadness, to a memory, to a REMEMBRANCE. MINNE"?
English does have quite a few words with k, but the only one that "meets the requirements" is:
Keen: "Sharp, keen, penetrating subtle, lively, //astute, ladino//perspicacious/// Eager,
vehement, enthusiastic.//Acre biting, incisive, combative//Lament in a plaintive tone.
I`m not very keen on him =>" no es santo de mi devoción" To be keen on =>" ser muy aficionado a" Keennly: Acutely, subtly
Keenness: Acuity//Subtlety, perspicacity, liveliness//Harshness, eagerness, yearning, yearning. Fuck... the little words in English describe a Wise Warrior... So we are on the right track; let's keep going:
It is something that illuminates, a stick with a fire on it, and it is a symbol of FREEDOM. A candle is also a fire-stick-encircling; it illuminates and is "something religious, romantic, and TENUE.
So the Λ is the stick, the fire, the light, or the dim? or... ALL FOUR?
Since the stick is secondary, and does not have the shape of Λ, we discard it. But the fire, the illuminates and the dim; sometimes also have no form of Λ .
So, is one a con-sequence of the other, i.e., does it open the way to the other..., does it lead? Like the dot above the letter i?
A spear is a stick - point - wound A spear is a stick - point - wound An arrow is a stick - point - wound A horn is a stick - point - wound
Every weapon looked at with meaning, is a stick-pointwound. Conclusion:
Λ ; "Kennaz", points, directs, points, directs the Sense towards: freedom, the hurtful and Remembrance.
Take a Swastica, a mirror and a stone. Place The Sign under the mirror...
And Look at the Right Angle.
And from the front at Punta de la Espada
Λ is the "little square", formed by a triangle and its reflection. Λ is the severed "Triangulito" of the Sign
The Sign; due to the effect of the reflection; has become a prison? The Odal... a prison?
O= Final d= Form A= Real L= Effect.
Now let's change the word Effect to Strap ➔ View in dictionary
Strapping is the principle of power, of the spring; from which comes the word re-flejo ("re-strapping").
"End as form realized by the strap" "End forma-lized by the strap".
"Purpose of the shape realized by the strap" "The shape as the purpose of the strap". "Strap made to achieve the shape"
"Shape made as the purpose of the strap".
Whichever of the 3 meanings of d (form, pain, "ascent towards entelechy) is applied, it shows the same meaning.
Kamaradas: However we order the letters, the meaning is the same; and it only confirms what Nimrod of Rosario taught us: We were imprisoned.
The final idea is imprisonment by the powerful action of the reflex.
The little triangle Λ "kennaz" "Outside" of the Odal is the Reflected Self, the INVERTED "V" Λ.
And the Odal is us: projected into the future, with the "I" reflected "behind".
We, projected in the stinking Breath, with our "Kenna" illuminating the abyss of shit with, Honor, Defiance, Passion, Joy, Optimism, Courage, Beauty, Music, Science, Wisdom, Justice, Freedom, Mercy, Brotherhood, Solidarity, affection... With all the Virtuous, t h e Virginal, t h e Vitreous.
Everything remembered from the Inexhaustible Source of Sense: The Being of Fire from which we were torn away.
Λ is the "little dot"(.) "the I" ; projected, "up", "from concavity"; from the "stick" of the i.
i is a letter composed of two ideas: "the self" and the reflected "fire": IGNIS. IGNIS , ("the little stick") is "the substance" of the Spirit.
Ignis can be hot, cold, sour, sweet, mild, faint, r o u g h , todo it all.
that has Meaning, and more; of what now for us means EVERYTHING; for all that we know, know and feel is only a dim, faint, memory of what we are.
BUT; it is inverted, it is falling back in time, into the future: And what we have to do is to project it into the past.
*i is the "idea" composed of ignis and its reflection: the reflected self: the illuminating SENTIDO.
To complete the "little idea" of the letter V we will have to go back to INANA. "Lo Inaudito-trayó".
What did it bring?
¡¡¡¡¡Which could not be heard!!!! He brought the angle.
¡¡¡¡¡The sound Angular!!!!!, sharp, cold, bending, breaking. V-WX- Y
In your BELLY
Vien-tre Wind - Bring?
Wind: From Lat: Ventus : Air that moves in det. Direction
Belly: From Lat: Venter: "Cavity of the body where the intestines and genitals are located".
NO, no and no. A belly, - rationally speaking - yes it is a hollow, but of air, NOT OF WIND. The "translation"; doesn't it seem a bit "crooked"? It is so obvious that it cannot be just a mistake.
Both words have in common the Latin "root" vent which would be "air". ventus =>Ilusion (u) essence (s)
venter => Power(e) rational(r)
Trae: From Lat. Trahere : "To bring a thing to the place where One is."
By all accounts, vientre is a word composed of two other words: Viento and Trae. It is poorly written, and poorly translated On Purpose?
¡¡¡¡¡ Of course !!!!! By whom? We alreadyknow... But let's go on:
Trae: Lat. Trahere
Here in English is the idea of: Here, in this world in this life. Her is accusative mood of "she".
And the most exciting thing is that in German ...Ehre...means.... HONOR, BLOOD INHERITANCE.
Which leads us to the conclusion that trahere was most likely traehre.
Anyway, we already have a full idea of the HUGE meaning of INANA; Our Lady of Agartha who in her belly brought: WOTAN: "THE TERROR OF AN".
Axiom: What the "Venter brings" is not the same as what the "Good brings". One is something with Meaning, the other is a bag of stagnant air.
Up to this point of the writing, you will have realized that it carries an order, an order without which, it would not be possible to take the Meaning in the direction we intend. It is a process of orientation of meaning.
Freedom is in the past, as Nimrod de Rosario told us:
To "look through a mirror" which is: to carry rationality (the donkey, the force, the power), towards the past, always with the MEANING; the instinct, the silent voice, the penna ; carrying, pulling, dragging to the essence.(The donkey).
Not as shown by the "Savior"; who marches triumphantly into his future, on the donkey.
The strategy of the Superiors, having sent NIMROD DE ROSARIO, to fulfill a mission is something INAUDIBLE;
The mission of "incorporating" in our cultural structure, from the cultural; new "recordings" (Emergencies in the sphere of light) in all of us who follow with passion, with "penna" Λ ; each page of Belicena Villca.
With the Fundamentals; to demonstrate through Rationality, the Real of Rationality; how it works, that it is not something of the "other world", that it is only a process of "recording" and
ILLUMINATION of what is recorded, by a process of frontal reflexion.
That "consciousness" is only a "sphere-storage-power" of linked signs, called to memory by a process of Reflex
illumination of the "I", the MEANING, REFLECTED: "La Penna" Λ To modify our cultural structure, from a
cultural point of view: Belicena
The Fundamentals: To demonstrate by means of Rationality, the REAL of RATIONALITY.
That's why, when we study the Fundamentals of Hyperborean Wisdom; we say to ourselves, "God, what did this guy eat...he's got to be extraterrestrial."
What Belicena and the foundations have done in us, is to strengthen a cornered, forgotten knot within our cultural structure; strengthening it. It seems that such archetypal knot, is the one corresponding to the sign Y, which finally leads us to the angle, and to liberation.
On the other hand; what Nimrod's Fundamentals have caused, is an actualization of those archetypal knots that, I repeat again; were abandoned in the cultural structure; and it has created new links, which illuminate "forbidden" sectors of the cultural structure, and therefore OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS.
Because it can't be "something miraculous", that so many "things" are a coincidence, something strangely "coincidental; that the little letters mean something by
themselves"; and that it also works.
No... chance does not exist, it is another adulterated word; the original is causality. Everything in this world has a cause, a beginning; and if it has a beginning it has an end. And; if it has a cause; IT CAN BE REVERSEED.
Want to see what works? Shall we watch? N I M R O D
"The Sentient Image of the rational process as the purpose of the plan." D E
"the Powerful Plan:" R O S A R I O
"Rationality as essential finality ; the reality of the rational, of meaning, and finality." Another coincidence? No...
And while we're on the subject of looking, we'll say that:
Looking is to sense, as Seeing is to power. We look, animals see, the pasu observes.
As we are no longer humans, but "sleeping" viryas (thanks to NIMROD):
Let us reverse our "penna", and let us turn to look with Sense, not with Rationality. Let's hear with our sense of hearing, not with our ears.
Hearing is to the re-oriented viryas, listening is to the pasu, who ONLY listens. The ear (with accent) hears, the ear (with accent): listens
The touch touch touches, the fingertip feels.
The pasu reproduces, I fornicate. The pasu with desire. I...; with desire and with meaning. Let's continue:
We do not know how the original figure of the letters was; therefore, they may seem slightly, or partially "disfigured", but what cannot change is the sense of their meaning
R o s a L í a
"Rationality as an essential purpose realized; fringed by sense ;(with accent) realized".
Nimrod of Rosario taught us RATIONALLY. That we have the archetypes stuck in our brains, INVERTED; something that was DEMONSTRATED in the image of the "lapida" published in the Serpent II of our page; in which "the low becomes high", and vice versa (when the image is overturned), irrefutable proof of the inversion of the sign.
When we say "archetypes are inverted", how do we apply it?
Letters, signs are inverted, a sign is finally a thing, a drawing. Let's pretend that the "drawing" is a glass, if we invert it, it is still a glass.
What has changed?
Answer: THE SENSE of the vessel; because now the vessel that was pointing >upward", now points >downward".
The idealwould be: If:towards > up ; then : down< towards, and not
towards > down In other words, the "little arrow" should also change direction: The "little arrow" should also change direction.
Which is equivalent to "looking through a mirror". Looking is not the same as seeing.
Sense Reason Sense Sign Sense Writing Sense Entity Sense Sense < Mirror
And it will be with mirrors that we will put into practice this so important thing that is the reflection of meaning.
All or almost all of us have seen ourselves reflected in two mirrors, placed at the right angle.
It happens that if; looking at ourselves in a second mirror that reflects our image in a FIRST MIRROR: "MAKING OF ACCOUNT", OR PRETENDING, OR SUPPOSING THAT
WE IGNORE THE EXISTENCE OF THE FIRST MIRROR; and we raise our right hand and touch our right ear, in the mirror it seems that it is the left hand touching the left ear and immediately, DISCONCEPTION, DISORIENTATION arises.
Let's see; pour a glass of water, or light a cigarette looking through that mirror, imagining or pretending not to know about the other mirror...
That is the ordeal of the human being, to do something well done, and that it doesn't "turn out well". "It shouldn't be like that", "I did the right thing and it rains shit...", "Did I make a mistake?",... "Did I do something wrong...?", "Maybe I did", "...yes...", etc.
That's what happens, we look through a mirror, the "reality" of another mirror.
The deluded sense acts by looking at the reflection of the second mirror, the reflection of the first mirror; reason ignores the existence of the two; and the
wrong action is taken.
The letters V Y W X are the 4 key letters, and they are all "framed" within a strategy.
*V is the idea of "the angular, the hostile".
*W is the idea of "hostile double angle".
*And it is "the Regressive".
*X is "Freedom".
The "ideas" of the "abcdeario" that we are "deciphering", work, but they are those of "before" WHICH WE HAVE BEEN RESIGNED BY BELICENA VILLCA ; THE FUNDAMENTALS OF HYPERBOREA WISDOM; AND ROSALIA.
The v that füerha the Venial, the virtuous, has become the Angular, the Hostile that is now "the inverted yolk that feels inward the river of blood that has changed direction and now flows backwards like a river returning to the origin: MINNE.
From now on M is only a PROCESS, that is to say the generational, the grandfather, father, mother, son, grandson, great-grandson and a are not the same as before, now it is only a process of sense and essence.
Meaning process re-flexed powerful.
The double v (W) now understood as double angular becomes Hostile Army. The and that was eyecion of power, becomes Regression of Sense which is our primary urgency.
The x that was the crucial thing, a cross, the prison; it becomes the Liberation. Why is Y the "Regressive"?
Because it is the idea of a bifurcation, of a river that becomes two, of a bud that grows in the ANGLE formed between two branches, and that is the archetypal principle used by THE VIRGIN OF AGARTA OR AGADE OR HADES, INANA, ISHTAR,
That is the river painted on the emblem of arms of the House of Tarsis, the Spike of the Virgin of Agarta, the Yolk that springs from the Angle formed by the regression of two rivers.
To complete the enormous significance of the Y FOR US , let's see what is a fitting:
In the dictionary I have only found the word encastrar: Endentar dos piezas//Empotrar.
Encastre brings us directly to the idea of leverage.
Lever: Pole used to carry a heavy object between two///Fortin made of stakes and earth//Rigid bar, mobile around a support point, to transmit a movement//Control lever//Support influence//Fixed platform placed at the edge of a pool (water), to perform jumps.
Also the word "shovel" leads to Pallas Athena.=>Inana=>Freya Shovel : tool with which something(y) is picked up(y) from the ground(hell).
Let's look at a map of the Amazon river basin, and we will see many Ys coming together, increasing their flow, returning to the sea.
The same happens in us with our rivers (Aryans) of blood: That is tracing the blood back to the "Great -Ante-Past".
How is the blood traced back (read the Family Test again):
"The Family Test does not refer specifically to sex but to "blood relatives", parents,
siblings, grandparents, uncles, aunts, uncles, sons, etc. But whoever is able to face the Family Test will not only see his questions about sex answered, but will have taken an important step towards other ways of liberation, apart from tantrism. That is why it is advisable for
every Western virya to face this test sooner or later."
What happens, or will happen, t o all of us who have taken Belicena Villca and the Hyperborean Wisdom as something Crucial.
It happens that: all the other members of the family see us as crazy, as out of reality, and automatically "comes" a distancing, a feeling of rejection arises in them, a sentence of: "You are crazy, look at reality, don't you see what is happening?...what world are you in?...what has happened to you?..."... "GO BACK TO THE REAL WORLD". (as if we were moving away from them, and from the "real" world).
That is the return, the scarlet thread of longing that takes the Madman back to the origin. And the need arises in us to be silent, to close our mouths and look for the Silent Exit.
And while we're on the subject of the word Aryan:
"The Reality of Rationality; of Meaning and Finality" With which it is clarified once and for all:
The Aryan Race is not a matter of skin.
It is a matter of Reality, Rationality, and Sense. Why W is Army?
Castro: Camp// Boy's game// Castrazón de las Colmenas.
If v is hostility, angle, PENNA; W is double hostility, double Angle and double PENNA The hostile joined at one point with another hostile, forming a third hostile.
The Trident; which wielded with the hand is the Sword pointing to Heaven: A REBEL. And in our case; it is an army of Hostile Rebels with Pennas and Encastrados in Agarta, sharpening their claws for the Final Battle, in which; literally: WE WILL
PLAY WAR, against a convent-troop of loving sissies afraid of losing what
cannot be lost, the sense and ONE of the virtues of SENSE is conscious life.
The Final Battle, in which we will e x t e rmi n a t e everything that is chosen shit, or with the "smell" of chosen shit, detected by the "smell" of the Dogs of War.
And by killing them we will do them the favor of releasing in them the imprisoned Sense, which in the Kairos will be directed towards the LUCERO.
The W's (rebels), which we will join; when we have the honor, the hostility and the courage to accept that we are: Lizards for the Sense, and monkeys for the essence.
If we choose the sense;... Honor (b l o o d inheritance) will be brought by Remembrance.
Thus we will have the Honor of fighting in the furious army of WOTAN, to the origin, abandoning the form, and finally arriving together with the SHE.
If we choose the essence...the sky...the beautiful form...the loving servitude. Why X is the idea of liberal?
X means on the one hand : Cross, pain, suffering, confinement. X Displays 4 angles.
X Displays 4 V's "hitting a single point", from 4 opposite angles.
X Shows two >< struck from two directions. The Emerald Axe striking in two mirrors, the one from "above" and the one from "below" : Time: The CAUDA of the GREEN KOMETA.
"X" is the symbol of enigma, of SECRET, of the SECRET OF THE 4 ANGLES
There are not many words that begin with x ... Bah, let's get to the point: The "e" is
implied. EXTRAER : Lat :
Extraehre : To take out, To separate from a
substance some of its components.
Xtrae => Ex - Bring the "I", the inheritance of the Blood, THE HONOR. That's all it takes: X is the "secret" of the freedom that lies in the 4 corners. Back to V
What is venial?
(This is really beautiful)
According to the Dicc. Larousse: Venial => Lat. Venialis. Venial sin, slight sin; "not deserving eternal damnation."
The V even when "sinning" is beautiful.
V is the idea of the venial: the virtual, the venusine, the stained glass, the virginal... the v to infinity and beyond "infinity".
V is the hostility, the angular, the fierce, the Daemonium, the LIZARD The Terror of An.geles.
What She in the "womb" brought
From VA L O R, through Virtual, to Voluntad
The meaning of V FOR US NOW is everything honorable that begins with V. VRIL
"V ? Rationalized by Flexed Sense."
The figure shows "Kenaz" Λ Λ nailed? in the I sense.
The place nailed, wounded, hurt, by the "kennaz", the Penna. This is a Site
The difference between C and K is that C is a thing that is also in a place; but without presence, only with eye, with "iod": an ENTE.
K is a place with presence Pre-essence
I-Essence Sense-power Angle - Penna Curve - Crest
To "update" the sig. of K , do you know what a Lagar is?
Lagar: small place where the grapes are crushed to make wine and the olives are crushed to make wine.
oil// Building where the press is installed//Press for crushing grapes.
Sense points => Crocodile ... "Crocodile Tears" Squeeze... Wine ... Blood... Pain... Suffering.
Words: Kaaba, Kaiser, kali, kayak, kephren, Kenaz, Kenya, Kiev, kirie, Krisna,kurdish... Kamarada: "Site of generated royalty; royal reason for the realization of descent.
of the ROYALTY".
*K is the site, the winepress.
S i t i or
"Essence of sense; fall of sense finalized."
*C is ENTE Kresta
"Rational site of the essential power fallen to reality."
"Rational site of the essential sense actually caudalized."
t= the vital. The "erudite" ....bla bla... life, vital...
t the figure shows two signs. One vertical downward, and the other horizontal.
As a whole they are a "fall", a "descent" of power? crossed by the "stick", the sense that "flows" horizontally.
The t is a fall and power strap, which traps, crosses the sense.
That is the whole idea of Life: Sense descended by power, "by means of" crossing. Crucification
"t" is: the "Fallen" (by crucifixion), the Flow of flow, of cascade, of flow that falls, and is strapped in the lower and becomes a torrent, a torrent of power, of breath of the One.
But this "breath" is also twisted, tensioned, in a kind of braid, a TORZAL. Look up the following words in the dictionary; and relate them with meaning: Torzal, torcida, torá, toro, torax, torca => rope - thread - braid - twine.
All of this encapsulates our concept of t, vital breath, flow of potency, torzal. A kind of braid of three principles, which compose the Breath of the One.
As these are concepts that border on Hyperborean Physics; we will say that t is the vital time, like a cauda, a CAUDAL of power trapping the Sense.
The figure of the jack shows a rise of the sense-power of the UNO, which is angled (bending), and then descends, directed by the sense (the point), and bends in bending to rise again.
The figure shows - in my opinion - the power that takes impulse, to then take a reflex sense with the power, which is "strapped" and falls; it is strapped again forming an eyelet that "picks up" and returns up.
And that is the exact idea that I have of the "Lord" of the Boar, of the Boar, of the Soap, of the Jaco, Jacob, Jaque, Jornal, Justicia, Juanito and Judio. Jesus: "Descent driven
by the essence illusioned by the essence".
In Colombia and Latin America in general, the Jesuses are called "Chuchos". Chucho: Fam: Can (Syn. V. perro)// Interjection used to scare dogs//Buhonería//Escalofrío// Cuba and Venezuela: Vergajo , látigo.
Jaba: Beggar's backpack//Sort of a cage-like box, for carrying animals and fragile things//Hollow pumpkin//Miseria inopia//Cuba: to go out with the jaba (beg for alms)// Cuba: To let go of the jaba (to become civilized, to polish oneself).
(See below the reason for the red letters in the letter J and Cuba).
*J is a driven descending power, with directed sense (the point on the j) to pick up. The JABAL, the JABALINO : the JABA and the BABIRUSA (white boar).
In the figure on the left:
Birsa in priestly vestments, under the dome of the temple, the nave, hands and feet bathed in blood, offers the Jaba hanging from the Altar (high) full of Sense trapped alive.
Bera from the first sky pointed by his tail, leaping with glee; showing his bloody hands; and modulating the voice of the boar, calls the blood-red Samash , who looks
over the crowns of the II graduated trees of Eden.
*L is the descent of the Flejado and projected into the abyss as Light, the Luminal; LO FLEJADO
For us the L is Flexed, because it is the "I" of the sense, flexed twice, not reflected, but reflected, once in the fall, in which it is projected into the abyss, and again in which it is projected into the future, in an Angular Flexed time of the Sense; which flows parallel to the flexed L; in a Curved Flexed time of the essence.
A bent L for the essence. A
Flexed L for Sense.
Strapping is to bend something without causing an angle, without splitting it, and it refers to the Power, to the essence.
Flexe is to bend something causing an angle; and it is referred to Sense. Only Sense flexes, reflects, as many times as necessary and remains Sense.
The power cannot flex, because it would break, it can only bend, twist, curve, spiral, stretch, contort, etc.; but without breaking, the angle means its opening to infinity... Incongruously both words "derive" from the Lat: Flexus
By the way?...¡¡¡¡¡ Of course it is !!!!!... And we already know who it's for. Well; this is getting too long; so let's get to the point:
The reflected and inverted A (by nimrod) I think it does not need "illumination", the real has become for us a "REALITY-REFLECTED".
The B that was the Formal, the form that descends; b becomes a q of Chimera. A chimera is an illusory animal, half of one species and half another: AND WE ARE ILLUSORY LIZARD/MONO, as long as we are in the world of illusion.
The C that represents the created, the things, is actualized as a "backwards c", that is to say, seen as the other half of the entity that was hidden. The O split in two
n n , a pair of principles that we now "link" thanks to the fundamentals: Two knots and a link, the principle of the entity the thing.
The d of the ascending, no need for "enlightenment, has become the domain of PAIN. The E of Potency becomes Energy by the 3 principles, which emanate from potency;
a "trinity" of potency: E . M. V - or Father-Son-S.S., or "the little triangle with the eyelet in the center".
The f of Frio, of inert, of inertia, becomes a G of the Geloid of the Sense, of the Being of Ignis, the "coldness of Freya". GRACE?
The g of "hot" action becomes a form of action with a regressive sense that becomes frya, lizard-like, frya-blooded action: the FURY.
The three furies: Alecto, Megera and Tesifona.
In order to understand this "felt action" converted into hot-action (act) we will take a current similarity:
When it sprouted, it produced songs with meaning, I remember, I sang, I trilled like the birds, I made the "PENNA" come out.
The process did its thing, the sense was "perfected" in Form - Acting; today it only Dances, it is Pure Act. (The same applies to many more)
The H...
The H Aria, which is the one we are interested in, does not overturn, it always reflects the same, and if it is bent it keeps its shape. The H is the H. The silent is always silent. H is the sound of falling snow.
H is the sensation of falling snow. The H is the sight of falling snow.
H has no sound
The sound of the H, is the sound of snow. . .THE COLD SILENCE; and Ventraehre.
The Condor is the "Symbol Bird" of the Andes because it is mute, has no voice, no trill, no cry; it has Black feathers and a Red Krest; the Silent Bird.
H in front of a word (ideogram) DENIES H in back AFFIRMS
The H in the middle SHUT UP.
In front Denies because at the beginning of the word the breath goes out -> Falls=>negative Behind the word has already been said, and breath is taken in again <-
Regresses<=Affirms Within a word = Is.
The i becomes an upside-down i, i.e. the Sense reversed, reversed a g a i n , i.e. a REFlexion of the Sense, from Ignis reflexo
*J is "Javelin" power
The k of place has become a Lagar of Sense, the SITE, the Kresta.
*L is Light for the essence, Flexion of breath for the Sense.
The M of the "mystery of divine generation" or of wine or of life as a result of a Process of twisting of power in the reverse direction, as that of doubling A League with a common point forming an 8, resulting in a pair of powers V V; and both sides generate a force of attraction. W a double v that is male-female or a double u one-one.
Male with the sense towards > and Female towards < Sense. A Haba, an upside down Mother, the dual world for the lost virya.
But for us it is: The WALHALLA, of the WALKIRYAS of WOTAN of WALES, of the WAHABITAS....
The n of image becomes a u of umbra, of the threshold; a portal where the ONE. A "threshold image", a Utopia something possible only by faith.
O, follow O Omega, final, the ONE.
The directional p of the destined ; of evolution, becomes a b of bestial de Servile Beast, Tamed by Love.
The q of the numeral, becomes a q of quantum, of "that's the question", concepts of Hyperborean physics that we do not understand; but that becomes something related to the eyelet of the triangulite, and to the serpent-being.
The R of rational becomes something xtr-year: REAL RATIONALITY (FROM LAGARTO, frya). The s is not overturned or anything, it is still essence, SUBSTANCE.
The t becomes cauda, flow of power; which becomes visible in the Cauda of a Kometa, when it faces the Solar Wind.
The u of illusion, becomes an n of the normal, the natural and the numeral. The V of veniality is reflected and becomes a Λ Penna
The W for male and female, turns over and becomes an M for Militia. The Y is inverted and becomes the beginning of the castro; the return of the warrior to his combat post, by means of the regression of the sense: MINNE
The X, the cross of confinement in the world of forms, in the Kairos, when outside the prison, something will appear as a "Wing of Serrated Pennas"...
Something Funny... Alegría.....Alegrial... AL-e- GriaL?... or alegral... AL-e-GraaL?
In one way or another the familiar idea is JOY
And the Z of infernal; of all this wonderful world; has become a Zonzera, (with Z's reflected) of zonzos (also with Z's reflected).
A= the REAL- the Real- Rational O= the FINAL- the Omega, the One B= the FORMAL- Chimera P= the DIRECTIONAL - the Bestial
C= the Created, Thing - the Entity. Q= the NUMERAL-Quantum- Qabala D= ASCENDANT - the Dominal, Pain R= the RATIONAL - the Rational-Real
E= POTENTIAL - Energy Power S= the ESSENTIAL - the essential, the substance. F= Cold - Glacial - Grace? T= Vital (breath) - the Flow-Torzal G= ACT - Fury, Icy Act U= the ILLUSIONAL - the Natural, the numerous* H= SILENT - SILENT V= the Virtual - the VENIAL, the
J= ALIENTAL- the Javelin X= the CRUCIAL (cross)- Freedom-EXTRACTION K= PLACE - Kresta (Site sense) Y= EYECTIONAL- Castro, regression, MINNE L= ALIENTAL- (effect)- the Luminal, Light. Z=the INFERNAL- Zonzera
M= GENERATIONAL- the Mundane*Numerous in the sense of illusion N= IMAGINAL (of image)- the Utopic of the multiplicity of entities.
In red letters: The signs In black letters: The Normal In green letters: The Updated Note: If any Kamarada can better "point out" the Meaning of the
meanings, please do so, many Pennas will be able to much more.
Monologue, monocephalon, monotheist, monogamist, monotony, "monkey-ass", monotreme... Monkey business... Therefore, the One IS A MONKEY because he makes monkey business:
The "Monoroth" Tree
"The first fruit is Kether, the Crown of Ehyeh, the essential Aspect of YHVH: beneath Kether is the Throne of God, the Highest of Creation. Kether is the Holy Ancient One, attikah kadisha, or more so, the Ancient of Elders, attikah deatikim. He
sits on the Throne and to Him alone comes Metatron, who sometimes descends to men, as He spoke to Moses at Sinai, and leads them before the Ancient of Days. He is the one who said to Moses - "I Am He Who Am", Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh [Exodus, 3,14]. The
Power of Ehyeh extends directly over the Seraphim or Seraphim, Haioth Hakadosch, that is, Holy Souls, Angels Builders of the Universe."
"But the Wisdom of the Father crosses over from the dahat channel and is reflected in Binah, the Third Sephirah, whose Divine Intelligence is necessary for the
creation of thought-entities to take place. Binah is the Great Universal Mother: through Her the Wisdom of the Father produces the fruits of the Worlds and of the content of the Worlds. The Hot Fire of her Universal Love floods the Avir Ether and transmits to all
the Worlds the Intelligence of YHVH Elohim, the third Aspect of The One. Under her Power are the energetic Aralim Angels, who act in the sphere of Saturn, but the principal Angel, the one who communicates man with the Divine Mother, is Zaphkiel, the one who was the guide of Noah, the great navigator: Binah is, therefore, Mistress of Seafarers."
. "Finally, there is at the center Malkhouth, the Kingdom, which reflects Kether, the Crown, and is the manifest synthesis of the Form of the Ancient of Days: by the Kingdom the Shekhinah descends to Earth, and the Kingdom of God will be realized in the Earth Shekhinah take the form of the Chosen People, ruled by King Messiah.
Din, Tiphereth, Hoesed, creative, productive,...
The ninth Sephiroth is Yesod, the Foundation of Creation of YHVH Saddai, the Almighty. It is the reproductive organ of YHVH
Belicena Villca 13th day pag. 203-205
And we knew it a long time ago. We drew it Huge; on a high plateau of the Andes (Nazca) with the symbol of the Pasu drawn as a tail.
What for? To remember it.
Eats boogers, catches anything, mimics, hits, squeals, climbs, jumps, stretches, scratches, descends from trees, catches zonkers and then climbs back up. It shits, pees, masturbates, bends, breaks, hangs, swings, balances, catches, holds on with its tail,
climbs up holding on, climbs down holding on, spits the seeds, beats its chest,... monkey acts,
... makes cuteness.
And it is: group, territorial, crafty, treacherous, copycat, thief, dirty and profiteer. Fearful of birds of prey, and of wild beasts, from which he hides, screeching among the leaves from the top of the trees, in which it lives and through which it moves from branch to branch, with agility, speed and harmony.
It shares its home with the snake, which it keeps an eye on, and treats with great suspicion. It habitually avoids thorns. It uses the angles formed between the branches of its trees to rest. It uses rationally the roughness of the trunk to scratch its back, or to rub its anus, which surely itches because of the dirt.
It removes the leaves from the branches and wets the sticks with its slime, with them it traps ants in the holes, and dries them to extract the honey of the bees that make their honeycombs in their trees, something that it likes too much, because it has more sweetness than the fruits of the trees.
His usual fruit is the Banana, perhaps because apart from being sweet he enjoys the pleasure of peeling the thing. Perhaps when he once saw himself in a pomegranate tree, he took its fruit, the pomegranate, and it took him a little longer to remove the peel and so he learned to be patient, when he opened it he thought it was many fruits in one fruit, and he thought it was something wonderful.
Perhaps on another occasion he was in an almond tree, could not break the shell, descended to the ground, picked up a stone, hit it and the shell cracked.
Perhaps he was once irritated, jaded by the taste of its fruits; he shook the branches of his tree and the ripe fruits fell to the ground, because of the heat they fermented, and gave off an aroma, the curious monkey hanging by his tail took the fermented fruit, ate
it and got drunk. He rubbed his sacred beard, with one hand, and began to masturbate with the other.
For a while he fell asleep, and drunk, dreamed and ubiquitous Hebrew....
And if we apply the system of links and knots that NIMROD DE ROSARIO taught us: A =>Ain Sofh=> "Reality of the Illusionary Sense of the Monal Essence:
Affirmed". E =>Kether => "Place of the caudal potency ES: rational potency". N=>Hokmah => "Deny: Place monad actually generated: Affirmed" M=>>Binah => "Actually imagined felt form: Affirmed"
S =>Hoesed=> "Deny: Potent monad of the dominant potentiated essence" P=>Din => "Dominance of the imagined sense".
i=>Tipheret => "Projected Sense Flow IS rationally boosted by the power flow". J=>Netsah => "Powerful image essential flow realized:Affirmed"
B=>Hod => "Denies: descending monad".
O=>Yesod=> "Ejection of the essential power of the dominant monad". U=>Malkhouth =>"Actual generation effected on the s p o t , IS fallen illusionary monad: Affirmed".
Yesod is the genitals of the Monkey (and ours - Micro cosmos). The reversed act of ejaculation; from Malkhout which is where we are, is the beginning of Tantra, which leads back to Yesod, which is the end, that is the draining of the sense, which is reflexing and the immortality of the essence which is re-flexing.
Tipheret is the Heart of the monkey, it distributes the blood (the sense), which is then processed and projected to the living beings.
As for the "H" it appears to be:
Ha = fascinationHe = passionHi = jocosityHo= lieHu = pride
Because they would be the reflection of the "virtues" of the H: Harmony Beauty Hilarity Honor Humility Humility
With what:
Hokmah : "Lie of place actually generated, and affirmed" Hod: "Descending lie".
Kether: "Place of caudal power; rational passion".
Tipheret: "Flow of the projected Sense; rational passion, of the flowing power". Returning to the monkey; it happened that when the traitors "settled" in the Heaven corresponding to the 6th sephiroth which is Tipheret; the Fire (Ignis) of the Anthropoid which was the Instinct, proper of an anthropoid, was flooded with Stolen Sense by the Traitors; and the little monkey became an Animal with
Rational Sense: The Dragon.
And the reverie of the little monkey, round and squeaky, dreaming of cuteness; became a Universe of Dementia, Demonized Demons, and Rational Dominions, fed by the love and pain of some, and sustained by the power and treachery of others.
The "new" S
With the above, the S of essence, as it has an i in the middle, it is clear that it is Ignis monal, or INSTINCT.
The letter S has two principles, or two heads: Substance; the great deceiver: The Taba, the Tobacco and the Gadfly
Taba: Astragalus// Foot bone //Boy's game that is played by throwing in the air, in a certain order, ram's sticks.
Astragalus: Tragacanth. Ring-shaped cord that adorns columns and other cylindrical objects.
Tragacanth: (gr. Tragos, goat and akantha, thorn) Shrub of the papilonaceae family
that produces a gum used in pharmacy.
Tobacco: Solanaceous plant native to the West Indies, whose leaves, prepared in various ways, are chewed, snorted as powder through the nostrils and smoked
//Certain tree disease //Tobacco trade and cultivation are severely regulated in almost all European countries.
Tabaleo: Action and effect of tabalear or shaking//Sound that is made by tabaleando on a board.
Tabear: To play taba// to chatter
Taberna: Store where wine, liquor and other beverages are retailed.
Tabernacle: (from lat. Tabernaculum) Among the Hebrews (Hebrews?) a tent where the Ark was placed.
Board: Long, narrow piece of wood.//Multiplication table//Table of thigh//Table of thigh//The square of earth in which vegetables are sown: a table of bersas//Mostrador where meat is sold// " A raja tabla": Whatever it costs, without remission.
Tablado : Floor of planks//Patíbulo Tablaje: Underground gambling den. Tablajero: Butcher.
Tables: Tie//Come up to the boards (theater)//boards of the law. (The Mosaics) Note: Chess, rational game; has a Mosaic Board.
Tabanus: (lat. Tabanus) A species of large fly whose female bites horses and other animals.
Tabes: Disease caused by lesions in the spinal cord, characterized by a gradual abolition of the coordination of the limbs.
TABA => "Realized actual pain flow rate".
TABACO => "Actual flow of pain in the finalized entity"
TABANO => "Actual flow of pain naturally finalized" TABES
=> "Actual flow of potent pain of the essence".
TABERNACLE => "Real flow of pain potently rationalized imaginatively; realized by the illusioned entity finally descended".
With the above, it seems that everything "Tab" was created with the idea of a spur for the pasu, a way to herd him to discover things, an ESSENTIAL PAIN.
SMOKING => "Fryo imagined generating rational reality".
It seems that smoking is not only bad for your health, it also seems to be painful to the essence.
This would "uncover" the real reason for the synarchy's war against the real flow of pain smokers: Tab.
And there must be something else, since Smoke and smoking are present in rites, cults and other shit.
Another little thing: Tobacco is a large, round leaf...
After the installation of the traitors in "El Cielo", and the in-corporation of the Sense in all the creation; it was seen Angulated in Increase, I suppose that this also had repercussions in the plants, and "aggressive", angular plants arose, like the beautiful Sequoias and the Pines with their SHARP leaves, the Warriors of the Airs, the Beasts of the earth, and the Swords.
However, among the "small plants" there were some with "toothed leaves", such as those of the Roses and the "Bayer".
And besides, a cigar is also a "stick-point-fire." Conclusion: Everyone will know how to apply it.
Havana, castro, and Fidel
Havana: "Voice of pain realized natura real".
Castro: "Ente real essence caudal rational finalized". Fidel: "Cold sense dominated by the power performed".
Fidel is a name that derives or comes from the Latin fides, which means "Faith", and there is no denying that he is a man of Faith.
But between Fidel and Fidez only one sign varies; and L and Z are descending. Something similar happens between Fe and Fez
And none of us can deny that there is a notorious complicity, a support of the synarchy towards Fidel and his Castro Cuba; and an "inexplicable" "what do I care" of the gringos, defenders of "Democracy and Freedom". And they even have a military base on the island whose reason for us is very clear: Tables => Talk.
A vat is a jug a bucket a pail a pail, a vessel, a container, ISOLATED.
What is brewing in Cuba - Jaba- Red-recipient-balde-castro-camp-nest, isolated; is A COPY OF AGARTA.
If Agarta is a nest of lizards, Cuba and its surrounding islands are a nest of wild boars, Golen and treacherous and masterful dogs.
It seems that the Caribbean Islands are remnants of Atlantis, and if they remained afloat, it is because they were the territory of the "Dark Atlanteans".
Haiti is an island of Africans mixed with indigenous people from the islands, and they practice voodoo or snake worship of African origin as their religion.
The coasts of Brazil are the territory of Macumba, another African eggada.
W e m a y b e paranoid, but it is not too much to ask you not to take your eyes
off Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Bolivia, the latter having a monkey as president, who goes to Cuba every now and then to ask for instructions from a Bearded Beast; it is about to fall under the domination of the Jaba, and then advance on Argentina.
As for Fidel, he should be dead by now... is he still... alive? Nations have names, and meanings... Find them out.
The Songs
Every song with meaning is a remembrance: of HER or of what was lost or what happened, aimed at projecting meaning in the direction THEY intend.
For example, "La Balsa" by the "Gatos" from the 60's - 70's, is a remembrance of the flood and Noah's Ark, which projects the sense towards a hopeful and crazy future.
"The Stranger with the long hair" is the sense of the lost virya, projected towards Faith.("
...there is fire in his gaze and a bit of dissatisfaction for A WOMAN he ALWAYS WANTED and NEVER COULD LOVE"...) and the remembered sense of HER, projecting it towards the woman of flesh.
In our library we will put some songs as an example (there are a lot of them), changing the title of the song for the TRUE MEANING that the song contains.
And now that we know where they come from, we can use them as a tool of return, directing our sense to the source where they come from. A weapon has two edges, if they used it against us; we will use it to our benefit: Remembrance.
No longer, towards the Varona, the one of flesh; but towards HER. No longer to the beauty of the world, but to the forgotten sublime. KNOWING THAT THEY ARE A REMEMBRANCE:
"Re-Re-flexed, powerful Sense Generation." Update: August 15, 2007 Further
Adjusting the Sense:
If we were so great, why not represent the word that represents the sign, with the same sign at the beginning of the word?
For example: P = the Pantanal, G = the Gonadal, D = the doctoral, etc. Did we?
The A that is "the real", is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed to "the Real" is "resigned", it is Actualized as:
the Angular, as the axional rational of the real. Why?
Axional with X is not the same as Accional with double C.
The Actional is to a round shaft, curved principle, quadruple strap => O and the Axional is to an exe of Angular principle, quadruple Flexe => □
An "Ecce Hommo" (Jesus) is not the same as an Exe Hommo (Navutan).
The Angular as Axion - Real that has as its foundation, as directional exe to the Sense, which is Ignis-Reflexed and therefore Angular, and therefore: Virtual. Axion Real with Angular Oriented Sense, illuminating from convexity
Not as the Actional, as a mode of real action with reflected doubled sense; which illuminates from the concavity.
Then A is the Angular, the Virtual as the foundation of the Real, of Reality. B
The B that is the formal, of the binary forms of Binah descended as beauty, (round forms in pairs: EYES, buttocks, tits, muscles, legs, biceps, vulvas, etc.) from the "sphere" of Binah,; it is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the formal, the descending and to Binah is "resigned", it is "actualized" as: The Banal, the Binahl of the beautiful even forms descended and projected into the future of the perfect forms of entelechy.
The C which is the fundamental, the foundation of creation, the entity, the hot stone, rounded; on which the work is built, the temple; it is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the fundamental which is the entity, it is resigned, it is actualized as:
The Corporeal, the body, the fallen, lowered, embodied, solidified, descended: the Thing, corporeal; the entity.
The d which is the Ascensional, which is the painful, the bleeding, what has been destined for the virya, the destined, the evolution towards entelechy; it is inverted (the sign) and without
lose the sense directed towards pain and its real relationship with what is truly ascensional in the world, which is pain; it is "resigned" it is "actualized" as: The Dominal, of dominion, of domination, of "lordship", of Dominus, of being subdued, of bending the neck for the Pain.
The E of the Potential, is inverted (the sign); without losing the sense directed towards the Potency, it is "resigned" and "Actualized" as:
The Entelechial, entelechy as the finality of the Power. F
The F of the Inertial, of the inert, understood as Coldness, in act and in sense, as the Coldness that Freya represents as one of its aspects; and projected by the "fox" as FAITH understood as confidence in a happy and peaceful future, (Fez?) is inverted (the sign); and without losing the sense directed towards Freya and the cold, it "resigns" and "actualizes" itself as:
The Fatal, the fatality of the inertial, of the Fryo and Angular; for everything created
"hot" and round, in act and in sense. The Fatal of the acts and the feeling of "our Goddess Frya" for the universe of the one and its fez.
The G of the Actual, of Act, of Performance; it is inverted (the sign); without losing the sense directed towards the Act; and it is "resigned" it is "actualized" as:
Glacial act, in acting as a glacier of breaking ice, in icy, breaking, sharp, angular, and oriented act: act with Virtual Axion, Act G.r.axial, GRAXIAL.
The Gracious, of Grace, of the Gracious: The Gracious and Luciferic Act. H
The H is always H: The silent, it is not invested, it is not reflected, it is not imagined, it is not reasoned: JUST SIT IN SILENCE: HONOR?
The i of Sense, which "should be the Sentinal", that is to say the Power of the Reflected Sense; of Ignis Reflexo; becomes sense, and is "resigned" is "actualized" as: ILLUMINATION: ILLUMINATION
And it is inverted in sense because it is inverted and "points" towards the past, it illuminates "the memory", it directs towards regression, towards the origin, towards the "moment" of the fall; it illuminates on the shoulders of the MINNE.
The J of the Aliental, of breath of the one, of imitation of the H "as sound", is inverted (the sign), and without losing the sense directed towards the Jovial (of Jupiter) of the "God the Father" who creates with his Breath, of Jehovah, of Justice, of Just, of Fucked is "resigned" is "actualized" as:
Lo Jabal, lo Jabalino, de Jaba, the Curved Basket used as a trap of living blood: Aria of sense, Argentina of courage.
The K of the Sitial, as the site of the Sense, is inverted (the sign), and without losing the sense directed towards the site of the sense, it "resigns itself" and "actualizes" itself:
The Krestal, of the Kresta, as the site of the Blood Inheritance, of Honor. L
The L of the effectual of effect, is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the effect, is "resigned" is "actualized" as:
The Luminal, the luminous of the deceptive Light. M
The M of the Generational, of the Generated by process, is inverted (the sign), and without losing the sense directed towards the Generational, it is "resigned", it is "actualized" as:
The Monal, the Mundal, the monal of the world, the monality of the world. N
The N of the Imaginal, of image, is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the image of anything, is "resigned" is "actualized" as:
The Numinal, from numen, numidia, numisma; or The Natural
* This word "cornered" will be developed at the end of the ario. O
The O, which is the final, is inverted in the same way, and with the same sense it would be: Lo Oval
The Ob, (pref. Que sig. By cause, in virtue, in force) of everything created; the alpha
and the omega of everything, the Alpha as the actional principle, and the Omega as its formal end which is the Monal: the Obal of the AOM.
The Obolo, the Work, the Workman, the Obsequious, the Obsene, the Obstacle, the Obtuse.
The obvious to us: The Oval in the roundness of sound the act and the form.
The P that is the Directional, the directed as destination is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the destination and the directional; it becomes:
The Projectal, of project, of plan, of a strategy directed towards Parousia. Q
The Q of the Numeral, of Qabala, of the number as science, physics, mathematics, etc.; is inverted (the sign) and without losing the sense directed towards the numeral and the numerous; it becomes:
The Qabal, the chimera as a result of a state of temporary reverie, of the illusionary sense. The Chimera of Chiblon in which the "shekhinah" descended.
The Chimera of Being Human: Half monkey - half lizard. R
The R of the rational, becomes sense, as:
The Rational AS: => The Animal Real, or the Realized Anima: which only understood as rational; would be the foundation of the hot stone (the essence); of
the Royalty of the created, of the Monal. Because in the substance, in the two-headed and actional serpent of the essence, there is the animality of the INSTINCT, the ANIMA, the Ignis Monal.
which is the foundation of the rational, "the Intruder" that must be discovered,
mastered, understood, resigned and Odal-ized? S
The s of the Essential, becomes:
The Substantial, of substance, the great deceiver, the two-headed serpent, of two senses, of two principles, united in a common point that acts as a round, curved, sinodal, (sin-odal?), sinuous, actional axis of round axis, as balance and principle of the Monal-Sense, Monal-Action, and Monal-Torzal.
On the other hand, our "s", represented by the rune "Sieg", is angular, axial, axional, which has as its principle the "Exe" of angular principle.
The t of the Caudal, becomes:
The Temporal, of time as a process of power, breath, and sense twisted, twisted, and fallen; concepts that border on Hyperborean Physics.
The U of the illusional, becomes:
The Ufanal, of the ufano, of the Fanalized Monkey (from fanal, lamp), dazzled by the reflected brightness of its own sense. The ufanal of the UBICUITY.
The V of the vitreous, the Venial, the Virginal, the angular as the principle of all things V.... Honorable, becomes:
V i r i L
The Virile = "the illuminal Viril as illuminating, luminous Reason".
The Point, the Angle, the Penna, the Kennaz, the hurtful, the horn, the fang, the claw. W
The W of the Gregacional, of group, of mass with common sense, becomes:
The Walkyrial, from Walhalla, the "Group" of the Liberators: Wotan's Furious Army.
The X of the Crucial, the crucifical, the painfulness of the Sense imprisoned in the cross of the form; it becomes
The Xtrational, the Xtraeherial, of the "secret of the 4 angles", which will lead us to Freedom.
And the Y of the Eyectional, of ejaculation ejection becomes :
Lo Yemal, the bud of remembrance that arises, grows supported by the Angle; brought from remembrance and becomes Freya, who guides us
towards liberation.
The Z of the infernal, becomes:
Lo Zurral, from zurro, from zurro, from pedo: stinking anal breath.
*Lo Numinal
Numantia: Ancient city of Spain, famous for its resistance to the siege laid by Scipio (133 BC). Rather than surrender, its inhabitants preferred to surrender to the flames. Numen: Any of the pagan gods worshipped by the Gentiles//Inspiration of the artist or writer.
Numeral: Denote a letter that represents a number.
Numidia: Ancient North African country, its inhabitants, the Numidians, were seminomadic shepherds, ancestors of today's Berbers.
Numiferous: Denote objects that have coins represented on them, or that have coins on them. Numismatist,ca: One who professes this science or has special knowledge in it //
Science that studies ancient coins and medals.
In order to create a relationship of meaning between the Numinal, the numeral, and the numismatic, we will use an example:
We have all at some time managed to see 100 or 200 apples together, some maybe even 1,000, but we never saw, nor will we ever see 1'065,895 apples but; we imagine it.
The relationship is not established in relation to the arithmetic, calculus, or the exact sciences, which enter fully into the numeral; but in the image that is superimposed. Numismatic is an image superimposed on something of value such as a coin, a medal, a decoration, or any object that represents a NUMISMATIC VALUE and also ROUND, circular.
An Iron Cross, a Blue Cross "Per le merit", a "Condor of the Andes", or any other object with figure, drawing, art, painting, VISIBLE IMAGE that also represents Value, but; that is not round, circular and numeral, is not numismatic.
A - the Nabal, the born of the real image, fallen, realized and highlighted by the luminal. E - lo Nebular, from nebulous, mist.
I - lo Nimbal, from nimbus (cloud), nimbus (thickness of leaves) Or - the Nombral. That which is named, that which is ordered by the verb: the form. U - the Nubile, that which is fit for "weddings" (the entelechy).
Which would be examples of the 5 "links" of the numinal the superimposed image, which goes down with "the voice"(aeiou)
It seems that the most appropriate for us, while "digesting", "updating" the idea of the Numinal, is that the N "is between" the Nabal, the Natal, the Natural and the Nubile. In general; let us emphasize the natural, but feeling that it is something
ENORMOUSLY ILLUSIONAL, because the illusion takes shape in the imaginal, the image: MAYA.
Note: As you may have noticed, the meanings of the letters have not deviated from the previous ones, they have only been sharpened, so that the meaning of the letter (the sign) begins with the same letter.
letter(sign); which I am sure we did long ago, taking into account the inversion of signs in the brain.
The most important reflections of meaning are those made in the signs a-i-r-v-n. Ç
Rex Reaxion Plan?
A.- React Axionally.
B.- To rebel as Barbarians against the Banal of the bearded Binah. C.- To recognize that we live in the prison of the Temporalized Corporeal. D.- To redeem ourselves from Pain and the Dominal.
E.- Rebuild the tower of the Glorious Nimrod, and Reexamine, Replace, the Entelechial. F.- To reform the religious Reformation with the Cold Fatality of Freya. G.- Return to the Gracious, to the Luciferic
Grace. H.- Rehabilitate the Silent.
I. - To illuminate the illuminal. J.- To rejoin the jabalino.
K.- Rekrinate the Kresta to receive the Krista. L.- Relegate, Relieve, the Luminacional of the light. M.- To re-remove the monal.
N.- To renounce the numilal in the
image. O.- Reorient the oval.
P.-To represent, to republish the projected: the PARUSIA. Q.-Request the chimera.
R.- ReX the rational.
S.- Resigning to substance T.- Twisting the temporal.
U.- Gather the illusion of Ubiquity. V W
Z.- Rezagar lo Zurral, Rezo por lo Zorrino.
For the letter R (Rex ) we will have to re-invent a word: Re-rationalize. Shall we do it? Something that may be useful to you.
Our Freya :
Without words
The process from "below"? The Process from above?
For Rosalía: the #1 song in the library.
For the Kamaradas of the Quinta Dominica: No. 2 To watch the "Pennas' Toothed Wing": No. 3 For the 2nd Notice: No. 4
For MINNE No. 5
With humility: